HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-1-4, Page 8Winter Snap Shots Beeanse the Winter is here the t Koeete need not be put away until next Sumner. When there comes a bright.aer stave it ready to snap some or me beautiful Winter Pie - tures that are all around, Pictures or seeteshoeing or Skating Parties are tveeth taking and wonitl lie ep. predated, For Indoor Pictures We have the Eastman Flash Sheets. See the new Flash Sheet Holder, Everything required for this pastime -- Films, Veiox Paper, Solio Paper, Post Cards, Chemicals, &c. Good variety of Snap Snot Albums Once pasted in you have moreehance of keeping together your prints. films Developed Photo Prints made. The cmmegdStore DRUGGIST g' red.etas >vent C5 JANUARY. , A. 0, U. W. Friday evening of week. Tears is Leap Year boys so be on guard. ScsooL Board will -convene Friday evening of next week, THvasnev of this' week' Was the monthly Horse Fair, SEE Monday's League Hockey match Lucknow vs. Brussels. MVNtcrsAL Councilswill meet for their inaugural meetitgs next Monday, 0 WING to the slippery sidewalks and streets and other causes more than a few bumped harder than they desired. EAST Huron Agricultural Society will hold its annual meeting in the Town Hall, Brussels, on- Wednesday, 57th inst., at 5.30 p. m. DIED —Last Friday Albert Carter, of Blyth, brother to S. Carter, of town, died after a strenuous fight for life. He was in his 49th year and leaves a wife and au adult family. Funeral took a place on Sunday, interment being made in Brussels cemeterv. BROKE HER ARM.— Dorothy, the young daughter, of Dr. and Mrs. • Holmes, bad the misfortune to fall on the ice one day recently and broke the small hone in her left. arm. She will be able to continue at school with her arm in a sling and will soon be all right we hope. Hoctcze,—The first League Hock match for this season will be play next Monday evening on Brussels ria at 8 o'clock, Lucknow and Brusse 'Soh ol Supplies With the beginning of a new terns after the Christmas vacation, there are always some new school supplies wanted. We' are prepared with a good lige of Scribblers, Exercise Books, Stiff Backed Note Books, Geod covers and lent' to choose from, Also Schwa Bags, lead Pen. cite Rubber' Erasers, Water Colors stud Art paper: • H. S. Books P. S. Books If we haven't the book you require, can get it on short notice. Your School Wants will receive good Attention Here. F. ® SMITH AND Sl'ATIONER. this Voter ev ed is 1 TEN 111. pails of fine honey at 81:00 and $1.20 bt I each. G- A. DEADMAN. AN rED, 10 cords of green cord. he wood body, b eh i being the competing • Teams. No don there will be a large attendance a' I game as there is ample accommodatiol KicgED BY A HISRSE — One day 1 week Athol McDonald, one of Antent's teamsters, received a nes kick in the face from one of the tea while in the bush. Although the blo was a severe one we hope Mr McDonal will solo be o k. even if minus a toot or so. Be might easily have nee killed. The horse was a new purchase Wzonnee invitations are out for tb marriage of Ivan [Holmes Crooks, o Calgary, and Miss Mary Alberta (laugh ter of W, and Mrs. Parkhill, of zoo Crawford street, Toronto. The cere- mony takes place on January Loth in the Queen city at 8 3o o'clock, The ex• pectant groom is an old Brusselite, being the youngest son of George and Mrs Crooks, Queen street, Brussels relatives will attend the wedding. INSPECTING POULTRY RANCHES,—Last week A. C Baker took a run to Ran- somviile, N. Y., about 3o miles from Buffalo, to see a large poultry plant located there. He was greatly interest- ed in what he saw end beard and may utilize his information in operating a chicken farm on his property adjoining the Salt works, At Ramsonville egg production is not taken .into the count at certain season but the whole business focassed on the birds. Ducks are rais- ed there in large numbers, EAST HURON .FARMERS' INSTITUTE.— Following wilt betheprogram al the Institute meeting to be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday, Jan, xgth :—Afternoon session at 1.30 :—F, H. Silcox, Iona, "Intensive. fuming on roe acres ;" W. F. Kydd, Simcoe, "Neglected aw,ecHespellerbawill' speaks totheWomen's Institute on "Listen 1 Learn 1 Love 1" At tbe evening gathering in the Town Hall, opening. at 7,30. Mr. Silcox will speak on "Farm and Home ;" Mr, Kydd, "Small Fruits and Mrs, Shaw, "What is worth while." Musi- cal program will also be provided and the public is cordially invited, RIF h OPENED NEW YEAR'S DAY.—The e Th new Skating and Curling rink ere ted this season ' e In Brussels was O ,p paned on New Year's Day when a great crowd at- tended Ice was good considering the previous weather and'the proprietor did . his best to give evel''3body a good time. Lucknow Brass Band came on the 3 p. m. train' and gave a program of musics both afternoon and night. The new rink is 75 x 175 feet with waiting rooms, galleries, etc. There is seating cepa city for rood spectators it said. Rink is lighted by electricity. Mr. Trench deserves credit for his enterprise and we hope he will do well with the rink. PAYNE MILLING CO.- By advertise- ment elsewhere it will be:seen that W. and R, A. Pryne have taken as a part- ner Joseph Davidson, recently from the t West. a son of 'rhos. Davidson, of Grey township and the firm will how be I esignated as the Pryne Milling Co. I 1 he intention is to overhaul the mill, , o ut i unew i machinery ur Rud v go Veer the •�o ti. our trade' as well as the pro,'ots al- b ready being . manufactured, Arrauge• a meuts have been made with an Old 'A' Country firm to take ell the flour they S tan ship We wish the Prete Milling ti Co, the ship, We success and hope their al enterprise and investment will firing� Off then[ ample reward, Mr, Davidson will O be welcomed into the business circle of P Brussela business men. He took 'his 'b plaoe,n the still on Wintry sat, I wRENEW for Tun POT. THE skating rink is haying its innings. RURAL Telephone Co. Directors met last Saturday to close up the business of the year. TiE Loyal 1`empersnce Legion will meet this week on Friday, January 5th of the usual hour. A full attendance is required. IMPORTANT TO LADIES.- Prof, Doren - wend, of 'Toronto, begs to announce that he will be at the American Hotel, Brus- sels, on_'1`uesday, Jan, 16th, with a coin plete display of the newest London, Paris and Nety York creations in hair goods. You are invited to call and in spent his goods, MATRIMONIAL —Miss Georgina, only daughter of Roderick Ross, Listowel, formerly of Brussels, was married to Rev, Ira W, Pierce of Waterville, Quebec Rev. D W. S. 'Urquhart eon ducted the ceremony. Bridal party was attended by Miss Jean Austin and Austin Ross, The guests included only near relatives and friends. After a short weddfngtrip Mr, and Mrs. Pierce returned to Listowel for a few days, after e in the East. CitMany old friends of thethey left for . their n bride here extend hearty congratulations. --0--- NoTrOE,—Oustontarehaving outstanding ac- counts with Wm. and R A Pryne are asked to settle at once as they are closing their books, Wtt. & R. A. PRYNE, Brussels, NOTroB.—Owing to the demand for photo- graphs in their home town the photographers who were to osaupy the Stratton Gallery were unable to be here on Jan, let as previously stated but have promised to be with us on the earliest possible date. It costs nothing to wait. WOOD W ee or [sap e, wanted for the t, Methodist church, Brussels, Apply to a p. HIGeEeT gash price paid for potatoes at Mc- Oracken's store f3rnsaels St B. GERRY. IT EGGS 86a ran Dozne.— Now is the time to m feed ground bone which is the best known w producer of eggs. For »ala by BAEKEt BRos d Sousa and lot, eligibly situated in Brna»els, h for sale or to rent. Further particulars may n be. obtained from Mrs R. Dark, or Dr. Holmes • wanted eat Tun IOIL Pogo 4o leant the—A bright prion g e businese. One who has passed the 10iitre e,, e Examination preferred Apply at Talc post. TOR BALE OR TO RENT:—Rosea and lot On leicholia, Fory r farther part particulars apply Theta. N. Stewart, BrUSaele South. AN ELEGANT PRESENT.—The Emerson (Mau ) Journal of December 22nd whose Editor and proprietor is W. B. Bal. latityne, formerly of Brussels, gives place to the following unique report con- cerning to our old townsman ;—'1'be early desertion of The Journal's publi- sher, W. 8. Ballantyne, from the time honored ranks of bacirelordom for a sail on the matrimonial sea into hidden mysteries ot nature and soience was suf ficient excuse for an extra blow Out at the Angels' Rest, Dominion street, Thursday evening of last week being the occurring period. There was a royal banquet set in the hallway, and the overflow crowded a good sized room, at tendeuce being around the 5o [nark, composed•of grown ups and oldsters of the male persuasion: The "corpse" occupied Ibe cnsuiooed chair. After an ample sufficiency of turkey. dila pickles, celery, &e„ &e, bad been distributed by courteous and obliging butlers, _and made to disappear, the toastmaster, Hon, D. H. McFadden, called upon Frederick Pat Woks to ibrtng on the first number of the "shower," and then followed a miscellaneous assort. ment of iedividual prizes, 'ornamental and useful, the list.of donors including Messrs, Carlaw, Aime, Wallace, Koen, Mulrhead, Ma$adden, Whitman, Mc• Kenzie, Furtney, Ford, McLean, John. stun Rivard and a bunch of other sports too numerous to pmention, m ut IUs, In due time the conglomeration was cleared away and the grand finale brought to view, when the Hon Dr. spoke a few words of "taffy" and made the presen- tation of a handsome cabinet of silver to the avowed deserter on behalf of the friends there assembled, with particular mention of tbe bachelor duffers. Of course, it was up the "corpse" to say a few lines, and it is altogether probable he tried to do the same. Mr. Woek's toast to the health of the bride -to be was luster received with "For she's a jolly good fellow, Musical numbers by the quartette—Messrs Darya), Mc- Lean, Forrester and Owens— between acts were received with great favor by be festive company. •It WAS Sortie banquet, all right, allright, and tbestag nsl E t n ors of the "plot" it h e aV ever r v ea o t s u to be, proud 1 complete sec - tees of their enterprise it was a genuine urprise The recipient has only his debts, est theatre to tender for the kindle act old Inci nd elegant •gift. Even the policeman past we as there beady to jump in at the at home lightest appearance of it riot. .After warm to discharge of "Auld Long Syne" in Frank �tbodox form the company meandered were he to their different Abodes about 53 t7 the fo 'clock • The invitation for the affair called a roduoed by G. G. X'hompsote of Peet- they ex itis, is a work of art ill tnobnntent nese Of building acid affords a unique soUVenir, extends Some poetry was also brought into re. gguisttion, and Retested Wardwell (Pembina) broke out iu verse with tbe followipg Distrib' the type, las up the pipe. Tarn down the flowing bowl i Our old pal, poor old 13a1,— He's gone the dear old soul. Bad habits he'll forbear, Ne more we'll hear hits $weer, And every' night, .as dark follows light • He'll bike to his home a'llriglit. So now we'll all stand in. Hoe, For sake of Auld Lang$yne, And drink a "while wanght"fine To our old pal Ballantyne. This front the Pembina Ex "About forty i1. )ted guests sat d a banquet at Emerson last evening by the many friends to Editor type, in his honor before retiring baehelordgn to that of a benedi is said that Mr. Ballantyne is Married on the2/st., to Mrs. Hend wtdew of the late Dr. Renders Stonewall, Man, Mrs, Headerso lady of fine qualities and has friends in Pembina and Emerson, gratulations, Brother Ballantyne. The same paper uuder heading of wall, Man. Dec 21st reports as fol —A qniet wedding here this afte at the home ot the bride was that B. I3allantene, publisher of the son Journal, to Violet E. Hend the ceremony being performed by H. C. Sweet, of Balcarres, Sask., presence of only a few relatives friends. 'rhe newly-weds we Winnipeg on the four o'clock They anticipate squandering a few at the Royal Alexandria, and late tend their tour to Noyes and p South. FRIDAY, January 19th East H Farmers' Institute, will hold its re fleeting. Two sessious at 1.3o and p. m. The Women's Institute wi ddressed in the afternoon in arnegie Library audience room Mrs, Thos. Shaw. of Hespeler. peckers at the Hall ivfll be F. H. ox, of Iona, and W. F. Kydd, of oe. All these will give addresse he. evening meeting at which a mu rogram will also be rendered an hich the public is uordially inc rowels meetings are usually wel ended but keep the date in' mind s o leave the evening clear. press own to given Batiste - from 0t. It to be erson, on, of n 15a Many Con - Stone. lows s rnoon of W. Emer- erson, Rev. in the and of to train, days ✓ ex- oints uron gular 7.30 11 be the by The Sil Sim- s at sical el to ited, 1 at - 0 as fo fo h Y 5 en Fr Be to a v for we uo vis and Ma Ye ren and towl wit ton was sell den For SOn, Sun tow onto C. D D ho Year agre Mrs. their Law Mr ster, holid durin for a home been Mr of Br town Mrs. Ge New G M. wash pauie Mia this w fol ti went t Ale mem, t, old ho dingo Listow Arc West fo He say wheat elevato away Miss Visiting for sev 'Thome sou, 0 same p D. A People We Talk About Miss Addie Lott is home from Whitby ra visit under the parental roof. D. M. Scott. of Hamilton, was here r New Year's visiting with his parents. Dr. J, E. Maunders, of Detroit, was oma fora brief visit with his mother at/d sisters, W. and Mrs. Emigh ate their New ear's diaper at the borne of 1. G. migh, Blyth. Rev. Dr, Oaten was assisting at an tertaioment on Milvertou Circuit last iday evening. Clarence and Harold Milburn, of rlio, were visitors at Dr. Malang)/ n's. Mill street. Brook Puddicombe, f Hamburg, was isitor at the home o 4V, A. Grewar a few days, Miss Mae and Master Fred. Wood re New Year's visitors with their cle and aunt at GrandValley. Mrs Rubt, Lowe and daughters were itors with Mrs. Lowe's parents, O. Mrs, Smith, Guelph last week, Rev. Mr. Poole, a student of Me- ster College, Toronto spent the New ar holiday with Brussels friends, iss Douglas. of Stratford, has been ewiogold acquaintances in Brussels locality. She was n former resident. les Amy Brett, of Preston, was in n last week enjoys tl the holiday h her sister, Mrs. J. A McNaugh- rs. Robert Johnston of Wingham, renewing old friendships in Bros this week. She was a former resi- t. r. and Mrs. Gilroy, of Mount est, were guests at thehome of their F. H. Gilroy, of 'russets, over day. v ussell Zimmer, a former resident of n, was here for a 'boli ay from Tor He is a nephew of Councillor A. awes ruggist Will. Henderson took a run me from Port Colborne for New s and is looking as if the Port eel witb him. F and Mrs. Stretton, H. and McQuarrie and Miss Gladys ate Christmas dinner with I. and Mrs son at Goderich. s. Eddy and her fried Miss Per - both of London, were here for e ay visit with relativesin Brussels g the past week, '1' and Mrs. Churchill were here few days but left or their new at Windsor where theformer has appointed on the C. ., R. s. Ed Willows,- nee era Barrett, andon, is a visitor with relatives in She is a daughter f R. N. and Barrett, formerly of Brussels. o and Mrs. Colvin raid family spent Year's Day at Ethel a the home of and Mrs, Mitchell, Miss Linda,• 0 me'"fr om Ta r• Vtat Alk and accom- d the visitors s Hattie Downing left eek where we Wish h ate. Miss Lizzie a the city co make a Ice Ross, of the Customs Ottawa, was here for me. He also attend• f his niece. Miss Geo el hie McCallum is her r a holiday visit w s one trouble in the growing is that the rs are not able to g Ethel Snarling, of on, was f e w t Toronto, c f n ti B d 7 t t n r f P V t 0 B d t for Toronto era success Downing also holiday visit Depart a visit to the ed the wed Georgia Ross at 1 from the with r i slat yea land of big railways and et the 'grain Load her aunt, Mrs. W, P. Fraser, eral clays last week, Miss Jennie on of Fordwioli, and Roy Thom - 1 Rhea1 were also visitors K ISICO r [the lace, and M. Lowry. former rata - now of Toronto, were renewing nclships in Brussels during the ek. They are now feeling quite in the Queen's city but have a Attachment for Brussels as well. Miller, of Orilla, and bride re during the tenet week visiting rmer's relatives. They were way from Brussels earlier than pectecl owing to the serious 111. the bride's brother. THE POST Congratll lotions, IA Business Chance is often missed when it Blight have been easily embraced 'ley SystematicSaving Begin now to prepare for the day of op- portunity by depositing your savings in The METROPOLITAN BANK $1.00 OR MORE OPENS AN A000UNT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER Ernoe3 Miller, of Guelph, who i fireman on a Grand Trunk loco motive, was hums fora few days. 11 is enjoying his work. Wm, and Miss Belle Kyle, of Chesley were welcome visitors with W. J. and Mrs, Kyle, over New Year's, The firs mentioned although deprived of hi sight for the past 24 years, is able to get about at his Own town with a wonderful exactness amd knows all the streets and business places. Jno. and Mrs. Sperling stud daughter, of Niagara Falls, were visitors at tete home of Thos. and Mrs. Curt ie, Queen street. Mrs. Sperling is a daughter, who was well known here having competentiy officiated as Deputy Post- mistress in the Brussels postoffice for several years s The members of past year's Go, - Oonneil accorded acclamation were 12 e and those re-elected who eat at ithe County Board for 1911 are 19 , and are indicated by a *. I Accar•ditlg to the recognized rule of t alternating the Waldeuship between s the political parties, a Conservative is entitled to the chair for 1912. Among the statues suggested are T, Stotiters, Reeve of Ashfield and W. Glenn, of Stanley. BRUSSELS CONTINUATION CLASS Results of Final examioations in subjects except Physical science. Owing to certain difficulties the Prin cipal was unable to send a.private report to each parent as as purpo-ed. He will be glad to furnish information in regard t o the stau.iing or progress of she pu- pils to any parent desiring it, H Hoover ,..... .. 76 R Leckie 63 E Sotheran ,74 1V Sparling.......63 L McDonald.....72 l+' Clarke 6s 5 Ament :....•71 s A Conner 61.5 1` Yuill 68 C McKinnon 59 M Yuill . 67 D Watson B Harris 66 5 el Ameta.... .,, 4G V Bowman 63 S Gerry S Fox 59.5 missed three examinations. 45 Forts II. The result of examinations in term work anti at Christmas J. McLennan Sr 0 Kern 6e G MuQuarrie.,,.8r el Lowrv....68 V Ross 81 0 Stewart ...,,67 W Turnbull a8o A Wilton 64 Hazel Lowry 78 L Sperling ,.63 N Foxe... ... ...... 75 C Crooks ,. 63 5 Platt. 74 K Wittoh.......,.56 I Strachan......., 73 E Barkley .......56 5 Watson, 70, R Hall $3 PORM I. G Deadman ....90 Beverly Ostep.,,68 A Roe 83 B McQuarrie b7 W Hoover 8o 1 Armstrong„ ,,,67 M Meehan., 77 I McLanchlin....65 W Armsirong.,,77 H Work 64 E Lowry 73 B Alderson ... ... .63 W Lott,..,. 73 el Kerr .62 1 Elliott ..,,.,73 W Harris . „6s B Owen 7n R Berkley 57 L Ballantyne 68 le Wood 53 all NURUN CO, COUNCIL FOR 1912 The following gentlemen will con- stitute the County Connell of Huron for 1912 :— Municipality Reeve Deputy Ashfield *T. Stothees *W. Hunter Hayfield Geo. Lindsay Blyth Dr, Milne Brussels *J. Leckie Clinton n ton D. Gonfalon Colborne *3. Kernaghan Exeter J. W. Heitman Goderich Tp. J. McClure Goderich *B. Munsings W. F. Cloak Grey *R. Livingston *J. Brown Hay L.I3albfleisch Howick *J, Winter J. Underwood Hensall G. O. Petty H ullett *Jae, Leiper McKillop ale M. Govenlock Mot ris *Jno, Shortreed Seafnrth W. Ament Stanley *W. Glenn Stephen H. Willett Tuckersrnith *R. McKay Turnbefry *T, K. Powell Usborne •A, Hunkin Wawanosh E. J. Gillespie " W. *W Bailie Wingham D. McDonald Wroxeter' *C. Reis . Church Chimes 'rhe pastor sang s to at the morn- �ug service in the Methodist church and wove another into Iris sermon in the evening that was well timed. Rev. W. Kettlewell, •of Toronto, Secretary of the Dominion Alliance, wppreach the Methodist church on Sunday, He will also preach at Crau- brooillk ata 45in A Social octal will be held in the Sabbath School room of the Methodist church next Monday evening ander tlieauspices of the Epworth League. Good pro gram and lunch will be provided, BORN MANNntG,—In Morris, on Jan. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs, Herb, /donning, a daughter ILeura Irene.) - MARRIED MAINS—JACKSON,—At the residence of the bride's parents, on December 27111, by RaV, 1 H. OsterhOut 8 L„ Mr. Geo. Mains, of Auburn, to died Florence Beatrice. daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs, James Jackson, of Mor- ris township. oseon E—elAtrenSLL,—In Logan, on Deo. 20th, by ices, R. A. Lundy, Mr, HylveSter Oe - borne to Misa Jean Campbell. PrEaos—Ross. —Ou December 27th, at the home of the bride',, father, 11r ltoderlek Rosa, Listowel, Miss Georgina, to Rev. Irra W. Pierce, of Waterville, Que. Dl ED OAETEK.—At Blyth, on December 20t1i, W. A. Carter, aged 48 yearn, 11 Months and 20 days. MA_CwELL,—In 6Iorrle, on Dec. 80th, Ellen Me - wife of Garret Maxwell, aged 75 years, el months and 97 days. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OP FARM STOOK, IM- Pnaa ANTS, $O,—r. 8. Scott, auctioneer, has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by public.anut)on at Lots l7and I8, Con, el, kk sharp, the on llowing prop rty,Oviz -1at 1 general supposed to he iose harm n foal, 81 general lrppuipoeerPe,''.. °heron horse rising 4 years, I -driving mare ria ing 4 -years, 2 heavy mares rising 8yeara sup- posed in foal, 1 heavy draft horse rising. 6 yrs., 1 heavy draft horse rising 8 ears 2heavy horse colts rising 2 genre, 1 driving colt rising 2 years, 2 Coach °olta rising i year old, 1 thorn' bred yeiars,'i cow thoro' bred thoro' bred Holstein years, 1 thorn' bred Holstein bail rising 8 yrs., 1 thoro' bred Holstein boll rising 1 year, 1 thorn' bred Holstein heifer calf, 1 grade Hol. stein row 1 swim 1 grade Holstein cow farrow, 1 grade Holatein heifer in calf, 2 grade cows supposed in calf, 1 grade now farrow, 1 grade Holstein, 2 steers rising 2 years, 2 heifers ria. ing 8 years, 0 heifers rising 2 years, 5 calves rising2 year, 0 »heep 7 pigs, about 60 here, 1 with dog, 1 9 -Hatrla binder8.11,wout with fareNOW,carriage, t Frostdt Wood mower e t out nearly new, 1 Maside Harris rake, nepe harvester, 1 Keystone side rake, 1 Me drill, k hay loader, 1 Immure 18 -hoe drill, 1 Massey -Harris tris manure Spreader, 1 MaCormlek- cultivator 17 tooth, 2 Ocelislmtt gang plotve, 1 alsgle furrow rfdingplow, II walking plows, 1 1 iUsk harrow, 1 stet diamond lmrrowa, 1 Bell 1 wood , l land Toler, 2 wagons, 2 sets slelgtis, 1 [vont[ rack 1 hay ruck, 1 cutter, 1 buggy, 1. Dart. 1 set ilpht ryleighs, 1 10 -horse power in good shape, 1 Maple Leaf grinder 8 in plate, 1 cutting box, 1 hay fork, oar and rope, a small nbout6D back t1 saa tl spites,' I1grindatonen5 Massey-Harrisoreanl »Operator, 8 good rolling eoltere, Inrge size Incubator and brooder, her- nese,a quantity of hay, some grain, I washing macine, I cooly stove and same household furniture, Yorke, clients, grain cradle, scythe, doubletrees and other articles toonumerous to mention, Terme-86 and under mash ; over that amount 10 months' credit 1vi11 be given on furnishing approved joint notes • 5 per cent, per annum off for, cash on. credit amounts. Sale unreserved se proprietor intends giving up farming. J. WELSH, Proprietor. essei00ptoommOp00000osolmo oOOOOd°essomeritsomm0000°tio w O • j Change of Business ° 7 e • 0 MR. JOSEPH DAVIDSON having joined the is firm of Wm. & R. A. Pryne, the° y firm will now t be known as the PRYNE` MILLING Co. S We desire to thank our patrons for their business with e° us in the past and assure you of the best attentionn a d courtesy in the future. We think we have served oil w well and if you have not done business with "us yet we .i a would ask you to try a sack of.our Flour or bring is i your g u Chopping, y' Weor perhaps you are wanting Feed. , • can • supply t pals you with anything you want in the = Milling li�ne. Our •aim' is to grow bigger and do better. o a llpyo_ieye on us. ° PRYNE MILLING•• • 50r- Customers Having oatstabding accounts with Wing & R. A. Pryne H ° are asked to settle at (thee as they care closing their books. O , t ° ati0•°s°r••aaaa••0i°°costo°°tiat►a°`���aa°sea°°�ti ° G °as�r°. r 1 STAND ANK JJ 187 OF CANADA MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL, SUMS Safety, convenience and low coat unite to make Money Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory. way of sending small sums to any part of Canada. Under $5 . . , 3c, $10 to $30 , . , 10e. $5 to $10 , . . 6c. $30 to $50 , 150. Drafts issued for larger amounts. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch,, ' ro • 80 Branches BRUSSELS 13 ' 1'^ NCIT r. li5ravvlar.tt,l, SwALIAw,-Ip MolclIlop township,on January 2nd, Catharine A Molloy,relit of the late John H. Swallow, aged 77 years, 7 months and 0 days, ' AUCTION SALES TUEsn Y, JAN. 3111 —)Porm stock, tmple- Monts, &s., at luta 17 and 18, Con.6, Grer• Sale unreserved ell o'oloelr, J. 1, Welsh, Pro prletor; N, S, Scott, Auetlon0er, Wheat Oats Peas Berley Butter Eggs Potatoes Hay Hoge Cattle Wool BRUSSELS MARKET 40 86 1 00 65 s7 60 16 00 4 60 12 80 86 1 00 60 66 The People's Column CDR SALE.—Potty,harness, bug6y, °utter and wagon ; tils2 tote at the et. W ill'[ eeept 9126 for all or.tvill lie/beep. orate and on time to the. right 111011, 20.tf JAS. SHARP. • ANNUAL MEETING The allnnill meetilllI,,• of E- ast Huron Agrloul• rural Society will Uu held lilt the Connell C17th, 1912, at Brussels, od[ p i d,�for the election of oifesAhlleianrenesat'eepdoertae raed4ncsndy toothnotr tend. J. Li101uE W. H. KERR, President,. ,Secretary. 10 00 FARM NOR SA LE helms lest 29, Con,. 9, ..j 0 00 Morris towmhip, .Huron Co., containing 8 76 Moor es, It Is nit clewed and 15 neves under .f` Giltive tion. There is u eolufortable frame 18 , house, with ldtrhen. adioblin6, bank barn, — •small ooileg Qn'1,,lyd, drilled well end wind- mill, &e. l3, miles from school, poet efitOS anddriy2Kg4vaGlap1,l.tuvdezyz.tayaar.w. church. harm well ft•ne,•1. Must be sold by ... "-"'� March lot and connrgnentl1' n very retlsonsble YoungPeople I rirewili mile it Possession on March 16th. le . Y r twit .,i'.. o u Cher• nrtie olnrs 11‘,1:11,,,,1).' pI to , t e is ih I- B �'i We can prepare you for busingss nt r � Ger, Walton, P. O , are: rt, Brussels. tf, The � ['stave) Nasmess College i T8o1O'-BRED I)1714BAM 13tJLl 10015 SEIt- 7 Ytcis ibennderstgnann•illkeeforser- e and place you 1n a goad position when ", vire on 1 , 12, elan, 8, Grey, a thorn"sired grad place . 1 Durham biilt Pedigree nn';v bowels on allpli- INDIVIDUAL IN8TRUCTICN, - cation, 0`erms $1.00, widen must be pais be• You mnyenter any day. + fore necember: let or enrb yen'• •,1 27.4 WM A,LAMr1N'I',Prapldotor, EDWIN G. MATTNEWB. Prin. Good irnu p51101 for sole 41 '. inch cylinder; many y ,ye , ` can be, Sttetl ror an dsptli of u swan: .Have 6=a'PAIaVAS'a'y i®�4� 00 ftn•tltur [test for'1y taalhavelrilleda [yell. ey Shoes We have them Also Shoes of all Kinds Warm Felt Boots and Shoes for comfort. Slippers for Christmas presents. Prices away down Harness D eart���eht Single Harness in Goldean or Rubber Trimmed, our own make, that we can recommend. Robes, Bells, Blankets, everything to make the horse and his owner comfortable and prepared to enjoy the season. Three Sets Second-hand Single harness; very Cheap. COC.�IC.I„c4 s A, rJ Y_ M, LOOM! SWITCHES TRANS FOR MATIOl1f,^a� POMPADOURS WAVE -FRONTS ff' COILS Transformation for the lady who has thin hal Any Style Will .be gladly are hilted for their 7� J SI1el',Or wt 00. be evened. ALL Curt -Goon$ Demonstrated A'.Cee. mains/lip, exclusive styles; and fine quality or hair. of Toronto will be at. tile American Hefei Brusseit Tuesday, Jan. 18 with a stock of the newest Europium and A in e lean Fashinics in HAIR DODDS OF !INTEREST 'TO THE BALD IVIAN You are invited to call on us Tor a Free Demonstration of our famous "Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee” ollly Sanitary anti pet". Y eons( rafted tontme mime. et voile., peefeetly ventilated. IV OM and endorsed by physi. clime and medical men, They aye made in any styles, .shapes or shad es, -'" - .bo not fail to call and eoe thead The nortwowbrect Co*, of Tnren to, Ltd The House of Quality' Hair Cootie 1031DE 'Terme at., Toronto, Orit miremaisissamsesesesteessesesomerrevesmewmosowtwi