HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-1-4, Page 5NIUSINEGS CAKIi . K. 0. T. M. Brunets (Tont of the Mpooabees, No 21 hold their regular meetings la the LOAgo Boom H 1 0 ok r BI a oak , on who let and lir I 'ruoetlay oveufhgs:ot each month Visitors always wetoJE re, A, BO EBd, Clem, A. MoGUrlih,`i , 6 Business MISS BERTHA ARmCards Q TR NQ SHIN TROUBLES GROW WORSE eze i r t . Ix a I so i iy3aE d lan abet, skin in Teacher of Piano trpubles aro nauserlby myriads of Studio at Garter's Mosta Store one door North germs at wot'lt in the skill. Unless these germs are promptly destroyed they very r lid1Y gietwillg ive thea' catty deep luta lel �le soma Li tissue. This is what causee that, awful 1 tch, aid Ivliab Scorned It mere lush may grow muse and develop into )t of the Standard Bank, Brussels, 8•tf MISS PERLE SMAhrPE hue passed suaoessfully her second examine. Ohm of the Pianoforte Department of the To. and is re tired WM. SPENCE route Conservatory of Muslo, to take pupils at hoc ;home, Prinuess street, • CONVEYANCES AND iiii3TJEIt 1 of MARRIAGE LI,ZOIJNSEi. • lose 1n the Peal °aloe, Ethel, NU -i JOHN .HAhRIS, Agent hlowick Mutual Fire insurance Company Oom u Y J6aa and ltoolttenee- WALTON. ONT. SISI.. DR. T. T. M'RAE.. Boohaler of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Idoeutlate and Graduate of the Coilogu of Phy miens and Sur Oona Ont 1' s6- • d at Ohioage Eye,l Ear, Nose and Throat osppiia , Chicago, Id Surgeon to $t, Mich- ' poi's Hospital, Toronto. Mee over F, R. Smith's Drug Store... Tele. phone connection with Uranbrook at all hours, Ot7. M FERGUSON JOHN SU T H E R L A N D Physician and Surgeon ; Post Graduate'coursss xNsnRANtla Loudon (Eng,), New York and Chicago Hos.. ' PoGaln. epa0lul attention to titmouse of eye, cur, FIRE AND MARINE, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses, GUELPH 'AUCTIONEERS. L• i 8. SCOTT AS AN AUUT'ION• Li • Ren, will sell for better prices, to DR. WARDLAW outl nue wee, Auctis oneer in to lkte0 Huron ex Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary be won't charge anything, listen and orders College. Day and night cells. Office opposite sea alwayot,e arranged at this olfiee or, by Flour Mill, Ethel. ' pere mai' e.pplloatio0. SISI DR.. HAMILTON Dental surgeon Honor Graduate' Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal Oollege of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office in /Smith Block recently' vacated by. Dr, Feild. I.EIiiAL AND CONVEYANCING. t ads ..0 itriww Rata i'r r BRUSSELS GOING Soma GO[NO NORTH Mall 7;07 a m Express 10:06 a m' Express -II :25a in I Mail 1:59 p m Express 2:66 p m Express 8:62 p m VViW SINCLAIR—. • lterrleter, so11'oltor, Owureyaneer, Notary l'uhno, &a. Mace -8 towart's Block l dear North of Central Hotel. Solicitor, or Lae Metropoiltan Bank. pLIOUDFOOT, HAYS & KILLORAN 8 ARltlO'l 161t8, SOLICITORS,: NUTARIE$ PUBLIC, ETU. W. Pa0OD800T, E. U. It U. MATa J.L. 11LLORAN Ofaoes—Those formerly occupied by Messrs Uamorou 4 Holt, Oooaatoa, 0-vran1o. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers ST. JOHN AND HALIFAX TO LIVERPOOL Steamer From 80. John From Halifax 'Corsican Thurs. Deo. lith -Direct Hesperian • Dec. 22nd 'Deo. 28rd. .lanuar 5th Grampian Jan. 0th y Hea orlon January lUtlt jun. P Y 2UGh. BOSTON -PORTLAND TO GLASGOW Boston V inland Steamer Sicilian - D. o.: 14th Numidlan Deo. 21st Corinthian list, 28th Lake Erie Jan.. 4th RATES OF PASSA'OE First Class, Live, pool service $72 50 Second - Class; 50.1,0 Second Clans. Glasgow service e.. 0 Third Close, $80.25; #'! of 'ase lith c . . • er and service. Full information as to rates, e,0., on appli A. Mon to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. 4 Rte-9ge 0641 2t,aES2i2iA'9R>,�9b*'symort4RS Winter 11 Term from Jan. 2 CENTRAL STRATFORD,. ONT. Is the leading Business College in west. �j: ern Ontario. It has three departments —Commerolal, Shorthand and'lelegrn - h K . It larger better p y 6 et er then ever. Our courses radin aro inial[ better than Hume 2 or the graduates Bnamesa gradQe, and , ?' our graduates secure high grade poll- A tions. A preetical training is worth v many times the omit. If you wants l' 1 Business College course select this +v school and get the hest Our analogue 1. is free, Write for it at once. p- a 4y D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. ir• RUPruRE Cured At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently p y hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured, Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when can u youa l be cured Bo not wait' - Till. in coupon p. Age 'Time Rup Single, or Double Name. Address aud return to J. S. SMITH 8•collation's. 8t. Dept. A Stratford, Ont. Whi>>engiven as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will Ward off an attack of croup and prevent all danger anti cause of anxiety, Thousands of mothers use it successfully. Sold by all dealers, I C4INSIDIRM PsCIPIO ICWALTON To Toronto To-Goderioh Express 7:91 R In I Express 1187 a ni Express 2:67 pm Express 7:55 p m • WROXETER. Going East - 7:86 a, In. and 8:66 p. m. Going West - 12:48 and '9:47 p.m, All trains going East connect with O P.,R at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora. end T G. B. stations, GEO. ALLAN Local Agent. , focal •.etvs terns Dr. George Ross, of Toronto. was home fur a holiday visit. Russell Brown. druggist, is home from. Toronto for a' holiday visit. Miss Linda Colvin was home. from 'Tavistock for a few days. Miss Jo. Ross, wase here from Tor- onto to i i vstattheoldholne. BIG calendars for 1912 are a short stock and consequently in great demand. DRUGGIST Fox has invested iu a pony and outfit for famdy use. It is quite a trim little beast. Stanley Campbell, son of Angus and Mrs. Campbell, MLII street, is here for Christmas. He spent the past Summer e, the West and will now take a course at the Londou Business College. When buying a cough medicine for children bear in mind that Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy is most effectual for colds, croup aud whooping cough and than0 contains no harmful drug. For sale by all dealers. Misses Sanderson &Carr left Brussels ast week, the former to visit at Aylmer and the latter at Midland, her old home, Rumor says that Miss Sanderson will enter upon p a new relationship -but von can't always credit what rumor tells tau. Oonstiptttiou is the cause of many ailments and diameters that . make life mlaeruble Take Chamber ' luul'a Stomach and Live • t Tablets, keep our bowels re ui r ,and o Y a u will g w1 avoid these diseases. For sale by all dealers. 'Ttte value o:,a paper is tested by the quality' of us 'circulation, and judged nom this standpoint The Weekly Sun occupies the foremost place. Edell week it enters the' homes of the .most advanced farmers In this Province. The Weekly Sun on the table is the sign of progress on the farm, • CLIMBING TO THE ror.—It is reported that Barrister M. McFadden, of mum Ste. Marie. who has been Crowe At- torney, will be elevated to the bench succeedingthe late Judge Hatton, UI Oweu Sound.Mr. McFadden was a tomer resident of Brussels locality and is a brother to Mrs. David Walker, 01 town. Old friends here will be a unn to exteudtng hearty congratulations and with him a long and successful incum- bency. No Liniment Can Cure It ;allot pain between the eyes isn't neuralgia. g u. Many think so but it is catarrh, plain ordinary catal'rh that needs attention right now. Your proper lead is to use ''Oatarrhozone. Doctors recognize it as a cure 'that surpasses all others, Sure, because it does reach the trouble ; safe because no drugs to take, you breathe its healing vapor direct to the course of the trduble and cute is guaranteed. Two sizes, 25c and $1.00. Sold every- where. PRESENTATION 'TO PASTOR' AND Wigs. -- The Chnstmas tree eutertarument at the First Presbyterian Church, West. minister; Friday evening was a splendid success in spite of the bad weather and .errible roads. W. S. Laidlaw presided, and the choir, the yeuog people and the children provided a fine program. The tree was laden with presents, and D Currie, as Santa Claus, made everyone nappy. Rev. Dr. McCrae, formerly of Brussels. Was presented. with a beautiful and valuable fur,lined overcoat on be- half of the session, while the managers ,and congregation presented Mrs, Me Orae with a stole and pillow Huff of Isabella Fox. Dr. and Mrs, McCrae thanked the seamen, managers and con- eregation for the beautiful and valuable gifts. Do you know that fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rhea p mattstn of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheu- teatime, and require no internal treat- utent whatever•? .Apply Cihamber- lain's Liniment freely and see how quickly it gives relief. For sale by all dealers. --._.._SIMM_.,__ EVEN Ir I and hf' stimulating a nataral flow of 1 etdoriilg pigment throughout the CluhbingIts[hairceWe exact no obligations or promises ' - W0 simply ask you to give Rexall #, 1193" kiaft' Tiouio at t•borougu trial aud if riot eatls$ed tell us 2001(1 we will TIM POET has made amen emonts g refund the me i t money e you xtid 00n+ ' Y Y for n t. e t t h 4 tp tb it t 1 v b cfolo it a er a 1wt a fi' P P s d Two six •a pities t L i (a 0 mite It 5 ct, said ' 1 ,1 , P .00: who `b v will C b 'I dd'ess A esctt o 1 e . R � n I x S ar Y ( Bela ntber, you cast ate-', so in Brae- eepi United Stutne GU cents extra) at sole only at our.store--;she Rexall the followitag subscription pelves :— Store. it R. Nm,r.h. loathagme and tgl'tnrhtg pilin ;disease with its years of Misery. • , a Y 1 y ci$Tttla••net'hatcaraLe be'nrrIifI1U1e l1gf;g IsERy , Don't tape an cltauces 1 Destroy 1''noble with that soothit autl cleatls- ing witsll, the D. D. 0, Prescription for' Eczema. IL' is quite a simple matter for yon to fled out for yourself' whether Of not D. D. D. will cure you. Simply send your mune and address to . the b: D. D. Labnrat.ot'Ies, Dept., 13. P, 49 Colborne St., Toronto, aid get by return hail It free' Trial bottle of the remedy. n.wil- ' y I I give your instant re- lief Int the very first application, Gorrme FARMERS' INS'riTUTE.—The regular meetibg of 121081 Heron Farmers' In- stitute will be held in the Township Hall, Govele, on Thursday, January 18th sessions opening at 1.80 and 7.30 p. nl. Afternoon program will 001 52841 of Addresses from F. il. Silcox, of Iona,en "Intensive farming on 100 acres ; O. E. Porter, Appleby, "'Types of heavy horses for breeding poses. Luis, Thos. Shaw, of lIespeler, will address the Wonien's institute: In the evening Mr. Silcox will speak an "!Perin and Hume" ; Al r. Porter on "Beautifying Horne and School grounds" ; and Mrs. Shaw nn--"\Vhat is worth while." Mnsieal selections will also be reuder•ed'. Pay More And pot The' Boat Acheap flesh buruifig tort ret tied is never satisfilctory._ The best is Petition's Painless Corn Extractor, crises but a qutar t0l•, and is•g* nal'allteed to 0ure 1hutongh1y. Use only Petition's. Wingham FOUND DYING AT W2NGIi o ,r lersoal OVERDOSE 1p CHLORAL \V11Iiau1 Menne aged 0 is dead and Thomas. Kennedy is seriously ill ars a result of taking all overdose of bromide and chloral. Kennedy will recover. Ren- nie catme Trims London, 12i gland, three years ago, and had ever since been employed by Dr. J. P. Kennedy. Last Wednesday he complained of be- ing unable to sleep, and •tsked Dr. Kennedy to give him morphine. 'The De. refused turd advised him against the use of such (11•rigs. He gave Rennie a small bottle of bromide s l e b n cls and advised hire to take 'that. Rennie t par•eltly.tonic it all and it is [believed that, .wantil.lg some o.noi'e' he calve bark to the doctl,r's office, and while Dr. Kennedy 10)38 ant, UN 110 as bottle containing bromide and chimed, be- lieving it to be the same steel which' he had been given. On going back 'to the hotel National. where he bearded, be went' hate the Blom of Thomas Kennedy, an architect, from Toronto, where lie hs snpezentendiug the new factory being built .for the 'Western Powell y Company mid gave him some of the (11'r1g,41111 Look a large dose birn- eelf. Both melt were soon afterward overcome. The affair MILS not dis- envered until mater midnight, when the proprietor attracted by the heavy breathieg of the two; decided to 'eu- vestigate. Refound 'both men lying ,nl the bed in Kennedy's room, un- Cnn551008. aud all efforts to arouse them were filtile. A doctor was at mice. called,. Rennie, however wits ton fur gone and. died soon afterwards. lit:nuetty remained unconscious fel• 3.101) 11lu'. n s and thea recovered. He is was quite ill. r. Milne D ILII a ofBlyth 9 conducted an inquest. The jury view- ed the body on Friday and adjouened until Monday. Blood, Pure, Rich, Rod Rosy glow in the face, sparkling eyes, vivacious spirits are all the out- come of good blood. No surer way exists of purifying and enriching the blood than to useDe. Hamilton's Pills. By their „gentle act k in ori the bowels, kidneys and liver they filter every impurity shorn .the system; leavkng'k1 wholesome and able to do the wet k necessary for' :the maintenance of health. To be well, look well, and feel al - 'ways at. y01t• best, use Dr. Hamilton's Pill. of Meecheke stud Butternut, it telly wonderful medicine for young and old, Pelee 25,i alt all dealers. Grey SCHOOL REPORT.—Following 1s the report of the standing of the pupils of U.S. S. No, 32 t G11 and 1VIcIz;ltl > 0 >f<I the past term. The [narks are not unveil foetal classes beetle:e of some. missing exams but in these eases pupil^5, naules are given h1 order of merit. Class V.— Total 800— Ada Fulton 561. br IV. -Total 900—An- drew Coats 522, *Villa Clarke 117. Ji. IV V,—'1'i 800 -Donald Bedtime' 402. Sr III—hula Case, Albert Clark Jr. IIT Gertt'ude 1\1o23;ebzie, Nelson Felton Jr. IL.— Jimmie 'Souter, Lisabell Sonnet', Earnest Pepper, John Pepper. Ist class— Luella Fulton, Nettie Peppers Primary— Jimmie Ritchie, Johnnie Souter, Gracie Pepper. JENNIE ROBB, Teaehet', Somer., REPORT.—The following is the scltoul report of 8. 8. No. 10 Grey fur the month of December: Total 650 Class .V.—G. Speirau 466. Sr. iV.—H. Denman 480, G. Whitfield 463. E. 11athw.eli 410, *aM, Cox 274, S. Marshal) 200,, Jt'. IV.—.L, Lake 806, M. Inglis 330, *S. Seeirau 200, *G. Henry 220, F. leollepbeok 38 '1'0ttd 500. St I1L—G Inglis is 29> 4 813, Ti11 g leubeck 105. ,lr III L, Hpeh an 389, L. 'Whitfield 886 leBaker 357, 1. Love 291. Jr. IL—M. Speared) 339, E, Ward 326, ell. Whitfield 250, Pt. 1L--Excellent--V, Inglis. Pt.L—Ex- coller,t—G, Whitfield, L. PAH arson, M. Ward, Eric Whitfield, 117. Spelt:ant, 13. Inglis, Fair—W. Ward, Edgar \Vhit•g Htrid, • Pei wary— 1]x 111 1 ,-- y c eft V. Miebel, R. Pal terson, Good— (1, Speiran, O. Whitfield. Muir— M. Henry. ThoSe marked +' ttlissed one Or store exaln uatiens. A.vernge et. tend/thee 31. M. Ditorlunt$, 'Teacher. All Relieved by Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound. Sikeston, Mo, — "For seven years 1 suffered everything I was in bed forata tifour me or fiveeverdays y month, and so weak I could hardly walk. 1 cramped and had backache and head- ache,and was so nervous and weak that I dreaded to see anyone or have anyone move in the room. The doctors gave me medicine to ease me at those times, and said that 1 ought to have an operation. I would not listen to that, and when a friend of my husband told him about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and what it had done for his wife, I was willing to take it. Now I look the picture of health and feel like it, too. I can do my own house- work, hoe my garden, and milk a cow, I can entertain company and enjoy them. I can visit when I choose, and walk as far as any ordinary woman, any day in the month. I wish I could talk toevery sufferingwoman andgirl." —Mrs. DEDIA BETIITJNE, Sikeston, Mo. The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of female complaints is Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. It is more widely and successfully used than any other remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have been troubled ,with displacements, in- flammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irre l u antics e 7 ' 1 odic a' ms backs g ,P the P , that bearindownfeel iA indigestion, g g, and nervous prostration, after ll othr means had faded. Why don't you try it? ScaooL:R1'JPORT.—Following is. the School Report of S. S. No.1, Grey for Nov. and Dec. Exlunioecl in Comp., Aeith., Spell:, Geog,., Lit., Hist., Gram., Read.. Wilt., Draw. Total 850. Honors 637. Pass 510 :—Jr. IV. —Willie Alooelt 627, Willie Grant 417. Sr. III.—Mervin Miller 073, Willie Somers (362, Neat va Bollinger 491. ,Tr. M.—Jean Grant 810, MaICnI[11 Ingle 483, May Armstrong. 220. Total 750. Renes 562. Pass 450 :—Sr. 1] Merriam Lowe 654, Willie Engle 568 Jr. ]I.—Oecll Somers 033, .lira AlIn- sh•ong 550, Olarence Hollinger 490, Willie Miller 458. Pt. IL—Good— Willie Petrie. Pt. L—Excellent-Jes- si Miller. -Gond— Russel Grant,. E11110 Cochrane. PLAne BARRER. Teacher. Morris SCHOOL REPORT.—Following is the school repoet for S. S. No. 10, the pupils being examined in Rec., and Crimp , Spell., and Geo. 'total ,.250. Se. IV—George Moffatt 165, Teressti Robb 162. Harvey OutG 159, -Walter Messer 157, Moffatt Miller 90. .Ti'. IV. Maggie Richardson 163. Sr. III.— ZetinnTnrveY 217,ViolaI a McLeod ]83 Mary Miller 189, Herbert, Powell 78. CUTTERS ersensosessameeseasmssa Go to Ewan & Co's show raonls and see what they have in the up-to-date cut- ter. line, We have just what you want—all home- made Outten. and Sleighs. Call and purchase the ., Ewan,& Co. goods and en- courage home industry. Ewan & Co. BRUSSELS Xmas-tMe Purchases What more acceptable Xmas Gift to Wife, Faulily,Peieud or Yourself than a White or New Home Sewing Machine Empress Range or Kitchen Cabinet 4 down -to the minute Cream Separator A "Railway Passeng- er's" Accident or Illness 1. Po iccy (Ot>veritig every: accident rind 111111154.) A "Canada" Life or Endowment Policy The allove Insurance One. are elle oldest, strnugesb safest held. beat in their respective him, For particulars enquire of SISI SISI. SISI 111.. .:. N. St Mcla c u hlMli A9 to � Weeklies Id 1 Why bo You Faint? "pronto Wobe ..,...,,,..$100 Mail and Empire 1 60 London Advertiser 1 W London Free Press ,,,SISI 1 80 Family Herald & Star ., 180 Montreal VVituese..,.,... 180 " Weekly Sun 180 " Farmers' Advocate236 " Northern Messenger•185 Dailies POSTaldl 1 O' l i' 1 .p < t ,.nti' •, , Toronto New , " Toronto Globe 450 " Toronto 1410011-N]lnph a 4 50 " Toronto World..... 300 London Advertiser 280 01011 at the office or remit the amount by P. 0. Order, Express Order or Reg- istered Letter, addressing THE POST, Brussels, Ont. 220. ..285. Jr. II1:.—Maggie Breckenridge 121, Selall Breckenridge 91, Sr. IL— Hazel Robb 152, . Addison Fraser 129, Alex. Shaw 93, Melissa Johnston 86. lr. II.— Elva . Rttmaay 162, Christie Forrest 147, Rettig Turvey 141, *Verna Johnston 60. Pt. II.— Margaret Miller, Sperling Johnston. lst—Ex. r:ellent— Harvey Johnston: Very Good—Laura Johnston, Gordon Mof- fat, Janet, Miller. Those marked " missed an exam. Those present every day in 'the Month are—George Mof- fat, Teressa Robb, Walter Messer, Viola McLeod, Zelrna Tnt'vey, Mary 01iller, Herbert Powell, Selah' lireckenbridge, Christie Forrest, Elva Ramsay, Sperling Johnston, Gordon Moffatt. B. B, BRYANs Teacher. 80HOOL REPORT.—Following is the. S veP ort of8. No. 8, Morris for Dec. uuber. Sr IV.—Lit Spell., Gram., Geog and deity work Total 600. Pees 360. F Turvey 503, E. Rutledge' 437, A. Davidson 435, M. Thynne 407, L. Ttu•vey 348, *G. Wilson 123, *E. Knox 80. Jr. IV.—Pass 360 0. John- ston 570, T. Bosman 412, G. Agar 393, L. Brewer 372, J. MacMichael 196. Sr. III.—Exlrm in Arith. and daily work. Puss 75% G. Warwick 94. L. Souch 78 Jr. TIIL—Arith and Spell.. Pass 120. S. Maci4lichael 130. Sr. IL—lSleru., Spell., daily work. Total 450. Pass 225.E. Sellers 391 G. Brewer 331, L. Turvey 305, C. Souch 208. Jr. II.—Tota! 450. Pass 225. le. Warwick 330, 0. Mustard 274, C. Rosman 270, C. Snitch 225, F. Garnise 214, 13. Garniss 50, *E. Gat niss. Part II --Daily Work, E. Macid ichael185. T. Grilletc,her 175, G. Fell 171, E. Forbes 150, A. Gallagher 135. Part 1. -Daily OVtirk, ,l.i'Tarvey 226, M. Warwick 187, F. Brewer 155, A. Johnston 144. Whiner of prize book for term is head one in each class. Av'r. Att. Dec. 32, L FRAIN, Teacher. ARE MICROBES .IN YOUR SCALP ? It Hae Boon Proved That Microbes . Cameo Baldness Professor Unna, of Hamburg, Ger- many, and Dr. Sabouraud, the lead- ing,French dermatologist, discovered that a microbe causes baldness. Their theory has time and again been amply verifietethrough research experiments carried on under the observation of eminent scientists. This microbe lodges inthe Sebum, whish is natral hair oil. and hen permitted P tted to flourish it destroys the hair follicles aud in time the pores entirely close; AO the scalp gradually takes on a shiny appearance. When this hap- pens there is no hope of the growth of hair being revived. We have a remedy which will, we honestly believe, remove dandruff, ex- terminate the microbe, promote good circulation in the scalp and around the hair roots, tighten and revitalize the hair mote, and overcome baldness, so long as there is any life left in the hair roots. We back up this statement with our Ownu 1 era 1 L g n car antes P that this remedy called Reseal "98" Hair Tonic will be supplied free of all cost to the user if it fails to do as we state. It will frequently help to restore gray and faded hair to .its original color, providing loss of calor has been roused by disease ; yet it is in no settee dye. Rexall 93" Hair Tonic accomplishes these results by aiding in reeking every hair root, follicle, and pignlen t gland strong and active, Cheap Photoa nye seldom worth the money paid for them, because they must be of inferior' quality. I am not making that kind. I have an Over Supply y of Folders and Mounts which ' when finished are worth $4.00 told $5.00 per doz. I will make sat entitles for these for the next 30 caY and $4.00 per doz, $ 8 Please sit early—good photo. graphs Oant1Ot be made un- less time io given to put them through the process of fin- ishing in (0 proper matinee. G. F. Maitland . BRUSSELS November 16,1911. Sometimes from shock or fright, but usually because the system is weakened and depressed,-- it leeks power' to react from sudden` strain. power condition demands rebuildirng, demands nourishment, which is . hest supplied by leerrozone. In every form of debility Ferrozone 18 a specific It fortifies the digestive and assiln0- lative power of the body, promotes the elimination of waste ulateilate, buildsnp tissue, gives energy and re= sistance. To have rich, red 'blood, en, during tiepin, a strop cDiletitntloll Use Venn. at 1 e u e ]I' r pod .h al, d asaingg' g zone, field everywhere in 60e boxes 031 ttix foe St2,C0 a 531' , u,. A. � .A. .A .d, .tom vcX>t� Si �nt J plat ox 1; m r al �' P regarding the lvvll;kuown; ?00'1' TORONTO, OMT. 4. I. Oourses R1•e strictly aftIrrst•dat e, e 2: Moab fndlvidnnl beitrnctlon is '10011. .4 0, Teachers'' are exert and.,xperformed 4. Graduates neO,EJI and 1.03.'7 good. .d p 6, Equipment thoroughly up r•o•d,lte• 6. Euioys 0 wide•epreRd patronegO. WriitePorcatalogue, Enter'110W, dor. Young and t W. 4. Printapal. ELLI:OTT, Alexander $ts. ( 7� iiagrigrGva•4sris'A'4stovritttgr& You will be proud of the bread ' you'll make with PURITY Y FLO UR AFTER seeing a batch of big, gold n -crusted, snowy white loaves, that you have baked from PURITY FLOUR, you will, indeed, be proud of your,cooking-ability— and proud of your wisdom in. deciding to pay the little extra it costs to procure such high-class flour. You ill admit, too, that we are justified in the pride we take in milling this superb flour. u • !TY FLOUR "More bread and better bread" 1 f URITY FCOtf f roaem c1 2, SISI.. ;;�x et��s4,. �r to PURITY FLOUR is milled exclusively from the best West- ern hard wheat -the world's finest. Morethanthat,PURITY FLOUR consi-ts entirely of the high-grade portions of the wheat. The low-grade portions are separated and excluded during the PURITY. process of milling. Such high-classC1 aBS.fl Urr, of course, expandsmore in the baking. It makes "more bread and better bread." It makes lighter, flakier past7, too,if you just take the pre- caution to add more shortening. On account of its unusual, strength PURITY FLOUR, for best results, requires more. shortening than ordinary flour. Progressive dealers, everywhere, sell PURITY FLOUR and take pride in recommending it. Add PURITY FLOUR to your grocery Iist right now. res Sold in BRUSSELS by JAS. BALLANTYNE, W. J. McORAOKEN, J. T. ROSS, GEO. THOMSON. ALF. BAISXER, Distributor tsmmmmmsmmmsmme .neMadP'e5ei-.ia .. SISI.. PAY WHEN CU Drs. Ka & Ka TAKE ALL RISKS e Cured ley the New Method 'Treatment t NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT .C3 NERVOUS. DEBILITY Thourandsntvoungand rillddle'agedmen are annually swept to a premature grave through Early Ineisarotions, Excesses and Blood Moues. If you hove any of the fol lowing symptoms consult us before it is too late. Are you nervous and weak, despon- dent anti gloomy, specks before the oyes, with dark circles under them, weakback, ktdueys Irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in urine, pimpfee 0n the fatuo eyes sunken, 1>oliow Cheeks careworn expression, poor momorw, Mims, distrustful Molt energy and strength, tired moraings, restless Di; hts, changeable moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, stair loose, sore throat, oto. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our Neu, Method Treatment can mire you and make & mart of you, Under its influ- ence the brain beconlee active, the blood purified,so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers donppencr'vanislyathe yep M000ines bright 1110 fio full s d clearr,,'energy letu and des- pondency t> ap y t, g returns to the body and the moral, physical and sexual systems aro furlsorated; all drains cease -no mire 01151 waste from tlt0 system, Don't let gcaoks and fakirs rob -you of your hard eorued donut's• We wilt caro you or no 0101,. EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER: No matter 'who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charts. nooks Free—"The ce ho Ooldan o • ' lip Whitt*" (illustrated) ) on OhSecretD REQUEST s.KE NEDY&KENNEDI Cor, Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE A11 letters from Canada must be addressed E to our'Canadiari Correspondence Departs tawastaimammuss meet in Windsor, Ont, le yott desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat. 110 Patients 111 our Windsor reacts which ere for L'arrespeedence .ati01 Laboratory for Canadian business only, ,Address' ail letters Sri foll(Ws DES. KENNEDY 44 KENNEDY, Witulger• Oht. V1'ito.for 0111,privat0address... _. ,r�rar�