HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1912-1-4, Page 1VOL. 4o NO. 27 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, 5ANUARY 4, 1912 New Advertisements If you—R. R. Brower' Snap Shots—y'. R. Smith, Oooting—Pro! Porenwond, Notice—Wm. & B, A. Pryne, Farm for ialo—Joseph Bolger. Card of ahnlrlre—W, P. Printer. Annual meeting—Agl. Society. Bull font• aervioe—W m, A, Lamont. Ahnle f bnetneaa—Pryne Milling Co, R y puroltase-0 ,o, M. Mitchell, istrict Cttt Wroxeter W. O. Currie spent Monday in Mt. Forest, S. Rasmussen returned from New York on Saturday. Miss Alice •e Haamilton returned to New York nn Wednesday. Thos. Brown was a visitor in Tor- onto. over Now Year's Day. Thos. Hemphill, of Hensall, spent a few days in the village recently. P Miss Rosie Smith, of Hamilton, is spending a week with Miss Millie Harris. Robert 'Ireland, of R serown is spending a few Months Sask., old friends ,here. Fred. Davey was in Shelburne this w1 week attendingthe funeral of his lel; sister-in-law, Ms. W. Davey. Jno. and Mr's, Rutherford, of Cal- gary, former residents of the village, are the guests of relatives here. Gordon Willits returned from the West on Saturday to spend the Win- ter with his mother, Mrs. A. Willits, Miss Helen Tipping, of New York, and Miss Nova Tipping, of Cold water, visited over the holiday with their aunt, Mrs. W, M. Robinson. Alex. and Mr's. MoKercher, of How- ick, celebrated the 20th anniversary of their marriage last Saturday by entertaining a large number of their friends. are looking for an inv'ftst- went that will bring you large returns trite for particulars about, Calgary tied Athabaska ♦Landing. Alberta farms all) for sale. ER R. BREWER R Estate Broker 117 Boulevard N. W. t „ Calgary, Arta. Jun, Munro, of 'Milverton, is spend- ' iug a week at the home of his brothel', Alex, Munro. The Local Option By-law voted on, Jan- 1st, was defeated by a small majorityof 2 aw mei fraction votes, Iiydr'n•eeotr'ie 13y -law was parried by as very large nlafority. The people of this eormnunity were greatly startled last Saturday morn- ing when they learned of the death of John Hepburn, a respected resident of Turnberry, Deceased had appar- tw •a ofhealth 1 eo - the best �tr fir e tevi L nirhl tinentr the previous day but 6 nig hl seized withan attack of apoplexy from which he did not recover, pass- ing away the following morning. ilr is survived by a wife, an aged mother who resides in the village and several brothers, who share largely in the sympathy of their many friends in their sudden bereavement. Funeral r took place to the Wroxeter eemet e on 'Tuesday afternoon. Cranbrook Martin McDonald spent New Years. n here. his home n friends t I is visiting old' Oranbrook this week. Will. Forrest, of Detroit, spent New Yeats at his home here. Mrs. Dilling and Charlie arrived. home from Ingersoll this week. Ed. Fischer and wife returned to Berlin also Ohfistena,and Christian. Air. King, of Orediton, spent New Years with his sister, Mrs. Chas. Seel. Wilfrid and Gordon Cameron spent the past week with relatives in St. Marys. Dr. Will. Cameron, of Palmerston, ate his New T'ear's dinner at R. Tyer- man's. T. and Mrs. Baker and Miss Marie, of Saginaw,"Mich., are visitors at the home of Geo. Baker. The people of this locality were pleased to see the smiling face of Jas. McLauchlin this week. Miss Vino Alderson has returned to London after spending part of the vacation at her home here. ` One of the nld landmarks, a tree in front oft the Lutheran church, was felled to the ground this week by F. Jeschke. Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Air. Kettlewell, of Toronto, will speak in the Methodist church. Be comes as a representative of the Dominion Alliance. W. P. M. S.—The mintier meeting of Knox Church Women's Foreign Mis- sionary Society was held Dec. 270. Contributions last year were $75.00. Following are the office bearers for this year :—President, Mrs. (Rev.) Mc- Rae ; Vice -President. Mts. A. McDon- ald ; Treasurer, Mr's. Wm. Cameron ; a t Secretary, Airs. 11:. K. McDonald. 3leetings ars held the last Wednes- day of each month. o••••••+•+••a♦•••+♦+•+•4'•4'••1'•+ •+•444•40.+0+0+0444'4.+0404'0',. Mr • • + •4. • • + 4 4, 0 • •+ • • • •o • 4 e •F H�iiday' ifts! Choice Presents at Low Prices may be had in Jewelry, Clocks, Fancy Goods, &c., at the store of ••• • •. • • • ••• • a i• J. G. JONES, Brussels • •4♦4•+•+4••+•+•+•+•+•••+••••F••t•••t'••'••••+••••'F•+••'••f'•M♦ •'• Sonne of those who ate their New Year's dinner out of town were Rev. I). 13. and Mrs, McRae, at Brussels ; Mrs, A, McDonald, Misees Myrtle and Lulu, Mhta McRae, Robert iuld Alvuter AlcDontld nt 13lyta) ; 11, Gorsalitz alt Ilenrryn ; F. Raddatz, at Detroit, Moncrief Henry McKay has returned home from the West. J, Weisel] berg has set up a chopping hili stand, We wish mill in the old � success. The annual meeting of Knox chgreh 4Joncrielf, will be held on the 10th of January. Miss Mina Peet, of Hamilton, is visiting relatives and friends in this nei g ll borhood. We are looking forward hopelally to the opening of cur new anvil) in the near Future. A number from here attended a social evening ttt Monkton and report tan enjoyable time. Jas. 0. and Mts. McKay gave a party M;'iclay evening when an T en- joyable time was spent. Rev. R. A. Lundy was presented with a Inad of oats by his congrega- tion hers as a New Year's gift, Miss Pearl Harrison has eeturtred to Stratford, where she intends to com- plete her course at the Business Col- lege. \Vlu. and Mrs. McKay, of Earl Grey Bask., and daughter, Violet, are visiting relatives and friends • in this neighborhood, Frank Harrison and friend, F. Tilsou, of West Montrose Owes haute for a social evening last week when he meet quite a number Of old friends. The annual meeting of this school. section was held .Wednesday of last week. Andrew Meehan was elected to fill the place vacated by Henry 31c - Naught, the retiring trustee, Jamestown Skating on the river is the chief en- joyment here now. Finlay Fraser was home frmn that Dental College, Toronto, for the holi- clays. Be is looking well. Last Sabbath evening Rev. A, L. Russell, B.. D., of Wroxeter, conduct- ed the service it) Victoria Hall. Dr. James Stt:achau left on Satur- day afternoon for Fort William, where lie will resume Ills dental practice. Miss ii at•garet Donald- was home from Talento for a holiday visit with her mother and other relatives on the 4th con, of Grey, Alex,, and Mfrs. Bryant; also the latter's brother, George Gallaher, home of ' t the n t New Years a spent Mrs. ' •ans. Ed sold Alt Btt E , FIND Txiwit.—A very snecessfttl Christmas Retort ainment washeldin Victoria Hall on the evening of Dec. 21st. Though the weather was not very favorable the crowd was large and the prngl am all that cooltl be de- sired. The bill of fare consisted of :— n• 1 b Chau mans address ; oho ns y the Sunday School ; recitation, Robert Ballingall; solo Dongald Streatham recrLakin, Mary Miller ; cantata, "Red Riding • Hond" ; recitation, Bessie Moses ; song by boys, "The Snow Bi igade ; recitation, 'nneldat McDonald ; Night gown drill by 8 little girls ; Gaelic song, Thomas, Strachan ; dialogue, "Aunt Prue add Margaret" by Bessie Moses and Berea Btyaans •; quartette, by girls; recitation, Viola McLeod ; quartette, by girls, "Tis love makes our Clit'ist- uias so clear" ; sole, Dongald Strath. an ; tambourine drill by 12 girls ; chorus, "Drifting with the tide" ; • ►♦♦•♦••e•••••♦•♦•••••••••• ►•►•••♦•••••••••►••••••••• •••••••••••• * • ****** •••••• • Brp,° sets Daylight Store o f r • • • •4► • 0 ♦ • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • •• • s • 0 • e • - • • 0 • • • • •s • 9 e, • Highest docs for Prildus • McLaren V (1• A • Roods t •�ar your Money hack, Ga N. McLaren Real Bargains IN Women's »lr'Lined and Fur Trimmed Coats Woolen's, Misses' and Children's Winer Coats men's Fur Trimmed Overcoats Men's and Boys' Winter Overcoats o Men's and Boys' Winter Suits WomenWomen's Ready-made Skirts• and Waists 's L 'i'; Men's and Children's Winter Underclothing Ladies' Fur Ruffs and Mu i9ffs Wool and, Flannelette Blankets Winter ?Boots and Overshoes i• et • • •• • • ••0 • • • ••• • 0 • ♦ o. • • • ••A • • • • • •• • s • • • • • s • • • • - 2 chorus, by Sunday 'School, "Kris Kringle" ; recitation, Vernon Miller, introducing Santa 1.)1/11:18, Then fol- lowed the distributing of the numer- ous gifts. The cantata, "Reit Riding timid" was pretty at)td well acted :and did credit to all taking part; as dill Lite other n411111)(4'8 of the pt•ngetun, The proceeds amounted to $24,50. Molesworth NoTns.—School re -opened Wednes- day with ithe new teacher,. Miss he MacDonald in L - t'r Id `Mie 1hL Do t L1L 1 Ips al S (. r nonage school.—Roy and Alts, b'r'etst.r an e visiting at \Vm. Pr•aser's, —The Mission i3ancl is invited over to Ethel on the 1811i ins,.,—Miss Nettie Mitchell has t•etur med to Nonoral at Stratford.— Missee Peat.] and Roxie McKee, or Peterboro', are renewing old acgnaint- atces,—Ton Ontnruings and Miss Liz- zie spent New Year's at 1 inker•ton.— A farewell hop was given in the Hall Tuesday night for Bert. Mitchell and Ltobt Mnrt'eay who returned to Van- couver of Wednesday, — Miss Lulu 1101-herford was visiting with Miss Effie Glal 1 e —'4 s•s Ida Mitchell is 'r gc.L -visitingii Mende at SI.Marys.—James s.—T nes Elliott took a load of horses West last Tuesday.—Martin Calder Was visiting in our burg.—A. and Alts. Doig and Suss Mary Cummings were visiting in Michigan the latter end of the week.— Anlong visitor's froth the West are :— Mrs. Robertson and daughter, Eva, of British Columbia ; Will. and Mrs. Campbell, of Cypress, Asan. ; Mrs. Flugh Thomson, Mazeund, Satsk. ; and Hugh t, Moose Jaw, Sask.—Thus, McDonald left Tuesday to attend the 'Dairy School at Guelph. Morris One of the nicest little daughters In the land will call Herb. Manning .,papa.,, John }•newly, Saginaw, Mich„ is a visitor with his father, Thos. Healy, 7th con. Rev. E. G. Powell, of Exeter, will preach at the Jackson Outralt next Sunday afternoon, Al, and Mrs -Healy and family were spending the Christmas holidays with friends in Michigan. James Bowman, M. P., will return to Ottawa next week to resume his parlitunentary duties. New Commit will meet sett Mon- day at 10.80 a. in. rand asalltue ofliee. Every mister has to man with Council- lor Thuell in the *ignore.. Miss Edna Watson, of Medicine Bat, has returned to her home on the 51•h cot., to spend the \Winter. Cer- tainly the West agrees with her. Jas. D. Watson, of Kineardine, spent OhrisLnnul with his brother, W. e' willrela- tives other 1 n H s H. Watson. P he - 9 'r1 the township Lives and friend Y fore retutating, It is10 years since he was here. W. P. Watson, of Meringo, Sask., is visiting his parents, W. H. and Mrs. Watson. 5th line. 13e has been in Western Canada for the paast seven years and Would 1 not live iu Ontario L now. Geo. arid fira. Keown,of Lansing, g, Men., spent Christma with W. I3. Watson and family. tin's. Keown, who is a daughter of the former, will remain for a few weeks but Mr. Kenton will rennet shortly. Mitanu t—At Swan Lake, Man„ on 'Dec 13th, Miss Hattie McCall, formerly of this township, was united in marriage to Archie Thompson. They are here on a visit with relatives And friends and will extend their visit to the groom s relatives in Lindsay locality. before l'etm'ningto the West. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Thompson many years of happiness and success.. MRs. AMAxwslLL PAsst4s AWAY. — Last Satnt'dity Mrs. Garret Maxwell, of whose illness Tem POST spoke, passed away to her reward in her 701 h year. Funeral took plane on Tues- day to Belgt:ave cemetery. She is sur- vived by her husband and an adult family, one daughter being Mrs. Geo. Kerr near Brussels. Mrs. Maxwell was ageeat sufferer at times' but triumphed over rill by a confident trust in her Lord. She was greatly beloved. Wednesday of last week the animal e s�� Hol WWI held in the .r, n meeting Va gbh of t m t g house tnS..S.Nn with Jas. Olai'lc in 3 the Chair and B Watson acting as secretary. The retiring trustee was H. B. Alcock who was succeeded by James Nichol. 52.40 was the price given Robert Craig foe the wood sup- ply. Thos. Clark will look after the work of auditing and 'will also be o l e - taker oi'the school. For the butte' he receives $25. The Se'cr'etary of the Board is James Kearney. Sebool opened on Wednesday with Frank 13ryaaus, son of Wm. Bayans, 4th line, in cotmnand. I3is salary will be $500. Mr, Bryatnns has just passed the Olin-' ton Model School and will give a gond account of himself. No. 3 has them all beaten for repeated changes in teacher's we are sorry to say but we hope for more permanency, CUPID'S VICTORY.— In Deloraine, Man., on Dec. 201h, the h ome of the bride's parents, A. H. and Mrs. Brown, was the scene of a very, pretty wedding when their second daughter, Miss'Graace, became the bride of Wm. Ooomhes, of the same town. Rev. Mr, Price,Methodist minister officiate ed. The etite bride loolaed eharrnlig in a gown of fawn silly ttirmned with beading anti the travelling ch'ess was brown broadcloth with Batt to match, Miss Elsie Br'otvn, sister of the beide, acted as bridesmaid Mid WAS gowne in ra'a silk John Gro 1u, es, brother of the room was groomsman. nlSYnan - After t congratulations the company sat down to a. very sutnptots wedding break- fast and afterwards the happy couple amid showers of rice and confetti, left on the morning tram for Toronto, other n Detroit and n Walton, Chatham, Eastern points, They are now vigil-. Mg their uncle and aunt, Henry and Mrs. Jankson, ,n ilo'ris township. May Iheit' joys be Many and their troubles few, David Walker, of Parkhill, was, .home for New Yeat'a with his patents; Samuel tauci Airs, Walker. Mise Minnie Endicott, of Lindsay, is visiting the families of James andDavis,h1' Duncan t Lu s. Davis, , 4 11 me. She is a relative and has been here before. David Russell, of Calgary, spent New Years with his parents, Jas. and Airs, Russell, 5th line. He was elect- ed Sec.-Treas.,if1 < the Alberta Travel- lers Association and is a delegate to the convention in Montreal, Mrs L. Beam of Mount Plea a It r Brant Co.,wasa visibcr r G the home Fa 4 of Harvey y Beam 7th line. She is a , sister-in-law. Miss Maggie Beam, of Brantford, was also visiting aider the parental roof. The annual school meeting in S, S. No, 6 was held as per statute, Jas. Ireland mada jolly chairman. a Walt- er Yuill was re-elected titmice. 'The wood contract was given to Alfred Cochrane at $2.45 per cord and Ed- ward Ellis supplies cedar at $1.50 per cord. IVatt1 Sellars will look after the fire lighting. Miss Mvrdie is the teacher in No, 0 and is rendering good service. 6 the 27th of SCHOOLAIL''ETiNC,.—On December the annual school Bteetin of Union S. S, No. 3, East Wawanosi was called to order by D. D. Stalker, chairman of the School Board. W. P. Hiallahaur was chosen chairman and J. Dingwall, Secretary of this meet: ing. By notion of F. D. Stalker, seconded by 0. Johnston, the minu- tes of last aunal meeting were adopt- ed Its was the 'Trustees' report and Auditor's report. J. 0. Powney was appointed ratepayer's auditor for the year 1912. The Inspector's report cleated Febrnaty 16th and November 23111, 1011, were read by the Secretary. and the: question of permanent im- provement was discussed. The fire insurance policy was satisfactory. On motion of F. D. Stalker, seconded by Thos. Noble, Win. Craig, the re- tiring trustee, was re-elected: The Trustees for next year are F. D. Stalker, J. Curring and W. Craig. Contract for cleaning school twice, closets twice and cutting grass and weeds in ,luly was let for $6.50 to R. Nesbit. Lighting tires, sweeping and dusting school also to pile wood in woodshed in holidays was let to J. 0 Pommy fin' $25. HYIIDNLoAL.—Wedding bells jingled merrily at the home of James Jack- son, 9th line, Wednesday of last week when at 4 p.• m, the marriage cere- moley was performed by Rev. J. H. Ost:erbout, B. D., of Londesboro', making Geo. Mains, of Auburn, and Miss Florence Beatrice, youngest daughter of the host and hostess, husband d and wife. Weciding march waspby laved Miss Maud Jackson 1 bride,as the wedding party took their places under a -Christ- mas bell and before a blank of flowers, the bride being given away by her feather. The ring bearer was little Edna May Jackson, the bride's niece. Bride wore a very beconing costutne of silver gray silk and carried a briquet white n n hita caruati ns and maids bait i t ferns. Abot t'30 guests were present; the immediate relatives. After. hearty congratulations a sumptuous supper was served followed by toasts spoken to by the. officiating _clergy- man, J. Scarlett. McKilfnp ; W. Jack- son, Blyth, and Mr. Hall, of Barrie Guests were present from Summer, hill, Belgrave, Blyth and. McKillop. Wedding presents were nuinerous, valuable and useful. Groom's gift to the brine was a gold bracelet. bit'. arid Mrs, Mains commence married life with the best wishes of a wide circle of relatives and friends. ••••••••••••••••••••• • Grey • Ernest Rozell was visiting relatives at Toronto over the holiday. Miss Lottie Jackson has been visit- inglter sister in New York State. The new Council will meet next Monday as per statute at the Town- ship Hall at Ethel. ' Miss Elsie Clark, of Waskada, who is a milliner, has been visiting at, Mrs. thigh McKinnon's. Miss Ella McKinnon, who was home for the vacation :hLs returned to her school at Nashville, Ori t: Miss May Thomson and Mr. and Miss No'thgraves, of Berlin, were visitors at Joseph Engler's last week. R. J. hoover. Oth con., was under the doctor's care last week, suffering from la grippe. He is improving' we are pleased to report, \ Ie etre sorry to hear that Alt•s.Oliv- er Turnbull, 151.h con., has been both - 'eyed with t•heuntatism but we hope she will soon be clear of it. Duncan aitd 'Miss Ellie ;McCallum, of I.]ullett, wet'e visitors with old friends' and neighbors in Grey. The latter is continuing her stay. They are always welcome. Don't forget the Auction sale of farm stock, implements, &c., at Jos. 1, Welsh's next Tuesday afternoon. He is givi ng np farming and has a lot of fine stock including thoro' bred Holstein cattle. List may be lead on page 8 of this issue, At the annual school meeting in S. S. No. 1, Robert Miller, was re-elected Trustee. John Davidson supplies 5 Coal cord. O a P woods,at 2,40 a cords n $ will be used during the colder menthe. A sum of money was voted to the Trustees for their services in - connec- tion with the building of the new school house. The building is a credit to contractor Heney and to the Sec. boo. At ho borne of R. J. Hoover 9th con., Wm. Fowler and son, Frank, of Ed wanton, are visiting. The gentle- men are bt•othersdn-law. It is 21 years since Mr. Fowler went West front Weet Wawanosh. Ile recentlyy. sold one of his farms, .100 acres, 2 miles out of .Edmonton for the snag taint 01'1318.000. It will probably be surveyed into pant kits. Mr. Fowler is a great believer in the North west and its fdtnre, i Card of 0 Thanks 110.--- : • a • TENDER my • heartythanks • • I tothe public • • for their gener- • ous patronage during • • theY ast ear and p • • trust our business re- • lations will continue • • • to increase, 4 •• • • • W.P.Fraser ••••s • •BRUSSELS • • ••••♦♦♦•••••••••♦•••♦••♦•• Tailor to Men who Know. • • •. • • • • • • ••• •• • O • • • • • • 4, O • ••• • • • • • • - ♦ - - • Miss Bella Botz, llth eon., will take a well deserved holiday and will visit relatives and friends in Ktansas and Vitginia. We don't know how Taints will manage on the homestead with- out his sister unless he can induce some other body's sister to take charge. Ethel Miss Edith Freeman, of Lucknow, has been visiting old friends here, At the F annual school meeting David Dunbar was re-elected 'Trustee for the next term. We are sorry' to state that Juo. N. Lamont is on the sick list but we hope he will soon be all right. A iettetfrout Alex. D. Lamont, of Olds, Alta., says "We are having lovely weather and fine wheeling." Will. Brown is home from a holiday visit with relatives and friends at To- ronto, `Woodbridge and other points. The cheese factory will hold its annual meeting next Saturday after- noon in the Township Hall. There should be a large attendance. On page 4 of Tsae' POST may be found a ;i page allyl. of Geo. M. AIiGchell's. He is offeriug great bargains for 10 days so you want to get after them right away. An effort is being made to establish a Canadian Club to be run during the Winter months for the musical and literary itnproyemen t of the com- x art ttu S David Lamont, son of Ars. Angus us Lamont, is here or a holiday from the West. Whether Dave will take one of our fair maidens home with him or nob remrius,to be seen. . Next Sabbath the Dominion Al- liance speakers will be in charge of the services in the Methodist ohnrches on Ethel circuit. Rev. Mr. Wren will preach at Gorrie on that day. Our old friend James Livingston, of St. Marys, is here -011 a holiday visit at his daughter, Mrs. W. Slemtnon. Although 84 years of age Me. Living- ston is remarkably spry. He is one of the boys of the "Old -Brigade." There was a rumor that the govern- ment might make a change is the post office here but your oorrespon dent fails to be able to find any real ground for the story. The business is well looked after and the remunera- tion small. A unpopular move' could not well be desired. The trustees of our school have en- gaged Miss Edmiston, of Blyth, as teacher of the Junior department fox' 1912 aba salary of $400. ' She was one Of the successful students at the Clinton Model School. Mrs. Edmes- tnn will move to Ethel owing to; her daughter's engagement. W6 wish the school success. Iter IY apl,a Stepper. 6ttb. attended $46.00. The Walton Attu their annual clas evening. It w sat- down to- Abent 00 � d w a dinner. After' which a ltd toasts, speeches, songs and t wet given.ort 'e Reports of the P work were g • rgiven and officers f 1 n elected. trey. Ah'. Lundy y ad.trisel are to be heartily congratulated. STRUCK BY' LNGINr,.-Mm's..Mantel McNabb, of Walton, Ont., while on her way to London to take a .train for Bad Axe, Michigan, where she intend- 4 ed holidaying. had to close call from, being killed at Stratford last Saturday afternoon. As she was crossing a set of tracks to board the London train, she was struck by a yard engine. Fortunately she was struck in such a manner as to be thrown clear of the rails, or she would have been instantly , As it was h the wheels. killed beneath 1 she escaped with a severe shaking up. She got on the train and was attended oil her arrival at London by a local physician. She was able to go to Bad Axe later'in the evening. A FINE WOMAN.—Tuesday of this week a most estimable person passed to her reward in the person of John H. Swallow, in her 78th ye,' She was born in Liverpool, Engle), corning to Canada in her youth, ant lived at Paris, Toronto and Pickering before coming West to Morrie and McKillop townships. Her maiden name was Catharine A. McCoy and her late husband died 9 years ago. They lived in McKillop for over 40 years. Three sons (W. J., deceased ; Walter M., on the homestead ; and Carman, of Day Mills, Algoma) and two daughters (Mrs. A. McNabb, of Thornhill, Man. ; and 'prise Man, at hone) constitnt �• the family. 's. Swallow was o, f�:ly in bed for a few days before her decease. She was genial, kindly, the soul of hospitality and enjoyed the respect of alt who knew her. For marry yeti's she was a faithful member of the Methodist church. The funeral will take place. Saturday afternoon at 1.30, service at 1 o'clock. Interment will be made in the family plot, Brussels cemetery. Election Day BRUSSELS Reeve -•-J. Leckie by acclamation. 1- Poll 2 3 60-106 48 58 . Argent P A. O. Dames 49 52 57-158 Geo. Muldoon 46 48 34-128 A. McGuire 40 • 40 5'-13g9 7. Hewitt 34 36 39-109 S. Carter 21 20 83— 83 Walton Mrs. McCrae, who' has been sick since August, is able to;sit up again. Mr. Hall, of Peterboto' spent his Christmas holidays at R. H'. Fergu- son's. A. and Mrs,. Gardinerr spent a plea- sant week with their' daughter at. Springville, A rin ville Ont, Among the holiday visitors were Miss J. O. Rea and her nephew, Rea.. Small, of Stratford. James A. Rea, of Melville. Sask., is home and may continue his residence here, which we hope he will decide to do. Our school re -opened on Wednesday with a large attendance. Miss Camp- bell is meeting with well deserved suc- cess. The New 'Year's elections passed off quietly. Good capable men have been elected to posts of responsibilityand service. Dr. Inechtel, . of Moose Jaw,' is spending the holidays with his brother here. He is very optimistic about the neat West. Duff's Presbyterian church will hold their annual congregational meeting on Tnesday evening, Jan. 9th After business the ladios will serve light refreshments, it has been a good year for Duff's. The Bantling Committee are bray securing materials for their neat/ church for 1912. They Will .soon ted- vertiee for tenders for b ildin . payments Have Nearly all of the 7.st pay been path in to John Watt, Treasurer, These are due Dec. 1911, Nov. 1012 and Nov. 1018. Messrs. Amenb, Dames,' McGuire and Muldoon were elected. Hydro -Electric was carried the vote 42 against; u 137 for and.4 showingg ,, majority of 95. The pollin division ' record was 45 to 8 at No. 1 ; 48 to I8 at No. 2 and 41 to 21 at No. 3. - The Pryne By-law was defeated are sorry to state. 173 votes tv necessary to carry it and only were polled. 50 people voted against the By-law. We wonder what they would suggest as an alternative ? By pols the vote stood Nor 2. 47 to 16; No. 8, 3to21. to 11 MORRIS Reeve— ' 1 2 3 4'. . 55,._li. McCracken 16 27 90 30 471130-186 Shortreed. 79 65 39 35 32 '$4-284 11)laj. for Shortreed 98. Couucillors— Elston 27 18 43 39 61 36-134 Fraser 12 30 86 32 54 52-210 Laidlaw 89 75 33 41 17 13-2118 Procter,21 17 58 80 41 28-105 Thuell 44 65 ,46 46 ' 31 25-257f Reeve, J. Shortreed. Councillor's: Messrs. Laidlaw, Thuell, Elston and Fraser. McKILLOP Reeve— 1 2 8 4 Jas. Cowan 43 73 49' 82-1 J. M. Goveulock 81 67 87 55- Alex. Ross 6 19 54 34— Maj. for Govenloek, 38 Councillors— Joint Balfour 50 60 67 62- Charles Case. 14 44 90 Conrad Erhart,115 79 74 54 John Goveulock, 82 92 56 71= Wm. Knechtel18 60 61 57-2( John M;Dowell50 91 34 54— Thomas Purcell127 75 36 23-261 Reeve, J. M. Govenloek. Council- lors, Messrs, Balfour, Eckat•t,;.Goven lock and Purcell. 'rURNBk7ERY Reeve—T. K. Powell ; 0ouneillors John J. Moffatt, John Rutherfoi' Arthur Wheeler, Joint McBurney. MYTH Reeve—Dr. Milne, 125; J. Cott, 84 iia,7 . for Milne 41. Council elected by acclamation, Joseph Carter, W. I3. McElroy and A. B. Carr. As one more donncillor is required anothe nomination will be necessary to the seat. STANLRY Reeve—J, Glen, ; Councillors, ver, Keys, 'Vineland and McKinla at LLLnTT Reeve—Jas. Leiper by 120 majt Councillors—Jno• Barr J. Fin W. J Miller and J. Tamblyn, Last Tuesday's Globe said I..— all occasional Presbyterian cont tion in the Maritime Provinces exp blit.: to Church bare Union, Y h .Town it1 s gni. ra Mpg to tante such e v R' h nt 1 lir. ardor a ss ih p t of the iiuiou scheme as that of y Andrew's church, London, where Ow vote of the members was Soo for' ansl Only fA against onion,