HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-12-30, Page 7Love, The Tyrant
Bate started, and turned and re•
girded her visitor with a half -flight-
L stn-
sped look, The suniigltt was s ro
ing upon .Esther, and her beauty anti
grace impressed the laborer's daugh-
ter, who gazed at hen in silence, On
her part, Esther was eoniewhat start
led by Kate's rustle beauty, She not,
iced the gull's hair, .bound in, a glor-
ious coil of bronze at the ;;;fele of her
head; and presently she saw that
after ,die motnentaxy flush, the 6irs
face was pale and wan. as if she were
ill or in trouble. They stood and look-
ed at each other fora minute, neith-.
er of them guessing how important
a part each was to play in the other's
lite; then Esther said:
"Will you be so kind as to give me
u glass of water? It is sa very hot,
and f am thirsty:"
Kate murmured something inaudi-
bly, drew a chair u}r for her visitor,
ant;_ taking up a glass, went out for
"'the water. When she had filled the
glass, she stood looking straight be-
fore her, her brows knit, her lips
closely set. Since the day she had
watched Jack Gordon walking beside
Esther, Kate bad taken an instinctive
dislike to her, though why she could
i "1 ern so sorry! Did you Burt
yourself? How diel 'Mr. Gordon
!clow'?" said Illsther. II
11below me`
He wee down there ,"•
replied Kate,still t'eluetently. I
I wasn't• hurt !such; but my head
with the brot ze-gold hair and the
duck brown eyes should' be so eat(
an( with
sort of
solve that she would woo Mer to a
pleasanter mood, before she, Esther,
went, she sat un, trying to think of
something pleasant to say --tont:
thing that would melt this colt; (led
reluctant reside beauty. if this was
the kMd. of reception she was to get
fie) mall her "people" she would not
vi -i
be encouraged to continue her ei
"I suppose you have vena,:, hard
winters lure?," she saki.
„Winters?" interogatod Kate. "Ole
yes I they are hard enough, miss.
Last winter we had the sno —,
Slie stopped as if she were listen
Mg, and Esther hear(; a 'firm step
coming up the garden path. Kate
was looking towards the door; hei
pale face coloring, her thieb eye
struck against Something, and I Iaint-
"Yee?" said 'Beeler, with keen in -
L. ter<:st.
Hato pules an impatient
1 "Alio Mr, Gordon picked me up,
and --and carried me to his cottage
and --brought' me to; that's all,."
Esther, open-eyed and ogee, tee, lookcd at her,
tis€lt he
I1ow fortunate for yon
was there! Itis just whet he ou
e carried Olr,
th tt re
I You,.a l
1 You ;oust be very heavy,"
"Yes, he carried ase," saki Kate,
almost sullenly. "He is very strong.
i it rr IHt again.
I to
e.to, am g't
1. soon cam
It was "nothing."
Esther rose.
"I am so glad," she said. "If Mr,
Gordon= --if no one had been there--
you Might have lain there fel:. ever
, so long, Are you sure you are .quite
- well? You are looking very pate,
brows moving nervously, testing
looked at her' and waited to see what
had embarrassed her.
A knock hounded at the door, and
turning her head, Esther saw' Jacks
Gordon standing in the doorway. '
He' seemed surprised at seeing her,
but was quite -self possessed and rail-
The color flooded hate's fees.
"No, thank you, miss," she said.
"I don't want any wine. I don't want
Psther was frozen by the girl's em-
phatic refusal
and wrath; and yet --why had all her
happiness fled, why slid the picture of
Mr, Gordon carrying the girl haunt
her ao persistently and unpleasantly?
While she was asking herself the
question ,Tack came round the corner,
Ile was coming along with his firm,
quick stride, his whip In his 'hams;. lin
looked exasperatingly handsome and
• gni
graceful(.,ridingsit ,
nh his newow u + masks her intense interest, doleghtful1 We- must have a hay -
1l,sthdr' admiring
how could elle "Yee, os�• she is," asserted party and harvestesu}aper'---tliat'.e
l;frl help adiuirinl him? She was ae- "G suppose
t to la- Ione with a cold bow, but Jaek, "Got pies hair and eyes, hasn't the proper thinly to do; isn't it, Mr.
boa 1
Jack puked up, anti osseng s as .pzutGeuiluly, Jack laugil0d at herannectrue and
said, in his pool, : ref -possessed way: ,.. th ^`ht you said you didn't ignoraeiut as he bolted into tlw grey
"When will it be convenient for l , n,v •
•ou to go into accounts with isle, Miss ee about will -,your eyes slult, etc s, g•owln;g lutea chile}'s with nil' Mr, (10rd00 " ticipation.
buve spent
l mean about the1money 1 ort. "Oh that comes later, when we get
I have tall Jne)t laughed at this neat ret ,
have in London? " e enough for any in the coat," he said, "Yes; we'll
0h, they're open g Y
esta a
ference, but glancing' a
ert scrutiny,
Jack nodded.
"Oh, yes," he 'said, casually, "I've
made the ucquaintanee of moat of
the people; hunting up farm hands,
and so on."
"Don't you think she is a very
beautiful girl'." asked Esther with
sauve serenity with which u woman
eim with cove It will be down toanarrow or next
day; and 1 hope you'll eome'and look
at it, We shall begin the cutting the
(;sass as soon as possible; se€tsen'S
early this year. We shall want all the
hands we can, get. 1 suppose. you
wouldn't; condescend to help, Miss
Bather's eyes Sparkled.
"Of course 1 wilil Why, It will be
as ' het elle? 1ittver t noticed her (a'jself Gordon?"
the receipte, it wont take five .thing which interests ase or eoncerns ;levo: n supper, a regular beano."
es v she
,•b somehow, h
r• ., uts
' said Itstlter, t yin,; .anylausinesS' of mins. proprietorial ton(,
my business," he said, "She isn't Esther could not help noticing his
"1Cot to -day,,
to speak as coldly as she had botveli< "And vet she tells me that you did not resent it. She had stn gneasy Tito industrial Ntortgngr
Esther ea
the money,
terious pe
"Aren't you going to look over
them?" he asked.
"Perhaps I may when I get home,"
elle said, carelessly, "and perhaps 1
mayn't. I Irate accounts; and "I alp
quite surecan 'tMr. Gor-
don." 7 c i trust st ou, G
13. . .
(Continued Next Week)
red up the papera and
I put them In 1114 stye
t somewhere. behind'
THE lnduatriai Mortgage and
r la
Sattln>;st3vmPany,o *vela.
Ontario, are prepared to advnnee money 05
inortgagss on good lands, Parties desiring
money nnlarm mortgages will please apply to
• ,•n, art nt. Who )tea
James t t,, Near t t O W W
aisle rates and other pnrilaalnee,
"I ant going to lunch at Lord Fan, were vera' kind to her last night," feeling that if he had said there And savtngoaomp
worth's and I am late already." said Esther, with the same deceptive should be no supper, indeed, no hare
"Yes?" he said, cheerfully, as if suavity, vest, there -would be neither.
he had pot observed her coldness. 'Th. diel she? It was nothing to Though •she had intended to re
"It is an hour's drive." speak, of. The poor girl fell over the turn by the way she had come, she
• ' "Hove do you know that?" asked bank and knocked her head. I could-. had mechanically walked, beside hint
Esther with some surprise n't veru well leave her in a furntinp: towards the home farm. Every now
" veer one knows Where the tit, and so I picked hes up and and then Jack steppep ck some
Olt, ( Y
I'Iall is," he said, with a slight shrug brought her to. Of course she hadn't of the wild hyacinths which grow in
of his shoulders. any right to be there at :aill; but I profusion around them, and by the
"But you are a stranger here!"understand the people on the estate time they had reached the Cott ii
argued Esther. have always been allowed to gather he had a large bunch of them in his
"Yes• but, l .don't walk about with wood in the woods and spinneys." hand. Now, Esther had been watch-
' g with a con-
• .h world; so excise; curiosity and interest. What
don't, please, talk of my duty, Mr. was be going to do with them;. was
d to i
Very went" she said. "Good-bye. any eyes and ears shut," he remarked,:"Oh yes—yeal" satd Esther. I mg this !lows!-gatIlerm�
i11 t f -- et .to come ou, in th laconic fashion which so often wouldn t stop it felt e
'+ nettled her
not have told Any one of the other ed h•s bat to both girls, Y
t hd ne
womenirt the village would have felt "Good -morning, Miss Vaneourt,''
Saturday to seethe corers. as osis ( a he— oin to offer them to her? If
honored,and flattered by a visit ft n he said, still Standing In theSheheld out h hand and tried to He was walking beside her as if be Gordon." g '' g
•• but lei's rnan- had the right to do so. Presently She had drawn a breath
o f deet=tcay. - e her
? None smile pleasantly; the g' ig of relief so,ought she to accept them or to
buthe young mistress of the Towers, "How are ora, Mies Transom. neon- difficult. they ase the public -house. Two and the cloud had vanished from her feel offended at his presumption?
y gncr had ' made the smile they passed d p
l Kate, Bather's presence was the worse for 'your accident 3ast night Kato took the small hand from which men were leaning against the door— face; it was bright and smiling as- When they reached the cottage,
unwelcome. Her very beauty and q hope?" Esther had withdrawn its glove, and Traasom and Dick Beebe. Transom she turned it to him now, and the Jack steeped in and placed the hya
something tipta>;gnstic His voice struck a manly note be
Esther felt that the girl's hand was touched his cap, then laokia(t clown nn sudden sunshine on it struck Jack, cinths Ina jug of water; then he was
grace roused
in Kate's bostsin, and even the gentle tween the two feminine ones as he h t} ground;Dick Reeve touched his so that unconsciously, his eyes dwelt corning out again, but paused.
upon her. As she re- stood erect as a dart his face perfect -
voice jarred
membered how Mr. Gordon and Miss ; ly grave and serene. Kate's had
Vaneourt had laughed and talked 1 flushed a rosy red, then gone pale;
and looked at each other as they pass- i her hand fell on the back of a chair,
ed her hiding -place in the wood, t which she gripped tightly. 1 tiler,unless e c oto
ot. ie
L but in a sullen fashion, and stared upon her with an admiration which "I've got all ills receipts here, Miss
CHAPTER XV at them with a sort of impudent le-' she could not fail td feel; for Master Vaneourt," he said, "and the balance
With another good-bye she left the fiance. ' Jack's eyes were exceedingly expres' of the money; won't you take them?"
For some reason or other , "Who are those men?" asked Es- save ones, and you tell in an instant, "Couldn't you bring them to the
cottage. s neer! n ' h h to ut on bis inipas- ' house. she asked, coldly: he Nati
atrn handsome resentment and O am quite well, thank you, sir, the happiness of thn early g
rose had fled. She felt no inclination to • "The elder is Kate Traiisorn's fah- sive look, whether ,lir was ap^"';; or evidently no intention of offering
n strange feeling ofhadsae, said•
Why 'she come? "That's all right," said Jack, with sing now; she pictured Mr. Gordon er; the - younger is a fellow card plexi dfolt theibloodrcontemptuous. hen the flowers; had, as rise to her face ,idea of common politeness. no
within her. W yi g
hel:tt dis Want?-, Why could' net his —Peculiar drawl. ss Vamourt," carrying KateaTransom in his armand I suspect theitworst poacher in under his contemplative gaze, and.she "Well, I'm very busy," said Jaak.
the mistresshh of oet Towers i and
ood- went. Miss Vaneourt" to the cottage; and it was not ad p ypsy blood in turned her face away. "I've been away, you know, and eve
leave such humble people as them- and off he went. pleasing picture to her mend vision, the district; has old, a
y his a - How strong be must be; for the' lain him, and he is, I am told, a desperate' "You haven't told me anything a- ery minute's of value to tae."
selves alone? She had Mr. Gordon t Esther had. been startled by s P
d fine; ro oitioned..She rascal. Like all gipsies, he is as tun• bout your visit to town," she said, -. `rOh, if you insist upon it!"
and she
to walk with and talk with. What pearance, and a faint color had risen was tall an y proportioned. y n•tb'though I understood you'd Esther, a little haughtily; else did she want? i to her face- It was still there as she was handsome. too, if not aotualiy ning as a weasel,and always manag• .presently, g
went in with the water at teat turned a look. of inquiry upon! Kute. beautiful', and, of course, any pian es to escape Baynes, the keeper;
some had a good time."
.Tack; and be laugh- stepped k drewe a chair forward, un -
She t i h.girl- had we shallget hold of the fellow Y >
and set it down on the table beside 1 "Did; you have an accident yester- would admire her, The ,, i as he thought of his en- locked his bag and placed the receipts
Peet- , and Esther drank seine. 1 day?" she asked, flushed when Mr. Gordon had enter- day, I've no doubt. 1 ed grimly
„ • of course she would admire hits, Esther was not in the least inter- counter with the bushranger, and his and the money upon the table in the roanue ruffian; capture e d d tenet -twee -like
rv�'1ss/.2,I'P e�. &a.?Xf2,it;'
fire! Automobile and Wind ins.
For Brussels and: vicinity Phane 641'
Agent Rolnick Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado insurance
Pilon 45 sox 1 Taruberry Street, Brussels
7a�l�a•LIMITED /r
Gr 'ztta� acro °
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For rererenra' consult tiny person whom, sales
I impe o11teiat, (1St. Phone 2t120
M. 1., M. 0. 15'.. 0 S. 0.
M. 0, _ H„ Village of B,uaseli.
Phyttolen, Surgeon, Acaouohear
Office at re,idence, opposite Mely ilia Church,
William street.
Honor graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calla. Dfliae oppo»lie
Flour Mt11, $6hOL -
k you very muchi she sand Kate tamed hgs back and lifted ed, o but i of the pocket -book. with its most self pons see an
withgratitudef lvs asted m the picturesq •
"How deliciously cold it is! I ant the kettle from its crook. 1 and be filled wi for
ashamed to trouble you. I daresay "Yes," she, said, reluctantly. "It goodness to her. Esther's,
she was interested in everybody con-' valuable entente, which was leaked! ever. brows
h I am; but I am sorry wasnothingmuch. I was gathering drew straight and a cloud came over nested with Kate Transom. up in his bag in the cottage. "I was ;Twill find an account of my Pei
ane getting the tonal expenses, Miss Vaneourt," he
r are. was on the her ace. anyone had „ n „r " won't think them CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC
I haveonly they'd d f thequarry, that she was jealous,she would have I hays just left, 1. Gordon?" she I es -t
you know who , rr. ems. t `aTd� scan '
to saythat I dont know who you sticks In the spinney, I f I£ h 1 told her You know the girl whose cottage 1 pretty busy all e t , g g P BARRISTM, SOLICITOR.
Yon must remember. that cutting ey made or M' G d ? h + best machinery' I could for my money
saki. I hope you
just conte to the Towers,and that Xpardon, I mean your money. heavy,"LECKIE BLOCK BRUSSELS
and the -earth gave way and I felt:' f been ready to slay them in her pride ,asked, with an assumption of intlif- — beg p ,
have not had time to make acgnitin- t
tante—friends—with all ray—the—
She said this very pleasantly and
apologetically, but Kate was not .
softened. Esther's morning frock,
plain though it was, her gauntlet
gloves, eta though they were, affront-
ed her. Everything about her seem-
ed to mark the difference between the
mistress. of 'trancourt Towers and Iser-
"My name is Transom, miss; Kato
Transom," she said.
"Kate!" said Esther. "What a
pretty name! 1 wish my godmothers
and godfathers, or wheever had the
naming of me, had called pie Kate.
My name is so ugly—Esther; it is so
hard and unsympathetic. But I sup-
pose we never like our own names.
What n pretty. cottage you haver
Kate had gone back to, the fire-
place and'was doing something with
the large kettle hanging on the
"It is veryold," she said, "and the
rain comes through the thatch; anti
when there's a. storm the water floods
the floor.,, •.,,r
Iter tone wasnow almost sullen,
though,at ordinary tines, Kate was
-seldom sullen.
"Oh, dear!" said Esther, "that
must be put right at once. I will
speak to Mint Gordon about it."
Kate shot a quick glance at her.
"Mr. Fulford, the steward, general-
ly sees to such things," she said. "13ut
it's not often that he troubles,'
i;sther colored faintly anti bit her
lip. How was it that she had thought
of air. Gordon before Mr. Fulford,
the proper person?
"Of' courser' she said. "I will
speak to Mr. Fulford at once. Irl: I
had known, it should have been done
before; but I know so little about the
estate. You live here with your fath-
er and mother?"
"With my father, miss,". said Kate.
"My mouser's dead."
"I am sorry." said Esther, gently.
"Does yaur father work on the es -
Kate colored and turned to the
kettle again,
"I`lo, miss—'that is, sometimes, lie
has °lily just come from abroad."
"And you live here all alone with
Mtn?" said Esther, "tad be is out all
day? You nsuet feel very dull theme
times.' What pretty dowers you have
in your gaidettl Ate you fond of
„Fond of them? . Yes, miss; I. sup-
pose so."
"Will you come lip teethe Towers
some okay and "see the flowers there"
Will you come to -morrow? No, not
te-Morrow', nil ,saturdAy'--on Satur-
day afterttoon,
w1l1 show themhlat be horns,
""Thank yeti, miss," replied Kate,
There was silence for 4 Ineihlere,
or twos--tt silence which "Esther found
awkward and embltra0s#ng, She
wondered why thin hshdeetttc gill
Many were at a lora
45 to how to go about
their business during
the flood which recent.
l' kept • Reading. Eng-
land, under water for
a few. days. The "Make"
end the bathtub solved
the problem et one
Repreoen Ung
the acme of loco-
motive construe.
Con in so far as
it cans for tee-
mendous power,
service, depend.
ability and safe.
ty — tho hull*
13Otl" type. of
Cana4fan Foci-
SSC locomotive.
A new
at the
The Empress soli» and a thousand
streamers break as she warps away
from her berth at New, York for e
toe of the world. On May 2, he
Embreee et Prancewi I airijge the
torte, B.C., sed the follow*ng der et '
Vaneon`r.F, where she will pick tip
peewee ter lee 1ls1 lip: of the
yeyigd-Vagcoueer to New York, via
San Francisco, Balboa, Colon and
eeeetee.v`°r`��,�+'�.3aa Z.` ,�C .. a , :aces"- :,'�� .. ry yeti
January at English Aey, Ventral,
ver. Mies Maud Webh,the lady on
the lei;. take» an ocean -dip every
tnorhing of the year,
Something new in 05(00 10 seen parked
outside the Chateau Frontenac, Quebec.
Of dark bhte strew
for the. »ming el 1221.
Mountie. the famous
Me -Mounted Police dor
le still leading the Cha•
t.eu rronlenao dog
team to the delight of
visitors to the ancient.
%manic, The
dome of at.
Paul's Cn-
ihodral. Lou-
don, showing
the work or
In progress.
Prtnela knihieea, unr of the two ,Aisne!., yowls r etetly re.
lotted treat tl,o Clyde for Mit, In the Canadian Patifie service an the
Yenbasver, Vittoria and Seatno taut.,