HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-12-30, Page 1VOL:. 54 NO, g8
2,00 per antit101 in advance
WE want to thank you ardi all the 'other fellow
1 V citizens o'f this c
oml"ilunty for your generous
patronage, for your cor;adenre in our integrity and in
our ability to servn`you, And now as the old year
passes and ,,ells and shouts herald the coming of
1920tre wish to extend to you and yours the sincerest
of Good Wishes for Prosperity, Health and Happi•
The Palace Bakery
, W. E, WILLIS - Proprietor
The Surroundingtract s
! �"I�A! �+2« tom: � ..,' � .+!i! �+ 5�3»�+.e►�a2! � :M«i�� :�S' ;war �,«:»:� 3Mti .'»:�
Mts. Richard Herdsmen died in her
91st year, on Thursday last, - She was
one of Winghum's'pioneer citizens,,
and was born in Killiutareity, in the
County of Armagh, Ireland, in 1835,
cooling to Canada 53 yea..•a ago, of
u hick time tithe has lived 51 years in
Wingham. Her maiden name was
Rachael Mellough, marrying Richard
Herdsman just before c01niug to
Wingharn, who predeceased her 22
years ago. Site conducted a millinery
burliness irr Wingham for 25 years,
and was the first citizen to have a
prick'building eree.ted in Wingham.
She lessees two nieces and one neph.
rw in Clonus : Mrs. J, Gartelm, of
iViegare Palls ; Mrs.'rhomes Pilgrim,
Hamilton, and W. 3. F, Malingh, of
of Toronto. In religion, she was a
Electio it Card s
n The Electors. of Grey.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
After sitting at the Council Board
as Councillor for 2 years, T am ROW
a candidate for the office of Deputy
Reeve. If elected I will endeavor to
conduct the affairs of the township
on sound business principles, both
here and at the County Council.
Wishing you all a prosperous New
Year Wilbur H. Turnbull.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Am in the field for ofate of Town-
ship Councillor for Grey and solicit
your vote and influence next Monday
in aiding my election.
Wishing you the season's compli-
Yours truly,
Garfield Baker.
Ladies anti Gentlemen:
As I am in the field for the posi-
tion of Councillor for 1926 in Grey
Township, •1 would be pleased to re-
ceive your Support next Monday,
I wish you a happy and prosperous
New Year. •
Yours truly, tl
Timothy Nolan.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Having been nominated for Reeve
of Grey Township, I hereby -solicit
your vote and influence at next Mon-
day's election. If elected I will en-
deavor to fulfil the duties both in the
Township and at the County Council
to the best of my ability,
Wishing you a prosperous and
Happy New Year.
Yours truly,
John McNabb.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Having been nominated to stand
foe the Council Board of Grey Town-
ship, I hereby solicit your whole
hearted support, an Monday next.
if chosen I will endeavor to servo
your interests faithfully.
Wishing you a very Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
Yours truly,
Oliver Hemingway.
Electors of Grey,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am seeking the olftce of Reeve
of the Township. I have served 8
years tit the Comity Council as a
Deputy Reeve anti 4 years as a Court -
cilia, 1 will be 'very pleated to have
your support end vote, as it will not
be possible to see you personally. If
elected 1 will do my best to advenoo
eve interest of the municiealit in
every 1 Y
as ccongnnic manlier as possible; as
I have endeavored try do in the past..
Wishing you the adtson's tsemlhli*
tihetatd. -
Yours truly,
J. r'. Co►Ilne,'
Presbyterian. Funeral services were
conducted Saturday afternoon from
the home of Miss Clow to the Wing -
ham cemetery,
A dance will he held on Thursday
evening, Dec. 31st, in Dunbar's Hall,
Ethel, Gents, 56c, ladies free. Good
orchestra in attendance
Miss Elva Ramsay lute returned'
home after spending the past month
in Paisley.
Mrs, Wm, Woods, Tiverton, is
spending the. holidays with bee sis-
ter, tries. D. Rntusay.
On Thursday evening, December
17th, theanqu tl Oltriitmas entertain-
ment put on by pupils and young
people of S. S. No. 10, Motrin, was
held in Victoria Ball, Jamestown,
00 account of the stormy night, a
large crowd wasn't expected, but be-
fore the program commenced, the hall
was filled to capacity. J. 0. Higgins,
President of Bluevale Literary
Society, acted as Obnirniat in a vety
capable manner. The following pro-
gram was successfully carried, out :
speech, George Johnston ; chorus.
children, "How do you do" , Chair-
man's address ; upside-down drill, 5
•boy,; recitation, Dorothy Wright;
selection, orchestra : Recitation, "A
Christmas Tree farm." ()Hann Stavin;
Dialogue, "A good little girl," school
child' en ; recitat'on, Janet Stakes;
chorus, young people of Punkin
Hollow ; real tation, "Family Troubl-
es," Jean Wheeler ; reading, "Spec:.
lolly Jitn,"-Doreen JicicMier ; dial-
ogue, "Mr. Pratt's decision" ; "Chor-
us, "How we caught Santa," child-
ren ; stneking drill, 8 ahildten: rec-
itatinu, "A Le.dy Santa Chins," Joyce
Edgar ; recitation. "God bless us ev-
pry one," Stewart McLennan_ ; se'ect-
ion, nrrbestra ; Dialogue, "'D • Cure
ales' Inlay day" ; ohm ns, "John Gun
and Joe Grouch," children ; cecitat-
A -
Happy New Year
Fred. Rowland
Wishes the Electors of the
Township of Grey a Happy
and Prosperous New Year.
Brussels United Church
REV, A. W, BARKER. Si. 0.
Sunday, Jan. 3rd
New Year's Services
Il a.m.-Publie Worship,
"The Upward Climb"
8 pen. -Sabbath School nes-
Sian end Bible Classes -
7 part ---Public Worship.
"'the Motive of a Great Life"
Tuesday -Y. P. Society.
Wednesday -Prayer and Praiser
t'rida y -»Choir rehoSrsal, -
New Advertisements
Farm for safe -Robert Oophrane
Anneal 0leetl,'q
at Reign
auction Sale -Albert E Eoareter
CleeStet-G. A . Headman
Clnrd aR,Th e L,ettee&Beleier
Omand Slli Rafter es o
Be ndas Ree -shorted it 0. l
Pottso Donee -we N O.
Potts Andras Doutgr
Rooetyera for tale -John epelr
wptorsn a -W n. Hollinger Bakery
Election Onrd--Prod. Rewinud
starting the New Year -P, R. Smith
Eleotion card -Timothy Nolan
Election card -John hl ()Hebb •
Election card -Garr. Raker
Election cord -wither Turnbull
Dry cordwood -Gordon H. Whitfield
Election card -O. Dentin mai,
Election card -J, F. Colilute ...._ -
inn, "A timely suggestion," Helen
Eckmiee ; tableau, "Wanted, a
wife" ; recitation, Olive Edgar; duet,
"Kid Days," Mossie Milligan and Dor-
een Eckruier ; dialogue, "The In-
telligence officer" ; chorus, young
people ; recitation, "Save a little
Christmas," ; Glen Eckuhier ; dial-
ogue. '"Stick to your word, Gal'
chows, "Ohristrnae Time," children
visit from Santa ; selection, er-
chestra ; "God save the King,"
Grey electors will have'to vote on
A Holiday dance will be held in the
U. F. O. hall on Manley, nee. 31st,
Hogg Orchestra will supply the music,
°EASED -There pass( d away at Itis
home in Strnthcona, A1ta., on Der,
5th, James Kirkwood Tarn bull form-
erly of this locality, being an old Wal-
ton boy having been raised here.
About 20 years ago be went West
with his wife, formerly Miss Margaret
Faulkner, of Teeswater. High blood -
pressure was the cause of his death at
the age of 65 years, 11 months and 3
days. Ile was a man of sterling
worth ; a kind friend and neighbor,
highly esteemed byall who knew him.
He was the son of the let e Walter and
Mrs. Turnbu•il and the third child of a
family of twelve. He leaves to mourn,
Ws loss his beloved wife, four sisters,
Mrs. Geo. Waugh, of'l'eeswaber ; Mrs.
Geo, Candler, Mrs. Jas, McMillan, Miss
Marion, of Strathcane, also four broth-
ers, Robert, John, Andrew, of Strath.
cone, and Charles, of Kinsella, Alta,
A sister, Mee. T, Grintoldby, and two
brothers, Thomas and Walter, pre-
deceased him. The funeral service
was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Mc-
Intosh, of Knox church,- on Tuaadey
afternoon, from the undertaking par.
loos of Wainwright 8c Jackson. .L -
terment tooit-place in MountPieasm t
cemetery. The .pallbearers were : A.
Sperling, John Black, W. Edgar, A,
Carter, J. R. Hamilton std H. Doug-
las. Beautiful floral tributes were re-
ceived ft cm hie wife, Otters and broth-
ers, Robert Turnbnlland family, Tom,
Bert and Gordon Candler, Walter and
Mrs, Geimoldbv, John and Mrs. Camp-
bell and family, Harry and Mrs.
Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and
Miss Susie McIntyre. Ernest and Mrs.
Itoss, Mr. and Mrs. M,:Gee, 11. and
Mrs. Hancock and fancily, Mr. and
Mts. McIntyre and Knox church.
Ladies' Aid. Those attending the -fun-
eral frntn a distance were Chas. and
Mrs. Turnbull, Walter and. Mrs..
Gtintnldbv and sons, 1•leubeet and'
Frank, of Kiosella, Albert, and Mr,
trod Mrs. alclntyre, of Ferioosh, Al-
berta. The funeral lyra largely at-
tended by a host, of relatives and
Miss Jean Wylfa is spending a
week in Toronto.
T. Henry and fainly spent Christ-
mas Day in Orangeville.
Clarence White and family are the
guests of Reeve Henneberg.
Mrs. Thos. Brown and children are
spending a meek in Toronto.
Thos. Hoperoft and family were
Christmas visitors in Weston.
Stewart and Mrs. McNaughton
were holiday visitors in London.
Robt. White and Jas. Rolston,
Detroit, are holiday visitors hero.
Rev. Dr. Brown preached ie tha
United Church, Teeswatcr, on Sun-
i%Iiss Katlileen Rutherford, Tor-
onto, is spending a few days at her
home here.
E. Rann and family. London, were
holiday visitors with the forma's
parents here.
Kenneth Gibson, Toronto, spent
the week end with his parents, Thos.
and Mrs. Gibson.
Misses Cassie Harris and M. Stew-
art, Toronto, were recent guests of
Miss Mary Harris.
Holbert and Mrs. Dopew: and little
daughter, Toronto, are guests at the
home of R. •Stocks.'
Leslie McLaughlin and daughter,
Nellie, of Oshawa, called on relatives
in the village this ceelc.
0. Struthers of the Bank' of Com-
morce staff, visited over the holiday
at his home in Stratford,'
The following school trustees were
recently elected by acclamation, 13,
Martin, Geo. Paulin, N. Loutitt.
Robert and Mrs. Black have re-
turned from ti visit. with their daugh-
ter. Mrs, 13. Whitmore, Harriston.
• Misses Dorothy and Margaret Mc-
Tavish, Toronto, are spending a week
With their mother, Mrs. D. McTavish.
Mrs. S. Dobbs, Benton; Miss I91iz-
abeth Sancleeon, Kingston, alai ;Alex.
Sanderson, Toronto, are spending the
Christmas vacation with their ar-
s p
ents, D. D. and Mrs. Sanderson,
Amongst the teachers who are
spending the Chl'istreas vacations at
their hones here are: Ashton Monis-
ore St. Catharines; i1'lisses Elva I•lup-
fee, Sudbury; Beatrice How,
.agues ll'LeKerchor, Mt. For-
est; Jennie Allan, Toronto; Blamer
Douglas, Bedford Mills.
Christmas services, which were
largely attended, were held in the
United Church Sunday. The pastor,
Rev, A. D. Armstrong. preached in
the morning attd in the. evening the
address was given by Alex Sander-
son, son of 1). D. Sanderson, Snecinl
Chriathhhas music was well rendered
at both services.
After a few }mere' illness, the
&rah took risen Thursday evening.,
of Mary Ann Yea, wife of William
Trams(, T-Tntvicl.. Decratsed, who was
in her '69th year, was a life-long rosi.
tient of this nrirhbothood, whhene elle
was held in htgheet esteem. She is
survived by her husband who is at
Eggs 58C':
Keep your beans laying
by feeding Ground Bone,
which is well known to
be the best egg-produc-
ing feed, Try it.
Plata your order In ad-
vance as ;it Is impossi-
ble to keep a snooty on
Ba.eker Bros. -
present critically I11, and three sons,
William, Gorrier Milton, at home, and
Gordon, Wingham. A private funeral
service was held at the home Sun-
day afternoon, conducted by the Rev,
A, D. Armstrong, interment being
made in the Wroxeter cemetery. Six
nephews of the deceased were the
pall bearers. .
Be sure and vote ob Monday.
A Happy New Year to our readers 1
The ratepayers are sorry to see
Reeve 3. J. McOntchenn drop out,
Miss Olive Cooper, 12, N„ of Detroit.
spent the holiday at her home, 10th
Edwin Kreuter, of Chicago, is
spending a few days with friends and
Leouerd Kreuter, of the Bank of
Montreal, Kingston, spent Christmas
at his home.
Alex. and Mrs. Speiran, had a fine
Christmas present when Santa Claus
brought a fine baby girl, -
-Mrs. J. H. Wade, of Fordwich, and
Mrs, Corn Whitfield of Detroit. spent
the Christmas holidays at the home
of their brother, Peed Tuck, 14th- ..
A dance will be held on Thursday
evening, Dec. 31st, in Dunbar's Hall,
Ethel, Gents, 55c, ladies free. Good
orchestra in attendance.
Albert V. Foevester is bolding a
clearing auction sale of farm stock,
implements, etc, on Thursday, Jan.
14th, Lot 14, Cop, 12. See list in this
Samuel Houston, of Grand View,
Man., is here on a visit with old
friends on the 16th Con. He is a son
of the late James Houston, and went
West about 25 years ago. It is 12
years since the visiter was East.
Elgin H. Porter and bride are spend-
ing a month . or. - two at the form -
Pr's parental home, We are glad to
have them with us as this is the first
time Mrs. Porter has been in tbispeet.
We wish them many yenta of wedded
Following is the report .of S, S. No.
10, for Nov, and Dec, The asterick
denotes absence. Greta Baker ob-
tained the highest number of stars
for the Fall terns. SR, IV -Greta
Raker 67 ; **Wilma Baker 51. JR,
IV -Alma Patterson 76 ; Pearl Carn-
nchah 72 ; i11ay Carnochan 00 ; Isobel
Speiran 64 ; *Wilda Baker- 08. JR,
HT -Lawson Whitfield 64 • "Arthur
Neabel52. SR, 1I -Glen Dilworth S9;
Susie Neabel 86 ; *Pearl Baker 62,
JR, II-Norina Speiran 67 ; Delmer
Dilworth 65; *Vance Baker 33. I-
Carman Baker good, PR, A. -Frank
Ward, Gladys Ward. PIt. B-hluriel
Hack w ell. IILERE KnAu rcc,
The following is : the report of
Christmas examinations held at S. S.
Nn, 4, Grey. * absent in one nr ntot•e
exam inutious. SR. IV -Leonard
Beckett 69 ; Jackson 1ticCntcheon 66,
JR. IV-0extrude Matin (37 ; Howard
Savage 67. Sit. III -Stella Sellers (39 ;
'Helen McAllister 07 ; Laurie Hudson
65; *Margaret Sellers 04; Laura .lack.
titt 02; Renee Beckett 60 ; Wilfred
Savnge 56. SR II --Wallace Beckett
71 1 *George McKay 52 Morley John -
stile 85 ; Doris. McAllister 80 ; Bari
Grhuhuer 73 ; Ketittelh Sellers 73
Carl Grimmer 59 Sit PR -Carroll
Johnston good. JR PR -Howard
McKay excellent. Gertrude Willie,
Laura Savage. Margaret Grimmer,
Sheldon Jacklin gond.
Merteanee M'cDoL*uALL, Teacher,
Fox FARettxa,-The following clip-
ping from' the Innisfeil (Alberta) pap-
, r, t'efers to a former resident of the
9th 0011, of Grey :---Geo Ostohy, who
haslaunched into what ie becoming
one of Canada's leading industries,
namely fox farming, received his eon-
eignment of stock consisting of four
ihaire sante time ago, Mr, Oxtoby
purchased two pairs with the.peovien
that the foxes etay on the ranch until
be was pt•epared to take care of them.
Shute then they have increased to four
and a half eopples, Mr. Oxtoby sold
the odd one and is commencing here
with four couples of splendid animals,
well worth a visit to his farm two
miles South of town. Mr, Oxtoby bum
erected oomuindious quarters for Itis
stock and will glndly welcome any
vi.itots tip to Dec, 14th, but after Chet
date it is deemed advisable to give the
animals as much privacy as possible.
A very pretty wedding was sol•
etnuized in St. Paul's United ;emeriti
Wiehipeg,' on December 10th. 1025,
at the hour of 6 80, when Janet Melee,
daughter of ltnbt, and Mrs. Craik, of
Winnineg, became tite bride of Elgin
Gogh Porter, eon of Mrs. 1, Porter
Br'iiseele, Crttaan, The bride entered
the (Meech nn the attn r.f lher rather
to the strains of Lnhengein's Wed
ting Match, and warm a heenuhilcg
gown of white (ape tie shone tt"ier.
reed with penile, mei ere -Met len veil
and wreath of (rano' blossoms. Fit
earri(r; a tr gnat; of Onhpiia rases nted
lity.,.f.the-valley. The wee ettt,ndtr•r
(tphoe sestet, Rnherta, tvhn wore
a ,toof pond) rrrnrget re (ripe ,u -ii
bandette 501 with ltrititarts tele env.
',red a 11(1110. of 011)Mnhia roses Thr,
(iuwer lull, Mere of ilia hr•itle, looked
Mott ming in a frnek til" 01,1(1 (temente
The einem wee ra trntlptl lit' ilia lhe'nih.
er, It 11. Pot ter, (learnt,, (lion. 'I'he
rot emnnv wee pi's1nrnrd by Rev
l'1', nee 'Mont on. finning the elatntntr
of the i'R•ielrr, 3n tree Ornikehneike
'antlered the 'metalled ante, "Re.
entree," Atter the Ceremony, a re.
U. F. 0, HALL -
Thursday ev'g,
Dec. 31
Hogg Orchestra will
supply the Music..
Gents 75 ets. -
ceptlon was held at the home of the
bride where a buffet luncheon was
sat ed The evening was spent in
tousle and dancing until midnigiht, af-
ter which the guests numbering be.
tween fifty and sixty, departed to
their homes, wishing the happy
couple many years of happiness. The
bride and groom left on the 4 30 p. m.
tiain Sunday for Toronto and Hea-
ven points. The bride travelled in a
rust coat trimmed with fur and hat
to match. On their returnthey will
reside in Winnipeg. bu llieetil ill
Noeure raoN Grey noneinareTnt
big list of candidates on Monday and
a lively discussion place when the
candidates started to disarms the
Municipal natters, Those nominated
were :.Ileeve-J, J. Mcdutcheon, Jno.
McNabb, Robert Livingstone, Frank.
Collins and John Grant Deputy
reeve -Thos. McDonald, Fred Row-
land, Wilem. Tornbu I, Robert Liv-
ingstone, A. L. Taylor and John U.
Turn bnl1. Commit -Wilbur Turnbull,
Fred Rowland, Harry Keys, Oliver
Hemingway, Jos, Pearson, Timothy
Nolan, John Oliver, James McKay,
Garfield Baker and Silas Johnston.
On Tuesday evening, those who had
qualified to run were : for reeve -F,
Collins, J. McNabb and R. Living-
stone. Deputy reeve -Thos. McDon-
ald, Wilbur Turnbull and. J. E. Row -
lend. Councillors -Harty Keys, Fred
'Rowland. Garfield Baker, Oliver Hem-
ingway, Jos. McKay and T. Nolan,
Election will be held on Monday.
A Happy New Year to our readers.
No election this yea. Council goes
in by acclamation.
Everett Nichol, Detroit, is visiting
at his father's Ed. Nichol, 5th line,
John McNeil, of Detroit, is spend-
ing the holidays with his father,
Alex. McNeil, 5th lithe. -
Messrs, Laurence and Henry Arm-
strong, Windsor, are holidaying at
Wm. Armstrong's, 5th line.
Miss Lillian McArter, teacher, near
Brechin, Ont., is visiting ruder the
parental roof during the vacation, -
Art and Mrs. Hull and family, of
Kitchener, and Miss Margaret Mc-
Neil, also of Kitchener, are visiting at
the home of Alex, McNeil.
Walt. and Mire, Messer and child-
ren, Palmerston, ate- their Christmas
goose at the home of the letter's
father, Wm, Armstrong, 5th line,
CARD os' 1.'rrJorxe. - Mrs. Join) 3.
McCaughey and family wish to thtuik
the many neighbors and friends for
their kind deeds and sympathy in
(hair midden bereavement, They
have their heartfelt thanks.
Time. and Mrs, Russell, of 011ie-
ago, Roy Passmore, Detroit, and ttliss
Mildred Passmore, Holland Centre,
were welcome Christmas visitors tit
Phe home of Mrs. James Russell, 5th
John 'McNeil, Detroit ; Arthur 13011
and family, Kitchener; and Mrs. Ins.,
E. Nichol, Toronto, were holiday vis-
itors at the home of Alex. and Mrs.
McNeil. Mrs. Nichol is an stunt to
the hostess arta will coe three bet stay
for some time,
NostusArtoN MxETisal.-The Nom-
ination meeting passed off fairly
quietly en Monday and after the
smoke cleared away the old Council
went back into power by aeelamation.
0ouneillor Elston Cardif was nnmin-
,tted for reeve, buil aieea Far rho
Council Board agaiogle' nd Messn', A,
Smith and G. Alcock, who had been
nominated for the Council, relit el in
favor of the old Boat•d, R. Procter
was Chairman at the meeting at the
close of the nomination. THE POST
wishes the 1920 Council a prosperous
The following is the monthly report'
of S. S. No. 9, Martis, for December.
* means absent for all exams, H is
honors. Jit. IV -Walter Pease 76
13 ; Walter Sihnrtreed 67.5, Sat. IV-
Ftiank Kirkby 68.75 ; Mabel Bewley
68.5. Jit. III-Sbuetb Bryaes 76.75
li • Clifford. Pease 58.75 ; Tommy
Kirkby 53 75 ; *Aaiun, Bewley, 11 -
*Isabelle Alcock • Beacham Alcock
(absent all month). 1 -May Sheet.
reed, Lloyd Pease, PRmxtsn-Walter
Bentley. Lloyd Pease, Ruth Alcock.
No. on roll 15, average attendance 1I,
0, McGow tr, Tr'ttchpr,
Jonwr J, Mc0A'utu cr Dins SUD-
DENLY. -- Death came suddenly to
John J. McCaughey at his home. LA
16, Con. 7, on 'Thursday morning,
Dec, 240, He was born in the town-
ship and spent his whole life here. He
was a man or uttueut) relent health
until about a year ago when his heart
started to bother him, had been
feeling better the past couple et
weeks. ' By hie death Morris township
Inures One Or its hest oil -teens, a gond
neighbor, loving father rttict free hos•
Bit leaves to mourn hie slits,
hie wifel(fnru,ierlythilse (`alien ofHallett township), anti three elntidren
---two 5,1114 (lOreneen oma ,ln orth) tet
home, and nuedaughter,Mee GPM lee
Malty, of Orley township, 13' is tow,
mei i tee sal '
nu cvpc he s ere re Matt
Centrrt.l•Inlle't; Mre. retttk Seim
fpr, Sen.fmth ; and Mrs, 1) J. O'Reily,
inteeiennd ; Man one brother, Merritt
'Oren trolley, Lendnit. Pilo fnnnrn,
vn4 largrly aitptcdetl on ,Saiordnv
morning to - Bt. Ai'ithenee 14 0 Chu reit,.
13t•nsorl4, of whirr he was it devnttl,
member, and ftot» 1het'r to St. Ant
Mose alertery lt.+v Pre Mel-lnelt.
emulated the Masa The pelt beeper=
tu'e Wni Pnllnrk, N•ieno 1�'i(hnlann,
3 R, MrC(,rnt,111,10, (hien, Make, 0. J.
O'}teil V etnd R•ttceu I- Npahi't, A mn sig
11,,a0 'Nom a Monte re Fittandlr,te tit
Naval wave :-t entik and ,Mee Vrhu.'
ler, Seai'nrtlh ; I), 3, and Mrs. O'Reily,
13( achwood ; Matt, turd Mrs. Corbett,
[fuliett I 8 John Oarbert'atd Miss
Eileen, Clinton; wild Ir. M(cCauglieq
and nut+, Louie, of London,
Leslie W. suer hits, McDpugall; and
their' little daughter, Lillian Dorean,
spent their Christmas holidays with
the former's urochee and hie aunt.
Mrs, Ceaear, Belgrave, Robert and
Mise Mary McDougall, of Wingham,
were also present.
A. dance will be held iii Pratte' Hall,
Moucrieff, on New Year's nighty, Jan,
1, Monictieif Orchestra will supply
the music, Everyone welcome.
Gordon Whitfield and Brea) Stotlx-
ere motored to Stratford last. Wed-
nesday evening and witnessed the
Stratford es Windsor hpckey match,
A dance will be held on Thursday
evening, Dec. Siet, in Dunbar's Hall,
Ethel. Gents, 55c, ladies freer. Good
orchestra ? , attendance.
Noble McKee, of Grimsby, is hol-
idaying in Ethel.
Mies Ella Peat eon is spending a
week at the home of Jas, Pearson,
Mies Maud Bryans, of Brussels, paid
a business visit to the village last
Mies Jane McLennan, of Chatham,
is spending a few days at her home
Mrs. W. 11. Love spent a few days
with her daughter., Mrs. Alex. Speir-
an, returning home Monday,
Harold Love is speudiug a week at
his home here. We are pleased to re-
port that Harold is much improved
in health.
Miss Edna McLelland, of Clifford,
and Miss Mary McLelland, of George-
town, are spending the holidays at
their home here.
Stanley Hall, ivho is attend -Fire
Victoria College, Toronto, is spending
the vacation at hie home in Brussele
and with his boot leis, George and
Roy, here.
PUBLIC MEETIRG.-A public.:meet-
ing of the citizens of Ethel will be
held in the Bank, on Monday evening,
Jan. llth, from 7 to 8 o'clock, for the
purpose of electing Trustees for the
viilege• Entt a . 121
J. A. and Mrs. Cole, of Flint, Mich.,
have been renewing old acquantances
in Ethel and locality, They are very
much taken up with their.new home
0n the American side, where Mr. Cole
holds a good position.
S Andrew Bremner is busy these
days fixing up his house on Oon. 4,
and we would not be surprised to see
Andrew giving up his membership in
the bachelor club very soon to settle
down and keep the home fires. burn-
We are glad to report that Master
Harold Gilkinson, who has been so
seriously i11, le rapidly recovering
and was able to eat his Christmas
dinner with the family. Surely such
an incident would make a merry
Christmas for that family while the
great majority of the homes of the
land have reason to be thankful too
for continued health during the year.
One would think that every man
ill the Township was in the Village on
Monday to hear the nomination
speeches and from all reports the
same old line of talk was put across
by some of the old timers. The el-
ectors must vote 'as they see fit, ir-
respective of this platform oratory.
If Jas. McCutcheon decides to stand
again for Reeve he ought to have the
support of every one an this section
and we wish hint success, too.
Owing to the Lime lost on account
of the measles epidemic, Ethel Public
School teachers and pupils did not
prepare a concert for the general pub.
Iic this year. However, a committee
of four pupile. namely, Dorothy Pear,
Doris Gill, Jack Sanders and Wesley
McNeil, were appointed to prepare a
short program. This having been
done with slight assistance frons the
teachers, the pupils asked their pat' -
outs and friends to the schoot on
Tuesday ,afternoon, Deo. 22nd, at 2
o'clock, The program of 20 numbers
was then given, Santa Claus, in the
pet•eou of Albert Kreuter, appeared et
the close awl dietributed Lo all the
pupils from a heavily -laden and met -
lily decorated Tree. The teachers"
were also remembered by their re-
speetive blesses. Speeches were given
by J, E. Rowland, Chairman of the
Trustee Board, S, 0. Howlette and an
ex -pupil, Eddie Kreuter. Before
singing the National Anthem, Mr.
Rowland moved a vote of appreeia•
tion to the pupils aud taaehets for liar
eillcientpresentation of the various
The following is the report of y. S.
No, , i'ey, (Ethel), r°;;1.1
or file Fall
tetra11, Tdhe percentages given alive
been detertuined by weekly ex.
aminations. Those marked with en
asterisk have missed one OL' more ex.
aminttbions. V OLAsut Roxy Riw.
hurl d6 ; eJ)cnothy Ireat•,i9. Sit 1V._.
Blanche Rowland 74 ; Doris Gill 07 ;
*Lorne Vndden 66 ; Wesley McNeil
65 t Jnck Sanders 03 ; ~'Dorothy
Franklin. Jit. IV« -.*Muriel Michel
64 ; *13 '1na Pea rklio 62; Jean Sand ere
60, Sit. III -Albert, KraOter 64 h
Calvin. Kreuter 57. • JR I1I---*Della
McInnis 60 t jilt McNeil 61 ; Gordon
Sleighliholtn .l•I , , *Kee froth Krtutter
511 ; *Hazel 19 astral) 47 ; Tom Sander's
401 *Velma Hamilton 88
Jrxst R l3on1sr
Examined to Spall., A.ritb. I3eog,
Retid, Lit., Writing., M. Work and
Daily Wnrk Set 11--Orma Gill 74;
slum 111aie ,cis 06 ; L"P Allen Ward.
lnty 88 ; *Muir Mirhel 57 ; Alien
aek'lrt 53' InIT--I,Aitit Iteleti.m''
68; Nelson Sl'ighIhelm 47 nor
Bowe 38 ban I -Alex. McNeil 651
f,nh'ne D„ejere 1'te'52(m'enent only tee
rile melte) .let 1.-e A erbt Fe,c."-lino
.00(1;1 ell.athlpan „; (Y, v ,• u,
M "rjury BrowRn11 0162, 0 PatraAtimie
Aria \'Vet"alnue ,Iran I',nnku , rk
welient, ; Fred (lost,., %Vinnifeed 111•.
cored B. PRtutgat. ll',11,
illhtnrt 14rnwrh, [tops (Itueninahn,n, t.x
rallrnt ; f1ol,'n (.„1'p, O,t,d ; 1,tnVrt
prole, fele: Mushy (iiteieemi, (,Inert,
fee 2 tmntih„). A PltheiCtt--- Ail Ient
ell Aieittie dtn. Mem hv kraut et,
Willie 0.00. good
SV O. RisnMME P. irwit tl.
levee M. Preeetiilt, Aelletaut,
L* KERR, Fropietor
Mrs, W, Gill spent Chnstmas
Rev. and Nee D Me Guest spent
a few d hys at their berme in Ripley
and Kincardine.
Mx Flow e t l t enjoying no a weeks
holidays at Niagara ih &Dilute and
Mrs. Howlett,
Jack and Mrs, Slennnon and Mathe
ritte, of Breslau, spent: a few days at -
the termer's home here,
A dance will be held an Thursday
evening, Dec. 31st, in Dunbar's Hall,
Ethel. Gents 55e, ladies free, Good
orchestra in attendance.
Rev, and Mrs. D. M. Guest wish to
extend their thanks to the congregae
tion of Union United Church for the
splendid Christmas gift of three loads
of oats and a big fat goose.
Remember the special New Year's
service in Ethel United Church on
Sunday next at 7 p.m. There is no
better way to start the New Year
right than to goo to church the first
Sunday and then keep it up for 52
Sundays. Everybody welcome.
Huron Count.
Blyth. -Reeve, James Dodds and
Dr. W. J. Milne. Councillors, E.
Geddes, H. Dexter, W. Logan, John
Weymouth, S. Leslie, F. A. Kershaw,
G. White and C. Fingland (four).
Trustees, J. Maines, Mrs. T. Gardner,
R. Watt, L. Hilborn, J. Hoover, J. S.
Chellew, A.:Taylor (three). Utilities
F. G. Kershaw (acclamation).
Exeter -Reeve, C. P. Hooper, W.
A. Sanders, C. B. Snell. Council,
J, . Hawkins, L. J. Psnhaie, J. Davis,
John R. Wilson, N. Ogden, W.
H. Armstrong, Eli Coultis, Henry
Bierling and W. T. Gillespie. Board
of Education, W. H. Dealing, B.
Francis, P. J. Delbridge, Esli Hay-
wood, W. 3. Carling, A.- E. Puke, J.
Elston and Mrs. Luella Howey. Pub-
lic Utilities Commission, Henry Hus-
ton (acclamation).
Goderich-Mayor, J. A. MacEwan'
(earl.), Reeve, B. C. Munnings,
3'. J. Mosier, A. J. Paltridge, Council.
(eight to be elected), D. Sproule,
Charles C. Lee, .Robert Turner, Geo.
Williams, William Bailie. J. W. Crai-
gie, R. C. Hays, Jr., P. 3. Ryan, Robt.
Dear, A. J. Paltridge, A. L, Cole, W.
M. McLean. School trustees. St.
David's ward, P. R. Miller, Thomas
Gundry; St. Patrick's, John Cutt,
Horace Fisher. Ie. 3. Acheson;; St
George's, A. Saunders (acct.); St.
Andrew's, John W. Craigie, Walter
Naftel, J. J. MacEwan, Isaac Salk.
ell. Water and light commission,
John W. Taylor (acel).
HENSALL-Reeve, Owen Geiger,
Thomas Hudson. "George C. Petty,
Robert Higgins. Council, Robert Mc-
Arthur, Alexander Smith, Christo-
pher Campbell, G.C. Petty, Thomas
Hudson, R. 1 iggins, James Priest.
School trustees, P. G. Manns, Edward
Linctenfield, A. L. Case (acct),' Pub-
lic Utilities, E. Ronnie (acct.).
SEAFORTH-Mayor, W. H. Gold-
ing, R. G. Parke; reeve, J. W. Beat-
tie; councillors, Geo. D. Haigh, Wm.
Bickel', Geo. T. Turnbull, George P.
Cardno, R, G. Parke, W. A. Crich,
P. D. Hutchinson, A. D. Sutherland;
public school trustees, north ward,
W. J. McIntosh; east ward, M. Mc-
Kellar; south ward, John Hotham.
John Parrish, Thomas Sullivan. Coun-
cil, Thomas Anderson, W. J, Black,
S. Congrahu, Alex Hackett, Samuel
Thomas Medd, R. Johnston. Coun-
cil, W. E. McPherson, W. Stewart,
William Carr, W. J. Leddy.
Charles A. Robertson, Aaron Melia,
Hugh Hill. Council, A. Goldthorpe,
A. Fisher, J. Reagan, William .Young
F. Wilson, William Thom, Hugh Hill.
Herbert Cox, Harry Corey, Havey
Salkeld. Council, John Sowerby,
Dave Churchill, Oliver Jervis, .Wilmot
Haack, John Middleton, William
Stewart, William Churchill,
Reeve, John L. McEwen, Isaac
Wright. Council, J. Breckenridge,
D. Fortuue, Witham Marshall, Breckenridge,
Grain, R., Wilton, D. Holmes, James
GREY TOWNSHIP nominations -
Reeve, James McCutcheon, Robert
Livingstone, Frank Collins, John Mc-.
Nab, Joint Grant. Deputy reeve,
Fred Rowland Wilbur Turnbull. Gar.
field Baker, George McKay, Oliver
Hemingway, Harry Keyes , Joseph
Pearson, Timothy Nolan, John Oliver
Silas Johnston. (Three to be elect-
HAY TOWNSHIP ---Reeve, E. P',
Klopp re-elected by acclamation.
Council (four to be elected), L. 11.
Rader, W. R. Dougall. A. Rau, A,
Reichert, G. H. Blackwell.
W. Clark Aiahastron . Council,
, !, 4
E, Adams, J, Lieper, 13,. Megridgo,
Janes Forbes, W. Addison.
ctametion)---Reevr, 12. Shortreed.
Council, E. Cardiff, J. Ate0111, W. •
Henderson, J. ]frown.
tion)---Roeve, R. Coultes, Council,
, Bert. Stalker, P. Campbell, J. I. err,
T on pson,
13813 ()ENT; TOWNSI11P--•lteeve, '.
rohn Hanna Cacti,). Council, Dan
Dew,James Brtilantyne, 13uglt ROrIT
W. kinner (aeel.j.
CT INTON---•1Vltnvon X. A. Ford, 11.
Jacltson, H. 13. Conroe. Reeve. C.
;. Middirton, 0, L. Paisley. Cocoon,
O. L. Paisley, P. Johnston, A. J' Mil-
Sam Rthnt, L. W. Curtail '11.:13.
Elliott,{ P. Langford. John Schorrn-
lhalp, Elton Resell, Robert Marih•t11,
A P. Johne,,A�rthur Catttelott. School
trustees, A. 1. Cudtriore, 1iV', J. (.1ooic,
J. A, Ford, Oeore•o Jcnklne (itccl.).
Utilities, 13, J, Gibbi'ngs (aedi,),