HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-12-16, Page 4have opened up an office in the
North end of the American n dot
for the Winter months where 1
will keep in Stock --
De Laval Cream Separators
A few Phonographs at cut Prices
Singer Sewing Machines
Radios and Pianos
Drop in and leave your order for your Spring
House94x (lone a ter Brussels
(4ht :; n bek
I County Court Judge
of "1. To proceed with and complete
the recount so far ae is necessary to
etl"2 out o the
the of counterfoils
from the ballots inuestion.
"3. To count the said ballots, it
otherwise in proper form, as if the
WEPNPSIIAY, 1)110. 16 Mee
ADDED AT OTTAWA l counterfoils had been at the proper
BY RECOUNT AWARD 1 "4. 10 correct and complete the
the recount when conducted accord -
Decision in North Huron Appeal As- , ani; to the directions contained in this
sures Election of .1. W. King -User Jfdgment."
nisputod Ballots Remedial Provision.
I his 'uta meat issue est_rd:x
meetY Y
J r
(Friday's' Globe) • afternoon, Mr. Justice Wright de -
Judgment has been given in the glared that the law would be have
North Huron election case by Mr, tent indeed" if it failed to provide
Justice Wright in favor of J. W. relief to voters who had been dopey.
King, Progressive candidate. George ed of their franchise after; exercising
W. Spotton, Conservative candidate, every proper power to register their
Lime removed therefrom.
final addition so as to give effect to
itis been directed to pay the costs of
the action.
This decision comes as the climax
in the political battle in North Hur-
on. When the voting took place,
Ming was pronounced elected. But
Spotton demanded a recount, and in
this' County Court Judge E. N. Lew-
is threw out 342 ballots which had
counterfoils attached and pronounc-
ed Spotton the winner. Then King
appealed this pronuncehnent.
Victory Assured:
King's victory in the appeal prae-
tiealiy means that he is the victor in
the balloting, and will be in the ranks
of the Progressives in the Federal
Hon. N. W. Rowell, K.C., who,
with J. H. Spence, K.C., appeared
for Mr. King, said that the judgment
"directs the County Court Judge to
eount the three polls previously re-
jected, which gave Mr. King a ma -
jerky of approximately 150. With
these three polls counted, Mr. Xing
will have a clear majority in excess
of 150 votes." counterfoils attached shall be dealt
Action Directed. with," he said, "Much emphasis was
Now Mr. Justice Wright finds that placed during the hearing on the
the ballots rejected should be taken words `inadvertently onlmitted' In -
into consideration, and directs the advertently is a wide enough term to
include ignorance of the law, care-
lessness and negligence or inatten
tion: For the purpose of this deci-
1 sion this is the meaning of the word."
As a consequence it was the im-
perative duty of the Deputy Return-
ing Officer to remove the counterfoils
said Mr. Justice Wright, and also that
of the County Judge. He deemed it
e the duty, of Judge Lewis to count
p the ballots if in proper form, even if
Dishes the counterfoils were attached.
"Holding these :views, I find tare
was ommission, neglect or refusal on
the part of the learned County Judge
to comply with sections of the Do-
minion Elections Act in respect to
the recounting of the votes, and the
consequent final addition," he said.
Defines Powers.
Before making his order, Mr. Jus-
tice Wright dealt with the conten-
tion that a Supreme Court Judge
could not review a.' decision of a
County Court Judie who had con-
ducted a recout. "This may be the
construction placed on this section
of the statute," he stated. "The lan-
guage of the statute is clear and ex-
plicit that, where the Judge holding
the recount omits, neglects or refuses
to comply with the provisions of the
act,relief may be had on such an
application as this. The law would
be impotent indeed if in a cast ike
the present, where 342 voters were
decouved their
be hd.Whervot have
Clone everything within their power
to cast their ballots properly. ev'er'y
opinion at the polls.
Dismissing the objection of Shirley'
Denison, K•C.. acting for Mr. Spot -
ton, who held that the application
could not be proceeded with because
the return and: report of the election
had been made to the Chief Electoral
Officer as "not well founded." Mr.
Justice Wright held that it was the
duty of a Judge of the Supreme
Court to hear the application made
for Mr. King if within the time pre-
scribed by the act and based on suf-
ficient material.
"The particular matters complain.
.ed of are that the said Judge omit.
ted, neglected or refused to count
any of the ballots cast at Polling Sub-
divisions 2 and 6, Grey Township,
and Subdivision 7, in Ashfield Town-
ship, and to remove the counterfoils
from such ballots," he said.
Clear Instructions.
"Here is the express direction to
not only the Deputy Returning Of-
ficer but also to the Judge conducting
the recount as to how the, ballots with
For Christmas
BEFORE buying your fan -
cy dishes for Christmas,
we invite you to inspect
our line.
We have a fine range -Some
pieces at greatly reduced pric-
es -Easily chosen from our
tables. •
30c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50,
$2.00, $2.50 and up.
Cont early and get the best
V.C. Huntley
Live and Dressed Poultry
No Live Poultry taken on Saturday • •
Live Dressed Select Milk Fed
Chickens, over Orbs 19e 22c , 200
Chickens, 6 to 8 Ibe18e ale 24c
Chickens, 4 to 5 Its 16e 10c 22c
Ohiekenn, under 4 Ibe. 14e
18a 8a 20e
Hens, over. 5lbe
Hens, 4 to 6lhe 12e 100
ileus, 8i to 4 ihe.,,., 0,i 130
Hens, under $,,1 ibs 5e, 100
Roosters 8c 12e
Yonne; Ducks 18e 18n
Old nooks , . Ile 10c
v-',Nnl hang but No..1 Pout try ltcnepled extleint at Reduced Plots.
Pooh est meet lc. hr etneyed owl ditint',
Black feathered fowl 2c a m lege
The: fl stll tinfyt ba pinna and ehnw geed whit, calor, and be welt
finished allowing bock and pin linnere Well Covered with white fat, No
tin fnathets allowed nor any deformity or tares of any kind on Milk
EggsThanes .. :9ecnnds .. . .300
Pit ate. 45n Pullets' Hoot ilrir
Pei den s01Jjeot to Change With Of timate
AT Tli:E
It is Christmas time at the
Variety Store now and we
thank you, one and all, citizens
of Brussels and sgrrounding
district, for the response you
have given during the past
year and we take this op-
portunity of extending a
hearty invitation to come and
see what a beautiful range of
holiday geode we levo this
year in -the different depart-
epartments,then use your own good
judgment in making your sel-
There are Fancy Goods,
Dolls, Mechanical and other
Toys, China and Glass Ware,
Stationery, Books, etc. Such a jolly place in which
to shop.
M1 Ce dater
Phone 82
reasonable construction should be
placed on the statute to give effect
to the expressed will of the voters.
To do otherwise would amount to a
declaration that, however perfectly
the ballot might be marked, Deputy
Returning.Oihcers, either wilfully,
carelessly or negligently, might, alter
the ballot and prevent tile vote being
counted. The ` statute is remedial,
and to be given a liberal construc-
George W. Spotton, Conservative
Candidate, Questions Jurisdic-
tion of Judge
Acting for George W. Spotton,
Conservative member -elect for North
Huron, I. F. Helimuth, K.C., and
Granville Price have launched an ap-
peal from the decision of Justice
Wright which allowed 342 ballots.
which had counterfoils' attached, and
therefore gave a slight majority to
J- W. King, Progressive candidate
who had lost the case in first recount
The appeal is on the grounds that
His Lordship had no jurisdiction to
do more than order the county judge
to hold a recount where the county
judge had omitted, neglected or re-
fused to carry out the provisions of
the Election Act.
Stratford Presbytery has accepted,
its allocation of $25,000 for the year.
Fred Francis, of Saskatchewan,
has arrived at Mitchell, and will
spend a few months at his old home
in Fullerton. There were good crops
in the section of Saskatchewan in
which Mr. Francis lives andhe had
his threshing finished before the bad
weather set in. He says that in Al-
berta there ar thousands of acres of
grain which have not been threshed,
a r,.
'i : :• . 4. ✓ 4. S.
John R. Booth, the lumber king,
who died at his Ottawa home this
week, worth millions, left his farm
home when a boy, to find work in
the city, with but nine dollars in his
The Farmers' Publishing Company
owners of the Farmer's Sun have a
deficit of $6,000 but the shareholders
have resolved to carry on. Editor
W. L. Smith of The Sun, has intim-
ated his resignation.
Canada produced 1,144,669 gallons
of fermented wine last year valued
at $1,218,869. The Province of On-
tario produced 97.8 percent of the
total value and more than 98 percent
of the total quantity during 1924.
It is said that out of 245 members
M the next House of Commons; 119
svere not in. the last parliament. It
is probable that there are many form,,
er members returned. but even cot :t -
leg these the new element will be ex-
xceedingly large.
J,"' A. M. Armstrong, ex -MX. for
North York, who defeated Macken
zio Ring in 1917, but was defeated
by Ring in 1.921, was arrested on
Tuesday on the charge of joint theft
of money with Manager. Coffey of
9kendly Cent
with our Manager
WKS:, not talk matters over with our manager -you fay
w w receive new light on a vexatious business problern, He
eolnos into contact with many business men in varied lines of
industry which gives him a composite view of conditions.
Further, be has behind him the accumulated recordsand enipert.
iencr of nearly 100 years of service on the part of this Bank.
To the ability and progressiveness of our customers
we bring the partnership of money for legitimate
business purposes,- and seasoned financial advice.
Moreover, tbem is a friendly tone all through the
connection that you will appreciate,
The manager ea branch of Tho hank ofNora Scotia
near you ,e road', to become a be -einem frin,d.
Capital 110,000,000 Reserve $39,500,0110 Total Resources 0230,000,000 bl9
the imperial Bank at Schomberg.
Pages have been published about
the Florida boom. A visitor return-
ing from a trip to that state condens-
ed his opinion in a few words. The
back of his automobile bore the fol-
lowing sign: "We have just returned
from Florida. Barnum was right."
The Brockville Recorded points
nut that the lightless vehicle on the
public highways at night is the great-
est menace to motorists as well as of
the greatest danger to the owner,
'1'he lightiess vehicle has taken an
awful toll of life. limb and property
in Ontario.
IC. is greasing to learn from re-
cent economic figure spat Canada
Rev. C, W. Gordon, the "Ralph
Connor" of literary fame, who makes
an appeal to Canadians to sink the
spirit of self in thinking first of the
national good in the present political
retuatian. Leo told a Toronto audience
Canada's big problem now was "to
get men into the country, and the
crop out."
'What the future Ire in store for the onus Se'4s iSc7
e^ paznI00 oorCrtnadi'.01 trade can nil 7,,4,,,,i,7,,4,,,,i,
scarcely 1)e eoniprohciiled, Bat ev- rein
u,v lry
' erytllin e-lnpha:.izes ' the wisdom LE twos
�inllnl,c ,slur confidence. Sul ter ....I WO
liege., .
i,,ulotinn sale Den ,,.,loin farm for Sale
of a ear. load Of t''irst-class
n0onnn,farntfe woe,bring Lot 10 and 17,
t'oc, 6, row 'whip ,f rm sok tin -premises
r a r 0 'thaw
, ,c i oh barn X.
Yen good nit„s+ h lib 07,
. i
Cows and Young Cattle'
1). 14.'800 t, Anationoer. has been instruct
CA Or i r.l6ned to offer tor 8141e by p
ilo I
'motion hifollnwing Droaerty'nt the
American Hotel Stables
Saturday, Dec 19th
at 1 n'elook, sharp: :-1 regisiered
short {Sara cow duo r to foopitan DRO.
Nth,10 good, young, Brod° Dorian,, ew
,iso to freshen Dee to al croh, 4 Holetri0 Cows..
0 wire00 shout 800 lbs ,4 heifers about 800 lbs.,
heilar,,tb(1„t710lbs., 12ohanks of pigs nhoot
10'1bs,1 Jumper cutter, 1 Portland cotter.
Btoek :any be seen nt American. Hotel at,bes
on irridey.
ThatAiH,-Snne Of 410 en,1 titin., c,, I ; qv.
or Dant nmmunt, 0 months credit given on
fnnnleltinv approved joint nntos.0 per asst per
nnmtm alt for Mob on aroyl It amount.
1). 11. Fn011, NISSI IT BA MILTON,
Atte.. Prop.
Auction Sale
1luusehald furniture
60003 and CHATTELS
is among the first three nations of In the Village of Brussels -
the world in regard to the increase
of export trade. The other two are
the United States and Japan, This
, is another blow to the pessimists.
Farm for Sale
05•ecrofnrtnforeale, being Lot 18, Tows•
ahlp of (Orgy Os prgu.lsea area good bunk
1 tarn 50x08 test wlrb good ntnr me also 2 good
t benlouoee. ller,c meet, frame home with
r goad .1,n, sellar, cement cistern, never-fnlir
lag well at the dour. Form In well fenced,
I contains h -acro orchard. Sixty acres cleared.
the rest valuable bush '4 mile° from Ethel
' • tntlen, 8 miles from church and store, J .'
mile$ fro.,, pohooi• Fall ploughing dmte.0
r ores Pell wheat sown. For in.mediate sale
n uptate 00110 MAOIY J. a1cNAl it.
t0 W1 d mote,
IL 11. No No.2,Ba
r sselp.
A Better Hadio'at a Lower Price
Christmas is Here
What better gift for the family than a Standardyne
Radio ? Tone, long distance reception and quality
all embodied in this 5 -tube Receiver in either cabi-
net or console models.
Batteries and Radio Supplies a specialty.
Fora demonstration see •
M. McVettie
J. B. McCracken
Phone 6514
The Executor of tan 1+,•t w111 and tae'u,nont
of William McCall, elerea.e 1. w111 offer by
phi cAaction at the residence of the lute
Hanna Mot3nil, on John street la tba Pilinif:
or Srnvsels, by 7) 41. Se Lt. Anetfoneer. on.
Tba''sdny, the Twenty-Foorth der II Dec-
ember, A D , 19'1. at the hone or Two- I'hirt.v
do'ook in the n'fernann, the following hoa•e-
d-good chariots are fferts. ',cutely ;1.
Cook stove, l beater, 2 .idobeer its, lex rendon
tab e,1 failing leaf table, 1 centre table, 2
bed.rnon, sn•ts 1 lounge. 1 rag, 8 reoeing
ohaira.0 k1tohen nhsirs. 0 d lning room Minirs,
1 mashing mnrbine, 1 pink, 1 Sour Iran, a
net mention.
T5ft'1i N -The termacf polo will be papa no
the .stnte o° the said William moan most be
now Snelly sattpd
1.000,' Iter pnrticntnro aoi'ly to 5010 13t'
motor, John 11fnt'etl, D, 61 1001t. Auctioneer,
or W.01 Sinclair, Executor'a Solicitor.
of a Valuable
100 Acre Farm Farr,, for Sale
h k f tor.
ar +et ..n Ir1r1r 11111
*' J, gold] i n t t er ! Y
nhln x 0 0
il',n th o44e40, ,al solitter (terrier, drfvmg
010 hi'lgt24x4H k 1/trgn, nom PnC 11 110, JAY(/'
eery brick lisuliwith +um nor kitchen and
retlhe.had lavished lion' Sn amen state of
qultltbiten, with good fennel and 2•i pores of
ggood bn,,road. Medi, +.mall orah.rd, rural
telephone end Mail.d'llvnry, Pi Mite from
tohool,2 mitre from Continuation Seheol8,
mass front rllinga or IPordwlglf and 4 miles
front Gerrie Reason for seting, to wind up
the estate of the late Edward Lynn. For
furtherpartlnulitresnot y to
wM J, f.YN le, R. R 1, Wordy/loll
A d m inletrotera of the estate.
lendere will bo received for the purobaoe of
Lot' 26, Con, 14, Grey yowneblp, Immediate
poaeeeelon, Apply at once to,
801111tor for Mortgage,
Farm for Sale
The nntlaraigned offers ter snip his 126-e000
sore farm, beteg 0414 Lot 7, end part of Sontli
half, Coo, 6. Morrie. Good Lulea, dwell1), .
large, back barn, driving 411411, eco, also twe
chiliad wetle, Lund all cleared, meso to
r.ohool .and church. For further pnrtioulnr0
apply to .1 08. t1LMM AG an the premises or A.
R. MACDONALD, eruaae15. 2040
Farms for Sale
The undersigned o'ferx for anle his 109-ocre
form being Nisi Lot 25, Con. 7. Morrie. Also
102 'taros, being North 14, Lot 20, and 1ty. 27.
001. 7, Morrie. Good !unisex and barna in
Si otch:to condition, also all goodout•bollcl•
Digs. WIII son with or without aro:,. Reas-
on for moiling, poor health For further nort
h:alars apply to W 00rRUT9bEOn?roIta; ILEx
Farm for Sale
(The old Hamilton Place)
Ban d North
7 8,1
100 e. of 0. Con, At
40 'tore. 10, a be . Tendtnid to township,
under �ath • in m 1, largo aims stabling
good frame • windmill, targe driving inrg
oroderd, neer ratline ,g primo k.ohen , mile%
orchard, sever falling sand 1 mi farm. a hoof.
from Wroxeteri1,,ean 1st and Larne tsomechors
Thin warm bee been e. pasture e. coma l years'
and will glue highest ieo,,l00 Farm land
values will. rise. For par Maulers apply to
THOS. 0559001
Administrator Jobe R..Gibson 'estate
P.0, box. 77 Wroxeter Phone 80
In the Township of Morris
D. M. Scott, Auctioneer, has been Instructed
by the undersigned to °ffetter sale by public
American Hotel, Brussels
Saturday, Dec. 19th
at 8 o'clock p. m., the following property s0n-
slating of Nd Lot 15. Con 6, Townablp of him,
ris, containing 100 paras more or lees, ell in
grass. On the premises Murals a good frame
dwelling. garage, implement shed and cheep
house t eta. good Mating supply of water.
Buildings 'stein good rotate of repair Farm
will be offered for rata either with or without
.banding and terms will be made to spit
� Further a
tbepued on oa ertm y.
obWaed on agplioarlco t. the NERrxlgntd.
Hrti. B. KERNEY,
1 100 sore Farts for tole, being South J1a11 lot
27, Con 9, Township of Morris. On premise!:
are n good ba, kbarn. 78x40 with good amount
stabling ; driving died 4th c24t ; comfortable,
good, frame bonen with good atone culler ,
two good walla never'tatling n stout 0 scree
good maple bomb. This farm is well !tweed,
end drained. and 1n good 81111,0. of calibrration.
and is situated 1 mile from pillage of Welton.
also l tulle from school and church. For fur-
ther particulars apply 2on , A he pr. b,s. or to."
11.41 R. B.4, Welton.
Farms for Sale
100 aortae of lend, being the eolith 'M of Lot 6,
Con. 8. and the #oath 54 o0 Lot 14, Gott, 7 in tbn
Township of Morrie. These farms are offered
t ste of the late James
orealo to close de est
t D
Smith.00.If not acid ars ppin be rented for pea-
Ince. For particulars ap 1r II tan er(eenton.
s ie-
• •4'4?
0#04., .4•
Your Christmas Shopping
Da It At King Bros. WinghamOnt.
Useful Christmas Gifts for every Member of the family
Men's and Boys' Department
Knitted Coats
Coin Spot Mufflers
House Coats
Jaeger Shirts
Wolsey Socks
Crown Silk Socks
Bath Robes
Crepe Silk Ties
Arm Bands
Silk Scarfs
Initialed Handkerchiefs
Tie Pins
Boys' Suits
Etc„ Etc.
Ladies' and Misses' Department
Silk Kimonas
Slips Step'ins
Kid Gloves
Silk Hose
Chappie Coats
Sports Hose.
Wool Pullovers
Pretty F carfs
Fur Coats
Northway. Dresses
Will ter Coats
Novelty Parasols
Gossard Corsets
Silk Underwear
Wool Comforters
Table Linens
Maderia Linens
Cluny Linens
Fancy Blankets
Bath Towels
Handkerchiefs in Boxes
Fancy Garters
All Roads Lead to Ring Bros., Wingham
Complete Christmas Stork
Come Early and Spend All. You Have