HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-12-16, Page 1VOL. 54 NO. 26.
"2, oo per anstitn in advance
It is amazing how much everybody at the Christ-
mas dinner table can eat. so best to be prepared
with everything you'll need in the line of Groceries.
If its Flour, Peels, Nuts, Fruits, Spices, Shortening,
Sugar, Syrups—no matter. what -we have it and at
the right price.
Oranges, per doz. 30c to 90c
Lmons, per doz. 40c
Mixed Nuts, per lb, 25c
CandyTHE BEST•and Cheapest we ever
had—from 20c per lb. up according
to quality.
Neilson's Choccolates in Boxes and Loose
Get our prices on
Raisins, Dates, Figs,
California Grapes, Etc.
Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Dressed
W. T. Spence
Phone 2215
The he Su rr
!keel t etereleteert S «F leiter»:enefe Lesser, ro folie eeietel: ell see eeet; :.e*,eeree:» a to eielei e
Jno. Buse tree in ceeeerg burr reek 1,
n)tending the fit/wealof u esieler. i
Aii'ts \l, Linton has returned from ,
h'1rtNe,. 811sk , wh,•,o elm spent the 1
elle. Porter and little daughter, of
rlaekatehetva", are vl'iting the f.,rnt-
et'P wheals. W. and Mrs !;;cake.
A While Gift Sutitirtywee obeetved
by lb, United Anne) Humlay Seined,
itt the in wiling 6ervi'', when a largo
nnne)tPe nF 011t•i8lm t'i gifts were (lin.
did it; front, of the pulpit he the
rely/tare Rev. A. 1): Arni.ti ong ad -
'd tite'ehiidren, taking. his text
teem ;
1). if. ti:emhhr•tl ie i mil pc -,v, ng after it
scrims. +1 teak r f La=d poison.
The Won/min; I ediau>e ryas large-
ly nieemted 'There Were some geed
,.nggi'se "ma foi- Christman gifts and
etre. Jahn !blues gave a dvmnri-
titration on Send work which was
very interesting, There was also it
gond pt'.ogr'ttm given. Lunch, was
aerve()itthe pinvi..nfthe meeting.
They intend putting 00 it play in the
clear future.
For quick clearance
of our Winter Hats
we are offering lib-
eral Reductions for
cash. Call and in-
spect our stock.
Carrie Megaton
Commencing Wednes.
day .evening, Decent•°
ber 16th, the Business
places of Brussels will
keep open every ev-
ening until Christmas.
13y order
A sso ciatio n
A very pitmen/it event tnok gloom at
the rneetietg of the W•iruen'.i Mieeiote-
my S"cial y of Mota.,morth United
church, when Mrs, Il. •tireinger wee
lit tele -ii Ilt'.niitntlar. An appeopr'iatP
ttddtess wee read by di i' . •inhie 11 1 ii -
11 and Mia, (1 piit°heli Made the_
preseett,t Lott, Ful.lovving is rt copy of
the address
hire. Rent Grainger,' Treasurer rf
W. M.$,
DEAR FRIEND AND FEL t.oty-1'('OlIcent
We have long adtnit•ed your fie
votiou 10 the eel vi ., el y, L' id
iced 81V10Ir. You have freeiv p'•a,.
pd out y ivy tie tsnri i of hxart it, d
mind in 8uuday S..11 mil inti other de-
partments c f the chin but we
know tbet the 'great tentk of tbr.
jfn4i rd church hese dterirtl plan• in
pen heart. "i to• W. al. 8., of Moles.
worth. when...neewnt Treasurer you
are, bitaiwity•, been in:pared by your
zP,i.I nod fnitlifu111P08 to our local
Scenery and we pray thoa you lusty
Inng he spared to lend in the venni
ynu love, to your loved frimtty and
many ftiend4. Having learned of
yI'IU' ptirpnie to take a Chrietmile
holiday, which the tt net tatty be full
of pleneure and profit, •your fellow -
members of the W. M. le , by whom
you are greatly laved as tt true .ft lend
Step a Look i listen a
Under auspices of
Dvrn 's ScaooL
In. Dunbar Hall, Ethel
Friday Ev'g, Dec, 18th
Admission 25c and 15c
Everybody Come and Have
a Good Time
Brussels United Church
Sunday, Dec. 20th
11 amt.—Public Worship.
"The Divine Engraving"
p.m.—Sabbath St:hoot see -
glen and Bible Classes -
7 p.ht.-Publie Werehip.
"The Supremacy of Jesus"
Sunday, Dec. 27.—Christmas
services with special tiicmee
and appropriate music.
Friday evening', Dee, 18th --
Sunday School enterteiuntettt•
at 8 o'clock.
New Advertisements
New Some -W. A Grewar
A ucilon Nils-Npal», ,isi info,,
Radio. -Ma roksri & noViittle
Warning Go Rndlo 'peers
New effiee B, tarter
Christina. shopping-KingBro..
Dwelling to 1i5 -I 1) lifohnrde
81 ones loaf -Til a Ron
Bushwhackers -18. A. Deadman
Christmas 'Pres-Belgravo Pres, church
Dog lost -Phone 2888.
Narvloes-Brussels United ohorah
R.8 ooneert-Knox chitreh, Cranbrook
Itntertalnment-Ebenezer 8.' ahool
Christmas store -Palace Bakery
Christmas O,fts-d. F, Davison
Christmas epeeists -James Fox
Pape tor sale -w. H, tdoCatobeon
Range tor. sale -John Oliver
Pigs for este-Jae, Nichol
Auction sato-Mrs, McCall estate,
Dewiest Cranbrook
Dog loot -!+Lone 417
Farm for sale -Mrs. M. J, McNair
and fellow -worker, thought it an
opportune time to do what has been
in their hearts for some time, make
you a Life Member of Lite Women's
Missionary Society of the United
Church of Canada. We sincerely
ask you, our dear sister, to accept this
as a small expression of the high
esteem and levant which you are held
by us all. May God's richest blessing
ever be with you and yours. Signed
on behalf of the W. M. S.
BUM. SCOTT, Secretary.
MRs. J. Neuse,
Molesworth, Derembel 5th, 1925.
The young people are holding a
dance in Long's Nall, on Friday ev-
«iiing of this week. The Moncrieff
(lichen -la will supply themusic, -See
advt. in this issues,
The animal Sunday School concert
will be held Lri Knox church, Oran -
brook, Dec 22nd, 1025 A. good pro -
ani consistingof dialogues, nton-
nloges, drills and slings. SanLa.Claus
w'll be there, Conte and enjoy your-
When the rope of the Lire -bell
broke, in response to a lusty tug, cit-
izens of Exeter slept peacefully on
while file totally destroyed the home
of Belt Harness, at an early hour
on Saturday 1201nittg. The origin of
the fire is unknown, tow as norte waif o sin
the house at the time, Mr. Harness
'i d his family were visiting in
St.. Thirteen and were notified
be, phone. The residence, a two-story
building, is a total ltt45, no insurance
ping carried, The furniture, sten
den royed, was partially in-urel.
9 vi ral neighbors were awakened,
nut were able to do nettling to Pave
the house or contents. - -
Trinity Uulird rhaieh, St tat ford,
was thi, NOtOIO of a pretty wedding on
I'treiday, Dec. St h, bin, i3 &cloek, when
Ivy 1) Tenn, only dun; it ice of Vin,
„ 1 \lt i. 8werin, of deitemto, heroine
the ht ids of Neto Fulton, ynur:ge-t
n of Heel) -it'ed. Mrs. -Fulton, of
+Milton. iter Lynn Mile. patfin teed
6e meeinolly. 'i'lie bride looked
h Iruril111 in it Hillmph, gown of ivory
tin -fared tntrito,-, crepe with nodal
yell emit o, tinea blnes:ni , white shoes
el stnelrfngo and carried 8 shntver
btquet of tlln.el.110esMid lily-of•lliP-
v,ttl.•y. :She Eden wore. the t room's
gift, a diamond ring. Th,'' bride was
attended by Arise Vera Altree, in a
seem of gntdrn !thefts -ant crepe, and
refried to shower Menet of golden
mutes. The gloom was attended by
if• ginald Duncan. A dainty buffet
nuclie011 wetaeerved at the home of
begrnom'osister. .11 vs, J. Shnldice,
Immediately after the happy ample
left foe their future hnrne iu Walton.
The annual meeting of the W. M•
S, of the United church, was held on
the 9th that., at the home of Mem-
Gardiner, sr, The President was in
the chair, and despite the stormy
Wt•ather, 27 ladies were present. The
meeting opened by singing 'The
Church's one found,ttion", which was
followed lir ed t c' rthut r•
r h.
I ye } lira, blc-
Altbur. The 14th Chapter of John
wee read by Mre. Oster.' Mrs. Tom -
neon gave the Topic, "The Field,"
showing where the W. M. S. carry on
activities. Although we cannot all
be active wetkeis in the mission
fields. we can by prayer and giving,
-hare in the. reward'. "As his part is
flet goetb dOWII to the battle, eo
shall hie part be'that tarrieth Ity the
stuff They shall share alike." En-
oouraging reports were brought ie by
the different Sec'ys. The average lit-
Iendance at the meetings was 30
The Society reified 1$227 this year.
A. bale was neat West, literature sent;
out and stranger» welcomed. 44 sub-
set ibe to the Missionary Monthly and
we have en increased membership in
which all ttcetn willing to do what-
ever they are called on to do. Roll:
call wad answered by a Sciptuta verse
containing theword, "Joy," Singing
(Browntown) Sund ay
`Win hold their Annual
the Church
Ev'g, Dec.
Good Program
Consisting of choruses, reel.,
tatione, dialogues, drills, Mee
it being prepared.
Admission 25 end 15 cont.,
Everybody corse itnd enjoy It,
Christmas Tree
The Sunday School of the Presby-
terian Church
Will hold their Christmas Enter
tainment in the 0, 0, F. Hall
Tuesday Ev'g, . Deco Nod
The Program will commence at 8
o'clocy sharp, consisting of ,— Ad-
dresses by Rev, Dr. Perrie, Wingham;
Rev. Mr. Hawkins, Blyth; and Rev.
Mr. Scobie, Belgrave • Solos, by Mrs.
W. B. Hawkins, Blyth Miss Bertha
McKay, Wingham; and local talent;
Quarette under the leadership of F. J.
Hill, Wingham; Readings by Mrs. W.
J. Henderson, Wingham; Chas. John-
ston, Belgravo; Music by Speir's Or-
chestra; Short Play entitled "Frank
Glynn's Wife"; also Drills, Folk
Dances, Highland Dancing; Choruses
and Recitations.
Adults 25e Children 150
Rev. Dr. Perrie, Annie Geddes,
Pastor. Beorelary,
hymn 885 and prayer by Mrs. Neil
closed the meeting, after which lu tch
weft served. The Society also mei rd
.57 .60 enough to provide 50 Testaments
for the'Clliue4e Testament Fund.
The Belgrave Int it"ut Sunday School
will hold a 0hristmlte Tree in the C,
0. F Hall on Obristtnas eve. A good
program is being )prepared. Come
end see Simla unload the tree.. Ad-
mission 25e, children free.
a are t
Roads rP '1 I Lino shape again foe
wl1 lPel r
Council rnet,pn Tuesday and finish-
t d the yeas 'a business.
N.,mivation in the Township Hall
nn Monday. Deo. 28111.
Aire, Hector Mt Quartile has sold all
her hay, that wus advertised in TRE
Pt ST.
Miss Lydia Steles s elft a few days
holid•tvine with her' sister, Bits
Anhui' Nicholls. of Mina.
Al 1e. John tVilenn 811.1 son, Stanley,
le'P vioitlll,r filo fol•mee's slstet, Alm
0+cal HtlPhn, nf.G:,llrstugo.
Janie -e. 11 and Ales. Fulton annr,une:.
Lha enongt latent of their smuget
daugh1 r, Luella Elizabeth, to Her
1 e t A!aur, Ct,u ite, T. ronin Fou renal
-nn of P.0 and hits. Clarke, (Atop. el,
Ord , ehµ wertingP to take glare the
hitter Dalt of t)eranibot;
The Municipal pot is beginning to
0.11 in (urs.. Soule .ay the. genial
1..1. WeldeIlrnu may not enllteet the
1"eveship. In that, event, emelt pe'eo-
sore will be. bet int 11111111 ex•Prnn
Taylor te Hit ills gap, • R. L 1e
tv�ll posted tei Tim financial 91W:ear t
of the toninhip, n feat lire 10ltich
seems to be wanting on the . Onunril.
R•,eu•d at present, -
Mrs. Wen, Gorsalitz has been con-
fined to her bed for the past month.
Mrs. Frank Collins has been very
poorly with the In grippe for the past
few days.
Misses Ethel and Lena Ward were
visitors with Harry E. and Mrs. Me-
Cutcheon, . 6th line, Morris, for a
couple of weeks.
S. S. No. 8, Grey, • will hold their
annual Christmas tree entertainment
M the School house on Tuesday even-
ing, Dec. 22nc1, A good program is
being prepared. Admission 25c and
15- cents.
Duke's School. purpose holding
their Cheistmas Concert in 'blether's
Hall, Ethel, on Friday, Dec. 18th.
Program will consist of solos, in•
strutnentals, and a short play.- Please
keep the date in mind.
Address • and Presentation. ---On
Friday evening, Nov, 18th, a large
number of friends 'gathered at the`
home of Robert Cochrane, Corea,
Grey, to have a social evening, and
presented themwith gifts of remem-
brance before leaving the farm. Miss
E. Stephenson, Me. Stephenson and
Mr. Somers presented the' gifts while
Mr. McArthur read the following ad-
dress:—To Mr. and Mr's. Cochrane
and Miss Agnes: It is with fcolingi•
of regret and pleasure that,we, your
friends and neighbors, have lathered
here to -night. We regret that you
are 'so soon to leave our midst, but
feel pleasure that we are once more
to spend a social hour with you. Dur-
ing the years you have spent here,
you have won our respect and esteem..
Your ready willingness to .assist irl
everything that would advance the
interests of the community has 'ever
been your ambition. We shall Miss
you in our social gatherings, where
you could be depended on to pro-
mote the pleasure. In sickness or
need of any kind,' your sympathy and
help was so kindly given. In the new
home to which..you are going we can
recommend you to the people, feel-
ing that what is loss to us, is gain to
them, We are glad that you are not.
going so far away as to prevent you
from renewingyourfriondshipe and
meeting withus occasionally.
Though. deeply `regretting your re-
moval, we are pleased that you are,
leaving in your place those who are
not strangers to its aiid to whom we
extend a hearty welcome. Realizing
our loss and feeling that words alone
affection s our rc
do not express tion "and es-
teem, We puska you, Mr. Cochrane, to
accept this silver mounted cane and
purse, !flees, Coeht•ane this gas lamp
and as a token of renteilbranee to
Miss Agnes, thie manicure set, Our
united wish is that many happy year's
may be your. portion in Ethel,
Signed on behalf of neighbors and
J. W. Sornors
J. W. Stephenson
Mr. Cochrane made n suitable reply
on behalf of his wife, daughter, and
himself, , thaitking tlacttt- for their,
of the -
Season at
Long's Hall -
Cranbrook -
Friday Evening
Dec. 18
Moncrieff Orchestra
Gents 55c -
kindness and friendship in the past
years and hoping that they may still
remain so, He extended an invita-
tion to call at his new home in Ethel.
Thanking them once again, he said
his house was free for whatever en-
tertainment they chose. The com-
pany sang "For they are jolly good
fellows," and the remainder of the
evening was spent in social chat,
games` and dancing. ,
Milton and Mrs. Huffman spent the
week end in Stratford.
Will Huffman and family from the
West are visitors at the home of Milt.
Huffman. •
E. J. Dinnin has returned to Sea-
fortht 9
having. completed the wrecking
av_g mp ew g
of the old school.
The annual 0111 istnlae Tree Enter.
t1iment tolI be held in Knox church.
on the evening of Wednesday, Dee-.
• Box tenOi',L,--Ori the eveni ig r f
Dee 1110, a a •ne-i t ' n'l box -octal
Wali hold in Airmail, {f, sriim,{ d bi,•1
was largely attended, A go d time
was et :e .yad by all in e.eht. Pmol , m
0111 sled of 1pelleti, n*, dialogue,.
drills, sones and finite ntnl' ititl numb-
ers, An exaellon1 1'1 (11Pa1111 a•rt't in
>•ttandanrta 37 bex.'s well' ittrelinre,)
tiff by Albert Wenly. P tie for le s,
+leveret ed hex tent to flies Beef, lee
Meehan nod rriZo 1'„1 hen, et bidder•
weal to Rev Patri• k Pe c •tide of the
vi Mita amen', ted to 1'1,65 n0
(Too rate for last week.)
hliise. Etl-=•i PIA{ e1/1I eVentifeed
Melville. 11^tv'• (Pruroed after opentlihe,
the wer k -Purl at Walton.
Al• L'•ui"P- and idilz•ttr'th Mill.
are vtr1itois at the home id' Rich.:ud
pail t,
Therias house bei o.
11 old a I l l 1/ 17 a IR being 1
moved. It hits 'ball alt Pyr•sore ttl
the cltmmuuity for along time.
Duke's School purpose holding
their Christmas Concert in 1)unbar's
Hall, Ethel, on Friday, Dec. 18th.
Program will consist of solos, in-
strumentals, and a short play. Please
keep the date m mind.
Measles epidemic is now a thing of
the past in town.
As inspector was in town checking
lip on amusement tax and levied a tax
on a few "shows."
Rev. D. 11f. Guest has installed a
Indio seta We hope he won't !leten to
the baseball games on Sunday I
We are glad' to know that Harold,
little son of 11I, Gilkinsou, is progres-
sing toward health and strength once
Sneinl evening in the Y. P. L. this
week concludes the contest'nhichlhas
been running for the past 10 weeks,
Attendance was over 100 the last
night, with an averageattendance of
The Women's Institute 8will �
on Thursday afternoon of this week,
tit the home of Mrs. B. F. Carr. The
subject, "Ohl istmae in other Lands,"
will be given by Mrs. J. Bremner.
Cori mit Evente will be taken by Mies
G. Purvis. There will also be meie.
A 10c lunch will be served after the
'fleeting. All tvotnee and git'le :are
cordially invited to come.
P. N. and Mre, Currie entertained
the members of the choir on Tuesday
evening of last week, A pleasant
feature of the evening was the pres-
entation of a fruit spoon ih Old Col.,
oily to Mrs. R. Wilbee; as a tribute of
appreciation as nrganist for OR past
few months, A pleasant eurprise
was apt ung on -Choir Leader Currie.
whet' he wee presented with a scarf
and book ends. Among those present
were t Rev. D, M. and Mrs. Guest, R.
and Mrs. Wilbee and eon, Kenneth,
Jos, and Mrs. Ames, Mies Lyla Ames,
Mime Elle Pearson, It. and Mrs. Hall,
Mies Myrtle McKee, George and Mee,
Eckmter, 13. F. and Mrs. -Carr, Quest
and Mrs, Dobson, George Menzies,
Mise A. Menzies, 1 es Rhea McL,el-
land and Mitis 0. Bishop,
A Library Board meeting was held
in the Library, on Saturday evening
of last week, when a campaign for
new me/inhere was initiated. All
who were yearly n)embere for 1025
are eligible to contest for the prize, a
fine fountainpen. The den tett closes._;
January 15th, when the one who
brings in the moat new yearly sub-
srribere will be awarded the prize
There should be no difficulty in eectite
lee new members ns we have over
1000 volumes of ftrtien aline, besides
all other types of books. 28 new vol.
mime were added tide Hell and will
animal* eft the shelves after ,last, lst,
We alto been eleven magazitlee,
which the public ars Invited to rump
and road lit the renderer They he
elude : OnsninpnliteeWealere 1'1on*
Mtot tleiv, 111lLt'an's, American, land 1
and Sun, etc, All aboard for !list eon.
teat fol' 100 members fm' 10201
L. Ii ERIN', pfroprrielor
Tile Annual
okiix School
Will be held in
Knox Church
Tuesday, Dec. 22nd
Good Program
Consisting of Dialogues,
Monologues, Drills and
Santa Claus will be there
Come and Enjoy Yourself
Admission 2511 Children Fro.
Council met in the Township Flall,
no Tuesday, and closed up the year's
Don't forget the auction Pale of the
fat in of WTn. R Kerney, Ne Lot 16,
Con 5, at the American Hotel. Brus•
sets, on Saturday of this week.
A welcome visitor back to the
township is. Mark Cardiff, tv110 is vis-
iting tiis son, Councillor Elston
Catlett and other old friends. Mr
Cardiff has been out West for the
pawn .6 0 '1 10
Harry E. and Mrs. McCutcheon
celebrated their fifth anniversary on
Tuesday, Dec- 1st. Around thirty-
five relatives of the bride and groom
assembled for a five o'clock tea, many
from a distance being 'present. Ed.
and Mrs. Ward and family, -
R Gowns
town; Nin and Mrs. Ward and fam-
ily, Listowel; Walter and Mr's. Ward
and family and Miss Laura King, of
Trowbridge; Wm. and Mrs. Kitehen
and family of Atwood; Harry and
Mrs. Ward 'and Geprge Speit'an, of
Moncrieff. About 100 friends and
neighbors gathered to spend a social
evening, which was spent in games,
musk and dancing. The Smith's arta
the Moncrieff Orchestra were present.
The recipient made a suitable reply
thanking them for the numerous Sifts
which they had received. A midnight
lunch was served and they all wont
home in the wee, small hours of the
M•Iiss Puny Duff returned to Tor-
onto on Monday.
Howard Stewart installed a new
radio het week at his hone.
Jos.- Hughes, of. But'gesvville, spent
the week end with Alex. Cooper. •
Mrs. Frank Fair Brantford, is
visiting with Mts. Geo. Thornton.
Mrs. J. T. Costello returned to bee
home in Amaranth, Man., on Satur-
Wm, and Mrs. Elliott and family,
of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with
in lends,
Mrs. Jos. Cardiff and Mrs. Ralph
are at Horning's Mills attending the
wedding of a relative. - The United Church will hold their
Christmas tree in the Methodist
Church on Tuesday evening, Dec. 22.
Feed McMillan, Britton, had his
right at to broken while cranking hie
Mrs. \Vm. Ellacott, 14th Con., EI-
mn,suffetedfrom a stroke. She is
S2 years old,
"Rout." Riddell, teller of the Bank
of Montreal, at Grantee, has been
promoted to the Biutk at Alviston.
Stratford 0, N. Fire tears won see -
net] in the crtmpetitioe fee the C. N.
Ry, system. Lnnrtnn won tat prize,
Alvin Dunseith, baker in the
Thames Valley Co.'s plasm, got the
fingers un his right hand caught in
the bread weighing machfue.
The cost of running 17 street lights
at Atwood on the Delco system fat a
year is 5100, Committee line been ap-
pointed to secure Hydro instead.
About these weeks: ago in the Sag-
inaw Hospftnl, hlichlicnn, the death
took place of Walter Raymond Gunn,
second 8011 of Gess and Mrs. Gunn, of
Brunner. He had been ailing about
six months from heart trouble.
Mrs. J, R. Duncan, Trowbridge.
wishes to announce the rngegetneut
of her eldest daughter, Mabel Irene,
to John F. Brant, son of B. and Mrs.
Brant, of Trowbridge, the wedding
to take place in the Hent' rehire,
Remy 0, and hire Polkas, Moles.
worth, announce the engagement of
their eldest daughter, Lottie F., to
W. Melvin Scott, Atwood, son of JAS.
and Mrs. Scott, Donegal, the mar-
riage to take place the latter part of
aeDeath'eamo soddenly. on Sunday
evening, Dee. 6th, to Mrs. Wm,
Greenwood, who, for the past year
had been making her home with her
nephew in tanwan»town, Mrs,
Greenewood, who was just 83 years
old on the day of her death, was born
in Cambric, England, and came wild
her parents when a young girl to
Wallace Tnwreahip, For over thirty
ye ire she re'itled in L.istnwei, batt for a
year hag been living with a nephew,
Wm, Bailey, at GOWanetowtt.
W. G Robinson. a former Wallet'
'Pownah ID boy and a pupil of Lieu -mei
High School, eat) now write donor•.
able before hie name. Ha has been
elected Speaker of the Seekat phew[tn
Liberal Government tinder ?reinter
Dunning, Hen, Mr. Rubinson hire.
been a member of the last four
Pei'liamette, beteg elected last. lance
fm the .mirth time, and rept esen 1? 1111
riding of Fianale, Sank. ile is n
0rothet of Til. L. Rubinson, 01'11 lite,
Wallace, ills many Mende in List•
floret and Wallace will be giatl to
learn of I.liia honor' that has been Cone
Church Notes
Melville Presbyteri.tn Chitral
Rev. R. W, Collins, of Toronto,
conducted the serviees in Melville
Church last Sabbath, taking as his
morning text, Cor. 13;13 "And now
abideth Faith, Hope and Love, but
the greatest of these is Love," (1).
Fi7�th. Every man bas faith. What
we %need is not so much more faith
but that our faith be directed in the
right direction towards Jesus Christ.
(2). Hope. All men bavo hope, but
the greatest is that which amidst
trials gives us hope for the life to
come, (I), Love. Love is the great-
est Christian grace because it will
last and because it is most like unto
God who is love. At the evening ser-
yice Mr. Collins' subject was "The
Legacy which Christ has bequeathed
to His believeing people," St. John,
14:27. "Peace, I leave with you,
My peace I giye unto you." Christ
has not left riches to His people, but
Peace. A Peace (1) that is condi-
tioned upon belonging to Jesus. (2)
that gives peace in sorrow and troub-
le, and not peace from sorrow and
trouble. (8) that gives peace in per-
secution and not peace from persecu-
tion. (4) that gives reconciliation
to God. (6) that gives peace in con-
United Church
They say "Variety is the spice of
life." This being the caeca those
present, at the League, on 'Puasday
evening last, had plenty of candle
menu'. The program wits in charge
of the Missionay Department, tenth
Mise Howe at its head, and was a hap-
py cotubination of both the elission
sly and the Christmas spirit, The
rtpie was w1.11 presented by elmRobe, "Mimic ns in Angora." - This is
a eectiall in West Attica, fetus ply
takeen up by the Congregetionat
lumen, butt now, of cow se, under the
United uhnrele The tern; wan follow-
ed by a elite t diecussinie The .upon -
nig also contributed either readings
r solos 1 Miss Memnon, Rev. Mr.
Pope, Bat P• little i " t
k: i t Alice 1 le Edna Ed-
i ,
w a,� w
nod h1i s Du n n and A9ts )r.
Hainih1on. These! N,re int ersperoed
by several M issir'nsty and Christmaa
by Ulna, and tilt°geniei the sheeting
eras a pleasai"t and helpful free.
Those who tvel•e not present. 1111 the
!users. The Leagite will ant meet.
again until dining the Christmas
freak, ,Keep your eyes open for
ruttier aoni1tucitneut.
Council met on Tuesday evening
aceordiree, to Statute. Reeve Daeker
was inthechair an+l.-Councillors Bow-
man, Muldoon, H:etvitt,' Arm?tlolllc,
Minutes of Iast meeting were read
and adopted on motion of Couneil-
lat'~? Hewitt and Muldoon.
The following accounts were or
1lered•to be paid on motion of Coun-
cillors Lowman and Muldoon:. ---
Post, printing 3 13.85
A. A. Lamont, Div. Court 32.00
hie. Long, Div, Court . ' - - 82.00'
A. H. Macdonald, salary Clerk 150.00
A. II. Macdonald, salary Treas., 85.00
Gordon McDowell, salary 75.00
Wilton Gillespie, account 51.20
G. McDowell, expenses ' 10.66
N. Chapman, 4 straps 2.00
Dr. McRae, M,H.O. salary 100.00
On notion of Councilors Bowman
and Armstrong the Tax Collector's
time for returning Roll was extended
from Dec. 15th till 15th day of Janu-
anu ary.
On motion of Councillors Arm-
strong and Hewitt:—That by-law No:.
9) be pttssed, which provides for Nom-
ination meeting and Electors. The
Deputy Returning officer at""Bub-Div-
ision No. 1—Harry Champion, and
W. L. McQuarrie, Poll Clerk Divi-
sion No. 2—A. W. Dennison, D R.0.1
and Geo. Campbell, Poll Clerk.
Council adjourned,
Steatite:1 Public Utilities have de.
cideil w !educe the waterworks in-
debtedness at the bank, by $10,000.
T. J, Henderson of Flint, Mich., is
a-kiug unstated damages arising int
of an accident at St. Marys, Gntineil
will not take action.
Henry Hnsenpting, of Kitchener,
and a former resident of Milvertnu,
dropped dead while atu'ork in a pack-
ing plant in that city.
Frank A1, Nottilan, 25, died in the•
General. Hospital, Stratford, from gun-
shot wounds, which he received a
week ago while out hunting.
Edward E. Diem, Chicago, and a
former Stratford man, was killed
when struck by an auto in the Atm.
P01011t city. He was hi the plumbing
There appeal's to be every poesibil-
ity that Peter Smith, former Provin-
cial' Treasurer, will be roleaeed from
Kingston Penetentiary on parole.
111r. Snaith has served 14 months.
One of Lietowel's former busihese
men, Robert McMillan, sr., died at
the home of his nephew,' Rebel hlo-
Milian, in hie 83rd year. He watt
born in Orillla, but early in life came
with hie parent" to a farm neat"
He also ran It genorat
store for many years.
A special meeting of the St. Marys,
town council was held at which
Percy 'Hurlbut. of Preston, offered 1 n -
rent the So Cosy shoe factory. 14
was finally decided to offer to lease
the building and equipnlcln6 to biter
for a period of not more than two
At a
rental of
540 nor mrntth,
payable in advance. Tho eolie•tor
was instructed to obtain tt totemic) of
ell Menne on the So Cosy fantory by
t he Se Cosy Co, Ltd,. or failing this, tit
foreclose the mot•tgege.
The Lutheran church parsonage,
Stretford, wee the amine of a very •
pletty wedding on Thursday aftor.
noon 1est, when hflnnetto Lnuier",
rlanghier of Mre. Mary Aberhert, of
North 11asthop', ryas united in mitt..
riage 'tn Omelet) John WPM/Infer.
mon of Magntre `tVettlaufci', of North
5atrllape. 7'he caramhity viae pet.
.nettled by llor. O. (l. a, Itioebo 1).