HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-12-2, Page 8no Extends au invitation to make this your Headquarters for Christmas Shopping. We now have the most of our Christ- mas Goods on display and we Vell think we are safe in saying the assortment is }N Bigger and Better Than Ever Come in and see the New Amber, Ivory, Ebony and Tortoise Shell Beautiful Fine China Very New Christmas Papeteries Pictures and Fancy Baskets Perfumes and Toilet Preparations in Special Combination Pkgs. The Season's New Books, + Christmas Cards, Booklets and Calendars Fountain Peels with Matching Eversharp Pencils Christmas Tags, Seals and Decorations You will enjoy seeing the New Goods Two New Books Treading the eine Press One Increasing Purpose 1ph C sloe aG�1 By Ralph Connor By author of -if W, ter Comes" P. t . 1.��.5 i Wit:•/e j ee,eceeet.Drug=,'. +t and Stationer itr'fl�i+ >rnm *f: nnnxi Wa,eW H `• H++,+ o H Local News Items Iteteeelefr.. .' t^e eet+teee t , . t Ieereeeetti e ; S etie:4, ;' ;H tee-- e ,w ent , . , Minor Locals. December. Sleigh bells are ringing once more. town Council met on Monday even- ing. Co. Council is meeting in Coderieh this week Only 12 ;ne :eyelike. +lay, before fele ': `mss. (rllii,r end': population has shrunk nh:lily 1.00i1 in the past port.. `?mina) -i.,11 ml•etng in 11rue:,•I:1 Town Hall nn Monday evening, Dec. 28th a1 7.1:11 p,la. Florida water is still rciline by the ounce everywhere except in Florida. It is selling by the front foot there. The Post is always glad to publish LOST.—Brown leather hand bag, news of your friends who visit you, contu wing• .,n,<til puree rani sure o1 send in the information to us, or any nlont•3, between Cranbrook and other news of an interesting charas_ Li towel, last Thursday. Nov. 26. ter. Phone 31. Finder 1 indly inform. Cards are bing mailed to the. Phone 21-1e, Win. Sinnlidon. homes of hydro user askueg for sub- GELDING COLT for sale, also a script ons to the Queen Alexandra quantity of buckwheat. ('nuld. also Sanatorium as a Beck k M•"mo, r el En- feed a few head ui cattle for 3 dowment for the gr. ,...t(, he months. 24-2 Alex Dark, rendered Ontario. Phone 129 Brussels, R. R. 5. Municipal Nominations. FOR SALE. —Partridge, Cochin, .The nomination of a Reeve, four Cockerels, $3 each Councillors, two members L'tilaties Commission and three Public Sebool trustees to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the Town Halt, Brus- sels at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 28, 1925. If an election is necessary, election will take place Monday, Jan, 4, 1926. Polling sub -divisions being at the Council Chamber and Public Library and polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 5 HAY for sale—Several tons of good Timothy hay for sale. Phone 39-19, Mra. H. McQuarrn, Lot 12, Con. 4, -Grey. FOR Sale -7 -room frame house on John Street, Brussel',. 'u01 stable, ;;aril. -r hard ;0;0 .tuff ,rat,•,. ftcaa- enable sr rin.'. For particulars apply to Alex. Dark, Leu,. cls. R. R. 8. 21.e Phone 129. WANTED.—A subscriber wishes to precm•r a copy of Tile Buse is Pest of any elate it, M.ueh, 1922. Can anyone =U1 ply us with a copy: THE POST. Huron Co. Press. Last Friday at Clinton the old Hur- on Co. Press .Association was once more taken out of chloroform and shaken up. G. E. Hall, Clinton, was elected President; Mr. Southcott, Ex- eter, Vice-president, and A. G. Smith, Wingham Secretary -treasurer., It was decided to hold meetings in the Spring and Fall. Louis J. Ball, Man- ager of U. C. W. N. A. was present. He gave many ulsefu1 hints to the visitors dinner. Hall entertained the Unable to Accept Can to Church at Brussels. Rev. Mr. McKenzie, of Morriaburg, who was tendered a unanimous Sall from congregation the con re ellen of Melville Church, Brussels, has intimatedated that he will decline the invitation. Family ties which bind him to Eastern On- tario are given as the principal cause of refusal to accept. Rev. Mr. Rob- inson, of. Stratford, has beeri. supply- ing the pulpit here for several weeks past. Back on the Air. . One of the features of the radio program to be broadcast front WG 11, the Federal Radio Corporation, with headquarters at the Hotel Stat ler, Bugalo,.on Wednesday, Nov. 25,Married in, Wifrnipeg. is the conceit prasentocl by Charles On Thursday, Nov. 12th, M1as.Ag- Duff, of Niagara Falls, a former stn- nes Pearl Baeker, youngest daughter dent at the Ontario School for tete of Mrs. Geroge Backer, of town, watt Blind. This is a -repeat presentation, united in the holy -bonds of .nlatri. a prourarn having been gluon prey- loony in Westminster Church, Win- nipeg, by Rev. Dr. Christie, to Mr, Norman. Forbes, of Winnipeg, and a former Brussels old boy.;The friends of the happy couple extend . hearty congratulations to them. Phone 72 Douglas Warwick. FOR SALE.—A Persian Lamb coat, perfectly new. 45 inches long. all whole matched skins, large cape collar. !lig sacrifice for quick sale. Apply at The Post. 24-tf TIRE Chain Found.—Owner can have sante by proving property and paying for this advt. P. C. MCcall COW For Sale.—A young Holstein cow due to calve first week of Dec. 24-2 Wim Slemmon, Phone 83-7 Lot 23, Con, 9, Grey. FOR SALE. -15 pure bred Rock pullets—Not enough room to keep them. Phone 5-44. FOR SALE.—Three driving horses and 1 general purpose colt rising 2 years. Duncan McTaggart. Phone 299 R. R. 2,Brussels. KNITTING mitts again—Knitting the good, home-made mitts. Have a few pairs on hand. Phone 7710. FOR Sale -3 steer calves; two young farrow cows. Graham Survey, Phone 56,19. FOR Sale. -15 acre lot on Princess street, with good barn, well and cistern, For further particulars r apply to Mrs. Parker,Kincardine Ppy s, or A. H. Macdonald, russels, Mourning Dates Named. His Excellency the ,governor.een- or'al, Lord Dyng of Vimy, has decided that the period of mourning for her late Majesty Queen Alexandra to be observed at Government House will be one month, from Nov. 20 to: Doc, 17, inclusive; half. -mourning from Dec: 18 to Dee. 30, inclesive. ionsly by IIIr. Duff, which proved so successful that he has been again ask- ed to prevent 1.1 program. Mr. Duff. Is well known in Brussels, Funeral 'Last Thursday, The le:,i eret of the late Archibald Huron Co. Wine Honors. Scott wail :held last Thursday after. James Snell & Sons, the well known ane from t1he home of his brother, ciceister sheep breeder ear Mallett noon Lk. el:, I?ott. 1'tev. Mr. Lavin, Reeler Township, captured many awards at of 51..lohlt'r Church, conducted 1111' the International I ivestoelt 5xhd ltrou Purmrel : eeelt l?'tw at the horn' and at • Chicag'o. Sec ll v yeariln+, was ; rottrul I, • Th ' 1',%'11br nr r t e WI i 3 , (1r. ; t iia ?rti 0114)1 ion I r n s 3•r to th,r VVi i't ''3, 'i• . A111+?1't (•, 11,ie1,n 1, M. !w11110• hie 1pnde was elect; 1 ,r v• Yf>rl• 101, lu, I' (i?'i: 11rr1 tV Wrlli:,. 1 rhatiori Ills pen of tie's 10011,-1.. Am01l) those from a di f .tux' vv1.0 alt- 1 lrnb. +.'. t }l" rv"r tda,•I 1 tit+-:'n11;r11 r +.r. I .:. 11. L, 1:1 it 1 ¢ 01' ill,1`':riri t1:'�„ r l:e , ,r h ' Brian ,ECOt:t, 1,1())1(1011, Rosi 1 rir.r' 11i' I'I,+::;c+ „f 1i •.: 1 e4 .r/.1 ,Hl r, i t 101914 it,a, .lilt+ 110 0t was made ra 1, ,i t.,ol. tare -rhea for I,uli 1 1:11., •1 r,rl .011,. tlttry. 1e 1,1,32, Minor Locals. Cbriettnas Coming! Get ready. Monday Was StAndrew's Day, Do your Christmas istmas Shopping in Brussels. It looks like. skating on the Mill„ date sawn. Week•onds, alas! have,, tills full, been also leak -ends. The ears that turn turtles aren't, as a rule, going that slow. Remember the United Church 13az- uar and Supper i.'t the Town Hall an Saturday. • When that old fatnilittr hymn, "For those in peril on the Sea," was sung in one of the town churches the other evening, one of the hearers re - Marked that there ehou1(1 he a revised version, "For those in peril on the road," Quite right, as there are more perils to -day on the road than on the sea, and far more fatalities.— Watford Guide, Inspected School. Inspector Mills, of the Educational Staff, paid his official visit to the Brussels Continuation School last wInstalleak, ing Radio at Detroit. .Earl Cunningham is away ill De- troit this week installing an Ideal radio for Dr, Fred Gilpin, Mr. Cun- ningham motored down, Sale of Cattle and Pigs. Nesbit Hamilton is offering for sale a car load of first class cattle and pigs at the American Hotel Barns on Saturday, Dec. 5th. See full list in The Post, Why Not Ontario. The Province of Manitoba has ad- opted the policy of keeping within its income in the expenditure of pub- lic funds. This is respectfully direct- ed to the attention of a host of other spending bodies in Canada. It is a policy that needs to be widely adopt- ed. Thanks A, H. Denny, of Saranac Lake, New York, in remitting his subscrip- tion to The Post adds the following: "You have a paper to be proud of. Very few towns of the size of Brus- sels has such a weekly paper. We enjoy reading it every time it comes." A Former Resident, The Blyth Standard makes refer- ence to a former blacksmith in Brus- se1s:—Fl:iends will regret to learn that W. R. Ph'lips is not enjoyin1g, goon health. He has been troubled for some time with an internal afflic- tion which may yet necessitate a sur- gical operation. Talks of Quitting. Reeve Baeker talks of (pitting this year, but many of his friends would t•>e Warden - ship. arden- • •him go after th like to S4e, had It'sabout t time Brusselsa h i. s l 1 the honor coming to them as only twice has it come to the village when the late Jno, Leckie and W. H. Kerr held that honor. The Post would lice to see Mr. Baeker have this honor. Medical Men to Meet in Loudon. 'Pile• annual sessions of the Outur'io Medical association will b eheld in • come time in Loudon, for threeays 1n days, t..t May, it is announced. The; will be tin• fiat medical gather ng of any size to be held in London xinee 1912 what the ,.::radian Medical associa- tion held their convention there. Canada Has a Future. A newspaper editor from Nuw South Wales, who travelled through Canada from east to west during the past summer months, says: "Canada is not a country, but a continent, butindkes in rich resources, and ri•ch- r still in the indefatigable energy of a people whose most conspicuous racial chiu•acteristic is their devotion to education and research in wise foresight of the future." Quite a Contrast. The former Provincial Inspector of 1'ri;ons, W. W. Dunlop, was eontenc, n to four years in penitentiary at is n;,; ta,r for etealing pubLk funds whin:. Holding an office of trust. The other day at Oshawa, a poor Bernar- do boy was given four years in the same institution with hard labor for obtaining clothes to the value of $4.- 50 4:50 by a forged cheque. The contrast is something to think about. American Papers in Canada. The circulation of a number of well 'known. American papers and periodicals in Canada is as follows: —Detroit Free Press, 2,105,440; Buffalo Courier, 1,625,212; Buffalo Express, .357,708; Cleveland News Leader, 391,508; Detroit Times. 2,- 346,292; Ladies' Home Journal, 1,- 724,195; Delineator. 712,3.68; Pic- torial Review, 1,365,672; Red Book, 484,608; True Story, 1,072,644; Col- lier's. Weekly. 1,724,785; Saturday Evening Post, 5,274,412. Meeting of Library Board, A meeting of the Public library Board was held on Monday evening in the Board -room. The Financial report was presented, showing a very successful financial year. 40 new books have been placed on the shelves. Two new members have recently been appointed in the persons of Rev. Mr. Barker, by the Council, and Rev. Mr. Lewin, by the School board, It is the intention of the Board to re- decorate the interior of the building in year future. in the near fu con e The g !s being looked forward to as a re- cord breaker. Has the Stock Salesman Called? A sure-fire test of unknown securi- ties offered you for investment is to inquire at a bank whether the stock would be acceptable as colateral on a loan. If an investment ranks high a hank will lend anywhere from "rbc to 80 per cent, of its market value. If it is uncertain, then it has little or no, value as collateral. The glowing aecount sof a salesman do not estatb- lish'the value of a stock or bond. The property and earnhig power of the company or corporation determine that. Aslc the bank. Tf they don't want a spangly, it is dead sura you dont.. Mirrors on Motoe Trucks, it is the Highway Traffic Act e provincial statute, and not a 3,111115. cipal bylaw. Which 'requires that 0,11 commercial motor vehicles be egllip- ped with mirrors This 3011,1 bro110l01 to the attention of a 1101.11"1:4 ,..wren, r who Wets e.ha, ped 11, 111 1 n9,ini, conA will/ fa!lttr,• ,,o to 1 qui., iri:; i 1.03, 1 ays AWHOLESALER after receiv- ing a shipment of our honey, wrote me, saying, "We are go- ing to push the sale of your honey, for it is the best we have ever hand-. lee This season they .ordered two hundred pails, and nearly three thous- and bottles. A recent letter states, "The honey arrived in good order, and we are well pleased with the quality." There is no doubt that it pays to produce a good article. Jim Ross and Will McCracken can supply you if you do not wish to come up for it, Christ it is '4 nod !Is& A quantity of good Fur- nace Wood 18 in, long. Apply to J. M. Knight & San3 Phone 35;6 R.R. 3, Brussels G. A. Deadt Personal Paragraphs A VILLAGE le a place where central tells you 114 is u0 use ringing 11re. Jot en because she is out. Parliament Will Meet Jan. 7. Following a meeting of the Cab- inet at Ottawa on Monday, Premier King announces that Parliament will not meet until January 7th. Has Resigned. Angus Campbell has tendered hes resignation to the Hydro Commission to terminate this year." Mr. Camp- bell finds he cannot make the job pay. Named Rector of Toronto Church. Rev. W. J. Spence, a former Rector' of Milverton, has. been appointed Rec- tor of St. Jude's Church, Roncesville�s Avenue, Toronto. Mr. Spence is well known to 'many in Brussels, and was associated 'with the Toronto Chau tauqua Course for some years and visited Brussels often for concert series: As Others See It. Commenting in a g on the, recount a North Huron, the Dundalk Herald re- marks that `the law has teeth and has shown them in' this case." It has not only shown them, but has used. them to bite innocent people, disfran- chising hundreds of electors who faith. marked their ballots in good But one suspects that these must be false teeth. W. C. T. U. The regular meeting of the Wom- en's Christian Temperance Union was held at the home of Mrs. David Cun- ningham on Friday Nov. 27th. There was a good attendance of members and visitors. Miss Kate Deadman conducted devotional exercises and Miss Howe read the Scripture lesson. Plans were made to have Miss Rosa- mond Duff, Field Secretary, visit our Union in January, . A bale of cloth- ing and fruit is being sent to the Children's Shelter at Godetich. A vote of thanks was passed .to all who so kindly contributed to it. At the else of themeeting the hostess serv- eds g r tea and a pleasant social hour was enjoyed by all. Januarymeetingwill beheld'athe United hurch Pron- age. Colin Fingland, who sold his hard- ware business and residence about a week ago, has purchased the residence of Mrs. Harvey on Queen street and is moving into it. ' Another business change was made here when James TI, Cutt,, who was formerly in the grocery business hove, but who. had been eondueting a sim- ilar businos in Sarnia for some time until he was burned.out a couple of months ago, on Saturday purchased the grocery business of G. M, Gllant'. born in this village. Ile will take pos- session this week. On Friday fright, .131y11 Lodge., 1.0. O.T , he 1d an sit hon at thelodge. room s, atwhich the lnnrnbers 111111 their wives }rad a mist enjoyable eve- 1110104. - T:aclrrt: [tile c t•nlcinole w(Irp. indnl;c''1 in, tier ode.,013101 cs br lust l;u, in u, .bele. "flees, r :old 11o, f'h:; . 1.3,; ,,,; k ,,1. and mid r iol.'r,3,1.. 1'. un1i,•:� (1:1,,1;, r ' 'Arts.): tie. 1';n:r .- tru""h < 1i,i' tiuele n u ilr,• 11 r, , r e t"'iri 1 1.?rr: f rli, .1,1T1'1*. f I 1 ,Y p1 r til, I ' f 1. t. .J..r, •" .. ,lti,7 . 111r11 ,,. i, rr3,':1 Jit,.! , 1, v1 ,tr 1,•,". 1n l' • It if' •,i i.": 1,.r i,., h r,,,Itrt •.1.. 111.110 1,30 • .. 'I I. 1' ,Ihh! 14`31:1''. 0011x. 1110 i ; 11fle 1,1' 1I1• t 7;:1- rn t", •,l A' 1 `, ,, ,r in'd ,I lq,:•e ri 1 i ,l;l' r I o. :; , 0 e. 1} r 1 1, 1 1 i, 1 i'r t 1 ..._ 111/1, ! alir4l +.,., .. . e ,::, .1 . ,, 11' 111 brief; Aire, Roder t Dark has not been P. the best of he til b t • 1 f 1 a i, 11 We 10119 110 change. Will Rowels is having a real hard time with stomach trouble, something 4 akin to the flu. Mrs. U. Rolrb went to Tru auto Tnea day mos wing of this weak to visit tela• lives cued fru, ods. Reeve. A. C. Baeker ii; attending Co. Council at Goderirh this week. G. M. Elliott, Co. -agent of Child- ' roes Aid, was in Brussels on Monday, Miss Ruth Sinclair is visiting with her sinter, Mrs. Clarke, at Hamilton. Co. Constable Whitaie}e. of Goderieh, .was in Brussels on Mon- day. Torn. Armstrong, Toronto, lent week with his mother, i11rs: Wm. Armstrong. Mrs. Robt. Kerr .left last week to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. McBain, at Detroit. Mrs. George. C. Manners returned last Friday evening from her visit in Detroit with relatives and friends. Walter A. and Mrs. Lowry returned last Friday evening from their visit to Elmira, N. Y. State and also New York City. D. M. Scott is confined to the house this week with an attack of flu. D. M. is•too busy a man to be on the shelf. Brian and Mrs. Scott and Miss Jean •of London, spent the week end at the parental home of the former:, Peter and Mrs, Scott, Miss Alice Currie, of Pine Creek,, Manitoba, is here on an extended visit with relatives and friends: The visitor is the youngest daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Currie. formerly of this locality, and this Is her first trip East. Duncan Sinclair, M.P., for North. Wellington, was a visitor in town last Thursday and gave The Post a call. Mr. Sinclair is a representative of the International Harvester Co., and Brussels is ineluded'in his territory. He told the Pose that when a boy of 18 he worked in the old cheese fac- tor her for a season and remember- ed e theMcLauohlin bogs and the Sam- ple y t. ple boys. Mr. Sinclair is the newly elected Conservative member for Wellington. theend MONCRIEFF United Church Bazaar, Town Hall, Brussels, Saturday, Dec. 5th. A dance will beheld on 'Pricing even- ing of tide weals in the Moncrieif Hall, Eveeybrdy is invited, • The heart and Hand Mission Band of Knox church held a very elleee951111 Banal. in the church basement on l'necclay afternoon• The new aohool will be fol really opened next 19riday, Dec. 11, when a concert and box social will be held. See anninnleernetr1. in this home, BLt) VALE, 7'he Womeli'a Institute will meet at the horns of Mrs. C. IT. Got lit: s nit l'hui. rhty, nee. 10hb at '..10 Mee A, i',.notn111:5 will 130 11 719.71' r " Va1..1 5,'1 may tin t0 melte• C11,r•a n,,,. 1,:el,t ".r 1'(l . 'i, t ' 00113 e' ref ll' 1 ('{, 1 tl;• %', ) 11,,11 f ,t1 v.' 1 , 1 I, } Store Christmas Buying Year by year we find our Customers giving this important matter much earlier considera- tion than formerly so with this in mind this week finds our complete stock on display and from points of excellence and variety we think it is one of the most complete we have yet shown. Come in and see for yourselves. You will be made very welcome. WATERMAN AND PARKERS' FOUNTAIN PENS Very complete . stock, $2,50 to $6.00 CHOCOLATES Some very handsome pack- ages, 40c to $3.00 THERMOS BOTTLES A real practical styles and sizes. CHINA This is one of our most at- tractive lines—our stock is large and very varied. gift—all PERFUMES AND TOILET WATERS Hudnut's Three Flowers and Seeley's in very dainty pack- - ages. FANCY BOXED STATIONERY Always a very acceptable gift, Ours is Warwick's • handsome "DeLuxe" line 25c to $2.50. CAMERAS For an all year Christmas gift, it's hard to beat a cam- era. FLASH LIGHTS A fine little gift for anyone. FINE LEATHER GOODS this year Last proved y t s pro ad to be one of our very. best Tines, but this year, from a point of excellence, we have far sur- passed it, We especially in- vite you to see this part of our Christmas display. FRENCH IVORY Here is where our stock is particularly complete. We have given it a very complete and careful selection• at prie- rs that are absolutely right. We think you will say so too. FOX S DRUG TRE • "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER ri Church Notes St. John's Church There will he the relelulufnu of the Holy Communion next Snrulay,n011 ingiu the Anglican church, 131 tinsels, at 11 a. m, United Church The services nn the :inhb;r1[1 were vet y largely attended and two splendid sermons were delivered by the Inirllstel. Nov. I6th wets Annivc'ioaly Sun- day. The services were in 011111 go 01 rhe minister. The snip r 1 5.)40,911 was asked fir RR n I'hntikofferil,g and ,LisamO11(11 was exeeedr1 hy the congregation. Last Sunday marked the close of a 0/111 cake of the ("0- grl•gatinn for their share of the 13ud- liet. of the United Church of Camas, which was 51,550 OD, Barb a'a< 1},e re-pnnse on behalf of the people, lb t they went over the 001), omit titan g I he sum of 51, 700.(10. Melville Presbyterian Church Next Sabbath, Rev. N. Davies, formerly of Hartford, Connecticut, end Wainwright, Alberti, will eon- duet the serVloes in Melville church, morning and evening, "The Love of God" was the theme debit with by Rev. T. J. Robinson, in Melville church Jnut, Sabbath Innrn- Ing, the thought being based on Luke 10 : 27, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart", and Romans 8 :85, "WVho shall separate us from rhe love of. fend '" God is not jeal- ous of our earthly loves, but our love o God is shown by our love to those with whom toe come in contact. The love of Qod 15 5110wn in the life of Christ.` The love of God in our hearts is impeded by selfishness, hat. red and lusts, but one day the love of God will trinmph in the human heart and nothing will be able to separate tie from that Love. At the evening service, Mr. Robinson's text was Matt. 11 : 29 and Heb. 4 :8, Put nff ilk old man", and "Take my yoke upon you." In every nun there is a dual nature ; a God and a devil striv- ing with .each other for mastery, There ie only one way by which the God -like can gain the mastery, and that is by yoking the life to Jesus and with hie help the evil is over- come. Only in this way can the en. if orgies be rightly directed as every lits needs 1 1 e s a Master and Christ et a til . 1 to ean rightly direct the life, Other Church Notes The Newmarket Eta, of Nov. 27th, made mention of the church set vices. 10 Trinity United chetah, and in re - (erring to tint solo rendered by Hiss I4. Moab, datightet et 1'.C'. rind Mrs. MiCsll, of Brussels, says The mne-, hull pnrt of the }lrig111111 yens well. s r„ 1 1 n frog r 'rho 4 h anthems vele gor,•el, 'Pete solo by Aliso 1:. 31DC'11ll was beautiful. MA RA'S Fo,:D,a-r'unxrn --15 Wratpainlette ohnreb WInelneg, by ltry Dr ('hristfe, on Nov, 12th. 1921, h grtra Pearl Roeoker, vuncest daughter of the tato Gcoren Baeker nod lutes. Packer, et I;rnssela, to Nnra:an Berber, of Winnipeg, Dian ,,m -of the late .Err. and Dir... Forbes,,;t Grty Twp. DIED P.rr•.rnnAl l,. -At the home of bre daughter, Dire Arthur Dirinnle, Pelee Island, on nra,isy,:Nov. 111h, 14,14 Aire. David .a desk) 1,111n•r1)' if Grey Tonr.ahip l,:0., 740t I, y .ar. IN MEMORIAM Kt 1011x11.- lo tsv,r•Jt memory Oa door 5i ifs and mother, Selena Nary, uhn ,ll,0 rt 8. 4111,194 You're not forgotten mother dear, Nor over shalt yen bo- As long hie and mrmery.Iast W eribsll renieml u+ thee, II0011151) M"N8 AND DA1+Dlt Tell. b1CA1lxrn.--11t loving memory or Air, Jas. D1eArter, who mend (Way peacefully on Dec. let.19)2. Yon aro not forgotten, mother dear. Nor over oh1511 you be • As long as DU and memory last We win remember; HY NAxur. Auction Site. SATURDAY, Dc(r. ET,, -Car load of ftrat•clans cattle and pigs at the American Hotel barna, Bele nnrceerved, at 1 o'clook, Nesbitt Hamil- ton , Prop„ D. Di. Scott, Ano. TpasnaY, Duo, loco, -Farm stock, Imp. laments, Grain, Hai etc, at Lot 27, Don. 9. Grey. Sole at 1 o'clock. Wm. Wnionghby, Prop. ; 13, D7, Scott, Ano. For Sale by Tender Frame hoose and kitchen, also frame viable on Lot 21 Con. l7, Gro Twp., will be sold DT tender. tronders w111 be received up 10W • nosdsy, Deo, 16th. Will be sold altogether or separately. Apply ABORIS DI CLUB. 28 Pbone 299 LB. 2, Hrnseels. Live and Urised Poultry No Live Poultry taken on Saturday Live Chia One, over 0 Ibe 20c Chickens, 5 to 6Ibs 10e Chickens, 4 to 6 lbs 17c 011iekene, under 4 Ise,.,... 1.4c Ilene, over 5 lee 14c 120 0c, Hens, 4 to 511e; 10)3,3, Jt? to 4 Iba liens, under It lbs.... 6c Roost ere .. 8e Young Dticke , 18' 01d Durks Ile 8*`Nnil,ing but No, 1 lenultry areepted feelery t1, 1') be In •"0 01304 rneull!ion, I31aek feathered fowl 2e a lb less Dressed Select Milk Fed 23c 26e 22c 24e 20o 22s 180 20c 180 Ifsr, 1.Oc 12e 180. 100 except at iteduced Pi lees. M1Llt FED OHIOKENS 1'h,• tl • I meet le• plump end • ng, r to'd he 35011 t u i } 11 t how 1 ttllitl• c,ilnr, a '4, 3vi,`i; hark.! i,,I pin t:.,, .. well ir•yea4,1 53,111 milt,' fat, 1"I" rah,•ts110R,wli1(,erAli }d+f•=n.'t} tit f,lr,,'1fiih hied en 4 7 ti i lr•,,.. 1',r 1' lir}?jcrat try c-t.atttt' C cs k'v1:?u, f lin 1'1.. ;e, ICY w ,'1 c+ Mww.wu.�, .wnu...,�..or,....W„IL,Iti„W. _ ..-. ""•"°Y4,.%WIY".YIOIM.PIk .. �4 f ,et Your Banker Help c to Build Your Success op fiAro/r roll q0�1 j1111111111111111• ,I MO11141 lU I Ilei I A 4 n 4 11 ft ft It ft ft nII 4 ft f st ii - banker in devote actual t Enlist the • faithfully -In,arests N ►T' n ��'°N0'� .for matters all problems the Standard which, Consult rriE Farmer who rifl relies upon his advice and assistance of finance is free to his attention" to the of farming. assistance offered by . e Bank of Canada for fiftyrtwo years, has served the Agricultural in this Dominion. our local n nFIFTY manager. BANKING • 11111I111111111111111111t11111111111111I!,111,1,111111111,1111111111111I111111111111111111111111111I111II11, 11 ',omit! — YEARS - STANDARD BAN OF CATiADA ;i TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-ONE BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA 501 ays AWHOLESALER after receiv- ing a shipment of our honey, wrote me, saying, "We are go- ing to push the sale of your honey, for it is the best we have ever hand-. lee This season they .ordered two hundred pails, and nearly three thous- and bottles. A recent letter states, "The honey arrived in good order, and we are well pleased with the quality." There is no doubt that it pays to produce a good article. Jim Ross and Will McCracken can supply you if you do not wish to come up for it, Christ it is '4 nod !Is& A quantity of good Fur- nace Wood 18 in, long. Apply to J. M. Knight & San3 Phone 35;6 R.R. 3, Brussels G. A. Deadt Personal Paragraphs A VILLAGE le a place where central tells you 114 is u0 use ringing 11re. Jot en because she is out. Parliament Will Meet Jan. 7. Following a meeting of the Cab- inet at Ottawa on Monday, Premier King announces that Parliament will not meet until January 7th. Has Resigned. Angus Campbell has tendered hes resignation to the Hydro Commission to terminate this year." Mr. Camp- bell finds he cannot make the job pay. Named Rector of Toronto Church. Rev. W. J. Spence, a former Rector' of Milverton, has. been appointed Rec- tor of St. Jude's Church, Roncesville�s Avenue, Toronto. Mr. Spence is well known to 'many in Brussels, and was associated 'with the Toronto Chau tauqua Course for some years and visited Brussels often for concert series: As Others See It. Commenting in a g on the, recount a North Huron, the Dundalk Herald re- marks that `the law has teeth and has shown them in' this case." It has not only shown them, but has used. them to bite innocent people, disfran- chising hundreds of electors who faith. marked their ballots in good But one suspects that these must be false teeth. W. C. T. U. The regular meeting of the Wom- en's Christian Temperance Union was held at the home of Mrs. David Cun- ningham on Friday Nov. 27th. There was a good attendance of members and visitors. Miss Kate Deadman conducted devotional exercises and Miss Howe read the Scripture lesson. Plans were made to have Miss Rosa- mond Duff, Field Secretary, visit our Union in January, . A bale of cloth- ing and fruit is being sent to the Children's Shelter at Godetich. A vote of thanks was passed .to all who so kindly contributed to it. At the else of themeeting the hostess serv- eds g r tea and a pleasant social hour was enjoyed by all. Januarymeetingwill beheld'athe United hurch Pron- age. Colin Fingland, who sold his hard- ware business and residence about a week ago, has purchased the residence of Mrs. Harvey on Queen street and is moving into it. ' Another business change was made here when James TI, Cutt,, who was formerly in the grocery business hove, but who. had been eondueting a sim- ilar businos in Sarnia for some time until he was burned.out a couple of months ago, on Saturday purchased the grocery business of G. M, Gllant'. born in this village. Ile will take pos- session this week. On Friday fright, .131y11 Lodge., 1.0. O.T , he 1d an sit hon at thelodge. room s, atwhich the lnnrnbers 111111 their wives }rad a mist enjoyable eve- 1110104. - T:aclrrt: [tile c t•nlcinole w(Irp. indnl;c''1 in, tier ode.,013101 cs br lust l;u, in u, .bele. "flees, r :old 11o, f'h:; . 1.3,; ,,,; k ,,1. and mid r iol.'r,3,1.. 1'. un1i,•:� (1:1,,1;, r ' 'Arts.): tie. 1';n:r .- tru""h < 1i,i' tiuele n u ilr,• 11 r, , r e t"'iri 1 1.?rr: f rli, .1,1T1'1*. f I 1 ,Y p1 r til, I ' f 1. t. .J..r, •" .. ,lti,7 . 111r11 ,,. i, rr3,':1 Jit,.! , 1, v1 ,tr 1,•,". 1n l' • It if' •,i i.": 1,.r i,., h r,,,Itrt •.1.. 111.110 1,30 • .. 'I I. 1' ,Ihh! 14`31:1''. 0011x. 1110 i ; 11fle 1,1' 1I1• t 7;:1- rn t", •,l A' 1 `, ,, ,r in'd ,I lq,:•e ri 1 i ,l;l' r I o. :; , 0 e. 1} r 1 1, 1 1 i, 1 i'r t 1 ..._ 111/1, ! alir4l +.,., .. . e ,::, .1 . ,, 11' 111 brief; Aire, Roder t Dark has not been P. the best of he til b t • 1 f 1 a i, 11 We 10119 110 change. Will Rowels is having a real hard time with stomach trouble, something 4 akin to the flu. Mrs. U. Rolrb went to Tru auto Tnea day mos wing of this weak to visit tela• lives cued fru, ods. Reeve. A. C. Baeker ii; attending Co. Council at Goderirh this week. G. M. Elliott, Co. -agent of Child- ' roes Aid, was in Brussels on Monday, Miss Ruth Sinclair is visiting with her sinter, Mrs. Clarke, at Hamilton. Co. Constable Whitaie}e. of Goderieh, .was in Brussels on Mon- day. Torn. Armstrong, Toronto, lent week with his mother, i11rs: Wm. Armstrong. Mrs. Robt. Kerr .left last week to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. McBain, at Detroit. Mrs. George. C. Manners returned last Friday evening from her visit in Detroit with relatives and friends. Walter A. and Mrs. Lowry returned last Friday evening from their visit to Elmira, N. Y. State and also New York City. D. M. Scott is confined to the house this week with an attack of flu. D. M. is•too busy a man to be on the shelf. Brian and Mrs. Scott and Miss Jean •of London, spent the week end at the parental home of the former:, Peter and Mrs, Scott, Miss Alice Currie, of Pine Creek,, Manitoba, is here on an extended visit with relatives and friends: The visitor is the youngest daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Currie. formerly of this locality, and this Is her first trip East. Duncan Sinclair, M.P., for North. Wellington, was a visitor in town last Thursday and gave The Post a call. Mr. Sinclair is a representative of the International Harvester Co., and Brussels is ineluded'in his territory. He told the Pose that when a boy of 18 he worked in the old cheese fac- tor her for a season and remember- ed e theMcLauohlin bogs and the Sam- ple y t. ple boys. Mr. Sinclair is the newly elected Conservative member for Wellington. theend MONCRIEFF United Church Bazaar, Town Hall, Brussels, Saturday, Dec. 5th. A dance will beheld on 'Pricing even- ing of tide weals in the Moncrieif Hall, Eveeybrdy is invited, • The heart and Hand Mission Band of Knox church held a very elleee951111 Banal. in the church basement on l'necclay afternoon• The new aohool will be fol really opened next 19riday, Dec. 11, when a concert and box social will be held. See anninnleernetr1. in this home, BLt) VALE, 7'he Womeli'a Institute will meet at the horns of Mrs. C. IT. Got lit: s nit l'hui. rhty, nee. 10hb at '..10 Mee A, i',.notn111:5 will 130 11 719.71' r " Va1..1 5,'1 may tin t0 melte• C11,r•a n,,,. 1,:el,t ".r 1'(l . 'i, t ' 00113 e' ref ll' 1 ('{, 1 tl;• %', ) 11,,11 f ,t1 v.' 1 , 1 I, } Store Christmas Buying Year by year we find our Customers giving this important matter much earlier considera- tion than formerly so with this in mind this week finds our complete stock on display and from points of excellence and variety we think it is one of the most complete we have yet shown. Come in and see for yourselves. You will be made very welcome. WATERMAN AND PARKERS' FOUNTAIN PENS Very complete . stock, $2,50 to $6.00 CHOCOLATES Some very handsome pack- ages, 40c to $3.00 THERMOS BOTTLES A real practical styles and sizes. CHINA This is one of our most at- tractive lines—our stock is large and very varied. gift—all PERFUMES AND TOILET WATERS Hudnut's Three Flowers and Seeley's in very dainty pack- - ages. FANCY BOXED STATIONERY Always a very acceptable gift, Ours is Warwick's • handsome "DeLuxe" line 25c to $2.50. CAMERAS For an all year Christmas gift, it's hard to beat a cam- era. FLASH LIGHTS A fine little gift for anyone. FINE LEATHER GOODS this year Last proved y t s pro ad to be one of our very. best Tines, but this year, from a point of excellence, we have far sur- passed it, We especially in- vite you to see this part of our Christmas display. FRENCH IVORY Here is where our stock is particularly complete. We have given it a very complete and careful selection• at prie- rs that are absolutely right. We think you will say so too. FOX S DRUG TRE • "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER ri Church Notes St. John's Church There will he the relelulufnu of the Holy Communion next Snrulay,n011 ingiu the Anglican church, 131 tinsels, at 11 a. m, United Church The services nn the :inhb;r1[1 were vet y largely attended and two splendid sermons were delivered by the Inirllstel. Nov. I6th wets Annivc'ioaly Sun- day. The services were in 011111 go 01 rhe minister. The snip r 1 5.)40,911 was asked fir RR n I'hntikofferil,g and ,LisamO11(11 was exeeedr1 hy the congregation. Last Sunday marked the close of a 0/111 cake of the ("0- grl•gatinn for their share of the 13ud- liet. of the United Church of Camas, which was 51,550 OD, Barb a'a< 1},e re-pnnse on behalf of the people, lb t they went over the 001), omit titan g I he sum of 51, 700.(10. Melville Presbyterian Church Next Sabbath, Rev. N. Davies, formerly of Hartford, Connecticut, end Wainwright, Alberti, will eon- duet the serVloes in Melville church, morning and evening, "The Love of God" was the theme debit with by Rev. T. J. Robinson, in Melville church Jnut, Sabbath Innrn- Ing, the thought being based on Luke 10 : 27, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart", and Romans 8 :85, "WVho shall separate us from rhe love of. fend '" God is not jeal- ous of our earthly loves, but our love o God is shown by our love to those with whom toe come in contact. The love of Qod 15 5110wn in the life of Christ.` The love of God in our hearts is impeded by selfishness, hat. red and lusts, but one day the love of God will trinmph in the human heart and nothing will be able to separate tie from that Love. At the evening service, Mr. Robinson's text was Matt. 11 : 29 and Heb. 4 :8, Put nff ilk old man", and "Take my yoke upon you." In every nun there is a dual nature ; a God and a devil striv- ing with .each other for mastery, There ie only one way by which the God -like can gain the mastery, and that is by yoking the life to Jesus and with hie help the evil is over- come. Only in this way can the en. if orgies be rightly directed as every lits needs 1 1 e s a Master and Christ et a til . 1 to ean rightly direct the life, Other Church Notes The Newmarket Eta, of Nov. 27th, made mention of the church set vices. 10 Trinity United chetah, and in re - (erring to tint solo rendered by Hiss I4. Moab, datightet et 1'.C'. rind Mrs. MiCsll, of Brussels, says The mne-, hull pnrt of the }lrig111111 yens well. s r„ 1 1 n frog r 'rho 4 h anthems vele gor,•el, 'Pete solo by Aliso 1:. 31DC'11ll was beautiful. MA RA'S Fo,:D,a-r'unxrn --15 Wratpainlette ohnreb WInelneg, by ltry Dr ('hristfe, on Nov, 12th. 1921, h grtra Pearl Roeoker, vuncest daughter of the tato Gcoren Baeker nod lutes. Packer, et I;rnssela, to Nnra:an Berber, of Winnipeg, Dian ,,m -of the late .Err. and Dir... Forbes,,;t Grty Twp. DIED P.rr•.rnnAl l,. -At the home of bre daughter, Dire Arthur Dirinnle, Pelee Island, on nra,isy,:Nov. 111h, 14,14 Aire. David .a desk) 1,111n•r1)' if Grey Tonr.ahip l,:0., 740t I, y .ar. IN MEMORIAM Kt 1011x11.- lo tsv,r•Jt memory Oa door 5i ifs and mother, Selena Nary, uhn ,ll,0 rt 8. 4111,194 You're not forgotten mother dear, Nor over shalt yen bo- As long hie and mrmery.Iast W eribsll renieml u+ thee, II0011151) M"N8 AND DA1+Dlt Tell. b1CA1lxrn.--11t loving memory or Air, Jas. D1eArter, who mend (Way peacefully on Dec. let.19)2. Yon aro not forgotten, mother dear. Nor over oh1511 you be • As long as DU and memory last We win remember; HY NAxur. Auction Site. SATURDAY, Dc(r. ET,, -Car load of ftrat•clans cattle and pigs at the American Hotel barna, Bele nnrceerved, at 1 o'clook, Nesbitt Hamil- ton , Prop„ D. Di. Scott, Ano. TpasnaY, Duo, loco, -Farm stock, Imp. laments, Grain, Hai etc, at Lot 27, Don. 9. Grey. Sole at 1 o'clock. Wm. Wnionghby, Prop. ; 13, D7, Scott, Ano. For Sale by Tender Frame hoose and kitchen, also frame viable on Lot 21 Con. l7, Gro Twp., will be sold DT tender. tronders w111 be received up 10W • nosdsy, Deo, 16th. Will be sold altogether or separately. Apply ABORIS DI CLUB. 28 Pbone 299 LB. 2, Hrnseels. Live and Urised Poultry No Live Poultry taken on Saturday Live Chia One, over 0 Ibe 20c Chickens, 5 to 6Ibs 10e Chickens, 4 to 6 lbs 17c 011iekene, under 4 Ise,.,... 1.4c Ilene, over 5 lee 14c 120 0c, Hens, 4 to 511e; 10)3,3, Jt? to 4 Iba liens, under It lbs.... 6c Roost ere .. 8e Young Dticke , 18' 01d Durks Ile 8*`Nnil,ing but No, 1 lenultry areepted feelery t1, 1') be In •"0 01304 rneull!ion, I31aek feathered fowl 2e a lb less Dressed Select Milk Fed 23c 26e 22c 24e 20o 22s 180 20c 180 Ifsr, 1.Oc 12e 180. 100 except at iteduced Pi lees. M1Llt FED OHIOKENS 1'h,• tl • I meet le• plump end • ng, r to'd he 35011 t u i } 11 t how 1 ttllitl• c,ilnr, a '4, 3vi,`i; hark.! i,,I pin t:.,, .. well ir•yea4,1 53,111 milt,' fat, 1"I" rah,•ts110R,wli1(,erAli }d+f•=n.'t} tit f,lr,,'1fiih hied en 4 7 ti i lr•,,.. 1',r 1' lir}?jcrat try c-t.atttt' C cs k'v1:?u, f lin 1'1.. ;e, ICY w ,'1 c+