HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-12-2, Page 5allfor your haiir v.. never know how good your recipes are—and how well you cansnake pies, cakes, puddings and bread, until you're used Purity Flour, Your dealer knows, Ask him, SEND Fon me punrry l•L9U1i COOK. BOW Seed ,3arfor :be 180 pose. Puri* Flour Cook Book. Sent perrpaid. WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS CO, LIMITED Read Office—TORONTO Wenches front coast to coast Walkerton; Mrs. (Rev,) ;c,: F Roy craft, 13iaintfoi'd1 Il'Iisr Elleabeth Wil- son of Cliengttt, Went China, at pre- sent home on fie laugh and Rev. Ilugh C. Wilson of Tobermory. The funorlil was held on Wednesday eftnl'noon, interment being made in the old fam- ily plot et Wycombe near Shneec. Minor Locals To the average eitl•zen venison is dear cheat. Feminine life these day is just one i)aonar after another. Entomologists admit that burning chill fell the corn borer—bat Preeziing won't, Cabinet making in France 0en51810 of trying to assemble a number of misfit pieces together, with glue that won't stick, A ne as piper reports that a girl has promised to marry the first of three men who field` her a house, A case of love at first site, 13td,•kltvers in New York aro de- manding $16 a day. Even so, they s 2/1 WO r,+rteonable than some of the present-day hens that are :rofus- ing to lay at any price at all. It is announced that there is tt shortage in the Russian wheat crop, On the other hand, the yield fronsthe wild oat crop, sown by the Soviets, m•ein ises to he exceedingly larg e. News of Local Interest Rev. J. S. Duncan, fornPr mm 15t PI of Luclcnow PresbyteriancIt th, and for several years at Sault Ste. Marie, has been inducted into the charge at the United Church at Thessalon. E. W, Beatty, President of the Can- adian Pacific Railway, predicts that Canada will have a great influx of immigrants in 1920. If this is so tt' is a powerful argument for the most tremendous immigration effort put forth in the Dominion. In Great Britain and ether leading European countries, and in many =- portant states of the American Re- public,.the lighting of all vehicles at night is legally eompulsory. The sooner Ontario has a compulsory Jaw of this kind, the better it will be for the nubile safety, The Kingston Whig figures that -a man going out in winter for a walk, with his wife and three daughters, will have a greater weight;of clothes than the other three combined. But it must be remembered that Ilubb}e is minus the.weight on his mind of , how his load looks. ' A. E. Wigle, telegraph editor of the London Advertiser; and a well - Potatoes For a Plow. Last spring says the Orillia Pack et, a young farmer in the township of Caledon, offered Blacksmith Ken- neth Kearns 20 bags of potatoes in exchange for a single walking plow, the potatoes to be delivered in .the fall. The agreement was signed and now the blacksmith realizes that be received $46 for his plow. The plow was: worth probably from $20 to $24. Important B. O. T. A. Ruling. Persons who empty out liquor in an attempt to balk officers from oh- taining evidence, in 0. 7'. A. raids etre guilty of obstructing officers. Mattis-. trate W. E. Grundy ruled at Windsor waren Frank Liberties, aged 26, a home', r at the home of Mrs. Ruth Lake . was fined $100 and costs. Lib- ertit emptied out liquor 1'r4 a pit- cher when a squad of city constables entered Mrs„ Lake's horn*', The lady was ordered to pay n eilnilar fine for the same offense. Thr United Fnrmers Co-operative Co. The United Farmers' Co-operative Company, of which J. J. Morrison is Secretary -treasurer, has completed the must successful year since. the farmer movement Became a factor in Provinci:II politics. A dividendof thr,r per cent. has been declared, which is considered equivalent to a dividend of nine per cent. on effect- ive capital. A change in the meth- ods of the company, and the dropping of stores and other unprofitable lines are given as reasons for the rapid improvement made by the company. The two most profitable branches of the organization, according to the an- nual report, are the.' creamery and the egg pool The New Toronto Fair Building. Work on the new Ontario Govern- ment building on the Toronto Exhi- ' bition Grounds has commenced. It will be a triangular structure located to the west of the Transportation Building with a frontage on the lake of 490 feet, with the other two sides approximately 360 feet, costing ap- proximately $576,000. Among the features will be open air courts some- what similar to those in the Pure Food Building, and it promises to be elerobably the handsomest exhibition building on the continent. All the Provincial 'Government exhibits, w.hiclh are now scattered about the grounds. will be grouped, 'and a co- ordinated scheme for display will be carried out. It will be ready for oc- cupancy in, time for the opening of the 1026 Exhibition,° Called to Toronto Church. Rev, J. D. McCraw; .B,A., 13,D., 13othany United Church, Ahnonte, Ont., son of the late Dee D. L. Mc- Gee* and Mrs. McCrae. London, Ont., turd a nephew of Mrs: Jas, Speirs, of town, has been :tendered a unanimous call by Avenue road United Church, Toronto. Mr. McCrae Will succeed Dr. 1)inoon, who has moved to New Glasgow, N. S. Prior to going to Almonte five years ago, 111r. McCrae was pastor of the Presbyterian church at Petrone. Son of Dr, McCrae, who was formerly. Presbyterian minister at \'Vestminister church and Muni - ton road church, London, and supply at the First Presbyterian church, Mr. McCrae took his collegiate course at tate institute here and later gradu- ated from Queen's University, Kings- ton. Died at Walkerton. Jr M. C. (Max) Wilson, of Moose- jaw, died suddenly ofheart trouble at the home of his sister, Mrs. Lorne Eedy of 'Walkerton, on Tuesday of last week. The deceased was the el- der son of the late Rev. Jasper Wil- son, a former President of the Lon- don Conference, He was 39 ,years of age and unmarried. During the war he enlisted with the 15th Light Horse and served in France with the 490h battalion. He had been suffer- ing more or less from heart trouble since his return from overseas,o owing to the effects of poison gas and he had spent last winter in the hospital at Moosejaw. Ile carie east about a month ago to be near his relatives and hgd gone up from Brantford a week or so ago for a short visit in Walkerton. He was around' as usua Monday morning early, but took a weak spell a little after nine when medical help was summoned, but he passed away within thirty minutes Three sisters and one brother survive him, namely: -Mrs. Lorne Eedy • known newspaperman, died suddenly of heart disease on Sunday, in his 45th year. Grimsby Town Council have passed a motion to the effect that no more gas pump permits will be given for curb or sidewalk stations. Any fur- ther pumps must be placed on pre, vate property. After a trial of five years or )hole. the average Canadian has about con- cluded that the Dominion income tax is a delusion and a snare and that the sooner we get rid of it tile better for all concerned, - In the last fiscal year only 4.676 farms paid an indome tax and they passed over to the Federal treasury less than three hundred thousand dol- lars out of a. grand total of some forty-five millions, Fifty per cent. of the traffic of the L. Bc P. S. R. is now freight, and 75 + per cent. of the freight le coal, that will be cut off if the Dominion. Rail- way of the request by Board sanctionsq ay the big steam linos. The movement of grains from the Prairie Provinces to the terminals at the head of the lakes has 'continued at a rapid rate and is reported to have eclipsed all former records. The 1. ease with which 'the crop has been handled is noteworthy. In a single day 2,484 cars containing 3,492,247 bushels of all grains were unloaded • as against a former high level in 1923 of 2,360 cars with net •contents of , 3,291,606 bushels. 4lilUi i r"�e'-re di If' • li! riS b or �'ii + if �ti�`3+1i+1Lst� fir -great ma moil- REM' u t- iZEDX'r is the basis of modern businei c, Credit it is that sup- plies funds or goods., for immediate bu lint is mals, against a future:. pro - Mine to pay. Credit -'•t:onflc:cnue-- feith- -they nrrt l:arlrCly one. Credit is on lll,.ntuii)l.`- enough thin;;, yet some firth:; seelite the credit they edea,), , being one of their best nssets. In r:: wee credit of m:Mire, with its many negotiable instrument., this balk file nn indispen. able s" -viae.•`-°^ �.'h�'�'1x place Cheques ova sent everywhere for e*•llezSon, foreign or domestic -drafts are. discs ed or held f'r o; liection, loans are mule rual 'i s ..•.a,'n uron 'the credit. standing, ,'f h it r' :red. .All the:, Inti., 1{.. t t 'nr incident, upon fore r n ht .::etcd. Moro than, alit „i.. I . ' ; cn:ainual surveys of l o rn ess tc)iw C - :;I511 122, transportation fac;.h2ies, prodaciic.n. and consumption fig- ures broth nt heleee teed abroad, for the use of its custoznera•. + The J1andi I1/ Nora ,Scotia has been serving Cave dia8 industry f.)r ns'lrl: XC 71 years. ifs experience, retards and resources, theessisfonce of no branches and sire G„ ;cltrt--r Op• pigmented by mutants personnel --are all gladly plated 81 bur casldlriers c nona.nds, Id .611 •m HE F )C`''I,i ESTAliL,IStriED 1632 Capital $1O,OOOOOO Reserve 610,500,000 lii,;;tl ti s lire:tt> 230,000,000 :oweiroere r4*err` '; eu ehret,' renerioaetexes s.* .herett`eerelfS, i' utters; s'e The undersigned wishes to .. state that he has stoelced a full ,e . line of Portland eaters i WITH DOORS and ;t: WITHOUT DOORS y 3; and is prepared to look aftta' d. lithnee , 4, wants pt the public in this at , 't' All Kind,' Repairing ,t; Attended to, 3f _, Allan Lamont' j D. Ewen Shop, Brussels, 3. .1.4444. Labelling weather prophets who Have predicted a summerless year in 1026 as "expert humbugs" J. Patter- son, M. A., of the Illeterolegieai Bur- eau, Toronto, speaking in the Physics Building on Saturday evening before. the Royal' Canadian Institute, stated that, as far as present knowledge goes, no one knows what next sum- mer's weather will be. Extensive preparations are being • made by the Turks for the eventuality of war over the Mosul question. Large quantities of munitions and explosives are being brought in week- ly from European ports. A sjiecial- 1y heavy armed expenditure program is provided for in the new budget. Inspections are being made of the forces assembled on the border and it is generally .belived by the best observers that this attitude 'for once is not a piece of bluff, The Financial Post of Toronto has been sizing Canada's financial condi- tion and calls for the formulation of 0olv0 definite plan to take care of the war debt During the next twen- ty years Victory and War Loan is- sues to a'tntel of approximately 52.- 000,000,000 o 41 1:+,01110 clue and pie, - able. It is unthinkable that this debt can be wiped out by a young country like Canada within the period stated. Yet it is ?OATH years since the armis- tice was sign,d and nothing has been done to make plans to take care of: this situation. BRUCE COUNTY The tatepltyers of S. S. No. 10, Kin lose. were considering building a new school, but when the vote was taken, I he proposal was 'ejected. One of Teeswater's early business uteu in the person of John SIcLean, passed away last 'week, He was been in Scotland and came to Canada when a boy. A big belt, weighing over tem tone, and which was used for driving the stone cruehee at the hydro quarry \Veetof Walkerton, is being taken down and shipped to Toronto, Neil McNeil, a resident of Allenford seotinn, suffered serious injuries 1N. bile assisliug ata barn raising on t the f. om of George Wain, near Cargill on Set. urday. Re was craning down off the building, when he slipped o±1 a wtL brace and fell to the goouttd. When cplltting some kindling in the cellar at 1s home inWalkerton. Patrick Ritchie, an old retired pioneer of the Enniskillen settlement, Greenock, had the misfortune to slip on a stick of,wood, and in falling to cement floor fractured the left thigh hone in the joint, besides bruising and cutting his left temple. William Howe, of North Bruce, narrowly escaped serious injury on Friday afternoon, while threshing clover on the town line, near Port Elgin. 'He was reaching into the clover huller to fix some machinery when his coat sleeve caught in a pul- ley, giving biro a bad throw, severely wrenching his arm and dislocating his shoulder. A special meeting of the Bruce Presbytery was held in Knox church, Tara, Rev, Mr. Sheppard, - of Bur- goyne, presided in the absence of the Moderator, Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair, of Tiverton. The meeting was held to deal with the unanimous call extend- ed to Rev. R, A. Cranston, B. A., of Kingston, from the congregation of the continuing Presbyterian church, of Owen Sound. The call was sus- tained and refereed to the Kingston Presbytery. PERTH COUNTY W. 0. 1Tonderieh, Miiverton, vette successful Ju carrying off a first, a second and liiree thirds in the` Light Brahma Bantam class at the Royal Winter. Fair held at. Toronto, Sid- ney Kerr was Alan A whiner, taking.a Nest And a second in 'the Silver Campine class. John Cameron, of leullartou, broth- er of roth-ernf Lhoblin Common, of 81. Marys, dbetl at the tesidetten of his -brother -in haw, 'William &nevem:ran, on the 14th Omicession or 1'ulhtitrou, nn the 1212 inst., in his 70th year. His bnybnnd dove hv2 re ire nl nn Clio old home- stead, Lot 10, on the 111,81 0,teepogi nal, Blanchard, e, th,r f,um' ulj,tning shat upon whirl* lion. 3rtllta0 d1•ruh• on Oslo° 411eill hie IroylNtoll shays 'Plic dreeA,so,i 111.211 was 111 a 2111151 dispns- elen, sa Preoby'l11,41 And aiife•inug Lih•r,tl. Aon play..ir an the Violin, Ile hhd 1011,01' *ban a 1110111 tepuriNi+ln CAR OF StandardRe-Cleaned Screenings GROUND Also Cnl' 2 ash of Ontario Oats & Corn. Special price of car for any of the above. Screenings are going up in price every dace and hard to buy, also other seeds, SO Plae(1 your order at once il in Deere of feeds• Grover G,. Gill Phone 6914 E k'HBL Qlarilrag' Light Danycrous to the eyes Toec.Ina lecure brine reel x "vy%ri,�yq .eye )oaten by pmteedue your gyre from the danger. 022 ultra•rlolat rare clean) preen* in attune pr glaring Hest, llhra-vlolet "'ere ,1war, souse era attain and pact; ca an cataract, it you aro not enioring Ibe comfort that 5500. from wcaane i'osie,Lile lemce, sea ve at once. Learn about the adeantageo .2 2422 wonderful naw lrns urommrnl,d brats trading edeotleta, lncludlne Bir Oliva* Lodge, Aei(er than Orpokas-qui color Oo rrlale the appearauoa—o guarantee '0 W0;1, every Pair, Maude O. Bt'yafria OOto,notriet +++,14+44+++++14+++++++ ,14+1, +1, Ste Marva Woweas' Inetitttte sent a barrel of ft u't eo the Sick Children's 11nslutal, lie Tn,man. ' 'I'I1e members of Lite Milbank Ang. Bean on Lic ob* prearn te'1 Rev. Idr, 3a.(211.41192 Lb a 111100 of 2.000257 au 1118 loavuig lite pari,la for &lotpeth, De. G. Edward 'tremble,- son of J. ' 1'7 Tearable, druggist St, Marys,, has been appointed to the McGill. tJn, 156581 ty staff, as assistant dmons trat- 0- err surgery, W. N. McMurray, Qeeen street West, St Marys, was cleated Pres t lent of the Perth County Beekeep- e s' A eociation at the annual meet- ing• in Stratford.. Word was received of the death of Mts. \Vasl+bur•n, who for mrtny years w110 a resicisut of Listowel, and who went in September to Belmont' to make het, home with a nephew. In- terment was made in Belmont on eland ay. 31,s. Washburn was over oevet{ty years of age and had *leen in f'oiliug heelth for over a - year. She V171113 ons of the meet faithful members of Knox Presbyte>rian'churnh.' A former resident of Blanslhercl died in Botha, Alberta, on November • 10th, in the person of Mary Richard- enn; aged 83 years, relict of the Istte Edwin Davis. ' Deceased was born in 'Pyrone County. Ireland, and carne, to Canada when but two years old with her parents, who settled in Sirucoe County: Later, the Richmeleen mooed to Blanchard Township. In 1578,,idle married Mr, Davie, a^*1 in 14,,i ing..1,1 1912 o,'i,t: \\ est and 'flied on u homestead two miles' North of where the town of .Botha now stands, the :car under the L R. A., the 810011011 being illegally manufactured eV smu}; *;led, it is alleged. This c.b:trgcr will be called on Dooe'mber 4, Lawrence Smiley, of Dungannon. Ont., mode application through -]tab-1 sec corpus proceedings in the Sup - roma Court at 'Vancouver, 11. C. for i the custody of his two young children, I placed, it is alleged, in Providence Canvinit 111 New Westminster, by the' children's mother, • 'f CAR OF Expected this week. This is a very high grade dom- e Cn<il whicll 1ivas est satisfaction • everywhere # it goes. J. H. FEAR Phone 2214 ETUEL I placed the inflection on the wrong word, following the literal italics in 1 ICings 13:27, and read: "And the apako unto his sons and said saddle i 1 ole an ass, An they saddled hien," 1 4. 4 4141.0/' i An aul,l Kirk divine was one day i walking itlmng'the streets of the 0api- Preacher's Corner 1 tel of • the Orcade , when lie met a I well-known tinker: 1 '"Well, Sohn, can you say the Lord's (By D. IL) A church all, in an exchange soya: newer, ,yet'?" " sermon • t 10.30. "Pre pare "01 Morning s r n a 1 { for the Worst." The quartette will the hi.: trade. Call you make a tin , sing." ha:1, man," said Jelin, "every man A facetious hearer, describing the A clelgynuan in Toronto lost his rambling sermons of him minister, said hat one evening recently and was "If the text had the smallpox his obliged to wear home a shabbier one Sermons would never catch it." _ whbleft in its place. Next day thichehadfat ween as returned by the peni- "Minister ♦at' erose of sermon) "We shall now sing hymn number 380." Operator (rousing from nape "The i line is busy," HURON COUNTY The troublesome hole in the swamp, east of Lakelet, is again to the front. The water was inches deep over the road, and during the past week, two teams and five men have been piing gravel on the road. William Steinhoff, of -London, was fined $100 and costs in county police court tor having liquor in other than a legal place. He was arrested in Bayfield last Sunday by Officer low and and Revenue Officer A. Porter, as he drew up at a house which the officers just searched. He had two gitllons of American alcohol, Furtheh' charges are laid against Steinhoff by the revenue officer, who also seized tent :appropriator, who thus apolo- gized: "I'll ,never take a minister's hat again. You cannot think what queer things I've had running through my head ever since I put that hat oil." A good min:oter out West preached "Ali, me," exclaimed it pieta.. old at good sermon on peace-making,and' lady, "our minister was a powerf tl Treacher. For the short time he min_ had at. lung deacons of the church 1 who had long been at variance with istered the word of God among us, the ,,..h .; other. end such was his "be - banged the in'ords' out or fie. 1'i'i- rte nee and earnestness that, directs t Y after the service one of the deacons went over to the other and said, with tears in his eyes. "Brother Stiggens after such a sermon there must 1)e Peace between us. Now, I can't give } you runit' in and you must." ee les." gPreacher—I brought back the arc• and -hand car I bought from you beet week. It is too obstreperous. Dealer -What's wrong? C'au't Preacher—blot and stay in the mini An Irish priest told a soon who had istty. a Bible in his possession that "he had no business with the Bible, for St. An old Scotch lady gave a pointedPeter said it was not the Wort but reply to a minisier who knew he iia"- 1 the milk of the Word he ought to offended her, and expressed surprise ' have," and he confirmed his assertion that she could come so regularly to by quoting, "as new-born babes desire hearhim preach, She said, "My guar- I the sincere milk of the word." rel is with you, man, it's no' the goo-' pee eo. A preacher who was not well ac - "I know that well, please your rev- erence," the poor man replied, "but for fear the: milk alight be adulter- ated, I like to keep the row that gives quainted will? the elocotinnorc art, it with ore in tit,• house." w�. 4 NEWSPAPER - A�YERTISING resp ry lr� r. Because it secures the best distribution. 2. Because it is read. 3. Became it is regular. It takes years of effort to work up a news- paper's subscription list and the advertiser gets the advantage every week. And whereas p-•)bably not more than one bill uut of three is read, every rpapt•r is read by three or four persons. For reaching the people of Brussels and:Brus- sel's district, there is no medium ,to'compare with THE BRUSSELS POST. t. It covers the tieltl, r It is a pitvr ill it is rr'aul through Its•reatders ht-1,)ng t•.) thr;l)urcha�i-1 • ci:t The Quality of a Paper is Re>fhf.,cted on its Advertising- -.H'Y ii,usinesa Stimulating try advertising in The Brussels Post lelLt gettE fete eikeelet se el - . l y,.