HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-12-2, Page 4_ _. ,, ��1!� r.'as�s C5 Vast ,.. tS, hort.�].d7�'n Bulls,Agriculture as it field rather than all experimental i per cent protein, It takes the lace' I 1 • p ........,, ;::: i lVtiT)Nl7fil)q y i)lrr) 2. 1025), FOIL SALE „ ,- wi t ` �11 9 rite Winders from vateailly Attract Attention as Worth- for laay. or allowed to ripell find fe€'. Barloy n , , 0% o Premier ari2e Winnin Stock while Crop in Western Haalf of vine and all. Cattle clean it u 3 well 61 l t a J ctivu in the drive for a.eoliu 1 b ( Provinoe•--Recommend+ad as Con- in either form, anti it is a til' i -class 0 1e last we have, front the groat %entre e Pend and Far Wood Co1 fattening feed, The4 disadvantage o f,I I. Jirlxn Sidwal'd•Browllhro 13 A., X, C., 16c,liew pramlol of Alberta, was born breading sire "'White Wonder." trol••-C,ain fix Favor In United browing for hay Lev la the fact that. :;it, tort jtyorse, Qat., in '188+1. IIs WE SELL CHEAP States r cutting comes at an unsettled +.:alto, n:s's rdncated at SPtrniu Cnlleg'iate Also a few Cows and Heifers 11'bov. was a good ileal of trouble ill ' 111;3titute and Toronto Un!Versity, He I Moth as a substitute for corn ill Luring where it teas eat for bay this 'r 'irm for several years general counsel '0. Turnbull, & Saris Case the .borer should forge Western }ear," remarked Air, Stothers. "As a lar the United (+rain GYUweI?9, 1,111111- i'd; mid the 'United Farmers of Al. Phone 2814 .Brussels, R. R. 2. 1 Ontario farmers out of that croiM legume, it is, of course, a soil ltapiov- duika. Int? was not a candidate for ,i hI wa: not a eandlrlat) for fife, LeXI,. i olid as it valuable Crop itself, the soy i er.,' ' fire f+egi laturp In file 1.921 election,.. • 1x11 whon the .Fanno ' party was sUe- _. `"--•"-'•-^--'^^^ Jamieson for Paramount, Mrs. The bean itself is one of the most ht.an is steadily attracting attention.' in It Ili comparatively new in Ontario, highly feeds, ri ful lie Was appointed attorney. wencrAl and was elected by acclama, and Parrish for Couriers Corners -•-upon concentrated of conta- having been grown only a few Pars 6 g Y Y s hug about 20 per cent fat find 10 ''Wonderfal Ivolk or art. Ahas been f?f".'tr(,m„pplLgo'` MAR,K�i as it field rather than all experimental i per cent protein, It takes the lace' I 1 • p V111111,11as htgli nA $1100. I Vell ,91100. � , Oto Il 33 John M,g'.1 Ii, i+letawel, rn A elo..f :lPsas 12 I xs ad C 1111++11 ut of 11/4+ llnsptGal OnatEl, Barloy n , , 0% o 111' 4s AlitehAl United Church ha's Qx- I o ahlvbeni ,+ ",.i 61 l t a J ctivu in the drive for a.eoliu 1 b ( 40 hutwr „ 410 0 fullda I Albert 9t aoAn1h,r is Installing, it fuel I1ubx ;: r IS 10 "" 16 11 U - Oil engine tit In:t chopping 111111 At ..-,....p.,,,..y—r�,.y«.,Q...-.��j»p..�.}.{,..,�Q:«7.-«�lyl..g,..,p . tt NIS, price. 'o NIS, a, t Rlt. 111'(11lis,, 04614oble form fop Sale tc.•rnatlomd show (it Chicago proves Hammer', nlloe morellant of • +it & lfG] in+' I,,, n utst t u 1YrHr3o t 6 v 1 o wawa eized asb, who ,vita seized With 1i strnlir , t with trok Yater moved to the Wrist, whoa lir €€ ^apo& a lively interost. lit tilt) United ` l 1p for PanaL'Pf. kle i, a' Ale:tnzod st g their splendid reports. lie said the as it field rather than all experimental i per cent protein, It takes the lace' I 1 • p . d lied resides at Edmonton, onto the ley paveluent. }!x1, death oil' Chal'iHa t3at]neldar, 1111, vat(+t allwerehatit and postmanter, of crop, but during 1111, past two or throe i of '710111 lnllk ,Intl tankage in the hog .--'-•----T- nlCrbrrt Greenfield, who has resign- t d the premlorship, was barn in 1.860 ladles put life into it as they do in y+'ars ft has hceli ainzlg in favor. ! 1•:itiml, if supplemented by a mineral tJavoral' cRii's of Iniuipa hRtve. been I "WInshr:vter, England, and came to everything; they are better at detail The sanding; of 80 exhibits by south-' ruixture to prevent softness In the p' shipped frilly, Dublin to Lila States, tit i tiAanad . Ili 1892, and fer a time rp- All do not gos6lp 3a mUCll: The Arl• Vitsty?rll p+,nln4tUla 1,"`1'OWCCR to 11111 1r1- pOrlt, aitd is a valuableconcentrate . tt NIS, price. 'o NIS, a, t Rlt. -61di^(f ill Uiddi(+'ex County, Out. ., I'Ie i nual meeting lie ,Considered the most tc.•rnatlomd show (it Chicago proves �, ,: � fo.. Cattle. .,: As pointed out by 141+, o wawa eized asb, who ,vita seized With 1i strnlir , t with trok Yater moved to the Wrist, whoa lir €€ ^apo& a lively interost. lit tilt) United i Important of the whole yeAr, ad the' tbaf it is becorninlg well established it) i Stothers, it I. also used for hay and paralysis a few days ago, oeeulH some+ p' Pm -me party. f Ilse Ali. Brownlee, U.F.C, consists of thy: men and too• iz+.?nt and Iiasr;X, althou;;h ter total ' .'s sometimes ensiled 1111x1,41 with Corn. 1OloerolAldsworth, ,i hI wa: not a eandlrlat) for fife, LeXI,. '111,11 aP fire farm an(i riot of the o0"t- uvreage }s still :small. Experimental union tests, with ex- of L1e'TownHhip r;f 1i,ty, died at the hums ofllis,sister,, tature at tilt! 1921 election, but tho victorious Farmers' party asked him cars lit Toronto. The club is a com- plata Pnst Lute of the whole family-- °•]t i4 Pt crop) that can be safely "says poiimenters, scattered over Western 1 I Bayfield at Lila age. of 82 yeara. Do ro become premie after the elerti,tat., turn, women and young prople. EIa Y i,r (6111111 ndr,cl front ever (an le ) ' Ju-:tus Miler, rvprt ;tat- n Ontario, show. tl)u 0. A. C. ] 1 var- leaves Pi tNtnily of fi,ur, two sons nncl $1,'141+e one.(ister• 7'hN a seat wits found for hitn.in Peace faieor, frx 1900 lu• inarr4ed A. E1]z- 1,13.1 not think the interests o£ the town agnoultural !re for Essex, '`rIt Will not hr: )ro- ,at 1 inty loadin, aso seed producer with g 1 an Average 19.8 per acre, -LavDbrntliera, remains were brought to iw eler to:' intot t, 4beth If . r ii,, of Strathroy, Ont:::h•r 1. and country people, wore similar, and as crop, jarrip a firvt-cvery second, with 1G.4 bush- ; A. 1 , , with ire, W 'e1, Press of it , e• The „# pd last your, .:s a proof of this be quoted the tem- ofps, Inst it is nor of the ve.y Li?st'x$'111-, hofitt it h pin and colilmon brown third, with pi d call, t1,, m tketr t cei(tdate, mikes LbH I ,,, following rr).1 ) t b } ) I 11 At ' _ p�l "srg "t i P g 1.111941.E§al p�y�Ift 7 Unjust 1,i ,rice vote which was A clean-cut ?)vision between towns and country. Ifick of clasa-consciousnoss has put ute.; which can be• used 'fol' corn," tiny', however, are 11111 confiner! tai 14 bushels, No. 211 has also headed ilio list in three, -;'ear tests at the On- encp cos turtnea. SLit 01 t l oy, %i it has been a prominent figure in tire.. Salvation A; my for a 91feat many onto the ley paveluent. }!x1, death oil' Chal'iHa t3at]neldar, 1111, vat(+t allwerehatit and postmanter, of the back the books, Ow peninsula altot"ether. %'troy havo .u'• i•ultural Coll"pe in whirl '� Agx c r oars: •`3laij.,1 John 11•,hki,k, C'urof restknown-8Wvation Army Oarthagr, rnurkg tine pyisSing (if an. i+iri,•ulture on of h,vun grown sueces.,,fully•for ears at g Y i t varieties were coillpar.:d: i cftleers, nt1)er (if N,rningintt's Oldest res,.' '1'11+x) to 7'elegYa)d tC`ylasarvatirv) I'h;, fwrmnr's calling is one to ba the Q. A. C.,,Gue]plt, and for several 141aka Way in U. S. to will le lie C tautda than the United take Ali Important in Lha United dente. flip. ytthnsitlar tuns born in 1. Orth Huron i+;count 1, ha. v;,i ,. -»'61741 of. The rural nlan falls to ']pe words instead of standing four- yr:rats near Clinton,Cliliin Huron. At Say hears have been sprcadiug kh States. Maj a 13,$kirk i ut the pros, "s, Ai evivit in ,l 15 18811: .I$r csu,e to Arurr')oee when I'1 e,us of ngH and re- Y i ompliane:, with th•? law And pent• t 7::rr, on all questions, Pe class- r th= latter place, ri. J. LeBeau Iran hart Sloth• nv('r the iJ, S. cord belt at li great eat Line ter d itsSout eon7anandet fait flit army !n Southern 3aaskat. sided f+„ e fro- y tui in 5tnrri: p t ,u a ^-ral,e:r ap niitra•;,• 1,11 ..-v;7y, frrP,icil-le 6r.•rinus, he urged, The few farm- ivarited sucaevs,:rt,port:+ S. 13. ):•.rte of Late years. In 1913 IllPnols 3 - CI]Cw1Ut, witu hetul(laartet•n T» lir• Cnnut 'reivIark,wlipte the'famllY ' y'. 1 " juMi,•,•. , set Ottawa can rule the roost; ars. ,,r,•tv only 1,000 acres; this year the gins. In hie nrry position, his i fir^r wits 1,u} 11+,1,41 in Fat•aiing. Abnal aD o, lie Caine to MOrt,Ington r otiurth Huron recount rolm 3 d thr:y can stop bad things from going A Valuable Crnp. 7 .ii„e u.Ia ;`olneewhero bettif 760.- 'tad accordin ore- %viii lie in ttre 1111 ' nt Ohiea nand his 'ye•ats y g title will u1, that of lu•taon secretory°' „ g Ptnd Opened nrd a "w pail etll At (.:aster ` 1 ' b' ,. Eatery o, t1wir ]math++ and dvpriv :; I throulth. Our methods of overnment c, VJc al,( beginning 1.11 thine 11111 i-u� 1,000,000 fit. , \Vbat mi •ht have been a Splicer; ag°'• 111141 w+tw apperintt+d postmaster] p 1 117 ;n •i} + anditliae' of hc. sr':at•, is .are bad.- We pay one sidr. to carry :;oy beans will be a valttablr l,1 to n: puxts. Even in tho Northern States, eaiden( nc rrpd at Iii J >eu on $ltu- a t [ about the sense tine ivltiCla ;,naitlnIT 1$+111nT'Vlt. t r ra- nn Anti we pay the other side to p a7 Ilnl'aTl,r geld llLr. Strath( ra in '1`. e .,trt'il LlA �ti l:icoilsiu, the crop -hag been .dt�y ❑IM'llialg -iVhen lL Cilr speed -tag Ila held omil about tell yeti's agn. A a:,:7t, lit quality of pilAic JUAit.a re, e tl t n.' Here 7s rn them from oT: g Advertiser the other day. "For one • tntrhing uta," in bun- dow,I the London road at about fih.y miles tilt hour, ernshed into tate roar - - . - , ^lay, Whine Ili th,. circunistanu• that . ):l . roes for ht, thin;;, they help t0 volve tie problem that, it seems nl:tnv pointers are );•:,en it I••+in iU.ued by the University of Wirt of Henry lroad�u Ayio$ion `Sales : le a drf:.ait`d x•andidata: to )o e iTf rb Into. a :fit. Ili Parlhnw,irt Th Unit! Th. llbt of the time was taken up of tiv ed control and e to me, is the biggest problem oil tb(: mash. Artionir thein at•e the follow- the way L n Suri the London road n y day School. Mias Jean was driving l - ---- I •tJCTION -ALP OFA CAR LOAD 1 �a snstsr•or As CA rmTc AND Pel --D .J ;;ounteily 11 With Nae her, at' stupidity Oil t 1,: art 1 • p '.n til( r11;3Cet5alOnnf tlle.agy,. p001, txruaui•ry a }d•' and fowl pool •u•d farm to -day. 1`hr( ezafr gnc in into inn: `°Inorulatinn iv nerrssa)y at first and blew the horu.at the corner,. but th 1 nr 111x1, 41111,1111 elan tr'a rP'1'1u Tor ',oalie a uu•aar;terned plfare for sets hM 300 $sing N/i, riot -2b, Con, 1, $fords. 1ros, being North 14. Lot 26. and Ek R140 or I. of palltn otlPr]nP irhrl wry, not 'it)- p :tad gives time for thorough preliarA• ; uttm •. Pure seed of the highest a 61 x1,+ 0 c g g' ..,.Ott, Auctlon •r, hn$ l,eenin°traotetr to arli tllel'mattersCOnnCCtedwlth the mar- +vas aS a fair 1,1.11, t ori t., putiell to 8uecoss. Sel- not laking COrnere into aceeun:r .attheAme •o n Hotel stnlles, Bra„nelo. cn Farm o ale I,Gt7ttE.•d by Chi+ (Una„rt'rtai9 In Inbct. e1i, tion of the soil, it se Both teat wbeels of Mr. Ivesopserr 13atttrdaa, De: 5th, at lopeck, Sharp- ting, of products. r The ofd Hatmiftorl Place -1raCt of North 11ornta or dirt agent smother crop, and it; cut hrforc weed>: ,..tion of variety to suit soil and cli- were smashed, but the occupants followlnR,rc,ck : 2regixler«d ahortbarn enwa j � % -The convention was . of interest c. +lain 1 ppnaed to freshen in Feb-, ,f ltas p it t . - p c?t a thane[? to Aced. It can b„ 'ut Mute elan plays a large part. ” escaped with just a severe shattins: g Ari lbs , as 1 : I00 acres 'beine; N % Lnts'7,8 P and North till -through and thJr membors are look lip. %he's speeder is to stated good fill, reaiy 2 regi-tert•ri sitort horn cows it lap a haore+of'ID, Van. A, Tornherry townnhip. But there 33 tin pni•tir or ally Uthe1• p p g s arsoldwoa.hn+g1,400D supposed toirrshyn i Large firat•claos.barn, splendid$Canastain. ,r Pn,, forwad to many 1116+1, such t1u;Pt,- - - ;the repai re. in March, 2 poUrp Angus cows aupuased �.( trade.menth windmill• Nrgm driving all alntt of lustit•c• it', th.• ivnrlin a of a A very happy oce0.s]ort was the to fraahen In December and April, 0 young SSS Ruod tram@ 1t 4 and atone kitchen, large in .., so that tlte.y play hettrr help C,REY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL EAST WAWAN'OSH gradoDurhamcowsauppaeedtofreshendur-f orohnrd,naverfsilhrga.rinRonfarm, «miles late that S aGl.li T( I::� 1"III ti1:1tfT1T1 celebration an Monda last, OF iltr g ryas ,ran. and Feb„ t part Jersey cow ku p tin° organization. and that orvaniza- Y - "" p Brom Wrnxatorvflingeand l ,r,Ils front school. ITY {/l TI$1': V+7Tk; ill t1U; r; )lett to !! I fiftieth wedding antlivereary of Jtas. po-ed to rreshan Janaary tat, b Holstcln omvxa Tilt, feral tree been In pnsfurs for aorne yrara tints may better th,.•m.. . 1 CouriCil suet alt AoV.31th tvitla1,1x11 lvirs, Denn, Df Regent et., Ender= supposed to Pratt,en in Jngnary, f steers 7 and will Live highest returns. Farm land :naiRtftin tli- SECRECY OF THE TheSlunicip:0 C»uucil 6f theTitwn ]cls. Mr, Aeon attd Iklias Alter Han- nbontabontA00 IL+, a h@Sfor$nbont 00)lbs.,tvpinaatvillrlae, orpnrtlnatnranpplyto 4 33s'iI.T,C"I'.. - _ - ship cif Urey Lu'r. ill the T.imiship i all the? iriernbers present. Mhil tea - y ' boilers aboui700 lbs., 13 pigs about 00 the. THOS. GIBSON. ()tLIre 611 Nov. 2nd. ltlembers alt ; of lastnn,tt)ag were read and appror- lots were married at Clluton. Nov" +Stew( will ar,lve an Thursday old may hr ,.- f1, Oftle,, �'embar .22nd, 1876, nod the the an- saen at the above burns. Admin:tttrstor John R, Gibson estate 9 cid• niversary, cnniin on yunciay, tit+ rEu 1R vmm� of 310 and n der onph; nvrr r >"' O: tiox 77 wroaetor Phone AD I Kin 11 � � opute The following accounts were aid: g y that amount 0. n)ontWareait 21ven onfarn- '--"•-•" - -- - 1%d ands of the last rneetiu = were P o .celebrated the occasion no Siondap. +,hint: improved joint note,, a per cent per G f� I TYTTT q l� t , t teat! and ado led. The Municipal World Supplies, $3,tJ ; Mi', Daatl was ilorR seventy -ono years le lfy fc�d 3o,p he Sad -5�i p annum off fora Aon credit amoun's, Lead Farm '��9i Sale F t6gq 1H191 6P9t s• FF,O The 9S 9 t5 Tltr Cru,,nif drt 1111,a that in the fut- 1 It. Chamney, drawing tile and putting owners for saourity. a , are it would n<rt give any nllnwn11ees in coli^(+rt, $9.D0; Chairman Board of agn at Holtnesville and line lived aIi D m Scott. NE9BIT HAUILTO T; :l (Hamilton fic•1rn1d) f.,r frncae rn +T'ownsh'ip 1;i th WAys,, Health, s(!m aces rendered in 1925, his life in or near Goderich, Hia alta Fr ap. COD acre Farm for rail., bousi Scott, halt Inv J Thr• Tnratuo st:u) unlet, perivusly strati =,•d For with {$9:36; K. Redmond sheet claim, worthy partuer-Tn-life is three months t7, Gan 0 Tuwnyhlp of Morrin. On promises I1 1; Fatl'fat•tnl'y to ll,:ti•n ti:7tt 'til 1 F, ' I younger, _;3be ,vas bairn an the (state- VOTIONRALEOF FARAI -TOMS, tnrP• are goo i3.barkbarn.78sa0with gooa cowsat A nlultitttd;• of person, a:hn lutve CnutiCilinr in cLatge at division and' $13.50; Thos. Phillips, tile, $18.G5; Y t w ) r,rarrra. Gntrs, HAr, tare—D lit.teotr, stabling; driving 1,1)1,41 4Ox24; comfortable, l lift, been +intra'+<l :a}^uin=L :hc cf Ohio and Carne to Canada het Aactieu@1,r. has b•en fn$trpcted to sen at Lot rood, frame hones with Food Stabs eennr ; eltr•n fent at(•d in t•�11 tet• editors Itc)�t `'t•1°°''' applDvrd by C6tu,cil Board. j' J. Vincent, gtavcl,. 90C W. Shoe- Grey. on Tneadnv. Dee, 13th, at 1 we good wells never-ton�do ; scout b acres deciLion of the jud re in ill- carr of Tet• following • accounts trer'e paid ::;bottom, work Ori t radar, $2.D0; Geo. nbmit four years of age, living first in oircic,0abnrp, the following property .l good maple hash Tete tnrtu Ls rt r res they should run th•rir newspapers will 6 Gailerich anti later at Cllntom A'ft li .pevcherpn horse 0 e well enc i ,bra recotn,b of ?'61r in North Huron. David Milner repair bridge $4,60 ; ; I%err, work on grader. $4.00; J. Gib- � tl 1,!r marriage, Mr. and Alra. Del") years old, t grnprnl suiddrnined and in good nmiu of onitivnitoa ?�t;'i•r•e R"Itlr til+! np,.!1t1)]t na li.•v, Or. J.H. FPaI',f:pTnHllt 361!; Oliver Smith, I.bona, NOTk On grader, $6.00; (i. A. t g purpose are l2yearM1 6741, 7.dMviag harps 10 and l$situated l mile from VIIJM1Rs of waltpn. { A.v it result of that di•eision, Georgu 1 lived for some years At Dunlop, but ,,.are old, I Holstein now due Dec 10, i Hot. also I mile from school nud church. For fur - 11 Moore, President of Kin;:v t'nivvr:ihy, repatringculvert $500 7 'True Burke, Jones, Engineer's fees on the Cook ] for Just thin •Hoe 'ears or more mein.we supposed in calf, 4 Derham cows. ther particular$ apply an the promises or tai t a if x t the• ,raver $snit :'bn?ttrt Spotton, tilt Conservative Gaud date, drawing gravel c5.U0 Lelah Break- i Drain, $123.85; It. Buchanan, assist- l +the as been residents of 46411,+101„ anppo$pd it, c fll,l farrow now, 4 yt$ bSlf fiE, i J. A. MARSHALL II 1. a , that t - the have be i e g A Ror.toln heifers rf rro 2, u,, 47rved is et+itII-di R, R. 4. Welton. I have .I petition far thv divine guid_ lies been declared elected, with tit:: eniirlge. drawing {ravel 6 00 ; tVili i mg, etc., on the Cook Drain $lark' y I Durbnb) Bull riatna2 yearn,A Durham only.'' 1 p right to represent North Huron Pn UratI • overseeing eulvert 2ndf A. Porterfield, by -lair's enol Clerk's es, 3oben,2turkeyhone,h[insiteyHarriebind• i' once of journalists. Con. 51;3 00 ; linin approach 518:76 ; • taps, on the Cook Drain $40.00; Dan er, Mmseyflnrris mower, ley tender, dump Fe'�.1em for Sale I parliament, although fewer votes g Pp % PERTH COUNTY rake, cultivator, disc, hoe drill, not of bar. I The average newspaper man admits gravel $1 05 • repairs to harrow+ 1 McGowan, part payment cleaning out rows,walklr)g plow, hay rack, stook rank, --( were polled for him than for his ori- �I00; Thee. K� rr, drawing the and= Toil Drain, $30.00; Geo. McGowan, •ewinx machine, psrtor croquet board. 200 The undersigned i his muste rely o ell. Only too ofteniled o8era hoe 0b Harp farm for t pOnnnt, J. W. Ring, flee Progressive hailr3,ng, r•ulvart Lllun Roadway : repenting' Quinn's'$ridge. $1.DO • S. The borne of Samuel Roes, about a f1,@t of inch rope, 1t)Dbus.oats, 100 bob. bar- an IS, helpgkenEh part .1 Lot 0, Con. 7, Gra ! he must rely on the powers of ill)- tulle from Brunner, was destroyed b le 3frnga of potatrips, rantlidate. If Nfr. Spotton takes line $6•Uu; tVnt. Speiran, repairing cul -t McCullough, underbrushing on don. Y y �ritRnls-Hnmaof$t0nml under, cash ; ov. born°",4ox Good 2 -story brick bofutn, bnnic setvat'an of untrained minds and oil v+•r•I $200 ; Baxter Stevenson, gravel j 3, $29.50; R. Bentley, underbrushing fire lridiayevening' ertbe mm�unt, to months credit given on xAt7 eat, with stabling, Good well, seat, he will represent a minority, not or Lee Robinson, son of Dr. and Mrs, rnrntahiat approval oh,t nptca 3 al, acro soft water. Land nu rood star of others' accuracy of description. When .$25 90 ; f.rineyn Baker, repairing ell)• ' and gravelling, Con, 3, $0-25; M, i p cent off acres of bash and ander ood $tato of uu1G for. ankh on credit nmonnt$. Lana owners g a majority of the electors who voted, vert v8 UU Henry aAttwood, allow- Howey, removing tree Goll. 8, $1.60; J. H. Robinson, of Hoopeston, III,, for aeourlEy. Hay and grain tabooash• ivntlon, About, scree of, fall wheat sown he lies assembled the viewpoints of a He would owe his scat in Perlia- once for fence $0 00 ; S. F. Davison Rif J. pardon, gravellingon Con. 14, a11d fol mel i eetdents of Listowel, hila D. M. 6nott, Ann. wM. WILLOUGH11Y;`Prp , } About an acre of orchard, -180 nd kinds of number of people, which may .repre e_ acar,elrtt 514.42 ; Hanna Brae., Hanrta l $5.00; W. 1VI.Andersn, repairin been appointed vice-president of- the p i fralt, 3B mlles to either Brussels or Ethel went to the stupidity of a deputy r g Rural tr+isphono 111141 rural, Wad. will pail •'`ant (,very point of the compass, he P Y P tear Collis Alain contract in full $600 72 ;.' washout and raking stones. $8.26; Bank of Biscayne B0.V, reputed` to be ,reasonabin nn account of Ill-boelth, For turning officer, who neglected to ea Jnsa h Haunu, portio in culvert I Council adjourned to meet a aim the largest bank in Miami. further particulars ongnire on tbonremlace, 'realizes that the truth is somewhere p g I g David Itnbinaon, near Gould"e Voters List Court! JollsDAlla,Proprietor. an between. But he may leave it to off the counterfoils from 342 ballots. L'ma 1�,,+ad way $7 00, on Dec. 15tb at 10 O'clock. School, Fultarton, had the mill- Ifs the recount these ballots were 1�N�pxt Council meeting- on* Dec. 7th, A Porterfield, Clerk. Farms for Sate the public to draw the diagram on Fortune to break at, arm' on Tuesday Township of bran 'Which "X" marks the spot. tln•own nut by Lha judge on .the last, He was -about to close a barn, Take notice that the bth dop of December, The average journalist recognizes ground' that secrecy is an essential HURON COUNTY` door, when the wind caught I%. and 19%,atthebour of orotoo k p, in., at the ,.,acres,,, land, LuLS. Af r, .Robinson wag thrown to• the Town Halt, Brmpeeia, ba$ been appointed by Con. 9.111141 Lha socth 3G nt Aot 18, iron, T 111 the clement 'of. voting by ballot and the HOWiCK TOWNSHIP GOU'NC1L I E. N. Lewis, Judge of the County ConrE, of Township of Morrie. bene farms are oIIer@d. P that there are not two persons who t 6x1141, - Lha Conmty of Heron, fer holdtn s oonrt to • for sale to alone no the estate of the late James presence of the counterfoil all the g' 1 are equally interested or disinterest- i Thomas Straughau an old resident Twenty-four hundred Feet is the qnd ami alone rail tYoterx erpLiatr (Q jhd 8anttit. M not bold they will be rented for pas - d .in each of the many items that discarded ballots might lead to the Council met in the Township Hall, of Aubirrn section, passed away at depth which has been reached by bee municipality of the To It of t3rey for lure. For pxrtlonle eLs% s EtmAsepntore, identification of the voters. As most Gorrie, on November 18th pursuant the age of 84. drillers who are boring for oil on theea .a E ?fad their way into print. If every p g 1 M. J, H. FEAR Twp.Olark, HRNRY BAN.;=8ON a article which the majority of the of the discarded ballots were .in fav- to adjouimnent. All members pros- $eafotoh United church is drive raising are t prey Farm in Logan. Thea--- readers would pass over with indif or of Mr. King, the loss' of them was ant, the Reeve in the chair; Minutes � 6� towards the big .drive for nye at present waiting for more eaati 0. sufficient to g}v1, Mr. Spotton a very of last .meeing were read and on mot- Maintenance and Extension Fund. Ing and it is altogether likely that farence were eliminated, a. great sav- ion of Taylor and Gamble, were ad- The Farmers" Club of Colborne the drillers will commence work Ing of white paper would be effected. Slender majority. opted. Twp. shipped out three care of buck• a;ain next week, The drillers, ala One of the obligations o£ a news- Thus 3412 electors were disiram Moved by Taylor and Gamble that wheat, rscwntl'y: The price paid 61111 living in hopes of finding oil. chisetl b alta stn edit of a sin Ie was 700_ On Sunday evening, last, as -Joseph YQll can Ma1ttiG_' Yol1 paper is to cater to every decent point Y' p Y g the Township Engineer be granted A McLaughlin couch with 2 gallons and dire° Gallop were driving along 01111 election otliciai; Mr, Spotton is de- six months extension of time on the of alcohol was seized oast Bayfield. the 6th !1111,. returning .home from �f view in. the community and to Little p ThedrivarfromLondon, will appear church at Milverton, i.' oar they Christmas Glared' elected on a technicality, and john Municipal Drain —Car- < Seal with news happenings m such rigid. befoee the beak. were meeting spl$shedi water on thy, r a way as to interest as many of its Mr. Icing, wee was fairly enacted, has Moved by Hubbard and Leonard MiesVerna R. Jarrott, of Seafprth, horse frightening it and causing it to}�T 11teadera as possnbi0 at onetime, that been deprived of his right to repre- that the Council give- a grant of $2$. was united in marriage to Fred R. run away, with the result that the oc. Selections N'Q'iil sent North Huron. It Is to be hop- to the Elemental -Agriculture School McConnachie, of Stratford, b Rev, cu ante were capsized: into the road. ' time being the .ever-present presenty y y p p from the bulray The churches may not have a pray all that the appeal court which is to to be held in Fordwich Carried. Air. Larkin, last week. The horse freed itself 11 r, t',• ,. a wii! net aside the Moved by Taylor and Gamble that Rev, ?♦rank G. Newton, rector of and ran into Thos..'Sanderseto's lane: With Christmas on tl!t'e Ivey you should DECIDE is tarty tv, as r• • prepared ' Anglican church; Sarnia, Fortunately. no one was Injured• NOW oil your Gift. List fbr this year; We will hold r for the guidance of edutors, bat the Clark have s by-law ro ared in Jt. John's technical feature of it and, give a de 6 I the papers 4111 not lack adv}c1, on that etructulg the Treasurer to pay over cubo recenLiv passed swag, was rector Rev. T. W. Jones, pastor of tat. Al- enslan in harmony with principles of tD each Police village in the Town- at Bayfield 8D years agn. I ban's church, Atwood, raceived sev any selection until Christmas, isEarly selection means - account. The world is full of people g t ship, the Township rate according to G. W. Miners, of Usborne Towel. !oral jars of fruit this week from his satisfaction, Be wise. 3vho are determined that things shall equity. their assessment, the CDuncil to re. ship, wan several priz-e with his bogs : sister, Miss ]41, B. Jones, of South , not go wrong because the press lacks tain ll,'_• a mill for Township purposes lit the Winter Fair, Guelph, and also ( Africa, whnis at present visiting Ili guidance from above. s ,a. + + ,r --Carried. at the Royal Show, Tnrontn, Lnndnn, Lnt land+. The fruit was a // DIAMONDS _ *s Moved by Gamble and Hubbard R• S' Robertson, Li. C., of Tnrontn, ; Christmas gift and• consisted of eon- +, +a that the Council eve a grant of 26 ling been elenrpd abnucher of the Law : tied neanges, tomatoes mad figs,- The We are showing some sphndid values . THE g ,Society of Upper Camilla, suere+pd-'vmod9 ween shipped by purest pa.t f � in DIAMOND RINGS, Green and S. J. MORR.LSON AI3DR> SSSS t BECK MEMORIAL. .0, ro th( Children's Aid Society, Godes• i„g Itln trttte JJATIIilt:nn Canaele, IC C, frnm England, nn Nnv, Rb, reacitio 'K white FARM MEN AND WOMEN ich-•-Carl:eel. g gold mountings. Your choice 7 Nil, ItoUortn(nris a 411411,+111$ old boy, trees in two weeks Ltm'.e, in exoeTlent of many styles. Priced at $25, x •8 The Beck Memorial, is, as A4oved by Taylor and Hubbard that ' a brother of A. N. and W. 11. Rab• i condition, $45.50, $7S, $I00, $125, $150, ! .annual Mcating of U.F:O• and U:Fs ❖ ,tpu etre no tlauht aware, In ill• follow am aiteounts' be mild—Cal•• ertaon of Lhe the 0,% town. 1 Fred Stark, of Version, B. C„ Who _ _- _�_, .r - _ • you ter: form of an art., v; +1141, It 11, Wr+bberi rent for road. f F '1'. Fnn'ler, of _MaKiltnp, near wasvisitina at the Mune of Hpory W.O. for North Huron m,'nt in nid of th (to• n twat. $12.50; (toss Duyliss, dragging l4pefn,th, delivered P A O'Sullivan, alogk.Bornholm, tuns in IbeMitch'11 Wt3t��de� - tu.h ,:,. r.,, L A. C°urbott, Attending t at Servat Ih st.aiino nn Thurstlay, one AfIvo6 aLr rffil'e at) Friday, exhihitn{: , FOR t/iEfd ° 2hC annual ntrrtP,ng of 1111 IT,F:O, Alexandra. Sanito)n r)i urn,' ° (, T'.' s 4 (.0; k'red Wins, ; , f the Iaritryt and feta( Int, of Inas n violin tvhirb Ire had +naris by hand, I I orlf?nn, wh h i t.=til tli.)u ;:r and 1i.F•W.O. for North Huron was fa• nd,.d t r the. lli•-'. (.11,lir- , t J.-,(); Yalta+ 1Zeddon, •that h'tvr 1+1,11 sten thel'n in a l+'t1g In the illatioNattn•eof lhrtnsLruuu•i,t In packet watches: for +dell out- . i ✓• n+' illi• ('.fJ3nfli_1ori .” 1 Glirn••t WA -Slit, Work Inti». %'herr w(•.te G6 head in ilte 380 nieora of wood rv@te n+ed, 01111111. stoat is complete, We, hliudk? i laid at Winn-liani on Friday, Novcm- • nt;til, all?], r - a a,; 'It )I .r; uann-all ib1" , I'• ;'i; GPshilIer 8: Co., ro- harsh, still they welghQd 11,8:if) +lying toaple, lil,lek 'walnut, HpVII(• frau T ! ber2oth. Phil nicettngwas'conduct. C t ,•1 tot •t T t, ( a ntla f,n•ivbiri, ti,•.Iroivier. teuriv. 111141 Ceilat•, Fhp inal.rurnsnt Iva, y the rest lettikes. If in • nficla. of th. l,cal r1,n,inP t,. , .t 1 10 9111., IPI 1oa : mad„ aurin leisure time, and is a ,need of a watch, dont fail to stn by tiff two r]ireetoas, john n titr]vli ;inn ter arc,• i,a'y o; i ,;.rip;, lin) l 1.OU, d t°or',;< Pal.. ,,! a ch 'que f u 1,100, g r T, �-(. and t; rt. G. W a. e:• `r r .,,::tier) i:.:. an;.ed 1>y err»i - ____ �_ �„�;� see our line at special prices. 10 Leu 1. I") t I ; . th d t 7) , 1 f t• II F W O P '' t •, i, ,,, ti,i {.-o e ,it. , ;:, -..c i 0 C,. Htil)b;,vll, .� m,. a..a•m Watches FOR LADIES 11:linty new wrist watched for Christmas Gifts, In all. the new styles. Gold filled 14k Crises. Priced from $10.00 each up to $26.00. t ,ane or r. . . , . +e1)Or wc1 e s „ ...,�..... M . �,..:,,._.,� ,°�r,.A t of All Nicely Boxall veri frnni the 41101,++.111. rltlliA atll Tn t tan 11 lI ) 1 1 t :; t , tPl ,. i t !)r �c " " " "" """`"" "" " bd .,, t i 11. an, i.' 1)611'1 1ai1 1O Ste: .Cat1r $e•; • r �+:• I:, rr ,, p, t o a l ltotiltll In(l stru til)If'' nheso wprn v+:ty oncomm:"ttip" sho, •1 cry Lau:;:li; L r t, t t tri 1 til, g ?1 168. Puf,rk, 1X41 Gift 13 )X a r i. r frit is(1 fi'4;1n +z°ftp tr1 1& 25.111 .w' in •cin inert"n9e oviu InA yrltr in near t+ 1'1+11x'$ lit r f ort.; .n ht7a t; t r ( 1: c ti r+ t� 1. r t. I1 }�i, , " l l Y'i. fy +,very ,hila. in tilt H,, t n, ° 1 t r , r l l ,,9 ; ( ), r li #l!S i7 -» --°- - -' .. ' �� .�� 9'h rlr+cti t=t of Ii:i ,D. ofklcr tis for ct, loan.' to C)t lar e t It a--Waldilmar Chains---Cu(f Linke --,.Fancy Chinn + :a; ed roil1ln., of". rb, aa.s: 'til y T .1+.:p, (i 11 fmxf year resulted as follows; 7Jirec- lite :I,10 G'!nt 1;f:•.,rent ft)1' 51.11'1117 w()rt(1 or Coil! 111'ts�Jalil@mar Knives —lie Pins -Cut Givae tit:• ITydra u re 1111111 t1 i ,t?,; e,3 �. lar, Jahn li'arriy^h; :lnper<.•, unA, A h rshngt ono -011'M of 1111.., i;t 4^ ll,- llf,ms 11 err by dop:'"; 7): 00; - StEatat Rings - V:xnity Canes --Silverwotie fleicl John Jamieson; Colborne, John " .'ford, I,rifnt lli:a ,zt :zt. ,vovl: li.;,rt +,;11x+1 of tire:' in'., 1'� " 1 � —Bar pie ---:Parson -•C OcIMigltta a ,i• li r'el➢.; It k cun;id°,red fit- ,,,; il, tar, t'J11, c'1:Ifni„ e,•at ill if."'I+ al C rr —Brownie Cnnioraa . 1Cadnkn —Clock$ gfal'nighan ; Wast 1 JPiwctno:•h, W+lx• ,y 1111+;' that Chu local (Durr ii:;- 1 t' � r=lir1 Ttutherfard; h.""est Wutvnnns;h, W. I. i lint ta;,rn, G.Oa; i1� GaBf�iltta Ili 9^t. ,Pan, si1fld use ilvcry effort t.. , 4.. r i -in hili chain ifn BP's - n� Currier Morris, A. :Procto'; Grey, to bring forcibly, til tho at• e. Tn,vwiiip llitl 6)l,go uu.tn tit.oti+• .+' ^� At Mili l,+2. O 1,r CUrcl �~�]� Albert Turnbull; xurnbcrry, l4lr: 1 or- tertian of ail i:he catt~utltert o,. '1'% z) :,t tri =br,01 Fair. a«Ta:00; 1+'. � � Wtternl7n y Ideal i'outtt0aitl Yetis and I (l°ear se0retar - who are the direct recipu,rrts A, 1 d' ,u', T a u Pia Iatcnn'nt to ° cl Pencils flan(., f owick, Win. ) V A of th(. 'advantai„es' from thi pro'c•int'i;Il E Iaeer on Cath+:i's Aluu � � �''! j Hardwood y + Ircasurer, 4, J. Scott, lett. Sir Allam Beclt's great u'ipp.) drain, :,1"1.00; Tsd. ImcCullupn, Dry Circ ;.lar Hardwood .1 10 111. _ n,�dr ter 'U.l'".W.(7. Mrs. %.attr, was 4, work,.. that tltr,,y s;houlcl Cnn '° ....air:; to brei r -»d {ll, tic?i;lf." +Heel, - )• - Zirunch Ivory and Tortoise Shell :Sets eticeted airr.ctor, Atlas. John Jamingon +:• tribute some. small Mount to • '317"5; Debi), J; S-gtv0)•th, part pay- In Pile „fd oO per cord A Large Assortinont New Stock Roilsonable Prices tl fntting• mCMDri,11 to illi, ,loin orf 111-• 1',011nn Alunicipai Drain, . bras elnetcd as supervisor for Asiili.al<n, 4. mortalize thy. nnno,, of il,i„ :;1.00:0(1; (.},ildrelt's tiheltel. prang i. �,(!�'Wc call deliver' ill Brussels, the Only township Ill the lidi'M that 4, gl•vat ht+nofac,Lor. (,Cd,irlv1t, s,2G.00 George TIvnnott, Christmas Cards Booklets. Seals and Tags 1+.10,4 tl,. t+t, i>ir:' C;: elui>, �ry •8 'Pito^r in Tllutael.; fah, earl heap kill(A by cls^:a;, $,130.00 _ : v _ J J. tforr",son, of Toraltto, then + to help t.ho eau.,., rife} t.av Mow(] by Leonard anti .Cambb: � 4A � � �I���" Mills��r��p��� The CVxi(t J. R. �'b CJJ,� Ll 1G wits calletd upon to address the moot• A their doslalsntf +with ant• �i 1,1 .1•Ctowil�6tnultTttT1(unutPu stlfiuerf5�� Gibson �� t( tt 5111111 }lftri tie tia'st Coinpilnrentrlil the prCsl- O. Macdonald, Soft tar;, f t t p Y, jRw l.rzR Wlt xr�: Jtjj, 2 local colttmisginn, of t>t:crmbe( ..-( arrieri. y 1)1 ONt r;,y n1� lanae Z0 oxo Awlts of the laillest +flubs_•-I4l"rs. 1120- 0 t:. T•". Walker, . lytta 1crr flat; th en club, Mrs, Jolla :;a .` ;I- it• 4, +'.• 4, Cierk, " `""""" t I , .A f` e u IV& WAR