HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-12-2, Page 1VOL. 54 NO. 24
$'z.00 bier annum in advance
The Decision
With You!
Spence's Store searches the world- for
the very BEST and pays, the price of
Quality, because many people of dis-
crimination want it, and know thatQual-
ity, not Price, is the true measure of
For your Christmas Cooking we offer
the following Exceptional Quality
Fruits, etc, :
New Raisins New Dates
Currants Nuts Peels
We are here to serve you which we try
to do to the best of our ability. Let us
show you.
Call and get one of our Calendars.
W. T. Spence
Phone 25
The Surronn
ding District
easesteteteteatesestateattereattenasaieeesteeett ate
prominent merchant of the town. She
was in her 46th year, and is survived
by her husband and a daughter.
Mrs, Robert Co'ltwe1l, a popular
and well known resident of this town,
died suddenly from honrt failure here
Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Caldwell
attended a concert Friday night and
compl 'cried of illness afterwards. She
had previously been in poor health,
butboa her death was a shock to every-
one, who knew, her. The funeral took
place, on ,Tuesday, in the Union Cem-
etery, Hensall, 'Rev. A. Sinclair of-
ficiating. airs. Smith; the mother of
the deceased, arrived from Toronto
for the. funeral. Mrs..Ctilttwell be-
fore her marriage, Miss Ida: Coad,
eldest daughter of Richard Coad, a
Brussels United Church
Sunday, Dec, 6th
11 a.m.—Public Worship.
Subject "A Tour of Inspection"
3 p.m.—Sabbath School ses-
sion and Bible ` Classes—The
Monthly Missionary Offering',
will be received.
'7 p.m.—Public Worship.
Theme "The GreatSupper"
Tuesday Y. P. Society.
Wednesday—Prayer and Praise
Friday -Choir rehearsal.
Saturday—The Ladle's Bazaar
in the Town Hall.
New Advertisements
rIJny for snlo•rMrs.11• SleQuurriu
Lost—W m. hmalldon
House fa sale—Alex. Dark
Paper wanted -Attie eon
Colt for sale—Alex Dark
I1AuotIon aa!a—Nesbit Hamilton
Por rule by tender—Aruble 51sr a it
Canoert—slonorlelt School
Wood for sale—J. M. Knight ,4 Sone
ream want ed-lontoh & Zeigler
Auotlou Sato—Wm. Willoughby
Rheittne—Wroxeter Lumber Rills
Christmas Glrts—James Pox
For sale—Douglas Warwick
Cow for sate—Wen, Mammon
Euchre and Dance—Walton Farmers
Serv1oe6-14ruseolsUnited oburoh
Cost for eels—Tag Posx
It Paye -4, A. Deadman
A Roaring Adventure—Family Theatre
The Deolelon—W. T. Sperm
Ready for servloe—MolnE re & Cudrnore
Tire chain found—T, C. McCall
Oranbrook Fermate' Club are hold-
ing their annual meeting for election
of officers op Friday evening, Dee:
4th, in Longs' Hall, All membera are
asked to be present, as the dividends
for the past yews will be distributed
on that date.
ONT<A l IQ. W13DNRS.D4Y, DRCEM z. 1125'
Manferd Irwin and bride are back
from their wedding trip in Toronto
and are visiting the bride's parents;
S, and Mrs. Douglas.
\Zr, A. Lamont and helpers have
been busy during the past two weeks
getting in a supply of flour, feed, etc,
before the W inter sets 10.
The Sunley School and Young
People of Molesworth Presbyterian
church are petting a 00; cell; ul the
basement of the church, at eight
o'clock on the evening of December
17, concert con':isting of drills, pante
omioes, dialogues, etc. Many of the
characters ore very droll. Come and
enjoy a good laugh,
Women's Institute are holding their
rugular meeting in the hall here on
Thursday, Dec. 3rd, at230 p. in, . A
demonstration on crocheting beetle
will be given by Mrs. John Holmen,
also one on knitting beads, by Mies
Agnes McGeorge. A paper will be
given by Mrs. W. A. Lamont. Roll
call is to be answered by an idea for
a Christmas gift, the article to be
shownand the making explained.
Any member not doing thisis in hon-
or bound to bring lunch for theJan-
uary. meeting: " Pie luncheon and
demonstration is to be given at the
close 01! this meeting. All welcome.
IRobert Nelson Porterfield, son of
Wm: and Mrs. Porterfield, Atwood,
and iidiss Ella J. Gray, daughter of
John and Mrs. Gray. of the same
place tate quietly married at Knox
Presbyterian church manse, Listowel,
on Saturday 'afternoon at 1.80 o'-
clock b,, Rev. J. M. Nichol, B.D. The
bride looked lovely in a gown of wine
satin es ' with georgette and cut vel
vet tiimmineer and coat and hat to
Match. bir. and Mrs: Porterfield were
attended by Miss Veda Gray, sister
Of the bride, and Bert. Porterfield,
brother of the br,•dgeroont. The
couple left for a wedding trip to
'T'or'onto and other points and on their
return will live in Ehina township.
Knox Church Sunday School will
hold their Christmas Entertainment
on Tuesday, Dec, 22nd.
Mrs. 1t'm. Smnlldon received a tele-
gram stating that her brother, Dan
McDougall, formerly of this place,
had passed away in Billingham Hos-
pital, Washington State, on Friday,
Nov. 27th. Mrs. S l:aIldon has the
sympathy of the community, Fur-
ther particulars are expected later.
We are prepared to handle
your Cream for the Bluevale
Creamery. Supply of emp-
ty cans on hand for ex-
xchange. For further partic-
uPhone lars ring up
Leitch" &
Ready for Service
.AeVINC installed New Bat-
tery Charging Plant we are
nowable to give our Customers
the best of Service.
la t.��i
iSri.lt.Cl .,.
re &
Fora. Cars Trucks and Tractors
,"ascii Can a Specialty
y a
T liege i'l:t hhUw
s1 LS
Euchre and Dance
Will he held in the
Friday Dec. 4th
Lunch Served
Gents 50e. Ladies Free
The hour of service in the Anglican
church,. Welton, has been changed
from 3 to 280 o'clock, The Sacra•
merit will be administered next
Sunday, at 280.
The Fold wieh Record of last week
had the following item : Wm. and
Mrs: Radford, who have been resid-
ing nt the home of Alex, Robinett
since their own home was destroyed
by fire, left to -day for Walton, where
they will spend the Winter with
their son, Etueet, Mr: Radford has
not decided what he will do, but we
hope that next Summer he and Mee.
Radford may return to take up their
nhode in Fordwich. •
MED sc MICnnIOAN.—A 14llchigan
neper makes the following reference
10 the death of a former well-kown
resident of ;his district : "Another
005 of Ogeonaw's pioneer resitde.ato
passed this life on Wednesday, Oct.
nher 28th, when Mrs. Jennie Stowe:t
Iiodgins died et the hone or her
(laughter, Mrs. Frank Withey, in
Churchill Township, nt the age of 83
years, or complication dne to old
age. When a girl ten years of age,
she en me Pram Edinburgh, Scotland,
her birthplace, with her father, set-
tling in Oanada. In 1866, she was,
united in marriage to Joseph Hod
gins, who predeceased her in death
19 years ago. They were married nt
Seaford:, Huron County, Canada,
evliere [hey lived until 33 years ago,
when they carte to Ogemaw County,
making for themselves a borne on
what is known as the Hodgie's home-
eteacl where they lived continuously
until his depth'. Since that time, the
mother had been living witb bee'
children. Nothing can be more ideal
in this life than a mother who bus
reared a large family, and having liv-
ed with her children to the advanced
age of 88 years. Mrs. Iindgins helped
to make Ogemnw County and will al -
be remeintered as nue of the sandy
pioneers. She was a menther of the
Presbyterian church, nud always
maintained that noble characteristic
,•( the pin neer of lending aid to the
needy. 'This grand old lady leaves to
mourn her demise, two daughters.'
Mts. A, "Viilinin<nn, ,Alpena, and
Mrs, Frank Wilhey. Selkirk : three
sous. William John and Joseph Find -
gins, of Selkirk : twelve grnnd,hild-
ret, and five great grandrhildten.
Funeral se: vies*: were held from the
Friends Church 00 Friday and burial
made in Selkirk cemetery, the Rev,
0 0 Lower. officiating.
The Short Coulee of Elementary
Agriculture and (intoe Economics op-
ened on Tuesday of this week and
will continue until Feb. 26th, 1926.
One of the old residents of the com-
munity passed away quietly at bee
home on the second Cog, early M011-
dray morning of last week in the pets- a
on of id's. Ferguson 1reCtentent,
The deceased, who was ill her 9.01
year', had been in fulling health for
some time. Thelate Mee. Mettem:set,
whose maiden naive env 3largatet
McKinnon, was bin'' in Cape 131eton
in the year 1832. When she was 20
years of age, she moved with her
parents to Oreeuoelt and later to
Ayr, where she was married to the
Ferguson alcCllrlrlellt, and lived thete
for eight years, then moving to the
ht me where she resided until her
death, She was,n life-long Int tuber
of the Presb;'te,ien church, Fotd-
wich, Flee late husheed predeceased"
her 25 years ago. She leaves to
mourn her loss, f1u1'tlitughLets and
two sons, naively : Mrs. J. W. Ed-
ger said Mrs. D. D. Sanderson, of
Wroxeter ; Mrs, J. R, McKenzie, of
Milestone, Sask. ; 1lrs. H. 11 titehisnn,
2nd Cun, leitiviuk ; Audreav, of Late-'
van, Sask.. and '.Pinatas, on the old
homestead, The funeral took. place
\'Vednescley:afternoon from her late
home to the Pr esby tt'rian cemelary,
Fordwich ; service at o'clock. Rev.
A. Laing onlented.
Rev. Mr, Chandler took the ser-
vices at Brucofieid on Sunday.
United Church Bazaar, Town Hall,
Brussels, Saturday,. Dec. 5th.
Russel Marks is 'opening
up a
blacksmith shop in the village.
Samuel and Mrs. Love, of Wadeaa.
Sask., are spending the winter hero.
St. George's Church are holding
their Bazaar and Supper on Wednee-
day of this week.
Walter and Mrs. Davidson have re-
turned home after visiting in Alberta
and Saskatchewan.
Humphrey & Co. are preparing to
install a new gasoline) pump for their
numerous customers.
Old friends are sorry to hear of
the death of Dan McDougall. The
family resided here for many years.
A successful dance was held in
the A. O. U. W. Hall last Friday
evening and another one will be held
on the 28th.
A Euchre and Dance party will be
held in the U. F. O. Hall on Friday
evening of this week. See advt. in
this issue.
McKillop Council met on Thursday
of last week at Miller's Hotel and
the Tax Collector was also here.
Many of, the ratepayers paid that
Norman Rowland, who went West
on rte harvesters' excursion, has re-
turned home. His many frien& are
sorry to see him on crutches and hope
he will soon be all right. He had Inc
leg broken d while working with a
threshing gang.
The engagement is :announced in
Flint, Mich., of Agnes V. Powers to
John A. Tomlinson, second Son of
H. E. Tonliltson, Walton, the mar-
riage to take place in Flhit, Wednes-
ed nesclay, Nov. 25th.. 'The young Couple
will spend part of their honeymoon
with Mr, Tomlinson, Walton,
Successful Anniversary, Duff's
Church anniversary was held on Sun-
day last and Rev. Mr. Armour, of
Bruceldeld, preached ached two able eel,
Montt 'to two large congregations. 'l'lie
special collection on Slimlya amounted
to owe 83117. At tlu tinn1111 'r •
vice ,Vies. Annotir ran ;t heitutit'ul seer
,'r and
:mil sit' ill,• et tour •r•i t tt t Volt.
Mrs. Ai' 1' nr San a du,t, Len illicit
day 1,v 1'; ,n nitre,::;,1'til ft.r.
owl :n''1
'teats Y rvr,i i:n th lr n t and 1 ,
in the .V<icl'it:n ,n,i ,1: 1 Y •ar Quo").
W.), '11 4. >1(11` :D.,.'V., 1 ' 1029 i
tel preei.cY•'i. .11 1 : d 1' n"Y a Ws").
1),-)1.; b., l,cs 1: nt?. r1JatY
tl:ad+ (1 14i1';
—AND ---
Box Social
Will be held in
Moncrieff School
on the evening of
Friday, Dec. 11
An Interesting and Varied
Program is being
Admission 25 and 15 cents
Ladies bringing Boxes
A.dmitted Free
We take this week the privilege of
correcting a slight mistake in a news
item of last week. le reporting the
accident that befell Alex Pearson, we
were misinformed and for that reason
reported that the injured arm had
been successfully set in Stratford.
Unfortunately the medical shill of
Stratford was not equal to the case
anti Alex made the trip to Toronto on
Wednesday where a Successful opera-
tion was performed. He returned
home on Saturday night and is rapid-
ly improving. •
On Saturday last Dr. McMat,t was
called to Molesworth to attend the
two victims of a serious auto accid-
ent. Mr. Bird, of Grey township, and
Mr. Jacklin from near Wroxeter,
when their car went over a very steep
embankment and turned completely
over. The two occupants of the cat
were pinned underneath and with dif-
ficulty managed to make their way
out of the icy water. They were tak-
en to the home of Mr. Cuntlning:t
where Mr. Bird remained for a coup-
le of days to recuperate from the
effects of his cold bath.
Tho Women's Institute intend hold•
ing a bazaar in the C. 0. F. Hail on
Saturday afternoon, Dt)e. 5th, at 2
o'clock. There will be fancy goods,
aprons and towels for sale. also house
made baking anti candy. Lunch will
l,r ,,,eyed.
Wilfred Bisbee spent the week e''1
in London.
Mrs. Maguire spent a few days Last
week with friends in V ini'e, ae,
Nurse Ferguson, of Walton, is in
attendance at Mel. Gilkinsons at
W. T. Spence in this week's issue
invites the public to ifs store for
choice Christmas goods.
Leitch & Zeigler are going to
handle cream for the Bluevale cream-
ery. See their announcement in this
Miss Myrtle McKee returned home
last Saturday after spending a few
weeks at the home of her brother, Al-
vin, at Atwood.
Ed. Desjardine is putting an ad-
dition to his garage, having purchased
'n at Monc
rietF to
a building
for a stock room.
Go to Church on Sunday. Ethel
United Church at 7 pan, The pastor
will preach the closing sermon of the
series "A man who was a great
giver." Everybody welcome.
Duke's School purpose holding
their Christmas Concert in Dunba•'s
Hall, Ethel, on Friday, Dec. 18th.
Program will consist of solos, in
strumentals, and a short play. Please
keep the date in mind.
On Sunday Last special services
were held on the Ethel circuit of the
United Church in the interest of the
Maintenance and Extension Fund,
and there was a splendid response.
The objective ie $900.00 for the Cir-
cuit and it is expected this amount
will be received through personal.sub-
scriptions by the end of this week.
Rebt. Carr, Chas. Cleaver and
Robert Cochrane held successful sales
last week. Mr. Cochrane was selling
out prior to moving to the village
tier two
hilt the
were getting too much of
world's goods around them, and were
getting rid of some of their stock in
order to rest up for a Food start at
manual labor in the spring again.
Dr. Groves, of Fergus, was in Ethel
one day last week. 'He was called to
perform an operation on the three-
year-old son of bfel. and Mrs. Gilkin-
sotr, who has been in a critical eon-'
dition for about three weeks. The
operation was quite successful and at
the time of writing, the little chap
is much improved and there are hopes
now for his recovery,
Union United Church Hot :Supper
and 13az1ulr was held on Tuesday of
last weep and in spite of the nnset-
tiecd condition . of the weather and
roads, 1t wine tt teal sUerese. :Prom
about: 2.:10 ]r•nt. the lulus in charge
were 'kept bevy st•1ihti the fan,'y
goods nn,d iplar. The supper was
•last u' :pun rs ' )1cokv tel'
11 tl11 tosirtean1lid1wa"1)1) unsnet-rlby
- ill' n,Y 't't t t t
•rnr, t
x111 }1
,;r i,e 110 t,) 010,1•0111031.;. 1'11 1 r ow.•1
00,11" of tit'' 1't,i.. e1 Cleli 1 eel)
as; e'Y,( 11) 1•t• 1, L ,@ 1 1' C.
I•' la al ,maistite in 'u ,ii 1 oi,.•.
p @i,'1111 t 1 t, i•
rf .ta=r, ,1 •• i .a.{., .,, 1 t,
4'4911199 ai Ti'„aTi1 .1@ly
The Ladies of
The United Church
Will hold a Bazaar
Saturday, Dec. 5th
Commencing at 2.30'p, m•
Fancy Goods Aprons
Artificial Flowers
Plain Sewing
Home-made Baking . Candy
Farm Produce, Etc.
will be for sale.
Afternoon Teo Served of 15 Cents
Supper From 5,30 to i 30 25 Cts,
vent, Jr. III—Stuart Bryans 75 ;
Millie. Pease 60 ; Tommy Kirby 58 ;
Artie Bewley—absent•, II—Beacham
59 ; Isabelle Alcock—absent. I—May
abort' eed, Lloyd Pease. Primer—
\Vidler Bentley, Lloyd Aleoek, Ruth
A!coek. filo, on roll 15, average at-
tendance 7, CLARE aleG°wAN,
, L. IR"F J, a
A Big Treat
In store for our
Patrons on
Friday & Saturday
December 4 and 5
Jack loxie
A Roaring Adventure
Jnn. Adams, ;in left for Detroit on
Sit t urday.
Reeve Henn.be:g was re-elected by
acclamation on Monday.
Rabt, and Alrs. Meek are visiting
their daughter, Mrs, 13. Whitmore, in
Russell Kirte, Biggar, Sask„ is
apeading a few duyo at' the home of
Dc. A. eleLend.
Mrs. Tait and three little daughters
left for Toronto on Tuesday, where
they will speed the Winter.
Jos. and Mrs. Lovell, Ttu•nberry,
et, tettaiued a ntnrnber of their friends
to a P. ogressive euchre Wednesday
The annual Tingle=fferiug meeting
at entertainment of the Mission
Rar,d was held in the school room of
the united churell on Wednesday
evening. There was a goodrtttert-1
a, ee and a splendid program ra songs,
reel, ations exercises and -a pantnnlinr,
given entirely by mernlrers of the
l hand. Collection amounted to
Miss Ethel M. Chapman. of Tor -
Connell meets on Monday of next 1 onto, assistant Superi st'n1dent n£
week Women Institute will snealt to the
Unit,•d Church Bazaar, Town H:.ii, i W. 1, in firs. Pope's rotens 1 111 cies,•
Mmes. -Is, Saturday. Dec. oth,
Roe's Sunday School will hold their
Christmas Tree Ent,rtainutsnt on
NVednesday, Dec. 23rd.
Reeve 31ICuteheou a111 Deputy
Reeve McDonald ate attending Co.
('nueteil 1er Goclerich this week,
Albert Omen and Ray eine:epees,
• f Buffalo, were visitors with William
alai visit welt Sprite», lOtrt C„0., acrd
o her friends.
lane wieh Hecniel : is. .1tai a Aler-
ziee, of Oranbrnck, is visiting at the
borne of her sister, Mts. John Lynn,
4th Cou. Her sun and dsuahter,
George and friss Annie Menzies, also
agent Sunday at the same hone. Ti
better two also visited at the home of
Win. Brown, sr., in town.
The frame house and kitchen and
frame stable on Lot 21, Con. 17, will
be sold by tendee, which will beta-
nerved up to Wednesday, Dec. 16,
8 e advt. in this issue,
Union United Church Christmas
a Dec. 21
' uncut on Monday, Entertain y
at 8 o'clock. Good program. Every-
body welcome. Admission 25e. 2T
Duke's School purpose holding
their Christmas Concert in Dunbar'e
Hall, Ethel,, on Friday, Dec. nth.
Program will consist of solos. in-
strumentals, and a short play. Please
keep the date in mind:
Wm. Willoughby, Lot 27, Con. 9,
is holding an auction sale of farm
stock, implements,rain, hay, etc., on
Tuesday, Dec. 15th. A full list ie
published in this week's issue. D.
M. Scott will be the auctioneer.
The Post received word of the
death of Mrs. David Archibald, a
former resident of this township,
which occurred on Nov. llth, at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur
McInnis, Pelee Island. The late Mrs.
Archibald was in her 79th year.
United Church Bazaar, Town Hall,
Brussels, Saturday, ,
steeds Dee. 5th.
nisi tl1e
Many Morrisites attended
Fowl Supper at Duff's Church, Wal-
ton, on Monday night.
Mrs. F. II. ?~:"rney returned last
week after a two weeks' visit with
Chief and Mrs. Croome, at Mimico,
and with Toronto friends,
Oliver Turnbull & Sons sold one
of their choice young bulls to Harold
Cunningham, Gravel Road. The pm. -
chase price was $125. This is a good
5. S. No, 3, Morris, will hold their
annual Christmas Tree Entertainment
in the Township Hall en Thursday,
Dor, toth. Miss Dicksmt, tc arh,'r, is
preparing n splendid program.
'Reeve sheett','I'd in attending the
aettalorlet the 0e, 10lnleil at t;otlei
lei) this week,
111unl1'ip11 Nmninffee edit 1,e held
11 Ml'nilnt Tree, 28)h, 11,1' if nn el•.
re, ion is r e .:, t, 11 it ill lis• 11,1,1 , n
lami•1ry 4111, 1901
. [!.
Seam y i' PIM Yted l.as,t r.: nY1r .•ad),q
ivetiiht Ir•'or hi h11111ort, -n
N et hmit floc lin. 'ti,, l'nni bra
,olio tins, h 1•d r f• t ,sinus;
kn -,,.,• i 9 r 't. C,r
The fel tte dedt
N,, 11, .Yl, r •, , 1 ,
tVie1 1.,Y 1'
lens{,.by .,t, t , 1:.
Dee. i'th, at. 8 p.m. b v.ryhndy svrl-
A splendid donation of only V111.1)..
ire., consisting of -caps, ire es, mitts.
stockings and underclothing.. sons the
result of the November meeting of
the Women's Institute which nt"t :It
the home of Mrs. Dickson. These will
be ;ent to the Children's Homo, God-
V,I, sen;111 to thank the visitor
ilio' for their cnntributions. 3iiss E.
3, Howe gave an interesting and in-
structive paper on "Books,' closing
with an invitation to all. to visit our
University, the Library. A humor-
ous reading was given by Mrs. Geo.
Allan in her usual good style. Mrs.
G. A. Wearying entertained us with'
an aeeout of her visit to the annual
Convention at London. She brought
a very fine report of interesting facts
and was much impressed with the
magnitude of the Institute work in
the province. also the esteem in which
the W. I. is held in London. This was
i of
inthe foln
city 1
P by
a banquet to the 400 delegates pres-
Council Gives $2
to Beck Memorial
Town Council Will Purchase a New'
Snowplow, So That Sidewalks Can
Be Cleaned
Council meton Monday evening.,
Reeve Baeker in the chair and Coun-
cillors Bowman, Muldoon. Armstrong,
Minutes of last meeing were read
and approved on motion of Council-
lors Bowman and Muldoon:
The following accounts were order-
ed to be paid on motion of Councillors
Armstrong and Bowman.
Taxes, Morris Twp, gravel l pit.66.6:1,
C. N. R., rent of scales 6 mos.. 2.50i.
T. Ritchie, account, ... . , 9.501
G. McDowell, disinfecting ... 6.09;
G. McDowell, salary 75.019
A. C. Dames, of the Hydro Com-
mission, addressed the Council on the
Beck Memorial Fund.
Councillors Bowman and Artu-
strong made the following motion:—
That we donate $.25:00 towards the
Beck Memorial Fund.—Carried.
After a discussion. it was decide:
to purchase a snow' plow this winter.
Councillors Armstrong and Hewitt
made a motion that t'oun,1il purchase
a Champion sidewalk snow plow._ .
Council adjenim'd to meet 00 the
Nominations in Huron Co.
The following is the result of the
nominations held Monday evening.
Reeve—Jno. Henneberg.
Council—A, Edgar, E. Dobbs, A.
Wright, D. Pope, N. White, R, Stocks,
Trustees—Dr. A. ltteLeod, Miss E.
J. Howe L Durst, Jas. Allan, Geo,
Paulin. R. Stocks, R. McMichael.
Electric commissioners—W. S. bit'.
Kercher, Thos. Gibson, D. Robinson.
Three were nominated for Reeve
here Monday, and nine for the mun-
icipal Council. Four school trustees
were elected
by acclamation.
For reeve—Murdoch Ross, A. E.
Ernvin, H. Weston. For Council
(four to be elected) -•'William Wes•
ton, George Castle, John Castle, John
Parker, G. F. Merner, Thomas Bail-
ey, John Pollock, L. Thomson, A.
The school trustees who take office
without opposition are '.Themes Li-
V. Geminhartlt, V4'f11iattn Stur-
geon, E. 1i. Johns.
Nominations for mayor --Thomas
Fells, 1 G. 8011th. Meyer W. 11. Wil -
11c;, Ills. V1'ildi,. retired.
'For reeve- e vc -,1, W. MOKibbon r ac-
1''n.• (' aunVkh.1.n W.
.•ii G. t il t
IT. Mime. San; 11,atuYit, 1', J. Mit
'li'I1, W. 1.1. Willis, J. A. 3111;, 11. 11.
Nett, John llanna, 11. 1:. MtPen• l:I,
? 1potten antl Robert 31,•tniil','.
an,1 Mr, MY't un
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North Huron
Justice. Wright granrs request of J.
W. King that 5uffieient Evidence
has been produced that Appear
should be Granted. This will be
heard on Friday.
('Tuesday's Toronto Star)
The North Huron election :mixed
teas h.'ard beforo 31:', ,Ju.-tiee ,Ju.—tie,Wr'ght:
of the Supreme Curt 1 <l, 0.'•
is te
day, tee -r":=1,•Ilt 4.,a..'.1 uuig through
out the at.oruoon. N. W. Rowell„
K. t'., appeared for the appellant,
J. W King and Shirley Dennison, Ii,
C.. for George Spotton, the t'onser-
vatite candidate.
The case arose out of irregularities;
in connection with the election of a
federal member for North Huron con-
The seat was first awarded to 3.
W. King, Progressive, the sitting'
member, but on a recount by Judge)
Lewis it was awarded to his Con-
onservative opponent, George Spotton„
on the ground that 342 ballots were
leg art
it e ul ty • a nsisted.
irregular. The t o
of the deputy -returning officer's fail-
ure to remove the counterfoils ora
these ballots, and, being sufficient as
number to change the result, gave<
Spotton a majority.
The appeal is based on the pro-
visions of the elections act whereby
application may be made before at
judge of the supreme court for et
mandamus ordering the county cour&
judge 'who made the recount to com-
ply with the provisions of the domin-
ions election act, it ebing claimed in
this ease that Judge Lewis failed to
comply with the act in throwing out
the disputed ballots. It is claimed
that Judge Lewis should have count-
ed these ballots.
Mr. Denison Objects
Mr. Denison first raised objection
to being made a party to the appeal
as he had only appeared at the hear-
ing for a short time. He couldn't
"understand the partisan zeal" of ap-
pellant's counsel. He also asked why,
tried be-
foreehad not hadthe case .s
the routine judge, Mr. Justice
Kelly, instead of seeking to have it:
heard before another judge, Usually
it did not natter, but in a political
case it was not desirable
Mr. Rowell Said that it was at the
reituest of Mr, Justice Kelly that than,
application had been made to Mr.
Justice Wright for it was 111r. Justice
Wright that tvottlrl be hearing thin
Mt. Denison protested that he hall
no retainer from some of the parties'
who had been nerved.
Mr. Justice Wright said that the!'
that appellant's commit. had come; bt;-
fore hien was something over whirls.
In' had no control,
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