HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-11-25, Page 5hounds." states Mr. Stothers, "and
we helm to see a fugther expansion
j �J E1 LANDS OE NORTH HURON in, the next few years. One freed
!m �1 4� V 1 deader in Clinton sold eighty-five
Thousands of Acres devoted to Summer Grazing of Beef Steers. one hundred and ten bushels In bushels of alfalfa seed in 1924 and
Alfalfa Finding Favor. Another dealer in the town sold
probably as much, In the village of
The Family Herald and. Weekly
Star, of Montreal, last week had the
• fallowing article, written by a staff
correspondent which will beinterest-
ing to The Post rcadersc--A county
where mixed farming prevails, with
beef production a stress ,feature,
summarizes briefly the conditions in
Huron to -day. Other .special linea
are being followed --apples, 'tax,.
beans, onions and honey, ti11' f them
good cash crops but almost every-
where live stock is the reafnatny,
* Dairy cattle have made inroads
with at few good herds o£'dorseys and
Holsteins; but compared with the
counties farther south, Huron farm-
ers pin their faith to beef or dual
purpose animals. They started many
years ago svitll good Shorthornsires
and have kept a high standard ever
.-ince. An Agricultural Committee
for Ontario which made enquiries
in 1881 on farm conditions in the
province reported that in almost cv.
cry part of Huron, registered' stock
was being used and that Tucicersutith
and other townships had a high per-
centage of pure bred Shorthorns.
in more recent fears Herefords
and Aberdeen Angus have been in,
troduced and there has been a little
undesirable mixing of blood. The
cows of to -day are mostly ,,grades,
chosen for their ability to s1 pply milk
and at the same time to produce
calves that will grow into prime
steers. Beef is the first aim• with
the cream can as a side line. That
the cream is a considerable revenue
producer is attested by the numerous
trucks which are seen on the roads
during the ,summer. These trucks
melte extensive trips collecting cream
from the local buyers and from the
individual farmers. Several of the
creameries engaged in this business
are located in the county but a con-
siderable quantity goes to a firm in
Agricultural Representative: at Clin-
ton for Past Six Years •
"Grass" Farms,
In common with other counties of
Western Ontario, the farm population
is declining from two causes. The
families are' not as large as in lthe
pioneer days and quite a number of
farms have gone out of cultivation.
This does not mean that farming is
unprofitable in the run of years, put
that farmers nee adjusting themselves
to conditions, Markets are not near
enough to encourage intensive culti-
vation and cattle and hogs can be
raised with less outlay 'for labor than
grain. The result is seen in the
scores of "grass" -farms in' evPty
township but most noticeable, in the
northern section.
Quoting again from the Govern-
ment report of 1881, the percentage
of pasture land. was then placed at
about ten; according to the latest
official returns this has arisen to 22,
the highest, of ally of 'the counties
of Western Ontario. Oxford following
with 18 per cent, Bruce and Grey
have respectively 16 and 14 per cent, -
Seeking for more particular in-
formation on this ranching problem,
S. B: Stothers, agricultural represent
ative at Clinton, was interviewed.
Asked as to what acreages are de-
voted to summer - grazing of beef
animals, he stated that accurate fig-
ures were not available, but for
three townships --East and West
'Wawanosh and Ashfield it would be
about one-third of the land. Ti might
even run a little higher and is un-
doubtedly higher than in any other
part of the county.
Sell to the Drovers
Titre system under which these
'grass" farms aro managed is de-
scribed by Mr. Stothers as fellows;
"Most of the farmsnre either ow
ed or rented by'drovers who h v eat
their disposal anywhere from 200
to 13000 acres of land, They Guy
up enough cattle to stock the pasturas
in the spring, The animals are lltnr-
lceted through the season ns they
take en flesh and no markets tend
to encourage or discourage,, A, great
many of our Permers Gree, o'1 course,
r t P'ordwleh only about fifteen bushels
I growing seed and there are no doubt
I other's, Frank Coughlin at .Cell-
itralia, I understand,, has produced at
1 least a hundred bushels this year,
and L. U. Hogarth at Exeter, about
25 or 30 bushels, S. F, Caron at
Seaforth, had fifty bushels last year
t and has same again this year. Be-
sides these ther are individuals who
.Y 1
Illustrations from top down are -A grass farm; in',EuronCounty, where top
1=� quality heels finished off t a line of drafters at Clinton Horse Show ; a group at
r a t pre ono of the Sehool+Fairs, organized by hir. Stothers, Agricultural Representative;
--3= harvesting Duteh Sets on the farm of S. J. Hogarth, Exeter.
keeping grade Shorthorn cattle from
which they expect M get some milk
and raise the steer calves from one
to two years of age when they sell
ilten, to their fellow farmers or to
the drovers. Quite a large percent-
age of these cattle find their way into
the drovers' hands for their last sum-
"A feature of the trade durius the
past .year or two has been farmers
who have been getting their own cat-
tle from either Toronto yards or Wes-
tern Canada. Farmers with two or
three ]lnudred acres of land can
quite easily handle a ,ear load of cat-
tle and this trade is developing. H.
is my personal opinion -that the clay
is over for raising our owe beef
calves in Huron County. 'Phew eat.
tie can be produced so cheaply -in the
West anti h1 most cases Bail he
brought down here much more cheap-
ly than we can raise them. I look
for considerable development along
this line in the next few years.. We
have had quit a little bit' of inquiry
with reference to the le'eder rl
parttnent of Agrieulttu•e's polaey of
of paying expenses 0 I' those going
to Western Canada for feeder rattle
for themselves or for their fellow
Baby Beef
"al discussion of beef would hand,
ly be complete without 8011)11 refer-
et 't• -eine to the production of baby beef..
This is quite, an attractive side line
with a great many of our farmers
who will raise wbaby soone or t obeet,
per year, There are, of course, many
of. our farmers who are' making a
more or less wholesale biisinese or
these, and generally spanking, ihia
yields inir to good rates,
"The past summer's oprrationa
with the beef grazing men should h"
more satisfactory titan 1024, Short
grass caused by the shy weather In
July and August forced some of our
farmers end drovers to ship their
cattle. This, however, did not create
any real glut in the markets and our
'iuu'lcets have ruled fifty cents to ane
dollar higher this year than last.
'I'liis facthas also helped .to lellgtlu'n.
the period of liquidation in that the
rase cattle have been finding their
way to market all through the late
summer sold fall. Last year the
,.ituation was a little different when
we had- excellent rains , and good
grass al/ summer and many i'ariueoo
held their cattle back and all had to
market inside of 'a fete weeks in the
fall, However, the next few weeks
will tell whether this guess is Cor-
rect or riot."
Closely connected with ]ive8t0clt
production i, Ole growing of ,fodde-r
and hay for winter feeding Vlore.
or less eoen is t0 be seen o11 almost
every faint, the extent of the patch
bearing n close relation to the Num -
bet; of dairy caws kept on the farm:
Silos are not too numerous and it is
doubtful if they have, gained inpoint-
levity in the last twenty years,.
Many Fields of Alfalfa
Ti: is when one turns to alfal113
that the greatest enthusiasm is 80011,
011 11 fifty mile tour lust August from.
Clinton to the northern limits of the
county the eve or ten -acre field of
nlfnlfn wus seen to be the general
rule for the farms alu11g the wry.
To explain this popularity of elf•etre
it is nt e ells wry to go back ttbc01 third
live yeah. anti relate the story of a
young man who on his rriturrl from.
the Agricultural Collage began to
spread the gospel of alfalfa end bet..
ter poultry, a clallgeratts thine. to do
less,. it not for the heavy runes of
hay uta h'.:'father"s fai'tnwhirl! bark-
ed up his rlalula. 'Phot young matt
was F. C. Elford. now Dominion
Poultryman at Ottawa and known
internationally as an outstanding
authority on poultry keeping. His
early enthusiasm was directed along
practical lines and results are now
to,'he ;eel' on many 200,8.
Questioned regarding this early in
teodiiction of alfalfa into Huron
county, near Holmesville, hTr. El-
ford reealled that the first seeding
was about 11100 and that the results
were most gratifying.
"We took as many as three cuttings
its a season," said Mt. Elford, "and
we found that we could keep hors's
working on well cured alfalfa will, -
out .oats and in as good condition as
they would be with oats and 111001hp
hay. Tire place where we liked it
hest was in hog feeding and although
T have net the figures at hand now,
my recollection is that with pastdring
hogs on alfalfa paddocks and using
artichokes for the fall finisliint we
svra•e x111,• to produce pork at three
cents a pound. At that time the mar-
kt t prire for tour pork w118 quite of-
ten leve 00111; and all Dur 01113' 20111'
Mid a half vents.
Puncture 0 hardpan
"W,• found after several years
that we mould net riafely pasture or
on alfalfa close in the fall. With too
thin a rover:111) the winter was likely
to finish it. We had one field Ire -
collect that had a hardpan subsoil
which tens a Muriel. to crops until
alfalfa f• pun etn1't the nmade
tl a t tl nand
1 p
a real r;00t1 field. of it."
In the thirty-five years interven-
ing there have been ups and downs
in alfalfa growing with however, a
gradual hlrt rose.. The past few
years luta seen a marked gain in the.
act.eake especially in tite northern
taw llshipe.
"Alfalfa is gaining by leaps and
1 and a few are now using it for pas-
ture. Crops of seed Are comparative-
ly rare in this Bounty, Some farmers
have tried to take ..ori a crop of hay
and then mature a .crop of seed but
not with satisfactory results. We
advise farmers who wish to secure
seed to let the first crop mature. Four
or five growers that 1 know of are
was sold last spring, whiten does not
indicate that alfalfa will not grow
in that section but that the farmers
are fairly well satisfied with red clov-
er and have not switched to alfalfa
"The crop is largely used for stay
Pref. F. C. Elford, now Dominion
Poultryman at Ottawa, who intro-
duced alfalfa into Huron County 35
years ago, at Holmesville.
have from 2 to five bushels of seed."
"Are there d 11110ts that are bet-
ter to suited to alfalfa than others,"
Mr. Stothers was asked:
Even on Acid Soils.
"There are section that are going
in for is stronger than others but I
think it can be -grown pretty general-
ly over the county. In the townships
of East and West Wawanosh and
Ashfield there is perhaps a large'
percentage seeded than in any other
section of the country. And so far
as I have observed there is little dif-
ficulty in the way of acid soils. The
soil surveys made by the Department
aP Clhemistry of the Agricultural col- ,.
lege indicate that aetd sails prevgit
in a belt along the lake. Yet one of
the biggest surprises 1 got last sum -
mor was when I drove down the see
end concession of A,silfleld to Port
Albert where the land is Pat con-
sidered particularly geed, much of
it being law with a cold bottom. In
spite of this there were fields of elf-
alfa on practically every faring along
the way, I think with reasonable
drainage we call grow alfalfa 011 by
fur• rho largest 1)er'eentage of 1113111
in 1luron County,"
With the good start that has been
made the country bids fair to keep,
pace with other districts of the pro-
vince in alfalfa growing, The deep
snows that usually prevail give us'
splendid winter protection. As an.
example of the enduring nature of.
the ';rep there may be noted a patch
in the northern end of the County
which was seeded about forty-five
years ago and which. produced 8ple1l-
did cuttings for twenty-five years.
Many of the plants still snt'viva
though considerably overgrown with
grass and weeds.
Leans and onions have secured a
foothold in the northern part of the
county where soil condition; seem to
1111301• their growth, In 1024 the
yield of beans was estimated at 200.-
000 buschels and this year this is pos-
sibly an increase, Prices range from
$J.85 to "$2.00 per bushel which
means that they are a good Bash crop,
The past season was particularly
favorable until the second week in
September when the harvest should
be started. The real bean section is
a strip around the lake front. in Stan-
ley and Hay townships largely oc-
cupied by peoples of French origin.
Every year they seem to produce the
best beans, the heaviest crop and to
get diem off earlier than any other
section. There was practically 05
per cent of their bean crop taken off
'his year without receiving any rails
at all and the beans in many cases
have been marketed without any mil -
lin whatsoever. Those who are fur-
ther back and whose season is a little
later had their beans caught in the
damp weather which -prevailed.
Iv we were addicted to the "eulight-
enedself-interest•' that guides naLiols,
a certain reaterrnelon patch we know
would suffer.
rag sett/
r qiesiwi
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