HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-11-25, Page 4Che ' in* sets vast
WI:D4sio804X, NOV, 26, 1025
Native of Huron County and Widely
Known Author Succumbs in London
Beath on Tuesday afternoon 'last
claimed Itev, Archibald Me1Cibbin,
N7,110 has been a resident of that city
Mee last June, where he had taken
uphis residence following retirement
front the active ministry. Rev, Mr,
McKibbin was prominent in religion
!•hetes of the dietriet and en author
of some repute, Ile was 02 years of
The late Mr, McKibbin conducted
survioes on Monday evening at the
Hamilton Road United Church and
was working with some storm win-
dews et his home on Tuesday after-
noon when he expired suddenly front
heart 'trouble.
Entering the ministry in 1885. the
deceased man in his 10 bears in the
pulpit, acted le the charge.; of Strath-
roy, Ailsa Craig, Wyoming, Dutton,'
Mount P,rytigee, Fingal and the old
Hill Street church of London. Jm-
mecliately prior to takingup his rest-
Bence in London, he aceupied the
pulpit at Fingal for thr,e tars. Dr.
:4lclaibbin was, born near Walton,
Huron Coutes', where h„ reeeis d hi•7
rle r
m nt say wt a elan. J1, +n.nitnd
at. 11a. hl 4 I J its Goderich and
attended : ietnrt t t ull ,• (lubotu:g.
De me, iced tit dr t• c ut oritirelor
of at; from Toronto t niVei4ity in
Surviving •ire hi.- widow and on
daughter, bum. tit herr,, i t n:,
sirs,1t i ^lr,h, AIN. W. Dell.
rind Iat sh.-ih :l:easeste. :i.'d et 7t t-
antni ,,11.1<nn..tr,: nt h i•tt:•i-
andAlr..l3urhCamt,�'I ' i'.
F 1 , ur ti ,iltnia. •
The 'Torino Globe had the fellow -
Mg editorial last Saturday: -lei,:
Federal eenttttuene'y of 'Garth 11,1
(11 cannot b,• raptcted to rest content
with the result of the recOunt ! t
which its seat in the House of Co„
)nuns has been awarded to the ems
;Iltlate who was i„Ject.,•el by u. ttjitjor.
sty of Ow voters.
That an aspirant to Ptu•liaineht who
has been defeated at the rolls should
vbsequently be deelai' rt r,•turn-d
by the disfranchisement, through ,an
fault of their own, of a very large
number of the electors who proper
marked their ballots and handed them
to the officials in charge of the
booths, is the- veriest travesty of the
principle of potntler reyri'esentetion.
"Yet this is exactly what has happened
in North Huron. The ballots of 3.12
voters, •of which th,• Plq,,,,resiive con.
didate, J 6C, King, receiver[ 'urh a
large proportion the his majority in
the whole tiding was dill. were reject-
ed at the recount, on the ground th.lt
the Deputy Returning Officers railed
to remove the countertoib..
The wiping• out in this wholesale
manner of three polling subdivi.ei:me
has given the Conservative cumin, , ,
George Spotton, a smith margn to
the good. and as a result lin,is now
declared mcntber elect by eight votes,
Judge E. N. Lewd., of Gnderich, who
presided at the recount and rendered
the decision, in his interpretation of
the Election Act, expressed the
ion that that the secrecy, whSrlt it i,,,t-
sci.•ibes had been violat,•ti thrun,li the
fault of the election official:.
It will ha surprising, indeed, if the
,lectors of North Huron will submit
• to this suhversion of their clearly ex-
pressed wishes on the ,strength of a
technicality. That partisan feeling,
'van, should c:ek to justify Air. Spat
ton in taking the seat in Parliament
, e
)btatt -d through lo disqualification
of many voters is almost
Inco i c tv-
That 342. citizens in one constitu-
icy should be so summarily deprived
of their franchise is unrnistttkeblr
;woof either that the law is bad or
that there has been faulty interpre-
tation of the Act. If the law is re-
sponsible for such an outrage against
the clearly signified wishes of the
•people, it should be attended without
delay, and it should be so amended
that it will be impossible is future to
misinterpret it.
Ottawa, Nov. 2Q. -The Supreme
Court of Canada reserved judgment
to -day in the appeal of the Northern
Grain Company, Winnipeg, vs. the
Goderich Elevator and Transit Com-
pany, Goderich, Ont.
The action is for the sum of $7,-
903.11, an unpaid balance on 8 ship-
ment of outs which had been stored
,• warehouse , Goderich,
m the lata i s warehoa . at Gc a h
While there it was sq ld by the North-
ern Grain Company to the Peerless
Cereal Mills, Limited, Woodstock,
and shipped by the transit company
to the tturrhasel'. The Peerless Com-
pany obtained posse s:don of the oat,
and, after paying for part anly', be-
came insolvent.
Negligence and breach of duty
are charged by the Northern Genie
Company, in shipment of grain. The
questionto be determined between
the parties depends upon the etfrtet
to be given to correspondence be-
tween them.
Hon. W R Motherwell, Dentin on
Mitiietrr of Agriculture, spoke at the
annual business meeting of the Tav
istoek Egg circle fast Thursday after-
. His. address was on "Egg
Grading"' it matter' of keen Interest
itt tate present time to powltrytrinn.
Dowager Queen Alexandra, Mother
of King George, who was seized by
a heart attack'Thui'aday morning,
passed away .last Friday afternoon
at Sandringham House, She would
have been 81 years of age on Dec,
11, tiring of the ease against the
Carlini:: Brewery Company and the.
f'oe nl Iated Exporters' Corporation,
whi, ll was adjourned on Nov. 17, has
been set for Der: 1 at Goderich,
Th, companies are charged with
t emit!! for tale" the stock of lig.
fur .;„ )zed in the lora! export ware -
which has hurl such tt short
,•ata nc•e in Huron county,
Gcderuh,Nov. 11).--`tnpt it^n•, be-
fore elagistrat, Chas, A, Reid, Mrs.
1 nY t'4 ingham, answered a charge
al :tttelnpting to comsatt suicide in
the Mititlan,l river,
leset August,e1,. e
1eft her
1tnnhau's hom,
and shire theft has
Tress with her dtu;;hter. Since the
separation, Mrs. Doig says she has
tried to get in communication with
her husband, hut unsuccessfully, in
<t final attempt she went to the river
below the chopping mill, where her
husband worked, removed her hat
and emit, and wt nt into the teat r.
She purr claints that she did not in-
tend to u.:•id -, but merely to attract
h, ,• int ;hand's aid.
Th' magrrtrate threatened to de-
;ei". the woman in the local jail until
7,'11 % •n,, ars t t tit•; t t -11.•t frozen,
but nn promise of bet tet behaviour
Mrs. Pum was e nt l,a, I. to iter home.
Ottawa, Nov, 20 ---"Tho de, 4•
cision in North Huron is con
tray' to the act," declared et
Premier King in referring to 4'
the 4eciaion handed out on the se
election recount giving the 4•
seat for that riding to the
Conservative over the Pro-
gressive candidate, previously
elected, "Action will be tact. •
on, replied the Prime Minis-
ter, when asked if any stops '
would be insthe matter.
Later in the evening Premier le
King stated that be had re-
ceivetl , advice by telegram ram
that an appeal against the de- '
pP g
cision en the recount was be.-
iug entered in the supreme
court of Ontario,
A number of v,i,ing people cf 21;!-
vertot, stet itt 7itrunerntan's hall, in
the fnt'rn of it party to bid farewell
to Bliss Florence Guenther, who tuft
t•+ enter' in training as curse in the.
Gran tfcitd hos pi tut. •
The marriage of Mules F. leer!•, „r
Milverton, and li i-. Sat all Belle itjuy-
hew, daughter of Mrs: dobe Balmer,
of Pembroke, wa solemnized no
Thursday, November 12, at the United
church parsonage, Peuibrrke, The
ceremony was pet formed by Rev. 14.
Perth Comity's stock judging te,nl
won thli:d place in the Jeffrey Bull
)memorial trophy cojnlpetitinn tit the
Royal Winter Fair at Tot onto last
week. Oxford County was first.
There were twenty-two counties in
the competition.
A large square of mason y, the
abutment to the stone stairway at the
ebur b
c street entrance, St. Marys,
fell away some time during Weduee
day night oil early Thursday morning.
Apparently the dttntpness and the
want of mortar was the cause of the
it +image,
Partridge Brothers, sanitary and
beating engineers, Stratford, have
been going far afield in search of bus-
iness. They were recently awarded
the contract for plumbing, heating
and ventilating equipment in con-
nection with a public schnol being
, e, ectad at Ganattoque, Ont. The job
amounts to about $20,000.
J. P.. Hurst; oh Peffers, arrived
!!pine last week after n sojourn in
New Ontario of three or four weeks,
While there, he shipped dawn fifteen
cats of cattle, and some sheep and
Iambs to Toronto, J. E. is greatly
enthused I used n ver that part of our prov-
ince and thinks it is a great count? y
a t 1 of opportunities. He brought house
one car of feeder cattle and as sour-
r.••;es of the nets country, he has
Moth his barn a line yoke of oxen
nod a live deer.
At the Presbytery of ILondon meet-
ing in the Forest City on Tuesday
morning, among other business to
come up was that of the call extended
to Rev. Charles Waddell, 13. A„ re-
cently pastor of the St, Marys Bap-
tist chu,eh, by St. Andrews church,
Delewate, and North street church,
Tempn. The call wus approved and
the court will regnestthe general As-
semhiy's rntnmistion on excepting
ministers horn other denominations,
ma and "d
Next Year's ]Markers.
Hon. Geo. S. Henry. Minister of
Highways, recently awarded the con.
tract for the supply of 11(2a auto-
mobile rnarke•rt to the McDonald
Manufacturhtcg Co., Toronto, the
Twice being 8 lae. per pair. Fibe
tenders were received. Last year's;
price was 10 cents per pais-. Tit,•
color of the markers for next year
tis to be pearl prey and black. Some
344,000 plates are being ordered. at
out total of :.feta{ c33,000.
Hanover Boosts Fees.
The Hanover Council has made
orae, alterations in the Peddlers' fees.
'l'lte transient trailers Etienne fee was
not altered, remaining at $00 which
is returned in business tax if the par,
ties continue the business in town.
The fee for hawkers and peddlers was
increased considerably. If a than
peddles with horse and rig he must
pay a license of 275 a year; if he uses
a push -cart, it costs hitt $25 a year,
and if he peddles out of a box, pack
or bundle, it costs him 1115 a year.
Residents of the town who peddle
goods are given a spechtl license. fee'
of 25 a year. I
Prohibits Carrying Bills.
Rural mail carriers will no longer
be permitted to make any distribution
of handbills, notices of meetings or
any other such matter while on their
routes, it was made known on Satur-
day by the postal department at Ot-
tawa. In an advice, to the local post-
master, was stated d
este ittat d that notice iia
been b'ourlt tothe :Attention
1 j, 7 of Ot-
tawa that rural mail carriers had been
distributing 'advertising while on their
rounds without necessary postage at-
tached. Postmasters have been in-
structed to warn carriers that it is
a violation of thee postal regulations
to accept anything for deliver; i4 •h
does not bear sufficient postage, and
comply with the postal laws.
Local, Personal and General.
Our readers are cordially invited
to contribute news Items for these
columns --such as visitors, social eve
tints, illness in the family circle, t om-
pany ovc t' the week end, improv'-
meat,,! in buildings, premises or dice
trite ----in fact ttny little item that you
know tight be of interest to som -
olie else When time will not per-
mit of your writing, phone the it,'nt-t
in, The Post is No. 31.
Christmas Mails Must Go Early.
Parcels and Tither nail for delivery
in Great Britain tont other Europeant
countries should be mailed at an early,
date itwas cd at c o post
a. stat the local
office. It was pointed out that if the
mail is to reach its destination before
Chriitmati it should be sent at once
and at the very latest to connect, with
the S. S. Montrose, wailing from St.
John on Decembers 5,
(Ay D. R.)
Why is the letter" "k" like a pig's,
tail?. Because it is at the end of
Mistrrss---Did you xr‘o if the butch-
er lout pig's feet?
Maid ---No, ma'am, 1 couldn't, he
had his hoots on.
ilutchn,r -What renman have you,
sir, to state that my homemade eau -
sages Contain dogs?
Dealer -Well, if i bappun to whi;t-
tic while their frying, they turn over..
(Mott)) S. A. Lam ps are going to
organise a brass land.
The Items of Miss Margaret Mur-
ray, of Paramount, was the scene of
ac niet presentation on the evening
"1 November 101h, when Mrs. J, S.
Pickering was presented with 48 piec-
es of Old Colony silverware, aoeom-
parried by an address,
David Crawford, of the Cristiana
Hots', Clinton, was fined $50 and
rests. by Police Magistrate A.nderann,
Thar charge of allowing intoxicated
persons to be present where a bever-
age room has been established under
the new beer regulations, was laid by
Inspector Pedlow.
ooS(, Thomas church, Seaforth, was
the scene of a quiet, but pretty wed-
ding on Monday )Horning. Nov, 17,
at 11 o'clock, when Della May, eldest
daughter of J. B. Thinnest -ea, was un-
ited in marriage to John G. Green, of
London. The ceremony was perform-
ed by the rector, Rev,im.necUat T. H. Brown,
in the e
c he
p reset of rel-
atives, t r e
,'"After an illness of nine weeks, Rob-
ert Forrest, who had been living with
hieda, bier, Mrs.
Seines mes L
Wingham,. died Friday ,rimming,
Sou viving ate two daughters, Aire.
Jas. Edgar, Wingham, anti Mrs. Wm,
Atchison, Spokane, Wash- ; one
brother and Meter, residing est Pool,
One, and a sister, Mrs. Farrell, of
Atwitnd, 7n religion, he was Baptist,
Edward Ityttn, of Seafnrtb, and
fni•tnerly from United States, appear-
ed ou a charge of assault and &fink-
enese in Uagisteato Rutd's court.
Obtaining smite bootleg liquor, Ryan
Leat an unele of his wife, a cripple,
tt•he, wag in ids wife's time. ire wag
lined 225 and erste on the charge of
aevAult and Ste and costs tinder' the
O :1', A. anti told to leave the country
by the first train,
There passed away at his home in
Colton nil Township, on Saturday last
Hebert elimghlut, ag^d 75 years and
3 'months. Deceased was born in
Smith ICnsthope,' Peril, County, and.
when a young men 'entre; to Mullett'
'l'nwvnehip, later moving to Cnibotne.
Hiswifr,-who was a, Miss Pike print
to leer thereinto, died about AK years
ago. Uene seed is survived hy three
sone and F,.ttr daughters,
The Mel(Illnp mnnatl was the scene
n7 a toilet, but pretty wedding on
''Vitiuesday, Nov, 18th, when Agnes
Jape, eldest daughter of 'Thomas
liien(Ili' and 11,,, leo Ali R. Beattie, of
Neenah, wee united in tntrriage to
Stanley Gat niiarrl; . of . Trarnlfnghsm,,
Suffolk, I+1n�ggianct, The ceremony was
perrOrtned by Rev, J. A.. Ferguson,
The bride and groom were unattended,
lrige(ioit, King, G. G, 0., of AL
1), No,1, rtcenrnpenied by Iaiaut,•Cal.
Lawless, A, A, C,i, M. (1., impeded
"A" Company, of the Huron I3at-
telinn, whish hoe its headquarters at
Goderich, together with trio etretehete
bearers, signalled and maelline gum
Hari. Thr cnmpalsy, 10 Command of
Major Sturdy, wao highly corn•
mended on its work, The local affn-
nriet etc was also inspeete3 and
Basil!.Col, Dunlop, 0. 01 commend.
ed on the eifoelle/itcobrlttteli fouled.
Shorthorn Bulls
Prize Winners from
Prize Winning Stock
The last we :have from the groat
breeding sire "White Wonder."'
Also a few Cos and Heifers
0. Turnbull Sons
Sr+� S s
Phone 2814 Brussels, R. R. 2,
John Morgan dried ort 4Veduesdtty
mooting et his borne in lexeter,. Ile
Was fn bis 000 year and moved to
town about two weeks ego, For sev-
eral years be had been troubled with
a weak heart, The tate. Mr. Morgan
wail born near Lewin, and moved' to
Nlxeter when about13 years of age,
At the age of 20, be moved to the
West, where be spent five years, ' Ile
then farmed in Usborne Township
until u few peace ago ,viten' he went
Into partnership with Me, !Vied iu
the tmpletnent busiuese, buthealth
fadting, he returned to the farm.
Rev, Ate, Morgan, the new relator
el St. Paul's churn),. (irattli8, was in'
Budded into his charge hast week.
Phe 12th annual Walkerton Christ-
mas Fair will he held on 'Thursdiv.
u,e. rah. A big list of special prizes
will be t.iiet'ed.
The Travellers' Aid Society of the
W. 0, '1'. U, Iris again appointed alt s.
IVul. Irwin as their .representative in
Luekanw and vicinity, f
Airs. Peter Sauer passed away at
her home in rltilduttty, in her 54th
yesr, She lied beets in poor health
for solus Lippe tnonate.
The wink of rep:thing of the Witter
mill dam and the tilling up or the
%I) nu protan of the roadway tit
'Unit -may, is gning on.
The engagement of Miss Marjorie
21„ daughter of James nod Ales. Col.
harm, ul' Rivetsdttle, Lo Jusepb P.
letVeile,, of Formosa, is announced.
A Carrick farmer :states that his
pt tato crop was so viciously attacked
l y the wire mom, that. it was not
worth taking tin. Practically every
tuber in khe patch was eaten into, '
7'he wire war i t has done i. gond 'deal _
of damage this year iu different'
seotious of Call -irk.
Robert Trench has arrived .home at
Teeewater with his string bf race
horses, after spending the'Sntnmer on
the American circuit. One of his
horses has been doing exceptionally
web. and Mr, Trench was offered
$15,000 for this animal, last week.
Civil engineer McGeorge, of Ohatit-
um, was in Bruce last week in con-
nection with the Teeewater River
drainage scheme. The new report
will deal only with removal of a long
bar in the river near Ohepstowe,
which it is claimed is holding busk;
the waters. The cost of this woeleis-
roughly estimated at from 860,000 to
875,000, anti it is expected that it will l
give a large measure of t•eliefto faint
era whose lands.ate flooded in the
vicinity of Charon and Greenock town
lines, and South. Mr. McGeorge ex-
pects to have hie report ready to sub.
mit to the Councils interested, early
in 1026 and it is likely that the work'
will be proceeded with about Midsum.
For Sale
All dayand an Evening
Saturday, Nova 28
At the Store next door to
Bank of Nova Scotia
1 large glass wardrobe case,
1 small glass show case,
1 office desk,
3 large brass Miller lamps,
number of small lamps,
2 sofas,
2 tables,
small heater stove, wood burner,
large kitchen range, coal burner,
number stove pipes, size 6x7 inch,
4 large mirrors, British $eves plate,
quantity soft wood,
also block of stores, either separately
or together, and two building lots,
POW vacant.
Abookkeeper in a Western city
wrote me saying, "Is it not
about time you were coming'
West again?" and he went on to say,
"You will see great changes since
you were here, but no matter what
changes take place, your honey re-
mains the best alt the titre." That
is a nice letter, especially when we
aim to have our honey "the best all
the. time."
For your convenience both •Will..
Mc Crecken and Jirn Ross, handle our
G. A. Deadman
Word was received at Kincardine
et the death of pr, Roderick Fuser,
ivho pegged away et hove In Victoria,
B. 0„ on Monday, November loth,
PC. Fraser svae well.kuown In this
vicinity, having been horn and ralo1d
on the 7ttt of Kincardine Township.
On i!riduyy;.Nov, 18th, occurred he
death of Miss Menses Z ustoii, at her
former home on the 8th Con, of Floret)
`Twp, Mee Huston born her suffering
tbreegh the past months with 0.
fortitude and patience that wee oiiur.
acterletl8 of her whole life,
8, 13'. G. Pett, who some twenty
years ago estabilsited it cake and itis.
obit industry in Walkerton, which he
conducted for a few -years, together
with tt confectionery store and retail
bakery, passed away at Kingsville,
where Jot carried on a Wiener man-
ufaitory. Deceased was 70 yeave of
At PIlceville, the vote on church
union was 00.00,which ul)tdet' the Act
gave the Unionists the victory, They,
offered the format• Methodist church'
to the-nomermout'rlog congregation'
for $1 per yetu' providing they kept
it, in r(opair,
•. lt. 141, McCallum,. Telemeter, wvas
kieketl in the ebtinrnett by a horse
which he recently purchased, on
Tuesday morning, and was laid ttp rev
a day or two, The. hone is a nervous
boast, and ttuaecustotned to its new
snt'routtdittgs and new toaster, let BY
a hoof which caught Mr. McCallum
ott the knee And also in the stomata)
:Julies Kupersnhraid t, fernier resid-
ing neer Atubleside, wito bee been nn
remand in the Walkerton jail for sev-
eral weeks, appeared before Comity
Magistrate McOaitney in the police
court here on Friday last and wits
sent to it higher tribunal for 1tittl•
lie was released' on *6.005 bitiI fu, n -
i ished by himself and Itis Mollie: e, to
' cense alt before - Judge Klein and a
' Jut y at the Geuetal County Court•ms•
sioae which open tit Walkerton on
Dec. 8th,
,James H. Spence, K. C., Will Make
Application This Week
James H. Spence, IC. C•, Toronto,
acting localy for T. W. King, Progres-
sive candidate in North Huron at
the recent Dominion` election, and
who was declared defeated in the re-
count judgment given by 'Judge- E.
N. Lewis of Huron County, will make
a motion at Osgeode Hall this week
for the hearing of an application for
a mandamus to `direct Judge Lewis
to carry out the terms and conditions
of the Dominion Elections Act."
At the recount Judge Lewis declin-
ed to count certain ballots marked
for Ring which had counterfoils at-
tached. At the hearing of the ap-
plication for the mandamus the whole
question of the validity o 'the ballots
with the counterfoils will f be argued.
At the recount by Judge Lewis, Geo,
Spotton, Conservative, was declared
J. C. Elliott, M.P: elect for West
Middlesex, and R. Vanstone of Wing -
at the recount, are now at work pre-
ham,iwho appeared for J, W. King
parng the material which will form
tire basis of the application to a
Judge of the Supreme Court of On-
tario for the mandamus.
Under the law, the motion to set
a date for the hearing must be made
this week, and the date must be fixed
within eight days of the motion, if
«f Mt,•:ewM,•t'!y :a!- ` +9+F
'' +
f Peas and Oats =:
All Kinds
Flour and Feed
on hand.
T1 G1 Hemphill
Pleur WHO 21
Spilt Pea Mill 28
Residence 50 or 62
.''.�•AS.•ita14t••t«t.✓_, Uot4 v,.i..Vit.44tR:a„ t64a,va
It 40 +14414.414144.114044.744.
Highest market prices
See nee ott Phone No, 2x, Brits -
gels, and I will call and get
your Hides,
M. Yoali&
500 Cords well seasoned Dry 5tabwood
200 Cords Circular Wood, all 16 in..
50c per cord less if you draw it yourself
/'' UR Cider and Apple Butter Plant will operate as long
11/4✓ as Apples keep coming as at present and the weather
remains temperate.
Gibson Lumber & Cider Mills - Wroxeter
MON ES Mtn" zeas
Fletcher & Nelson, who have con.
ducted u garage and sepsis shop in
J4stowel for the poet couple of years,
have diseoleeti partnership, The
hiteloisee will bit Harried an at the
Basle place by Mr, N?eleon,
He E' erned a Bonus
But It Didn't Pa)
Company, had d 4Yoh with a big Transport
P y, dr Ig a team and han-
dling' big cases in all kinds .of weath•
et: wit )pother was a widow and
there Were ave to be ted. 1 made
;17,50 a week and a bonus of 56,00 a
month for extra loads, 1 used to gat
wet through.but It T didn't stick, it I
didn't get te bonus.
'One day 1 fell off my load, and
they said 1 had fainted, and the doctor
sato lay chest was weak, 1 had to go
to work In the morning when my
runt wouldn't be dry, A few wasted
More of work' and 1 got another spell
and they soot ane up hero,"
Itt the Mualteka Hospital for Con•
stnptivea,: Herb Is finding tort, care
and good feud beyond anything In
ever experienced, The Doctors and
Nurses like this quiet Meerut chap
and have hopes that health and
strength will memo Pace to him be-
1m'0lon ,
Catitrilutione ,naY be sent to Hon,
W. A. Charlton, President, 223 (:01-
len Street, Toronto. 2, Ontario. '
Auction Saes
Pairable farm for Gala
200,aere$arjnforsada. being Lot 10 sad 17,
poi, 0, 'eownseip et Bowlek. On premises
aro a ppod, pp4o•0100, beak berg 19170 straw.
shed sexi9, good Bement ,!,bkpg anti,water.
works (Iroagpoot, also litter uarrier, driving
$s1ted elan! 29x48, a large, comfortable, twe-
eidr, brlekbe t, Alta eum,aer 4.1tubsn and
weodslitl attached, band Itt good state of
auitivatton, with good fences and 24 aoroa of
good hadWcorl bash, rmp11 orchard, tures
telephone and omit delivery, ee :alto from
school. 2 miles Irani Continusnoi. Bobeol, e
!Hiles from lemma .et k'ordwl,il and 4 miles
IslaGorrto Itemize for aotting' to wind u,
the e.tate of the tate 11dWertt Itytm. e'er
further particulars amity to
Will, .1, .LYNN, 11.11 1, Po, dtt'leh
51504 MARY BROWN, Porde/tele
- Adndnlstralgrt of the estate,
Tenders will be received for the. purphase of
Lot 26, 00/141, Grey Township, Immediate
possesslou, Apply atoneeto,
ttotttfG rforMofrtgttge.
For Sale in Ethel
Rlx.retmod, l•atary honwa, geoti stable And
llnlf>peroply to, Cppo,tie Gqo sohopl house.
Cheap, apply to W, Spence. 12.12
Farm for Sale
---.• __ --------------- 100 neves on main gravel read at Jnnres•
town, 6 miles ft•otn Brussels,. b miles frau.
front Wingham. Good trema louse, frame
hurwith trtone foundation and stabling
erJerneath,rl,enhOuse 12x00, drilled well. wet.
Ppe to 208.1, Apply telt. VANHTONE,
wi than!.
M, Scott, A aotioiteer, has been instructed
to sell et Lot, 19, C.. 9, Gray, on Thursday,
Nay 29th, at 1 o'clock• sharp, the following
property -1 Clyde mare 2 years old, 1:Pergh•
hun cote; years old, t general. purpose aged
Tse, 4 dairy Durham cows 'supposed in calf,
8 farrow cows, 8 Steers 2 Tears old, 1 steer 1
Year 01,1,2 heifers 1 year old,1 Holstein heifer.
calf, 0 pigs good chunks, democrat Wagon With
polo, 1 baggy,
TEM Aiv,-Sana of ;lease under, matt ; over
that ,!noun!, le months credit given on faro•
ishh,g approved ,joint ,totes, b per cent off
for cash on credit amounts. Land owners
ter security.
U. At. Scott, (:CHAS. E. CLEAVER,
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
er, 4 wiles:from Btenvule and 7- miles
Farm for Sale
The nndereiuned suers for sale his 120 -net's
acro farm, beteg NN Lot 7,and part of South
half, Oen. ti Morris, flood hrtok dtveilint,
large, bunk barn, driving shed, dto, also two
drilled wells. Laid an °leered, close to
school end church. Per further particulars
apply to JOS. OLEGG on tire Premises or A
1,1ACDONALD, Brussels. 29-tf
raimati28,Onsts,,Epa -D AI Scott, Ane; Farms for "Sale
Con, 8, Grey, on Friday, Nov, 27th, at 1 Wake k
sharp, the following property t 1Clyde mat e
4 years otd,.l Clyde horse years old, 1 driv-
mitre7 years old. 1 farrow stow. " mows
springers, l Durham bull l year old la year-
ling heifers, 1 holier malt 0 months old, 8 breed-
ing ewes, 10 chunks pegs, • Peter fiainliton
binder 6•ft. Frost & Wood mower, p neon
with box, Peter Hamilton seed dr'1, eat
iron barrows, Fleury plow No. 21, gang plow,land roller, staneboat, rubber tired top bu
gy nearly new, 2 steel tired top buggies. good
cart, 2 cutter hay raolc 1 bog rack, stock rack,,
root pnlper, set 2,000 Ib, weigh reales..- set
double harness, 2 sets single harness. about
400 baa oats, about 5 tons of Timothy liar,
severalotherarticiostoo numerous to mention.
Stile without reserve as the proprietor is gtv
ins up farming.
TERM!!,-Su,ueet 7)0 and under, obeli ; ov-
erthat amount, 10 menthe credit given on
furnishing approved joint notes,, 6 par Trent
of for oeeh on credit amounts. Landowners
for security. Hay and grain to be cash.
Auctioneer. Proprietor,'
Mon ser, has been Irstrained
to sell at Lot 8. .
Fall Wheat it 16
Peas 110
Barley de.
Oats 88
Butter -
Eggs : 45
$o .21 e 30 21 lII 25
911 10
Steers Strayed
Strayed from Hie premiee9 of the under -
Maned, Con. 17, Grey Township, two white
steers, each havin a small piece clipped off
the point of its left ear. Any information
leading to their recovery will be thankfully
received. ne410BEK Alo�HPhone nkton.
• or P. AMENT. Brussels,
Steer Strayed
Yearling 1 ug steer, roan
in calor, u from
Lot 28,9th Con, Mr
ats, Last seenn a shot! th!
weeks ago. Any information lending to ht+ Rnrnl telephone and rural mall. will Celt
recoPhonevery wil175l be thankfully received, reasonable nit MCC011 t of ill•heelth. Per
• ANDREW KNIGHT, further particulars enquire ou the premiere,.
.iOlt to OAa it, PtOPrt.Otor.
Wroxeter Property for Sale Farms for Sale
Taa undersigned offers for sale his 100•aore
farm being Ndf, t,ot 26, Con, 7, Norris. A rye
160 pores, being North N. Lot 25, and E i, 2f,
f orisi Good houses ,
G d nes nn
d barna ht
firstlegs.Clacondition, also all good onb•.lta a•
Ings. Will Sell with or without crop. itean•
on for sailing, poor. health. Nor further part.
Molars apply to W. H. NoCUTOB:EON.
Proprietor, R.12.4, Brussels
Farm fore Sale
(The old Ham(tto Plaae
11) acts ' , ,
o acres, :being N/; Lots 7 e 9 and North
Lar40 ge ire 10, Con. ,splen id otorry a tabl ng
Large teslj, lxss barn, splendid suns stabling
underneath usedanlll, terga Mehta, shed,
goon rd, nevere house and atone kornt, , targe
forom Wroxeter failing spring of farm. echoot.
from arra has eon ill
east 1 toile from soh ars
This farm ivee stern ht recur for Home years
and valwinues tris highest Fop returns. Phan land
yalueB wilt etas. For pnrtionlntaapply to
Administrator John R, Gideon estate
P.O. box 77 Wroxeter Phone 80
Farm for Sale
100 acre Farrn for sale, being (,oath half tee
27,Con. 8, Township ofRR
P Morris.0 iOn
ae a good der k burn, shed
40x24 goodcomfortable, cement
alai/, frame
r drihoinguse stiedgood •one cegoollar
two godwollo a with good eabou caller
goo good ebus . This fang r anent 6 earns
goad manta bash . Tots stat fa tettf rr, r•, r
and drainedand1 o e fro state of 01 '1eitic�
and mile front mile and church. yortet.
they particulars apply on the premises or to.
11.41 u, R. 4, Walton.
Farm for Sale
The undersigned otetra his eftoars farm for
sale being South part of Lot 9, Con. 7,Grey
Township. Good 2.stary brtoi2 houshank
barn, 40x00 feet, with stabling. Goon well,
nine soft water. Lend all nieared except 2
(ores ()finish end underood state of cult.
ivattou. -About 8 acres of full wheat sown.
About an acre 0f orchard, also all kinds of
fruit. 0l4 tulles to either Brussels. or Ethel
One ofjthe best buys in Wroxeter for sate
Solinicedlot,,lck residence oak furnace, electric ligula, ,goodhhen,
house, soft end hard water, also oesa•pool.
Apply MRS. GEO. E, TAIT, Wroxeter, Ont.
Phone 07.2
100 acres at lend, biting the south si of Lot 8.
Con, 8, and the south 54 of Lot 10, Con. 1' in the
Township of Morris. 'These farms are offered
for sale to close up the estate of the la to James
Smith, It not sold they will be rented for pate
tare. For pertienlars apply to the exeoutors,
You can Make Your
Selections Now
With Christmas ori the way you should DECIDE
NOW on your Gift List for this year. We will hold
any selection until Christmas. iEarly selection means
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We are showing some splendid values
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In pocket watches for men our
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Priced from 210,00 each up
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-Waldemar Knives
---Signet Rings
--Bar Pins
-14rownie Cameras
-Cuff Linke
---Tie Pins
-Vanity Cases,
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---Cut Grass
Watermah's Ideal Fountain Pens 'and Pencils
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A"Large Assortment New Stock Reasonable Prices
Christmas Cards Booklets Seals and Tags
The Gift J. R. JJ'. A'DD Shop