HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-11-18, Page 5• • r
ask7he Bank o> No /Scotia.
"Let tis get n sound, impartial opinion on this problem
Pt ours—the ;dank must have had many similar experi„
ences to deal with, I believe they can help tie."
We welcome each opportunities to be of service to our customers,
and our records and experience covering nearly 100 years are Always
gladly placed at their command.
We justify receiving your banking account in many ways beyond our
regular services of deposits, collections, credit advice and loans.
Confidence in our customers and a close study of ,
their problems often enable as to assist in directing
their business into nese and mato proIlltable paths.
Oke n",vrrrofebranch, fliaAaak
near via cad avetcome Hour a000af .,
O'.Opttn? 510,J1N4,000 Reserve $17,500,000 Total Resources $$30,00Q,000 2517
,,.tvmr„>..,rz<wum„cre,,,,a.c, eP.°a.,>.xv++ne>n....,w+..mem.p er+.>s
News of Laical Interest
Co Council. Military Tour Planned.
Business College in Stratford is T g
ve, J, Elliott, Who ,Started Central A'I'1Wliyop bought i+ rocery business, His son,
The Toung people's leaaue of the slows!! who has been with the Mel -
United Church held a e social In son's dank, will be associated with
In Toronto the Leagun room on frldaY
Pulliam J, Elliott, who ,founded the
iineabol t$ 887, diedolMonday Morning
at his Toronto home, aged 03. Be
left Stratford about 20 years ago for
Toronto, In that city , he conducted
the W. j, Elliott Business College,
and had en interest Ln the institution
here until recently. Mr, Elliott was
well known in Stratford, and during
bis` residence there, was a member of
Knox church. Be carne to Stratford
from Chatham, with, W:, 11. Shaw,
who left the city many years ago and
is now running a College us Toronto,
Interment will be inade in Avondale
cemetery, Stratford.
Wingbare le undergoing an epide-
mic of measles, which first appeared
some *melte ago. All Sunday schools
town wore closed Sunday and pub-
lic schools did not open on Monday.
'Whole families are down with meas-
les or la grippe, which is also pre-
valent. The doctors and nurses are
doing the best they can and getting
n as
n. hi>n,
d despite the weather there wai
t Far the second tt a within a few
years, tragedy has visited the family
of James Staples, .a former resident
of London, who for number, of
years has farmed near Moosejaw,
Sask, Thetsecond tragedy, according
to word received by relatives here,
took place a week ago, a tragedy
which claiined the life of the head of
the family But u few years ago
three of the children were drowned
while bathing in a pond on the West
I ern farm. The death of Mr Staples
occurred after he had been struck by
a wagon in a sand pit near Ms farm.
Steplee, with his sons, was guiding
the heavy vehicle into the pit, the
father directing the movement by the
tongue. The wagon became out of
control on a steep grade into the pit,
and while the sons were powerless to
i'nterefer'e, was run down by it, the
wheels passing over his body. The
late Mr. Staples is survived by bis
widow and several children, nibs,
Thomas Bill, Dorinda street, London,
is a sister of the deceased man, as
is also Mrs. Lindsay,'of Florence,
Ont, Two brothers, Thomas and Wil -
limn, reside at Seaforih,
a good a teedanee, Rev, '0, C, Koine SEAFORTH
was chairman, headings were given
by Miss Maidlo Roe, Mos i aobe1 Wil -
son and Miss Jean Ilam lion;
by Dr. McDowell and Miss Ethel
Blackwell duet byy, Mrs. Robinson and
Mra, E, G. CepMini ladies quartette
Mesdames Mclfein, Robinson, Turn,
The Ladies Aid
The Huron Co. Council will meet More than 50 officers of military
is of Western Ontario will be in
units i
Ili the Council Chamber, Goderich, attendance at the animal staff tour
at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of being held on November 15, 16 and
Tuesday, est day of December, 1925. 17 it is understood, nearly 40 already
New C. N. R. Agent at Goderich, having signified their intentions of
S. D. Croft, of Durham, has been coming. The stair' tour is a sort of
appointed station agent of the C. N. mimic warfare, carried on by theor-
R. at Goderich, succeeding the late etical battle without troops. Various
G. 11. Lauder, who was for years strategic moves are planned in the
agent at tho Co. town. field, and afterwards the two armies
meet to talk things over. By this,
method practical application is in a
way given application in tho field,
the staff` tours being of instructional
bull and Cog
then served e. dainty lunch of pie and
The YoungPeople's League
�' Ontario St, Curch, paid a visit
1 the County Home and entertained the
i inmates.
1 Tho town voters' list has been print
Edmonton Becomes of Age,
Edmonton became an adult among
cities. Just 21 years ago, on Nov-
ember '7, 1904, Edmonton was official-
ly created a city. Since that date
the population has grown from '7,000
to 65,878.
Buys Property.
Teeswater News: The United
ehurc liofficials hale purchased the
property of the late Dougal Fergu-
son for a residettce for their minis-
ter. The present home of the minis-
ter has been sold to Mr, . McNeil.
Both transactions. are for cash and
possession will be given on the 20th
of this month.
Lok Before Shooting.
As there has been pheasants raised
in and around Brussels, and the birds
are now flying around farm lands and
woods, the, Department of Game and
Fisheries asks the co-operation of
reinforceme is fast as possible,
University Faces Deficit.
The University of Western Ontario
this year faces a deficit of $68,000,
largely' caused by the fact that the
annual provincial government grant
is made at the end of the year in-
stead of et the first, and Western has
no endowhnent fund which can be
used to tide over in the meantime.
Such was the gist of statements Lieut.
Col. Walter James Brown, executive
secretary of the University of West-
ern Ontario, made in an addrses a't
the inaugural snQnthlydinner of the
University College Alumni. Associet-
tion, at which that recently reorgan-
ized society made a good start.
Little Local items.
Winter's drawing near•
every person in assisting to give the You may kill men, but you can -
birds every protection that is de- not kill a great idea.
handed under the close season Pro- Even the least brilliant pian at
vided by law. The Act provides for least shine his trousers' seat.
a penalty for the illegal. taking of No married Ivan ever got home a$
these birds, of very $5.00 to $50,00 early as his wife thinks he should
and for each d every 'pheasant, have.
•TiMany a man's motto i$ "leo others
Mme To Post Christina Mail f• This as they would do you, but do them
Month. first"
A warning has been posted in the Likewise the time when aldermee.
postofflce that Christmas parcels for
will have to give an account of their
Election campaign literature snakes
very indifferent reading after the
election campaign is over.
There's a wintry touch in the '.air
these mornings. Ask the mail whose
wife wants a new fur coat.
Whether or not your step is the
last one you make depends on, is it
the brake or the accelerator.
It is only at a election time that
we realize how bad the other fellows
really are.—Firmest Advocate.
Police found only half a bottle of
beer when they raided a real estate
office. They hoped to get. a lot,
It takes three generations of Mi-
suse: to produce a son able to for-
get that he is wearing a top hat
is automatically California says that Florida thathps
a traveller eY utule and Florida declares
against loss of lila, limb or disability' no f
within California' is all past. The situation
caused by accident occurring wit is tensa.
a period of 48 hours of the issuance
policy is The days of the bazaar and the
of the policy. Tlil accident with
po Y
hotel rummage sae are with us once more,
billnd in ,ao plicate t e ieo the
end a duplicate thereof. When when churches go out info the wick -
bill do p
the guests leave, been
and the edTh°erlAmer canmoney,
duplicate have been and al said recently that if everyone who
guest's name :ie entered in the poliry, wrote a letter would take the simple
,overseas should be posted this month.
If they are posted before the end of
November there is a certainty of
their being delivered by Christmas,
'This warning applies particularly to
those countries outside' the British
postal union, but there is no assur-
ance that' parcels for the British Isles
if posted after Nov 30, will be de-
livered by Christmas:
Hotel insures Its Guests.
A plan of insurance made effective
by a Detroit hotel safeguards the
lives of guests for 48 hours .after
they check out of the hotel, The
plan involves one billion dollars of
insurance in the first year of its oper-
ation and will affect 500 guests of
the hotel daily. Through this plan,
',The policy costs the swots met sing,
provides for the payment of $5,-
600 tor no
life 1 be
of $ i -would for lose ) -there vvo
of the envelope
' dei Y
weekly m
w Y
$25 co.
. til
andIter o
limb, need of tc dead let e
wholly disabling injuries.
precaution of putting a return ad-
dress on the upper left-hand corner
1 L
500 Cords well seasoned Dry Siabwood
^UU - Cords Circular Wood,
all 16 in.
50c per cord less if you draw it yourself
Cider and Apple Butter Plant will operate as long
p Ales as Apples
keep coming as at present and the weather
remains temperate.
Gibson limber & Cider Minis - Wroxeter
PHONES bconao Q;x
od and posted up. There are on the
. list a total.of 1180 voters, 1045 ell-
giblo to vote in municipal and parli-
amentary elections and 132 eligible
288 vete
axe eligible serve hs.
Chas, W. Williams,, who has been
the marble, and granite carver with
the Clinton Hardware, Furniture /St
Monument Co„ for the poet 5 Years,
is moving to Stratford where he has
E. Tatham, of Guelph, is visiting
his brother, Sidford Tatham,
Miss Margaret Wanzor and Mass
Rhea Moore are in Toronto Ter the
week -end.
A. and Mrs. Wallace, of Inger.,
soil, spent the week -end with N. And
Mrs. Calder,
R. .8 Coltart and Miss Cohort, 9f
Westtnount, Quebce, aro visiting their
sister, Mrs. J. M, Nichol,
Miss Jean Nichol leaves on Wednes-
day for Toronto to enter the Toronto
General Hospital, as a nurse -in -train-
The anniversary services a the
Baptist Church Sunday were well at-
tended in spite of the unfavorable
weather. Rev. J'olnt A. Johnston, B.
A., of Toronto, delivered two elo-
quent sermons --his morning subject
being "A prophet's school in a pot-
ter's shack” and his evening topic
was "The greatest question ever set-
tled." Special mole was sungby
the choir, the anthems being"ome
Unto 'Ie" and "0 Lord We Worship
Thee," both by R, M, Stuits, A
)Hale quartette number was given by
L. A. Fleming, Albert Baker, H.
W.rian Jackson and 1Zov, H,
Jackson and a solo by 11. F. Brian
Supply of
on hand.
Phone 2215 ETHEL
'tf certainly got a bargain when, I
bought my wireless set," cold Smith.
"Aro you quite sure of that?" ques-
tioned Jones. "There's no doubt
about it. After I had assembled the
set I had 67 parts left over l
The busy .season is drawing nearer
and nearer; and the merchant who
would get the best of it, should use
the best advertising medium, the
Post, the newspaper with the biggest
circulation in this part of Huron 00.
A Wonderful Opportunity f it r Every Wide-Awak
n,W man an Child
{ii world? If so—'enter this g P
real puzzle competition,
Are you wide aEmpir o your own way 100 Are PPRIZESdettoten in tod over $8,000ad .00, to men, women and children who send in the best answers to the
The Mail and Empire The
give away Empire hasCAal ioWill S +
"C -Word" Picture Puzzle, The Mail and has already paid Thousands
sthe lucky rwinnerssuccessful
00 December 23rd, and reach themPuzzle
before ChriThe cash
will be forty
The ally
1 P below contains a num,- tat In with OnP Hundred Cash Prizes will be given for the 100 last Meta or words submitted
The picture login with .he letter '•t'"'- this Puzzle. The answer baying the arses! u
the letter "t"'• 'You tv
te, flee how many you can find. prizes ofan fered in connection with this nitw Puzzle Game wi
flow Objects Beg•inning With the Letter "C" Can You. Find in This Picture?
number of objects anti arttelns, hes n g i and nearest correct list of
" bide", newts
c f Cross",
that r d d in answer to
701; like Caw" , e: trick u "Cabbage", no"Calf", („roc`, s have to turn visible objects and articles In the picture that start Wah the letter "C" will be
' ups) a not s trick puzzle; nothing .sre 51hiddeesa younthis la go 'pi turn so that tall objects !voided Fir.! Prim; second beet, Second Prize, eta
' upside
' and nr
down or Sideways. - .. a .
tidos starting with the letter "C"' will he easy
f"r 3'0u t0 see.
'-wr r
t' j /f
:�.it1;r':>,'..a�+-i .1. �r•,'•- .. a `:: )3'711' r - , ,,,s Im"'.
.ire are offering you In our Puzzle Game to EASY RULES
1. Any mon. wom:u, Or chi i who 41000 In Cumuli Had
IA not n residrnl ai Toronto. end who la not to ,11e -0111
ploy of The atoll k Umpire, my ennotit nn +tna,.v1r.
0. Prints Winners in /orator Picture 1atzle (30000* eon-
duMrd by The 15,44 fi Umpire. winning 55M1.01) or sneer,
aro not eligib1e to oratl,'50te In thin Minnie,
9. All nnnworn 11111,1b„ mall •1 byR.il .,lac 51,.
ember At1+ i 021, end- uddreen,d to t . A 7,1,,,,,,..1111.1,111,
1110.x10 01 tit ger, The 111,14 41 10111,1., r
4. 314 Punt 01 nnmen n,, utd be 0 hien en n , e11b,
o2 the roper only. end lural 1 a-. uu,nt /
paha,nnrwtarinuory05.1r5 251,1,1
e0d0s1rpan) ..„l IA1', )n, 14
1 h:h”t
6. Only such wordn an nt pour li trio nice a 1lvd n ly
will et counted. 110 not int p near timid, r, e e 1 ,1 or
obonict0 a ren, whore the pineal is used the 011114nlat•
,Hint he counted end 4110 501.011..
0. words n/ tho: came xpnlilnet -ot, bo 14,183 0013 0000,
iron though ,food 50 llealgrnnt,• dl1rm'ont objerin Or
not, An object or nrtfrin ran l,0 nmmOd . ➢0153 0005'
ret', ono'5,91, part of en object 111041 oleo be nam-
'rho ,.
answer having elargest an d
neareet correct
n' neo or '10(0(8 objects to o picture tint begin
or honwitg 510 no rind G
ntnatn, 01 p.....014. nn, -operate in On.nrring.
lint c my One 4.110 wIll ha awarded to nny
'Id, lin, 1111 p14z n 1e 100c.+ItIP,I to'. noire than
,nr 00 mitt g
v 1 n
., tm r
ere tea 110
group 1 alt
l the
,rir nfirra
Y rho ern 1i n/nil„ for nnqq n
ru �1 i,r o/ rnt4, Prt>r win int ntvardrti to r�u,q tte11 )"1r51W
1,, SubeoripUena (both 1101 and r (1'' 4,. ply able
,:1nnee of t1. (0 Per 0011 i) moll. r 4,1,00 pp401 5051
,l••tl'tered h1 carrier bey in er.0111t ow11(1 511110 11, 11ation,
11. All :memos 0,111 r
regardless of !013841 1' or not n Anbnerlpti0n 40 'rite hto11
flt 1On,94.'0 In 0,•115 in,
Y➢. Phren 11tem5inl] 51 1Olnpfrnriwill nbe se nolednio 1101
8 011(1 With T
ns pesos -44, deMde the 'O, arca Le, and p the deantx, of
Han ins' in !trine unswore„osis to ane4,pl thaderinl0a o2
Ills )u 8140 on final end aonr1511105.
The 8udx,•40 00111 ,n901 On 1)Ocpn100r 11th, and 'an
naanramenl of the rrttn 'Winhorn ttnd '0414011 41411 Or wort($
Will be p111511nhed (0 The Well Had 5(41111108 on T.)oeombst'
211rd, nod voiles, 0/811 be nailed tolite winners berate
You may never In your lifetime be given smother miot'rtonhelpien41511 enjoying ilii! sur "I -41.0111o” in this Picture Puzzle.
"Play and learn" while earning a, big e cash prize, Von
s ell lain -in and have a jolly good time. No matter what .your age, If
bite to solve Puzzles, try year hand at turehave
All you need Is an observing. eye, , Let this One. It really is nett nInlzzl0 tit 1111.. for a.11 5150 objects In the big plc
been made perfectly Main, with no attempt t0dssuise or hide them. (4et a pencil end and how many
When You leave tendo up your you. can anti. liar or "C -Si cede" send it In along with one, twh of three Yearly subscriptions to
m ire so onsll g 1 year, 100 b will 5100111) Your answer for ItAXIIS0111 (.5814 I'1t0151u FOIL XMA;).
rhe bliss and r n �
thuds Prizes to be awarded oti
flecenibar 3rd t0 tltoso sehdla¢ 1n the 100 brut tulswcr4, AUL" C.\N A; 1S :� I t
Start your list of "C -Words" !Co -tiny'
x:00 1".. CA.S1I PRIZES --.- 100
Winnlnp Answers will iereive the One llundred Cash
Prizes pectoral to to the labia; below!
` i'rizo lr Prize i't 1.1440. 11:
Ono Two Thre41''
Subsoil➢. 8uhnerlti' aubnerip-
i us
noes Ar
ami IN
rrltn It :Ve
100 011.420.1Std,sert p
j!Itt'li$9 Pone hent. hell,
die SOnt. Hint. ter %
int 1'rtft ,-.�$ doO-..'73500.00 ' 7 .000.01'1 1 8e.000,0d
2ni1 Prize• , . 25,00 400,011 ii 800.00 1 5,000.00
Fit$ i'rh415. ,. 20.00 00.00 I 000.00 1,250.00
1.8.00 - 134.)14) :LU0,00 i 4130.510
1U 0
I) 1
11 41)
14.00 1
20.00 t0
14.00 20,00140,04
8.00 15,00 30.40 10 0.00
0.00 10.00 , 20,00 i :50.110
4,00 7,00 11,00 30,015
'2}vt to infill
Prints, )nut, ' S•Otl 4,00 k 12.00 20,00
;;155 to 11)051)
Prizt's, fuel, 2.00 3.00 , 1110il Vit, 00
[rt the t rn
et of a t e...for au' prize offered, the tall
amount of such prize will 'Ito paid Lo each tied
Subscription Rates --Payable in Advance
55100+an end 1 et year. Ir7)elivered by cmpire arrrier- eyl1t0aby Mall,
ga:00 Her year.
aid S;Willtylnif fitllitltrlp510tril tb 100 1''ritea tOtallhng over 49,000, whore rho 10 th Pr z
Mail Your 1 urzltt Auswcr7t » ? 'PURIM subaariptlona wino '4111.00, so that you would got your to get atibacrlptlons to 1'in0 ldall nn
a ...,,, r r r.rr.l•, MANAGER own rlubsorlptlan money bank, also the 410,00 you sent in for Qualify your answer for ilia I3lg' rash Prises, 11
Toronto, tl P tr Ontario.
Published in
0THE MAIL ANb retie.
EMPIRE l your two additional subscribers 01auld you oil wIn the 100th lit by far the bbst dal y 0,385Paper
-4th 1 iCa. ,:•
UtIY Prise.
0Ih`I 'tizt ..
701 Prize...
803s Prise, . ,
OM 1'1.e2c,
10111 Pr151..,
1)5h to 211510
Prizes, steel.
How Prizes Wilt Re Awarded
'i'ht• "t'•\151051)" P4 151 0 Puzzle home is a, campaign- to
increase the p0puhn•itY of The snail and 101314({'90. It coats
noth111). 10 tab() part, and : you do me hese las send to a tole
seri1ltiee to win a prize. II' Your list Of "C -Words" lo awarded
. by the Judges you will $50,0tl but If 3.:11 nimbi
to tilt
• +er101
Mar to -Lein more !hili 6511 we aro making the followingt
offer Lrhere113 you rats win greater rush prizes .by a1 n ling in
5'NP:, or 'l'WO. or '5111!1110 yearly subscriptlisma to Tho )1 a11
and Ynt+`t•o.
1t1:1,1:14 Hilt 'rill,: l 345 1,1116108 A1'tr,l, nil; A li's1 1114.:O
n 4
1 atvnidtn t
-1 e
.5:;(1 Wig Mods 4l
1, l o
;;{{�� ,' ,t' V�hll
'ii ,• r t l 1
,""‘"1‘,"" .tlfutlin:t First I I riz. 1P
\t•13t,:t1. Fassoirs. sit $3,1111 1,y nt1111.1,.,� 4•'1 :t :n
Second Prize. 0401! u0: 3'10 r,( 14Io' 580.11114, n1115 no 1 cu.. 1d,:e
seeo1111 column of 4141104 In prize 11.1.1
00 in
S1.000 stead $10 WI be award,-, 15, t)1 nn,wu'
�`��/• worming 1'lrat.Priz,• 14 '1'1'F'A1 anew or renewal)
yearly rubserlptlo)14 to The 111,1! tine: 4.5n Aire are 0'114 ill.
ticetiile Prize, 030o•eel.Third Pot/.0, 5000,00. and :o forth IS.'•'
third r//uhj'ntnn 00of figures 14, prize 1 st.4
ed+w�9r\Isinstead. or $80 will be awarded to 1110 answer
t\•lnnhlg (''first 1.'nlzO S+revidvd "C11n1• 10 uunv or
1•nn0W11l) yearly al1bB,'Idi,t1nlia to ''.Che Mail ols,1 ninnies are sem
tn. ' Second Prize. 51,000.00; Third Prize 81.250.00, ai,l so
forth, (See fourth t'ofuntn of figures in prize list.1
isn't this the moat rema41t5hle and liberal offer yon 5105o.
over had presented to you? And that's 001 till. \\"e will y4Vl'
extra a151011)1te o11 till -prizes in the Battle meaner, If your '
answer lv qualified by TB -RPM yearly subscriptions and you "your Own subacrlptlen will. count, or aubseriP-
the fourth prize, You will receive 4900,00, and to firth Clown ceder twilair yon wentfuture
115' )paper suirted. and it will
ite on tha
the prize list. Sou art given an oPPatturi., to pa)iltlpalo to eIt
d t a'wlth start promptly on that date. tett Will tt)0n.oiraato