The Brussels Post, 1925-11-18, Page 1VOL, $4 NO, 22
2,00 per (mItion tilt ttaValiCe
Brussels United Church
REV. A, W. 03ARKER. B. D.
Sunday, Nov. 22nd
a.m.-Publk Worships
"Melding the Ropes"
3 p.m. -Sabbath School Sees
sion and Bible Classes.
7 p.n.-Public Worship:
Theme : "Empire Building"
Tuesday -- Yong People's
Wednesclay---"Prayer Service
and meeting of Official Board.
Friday -Choir rehearsal.
United Church
Chicken Supper
, AND ....
Tuesday, Nov, -24th
Bazaar opens at 2.30 p.m,
Supper served from 6 to II
Good Program
including Listowel Unified
Church Oetette, in Quartettes,
Duets, Solos and Reading num
Address by Rev. E. F. Arm-
strong and others.
Come and Enjoy a good
Evening's Entertainment
Tickets 50 and 25 Cents
D. M. Guest, Mre. P1. SpoIran,
Pastor. Ladles' Aid Pres,
The Surronndina District
The Wornen's Institute will hold
their November meeting at the home
of Mrs. ES Geddes on Tuesday after-
noon, at 2 o'clock, Nov. 24th, The
topic will be "The lather's place in
the home" by Mrs, J. Melee. Music
by Mrs. T. Clegg, Roll Call, "Thanks-
giving Thoughts."'
Wightman-Campbc11: The home
at Charlesand Mrs, Campbell, 13e1-
' grave, was the scene of a happy ev-
ent on Nov. 0, when their daughter,
Janie Viola, was united to rnerriage
to James Chester Wightman, on of
John and Mrs. Wightman, Belgrave.
Rev, :James Scobie. of the Belgrave
United Church, officiated. The bride
was given in marriage by bee father.
Little Audrey Canmbell, neice of the
bride, was a charming flower. maiden,
The house with the unrivalled
reputation for Quality
Hair Goods
Free Demonstration and
Display at
Queen's Rotel Brussels
Thursday,. Nov. 26th
See Dorenwend's Path nt Strue-
ture with the new sight -proof
Telephone Mr. Knight at lintel
or appoihtMent.
The W. T. Pember Stores
129 Tong* street, Toronto -
awl Miss Irene McDowell, another
neice, played the wedding marches.
During the signing of the register,
Mrs. john Campbell, of Aylmer, sang
"Until." Only immediate relatives
of the bride and groom were present,
After a sumptuous dinner, Mr. and
Mrs. Wightman left for Toronto,
Peterbore, Millbrook and Newburg.
On their rotten they will make their
honk in Belgrave.
Now Advertise:or/ate
lasettae-Seroa Co, Connoil
Anotion halm
.2% notion sole -Chao. E. °leaver
Heir Goods -W. T. Pomber
Groin wanted -T. G. Bemoan
itazattr-tentsseteonsted 0101reh
HPOG fill the Deadman
tenetee-ene rose
rortnerte attentions-31Mo Pon
Bagaar--Knox °boron. Monarlatf
Per nlabarda
A anivereary-Dell's akeroh. Walton
Supper and Bazenr.,-Union United ohurcilt
Homtroinde nittto-,Phone IVO
Big price Concessions -ging Broil.
Ploa tor sale--blelvin Waleson
Perm for Ile -Henry Olark
Oslves for ade--rhone 41119
flerviess-Erniniels milted oheroh
Dwellings to let -I. 0. Richards
Eye Speoiallst-N. Katz
The Women's Institute will meet
at the home of Mrs. F. V. Dickson on
the last Thursday in November. Roll
Call "Favorite magazine and why."
"Better reading for the family" will
be discussed by our Librarian, Miss
D. J. Howe. Mrs. George Allen will
favor us with a reeding. A report, of
the Convention will also be ,given.
The special feature of the meeting
Will be our usual donation, a new ar-
ticle of clothing for the "Children's
Home," Goderich. Stoeicings and
boys' clothing, from ages 4 to 14
mostly, needed at the Horne. Dona,
Cons from anyone, as well as mem-
bers, will he gladly received.
Leslie McLaughlin. Oshawa, visit-
ed with his parents last week.
Miss Jennie Miller, Toronto, is
visiting old friends -in this vicinity.
Mrs. E. Cardiff, Brussels, is spend-
ing a few days with her mother, Mrs.
Jno. Morrison.
Richard McMichael is -the guest of
his slater, Mrs. Geo. Paulin, and oth-
er relatives here,
While cranking a car one day last
week, Geo. Mines had the misfortune
to fracture his arm.
Miss J. Ritchie is not improving
in health as rapidly as her many
nnends would like to see. •
Burns Moffatt has returned from
Saskatchewan. He is recuperating
after an illness of typhoid fever,
Mrs. W. C. Hazlewood has return-
ed from a two months' visit with her
son, Dr. Brenton, of Bowmanville,
with side trips to, Smith's Falls, Tor-
onto and Grimsby.
Owing to the heavy downpour of
rain, which continued all afternoon
and evening, the four -act drama, "A
Noble Outcast," game by the Kill
Knee Man, Dramatic Club of Hard-
ing', seeeee Howiek, was not as well
attended as 'h. otherwise would have
been, Thu cla came under the aus-
pices of the School Fair committee,
and proceeds fermented to 348.00.
The play was well given, each char -
tuner thing well represented.
Best Twm.E
Harvey limner was lal 1:01.011e0 last
week for a 'few days.
Following is the repot t for Oran -
brook School
Examined in Comp. Geog. hist,,,
Arith„ Writ. and str% * absent in
one or mote exams. Se. IV-Emylene Steiss 87% ; Earl Dunn 00 ;
Edith Brown 62 ; *Eleanor Knight
58,83 1 John Pennington 50 5 ; Olen
1.113 ter 58 06 • *Jim Pennington 51.
Jr, IV-Kathieen Zeigler 60.88; 'How-
ard Brown 05.33 ; Blair alcIntesh
49 66 ; *Willie Fischer 48 16 ; Huldah
Querengeeser 39.5. Se. III -Evelyn
Iluethee 61,15; Vera, Porter 69 83 :
Mary ItioIntosh 51,88; Stauley Fisch-
er 4268. jr. III -Merle Wilson 49 16 ;
George Fischer 4316 ; Roma Owner -
nit 24.38. OrevE,Boeoun, Teacher.
hoinort Roost
Examined in Writ., Arith., Spell.,
Lang. and Geng. Sr. II -Mary Mc-
Donald 97 1 Doenthy Beelike 91 ;
Clifford Brown 10 ; Elnter Leaning
75. Jr. II-Mndeline Kreuter 92
Alice Locking 61 ; Kenneth Brown
60. 101. -filen Ruether 70 ; Jim Cam-
eron 05 ; Willie Zeigler 64 : Maurice
Cameion 03. Pre -Excellent -Mary
Beecher, Mac McIntosh, Mulled Mc-
Donald. Good-Staeley Wilann, Dor-
is Long. Aaxon J. FORREST, Teacher.
A14T:1k, one „inny iangWItesr7t cnitost,
about time you were coming.
West again?" and he welt on to say,
"You will see great changes; since
you were here, but no neitter what
changes take place, your honey re-
mains the best all the time." That
is a nice letter, especially when we
aim to have our honey "the best all
the tine."
For your convenience both Will.
Me Cracken and Jim Ross, handle our
G. A. Deadman
A fowl supper will served on Nov.
30th, in the basement of Duff's church.
A party of hunters from the Milieu
Hunt Pleb left recently for the North-
ern woods near Pakesley. Those go-
ing front NValton included Amble
Lamont, Hugh Campbell, George Mc-
Arthur and Cecil LydiaLt. They
were joined at Toronto by Scott
Hawthoene, J. Doren 11 t!e, Mc-
Millan, of Seafortn, and A. M. Camp.
bell, of Toronto. Ws hope that they
may be successful.
The November meeting of the W.
M. S. was held on "Wednesday. 1101
test., 111 the basement of the United
:Meech, The Presideta, Mrs, Cater,
WAS in the chair. After singing
"From Gi'eenlancl's toy Monutains'"
Mrs. Neal led in prayer, followed by
21 Scriptut e reading by elm Oster.
A splendid repnet of the Myth meet-
ing was thought by Mesdames Gat tl•
leer, Berry and Neal. Topic, hOur
immignstien," was given by Mrs.
Campbell. Response to Roll Call was
a t wee of Scripture contrasting the
wotd, 'Peace," Secretaries are re-
quested to berng reports to the eext
Ineethig to be held at the home of
Mrs. A. Gardiner, fnllnwing
ofttcers were elected foe 1920 t Pres --
Went, Mrs. Hugh Campbell ; 1st Vice
President, Mies Simpeou ; and Vice,
Mrs. Bryans ; 3rd Vice, airs, Badley
Secretary, Mrs. McCallum ; Supply
Secretary, Mrs. J. McDonald ; Trests.
or, bit a. Vergeenn 1 Hamm helpers
Secretary, Mts. J. McGavin ; Press
Secretary, Mrs.- Cater ; Literature
Secretary, Mrs. Beery ; Messenger
Secretary, Mrs. Drager ; Strangers
Secretary, Mrs. MeArthtu ; Orestes
ists, Mese W. Davidson and Mrs.
Live and Dressed Poultry
No Live Poultry taken on Saturday
. Live Deeesed Solent Milk Fed
Chickens, over 0 liss 18c 22e 24c
Chickens, 5 to 6 lbe ..... . ..... , 17e 21c 23c
Chickens, 4 tri 6 lbs 14c 10c 21c
Chickens, melee 4 lbs..e .. .., , „ 12c 10c 18e
Ilene, ovei 511.5 14e iSe
hen% 4 to 5 the 12o lOc
hens, 3a. to 4 lbe, , . , . , .. „ , , „ , „ , qe 13e
ItOns tors
, 188: 12o
}tett% ender tia the Le
Young Ducks .. 180
Ola Ditoks ' ilo Mc
Geese 18a 10e
Old Graeae Oc lie
ore -No hi tie:theNo, 1 PO1111 ry accepted exeept at 'imitated Nieto,
Poet stv meet lie in starved cond 'MOO. .
Black feathered fowl 26 a Ye less
The flesh meat be plump and show gond while color, and bo well
112215112 ti /showing boric and 'tie bones well oevered tvith white fat. No
pth feritlen s Minty ed tow env deformity or tares of any kind ott Milk
Eggs 'P'igt': ..... „ 824l 1=111111 1. 8°4
,gga . „ i ..35e
Friccie Reinject to change without notice
The Ladies of
The United Church
Will bold a Bazaar on
Saturday, Qec. 5th
Fancy Goods Aprons
Artificial Flowers
• Plain Sewing
Home-made Baking Candy -
Produce, Etc,
will be for sale.
Afternoon Tea Semed 3 -
Supper - - 6 to a o'clock
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Brown
were guests on Armistice Day oi
Reg, Di. and Mrs. A. I. Brown, of
Wes:meter, who entertained as guest
of honor, their sister-in-law, -Mrs.
Geerge E. Brown, of Ellesworth,
The Young People's League of
Bethel, were entertained by Rev. Dr.
and Mrs. Brown at the parsonage on
Monday evening, Nov..9th. After
games and contests directed by the
host and hostess, the youngladies
served a dainty lunch. All enjoyed a
very pleasant evening.
Preparatory service will be held in
the United Church on Friday after-
noon, when Rev. Mr, Telford, of
Blyth, will preach.
Communion service will be held in
the United Church on Sunday after-
noon at 2.30 pan. The service at
Sunshine has been withdrawn.
A True Blue Lodge was organized
in the village last Friday evening.
Members of Ethel Lodge were here
to assist in the organization.
1The 7-""eart and Rand
l3and of
Will hold a
Christmas east taintnents will soon
be on the program.
The auction sale of Wm. Wilkin-
son, last Thursday afternoon, was a
successful one, despite the heavy rain
all day.
S. S. No, 10, Morris, is holding a
Ohristmareconeert on Thursday even-
ing, Der. 17th. Make a point to keep
this date.
There will be no service in the Sun-
shine church on Sunday afternoon
next. CODWIDITliOR seeyiee will be
held in Belgrave.
A young 1Vlorrisite had his CAT Wel-
ly smashed up in the, swamp,. south
of Brussels, on Sunday night, when
he collided with another car. It was
a bad night for motoring. , The car
was hauled into Brussels grunge on
a sleigh.
The anniversary services of Duff's
church will be beld on Sunday, .Nov.
29th, when Rev. C. G. Armour, of
• Brucefield, will 'wench morning and
evening. On Monday evening follovs-
ing, a Fowl Supper and Concert will
be held, when the Elgar Ladies' Quar-
tette, of London, will give `an excel-
lent peogram. See advt. in this
Week's Post.
in the
Church Basement
Tuesday, Dec. 1
commencing at 2 p. m.
Everything from A to Z
for sale
At prices from 1 cent -up
Sandwiches and Tea Served
The W. M. S. of the Presbyterian
Church will hold their Thankoffering
meeting on Monday afternoon next
In the church at 2.30, when Miss
Pelton, Field Secretary, will give ;In
An enthusiastic meeting of the Ex-
ecutive of the United Church Suedes,
School was held on Monday night In
the parsonage to make plans for the
Christmas entertainment on Wednes-
day, Dec. 23. Particulars later.
A few of the members of the Ethel
True Blue Society went to Belgrave
last Friday evening to organize the
ladies of that place. Although they
had a stormy drive, everything Was
calm when they 'arrived at the scene
of action. .
Mrs. George Dunbar has been sup-
plying this week for Mr. Bisbee m
our village Seat of Learning and al-
though Mrs. Dunbar has for the last
few yeaks been specializing on George
in a private course she has not for-
gotten how to manage the gang and
teach them in the way they ought to
Goa 8rtn Prazo.-Last week at the
Winter Fair at Guelph, Alex. Mc-
Lauchlie, Not th Boundary, got 3rd
prize for his draught gelding. Many
who witnessed the judging, state that
the red ribbon should have beerishis
p tithe.
The following is the report of S. S.
No. 9, hlorris, for the month of Oct-
ober. *means absent for one or more
examinatione. Jr. V -Walter Pease
72% • *Waltet Shot treed 08. Sr. TV-
Mtthel 69 ; Frank Kirkby ab -
5011t all Month. Stuart Miens 70';
Artimr Bewley 68 t Clifford Pease
57; Tommy Kit k by 47. II-sneer:hens
Alcock 76 ekabel Alcock. I -May
bhoetreed,' Lloyd Pease. Pr -Lloyd
Alcook, Weltet• Bethke, Bran Al.
cook. No, on eull 15, average attend.
ance 7. 0. MoG owe's, Teacher.
The home of John and airs. Bal.
four was the scone of a pretty wedd-
ing on Armiatice Day, when their
elder daughtere Marguerite Hannah,
because the Undo of Edward Eterl
Fawcett, eldest soe o Is.
Fawcett and the late nos: Fawcett, them both.
of Hibbert Township. The ceremony Friends of etre. Geo. 'Hutment), ef
ter eympatity.te bee the death of
her sister which ocettrrea al, Garden
Oita, S, 1) , last Monday mottling.
Oliver Turnbull, the well known
cattle rnan, was at the Royal Show
during the past week.
Ohas, E. Cle tver will hold an
auction sale of farm stock at his
151 70, Lot 19, Con. 0, en Thursday,
Nov. 26th. See list 111 Fax Posh this
Roe's Cheat Bazaar which was to
,have been held last Saturday at Eth-
el, was postponed, and will be held
on Saturday of this week. Be sure
and attend.
John 13. Lake, Lot 9, Con. 4, holds
an auction sale of farm stock and imp-
lements on Tuesday, Nov. 240).
complete list, is publisbed in this
week's issue.
Mato etsTategres.--Job L. and Mre.
King and family, Oon.1, Grey, teeth
to extend their beartfelethanits to the
neighbors and friends for the kind
acts and sympathy extended to them
in the loss of their son last week.
Dr. Ferguson paid hurried call
to town by motor,
Mrs, George Dunbar spent a few
days last week at Kintail.
We are glad to report that Mrs.
Leslie Earle is much improved agaith
Mrs. Beirneo has been an the sick
list for the, past few days but is some
bettor again.
Chas, Cleaver is holding art auc-
tion sale on Nov, 26th. See list in
The Post this week.
Remember the big concert in the
United Church on Wednesdiy, Dec.
2nd. Keep the date open.
Remember the Bazaar its Durban
Hall on Saturday of WS week under
the auspices of the Roe's Ladies Aid.
Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson has returned
home after an enjoyable visit with
old friends. We were glad to see
An auction sale is announced by
Robert 'Carr, to be held on FridaY.
Nov. 27th, at Lot 8, COD. Sale will
be without reserve as proprietor is
giving up farming. D. M. Scott will
be the auctioneer. See list next week.
The Union United Church will hold
a hot chicken Oupper and Bazaar 011
TI.105thiy. Nov. 24th . The Bazaar
will commence at 2.30 p.m. and 009 -
per served from 6 to 8. A good
program including the Listowel Unit-
ed Church Octette, in Quartettes,
Duets, Solos and reading numbers and
an adciress by Rev, Es F. Armstrong
and others will fill out a fine evening
Penseerre etheset AMR 51:Prrt AiN-
NivRRAAnx.--Tueed a y of last week,
the parents of Christian A. Leonhatelt,
14th Cone celebrated their golden
wedding. The following item was
sent to the paper : An event that falls
to the lot of all too few to attain, was
held at, the home of John and Mrs.
Leonhaidt, on Tuesday of this week,
when this highly respected and
worthy pioneer couple celebrated
their golden weddiug, the 60th an.
niversery of their merriage, surround-
ed by their large family, relatives and
old friends to the number of seventy
or more. These included relatives
front Buffett), North Tonawanda,
Niagara Falls Mid one cousin from
Germaey. A. novel feature of the
celebration was charivaria, etaged
in the evenieg by, some 80 young
people in true Italian style, when they
name in autos, in carriages end on
foot with dancing, ainging, speeches
and severttl volleys of guns, expressed
their good wiehes to the bride and
groom of 50 years ago. Seen by the
flare of the torches, it was a most
pictetrenput sight, oue long to be; re-
membered by the guests peeseut, and
one that was enjoyed moee wimp,
Duff's Church,Walton
Sunday, November 29
Rey. 0,0. ARMOUR, BrIteeileld,
will preach at 1 1.a. m,
and 7 p. M.
Special /dusie at both Services
Monday, November 30
Program will be furnished by
the famous ELGAR LADIES'
consisting of solos, duets, quar-
tette, and orchestral music.
Also Miss Jean Walker, Reader
and Impersonator, of Western
University, London.
Don't miss hearing this
Exeellent Program,
Supper served from 0 to 8 o'clock
In the Basement
Tickets 50 and 25 Cents
nee. F, CHANDLER, Pastor
J. L, KERR, Proprietor
Pioneer 102 Years Old
Walks to Polling Booth
Was a Resident of Morris Tewnshail
for Many Yeare Near 13olgrave-
Father-in-law Exchanged .200
Acres of Toronto Lend for Cow
and Watch
John G. Rock, Settler, Alberta ; G.
H. Leonhardt, McKillop ; Mrs. Ad-
am Kistner and henry Leonhardt,of
Logan ; Mrs. George Ft Bennewies,
McKillop ; Mee. Fred Hopper', atis and
Mrs. Henry Steinbach, Logan ; John
0, Leonhardt, McKillop ; Christian
A. Leonhardt, Grey, and Medea
Leonbar de There alao 41 grandchild.
ren and three great grandebildren,
During the evening, the bride and
groom of 50 years were made the
recipients of an address, many
beautiful presents, among them be-
ing several pieces of gold and hand-
some furniture, and many were the
expressions of good will and the hopes
expressed that Mr. and Mrs. Leon.
hardt would be spared to each other,
to their family and to the community
for many mote years yet tcr come.
An address was read by Dr. EL Lean.
hard% of Tonawanda, N. Y., while
the presentations were made by Geo.
Leonhardt, of Broadbagen.
was conducted by Rev. 1.
The bride, who was given away by
her father, was attired in a gown of
powder blue georgette ova satin of
the some shade With silver trimmings
and wove salves* shoes and stocaings,
She also wore the VI, of the groom,
a rope of pearls me carried a shower
bouquet of (aphelia roses and lilies of
the valley, She was attended by her
sistee, Miss Effie Draftee, who wore a
littnnit satin crepe gown meat with
plaitt bodice and Doomed skirt and
carried a bouquet of gold cluyaantla
emuess. `Me jower Mie Dorm
thy Driscoll, wmet a frock of coral
chattel and carried a basket of pale
pink VOSOH. The groom west eapported
by his brother Prod Fatlitett. At the
close of the ceremony n dainty
luneheon WAS served by four of the
bride's girl friends. In the everting
11. reCoptiOn Witt; held. later Ole
young couple left by motor for Nita
fora, dile bride trstvellieg rt. gown
of santhalemoil eletemeen with hat evil
Pont to matelt. Upon their return
sesesesesheesereseseh these will make theie home Strat.
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will he held 011 Thure-
day aiternoon of this week in the
institute Rooms at 2. 30. The dele-
gates who attended the recent Con-
vention in London will read their
report. Suggestions for aud exhibit
of Christmas Gifts. Community sing-
ing; a good ettetelance is asked fur,
Eye •Specinlist Coming Again :-
Prof. E. :Raz, the noted optamiterist
of Listowel, will relieve your eye
sight trouble at Ethel Hotel, Monday
meta Nov, 23rd. If you have head-
ache pain in tfie temples, or even
back, of the imelt, you should have
your eyes properly 'looked after, lf
your eyea are peopeely attended to.
the tee; strain IS removed soul the
trouble will vanish. lly our getest
akin mei years of experience in glos-
ses, we can help you, althoegh others
have failed, Don't mks con:suiting
Dr. Katz while in Ethel.
el. Este, Graduate Optician of the
Canadian Institute of Montreal.
PASSED AWAY, -Last Wednesday
evening, George P. King, 4th son of
Job L. and Mee. King, let Con„ Grey,
;leased away in the London Hospital,
where be had been a patient for the
past seven week. Deceased was in
his 32nd year. Deceased bad the flu
which developed into tubercular
trouble. The body was brought hoe/
and the funeral was held on on Sets"
urday, interment being made in the
Molesworth cemetery. Services at
the home were conducted by Rev, Mr.
Steward, of Guelph. The pallbearers
were Russel and Will McAllister,
Detroit ; Will McLean, of Windsor
Roth. MeAllister, Grey, and John and
Chris. Elliott, aleleswortb, all come
ins of the deceased. The beeeaved
have the sympathy of the community
in their toss.
Among the ballots wlobb helped to
elect 11, B. Bennett es member for
West Calgary was that of Andrew ,
Cloakey, who celebrated his 10hant
birthday on November 5th and who,
despite that fact, was able to walk
to the poll to record his vote.
Mr. Cloakey was born at Mara -
nock, Ballanage, Ireland, in 1823,
but regards himself as a native Can -
adieu, havipg come to this country
eighty-seyen years ago.
From the Kingston district be moo-
ed to Morris Township in Huron
county, where at about time of the.
Crimean war, he started to clear a
hie/nested. for himself in the wilder-
ness between Blyth and Wingham.
Speaking of his experiences at that •
time, Mr. Cloakey said, "I used 'te
The above picture of Andrew
Cloakey, of Calgary, was taken on.
election day. . Being 102 years old,
he claims to be the oldest voter in
Western Canada.
by Mr. and Mrs. Leonherdt's than by
all the ochre% Mr. and Mrs. Lear •
hardt, whose maiden Hoene was linizs
ebeth Diegel, were both box n 111 Ger.
thany, but catne to Canada with
their reunites% when children. 0,1
Nov, 1011, 1876, they weth united its
marriage at Port Iliwon, Arta lye.
mediately moved to the home-
stead them, half at mile West. tif Heed.
linen, where they have lived ever
sinee. Mr. teotthardt is ie his 771.11
year foal his wife is 08 suet both are
in the enjoymeet 01 7112011 health, and
elthnogla they retired from the active
dotiestof the farm three years ago, at
thet lime. they aid 'slot make the mire
take se malty do, by t hp; to a
new bouse 111 teem or elsewiteee. Bet
they Still oceupy the plate where the
happiest days of Oder life was Iowa,
whew thei fi ends Ate, aitd Wli 1 cli
has been bottle to theet foe 60 grin,.
Phis sval thy temple was blessed by e
family of twelve tallith en, 10 et whom
syttetved and gem to manhood. and
Women -hood, and Most of Whom wet e
privileged to etteml the golden OD.
niversary, The family Are 4 MrS,
The measles have been visitors with
a groat many in this locality but they
are gradually dying out.
Miss Lenora Patterson has arrived
home after spending the past week
with Alex Mann mad family.
George. and Mrs. McTaggart and
Miss Annie and Miss Jean Fulton.„eall
of Seaforth, were visitors at Wnt.
Patterson's and other friends on
Thanksgiving Day.
A number from this locality are
taking in the Toronto Fair this week.
Wm. Patterson and Robert IlicTag-
gart aro annong the .marry who went
from tho locality.
Social -On Monday evening. next,
NOV. 23, a social will be held in the
church under the auspices of the Y.
W. A. A good program is being pre-
pared. Come and have a good
Everybody welcome.
Dec. 31 -An excellent convert will
be given in the new school a Mon-
crieff on Friday eventng, Dec. lith.
The concert will be followed by a floe
Social. A good time is promised.
Watch for further notice.
On Tuesday afternoon, Dec, 1st,
the Heart and Mind Mission Band
will hold a Bazaar in Knox Cherch,
commencing et 2 p.m. There will be
a big list of articles for sale, and
during the afternoon, sandwiches end
Itne janIell• be served. Keep the date in
pack Hour on my hack for 14 mike
and I chopped trees one winter for
315 a month and board.
"Farmland was very cheap at that
time. My father-inslasv, W.illiant
Papps, owned 400 acres of land on
Yonge street in what' is now Toronto.
One hundred acres of this he traded
fcr a cow and another hundred he
exchanged tor a gold watch."
Mr. Cloakey, who has been in Al-
berta for the past twenty-two years,
now lives in Calgary with his son,
George, who is a rich inspector. Ev-
ery day the old. man goes down to
visit his son's office and to meat his
He is straight in his carriage and
docs not reqvire spectacles.
Misegehenuous SHOWER -A emey
amiable evening was street on Nov- ..seests
ember 10th, when the friends and
neigthevi of Miss Flora Mann, m
sented with a eases iletterne
NIat the home ut Jae. and Mre,
Baillie. Maus, and useful gifts were
received. The following add rees tees
read by Mins Retie Howard :-
DEAR FLORA. -We have gathered
here this evening to shower you with
miscellaneoua gifts and to wish you
every suocess and happiness 111 youe
new home and work. Pleaee accept
these if IA from vent, many friends
and Iteighbots. Vollowieg the ores-
. ete ation, Miss Mann made a suitable
reply. The gathering then Bette "Fr' -
they are jolly good fellows". and tae
rennunder of the omelet; was spent
ih danoleg,
Judge Will Die DEISillfl on
N. Huron Election Thursday
Argument Heard at Coderich on the behalf of Mr. Spotton, held that the
Legality of Ballots From Which provision for tho counting of such
ounterfolls Had Not Bean .Re- ballots was that the judge, if he de -
moved. . tides that there was an inadvertence,
shall count the ballots. Mr. Dennison
Goderieh, Nov, Ia.-Judge,Lewis,'argued that inadvertence woitla he
County Jedge ef Ilurom will on implied by an odd ballot from which
Thui'sdlly give his decision in the the deputy returning' ()dicey had
Notth Huron recount at a o'clock. omitted to remove 010 counterfoil,
His deeision will decide whether 0. but that tvhere he did not, xemone h
5. Spotton, Conservative, or 7 H. any of the counterfoils 11 could not;
King. Progreseive, will represent be called, an inadeertance, btfte was 9
14Ortil Enron,. for the number of bal. , serious omission of duty, whiche in
lots in queetton is sufficient to turn ' rad, was subjeet to penalty if aty-
the eketion. I oue chose to bring (*011.10910112141. the
The main queetion argued this deputy returning officer.
afownoon by rounsel was whether bal In Gee division in Clorletich the des
lots with the count left on pay' returning officer put his tonne
should be counted or not, In No, 6 . on the back of the ballot in plate of •
Ashiluld, and Nos. 2 soul 4, Grey, ; his initials on the counterfoil, 4011dthe (17.1)1.115 returning efficere left all there Are ft ritnnber of ballots wheat%
the counterfoils on, 1011(1 342 ballsote the nutt•Itillg 15 09011 to ctication,
in these three divisions are affected. 1 These, however, are not sufficiently,
Former judge Barron, of Stretford 1 numerous to melte any material di",
on behalf of Mr. Ring, argued that Terenen, and the disposal of the hal-
the instruction of the act was spool- lots from the three 21iNthere
(le; that these ballets must be count- none of the counterfoils ,re rennor-. ,
„Kt, Ido. Dennison, at Toronto, on ed 10111 deterrnthe Gut re