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The match went out, and, quite as
boldly, the plan struck another, As
the light flashed full on his face, Jack
recognized the manus the inebriated
individual whole he had passed near
the old cottages. •
The poacher found the spot where
he had laid the snare, and went to it,
feeling about for his catch; and as he
knelt, Jack rose suddenly and Laid a
hand upon the man's shoulder.
With an oath, the poacher turned
upon him; but Jack gripped him by name, Kate?" he asked, glancing at
both arms, and held hide as if in a• her from the corners of his bloodshot
vice. eyes.
"I've got what you want, my tnan," The girl shook her head.'
he said, quietly, "It's at my cottage: "He is—he's a stranger." she said,
we'll go together and get it" her voice full of trouble and anxiety.
"Let me go, or—i" growled the "He—he was good to you father—!
struggling man; but ,rack held him
"No good; I'm younger than you,
and twice as strong. My good chap,
said not a word; called down no bless-
ing on his head—just simply looked
at him; but Jack remembered the look
to his dying day. It fixed hint to the
spot some time after she had moved
away with her hand upon her father's
They walked on in silence until
they had reached the end of the wood
then Transom passed his hand across
his brow in a dull, absorbed fashion.
"What's — what's that fellow's
bis leg, and this gentleman---"
—"Gentleman?" he said, with an- !
other sidelong glance. "What fro you •
cull hie that for? Ice's only Martin's'
foreman et
Kate was silent a moment, as if
the question had perplexed her.
"I don't know why I said 'gentle-
man'; only that he's different to the
others, Didn't you notice Trow he Hon. Ar, J. W. Edwat'de, fernier
spoke, father, and how quiet he warp? Meighen minister, was victorious
I can't explain; but ---ho is different, over his farmer opponent in Font
that's all. ' He Dame yesterday; no- 4'11114 -Addington.
body known anything about him.. 1 : -- -
Transom grunted, and they were what do you want at tide time of
silent for' the rest_ of the way. I night?„
When they had entered the cottage,, Ile pushed his port cap from his
Kate put the lantern on the table, forehead, on which the black flair
mid -her father fell into a ch air,': clustered in short curls, and regard -
thrust his hands into his Pockets, and e(1 her with a mixture of deference
stared thoughtfully at the floor. She
and banter.
looked at him moodily, and,as if sail
uncomfortable under the gaze of her "I saw a light, and carte In to say
magnificient eyes, he shuffled his fent 'good -night.' I've brought you a press
and at last looked up angrily, ' Int, Kate."
"Hadn't you better be off to bed, 1 He nodded towards the salmon,
Kate?" he asked, roughly. t(nd smiled.
"We will both go," she replied. ' "Thank you. I don't want it, Dick
"You won't go out again to -night,., Reeve," film said. "Where did you
father?" get it?"
"I'm not going!" he retorted, sol- ( She knew well enough, for a very
lenly. "Don't you worry yourself l good salmon river ran through the
about me. Be off to bed." Vancourt property.
She lit a candle and moved to the I "In the Long Pool," he said, pre-
daor, but stopped suddenly, for she , tending to misunderstand her. "It's
heard footsteps' coming up the garden always a safe throw. I should have
path. They were followed by a soft had a couple, but the net broke, and
tap at the window, and a moment or 0110 got away. It's a beauty, isn't it?"
two afterwards the door was opened 1. He took off his cap, and with the
cautiously and a man stole in. He gypsy grace made a half mocking
was young and well formed, with a sweep with it.
face as dark as a gypsy's, with the The colour rose to her face, and
black, yellow shot eyes which one :her eyes grew darker,
sees only in menbers of that race, and "No. I'm not a receiver of stolen
with the full red lips which also be- goods, Dick Reeve," she 'replied,look-
lung to it, He was handsome enough, ing him full in the face.
You—oh, you won't forget?" but it was with the beaute.du diable, ' His cheek flushed under its bronze,
"No! I shan't forget," he respond-'trd there was something in the ex -'and his eye flashed; but they met hers
ed, thoughtfully. pression of both eyes and lips which with a bold stare.
CHAPTER IX. was anything but prepossessing. "You talk as if I were a London'
I couldputyou over myshoulder "No, 1 shan't forget," repeated ' He did not see Kate for the mom. ' thief, offering you part of the swag,
Transom, in the same curiously rot, for she was screened by the door, Kate," he said. "I'm not a thief, if
qui#e,easily—I could indeed. Better thoughtful tone. and he carne into tltn roow with a I do lift a :Amon or snatch a hare
cone quietly." Kate looked at him. jaunty air' and threw a fine salmon now and again.'
The man ceased struggling and "You don't bear him any malice, on the table. "Every man is a thief who steals
seemed to be listening. father?" she said, anxiously. "He "Hallo, Transom! Got back then? I what doesn't belong to him," she said,
"You're not a keeper?" he said, was kind—and merciful. He let you What did you get?" he exclaimed; her nostrils dilating.
sullenly. go, and he might have prosecuted you. then, as Transom looked warningly
"Well, I don't know; I'm keeping 'You don't mean him any Karen?" towards Kate, the young fellow turn -
you, anyway," said Jack, cheerfully. "Harm? No" he responder.. "Who ed with a peculiarly swift and lissom
e spo e, c e t t e man trying sa s I dee No I don't wish him no movement and nod ed.
Dick Reeve tuned to Transom with
a short laugh,
"Talks like a Methody, doesn't
h k h f l h y d she?" he said, mockingly.
to slip his hand into his side -pocket, harm—though it was no business of "What, Kate, not in bed!" he said, Transom glanced from one to the
and knew that he was fooling fora his; he ain't a gamekeeper. And how with an attempt at ease and a forced other abstractedly, took his pipe from
weapon, With a quick movement, long has he been foreman? Where smile. "It's late for you!" the mantel shelf and lit it, and with
Jack threw' Toni do his back, then (lid he come from; who is he?" She stood quite still and looked at a shrug of his shoulderssauntered
caught up the thick st ck, ard,. with He glanced at her with an air, half him, her lips drawn tightly. her splen- out of the house.
his knees on the man's chest, earn:. cunning, half curious, then averted did eyes sombre and repellent. . The young fellow looked after him
"Don't be an idiot! I don't want his gage as if he could not meet her "It is late," she said, with a cold- curiously, then turned to Kate.
to hurt you—hand up that knife—! eyes, y hose which masked her resentment "What's come to you both? What's
No, don't trouble; I'll get it for you!" "I don't know, 11'}r. Martin broke and anger. "Why have you come; the matter?" he asked. "You seem
As he fished the knife out of the
man's pocket and slipped it in his
"own, his grasp relaxed somewhat;
and seizing his opportunity, the
poacher wriggled to his knees and
'tried to grip Jack.
Reluctantly enough, Jack raised
the stick; but at that moment a cry :
arose quite near them, and the light
from an ordinary lantern flashed upon
them. Jack looked up and saw the
girl of the cottages; she had snatched
the lantern from under her shawl,
and was peering at them with a look
of terror in her dark brown eyes.
"No, no!" she cried. "Don't! Ah,
'y for God's sake, ,don't!—Father, fath-
er! what are you doing here? You
promised me!—Don't, — don't—hit.
him, please; please don't!"
Jack sprang up and dragged the
man to his feet, took the lantern from
the girl's shaking hand, and held it
aloft so that lie could see both of
The man stood, dogged and sullen,
with downcast eyes; the girl had cov-
e�etl hers with one .rand, and had;
eized her father's arm with the other
uddenly she threw herself at Jock's
feet and caught his nems witll both
"011, spare .tint, sir! It's only late-
ly— He's not been home long—We're
poor, and—and— Let him go, sir;
for God's sake, have pity, and let him
Jack raised her.
"Keep quiet, my good girl," he said
gravely. "Ho is your father?"
Before he could get any farther,
the man uttered an exclamation. It
was one ofsurprise, amazement; aln-
azement so intense that it struck both
the girl and Jacic silent..
In not instant the poacher's manner
changed,, and he lowered his head and
resumed his former sullen (attitude,
"What's your name, my roan?"
asked Jack, sternly,
The girl broke out, as if she feared
her father's m811110r of reply might
arouse Jack's anger.
"Transom, sir," she said, tremul-
ously. "We live—you saw where this
afternoon, We're honest—it's only
the poaching ---Oh, father, if you'd
only kept your promise! And it has
not been often --he's only just back
from abroad--If—If you'll only let
us go, sir— I"
She clasped her hands on het' hos-
upset. Touching the salmon—it's a
good fish, and I netted it fair enough,
I didn't snatch It; and them as it be -
longe to avant miss It. What's n sin-
gle Ilsh, or a dozen for that matter,
to Miss Vancourt? She wouldn't eat
'em all if she had 'em. She's robing
in riches and oughtn't to begrudge
a bit of fish or game to a poor flan•--''
ICnte interrupted him with an line
patient gesture,
"I don't went to Men to you. I
don't want the salmon," she said, 1
bitterly. "Yes, something .has hap-
pened, Fathers been caught 'Pont h••
log' in the rimods '
"Whew!" whistled Tick. That's
it, is it?" lie looked around cautious -
1 y.
ly. "Was it Baynes. the keeper?"
"No;" she replied, "not Baynes;
burr—but someone else. It doesn't
mato.," elle added, quickly. "He
was caught, and is known, and has
given his word that he won't poach.
—won't go into . the woods again."
Dick Reeve smiled..
"Is that all?" he said, significant-
"Yes; and he will keep it. That
is, if you'll let him alone," she said,,
with sudden anger.
"If I'll let him alone!" he echoed.
"You talk as if he were a child."
"He is—in your hands, Dick
Reeve," she retorted, swiftly. "Ever
since he came back from abroad
you've been at his elbow. You are
always here, leading him to the pub-
lic and evil ways. You have an in-
fluence over him that will bringhim
no good."
She stopped, as if .her pride had
suddenly awakened and turned away
from him, her lips quivering, her eyes
smarting with the unshed tears of re-
om and bent forward imploringly.
panting for breath; and Jack •nodded
to her quickly, but glanced towards
her father significantly.
"Yes; you may go," he said—he
Stopped her thanks with a movement
of his hand—"but I need scarcely say
that if T find your father in the woods 1
"No, not He will never set foot.
In them again!" oho panted,
x "Very good," said look. "Here's
your lantern. Iteep your word, ,or
you'll find I shall keep nine. Good-
She took the lantern with n troYn•
bling hand, then stood and looked, at
the bronzed, handsome face, 'She
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Highest nlarl;„et prices
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sets, to 11 1 will ca11 and get
your bowl
M. Yollick
`nie, You've known that you 00991(1'40.
i what you liked with ani; 'Tilt like a
bundle of straw in your hands, just
`to scatter abroad or bind' together.
It's 'cause I should SCO you, look lnto
those grunt eyes of yours, hear you
spunk in that voice that's different to
all the other girls, that I ,wino hero
and make a friend of your father.
I'm half mod with love for you, and
You know 11!"
(Continued Next Week)
THE Industrial Mortgage And
+S:.tvings Company, of Sarnia
(hu•o�a,, 11,0 prepared to 118101(60 0101101 elt
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:,entment and helplessness.
The man regarded }ler in silence
for a moment or two, then he op -
preached her in the smooth, gliding
way peculiar to:. him, •
"You're right in one thing," he
said; "I come here pretty often; but
it isn't to see your father. You know
why I come, Kate, I come 'cause of
you l"
Tris voice was low, but it rang with
suppressed passion, and the black
eyes with the yellow bar across then.'
gleamed in the flickering rays of the.
It's cause he's your father that
I've made a pal of, him, I'd chum
up with anyone belonging to you,
Kate; and you know why!"
He paused, but she did not speak,
and his short, fierce breath punctuat-
ed the silence.
"I've loved you ever since we was
boy and girl, when we used to play
together, and you let me carry you
across the stream -you don't remem-
ber, I daresay; but'I don'tt-forget—.
and I've gone on loving you, though
sometimes you won't speak to me; or,
if you do, throw me a word as a man
throws a bone to a dog!"
He tossed his cap from his fore-
head as if his head were burning, and
stretched out his hand to touch her;
but she drew back beyond his reach
and stood with averted face, insulated
by a cold reserve which chilled him
while it maddened hint.
"There is no one like you, not one
; of the girls half so—beautiful and—
and--witching—and though some of
them would speak me fair enough
and wouldn't turn from me as you
do, I can't give a thought to ahem.
I can't get you out of my mind day
or night. It's 'cause I love you,
Kate, and I want you! I've never
spoke to you before, but you've
known all along how it's been with
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M. O. 13., Village of 81 000013.
Physician. Surgeon,.: Acconohenr
trfleo at residence. opposite Melville Church,
William street.
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'allege, Day sad sight calla. Mae opposite
)'lonr 1,111, &that.
Tr. AL 5.f.v 3z.,'l!'df0
Spring—at Nipiten. Ontario
Lord Reading, viceroy of India, at the saluting base during the recent review of troops oesemt,;,24 M
Delhi. Photo show. a tractor -drawn battery passing the stand.
will become
of the flower girls
of Piccadilly Circus f
When this photo was
taken they were faith-
ful to their pitches In
spite of the board -
Ina up of
A new, ptctureeque photograph of the British
tlouses of Parllamenl.
An Inn
made of •special
paste, one of the ex.
hibits at the Cooking
and Food Exhibition
at the Royal Horti-
cultural Hall,
Maier Hemline's Bas -
sat hounds.. "Walbamp-
ton Arew" and "Wal..
hompton Andrew" which
took several prises at
Crufts Dog Show. at the
Royal Agricultural Hall
How about Canada as a mutton and
wool producer 3 A corner of the Canadian
Paclfic East End Stock Yards at Montrel
where the animals are marketed and
slaughtered or detrained, fed and watered.
for reshipment._
Better conditions
and development
In the West was
given as the rea-
son for the larg-
est shipmentof
00 0 r
a specie al Canadian
Pacific train of 24,
care containing
farm pumps, 0(05
a h d extension
ladder., washing
machines, barn
equipment, eta,
width left the
plant of Bratty
Brothers, Ferkn
Ont,, for varietal
western poleta
....��.r.. >«\SSrR•\?x...a..:
Calgary will co.
lebrete the 90th
anniversary of the
arrival of the R,
N. W. M. P. and
the birth of the
city July 6 to 11
with a stampede,