HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-11-11, Page 1VOL, 54 NO, 21 r12.Q(2 per aunum in advance
L, ERRR, Proprietor
500 Cords well seasoned Dry Slabwood
200 Cords Circular Wood, all 16 in."
50c per cord less if you draw it yourself
"NUR Cider and Apple Butter Plant will operate as long
as Apples keep coming as at present and the weather
remains temperate.
Gibson lumber & Cider Mills - Wroxeter
PHONES "4a'ner,a. Moan
Office - 28. 2
T'he Surronnding 'District
t!+iEO.3.'/R7i; _M.._.is'i!4+N'i.A.V.;*+;r- ,.. +.'++-'+:+. +!'M .moi .1'•4i+, + ..,"'
Aries Lena Noble is visiting tehativ
Suitt io d.
Caivin Otunvrtm is -holidaying with
Doris A!trhism, 79 ; Daisy Nicholson
07 ; Eula Leggatt 60 8 ; 0nit'llan Heth-
erington 00 ;. Pans Walden 05 ; Ken-
neth Mowbray 57. ,lr, 11-It.,bmt•
',leads in,:tun nn s
1Itster ; 8e ; Dorothy Gree,ttway 08 ;
Lovas whorm lo ;ed Ahnte Busman 05 ; Ross Abraham 53.
in Windsor, was h,uie for ThaOkrgimes
t1-011ve Shell, Mabel Bns-
L 11. (3otdr'11 is spending a few days
Itt \V'alhtrrhnrg, combining business
nod pleasure,
11r. and Uri. I ;1patr•ick, Windsor,
spent Thanksgiving at the home of
Mews eq.
1111 ft ,l laAe
Vrrinbirookites shouldn't need to
sing. "Haw dry 1 tun, this Winter,
eonsideting the amount of elder be-
ing strived away.
Don't forget the Havre!. in 13ruisels
by the Dulles' Aid of Melville elm: ch,
on Sat. Nov. 14t), Time will be
many good things on sale.
R'..s Hunter, Of the Standard Batik
staff, Oanningten, and Mia'a Huth
Khzwell. Tornuto, were holiday vis-
itors at the 110010 of the founet's par -
Report of Blii&a,a!e seined for Sep-,
tember and Octopus:• 01% ie antis -
factory ; 75% is hnnona standing.
Number enrolled 37 f$nl.iitd&e4J1ass-
Dorotlly Aitken 83 t Al be, ta 811101
77 ; Lnie Prost 70 ; Elsie Thornton`
75,8; Oarle Walden 74 7 ; Alan Gar -
flies 716 ;
nies746; George Hetherington 65
Harry Prast6L. Jr, 1V -Adair Prase
711 ; Leslie
Greenaway 63 ; !Way Nieh;
,'!loin 59. Sr, 1I1--Elea,nr Pease 83 ;
\',Tin n t Tltorntou 81 : Kenneth Ait-.
chisnn '74 ; Norman- Barnard 710 -
Hugh Mundell 714; Virden Mowh1'ay
el ; Earl Hamilton (nbeenl) Jr•, III—
H.+ ++++++
P++'!•++9'+•i 444++ 4++++++++++
Brussels United Church
Sunday, :.
S Y, Nov.
11 a.m..--Public Worship.
Rev. R. F. Irwin, ,of $eaforth,
will occupy the puljiit,
3 p.m.—Sabbath School Hes-
ston and Bible Classes.
'7 p.m.—Public Worship.
Rev. 11r. Irwin
Tuesday — Young ' People's
Wednesday—Prayer and Praise
Friday—Choir rehearsal.
men, lenses Barnard, Jack Nicholson.
Pouter 13 -Alice Thornton, H11z,1
Ala'tei, Alba Mowbray, 1.loy11 Csse-
ruore, Willie Balt A. AITICBN.
George' Hislop, jr., left last week
for Detroit.
1VU:s. John Douglas has retroed
from a visit with relatives in Toronto.
Norman Brand, Toronto, was a,
week end 'visitor at the home, of R.
Ashton and Mrs. Morrison, St.
Catharines, were holiday visitors in
the village.
Wm. and Mrs. Sanderson, Toronto,
visited last week with the former's
father, W. H. Sanderson.
Alex McKercher, Howick, was suc-
cessful in carrying off five prizes at
the plowing match held at Teeswater
last Friday.
Mae Allan, Teeswater, spent a few
days with his parents here before
leaving for Alvinston where -'he has
Wen, transferred to a branch of the
Bank' of Commerce.
Avery enjoyable time was spent
at the miscellaneous shower tendered
Arnold and Mrs. Brown, at the home
of the latter's father, John Young,
Turnberry, Friday evening.-
Supply of
on hand.
Phone 2215 ETHEL,
yurrste toe greatsraieeta the yte
toe ereatsinln. Tbc dart
qr, w ,tom rhe.road mnniha 'e
gwwii'F',iwr� bleb Perttnmee of rhe
dangerous, irritating Vttra•Vloler Rays. -
Ordinary glasses ate no safeguard but the now
famous Tone•Lite lenses,, although valerian. by
virtue of their chetahs) composition, absorb all
the harmful nye. allowing only the harmless
restful light to filter through.
Let oa man,' 1 demonstration without obligation.
Ecttcr ileac Croahes—no color to mar
9 the appearance -a Ruaryatse
Leith every flair.
Eye Strain
Maude C. Bryans
lire and Dressed Poultry
No Live Poultry taken on Saturday
Live Dressed Saleet Bilk Fed
Ohieicatla, over Elbe 17c 22c 24c
Chickens, 5 to 0 lbs..,.... ........ .160 21c 23c
Chickens, 4 to 5 lbs -180 ISI% 21e -
Ohiokene, under 4 Ibs - 10c 16c 1Se
Hens, over 5les 14a 1$c
Ilene, 4 10511%.,,. ..,.• , 12c 16e
11ene,, 34 to 4 II %SSe c 18c
liens, tinder 8t lbs.
. ,
Mr -meters ., 8e 12e
']bung Dnolcs 184' 18e
Old Dtteks - Ile l6c -
-Nothntti but No. 1 Poultry accepted except at Reduced Prices,
Potato 1 11411et he lir reeved (:urrrlitinh.
Meek'feathered fowl. 2c a lb less
The flesh trust be plump and show good white color, and be well
finished allowing beak and pin hones well covered with white fat, No
pin faathcre allowed nor any deformity or Levee' of any kited ou Nilk
Icd, ,
Prices subject to ehango tivithout,notiee.
Flobt. Thomson
• New Advertisements
Geld nth -1x.13, 4,n17
llezaar--ire's church
A 1)1110 Ratter--l1rs N. Me()aulny
Plga for solo -Roy nanttotb
T.nti,--Perry 111.,•11141
Burred Souks--Km:1mth 'ryarutan
will class-Trowh'iaeoelder Wilt
Bay for BHareems-megt- 0 �liWi,Bros,
Oement—J H. (rear
Services—The united church
Fenn for snle—Wildcat J. Lynn'
Gilbert and Mrs. Howse and Jas.
Howse and family, Spoilt the holiday
with friends at Arthur,
Mrs. R. C, Bcrkinshaw, Toronto,
is spending a week with her parents,
Fred and- Mrs. Kitchen. -
Miss Dorothy Stuart, Toronto, visit-
ed over the hoiday with her uncles,
D. D. and A. J. Sanderson.
Jno, Ball, Arnold and Earls Ball
and F. F. Wright have gone to the,
North for a few -weeks` hunting.
Misses Jennie Allan, Toronto, and
Agnes McKercher, Mt, Forest, were
holiday visitors at their homes here.
Donald Munro, who has spent sev-
eral years in New Ontario, le enjoy-
ing a well earned vacation at his home
Andrew hIt:lCercher won the cham-
pionship of the South Bruce Plowing
match held near Cargill on Friday
last. He also won special awards
for the best finish in the snatch and
the oldest lean in the contest, Mr.
McKercher also won prizes at the
Huron Co. plowing match,ivhich was
held recently,
The measles epidemic which swept
Brussels has niaved 4t:uth and is non'
raging in Walton (listaict.
We are pleased to state that ails,
Anderson Is now recovering after a
long and very,painfus abscesses 00 the
1'44 a Ladies of St, George's Angliean
church hold n Bomar 1helst week
December. This is a gland oppot trin-
ity -' to get a beautiful and useful
Chrietmas present. Watch for the
ed. next week.
Married at Kippen.—Last Wednes-
day, Nov. 4th, at the Kippen Manse,
by Rev. R. A. Lundy, Miss Catharine
Buchanan, of Walton, was united in
marriage to William Elliott, of Mit-
he Anglican fowl supcer on Fri-
day evening last was well attended
and all resent were well fed.
Communion services were held in
Main street on Sunday morning.
Twenty united with the dhurch at the
morning service.
On Nev, 8th, Rev. Mr. Weir, of
Ripley and Rev. Mr. Glysdale, ex-
change pulpits, the latter taking an-
niversary services at Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs• Radcliffe and family
of Thames road, have moyed to town
and now occupy the residence of the
late D. C. McInnis. We welcome
them, to town.
Impressive Thanksgiving and Ar-
mistice Day services were held Sun-
day, in all the local churches. The
veterans of Godorich and "A" com-
pany of the Huron Battalion, with
Col. Dunlop in command; and headed
by the-Goderich band, marched to
St. George's Church, where the rec-
tor, Rev. Rural Dean S. S. Hardy, de-
livered an eloquent and forceful ser-
mon. Dean Hardy made an appeal
for the -carrying on of the ideals for
which the - :Janadian soldiers fought
in the war. Armistice Day might be
held and war memorials built, he ob-
served, but what would be their use
unless the ideals for which these
Memorials stood were kept. Special
music was rendered by the choir.
After the service the men paraded to
the war memorial in the courthouse
square, where short prayers were of-
fered by
DeanHardy. Y
Two wreaths
rverCp laced on the base of the monu-
ment, one from the Maple Leaf Chap-
ter, I. O. D. E.,and the other frog
the veterans. `Last Post" sound
by a bugler, concluded the ceremony.
Fenner s are busy 'finishing tip the
81 of m•npthrsa days.
Keep 114 mind the 13,a1e or the Bazaar
by the Luther(' Aid of Melville (Murch,
Brussels Sat. Nov. 1401,
Miss Florence Eck 'vier, who is at-
tending 5tratferd Not tual, spent
'['1111 nksgi vi 09 at the Parental 1)15010,
Cnn, 2
8 Alex MGLnueblitl, on the Merle's y
Notch of )3tnssels, is Showing 1)28 5
vear•old draft gelding at the \Vinter
Pair; Guelph. Th5h01'80 is a dandy
and tips the sealee at 1,840 pounds.'
He won the sweepstakes at Clinton
Spring Fait, last Spring, Mr. Mc-
LauM111u always keeps
good one
a oend
Mother Passes Away Last Friday
after a brief illness, Mrs. William
Baird, of Turnberry Township, pass-
ed away at her home, at the ago of 74.
Her husband died several years ago.
Surviving are six sons and two daugh-
ters: William, of Flint, Mich.; Rabat
of Beiinors; John, of Trunbct'ry; Geo.
of Winghanl; Edward and Alex., at
home; Mrs. John Casemorc, of Mol'-
ris,'and Miss Jane, at home. The Din
oral was heldTuesdayafternoons at
2 o'clock to V ingham Cemetery.
Box. Social
Will be held
in the '
Tuesday Ev'g, Nut 17
An Excellent Program -
will be given by local and out-
side talent.-
An Orchestra will be
in attendance.
Come and have a Good Time
Admission 25 and 15 Cents
Taylor invited the Society tee meet at
her home in December. The roll call
'u to be answered by a quotation from
1•ane and el re Rat hw(.11 spent Sun-
day with itrrr''+els friends.
Albeit Wells, Willie 18013 Leslie
Machin were at Wane inn this week.
The Y. W. A. a117' holding a social iu
the ebu;el) Thursday evening, Nov.
12, a gond Inegtaut is being ar ranged
Charlie and Mrs. Goss and 61re.
I•taybail, Toronto, ate visitors with
the A9ann families and other friends
in the vicinity. -
Miss elelj')8i8 Fulton has returners
home after spending a couple of
weeks with William and Mrs. Hurst,
Ellett Township,
Remember the Buz ear by the Lad-
les' Aid of Melville church, on Sat.
Nov. 141h.
Good weather for the gathering in
of the root crop.
Mrs. J. F. McKay, of Seaforth, is
spending a few days with her neice,
Mrs. William Bell, 17th con.
Concert and Box Social—On Fri-
day evening of next week, a .loncert
and Box Social will be held in the
school at Union.' An excellent pro-
gram will be given by local and out-
side talent. A good orchestra will be
en attendance. Come and have a good
The Ladies Aid of Roe's United
Church will hold a Bazaar in Dun -
car's Hall, Ethel, on Saturday after-
noon, November 14th, commencing
at 2.30. During the afternoon a 15e
lunch will be served. The usual lot
of fancy work, etc., will be offered for
Saturday's Globe had the followieig
Obituary notice of a former Greyit0:
—In the death of John Jackson, which
occurred Friday following a brief ill-
ness of pneumonia, Brant Township
loses one Wits oldest residents, and
Bruce Coonty, one if its earliest pion-
eers. Born in Cavan Township in
1839, Mr. Jackson came to Brant a-
bout 1860, settling on the 14th Con-
cession. He remembered castin • his
vote in Walkerton in 1861, and from
that time up to his death he never
failed to vote in any form of elect-
ion. He was a lifelong Conservative
and in religion a Methodist, He took
an active part in Church work and
donated the land and provided funds
for the erection of the first church
of that denomination in Brant, which
was built on his Owls farm on the 14th
Concession. He served as Councillor
and 'Deputy Reeve for a number of
,years. He resided in Grey Township
near Brussels for 17 years, and also
spent one year in Minto, near Har-
riston. In 1857 he was married to
Jean Leggat of Geoeley, Leeds County
Ontario, near Brockville. They cele-
brated both their golden anti diamond
wedding anniversaries.. Mrs. Jackson
predeceased him two years ago. A
family of four sons and four daugh-
ters survive: J. R. Jackson, of Toron-
to; Dr. J. H. Jackson, of North Bat-
tleford, Sask,; W. C. Jackson, of
Elderslie; Mrs. Rev. Warren, of
Stittaville, N. Y.; Mrs. J. Flood, of
Stratford, Mrs. Robert Burns and
MI's. Harry Finn,
both of C
73elgrave SHRDLU CM
Richard Procter, Jr'., is attending
the Pat Stock Show at Guelph an
Royal Whiter Fair, P08Onto, acting
as a Junior Judge from Huron Co,
Rev. Mr.' Spencer, returned Miss-
ionary freu1 Japan, will preach at
Trinity Church Sunday liext.
`1110 Wonton's Missionary Society of
the Presbyterian Church, Belgrave,
of Mrs, 0. G. An -
met at the home
dcrson last Thursday, Nov. 6,_ a good
attendance being present. Mrs, Jas.
A, Scott rend the Scripture lesson
from Eph., chapter 4, A Bible read-
r n t np
the p
di '. emphasize -4r
Ml's. D
' l r was l 1 by
the Blip given
Dunbar, Mrs. P. Scapdrett then gave
nn interesting reading on the value
of prayer, after wipers Mrs. Jas. Tay-
for ably rendered an appropriate sOlo
At the close of the meeting Mrs, ,lea.
Ladies of Melville
Church - Brussels
Will hold a
in the
Town Hall
Saturday, Nov, 14th
Afternoon and Evening
Booths arranged containing
Fancy Goods, Plain Sewing,
Home-made Baking, Farm
Produce, Etc, -
A Parcel Post Sale and Gro-
ceteria will be a Special At- ,
Lunch will be Served
Everybody • Welcome 1
Bazaar will open at 2.30
received, The bride travelled S11 a
dark pin -stripe suit will) ch,-ktet, ir:.t
glt•vrs, Klause ants shoes 1,7 ',Wit Tho
happy young e1,111115 (lilt sr ltse .1.
the gruo4,'a fat to in Mullis;+'p. '111e
bride hats r1 gamut in lilt Ail.: .4 a,,
elm) ch, Walton. fur• 111,' 1)+1-1 ,. x
years and will he 0.nch tui .ed by the
whole ci'tutnuuity.
Harold Love left on 111, %.lay nue n -
log on a business, trip to L:nilon.
Miss Rtrhy Cleaver has 448'0t-
ing in Vudden's store fur the past lt'O
We are glad to rept rt that ,Mrs.
Robt. Pearsntl is much improved after
her recent accident,
Mee. Alex. Beeline and daughter,
Edith, are spending a few days With
William and Mrs. Love.
Remember the Bazaar in fln1bar's
Hull nn Saturday after nn(n1 under the
auspices of line'% Latlie.' Aid.
Mrs. Jas. Jackson and Mist Etta
Jackson are %ponding a week at the
United church parsonalge with Mrs.
Jur village school wee re -opened on
Tuesday after being closed a couple of
weeks on account of the measles
Rev. D. M. Guest, had charge of the
services on Sunday last nn the Al onk-
ton 0100111, while Rev, B. L. Ander-
son was in Ethel.
Misses Margaret Dargseitrh, of
Guelph, Alargaret Guthrie, t f Toron-
to, and 0. W. Ewing, of Toronto,
spent the holiday with Dr. scud Mrs.
Mrs. Robt. Bremner and Alt's. Mc-
Master spent a few clays in London
last week attending the .\V» -tern
Ontario 13raich of the Women's 10-
The regular monthly meeting of the
Ethel United Church Ladies' Aid and
Women's Atissinuary Society was
held on Tuesday last at the P11.1 son -
age with n large attendance.
John A. arson received 2 in n'4' car -
loads of 'fine cattle froth \Viuuipeu
lust Friday, which beds dianr'yin5 nr
gntokiy to thnae who are anxious to
boy good stock for Winter feeding.
Ethel United ohureh anniversary
services on Sunday last, were well at-
tended and proved to be a big etre-
case. Rev. Eric Antietam), nf Monk -
ton, had charge of the services at 11
and 7.80 and preached two splendid
sermons. Special music w178 provid-
ed by the choir for both services,
William Richardson, District rep.
i b
resentative of the Upper Canada Bible
Society, spent rlast Saturday in Ethel
taking orders for the books printed
by the Society. He spoke very high-
ly of the cordial reception he received
while here and received many orders
for books.
Charles Cleaver a couple of weeks
ago purchased a Ford sedan it'nrn the
tont garage in en, but so far he lies
not ventured out to take it on the
King's highway, However, he in-
forms us that after some practice dur-
ing the long Winter days on the barn
floor, he will be Beady to give anyone
the dust, not excepting George Hall
and his flier.
The regular Official Boatd meeting
of the Ethel circuit of the United
Church of Oanadn, was held on Mon-
day flight. Nov. 2nd, in the basement
of the United church. There was
thirty-three its attendance and much
int, rust was shown in the routine.
• AA the �1eAB1
nn 1`be object-
business of i
or Missions
• 1 circuit f
0 for its
' enf 00
1V �
and Connectional funds was cheer-
fully received by the Beard and earls
nppernttnent itagepted ire share of
the allotment with a resolve to make
a erect it,able showing this year,
On Mon lay Dight a very successful
Thanksgiving supper was served in
the basement of the 1Jnitee Ohurch
when a large crowd enjoyed the gond
tbilig0 provided by the ladies, A
splendid program was given in the
church by Bev. and ld1a, Lewin sad
daughter. Doreen, and, Mr, Straehitn,
of Brussels ; Rev, 0. O. Kaiue, of At-
wood, delivered en interesting and
thoughtful address which was V 01 31
much enjoyed. The proceeds of the
evening's entertainment amounted to
about 4170,00.
PRETTY WEDDING A very pretty
wedding t0(nk place nn \Vednestitty,
November. 401, at the home of her
parents, John and etre. Bolger, W11011
their eldest daughter, Barrie LI
Blanche, was united in the holy bonds
of luau runny to Frank E. Jnhnetnn,
ot11y son of William and dire..101111-
81en, or eicKtllnp. The rlu%t'riuge cer-
molly wart peace reed by Rev, F. 1,
Lewin. 1110 bridal party etanding nnd-
era Oreecent of wedding bells, The
bride was given' away by her father
MA waft becomingly attired in a gown
of ivory'Frensh silk flat crepe with
silver trimming and wore an embroil'
tired net h, ides veil with silver band
and tal'l'ied a pursuer or Sweetheart
roses. The wedding remit 70(15 play-
ed by Alice Edna Johnston, sister, of
the groom. The gt mines gift to the
le hie was a cabinet. Hoeing lie pima
Mg of the register, Hite Doreen Lew-
itt played 52 violin eelection, "novo
Song by Cnudornn, Only the meulb-
ersof the two families were present..
After the ceremony, the bridal darty
sot down to a dainty luncheon 141 the
dieting room, 18111511 ` was lb etl.ilV
decorated int pink and white, A
t•ecepl.lon was held at the bottle of 1 he
brid ria poen tri the Solan' evening.
1\T ors and i Iv
. nee
+r crit, lite) eVa11i
1 0111,111
(anc111g, 842150, 2210. 10714 7
and groom are popular young people
and the esteem in %Oriel% they are
held, w:rs testified by the 'lar e numb-
er of beautiful and costly gifts they
Sue's Baited Church
Will hold a
Saturday, Nov. 14th
Commencing at 2.30
Pl and Fancy nc Sewing
Plaina yS g
Horne -made Baking
and Candy
Will be on Sale
A 15c Lunch will be Served
Mrs. W. Grainger President
ubt'th Fear, George McKee ;eel Cecil
Bateman. It was decided to add to
the umber of magazines subscribed
10 for the coming year and also buy a
nnmLer of hely hooks. A carpal 5 n
will be started at once to inclerree the
membership of the library a1111 it is
hoped 11107 everyone will 4',l -operate
to 14.44.4' ill' library Uf real valise 10
the enulnitrnii 12
Toronto, Nov. ft. ---.With Proven,
cher, Man., now definitely in the Pro-
gressive column, the standing of the
parties by provinces in the general
election follows:
Province Lib. Cons. Prog. Ind.
P. E. I. 2 2 0 0
N. Brunswick 1 10 0 0
N. Scotia 3 11 0 0
Quebec 60 4 0
Ontario .. , . 12 68 2
Manitoba , , , . 1 7 7
Sask. 15 0 6
Alberta 4 4 S
Br. Columbia .. 3 10 1
Yukon 0 1 0
Totals 101 117 24 3
The above table includes the riding
of Begot, Que., in the Liberal column.
The member -elect for that coestetu-
ency, .1. E. Marcile, Liberal has diad
since the election.
Winnipeg, Nov. 9.—L. A. Beaubien
Progressive, was elected in the con-
stituency of Provencher, Man., by a
majority of 80, according to the of-
ficial announcement of A. Herbert,
returning officer for the constituency.
The result in this constituency had
been =Mentally in doubt since the
federal election. The announcement
to -night followed an official recount
of the vote. ale. 11 'rb rt announced
lie would make, the official vote pub-
lic to -morrow.
One pleasantfeattlr0 or the Thal,l(',.
giving season ie the number of rnnlily
re•1)010455 etlj1yed at 1.11112 tines of the
year. Monday was much enjoyed at
the home of Air, and alis. Nr„y, when
the members of their 1'tunily ae•-r01h-
led for a good 11)0% tegerher .
7YI'eeent were tiers int' anti y(1u
Bray, of Silver Cnn)54.2 ; Jhhu B. t),
of Monerlv1Y, ; \\'ilht (t loll Nit.,
Bray, of Lislnwel 1 A, (A. cod 31t'o
Kennedy, of Lsotnrvel, 10201 31t', 1ut11
Getty „
t v l,a t
\ Ward, of q L
11te V 1
Goderich, Nov. 10. — The official
recount of the ballots in the North
Huron Federal election started before
'1 1
n the
Lewis Judge Le h this morning g
J'udge's chambers. Dudley Holmes
K. G., was present with the defeated
candidate, George Spotton, while
R. Vanstone represented J. W. Ring
the Progressive victor.
The session was behind closed doors
and while nothing definite hes been
given out it is reported that thew, ere
discrepancies as to ballots without
initials, some with counterfoils at-
tached, due in many cases to inexperi-
enced deputy returning officers.
The recount was asked for by air.
Spotton, who was defeated by 3. W.
Xing, by 161!.
Hon. G. P. Graham, federal mini-
ster of railways, defeated in South
Essex, who will continue in office.
The Cliutr.n New -Reese(' g;vee 010
foli•nvinp Itemin1egaltis i„ 1 he apple
1,ss in 11nrun t{:ants : The appiu
erne it: Hrr,1❑ ( .ill ly, 118 111 many
a0uth8i Vr,wruunity it, Oita: 10 has
brew pee etiearly 1nit:s'u, 4. 13,
4tntltetw 10 d the N ws 13,, 1 rd til tl 1t1,
1.ouitl 11h,re In, 12 l(1' 0ut(Uty
irugilly al 13 tree net : •. Title is
pt't'tlnhl y' s, low 441,:2 s u'. liter%
are tt l..t;;e h1l11ll 4'1' ,_f lt !1'.,1 51)148(1
ht this county, R. 5. Smyth, of
Clinton, those (12811 2,4 on toe Bay-
field road, was a sight 10 h.. hold be-
fore the devastating t4 i( 11 t Oct.
10th blew most 07 the trete e to thn
;0111140, estimates that he last 3,000
barters, Ti. It sere : , of the Tele-
phone road, Gadel lett Township,
estimates his In -s at 1,905 h -.ori,, K.
Oameren, of Lucl,uow, 2,7(39 barrels
and John Jnyn1, at 3,000 Then, ev-
ery ratan who has an ntchard of any
sort, large or small, suffered pro-
Following thew 1. raffle the frost,
the sevet'estever expn•rieee d inn Out -
aero su October, which h s l("pe up
more 011ess ever 4,521', and 4141' ap.
pies not blown all, beer, teem frozen.
In some parts of the county'. the
dam'tge from frost is heavier than in
The momentary lose to the fatme's.
of Ilto•on Cr-ul,ty ai9 I o w'1' y 0n1-
siderable as the aiip!,,s 18111011 suffer( (1
most, were the Winter verietie',
on which they nein arty ,'eat i4' l)"81,.
First, Natal -a' studs art exception
ally ahu0dnnt rip- l' 0)11)10 u, Their,
berme they earl be gr.1 tiered in, Rhe
sends along a wind which dashee
three quetrtere of t11 nr to the greend.
10 cap the ,lean rimier), a ¢'rust
to destroy the balance -
11,pples will be apples luting tire:
coming White,.
The Rev. Wm. Younger began his.
pastorate of Clutton and Auburn
Baptist churches on Sunday last.
Geo. Mitchell has purchased the
old h tee. previously owned by
the late Alex. Mitchell, near Varna,
for the sum of $6.200.
Fanners in Exeter district are' busy
harvesting their roots. Opinions Dig
ler as to the amount of damage dotie-
to mangers, but the apple crop, which
was a splendid one has been badly
damaged by frost.
After a faithful pastorate in the
Presbyterian Church, for over forty
of .Asltfi
ti I.11d
Rev. J.
Prrrbr tcrian church. 11 hu', i,.tircd front
the active, work of the m nistry. He
labored rat Ayr eta 1 T.i,ltowef, but for
the taut 15 ytala has bore 77(st08 of
Ashfield Presbyterian church. At: a
social gathering 111 171 ehilrrll to bid
him feruv 711, 1 • we presented with
a •L i t r. :uiss Hardie
was also pres1ltte,l with a cheque as
a token of (esteem.
Adam F. Wenzel, Listowel, aged
70 years and a native o1' Porth Co.,
passed away recently.
The Public Utilities Commission, of
for S
0 000
Stratford asks
City �, >
rk extenalanA.
rry4 S
The corner stone of the nen Park-
view United Church Sunday School
was well and truay' laid Inst week at
George Kay, Secretary of Perth
Mutual for 25 years .lras been appoint
ed Manager, snceeechng the. late Chas,
Mrs (Rev.) W. A. Sauer, of Seb-
ringvtllt, after suffering for many
yeal:7, passed. away last week in the
Stratford Hospital.
Stratford Agricultural Society will
only hold a 3 -day show next year.
This year's r'xhib• ion closed with a
deficit of 370.00.
The' drillers, who are boring for on.
on the. Chaileeger farms, Logan Town
ship, have reached 2,300 shpt. They
exprrt to go at least 700 feet more.
l'p'it'nds and relatives in Atwood
and veintty will be glad to learn:thet
13. W Swayze, of Guelph, son -i -JAW
of 'Donald incl 1111%. Murray
wpod, is improving nicely, following
an npeenti011 recently for inward
goitre at the General Liospital, rat
'A peculiar feature of the viae at`
Gould',. 1,811 in South Perth in the
• la vrl
is the
' Ann sl
Inst `111 ,
f Y
1, 44,4 tall.
tarda evening,
Olt tI(r
1 all Betted met al the. ;itbon'tge n•1 11 way in -.1v.11:';•li the possible number
Rev, n, M. Geoid), the miserly elected of voters was divided, There wore
President, in (thee.; 'Oilier inemb. 54 who voted Liberal; 54 whovoted
era present were ; Mee, Cott, ;Ales. 'Conservative and 54 who didn't vote
Dal1erly, ,?,hisses Rea McLelland, Isla. at all,
Sir Arthur Currie, Principal of Mc-
Gill tTniversity, Montreal, and form-
er overseas 1'0nlnlalider of the Can-
adian forces in the great' war, was
the distinguished guest of honor at a
dinner given by london graduates of
McGill University ' at the Highland,
golf club list week.
A Fine Picture.
” rue 1. of the � I+and
Malinger11 1
'.illt'atre, brought 1t fine picture here
for the weelc end when he produced
"The Hunchback of Notre Hanle,
Good crowds witnessed the predIIC'