HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-11-4, Page 4tai
uso.e1s 00
WE111+11.sDA', NOV 4 1925
Leads Largest
Group in Muse
00de1l1211I, ,.,,,,..1 01
til 0
2a 00
84 58
44 74
6 46
50 7u
0a 60
811 1207
Majotlty for Spotton 896
Blyth ,.,,..,•....1 14 118
2 6,3 110
127 27,18
Majority for Spolton 101
ASWield 1
72 0 08 78
3 71 08
119 01
li . 78 15
7 82 19
022 311
Majority for King 211
How ick •..,,,1 93 84
2 68 86
3 109 1713
4 142 116
6 07 76
0. 55 00
50- 4 640
Majority for Spottort 76
Last Wawanosh..1 58
2 . 83
3 79
4 73
5 47
3- 13
Majority for King 100
Morrie 1 86
2 87
`i 79
4 70
5 74
6 134
Rt. Hon. Arthur Nleighen elected ' 510
in his 'own riding of Portage la Prairie Majority for Xing 130
is sure of 117 members hi his parlia-
mentary party out of a total of 243 1.
Rt. Hon. W. L. M. King, Prime
Minister, who was defeated in North
York by Herb. Lennox.
O ,
In one of the hardest fought elec-
tions South HuVrit has ever seen,
$5 Thomas I1oltilian, the Liberal•candi-
date, redeemed Seuth Huron lo the
246 face of a three -cornered 000test by a
majority of 268 over J. J. Meru er; the
Conservative t" ndidate, while 14..1.
McMillau, the 0. V. C. candidate, lost
his deposit:
atest Standing
in Dominion Vote
IN NORTH HURON '1 Toronto, Nov. 2 —Nine o'clock gen-
The results by polls in North Huron
Federal Election last Thursday was
giveu us as foilowel. giving Sir. King a
majority of 94
Xing Spnl tun
Wingllatn, Ward 1 62 148
2 65 150
3 86 . 167
4 118 181
5 30 93
361 739
Majority for Spottou 318..
, West Wawantisll 1 ' 08 89
2 64 72
3 38 88'
4 82 86
0 28 52
6 66 17
etas election snmmary by Canadian
Press, With Queens, P. E. I. and
Ptovencber left In the doubtful
,•olumn, at nine o'clock to -night, the
Canadian Peeve reported the follow-
ing party standing by provinces :
Province Lib. Con. Frog. Intl
New )3 1 10 t 0
Nova Scotia3 11 (1 0
Quebec 60 4 0 ° 1
Ontario " 11 09 2 1
Manitoba' 1 7 0 2
Sask. I5. , 0 6 0
Alberta 4 4 8 i)
R Columbia 3 10 . 1 , :0
Yukon,. , ' 1 0 0
Totals100. 117 "' 23 3
Two remain doubtful
3139 324 A late summary places Provenehet
hiajouty for King 15 back in the doubtful column, in place
of Progressive.
87 The abnve summary places Peace
50 River in the Conservative column a•
77 latest returns from that riding ie.
57 dicate the election of Collins, Con -
4 108 47 servative, over Rae, Liberal, and Kew
nedy, Progressive.
319 It also, as hitbertofore, places Nip -
'suing. Ont., in the Conservative
71 column although some doubt hae been
expressed tonight as to whether John
Ferguson, Conservative, has a mala
80 ty over Lapierle, Liberal. A.n orfs
87 ial reconnt at North Bay tomorrow
95 will decide the election. The one
constituency in the doubtful column
Ntabrit for Kin 222 221 1s Qneene, P E I„ t eports from which
J y g 1 are still confll,cting.
Grey 1 94 57
2 88 24
3 79 40
4 82 37
6 56 51
5a 87 40
61 907 20
873 308
Majority for King 385
Colborne 1 79
2 28
8 103
4 69
'lurnberrv...,..,.1 53
la 74
2 120
3 78
Majority for Xing 114
Wroxeter 1 96
Majority for King 25
Brussels 1 80
la 53
Majority for King` 84
53 I
279 195
W. D. Euler, who held his seat for
the Liberals 'in North Waterloon.
Bargains iurSamebody
The Ford Agency has a few Sec-
ond-hand Gars in stock that will
be a Bargain . for somebody---
McLaughlin Roadster
Ford Coupe
Overland Touring
Ford Touring
1 Good Driving Horse
p Gas Engine
A Silent Almy► Lighting Plant
Suitable for any Farmer
New Cars Trucks : ,', Tractors
McIntyre,, & Cud#nore
+ Ford Agents Brussels
d .. ..
� w
No, 1 ' 90 15 92
No.2 84 22 109
No. 3 1. 191) 11 78
No.4 63 .11 61,
No. 5 33 2 104
No• 6........ ,i,9 22 93
430 03 540
No,1 .. 115 6 117
No. 2,..,,,.... 145 9 151
No. 3 186 15 125
NIL. 4 89_ • 14 98,
485 44 494
° Exeter
841 69 504
No;'1 191 19 178
No. 1 . 189 18 . . 23
No, 2 125 81 93
No.O.4 71 50 91
430 170 s 258
Tuckerstni th
No, 1- 68 18 103
No.2....' 90. 28 7t
No.8 - 01 81 23
No.4 90 28 . 57
No.5 85 31 4U
Nu.6 81 25 34
T 477 101 328
No.1 110 46 88
No.2 81 49 58
No.8 82 1 28
No, 4 97 17 46
No. 5 81 4 33
No. 6. ... 88 14 41
No.7 74 19 53
543 165 ---
• Hay
No.1 55 20 21
48 38 24
No.3 146 28 106
No.1 S 52 81
No. 5 82 62 " 9
No. ti 87 48 43
No. 7„ 27 27 i 36.
No, S 66 33 20
647 312 815
Goderich Township -
No. l . 48 11 107
No.2........'. ,..42 4 89
No. $3. 44 20 87
No.4 24 12 76
No.6 _,..t 60 22 61
No. IS . 34 15 42
— 252 00 452
No. 1
No. 2.
No. 8
No. 4.
No, 5
No. 6
Nn. 7
41 20 31
67 19 28
0 2l 36
27. 29 155
17 31 39
85 1 08
58' lid' 2
320 152 340
No, 1,...:..,.. 62 6 . 90
No, 2 21 15 56
No, 3 82 8 44
No. 4 .... 96 37 44
No, 5 69 21 27
No• 6 101 20 76
No.7 52 85 33
No, 8 22 85 .40
No, 9.... 67 38' 62
555 215 .462
No. 10 24 61
No.2 64 33 87
No, 8......,.63 28 23
No, 4 ..
38 30
No, 8
No, 7... .,
397 181 320
Seafortlt 430 63
Olintou...,485 44
cluster ,,, 341 09
t ensalt ,.. 192 39
Bayfleid, ..
Moira flop 488 179
Tuckersmith, 471 181
Hlaslltett . 1115
Gorebels. TWp, , , 0 .15522
Sihphe t-..,,6515 216
tlehorlio 807 181
blajot'ity 268
t6ar' X31
Auction Sa eS
AAC2'eno$,;!'tilt OF $A2M, PARK STOOKR'16 Ottani , Ere --0. is, i3pott, quotloneer,
Ilan beet lflstl•R�}1etod b9 the undersigned to sett
byy nubile Au000on lit {Jot 24, Goo, 4, Morris, on
Taursda ,Navanllior 'gbh, at 1,99 o'4ieok,tbo
IBBITI8I1 DROWN J1lwJ1iil4fi tlisl+1N
'liillcan Lucky j<n.Getting Troasllrett
41140k So Quickly— Paintings 'and
Jlewels, Onee`Stolen, Are Not )Re',
covered 1Jllti1 years 1lovo rassed.
It is agreed by tliose who melte a
study of such !natters that the :Porte
was unus8ally lucky in 'getting' Hack
so quickly the treasures that were
recently stolen fro111 the Treaellgv of
St. Peter's, at Rome. Historic paint-
ings and . jewels, though ditUeul to
Steal, are usually years In turning 119
again, their value and' distinctive
qualities Making the thieves wary
'about pitting them on the market
There is a51Trore sinister reasgn, and
that is found in the suspicion that
ltistor3e relics are often stolen at the
lnstanoe of some wealthy'and In other
ways respectable anlateu)' collector,
who pays the professional thief and
then buries in itis. private collection
articles that ought to grace a public
galtoiT oI' museum. It took thirty
roars for the stolen Galr,sborongh
"'Pile Duchess of,Devonshire" to and
its way back to. the original owners,
and then it was <'illy,I'eOOYered by a
chapter of accidents. priceless
p ei sets. � The p Deless
painting might easily have dlsappeal'-
,ed for alt time, since its whereabouts
WAS a secret in the, possession of .one
Llan. `1' ,..
The theft of -the "Mona Lisa" from
the walls of the Louvre was an even
more daring theft, and there was
something of altruism .also in the
motive of the thief, It was Vincenzo.
Perugia, a young Italian, who took
'this picture almost from under the
nose of a guard, his object being. as
be said to restore it to His country
to make up in part "for all the
works of art Napoleon T. had taken
out of Italy," Perugia had been au
employe at the Louvre early is 1911,
and after leaving his job he used to
return frequently to visit his � old
mates who are decorators. One
morning he San' a ebanoe, and snatch-
ed the "Mona Lisa" from the wall,
'cut the canvas from the frame, con-
cealed it in 3ls blouse and walked out
to freedom,
The Briti3h Crown jewels are said
to be the best -guarded national treas-
ures is the world; in the early days
they were carried' round by the var-
ious kings who luted to look at them.
'Then, as they increased to number
and bulk, the monarohe sent most of
them to the monks at Westminster
Abbey for sate -keeping, But -in the
reign of Henry 741. several treasures
were found to he missing and there
was an investigation., It revealed the
fact that some forty-elght of the
Pious brethren;had conspired In the
theft and all vire punished. In the
reign of Edward I. the jewels were
sent to the ;lower and an official
known as the.Reeper of the Regalia
was appointed to watch them. A11
went •well until the reign of
^Charles IL, When the l'7eeper of the
Regalia bappcned to be a benevolent
and unsuspicious old gentleman nam-
edr Talbot ,B 1varde, . One day a Col.
Blood, disguised as a clergyman, and
hiss wife called and asked to see the
jewels, and they were shown. The
lady fainted and the kindhearted
Edwards attended to her. The Pair
departed, but .shortly afterwards re-
turned to thank the keeper ton his
kindness and give him a small pres-
ent. An Intimacy spring up' between
the two families.
Then one day the colohel intro-
duced his dashing son who fell in
love at first sight with the presum-
ably buxom. daughter of the Edwards
family. It was not long before a
wedding was arranged and the hour'
set for seven o'clock in the morning,
Two or three family friends of the
Bloods appeared as guests and, of
course, they must see the' famous
Jewels. , Edwards took them to the
treasure room, when they immediate-
ly set upon hint: and tried. to make
off with the royal regalia. They were
stopped by a member of the Edwards
family who arrived opportunely, but
la the scuffle the crown was badly,
bent, though no jewels were lost. In
the late war it was commonly report-
ed that the jewels had been stink in'
,tbo Thames as it. was feared the
building would be a mark for the
German bomb droppers. Some
bombs tdid fall nearby, and as a
matter of preq ution the jewels were
taken eleewhetle. But they 'went no
farther than, Windsor Castle. They
'.are now back again in the Tower.'
A writer in the New York Times
says that most of the treasure of the
Pope is held not at St Peters, but
in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.
Here Is the old linen lace robe worn
In 1288 by Boniface VIII., the Caftaai
Pope, a member of the same ,Ctetani
family who to -day occupies one of
the historic Roman palaces..' There
is a co r of the famous Celli:f-brooch .
of gold, live inches in diameter, with
a large centre diamond. The Pope's
hereditary red shoes are here, heav-
ily embroidered in gold, each puckle
containing four diamonds and a 'large
emerald. And so is his triple crown,
described by one visitor to this treas-
ure lionise as "of cloth of silver
stretched over some stiff eubsttsnce.
It is twelve inches high, sdrround'ed
by three crowns of golden leaves,
rather like arum. leaves, with a costly
geifi in the centre of each coming out
of ti narrow band richly studded with
magnificent gems, It is surmounted
by a bide enamel ball and diamond
er088, with streamers like a Glen-
garry cap down behind." And of
this royal head covering, another
writer has said;
"Thus is came to pass that the
pontldclal tiara wet( surely a royal
Crown sparkling with the moat
9reelous gems to which Itonitaee the
euporb added a seooncit and the
I'renehnlan Benedict 30Z . a thtrd
'8 * + until the triple Mitre be -
elate the symbol of the. greatest
Iowa!'the world hie ever keen."
"Tonlni(3'rrpw afternoon,” Said the
thiilister to his congregation, "the
'uueral of Mr. So-and»So will be held
n 03ire 4hur43l. 1 shall tual0e an ad-
iress,trnd this tliau t1'�'mself will bo hobo
for the fixsO'time in 20 heat's,"
fallowing property :-1 tea a 0years old, 1
mare risme 4 years, 1 teepee It rising 8 70010,
1 cow 6 years old due De . ROO , 1 esw 8 years
old duelniax 1eov.9 ear einMere
y. cow years du
1 cow le yenra old due in stray, 11 sow 12year
old milking, 2 pleers eiears Oil, 1 heirs. i;b
years Old, 8 yearling twines, 2 yen rile g; steers,
1 ion thein Msy, 1 °ow rice i„ 1dey,.il,,.utves,
31 01100 rtire buggy 1 grain O4011(er, ystrew
ole 0 2rel utter,. 1,1r1vi, belt, 409 to 002 too.
ale oats, 80 bushels pets,
fugepP TERhiorod jnintnotesd10(1(1 5158ven Quuntforget4
per 'cent per annum off for cash on,8r43it
amounts, Mann under cash.' Lend '<Owrters
Mr seourikr, Wb3, wmgmsON
AU0,1'ION $ATA OP 13414bf„FARlit bw0011,
Fwrcunl0NTs, Smearaos, Gundry. Ana,
has boon instructed 03, th3 notlerslgned to sell
by Penile Auction at ly"i•t L9115, Goa, 7, Morrie
lawnsbipp 00 Te"sdpy lot, fent, at 1 o'olodic,
Sharp, tee followilig property., -1 ruatobed
team; t driving nier((3leow 8' years olid, due
,tan, 00111, 1 cow 1 years old, doe 5laroh, 3rd, I
Cow 8 years old, due Maroh,4 h, 1 oow 2years
old, due Morolt 241h,1 farrow caw, 6 Years old,
1 dry oow, 10 yeer8 old, 1 heifer, rising 4 years
old,lheifer, rising 8 years old, 2 heifers, 1
Old, 4 Spring enlves,, 10 piges about 00erwa weeks q d,
00 hoes, 1 veer old, 1 pr. geese, Maesoyl3errls
binder, 8•rt cut, with fore. carriage, Mnosey.
Harris mower, Sift. out, Nroet•& Wood hay
loader, Mnesey•Harrie sidedelivery hay rake,
dump rake, Peter Hamilton. Heed drill,
inuoultitatoc C 'co1s t manure spreader,
/and rollerMee harrow, 1ootln
liarroWs. r wilh estsp'
and bolsters, flat wefod rook, hay mole with
car, pig rack, lumbar wagon, wagon box, 11.
fa., gravel box OlImsx fanning mill, root
Punier, steel tire buggy„entter, eat single
harness, 2 sets whippletrees, nerkyoke, stand-
ard &roam separator, Daisy 0hurn, emery
stone, sugar kettle and 2 oak barrels, set of
1,000 Ib, scales, wire stretcher, quantityy of
cedar poets, chains, forks and other ,artiOles
too numerous tomention. The far will :g-
o1 m w l a
eo be oMered for Sala.
TERM$,ntBorne of and angor cash ; an
that amount 12 menthe' , credit given on tarn-
ishing approved joint notes. 4 per cent off
for caelt on Creast amounts, Land owners
for security. Terme for farm made known
on any of sale.
T. Gandy, Ana,: PRANCES BEIRNES, Prop.
Robt, J, 8e21, Cle'k,
IMpLftMRNT4.--D. M. Baott, Auctioneer,
hie reooived instructions from the andereign.
ed to sell by Public, Auction at Lot 14, Con. 6.
Grey township. on Wednesday, Nov.11212, at
1 o'olook sharp, the followingproperty;-1.
brown Olyde inure 8108re ol, 1 bay Clyde
mere 6 years old, 1 gray Parcheron gelding a
years old, 1 gray Parcheron lIlly2years old,
1 bayPeroheron gelding 1 year old, 1 'bay
Hackney filly sucking colt, 7grade Durham
cows due to freshen as follows 1-1 carr doe
March 21st, 1 cow due April 21st, 1 oow due
Feb. 1st, l cow due Feb, 10012, 1 eowdue April
15th,1 cow due Feb. 210, 1 cow due march 1st;
1 Jersey cow due to freshen Ten. 2511, 1 Hal.
stein coW due to freshen Deo, 10th, lO steers 1
year old, 8 heifers.' year old. 8 steer calves. 4
heifer calves, 1 Durham boll 1 year old, 1 York
How bred Oat. 22nd 9York Plgs2menthe old,
4 Tamworth Pigs 21, months old, 2 geese mod ul
gander. 1 wagon with double box and spring.
seat, material for makingravel box, 1 Ronald
disc, I International 2361 1, p. engine in good
working order, 1 Oliver walking plow, 1 set of
brass mounted breeching harness, f set of bob-
sleighs, 8 toile of timothy and clover hay, 4
tone of timothy hay, 600 bushels mixed grain.
Rale without reserve as proprietor is giving up;
TEB1,1.S•—Sumsof• 110 and ends., Dash ; ov-
er that etnonnt, 10 menthe given on furnish-
ing approved joint notes. 0 per cent off for
cash on credit amounts. Land owners for
seo0rlty. ROBT.000138ANE.
STOOK, ,t'k1PLl2M8 wro, &o,—P, 111,
$uP3,1), Aneiir)ites', leas reoelvetl
Itietrnetiens from .the 4Jndersiglled to
sell by 1?nbii0 Allntinn at Lot 10, P011.
2, Grey, (throe Rrlilas- hast of ,Tames.
An Tb rs0ay, Nov, 511* o'clock,
lag property. :-1 driving snare 5
y8ara oltl, '1 lady's driving lucre 8
years old,1 work horse 0 years. aid, 1
work horse 7 years old 1500 lbs., 1
wetk' horse 10 years old 1000 lbs„ 1
work horse 8 years 000, 1 work horse
horse 4 yours Off 1000 lbs„ 1 general
pentose mare d years old, 2 11oistolu
heifers rising 3 years, 1 heifer rising 3
year's old, 2 yearling steel's, 1 fat cow,
1 farrow onw, 1 Jersey supposed to
Freshen p'eb.:llkb. 1 Jersey supposed
o' 'freshen March 1 Durham tans cow'
Steer Strayed
Yearling eteer,103(1 iu 0010r. atrayad fra+r
Lot n, 9th ()ea.10Orris, Last 000O *beat time.
wookaego, Any intermatlon haieing polos
recovery will be thankfully reeolyed,
Phone 176 ANb810W KNIGHT,
'renders will he received for the pa10118 a of
Let $6, Gan, 14, Grey Township, • immediate
30800090u, 45°7 at 0110010,
nus.."oItoe for mortgage,
Heifer Strayed
Sunhats on tke promises of ib4 u dor8lgned '
Late, Call,, 0, b1errie, llbsut Sept. Viiohea heifer
iliYe to freshen Dec, 20, 1 goiv thio 10 ahontt760pound8,red with whitaspotese 1:
freshen July 10, 1 Dueltam cow dile to 1igrned'2 Pi;o '7'0' ANDEliF°11'iae&ln.
freshen Doc, 28, 1 A shire cow 3 r
genre old, 5) chunks of piga„3 Bowe;
farm wagon nearly new, Pow wagon
Wroxeter PropertyFor Sale
utid.box, 2 tap cubbel',tired buggies one „
neatly new, opeu,rt,ibbet' tired buggy '
nearly new, hay 'loader, seed (bill, 2 - .one,of rho hest buys in Wroxotsr Inc gain
farrow Kangaroo plow, pilling plow, Solid briok resldop000ak tris .ibronghont.
ste01 hay rake, 3•drtl:7,6, oller netirl ,leo tot, far:dialce, eloalrio lights, 3881 hen,
y bauo4, Dort ntthard water, also Des@•tical.
new, disc harron', 16 l* u'ron',.oeI Af>,fy 01144.0100,10,1641'!', Wroxeter, Ont.
2,000 Ib, socias. 0.06, ruee an mn Pone 97,1
t 1 i, n h
er, 7- ft..cut Deering binder, fanning
mill, sot of sleighs with flat reek, set
sloop sleighs, piano box cutter, piano
box tatter Au,n - seat neatly
new, tilt hay rack 13, 'ft„ hay
rack, 1 two -seated o,u'riage, set of
Goldfne.driving harness nearly new,
set (4nldine harnesses set t'eaut breech;
ing hai'nest. set pony harness, cream
separator, 1800 bushels oats, 26 tons of
alfalfa hap, 10 tone Timothy and cloy.
or, 3 bags 1l'lax seed. scoop shovel, bag,
of Millet seed, 1 forty.gallon oil tank,
Saskaletiewan robe, 150 cords of stove
wood, lord touring oar, Star 4 -door
sedan,' snoop shovel, chains, forks,
potato fork, Drawbar, collar tops.
Sale without reserve as proprietor
has leased hie ftu'm.
TBI1,MS.—Sutus of $10 and under
cash ; over that amount 9 months
credit5% off for cash on credit
amounts. W. A. LOWRY Prop,
Farms for Sale
f Tho 11 110301308,1 *ff rs fur pale .his 100 -sore
farm be 0g'N3 , Lot 25, Con; 7. Moats. Also
168 comp, bolng North 3t,�4�, Lot 25, an,l EY,.17,
1 dots. 7,..bforrie, GlootO 1tooata and bncns (o
tro s ntl
tore Ia s 1 • Ilion also al d o - t .
1 0.a bid
e t
6 a
1 e
113 . Wilt ,gels with ea t , For ar th apart•
011 for senfng, pear health,. For further part.
Iualaro 5351718 - W. 11, MoC17TGHEON,
Praprletnr, R. R.4, Br@ssei,
arm or a e
(The old Hamilton Place)
100 001an, tieing N34 Lots 7, 8, a and' North
40 Bares of 10, Von. A, TRrnberry township.
Large llrat•elose barn, splendid. stone &tabling
undornenth ' windmill, large driving. shed,
fgood frame it4ase and stone kitchen, large
orchard, never fusing &prime en farm, 2 miles
from Wroxeter village and l mile from oshool.
This farm illgive been est returns, some years
and will give highest return&, l3o,'m- laud
values will rise. For partionlars apply to
Administrator Jlul R. Gipson senate
For Sale in Ethel P, O. bort 77 Wroxeter l,.Phone 20
Six.roomsd, 1 -story house, good +stable and Farm for Sale
half -care ground. Opposite the school house.
Oheap, apply t0 W. Spence. 12.12
11100 acre Pnrm for sale, being South hale' lot
27 Gon. 0, Township of Morris. On premises
area good baak barn• 78545 with good Dement
stabling; driving shed 40iel4 ; comfortable,
Steers Strayed good, frame bowie with good stone dollar
two good wells never -falling; about 8 acres
Strayed from the promisee of the under.
signed. Con. 17, Grey Township, tae white
steers, eeoh having it small piece 'blipped off
the point of Its left ear,. Any .information
hauling to their recovery w111 be thankfully
received. 050. 3106EtOTSON •
15'tf P11o110 4711 Monkton.
:or P. ANENT, Brussels,
Farms for Sale
100 acres of land, being the south 35 of Lot 5,
Con, 8, and the south 35 of Lot 18, Con. 7 in the
Township of Morris. These farms are offered
for sale to eine up the estate of the late Tames
Smith. If not sold they will be rented for pas.
tare. For particulars aunty to the executors,
A101013 SMITH.
good maple bash. This farm is well fancied
and drained and in good spite of cultivation
and Is situated 1 mile from Village of Walton.
also 1 mile from school and church. For fur-
ther particulars apply on the premises or to.
11.46 J. A. MARSHALL -Ff.
R..4, Walton,
Farm for Sae
The undereigned offers his eg•npre farm for
!able, being South pert of Lot 9, Con. 7, Grey
Township, Good 2 -story brick bonne bank
barn, 40x00 feet, with stabling. Good well.
also soft water. Landall lenrod except 2
nares of bush and under good state of cult-
ivation, About 8 Soren of fall wheat sown.
About on acre of orchard, also all Meds of -.
fruit. 935 miles to either ,Brussels or Ethel.
Rural telephone and ru al mail. Wilt se10
reasonable on mount of ill -health. For
further particulars enquire on the premises.
Joni DARK, Proprietor.
11111M11111110•3•4•Melbali. tame
���,�. R�'
Less than Eight Weeks
Till Christmas
,Before buying your Christmas
Greeting Cards, .look, through
our bright new stock which
arrived this Week.
We do the Printing in our
own office and 'the prices are
The Brussels. Post