HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-11-4, Page 1• VOL, 54 NO 20 902,00 per annum in advance BRUSSELS. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. NOVEIVIBER 4 r9,25 i L.: ERR, Proprietor FOR' SALE 500 Cords well seasoned Dr ySlab ood AND 200 Cords Circular Wood, all 16 in. 50c per cord less if you draw it yourself OUR Cider and Apple Butter Plant Will operate as long as Apples keep coming as at present and the weather remains temperate. Gibson Lumber & Cider Mills PHONES Reetdenee Me. 80. O/Bce 20-s Viroxeter The° Surronnding DELGRAVE The W. M. S, will hold their Thank offering on Sunday evening when Rev. Mr. Scobie will preach in the United Church the annual sermon. ATWOOD. Hugh and. Mrs. Richmond, of At- wood, .announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Mary Eun- ice to Robert R. Park, an of David and Mrs. Park of Listowel.: The mar- riage to take place quietly the mid- dle of November. TEESWATER D. Keith, is the winner of the Dom- inion of Canada Plate for the best marksman at the Teeswater Rifle Ranges for 1925. Induction of the Rev. Dr. Forbes was held in Knox church, Tuesday evening, October 27th. Th ealtar being beautiful decorated with mums and ferns for the occasion, The meet ing was well attendedby the congre- gation and friends. Rev. Chas. Mc- Donald of Lucknow. preached a splen• did . sermon from 2nd verse of 32nd Psalm, and 9th verse of the 3rd chap- ter of Phillippians, after which the choir rendered that beautiful anthem "Just as I am" very ably. Rev. Dr. Perris of Wingham, moderator, in- ducted Rev. Dr, Forbes into this con- gregation, after which, Rev. Mr. Mc- Cullough, of Kincardine, addressed. the newly inducted minister, and Rev, Mr. James, an old friend of Dr. Forbes addressed the congregation, reminding them of their responsibili- ties of their minister, church, and to their homes. and also leaving the minister in the care and keeping of the congregation.. Dr. Perrie closing the service with prayer, after inviting all to the basement of the church where a sumptuous lunch was served. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ross assister by Mr. J. J. Reid and Mr. W. H, ArkeII received the congregation. After the fie ---sight s Specialist COMING Prof. E. Katz of Listowel, knownto be one of the most skilled Optican in Ontario, will relieve Eye sight trouble at District lunch Dr. Perrie, of Wingham, ad- dressedthe people for a few mom- ents, also Rev. Dr. Forbes addressed his congregation. The evening clos- ed with the singing of the National Anthem. • WROXETER E R X E Miss Carrie Lawrie, 'Toronto, is visiting old friends in the.village. s Robert White left for Preston on Friday where he has secured a posi- tion. The vote taken here last Thursday resulted as follows: King 96; Spotton 71. Mrs. Thos. Gibson has returned home from an extended visit at Win- nipeg. Mrs. Woods, Tottenham, is spend- ing a few days with her father, W. A. Rutherford. Geo. and. Mrs. Black and little dau- ghter, Wingham, spent Sunday with the former's parents, R. and Mrs. Black.- Rev, Mr. McKenzie, Beimore, had charge of the preparatory service in the United Church last Wednesday evening. Richard Bennett, son of E. Bennett of Turnberry, diet with a serious and what might have been a fatal acci- dent one night last week. He went into the stable without a light and was thrown down by some cattle, hay- ' ing his arm fractured in two places and suffering a number of bruises. Albert Kaake one of the oldest residents of the village passed away e here Sunday ! at hi- hem I suddenlyu . imorning. Deceased who was 86 years of age , had been in failing health for some time. He is survived by three sons, Wm., Daniel and Geo., of this place, His wife, a son, and a daughter having predeceased him soine years ago. A private funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, Rev. A. D. Armstrong, officiating. Interment was made in the Wroxeter cemetery, The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held on At Ethel Hotel Wednesday, Nov. 11 There is no use of telling you what ' caused your eye trouble. It is not what caused, but what will cure it. If you have headache, pain in the temples or that tired feeling or sleepy while reading, you should have your eyes tested, Don't miss • Prof. Katz while in town, as by our great skill and long experience we can help you when others fail. See this 2- sighted glasses in one piece $10.00, worth $16; and one sighted $7.50 worth $12, One day ROSE KATZ. Thursday of last week in Mrs. Pope's rooms. Miss M. Davidson gaVe a splendid paperer on"Sociability » Mary the Community while Miss Pope gave a talk on "Sociability in the Church: Miss M. Ball gave us the important' "Current Events" in condensed form. Some good pickle giommismosassammarnemeemismile Motoring and Eye Strain 6tomrinr ,ub;eca the eYe, ton Vent strum, The -Ante . Re Tram the road contains a ""4434"' wwxe b{rh pergenage or the dangerous. lydutioe Ultm•Viokt Rays. - Ordinary Aare, are no eafeeuud but the now famous Tont-Lite lents,, Othough colorleex, by virtue of their-cbeminl comho,ifion, absorb all the harmful nYa. allowing 01111' the hatmkaa might/ light to Alter through. Leta,a,taeme a demonstration without ohliratiou. Rafter than Crookes -no calor 00 mar 3 the nbhearnnce--e l:etarantes 101014 earn, fnir.. Maude C. Bryans Optometrist Live and Urised Poultry No Live Poultry taken on Saturday Live Dressed Select Milk Fed rthickene, 0501 s 1he....:.,,.... ., 17e 21c 240 Chickens, 5 to 0 Ills 1Oc ;toe 213c Chickens, 4 to 1 lbs 15 18c 21.c 28e Chlekens, under 4 the 10c e 15e Hens, eves 5lbe... .,. • ' •"• • • 10e Hens, a t albs 12c liens, 3j to 4Ilse . ilc I8o Hens, under 8st lbs.. t, Se 10o It.nostei'a Sc 12o Young Dulles 1.30 1Se Old Duette lie 16e Mr Nothing burs No, 1 Poultry accepted except at Reduced Prices, Pool Yrs, mat be it rite ser1 rond;tiros, Black feathered fowl 2c a lb less ' MILK FED OHIOKENS The fleets mast be plaints and show gond white color, and be well finished showing halt anti pin bones well 'severed with white fat. 14n On On feathers allowed nor any deformity or twee of nay kind on atilk Fed. prices subject to change without Thomson Phone 66 BRUSSELS New Advertisements Lost-Reeselt:Carrie strayed -Geo, MtD9natd Sale continues -Bine Brea,' Arrayyed--t; Robertson Anatfont3nle-Rev 1 E. McLeod Piga for Bale -Crawford Streca p Piga for astleZobt J, McLennan C ant Boreeningforelle wm.ppiag Bowl Sip Supper -Ethel Wetton United C Mill Far ,alJoeUnited Church Farm for s le li, V,, latga Free for nate iaa ry ine ns Eyestrain -Wins G. Bis Caps for Bale -A. G. Bishop Cow for nate ales Han Gene's Tankage -Russell e Reared Cnrrte Chain losteale—G it Carrie Woed,for sale-Gabson bomber Co, Cowfor eats-OIari LODE Bazaar -Melville Church Ladles recipes were given in answer to the Rolle 0a11. Twonew members were added to .our list. Mies K. Hale- wood will represent our Society at the Annual Convention at London in November. The attendance was good. As it was election day, every- one was out to vote and took in the Institute meeting as well. CRANBROOK lore, Wm. Cameron has just return- ed from a visit atNew York, with her son, Will. Cameron and family. The visitor made the trip to New York with her san, by into, and also visit- ed at Hamilton and Galt. They had a lovely trip. MONCRIEFF The hogs shipped by the U. F, 0. from McNaught station have graded 50% select in the past four months. The new school wilt be opened in a couple of weeks, Mrs. Ruby Bartonand children, of Atwood, is visiting with John and Mrs. Howard. Mrs. Harold Livingston and child- ren epent last week with her parents near Teeswater. A dance in the hall on Friday night was much -enjoyed by the people of this school section. Jos. McKay, Leander Gole and Frank Hai risen left on Thursday for Northern Ontario, where they intend to'hunt. We are glad to state that Mee. Jas. 0. McKay, of Hamilton, who under went a. critical operation last week, is improving splendidly. s BLUEVALE The Postponed Bazaar of Melville Church, Brussels, will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Saturday, No. 14th. See advt. The regular meeting of the Wmnen's Institute will he held an Thursday, Nov 12th. at 2 30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. Is, Garniss, A paper, "Give to the world the best you have, and the hest will come hack to ynu", will be given by Mies Lizzie Hetherington, Misep Olive Scott, who is the delegate to the Lopdon Con- vention being held Nov. 3, 4 and 5, will be prepared to give a report of the sante. Roll Call—Reasons for. Thankfulness, WALTON +4.+++++Gra'++4-•1-1-1434'3'•F•i ++++ COMING TO Fan lyTheatre Nov. 6, 7 and 9 "Thu Hunchback of Notre Dame" One of the Best Films shown To -day. Okla.; one son, Roy Broadfoot of Beaver, Okla.; and one sister, Ctrs, Jeannette Campbell, Walton, Canada. Funeral service will be held at Downing Mortuary, on. Monday at 8.30 p.m. Burial will be in Mem- orial Lawns. MORRIS ; - Council will meet on Nov. 10th. We hope everybody is getting set- tled down after the election. The auuaul Christmas Tree will he held in Ebenezer United church, Browntown, on Friday evening, Dec. 18th. Further announcement will be made later. Report of Browetown school, (°. 8. No, 8, Morris), for September and —c Mustard sta lieda u October J r. IV 1N Rose Smith . 811%Edith Ganda 88 , 85 Se, III—Eva Dennis 77 ; 'Harry Goll 74, Jr. III—Eddie Garniss 67. Sr. II—Jean Turvey 90 : Tom Garniss 84;Jean Garnier 81 ; Dorothy Goll absent. First Olass—Obarlie Math. ere88 • Stanley Mustard 86. Prim- et—Isabel Thynne 17 stars, Irene Anent 9 stars, Margaret Turvey 8 stare. Perfect attendance for the two months—Ellith and Tom Eternise, ETHEL 1 WARDELL, Teacher.. _ Despite the Melemenroy of the weather, the nuniversary services of the Walton United church on Sun- day, Octuber'2511i,'were very suocess- fnl. Rev. 13. 5' Chandler, M. A.; B. i) , of Duff's Mini eh, gave two inspir- ingand piactiral set mutts. The sel- ections hy the United church ehoit of tV til tou Gull 13ethel churches, ware mu h.epnr'eciated. The Bazaar of Melville church, 'will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Saturday, Nov. 14th. There will be many good things on sale. See advt. and remember the date. Word was received by Mrs. Duncan Campbell of the village, that her sister Mrs. _Thomas Broadfoot had passed away Friday, October 16th, after a- bout a months' illness. She had a stroke last February, from which she had never recovered. Her maiden name was Charlotte Ritchie, being the eldest daughter of the late John and Mrs. Ritchie of Grey Township, She was born near Waterloo, but came to Grey with her parents 7P years ago. Mrs. . JamesRitchie of R , Cranbrook, is a 'Sister -in -Ealy. Tha. Wichita, Kansas, paper:— Charlotte Broadfoot, 83, died Friday evening at her home 1308 South Market t She was born in Canada and came to Abilene,. Kan., in 1874. She moved to Wichita in 1820. Mrs. Broadfoot is survived by her husband, Thomas; five daughters, Mrs. Sam. Brown:At- lantic, Ia. h Mrs. E. V. Marshall? Mill - ford, Ill.; Mrs. R. R. Riley; Wichita; Mrs. George Mitchell, Wichita Falls, Tex.; Mrs. A. L. Youshee, Stroud, e4+++.1.4.1.+.1•+++'P+9'- ++++•l•d•'!+ Brussels Ousted Church REV. A. W, BARKER,. 8, b. MINISTER? Sunday, Nov, 8th 11 a.nt.*--Public Worship. "11 the Muster's \VorltshoP .,•-Sabbath Se11oo1 Sea - 3 cntion and Bible Classes. 7 p.m.—Public - Worship. "Christ's World Progriarn Tuesday .— Young People's League. 'WedtleselaioPrnyer and Praise service 'Allay—Choir rehearsal. dh. 0+ ,.4444••4 t4•4194,14444•44+4d•' MOLESWORTH CARD OF TaANxs.—Ura, Peter Scott and family wish to thank their friends and uciggbors for their spur is. athy and many wonderful kind acts in their recent sad bereavement of husband and father. PETER SCOTT DECEASED. There' day, October 29th, there passed away to his eternal home, Peter Scott, at his home hu ,Molesworth. He 11109 bora in North Eaothope, in 1817, and with his p.it•ents moved to Wallace tnwuship in the Spring of 1866. In 1873 he married Catherine Stewart and shortly after left for Neepawa, Mali., where they spent 11 years. O" their return they moved to Turnberry where they resided till three years ago when they retired to Molesworth.` They oelehrated their 50th anniver- sary two years ago. • Mr. Scott was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church and in politics a Liberal. Hp 'vas a highly • respected man, being kind and upright in all his dealings, and a gond neighbor,' always willing to lend a helping hand. He acted as School Trustee foi 15 years. ,. Besides hie sorrowing wife he i9` survived by one son, Robert,, of Grey, and three daughters—Mrs. John Simpsen, Tet- sier; Mrs. John Eraser, Grey; unit Mise Ethel at home..—alae one sister, oleswor•th/ and three Mr . McIntosh, M s 'ton , brothers—Alex., Mani Manitoba, Wins Beltnnre, Man., aril- Jas., Rad- ian, Seek, The funeral was -conduct• ed at the family residence on Sunday afternoon hy Rev. Mr. Smith and was very largely attended.' The . pall. were Jas. Edgar, Peter McDougall, John SIcEwan, Thos. Elliott, Rabett Molntosh and Nelson Mitchell. The bereaved share in the sympathy of the colunnsnity• Thanksgiving $OT Fowi Supper Ethel United Church Monday Ev'g, Nov, 9th .Supper served from 6 to 8 Good program by the Lewin Concert Co., Brussels and other talent Admission 50 and 35 cents Sunday Services Thanksgiving Services will be held on Sunduyr et 11 a, m. and 7 p. m, when Rev, Eric Anderson, of Monkton, will preach, Everybody Welcome 1 homes where they will have good fathers and mothers to bring them up. They at least have a chance of grow- ing into good" citizens. It is a real near -at -hand "Save the Children" work thatfriends such d s those in the Jamestown Sunday School are helping to do. Again thanking you, 1 am, your sincerely, Helen Buchanan, Secretary. 29th October, 1925. 123 Yorkville Ave., Toronto. JAMESTOWN .. Mrs. A. D. McCosh, of Pine River, returned home after visiting with friends here. Mrs. Robt. Strachan, is at Brussels this week nursing her daughter,- Miss Ruth, who is a prisoner with the Measles. Don't forget the Bazaar of Melville church, Brussels in the Town Hall on Saturday, Nov.. 14. Keep the date in d. The Postponed Bazaar of Melville Church,; Brussels, will he held in the Town Hell, Brussels, on Saturday, No. 14th. See advt. George and Mrs. Ferguson, of Sea - forth wore visitors with Mrs. ,Tames Strachan, Mrs. Ferguson was form- erly Miss A. S. Elizabeth Clifton, of Toronto. Geo. is a son of the late D. and Mrs. Ferguson of Teeswater. Mrs. Robert Strachan received the following ng letterttei which speaks s for its - self :—Dear Mrs. Stcachou1iss f the HiRe'pp esinraskoneher'wishes nowleige your letter of the 20th enclosing $5 being a contribution from the James- town Sunday School to the work. She would be glad to have the friends kuow how then; long continued loyal- ity to helping support the work is valued. It is heartening to the 'work- ers to know that those onto interested hove continued to be interested. The work goes en steadily and quietly. In- variably the best results come erhen the girls cart stayinthe Hone for a length of time. They forget st lot of things,, and they Neve at least op- portunity to think on tlnut15 that are ',rile and honest, just and pure and lovely` and virtuous and that are to be praised. Besides all this they learn to work and a weakness where working was concerned hes at the root of the weakness of nia iv of the Ririe who bass throu •lt this fume. Man, Who of the girls o have long Bossed through the Horne asknowletlgc that the life they lived here, Makes them look on life outside the Home in a different way. All these ,stria may riot he suecessfut cases (601101 wrest arc); but cern so this Route, was evi neatly a good glace for them to o be arid try carrier something away with them. Then the home has again hap, ed give some handicapped babies a chance. 'First they were even a good start in the way of hal Ten and 1 itt 1105124 Lases they 'passed ori to, good ETHEL - Council. stet on Monday last. Have you got the Measles yet? Ethel Public School, after having been 'closed for a period of two weeks by the M. 0. H., on account of the measle epidemic, will reopen on Tues- day, Nov. 10. Don't forget the Thanksgiving Hot Fowl Supper in the United. Church on Monday evening. A splendid pro- gram will be provided. The Bazaar of Melville church, will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Saturday, Nov. 14th. There will be many good things on sale. See advt. and remember the date. GREY Council met on Monday at Ethel. Roads have been in bad shape the past week. James and Mrs. Anderson and son Donald, were visitors with Mrs. Robt, Wilson, 10th con., Remember the Thanksgiving Fowl Supper at Ethel United Church on Thanksgiving evening. . Miss Elva Heinmingway was hone for the week end. Miss Elva is a pupil at Listowel High School. Robt. and Mrs. Scott attended the funeral of the former's father, the late Peter Scott at Molesworth last Sunday. James and Mrs. Davidson and tens- ity,of the 12th, have taken up their residence at Stratford. Their many friends regret their removal, S. S. No. 3, and S. S. No. 10 are closed this week owing to an epidemic of Measles. Miss Wilton and Miss Lowe, are the respective teachers. John- and 'airs. Leitts reintned to their home it: Mitchell Iasi mut ay after spend,, g n mgoth with their slaughter, Mee. Chas. McDonald, 12th Con. Grey. ENGAGEArEVT.— William and Mee.- Manta ee.Manna of Vest Monkton, announce the engagement of their- daughter, Flava May,: to LeRoy McReight, of Atwood, the marriage to take place the middle of November. The following is the teport of S. S. Na. 10. Grey, for Septembt r ,and ort- ober, G1 eta Raker obtained the higi • est number of stare, Sr, 1V -Wile a Baker 82 ; Greta Baker 72. Jr. IV— Alma V -Alma Patterson 77 ; Pearl Oarnochan 76 ; Wilda Baker 61) ; Isabel Speiran 69 May Oar.nnchau 00 Jr. .111-- Lawson 111—Lawson Whitfield 00 ; Arthur Neabel 59 ; Glen Dilworth 81 ; Susia Neabel 67 ; Peal Baker 64. Jr. II—Delmer Dilworth CO , Norma Speiran 58 ; Vance Baker 54, 1St,—Good Carman Baker. Pr., A.—Good Frank Ward Gladys Ward. Pr. 13. Gond Muriel Reek well. bursa EPAVTER, Teacher, John W. King, Progressive Candi. date who won North Huron last Thursday. • Miss McPhail and Mr. King, are the - only two successful Progressives in Ontario, TBE Ladies of Melville Church - Brussels Will hold a , Bazaar . in the Town. Hall Saturday, Noor 14th Afternoon and Evening Booths arranged containing Fancy Goods, Plain Sewing, Home-made Baking, Farm Produce, Eta. A Parcel Post Sale and Gro- ceteria will be a Special At- traction. Lunch will be Served Everybody - Welcome ! Bazaar will open at 2.30 "*Bob Bell; **Francis Smith. Sr. II -Jennie cKay (hon) ; Madelon Sporran (hon) equal; Herbie Huffman (hon) ; Jeanice Harrison (hen); ** Russell GoIe; **Cynthia Machan;; ** Cecil Mahan; ***Cecil Robinson. Jr 1I **L lien Harrison; **Myrtle Gole; ***Marshall Harrison; ***** Donald Riehl, Ist Class — Leonard Machan; Lindsay McKay and Doro- thy Mann, equal. Primer— Everett Robinson; Lloyd Machan; John Payne. No. on roll 27; average at- tendance for September was 23.71; average attendance for Oct. was 18. 35. SADIE E. NcN AIR' Teacher. h hmne of James On Monday at the Y Wallace, Lot 4, Con. 1 0 , Margaret Snaith relict of the late Frei* C. Wright, passed away at the age of 78 years. Deceased was a daughter of the late Rutherford Smith and Mary. Rutherford, who came from Scotland and the deceased was born in Dur- ham Co., near Newcastle. When only 8 she carne to Morris township with her parents. In later years she taught school and afterwards married her deceased husband. They were born to them nine children: Mahle ,de- ceased; Walter and Tired in Dyzer, Sask•; Hilton, deceased; William end Archie, killed in the war; .lames M., at home; Mrs. Benson Wheeler, of Listowel; and Frank at Belmont. A sister, Mrs, (Dr.) McKelvey,, of 'Tor- onto, is the last of the family. Des ceased was a member of the Presby- terian church, Wroxeter. The funer- al was hold on Wednesday afternoon and interment was ntatle in 13russels Cemetery. To the bereaved the heart felt sympathy goes out to thein. Personal Paragraphs 1 1 Card of Thanks To the 'Electors ol; North Ilurols . We extend hearty greetina and thanks to all out £uencls who supported us so splendidly on Election Day, Thursday, Oct. 29th. We: maY be excused, if particularize i,n the cases of the . villages and the towns of Wing - ham and Goderich. We fought • a clean campaign and naturally aro pleased on our victory at the l ells, Your obedient Servant,IY J. W. KING BRUSSELS COUNCIL Brussels Council ,net on Monday evening with all the members present and Reeve Backer in the chair. Minutes of the lastregular mo et- nngwere read and confired. The following accounts were order- ed to be paid, on motion of, Council- lors Bowman and Muldoon: Gutta Percha & Rubber Co, fire hose and washers.3331.40 Gutta Percha & Rubber Co, 4 firemen's coats , . .. 30.00 Bickle Fire Engine Co., chemicals ....... 28,85 Chas. Pope, account . ... $2.80 Gordon McDowell, salary .. 75.00 G. McDowell, disinfecting ... 6.00 C. R. Davidson, account, 32.65 Messrs. Jas. Thuell and Robt. Hen- derson addressed the Council on the way they were treated by boys and girls at their homes on Hallowe'en night. The Council reported they were willing to help if the names of r tai the parties were obtained. n The Medical Health Officer made his annual report. The report was fyled. The Universal Business Service wrote asking for details and specifi- cations of any factories available with prices at which they can he se- cured. Clerk will write. Council adjourned. P. S. McEwen, of Wroxeter, was at Brussels last week on business. Miss Jean Dawson, of Hickson, is the guest of Miss Kate Anent. Barrister W. M. Sinclair,. was a visitor at the Co. town last week. l3arrister Dudley Holmes, of Wing - ham, was a visitor in town on Thurs- day last. Mrs. Parker, now of Kincardine, 'was renewing old acquaintances in town last week. Miss Ina Cunningham returned 1ed home last week after a visit 'with Miss Mary CIark at Goderich. Mr. George Brown returned to his: home in Toronto last Friday after a week's visit in Brussels. Herbert Stretton, who is a student in Upper Canada College, will be home for Thanksgiving holidays. Miss Agnes Wallace left to visit friends at Seaforth, after spending the past two week's with Mrs. J. L. Kerr. A. J. and Mrs. McMurray and Ad. and Mrs. McCartney, all of Clinton gave The Post Editor an early call on Wednesday ay morning, w bile motor- ing through to Hatriston. Following is report for S. S. No. 0, Grey, for the months of Selrtember and October, Pupils tested to Ment. work Georg>aphy, Spelling, Ar•ithme- Vas, Composition, Agriculture, Blistery and Art. Nantes arranged 511 order of titeeit. (*) deletes ebsenee:—Sr'. IV—Verna lViettay (hon.); Velma Itobertsoll (belt.) Jr, IV — Willis p t Robertao:t (lion, ' Mennen Pert,. thatch, the services wereh 58 10 Sr. Ill—Lundy Meltay (hon.); Mao little log school on the, corner Mcl(ay; a` -Glob itathwell, Jr. III-- ?ukase farm. D, A and Mrs. Clark and Jay C. Brown, of Hamilton; Andrew. Tufts, of Vancouver; and A. and Mrs. Schm- bein, of Listowel, spent the week end with Barrister and Mrs. 'W. Id. Sin- clair, G. A. Deadman arrived back 'to Brussels last week after spending the summer looking after his bees at Mer- lin. This year Mr. Deadman made his Western shipment of honey from Mer- lin instead of bringing 1t here for preparation. Miss Kate Deadman is also here. We are sorry to. say 141x. Deadman is confined to his home at present from. an infection in hie hand but hope he will soon be around as usual, Robert McIntosh, of Motherwell, at ended the annivet9aty 59r'v;reg in the United Chtueh there on Sunday, when Bev. W. L. Niles preached the sermon. Mr, iSlcIntosh, Who is 82 yeasts of age, was so far as is known, the only 000 who was at a fleet niversary there in June, 1808, in triose days, the congregating wnab ip• ped in frame church that had bean rbalk imt the sa r rovro t s. I ev T lo e f tiautiltette fiat nnl us o the building of the firer, THANK YOU Dear Mr. Editor: - Through your paper 1 wish to extend nay deepest thanks to all who supported me on Thursday last. While it looks like temporary defeat, we are not going to admit defeat un- til a Judge scrutinizes every ballot. A recount will promptly be held, when we . confidently anticipate the slim majority of ninety-four (94) will melt away. Four years ago Mr. John W. King had a majority over us of 1186. Adding to this majority, Mr. W. H. Fraser's vote of 2426, shows that we went into this fight against a snow bank of 3612. Mr. Kings majority this time is somewhere around 94; therefore, our friends scattered 3500 of the 3600 adverse votes. This is how every, municipality assisted in demolishing the 3500 out of the 3600, we went - up against. Let us repeat. The following fig- ures show how each municipality did its part valiantly in overcooling 3500. votes out of the najority of 3600 as gainst us. Ashfield ...............325 Blyth .....148 Brussels Colborne Grey Howick ick 8 221 407 443 Morels .347 Wawanosh, East . 8355 Wawanosh, West 887 Wingham• 439 Wroxeter . - . . '23 Turnberry 1280 Goderich It is impossible .for me to persons ally reply to all who have congratu- lated me upon our great victory, so, I take this opportunity of spewing ivy keen appreciation. By Many of the Heads of the party, North 'Huron has. been called ono of the greatest tlrtories in the Dominion. I ant advised by Headquarters that this Dentition election will have to be fought over again as neither pmty, can "Carry ort", and, I am asked to keep y m organization intact and nay friends: owder drY• I, i�n turn ask myy to keep their area bright. When n we have succeeded in going through 3500 of the 3600 feet of rock before us, it will be an easy, matter i to pierce the "paper partition Which remains, ins and the next candidate op- posing its will be forced to fight in the open and no wear two different political cloaks, a '. This phase will end NIG.• With later two will be dealt with ui this paper weeks latex. With kindest regards to all and malice to none, and again passing the ward down the line to, Be ready! ayeY, I remain, e mail:, Beady!, Faithfully. . GEORGE 15, SPOTTON. VOTING 1 TN TN HE PERTHS The following figures, show at a glance how the voting weft in NOW and SottthNPerth on ORTH PERTH aY• Stratford N, Easthopa ' Ellice 1'4orniningtoti Erma Wallace Listowel Milverton Brown 8420 404, 050 481 619 493 210 Total for llidie 6747 6 Majority for Wright 616 SOUTH PERTH 9t, Marys Mitchell i31ntrehart) Downie IP1lb1ertort Sogan 45 uth klhsthape 15 "tV43ri7 lit 1)0374 - 410. 346 758 22$ 7390 Graham BatRun 1267 2 54 iia. 87111 3 7 1241' 099 5130 Grand. Totals 1041 Mt jcrity for Sanderson 41.0 4467