HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-10-28, Page 4.r, Clot xuoori �MM VUI+lINE'il>AY OCT 38, WO VOTER CANNO FORCEDBE DISCLOSE VOTE Secrecy of the Ba:liot'is Mainstay of Election;! Strict Laws .Protect --- Ballot is Guarded --- Officials Re, paired to See That Voting Slip, When Marked, Kept Secret. The g cr t e bel ,i ! t has always s been regarded as cne of the cornerstpnes of democratic government, In Can Ada the seerecy of the ballot has been protected by stringent laws, No matter what proceedings may arise from election, no matt or woman is required or permitted to divulge the prune of thecandidate for whom he OT she has voted. Every election brings forth a new army of voters. Three or four years brings many young men and women to the voting age and many aliens into the ranks of citizenship. For these, as well as for persons who have exercised their franchise and forgotten the strict regulations which circumscribe the casting of the bal- lot, the actual terms of the Domin- ion Elections Act are of interest at the present time. The act is the law governing all federal contests and contains the provisions for the guard- ing of the citieen's right to the secret ballot. The Act requires every candidate. officer, clerk, agent or other person in attendance at a polling station or at the counting of the votes to aid in maintaining the secrecy of the vot- ing; and no candidate, officer, clerk, agent or other person shall: (a) Before the poll is closed com- municate to any pel:aon any informa- tion as to whether any person on the dist of voters has or has not applied for a ballot paper or voted at that polling station; or (b) At the polling station interfere with or attempt to interfere with a voter when marking his ballot paper, or otherwise attempt to obtain in- formation as to the candidate for whom ans voter is about to t ote or has voted, or (e) At the counting of the votes at- tempt to ascertain the number on the back of any ballot paper: or (d) At any time communicate (ex- cept to a court or judge lawfully re- quiring him to do so) any informa- tion as to the number on the back of the ballot paper given to any voter at a polling station, or (e) At any time or place, directly or indirectly, Induce or endeavor to induce any voter to show his ballot paper after he has marked it, so as to make known to any person the name of the candidate for or against whom he has so marked hie vote, or (f) At any time communicate to any person any information obtained- at a polling station as to the can- didate for whom any voter at such polling station Is about to vote or has voted, or (g) At such counting attempt to obtain any information or communi- cate any information obtained at such counting as to the candidate for whorl any vote Is given in any parti- cular ballot paper. Must Not Show Bailot Clans* two of the section states that "any person who violates any Barred Rock Pullets Have 40 Barred Rook Ful- $ l lets for sale. These Pullets are of an extra heavy laying strain. Owing to lack of space will sell for Mc each, $ Chas. A. Lamont Phone 2113. provieiona of this section shall be guilty of an illegal practise and of an offense against this act punishable by summary convictions as in thia act provided." It is against the law for any voter unless' unable' to read or ineapacitat ed by blindness or other physica cause from voting in the planner pre scribed in the act, to show his ballo paper when marked, to any person so as to allow the name of the condi- date for whom he has voted to be known "and any person who violates the provision of this section shat] be guilty of an illegal practice" states the act. HOLIDAY. OCT. 29TH NOT COMPULSORY Observance of Half -Holiday Respite on Election is Qptional With the Public. Ottawa. Oct. 22 -The half holi- day which has been proclaimed Sot electiondayin no i is sense abl gaiety. It may be observed by employers or it may not. There is a general ate - trate authorising the Government to proclaim any occasipn a holiday, and this has been invoked in the present instunco. What gave rise to it was the decte- ion in the Commons in the dying days of the last session. Amendments to the Election Act were under consid- erationproposed andthat was t sd elation a t one o 1 P by A. W. Neill, of BI itish Columbia, was that election day should be a publie i holiday. This did not appeal to the majority, but an amendment that call- ted for a half holiday was carried on a division. Then salve club erred and it was left out of the votes and proceedings, consequently it was not inserted in the b131 as . sent to the Senate, and finally passed, The Government, however, thought that the intent of the House was clear and an order -in -council was passed Proclaiming a half holiday on election. day this time, with a, view of having the law amended next session. The half holiday, however, is not compul- sory. A person unable to vote without assistance is not debarred from vot- ing, but he is required to make oath in the prescribed form of his inca- pacity and the deputy returning of- ficer may then assist the voter by harking his ballot in the manner dir- ected by such voter, in the presence of the sworn agents of thecandidates or of the sworn electors, representing the candidates in the polling station. and of no other person, and place such ballot in the ballot box. The de- puty returning officer is required by law to indicate in the poll book where such votes have been marked by him. In the case of a voter applying for a ballot, when the deputy returning officer does not understand the lan- guage spoken by the applicant, he is required to swear an interpreter, who shall be the means of communication between hint and the voter with ref- orenee to all matters required to en- able such voter to vote, and in case no interpreter is found, such voter ie not allowed to vote. are ae r uir d e e to vote t a wt h- q out undue dela and o d y, as soon as they have voted the law requires thein to leave the polling station. Provision is made that in each polling station there must be separate rooms, or parts of the room curtained off, into which the voter may retire for the purpose of marking his ballot, and these must be fitted out with a table and a pencil. A section of the act governing court procedures under the act pro- vides that "no person may be re- quired to state for whom he voted" in any proceedings which may arise. Penalties are provided in the act for persons guilty of illegal or cor- rupt practice at elections. Section 86 of the act provides that; "Any person who during an election com- mits a corrupt practice or an illegal practice shall apse facto become dis- qualified from voting and incompet- ent to vote at such election. He shall also in addition to any other punishment for such offense by this or any other act prescribed, forfeit to any person who in any competent court shall therefore suer - "(a) for every corrupt practise committed the sum of $200 and costs; and "(b) for every illegal practice com- mitted the sum of $100 and costs." There's a better roan behind an honorable failure than the one behind a dishonorable success. Herbert Kaufman. READ THE ADVTS IN THE POST. FO Ria Bargains iorSomebody hilt till„ Ijlln The Ford Agency has a few Sec- ;!� and -hand Cars in stock that will rAt �! be a Bargain for somebody-- 11111 omebody loll, Bin Roadster di+ic#.�,ug'�'i Ford Coupe Overlaind Touring Ford Touring ALSO 1 Good Driving Horse II 1 hs pn Gas Engine ,, A 'Silent Alnico Lighting Plant jli►,lit Suitable for any Farmer New Cars Trucks Tractors till; IVIchityre, & Cudr.ore Ford Agents Brussels Morris Council. Meeting Minutes of Morris Council meet- ing, held in the Township Hail. d}4orris on Monday, Oct. 12th, 1925. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Lewis Jewitt, James Anderson and Charles Workman were appointed Patrolmen on the Centre Sieroad and Concession5. The report on the Bowes Drain was read and at the request of the ratepayers, interested, the Report was referred to the Engineer for amendment with a recommendation that the 18 -inch tile on lot be left as it is and additional tile put in the drain to relieve the situation in the upper portion of the drain arca. the r Bathe on the There ort on Thereport Extension Drain, was read and provisionally adopted. The following acocunts were paid: Wm. Sproat, tile McArthur Drain $614; W. E. Elliott & Son, tile Mc- Arthur Drain $175; John McGill, in- spector Drains $22.50; Municipal World, supplies 99e; Dr. Stewart, B. 0. H. $50; A. MacEwan, R. H. Short - reed, Peter McNab, B. O. H., each $3; Wm. Sellers, farm bridge Sellers' Drain $20; W, Connelly contract Grant Drain $168; W. Connelly, ex- tra on McCall Drain $4; W. Shortreed survey Murray -Lamb Drain $2; Thos. Miller, painting bridge $38.35; Her Bert Kirkby, Smith Drain $1200; Wm McMurray, Patrolman $684.64; F. Beirnes, patrolman $51.78; Wm. Craig, ,patrolman $53.75; John Craig patrolman $49.25; W. C. Thuell, pa- trolman $23.65, The next meeting will be held in Ise Township Hall on Tuesday, Nov- ember 10th, 1925. A. MacEWEN, Clerk. Grey Council Meeting Grey Council met in Ethel on Oct. 6th and all members were present. This date having been set as Court of Revision on the Love Drain By- law, the appeal of Franklin Slight- holm was taken up and his assessment reduced $40, this amount to be placed against the balance or the scheme. The Clerk was instructed to ad- vertise for tenders for the work on the Love Drain. Tenders to be in Clerk's hands by October 19. The following accounts were paid: Wm. Hanna, gravel $9.60; F. M. Swinton, Treasurer, Logan Twp., baif culvert Logan Bdy. $144.40; Election. expenses $32.50; Geo. McFarlane, B. 0. He $8,00; J. J. McCutcheon, B. 0. H., 83,00; D. McMaster, B. 0. H., $8.00; J. H. Fear, B. 0. hi,, $3,00; W. Ward, gravelling $11.25; Mary Smii- lie, gravel $38.70; Jas, Itae, gravel $14.25; Ivie Campbell, gravel $15.80; Robt. Menzies, gravelling 82.50; Harold Speir, work on culvert $15.65 Mark Cardiff, work on side road $20; Wm. Duncanson, repairing culvert and putting in sewer $6,50; Andrew Jacklin, grading $2.50; David Mc- Lennan, delivering tile $15.00; and oil to crusher $2,60; Job ling, team, scraping and holding scraper $7.50; Watson Brown, team scraping $5.00; Edgar McDonald, team scrapping and holding scraper $8.75; lien Hayden holding scraper $2.50; ttoht, Mee Cuteheon $1.25; G. C, McDonald, holding scraper 82.50; Will Balfour, $2.50; Jas, Fulton, work on Clark drain $10,00; Wm. Michel, eJftra on Cox drain $9.00; Wm Hallenbeck, gravel $10.58; John McNeil, account $4.00; David Drown, work on toad and filling culvert $24,75; Thos. Inglis, account $21,76; Henry Bayne grading, ditching and drawing gravel $40.00; Joseph R11ei1, $85.50; Len hath: McLean, cement and drawing gravel $2.60; Wm. Ward, plank and repairs $4.00; Lyle Gordon, spikes $1,26; John --Potreo, drawing tilt $14,50. lrtext meeting on November 2nd. J, tt, FEAIt, Clerk, le Rev. Dr, John Pringle, ex -Moder- ator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church, who will take a Mission charge in British Columbia, Dr. Pringle was a Missionary in Alaska during the Gold rush, and spent many a night at the road -house conducted by Adrain Taurnt, who nearly 40 years ago was an employyee of The Post, In speakingto the Ed - icor at Clinton, Dr. Pringe, said with a twinkle in his eye" the road houses in the Yukon were not in the same class as those on the Detroit River," Cloud eb Suspicion Colored pastor (Dismissing con- gregation) -De membahs what am pervided cith umbrellas will please wait till I look at 'em. Since de mysterious disappearanee of my own umbrella last Sunday, dar am a cloud ov suspicion floating ober dis yer church whish has got to be dis- pelled. CUTTING OF "COON TREES" NOW PROHIBITED BY LAW The Game and Fisheries Act has been amended so that it is a viola- tion of the act to cut down a tree in which a raccoon is perching. ; Cot Emmerton of the Game and Fisheries Department stated Monday. It is also unlawful for any person to attack raccoons in their usual place of habi. tation without Iawful excuse. Auction wales AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMP- LEMENTS ANn Galan -D. 81. Scott, Ana• ttoneer,ha" bbeen instructed to sell by Publte Auction at Ny; Lot 19, Con. 0, Morris, on Tneie da Nov. at 1 o'clock shat the foly, v B d p, weighing property driving ng1 heavy draft 1 i hip BN 1 ri 1mare 6 ear old,1 wog g 00, d o of y , stein co cow dna to salve Nov. 26th, i lE,Hot. 2 stein cow tino calf, 2 aDarbern cows in belt, s Angus1yee .1 years old, 5 Durham heid. rising 1 year. l �nrham steer 9 months old. 1 oalt.10 pigs 2 months. old, 1 sow doe Jan, 801, 85 hens, 8 geese. 4 ducks, wagon, wagon box and stock rank, hay rack set stoop sleighs nearly new, gravel box. 1 disc.harrows. set iron harrows, disc drill. Deering mower, Mate seyBarrla binder, farrow riding plow, Cockshntt gang plow, welklag Fleury plow, 1 acre oorn, 1 sore turnips, Campbell high tint• ter, snow plow, sat double breeching harness, set ala le harness, set log skid., 2 cant books, corn blinder, 16 tone Timothy hay. 150 bus. mixed grain,. 800 bus. oats, 50 bus. Grey peas Early Briton, 6 bus. garden Peas, 1 Metotte cream separator, 2 eats whippletreen and dotbletrees, forks, shovels and other ertfotes too numerous to mention. TERMS: Barnaof$l0and under, *ash 1 ov- er that amount, 10 months credit given on furnishing approved Joint notes. 6 per tient off for cash on credit amounts. Land owners for security. 0, M. Scott, Aao. RUSSEL MARKS, Prop, Thos. Miller,Clerk, reUOTION SALE OF PAESI, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENNTS, FQONIT ata, &b. -D. M. Scott, Auctioneer, bas been laetruoted to sell by Public, Aaotlon at Eli Lot 80, Con, 7, ?for• Ms, on Wednesday, Nov. 41h, at 1 o'clock, sharp, the following property 1-1 good work horse, 1 oow due to freahen°Doo. 10th, 2 °hunks of pigs about 100 lbs., 1 Collie pup, set her. tows, wagon, Bet of team ha:meso, hay fork and oar,outter, top buggy, set Magic harness new, steel scraper, water barrel, water trough lawn mower, *roes -tint saw, buck saw, torrent - My of potatoes, quantity of Spy applee 0 tone of hap cream separator. Dean churn, 8 kltah• en chairs, rocking chair, kitchen table, Happy Thought range nearly new, davenport, 2 tied. room suites, bedstead, Raymond sewing machine, Dominion organ, kitchen °took. Par- lor heater, butter bowl and ladle, set home acmes, new horse blanket, Buffalo robe, ruga, shovels, forks, aoythee, pails and other articles too numerous to mention. Stile with- out reserve as the proprietor Moe accepted a position which neoesaitates a complete Bale. TERS1B,-Sums of f10 and ander ooh ; over that amount 10 months' credit given on 2aro- Ishtag approved Joint notes, 6 per cent off for °Bah on credit amounts. Land owners for seoarity. D. M. Scott, Mao. ALEX, NIOHOL, Prop. Thee. Miller. Clerk AUCTION SALE OP FARM, PAR M (STOCK, IMPL5MENT0, &e. -Thos, Gundry, Aao, has bean instructed by the undersigned to sell by Public Auction at 133314 Lot 16, Oen, 7, Morrie townahlp, on Tuesday, Nov, 10th, et 1 o'clock, sharp, the following property 1-1 mat:hed team I driving mare, f oow 8 years old, due Jan, teens, cow 8y ears ofd, due Morch 8rd,1 cow 6 years old, doe March 4th. 1 COW 8 years old, due March 24th,1 farrow cow, 6 yea re old, 1 dry oow, 10 years old, 1 hotter, rising 4 years old, 1 heifer, rising 8 yearn old, 2 heifers, 1 yOm old, l steer, 8 years old 1 ateer, 1 year old, 4 Spring mitres, 10 pigs, about d weeks old, 50 hells, year old, 7 pr. geese, Masney'Hnrtle hinder, 016. out, with fore carriage, Meaney Harrlomower, Wt. out, Frost & Wood hey loader, Massey -Hartle aide delivery hey rake, dump. rake, Peter Hamilton seed drill, Doer ing cultivator. Cookabatt manure a render land roller, disc harrow, Petition Diamond harrows turnip seeder, nudger with all at. taahments, No 21 Fleury walking plow an plow,Bet of bob•alelghs with saw log bunko and bolsters fiat wood rook, hay rack with car, pig rack lumber wagon, wagon box,11. 15,, gravel box Climax tanning mill root pbnlpor, steel tiro buggy, nutter, eat single harneBB, 2 seta wbippletrees, neokyoke, Maud, erd °ream eepnrator, Daley °horn, emery stone, acgar kettle and 8 oak barrele, set of 2,000 1b. scalae, wire stretcher, gnen1lt' of cedar Poeta obalno, forks and other artloles too numerous to mention. The farm willni• so $Ioffered inins of 010 and nnder.oesh ; over that amount l2 mouths' credit given on tarn• Selling approved Joint notes, 4 per cent off for cash on oreolt amount°. Lend dwnere for seenrity. Telma for farm made known on day of sale, T. Gandy, Ana.` FRA NC4ER REIRNES, Prop,. Rob►, J. Ben, 0 it k, AUCTION SALE 015 FARM STOOK AND ItrPLkMENT8.-D, M. !Mott, Auctioneer, hos 10001004loetruotlons from the undersign. ed to 0011 by Pubito A notion 1st Lot 14, 000, 5, Grey township. ou Wednesday, Nov. 11th, at 1 O'olook Merle, the following preperty 1-1 brown Clyde Ore 8yeare Old, 1 bey 01yde mato 6 sera old, 1 grey Perehoron gelding 0 yours ofd, 1 gray Pereberon dify 8 years old, I bay Pen:Moron gelding 1 year old 1 bay Beeknoy filly necking colt, 7 ands burbnm QC/SYS due to freshen no follows 1-4 oow doe March 21n6, 1 oow due April Mat, 1 caw due Feb, let, i Mow dee Feb. 10511, 1 Cow due Ayrll 15th, 5 oow due Feh. 2101, 1 oow due March lot; 1 Jersey cow due to freshen Jan 20th, 1 Hol- stein sow Junto tre°hon Deo, iOEir, 10 atedro 1 year old, 8 bolfera 1 yo8r old, 8 ateer 0e1vee, 4 Hotter calves, I Carboni ball 1 yens old, 1 York oow bred Oot. 22nd 0York Plait2 months old, 4 Tamworth Piga 2l menthe ol, 2 geese end a gender, 1 Wagon with double beg and sprida seat, material for Making gravel box, I ona1Q dine 1 International 234 h. p, engine In go11d N5.0111105 °ilei, i Olt0el walking plow, 1 act of braessnounted breeohing harness iset 6f bob. Sleighs, s tone of timotbiy and Mfotor WI, 4' torts of timothy hey, 600 beetle's mixed grata, Salo Wlthent reserve as Proprlet'ot• re giving hp tarmine.tjaPhet I A , ,,,,.�;,,,. TERMS, --Sams of 110 and' naafi 1 ev Or that Meant, 10 mdnthe given on famish• ing Watered 50106 not601, 0 per cent off for C7reh an er0d10 amonht1, 5.aritl �_a�lrrndrO frit aeltnrity,i I OW Rom.dooazwj10, unit _,u,..s;4 .,, .,,...,,:. FroprloW.. Av0T4 N, 343,11 02 TARSI, )2AR61 STOCK Scott, Amnion ear, MOs been )nstruoted 117 the pnderalgned to alit by Pabllo A cation e t !.ot 24, Oen 4, Morris, an Thnre,tsy, Naveafbor 12th, at 1.80 o cloak, the meowing property 1-•1 saute 2ea y rs cid, 3 nate llntrlg t yenra, 1 ntareoolt rising 8 yaps, 1 *nw 5 gonia old des Dao. 20111, 1 airy .8 years old 11 to May, 1,01rOyears tad due lnMar , -, 1 vow 10 vein, o/d doe in May, 1 oow le ycare old 00l,ixlfepsA0/swre,01od5eerng ler, 7011/5o,I rubber tire buggy. 1 grate . crush erl1 etre y d earnpotter, dr1va cit, BOO Moneta asts,00 bushels pane TERMS.-12 months credit i',dgen on turnlsll•. tins approved pint notes, with dleooant of 4' 1 o tient Per Aeneas erf 501 moth u Pa to oils; t /111104110.. secetr, under Lowners for aeonrity, � WM, WILKINSON,wLlp Proprietor, A Uta'3`iON SALO OP FARM grs4 6TOc5, IMPLEMENTS, &c, ---D, hl. Scott, Atu•Siwneer, has received Instructions from, the undersigned to sell by Public AuctioaatLot 10, Oon, Z, elray, (tame rntlee Dead of Jau100- own), as 1 o'clock, sharp, on Thursday, Nov, btb,'the following iqg property 1--1drivin 6 r mare 5 years old; 1 holy"s delving mare 8 yeti's old, 1 Piot k horse 13 years Gild, 1 work horse 7 'yearn old 1600 thee 1 work horse 11) years old 1600 lbs., 1 work horse 3 years off, 1 work horse horse 4 years f'ff 1600 lbs„ 1 general purposeseam 8 years old, 2 Holstein heifers tislilg$ years, 1 heifer rising 3 years old, 2 yearling steers, 1 fist cow, 1 farrow cow, 1 Jersey supposed to freshen Feb. 11th, la Jersey supposed to freshen March 8, 1 Durham oow due to fresher, Dee. 20, 1 cow due to freshen July 10, 1 Durham cow due to freshen Dec. 28, 1 Aysbire cow 3 years old. '10 pigs, farm wagon nearly new, low wagon and box, 2 top rubber tired buggies, one neatly new, open rubber tired buggy nearly new, hay loader, seed drill, 2 furrow Kangaroo plow, riding plow, steel hay rake, 3 drum roller nearly new, disc barrow, 16 ft. harrow, set 2.000 ib. scales. 8.18, cut Deering mow- er, 7 -ft. cut Deering binder, fanning mill, set of sleigh's with flat rack, set sloop sleighs, piano box cutter, piano box cutter auto seat neatly new, fel hay rack 14 ft., hay rack, set of (boldine driving harness nearly new, set Goldlne baeneses, set team breech- ing harnest, get pony harness, cream separator, 1800 bushels oats, 25 tons of alfalfa bay, 10 tons Timothy and clov- er, 3 bags Flax eeed, scoop shovel, beg of Millet seed, 1 foetygallon oil tank, Saskatchewan' robe, 150 cords of stove wood, Ford ti uring car, Star 4 -door sedan, scoop shovel, chains, forks, potato fork, crowbar, coney taps. Sale without reserve as proprietor has leased his farm. TERAS.-Surxts of $10 and under cash ; over lltitt anionnt 9 months credit. 5% oft for mall on credit amounts, W. A. LOWRY,Prop, Wroxeter Cider and Apple Sutter T'eke,TQUY- Barring unforeseen accidents our Older. and Apple Butter VA will beoperated right along until "freeze-up." Get here early -4A the early bird that gets the worm." You need not peal, core not quarter your thickening apples as our proem eliminates that tedious job for the w na folks Jal n natextra a d no chax 8 •o to you, remember. We have apple butter on sale in wooden vessels a1 a York shill. ingper pound, including the pail, Apple Butter makes a delight- some relish, served with pleats, Including fowl, especially, It can be used to splendid advantage in plum pudding for Christmas ip looming up already. AN ODE . TO THE BACHELOR: Come all .ye weary bachelors n sittin' in y'er shacks, A tear upon your eyelids, heavy care upon your backs; Bny a pail of Apple Butter to help you in the strife, It soon develops courage to ask her be your wife. Gibson lumber' & Cider Ks Wroxeter ii I For Sale in Ethel Six,roomed, 1 -story house, good stable and heltwro potted. Opposite the sohoel house, Cheap, apply to W. dpenoe, I2.12 Tenders Tenders will be reoelved for the parches, of Lot 25, Con, 14, Grey Township, • Immediate PO/MOBalon. Apply at onOe t0, VY. M, SINCLAIR, 9olloitor for Mortgage. Farms for Sale twoomnek TIM undersigned offers for sate his 100 -sore farm beilag Nis Loi 25, Con, 7, Morris. Also 150 eeree, botng'North 54 Lot 20, and ail, IF, Oen. 7, Morris. Good -houses- and barge to drat-alaee condition, ale* all good onbband- lugs. Will salt with or without crop Rasa On for selling, poor health, For farther ppaart. Ioulers apply to W, H, M0OUTOHEoN, Proprietor, R.11,4, Brue.ele Farm for Sale (The old Hamilton Plaoe) Desirable Propertyfor Sale 190 sorsa, •being N Lots 7 8.9 and. North 40.aorea of lb, Con. S, Tarnberry township. Large drstrola°s barn, splendid stone etablint nndernantb wladrafll, targe driving eho4 Solid Brick 8 -room dwelling located In Bros - eels, on,kaare lot with Mont trees, shrubbery and beautiful lawn, The property esti be seen by calling on Tali/ Mo1adzeen, (next door), Will be sold ata saorldoe to *lose out estate. Write L. 4. Danford, Suite 028, Pict National Bank Badding, Detroit, Web., or apply to Jas. ?Iol'adzean, Brunie, P. 0, NOTICE TO OREDITOR$.,in the ./ matter of the estate of Enoch Clark, tato of tho Township of McMillen, In tho County of Huron Yoemnn, deC:ea9ad. 1 Nottee la hereby given pursuant to "Thalia. ' vtsed Statatos of Ontario;' phopter 120, that all oredltore end others having dolma against the estate of the 00id Enoch Clark, lute of the Township of MoZillop, in the County 0f Enron d a eoe ed o a who died OAor eighth ' about the th da of o lfapthe 81 t da D, 1 Shover, mitred, on or efyrppms day r f liver o I 1026, to send by post 5102d or deliver to Ali O inlet;n he01 lheor of the leer and ton sods* A the dress eaand 4 tail. Cons, the andanrnamef ur$ 0! a it Maim, Phone, tee tall l lhol ace of their 0 050'. the 2 She a ce of their 0oti 201(1 and the 05 t. 1 pro dfart eer take a (]tics h that after them, - And further take notice attar anoh ]set 1 mentioned date the old Executor Farms for Sale ahwill Gra teed to dlatrlbnte the ansate of the deaeneod 100 aures of land, being the eolith 34 of Lot 6, Con. 8, and the swath 36 o1 Lot 10, Oon, 71n the Townehlp of Morris. heae farina ere offered for sale to close up the estate of the late James Smith. I1 sot sold they will be rented for pas- ture. For particulars apply to the exesntore. 1 HENRY$ SMITH, N «.. JOHM DAR tr,Proprietor• n Ong the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the o;elnia of which they sha then have notioe, and that the paid Executor will not e b llabla for t be said d e u so s o an I(4 art thereof t r 7 I P ° to any personrereesoec l ed by hiolms notice time shall not bane been oecelved by bim at Dated the tClintoo Ot ntario this efsth day of October, 1925, W.BBYDONE, Solicitor tor the Executor. good frame house and stone kitchen, large orobard, never falling spring on farm. 2 miles from Wroxeter village and I mile from sohoot This farm has been in pasture for some yearn and will give highest returns. Farm load veinal; will rise, For partloulare apply to THOS. 0188022 A.dminlatrator John R. Gi'bson.estale P. 0. box 77 Wroxeter Phone 80 Farm for Sale a-e....e 11100 sora Farm. for Bale, being South half lot 27, Con, 9, Township of Morrie. On premises are n good Murk barn, 78940 with good dement stabling ; driving shed 48x24 • comfortable, good, frame house with good atone (teller • two good we never -tailing ; about 6 acres good maple bush. This farm fs well fenced 'and in situated. In from Village at 1wanes., oleo 1 mile from school and church. .For fur- ther particulars apply an the premises or to, 11.44 J A' 14.13 4, Wa kin. Farm for Sale The undersigned affera his 00•aoro farm for sale, beim South art of e Lot l Township. , Con. 7, Grey W Good 2, story d to r Mitek house, y sae Maa 1F barn, 1xw feet, with al cleared Gear! well, alae soft shier. Land alto Mat except 2 acres *dont bash and undeorsa 1 od1*1 state of own, About sore o aortia d fall wheal sown. About en aero of orobard, also all kinds of fruit, 834 miles to either Brussels or Ethel. Rural telephone and rural. moll.. will sell reaeoaable on account of B1•beetth. Foe further particulars enquire onthe promisee, al war, for •,Z4 IT 'k Christmas Greeting Dards Less than Eight Weeks Till Christmas Before buying your Christmas Greeting Cards, look through Four bright new stock which arrived this week. We do the Printing in our own office and the prices are moderate. The Brussels Post