HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-10-21, Page 8YT` rhe { Gnca21L Store Your Snap Shots Pictures neatly mounted ie a Kodak Album, do not get lost, and nicely displayed and tilted on the page of the album, gain much h interest as time goes by. Snap. Shot Albums At 35e, 75e, $1,001 $1.25 and up Kodak Photo Paste, Dry Mount- ing Tissue and Art Corners for inserting the snaps. DAtilow is agood time to lova ex -KO prints made from some of .your favorite negatives of-,pie- turee taken last summer. Painted Fires The new book by Nellie Mc- Clung, author of "Sowing Seeds in Danny." Price $2.00. New P. S. Hygiene 25c Now in Stock Melolds 25c Pkgs. A reliable remedy for Throat Irritations Formolid Throat Ease 10c and 25c Pkgs. Cherry Bark Cough Syrup 35c and 60c Bots. Dennison's Crepe Paper All the popular shades, nothing better or cheaper for decora- ations for parties, making fan- cy costumes, etc. Folds 20c Rolls 15c Hallowe'en Feist C erd5, Fancy C8 dneS Place .Cards, N e.vtlti, s, E.C. T. R. SMITH The �...� Store I uggist and Stet,+,+,er a.l «;-ee;«eeee-1 d»».w;-,»T : feeel ; ;4.1 ;» ,144.4 , •e~-14.4 4.1,4- *r'e;».»:eeeTee»let«:»rb Local 1Vews Items ._ re;«b+a-d»`cs4,»:»T», •f»:»aee»:»:»b•:-4'-: , . `-t . S :N.�3 s•H-:»k-.~ise+."c«.»r ;••;As •»«, »: Shipped a Car of Potatoes. W. J. McCracken shipped a ear of potatoes to New York market last week. Going South. Many flocks of wild geese have been passing over the town on their way southward. A pretty good sign that winter is on the way. New Stamp. The new tight -cent stamp which will be used on letters to foreign countries is now ready for distribu- tion to postoffices, according to a de- spatch received from Ottawa. The new issue is blue in color. Hydro Did Not Like Storm. The first real taste of the coming Winter hit us on Monday morning and by evening the ground was cov- ered with snow. All day a raw wind blew around generally. Hydro blink- ed several times during the afternoon and frequently in the evening. Third in Junior Series. Arc'hor Grewar, who is attending the Waterloo Seminary and College, won third in the Junior series of the annual field and track meat last Thursday. Archer was 1st in the 440 yards, time 1,04 3''5; 1st in the 880 yards, time 2.48; 1st in the ing broad jump, 7 feet. 63 inches; and 3rd in high jump, May Get Into Trouble. Some boys in town are going to get into trouble if they don't mind their own business. Recently they took all the bowls out of the Club house and threw them into the river. Some of the members discovered the bowls and got them out, lt's a little risky meddling with other people's affairs. Rural Deliveries. By an order from Ottawa which has been received in Brussels, as well as in other places, rural mail deliver- ies will not, hereafter, be made on New Year's Day, Good Friday, Vic- toria Day, Dominion Day, Labor Day and Thanksgiving Day. Suspension of deliveries' on civic holidays is said to he not practical, in view of the fact that the date on which it falls is a matter decided locally and. not the same throughout the Dominion. Were at Stratford. Messrs S. Wilton, W. A. Grewar, W. C. Smith, Walter Williamson and William Pawson motored to Stratford last Thursday evening and saw the Imperial Degree staff of London con- fer the Degree of Friendship on a class of 19 candidates. They did the work in a most impressive manner, and the visitors along with the other 600 who were present were greatly pleased with the work of, the degree team. Compel Stop at R. R. Crossings, Donald F. McGraw, assistant to the Chief Claims Agent of the Canadian National Railways, said the other night thlet the railways, Municipal Councils and the Dominion Board of Railways Commissioners had of late' been giving very close attention to the matte[ of the protection of the level erotic maw. Up to the middle of July there hail been an increase of , 25 per cent. in the number of auto neeidente at crossings, Under o'do'r from the Dominion Railyway Board, protection is being given as fast as the railways and: Municipal Councils can sheet the heavy financial burden involved. Until all crossings are pro- tected, Mr. McGaw who has had long experience in investigating railway accidents at crossings, said the only method is for the passing of a law compelling all motorists to come tc a dead stop on approaching any railway WOOD for sale on Lot 19, Con, 17, Grey. Apply to Harry Keys, 18-tf Phone 6519. FOR Sale.—Four head of four-year old cattle. 18-1 Geo. McNair, Phone 439. APPLES For Sale.—Winter apples, consisting of Northern Spies, Tol- man Sweets, Balwins, etc., Apply Jas. S. Armstrong, Grey Twp. 18-tf Phone 2319. FOR Sale. --8 Pigs ready to wean.. Robert Locking, Phone 55-15. WANTED.—Women, men or boys to pin chickens and ducks. Day wage or piece work arranyed. Ap- ply at the office. Robt. Thomson. NOW is Cocoa time. .1 Ib. of Cow- an's Pure Cocoa for 15c at, W. A. Grewar's. FOR Sale. 70 year-old Rock hens. 17-tf Phone 456. LOST.—Strayed from Lot 1, Con. 8, Elena, after Oct. 9, a bay mare, 4 years old, with three white legs and white face, branded Ox0 on left shoulder. Any information sent to, Alex McDonald, 17-tf Bluevale, R. R. 2, Phone, Molesworth. HOUSE For Sale.—Good frame house on Flora Street is offered for sale and if not sold before Nov. let. will be rented. Apply to, Dune. McKinnon, Brussels. Phone 39r3, FOUND.—Fountain pen. .Owner may have same by paying for this advt. FOR Sale. -3 Oxford ram lambs. Phone 11-16 Roy Turvey. STRAYED from Lot 30, Con. 10, Grey, a bay horse colt, 2 years old. Any information leading to i its recovery will be thankfully re- ceived. Phone 609 Will, Speiran. LITTLE White pig, about 7 weeks old, strayed from Lot. 19, Con. 6, Morris, on Saturday, Sept. 19. Finder please notify, E. L. Ber- nerd, Phone 36-9, FOR Sale, -4:1 acre lot on Princess street, with good barn well and cistern, For further particulars apply to Mrs. Parker, Kincardine, or A. 11. Macdonald, Brussels. 1 Next Thursday will be Election ! Day. Flax Mill Shut Down. The flax mill is shut down this week owing to the flax becoming wet, They expect to be running in a few days. Had Ankle Sprained. While playing in the softball match between Blythand Brussels Continua- tion School, Miss Luella Champion had her ankle sprained. She is able to get around alright now, but had a iulticeable limp for a few days. i Took Part in Program. The Post is very sorry that last week, when mentioning the program in the Town Hall under the auspices of the. Anglican Church, we neglected the name of Miss Doreen Lewin, who delighted the audience with a violin solo and had to respond to an encore, Miss Mason was the accompanist. We hope Miss Doreen will forgive us this time and we promise not to be neglectful again. Temperance Rally, A rally meeting of the Temperance workers will be held in the United Church, Brussels, on Thursday even- ing, Oct. 2Znd. A good program of songs, recitations and en address by the pastor, Req., Mr, Barker, on 'in- formation on in- for•mationon the present Temperance situation will be given. t:lverybod interested in the Temperance work aro invited' to atend the meeting. A. crossing. collection will he taken. t•h''r•F+ l' i F i h•rrd •F -i •feel Nd d,•} +1. • Brussels united Church REV. A. W, BARKFR.' 6. D. MI NW ST ER Sunday, Oct. 25th 11 a.m.—Public Worship. "The Four Winds" 3 p.m.—Sabbath School Ses- sion and Bible Classes. 7 p.m.—Public Worship. "Trustees of Life" Tuesday Young People's League. Wednesday—Prayer and Praise service. Friday :Choir rehearsal. Anniversary Services Sunday and Monday, Nov, 1 & 2 The meeting of the Boards of Session and Stewards will not be held Friday evening of this week, but a week from Friday, Oct. 30th, at 8 o'clock, r++++++++++++++++++++++ ++5 October will soon be through. Election Day,. Oct. 29th, in 8 days more. Thanksgiving Day is on Monday, November 9th, Monday's snow storm gave us a real taste of the coming winter weath- er. Public Meeting. J. W. King, M.P., and the l'ragr;•a- sive candidate for North Huron, will hold a public meeting in the Town Hall on Friday evening of this week. Besides Mr. King, Sheldon Bricker and others will address the meeting. Ladies are especially invited to attend the meeting. A Natural industry. The total number of dairy factor- ies in operation in Canada in 1924 was 2,998, and the total value of pro- duction was $124,143,470, according. to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. This is a decrease of nine in the num- ber of factories and an increase of $4,023,080 in the value of products, compared with 1923. Death of Mrs. Loekie Wilson. Members of Agricultural and Hor- ticultural Societies who have been, in the active work and became acquaint- ed with J. Leckie Wilson, the well- known Superintendent of these De- partments, will regret to learn that Mrs. Wilson died suddenly at her home in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. Wilson did not arrive home until 2 hours after her death, having been at Brockville attending the Provincial Plowing Match. A grown up family also survive. What Would Happen in Brussels Town Hall? The Brantford Expositor had the following Editorial note. which will be interesting reading for some peo- ple who would like good order when concerts are being given in the Town Hall.—"In a Toronto playhouse, by order of the management, a patron who was reading a newspaper was requested to put it up while the vaudeville was on. It is only in the House of Commons and the Loeal Legislature that the reading of news- papers is permitted while the per- formance is in progress." Engegament Announced, Mr. and Mrs, William Johnston, Blyth. Ont., announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Fern to Mr, Alec M. Fox, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Fox, Brussels, Ont, the marriage to take place quietly early in November. Will Soon Be Here. Next. Thursday, Oct. 2Gth, will be Election day and the afternoon will be a public holiday, but that does not make any difference in Brussels as the town still continues to take Thurs- day afternoon as the weekly half holiday. Reissues Beer Licenses. In preparation for the new 4.4 beer sale license re -issue, which is to take place on Oct. 31, Attorney -General ',Tickle is having new 1926 licenses printed. The new licenses will go out to all present license holders upon the payment of 1926 license "fees, with the exception, it is understood, of one or two offenders, who are des- tined to be cut off. Personal Paragraphs• ) Mrs. Doll is visiting at Woodstock. Miss Agnes Wallace, of Clinton, is the guest of Mrs. J. L. Kerr. M. T. Coxless, of Clinton; was a visitor in town on Friday last, Mrs, Philip Ament is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lynn, at Walkerville. Mrs. B. McKinnon is visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) R. E. Robert- son, at Collingwood. Harold and Mrs. Deem and son, Hagersvi'.le, spent the week end with the latter's sister, Mrs. A. W. Dennison. Will Long, eif the Bank of Nova Scotia, North Bay, has been spending his holidays with his parents, John and Mrs. Long. Jos. and Mrs. Hunter and James and Mrs. Hunter, of Detroit were visitors at the home of DavieRoss, sr., last week. Mrs, J. H. Wilkie and daughter ) Miss Ina, and Mr. Art Harrison, of London, were guests with the Misses McCracken on Sunday. J. H. and Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Slemmon, of London, were visitors here last Saturday, attending the fun era' of the late Mrs. Ross. George Edwards and Master Brian Mrs. Churchill and Miss Norene, of London, were week end visitors with their parents, Geo, and Mrs. Edwards. Miss Mary Ross returned on Mon- day from her visit to New York city. Miss Ross had a delightful motor trip both going and coming back to Tor- onto. Miss Kate Ament was a visitor in London last Thursday. Miss Addie Cardiff is visiting in London and Walkerville. Barrister W. M. Sinclair was a vis- itor in Toronto last week. Mrs. Macbeau, of Detroit, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Robert Kerr. • Rev. C. F, Clarke, of Goderieh, eves calling on old friends in town this week. Dr. Fred and Mrs. Gilpin, of De- troit, spent the week end at the form- er's parents, J. J. and Mrs. Gilpin. James and Mrs. Armstrong are visiting their daughter, Mrs. George Somerville at Acton, and a young granddaughter. Robert McAlpine, of St. Marys; Will A. Ross, Fergus; J. H. and Mrs. Cameron, London; Miss Jennie Mil- ler, Toronto; R. A. and Mrs. Chemie, Mrs, Charlie Clemie, Miss Clemie, Mrs, (Dr.) James Moore and T. L. Hamilton, of Listowel, attended the funeral of the late Mrs; Wm. Ross on Saturday. Church Notes United Church Last Thursday evening the con- gregation voted for the election of members to the Session and the Stew- ards. Those elected are; Session— P. McArthur, Robt. Strachan, D. C, Ross. H. L. Jackson, 11. Hoover, P. Mitchell, T. McCall, J. Fulton, S. F. Davidson; Stewards—Dr. Hamilton, M. Black, Jas. Fox, E. Cardiff, W, Stevenson, W. Hemingway, T. Grant, S. Wheeler, R. Ferguson, W. Rose, Melville Presbyterian Church Next Sabbath Rev T. J. Robinson, • of Stratford, will conduct the services lin Melville Church morning and even, in The services in Melville Church last Sabbath were conducted by Rev. S. C. Graeb, of Toronto, who spoke in the morning on 1 Cor. 1,:2 The Church of God." The speaker dealt with the different ways in which the word "church" is used: as a building, a congregation, and a denomination, but he wished to give it the wider meaning of all those who are follow- ers of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Bible the church is spoken of under different images (1) The Household of God. Agreement of opinion does not constitute a household but dif- ference of opinion with a common head—God. (2) 'The Household of Faith. (3) The Temple of God. After His Ascension Christ descended in the spirit and took up His abode FOXY The Sto'. `41°"°' Store WEEK Y STORE NEWS Fountain Pens and trer Sharp Pencils are becoming more in use ev- ery day—our stock at the pre- sent time is very complete, both in The Waterman and Parker line and both makes are fully guaranteed, We Can Save you a bit of money if you leave your Razor Blades with us to be sharpened. Those who have tried it have found the work entirely satisfactory.. Single Edge 3e. Double Edge 4c. QUITE A SAVING ISN'T IT? and if not satisfactory it: w ii l' cost you nothing There are many uses to which a good Hot Water Bottle may be used. The season is coming on—We have a very good line,of them and you don't need to pay a very big price either—dont forget our per- sonal guarantee goes with each bottle. The Old Saying "an ounce of prevention is bet-- ter et=ter than a pound of cure" is• just as true to -day as when it was first uttered and it certain- ly most aptly applies to our old' reliable Penslar Cod Liver Extract As a"Tonie and Builder $1.00 per Large Bottle The Flies are staying right with us, but their visit will be considerably shortened if treated to a mild shower of FLY Tox BEST THING- FOR FLIES SOc PER BOTTLE Our Developing and Printing Business has grown very rapidly this sea- son, but of course there's a rea- son. The work is the very best and a prompt service besides EASTMAN FILMS IN THE YELLOW BOX —ALL SIZES— FOX'S DRUG STORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" p0WN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER in the bodies of His disciples, (4) The I3ride of Christ. God working in the church is preparing a bride for Christ. At the evening service the text was John 6 28:29 "What shall we do that we might work the work of God?". This is the work of God that we believe in Jesus whole He bath sent. Why did Jesus say "Be- lieve in Jesus whom He bath sent?" Because it is easier to believe in God through Jesus than apart from Him. In this way we get a grander con- ception of God. If the first essent- ial is to .believe in Jesus, what is faith? The essentials of saving faith are (1) Knowledge of Christ through study of the Bible. (2) Approbation of the knowledge gained. (3) Lean- ing on Jesus. MARRIED Duly se -MORAY -At the United Parsonage, (tthel, on Wednesday, Oct 14th, 19•.5, in Rev D. MW01, OuaAt, a. Anifnainn M., onlr: don !titter of Niro rhristina. )•tcR,' and the lass WIlnarn V AIc$ay, of Gar Twp„ to 2iobert Elgin Dewar, of Elmo Twp. DIED Fj$Oil -1n Stratford, on Saturday, not. 70, j 1025, Mary Elizabeth, beloved wife at 8m• m5euel duals, aged 54 years and four lies ---On her alghiyn(r+th birthday, tither; home, 280 (otiinehnm treat Toronto, Georgian Ross. wtdew of the late William Rios,, of Brussels, Ontario. SAe:s-On Wednesday, Oat 14, 1020. at Win. 115 5, Men., Alfred E Sands, eldest son of George Sarnia, -24 Carling Ave., Tor. onto. RARN SDMSHvn,os -In Acton, on Friday, October 955, 1025, to George and Mrs. Somerville, (nee 011a Armalroag). a daughter. Auction Sale.. TneasnAY, 00T. '22sn: Farm, farm Moak, eta., property of G G. Snelling, at Lot 15, Con.. 17, Gray, et 1 o'oloek. G. G. Snelling, Prop., W. J, Dowd, Ano. WentreaosY, OCT 28TH. --Farm ateck, Imp- lements and grain, at EL Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey. Sale Prop ,D MflScottt..Ancloak. J. E. Rop- TateRDAT, NOV. 8nn,-Farm stook, Imp- lements, &a, at Lot 19, "an. 6 litorrla. Sale unreserved at 1 O'clock, Russel Marks, Prop., D. M. Scott, Aua wsnsr-sae', Nnv 11TH. -Farm. Farm stook and Implements, et 1 lit 14.5th Con, of Grey, at 1 o'clock Robe. Cochrane, Prep., D. M. Soatt, Auctioneer ERtJSSELS MARKET Pall Wheat ,......., 8110 Peas ... 110 Barley ..... ,..,.«........-... . ,... 60 Oats 85 Buckwheat - 70 Butter.' - 88 27 Bogs 41 to00 85 1825 Wroxeter Property For Sale One of the beat loyal* Wroxeter for sale Solid brinkresidence oak trim thronghoat. Ilea lot furnace. eleotrio lights, geed hen, house, sort awl hard water, oleo oaaa•000t. - Apply 5585.050 E, TAIT, Wroaster, Ont. Phone 87-2 - - 1 •;uitting the Carpet and Furnishing Business in russels And Saturday, Oct. 24th, is the Final Day LISTEN PEOPLE! You are missing the chance of a Life -time to Save Real Good Cana- dian Dollars if you don't buy your House Furnishing Require- ments equire-ments during this Sen- sational Closing - out Sale. J. H. HART The Last Shot Will be fired in this Closing out Sale next Saturday ---and every item of Merchandise in stock is being Unmercifully Slaughtered in price to affect a real Wall-to-wall Clearance. We don't want to move the Goods ---the money, if it is ever so little, is more easily transported, so look out for even BIGGER BARGAINS during the final days. Make sure YOU get your share of this Merchandise at almost your own price before we say Good-bye to Brussels. The Red FrontStore Next American Hotel Phone 100 JAS. GR IMOLDBY , n Q 12 f ft l2 n Jt it ,�res,, * g4t 9. ft Jt i1 i% n R it 11 t 8A: 4pThe 7t� 'ei;� Pr fit Lies in the Finish T1 iorlYS to market, cattle will the 1. WNWdagia0 of deist). A ytsslity pi educt always conn Wands a wending( pi �t BANKING FIFTY YEARS a"d is readily saleable et a profitable pi ice. If yon have stock which ()reds a little thele time for liiiiehing, and the read is eearce,see the local nia"ager of the Standard Back. 1t ie a simple met- ter to carry the stock until a fevocabte market wrtt•rants a profitable Bale. THL STANDARD BANK OF CANADA, BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Semis, Manager Engegament Announced, Mr. and Mrs, William Johnston, Blyth. Ont., announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Fern to Mr, Alec M. Fox, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Fox, Brussels, Ont, the marriage to take place quietly early in November. Will Soon Be Here. Next. Thursday, Oct. 2Gth, will be Election day and the afternoon will be a public holiday, but that does not make any difference in Brussels as the town still continues to take Thurs- day afternoon as the weekly half holiday. Reissues Beer Licenses. In preparation for the new 4.4 beer sale license re -issue, which is to take place on Oct. 31, Attorney -General ',Tickle is having new 1926 licenses printed. The new licenses will go out to all present license holders upon the payment of 1926 license "fees, with the exception, it is understood, of one or two offenders, who are des- tined to be cut off. Personal Paragraphs• ) Mrs. Doll is visiting at Woodstock. Miss Agnes Wallace, of Clinton, is the guest of Mrs. J. L. Kerr. M. T. Coxless, of Clinton; was a visitor in town on Friday last, Mrs, Philip Ament is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lynn, at Walkerville. Mrs. B. McKinnon is visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) R. E. Robert- son, at Collingwood. Harold and Mrs. Deem and son, Hagersvi'.le, spent the week end with the latter's sister, Mrs. A. W. Dennison. Will Long, eif the Bank of Nova Scotia, North Bay, has been spending his holidays with his parents, John and Mrs. Long. Jos. and Mrs. Hunter and James and Mrs. Hunter, of Detroit were visitors at the home of DavieRoss, sr., last week. Mrs, J. H. Wilkie and daughter ) Miss Ina, and Mr. Art Harrison, of London, were guests with the Misses McCracken on Sunday. J. H. and Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Slemmon, of London, were visitors here last Saturday, attending the fun era' of the late Mrs. Ross. George Edwards and Master Brian Mrs. Churchill and Miss Norene, of London, were week end visitors with their parents, Geo, and Mrs. Edwards. Miss Mary Ross returned on Mon- day from her visit to New York city. Miss Ross had a delightful motor trip both going and coming back to Tor- onto. Miss Kate Ament was a visitor in London last Thursday. Miss Addie Cardiff is visiting in London and Walkerville. Barrister W. M. Sinclair was a vis- itor in Toronto last week. Mrs. Macbeau, of Detroit, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Robert Kerr. • Rev. C. F, Clarke, of Goderieh, eves calling on old friends in town this week. Dr. Fred and Mrs. Gilpin, of De- troit, spent the week end at the form- er's parents, J. J. and Mrs. Gilpin. James and Mrs. Armstrong are visiting their daughter, Mrs. George Somerville at Acton, and a young granddaughter. Robert McAlpine, of St. Marys; Will A. Ross, Fergus; J. H. and Mrs. Cameron, London; Miss Jennie Mil- ler, Toronto; R. A. and Mrs. Chemie, Mrs, Charlie Clemie, Miss Clemie, Mrs, (Dr.) James Moore and T. L. Hamilton, of Listowel, attended the funeral of the late Mrs; Wm. Ross on Saturday. Church Notes United Church Last Thursday evening the con- gregation voted for the election of members to the Session and the Stew- ards. Those elected are; Session— P. McArthur, Robt. Strachan, D. C, Ross. H. L. Jackson, 11. Hoover, P. Mitchell, T. McCall, J. Fulton, S. F. Davidson; Stewards—Dr. Hamilton, M. Black, Jas. Fox, E. Cardiff, W, Stevenson, W. Hemingway, T. Grant, S. Wheeler, R. Ferguson, W. Rose, Melville Presbyterian Church Next Sabbath Rev T. J. Robinson, • of Stratford, will conduct the services lin Melville Church morning and even, in The services in Melville Church last Sabbath were conducted by Rev. S. C. Graeb, of Toronto, who spoke in the morning on 1 Cor. 1,:2 The Church of God." The speaker dealt with the different ways in which the word "church" is used: as a building, a congregation, and a denomination, but he wished to give it the wider meaning of all those who are follow- ers of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Bible the church is spoken of under different images (1) The Household of God. Agreement of opinion does not constitute a household but dif- ference of opinion with a common head—God. (2) 'The Household of Faith. (3) The Temple of God. After His Ascension Christ descended in the spirit and took up His abode FOXY The Sto'. `41°"°' Store WEEK Y STORE NEWS Fountain Pens and trer Sharp Pencils are becoming more in use ev- ery day—our stock at the pre- sent time is very complete, both in The Waterman and Parker line and both makes are fully guaranteed, We Can Save you a bit of money if you leave your Razor Blades with us to be sharpened. Those who have tried it have found the work entirely satisfactory.. Single Edge 3e. Double Edge 4c. QUITE A SAVING ISN'T IT? and if not satisfactory it: w ii l' cost you nothing There are many uses to which a good Hot Water Bottle may be used. The season is coming on—We have a very good line,of them and you don't need to pay a very big price either—dont forget our per- sonal guarantee goes with each bottle. The Old Saying "an ounce of prevention is bet-- ter et=ter than a pound of cure" is• just as true to -day as when it was first uttered and it certain- ly most aptly applies to our old' reliable Penslar Cod Liver Extract As a"Tonie and Builder $1.00 per Large Bottle The Flies are staying right with us, but their visit will be considerably shortened if treated to a mild shower of FLY Tox BEST THING- FOR FLIES SOc PER BOTTLE Our Developing and Printing Business has grown very rapidly this sea- son, but of course there's a rea- son. The work is the very best and a prompt service besides EASTMAN FILMS IN THE YELLOW BOX —ALL SIZES— FOX'S DRUG STORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" p0WN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER in the bodies of His disciples, (4) The I3ride of Christ. God working in the church is preparing a bride for Christ. At the evening service the text was John 6 28:29 "What shall we do that we might work the work of God?". This is the work of God that we believe in Jesus whole He bath sent. Why did Jesus say "Be- lieve in Jesus whom He bath sent?" Because it is easier to believe in God through Jesus than apart from Him. In this way we get a grander con- ception of God. If the first essent- ial is to .believe in Jesus, what is faith? The essentials of saving faith are (1) Knowledge of Christ through study of the Bible. (2) Approbation of the knowledge gained. (3) Lean- ing on Jesus. MARRIED Duly se -MORAY -At the United Parsonage, (tthel, on Wednesday, Oct 14th, 19•.5, in Rev D. MW01, OuaAt, a. Anifnainn M., onlr: don !titter of Niro rhristina. )•tcR,' and the lass WIlnarn V AIc$ay, of Gar Twp„ to 2iobert Elgin Dewar, of Elmo Twp. DIED Fj$Oil -1n Stratford, on Saturday, not. 70, j 1025, Mary Elizabeth, beloved wife at 8m• m5euel duals, aged 54 years and four lies ---On her alghiyn(r+th birthday, tither; home, 280 (otiinehnm treat Toronto, Georgian Ross. wtdew of the late William Rios,, of Brussels, Ontario. SAe:s-On Wednesday, Oat 14, 1020. at Win. 115 5, Men., Alfred E Sands, eldest son of George Sarnia, -24 Carling Ave., Tor. onto. RARN SDMSHvn,os -In Acton, on Friday, October 955, 1025, to George and Mrs. Somerville, (nee 011a Armalroag). a daughter. Auction Sale.. TneasnAY, 00T. '22sn: Farm, farm Moak, eta., property of G G. Snelling, at Lot 15, Con.. 17, Gray, et 1 o'oloek. G. G. Snelling, Prop., W. J, Dowd, Ano. WentreaosY, OCT 28TH. --Farm ateck, Imp- lements and grain, at EL Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey. Sale Prop ,D MflScottt..Ancloak. J. E. Rop- TateRDAT, NOV. 8nn,-Farm stook, Imp- lements, &a, at Lot 19, "an. 6 litorrla. Sale unreserved at 1 O'clock, Russel Marks, Prop., D. M. Scott, Aua wsnsr-sae', Nnv 11TH. -Farm. Farm stook and Implements, et 1 lit 14.5th Con, of Grey, at 1 o'clock Robe. Cochrane, Prep., D. M. Soatt, Auctioneer ERtJSSELS MARKET Pall Wheat ,......., 8110 Peas ... 110 Barley ..... ,..,.«........-... . ,... 60 Oats 85 Buckwheat - 70 Butter.' - 88 27 Bogs 41 to00 85 1825 Wroxeter Property For Sale One of the beat loyal* Wroxeter for sale Solid brinkresidence oak trim thronghoat. Ilea lot furnace. eleotrio lights, geed hen, house, sort awl hard water, oleo oaaa•000t. - Apply 5585.050 E, TAIT, Wroaster, Ont. Phone 87-2 - - 1 •;uitting the Carpet and Furnishing Business in russels And Saturday, Oct. 24th, is the Final Day LISTEN PEOPLE! You are missing the chance of a Life -time to Save Real Good Cana- dian Dollars if you don't buy your House Furnishing Require- ments equire-ments during this Sen- sational Closing - out Sale. J. H. HART The Last Shot Will be fired in this Closing out Sale next Saturday ---and every item of Merchandise in stock is being Unmercifully Slaughtered in price to affect a real Wall-to-wall Clearance. We don't want to move the Goods ---the money, if it is ever so little, is more easily transported, so look out for even BIGGER BARGAINS during the final days. Make sure YOU get your share of this Merchandise at almost your own price before we say Good-bye to Brussels. The Red FrontStore Next American Hotel Phone 100 JAS. GR IMOLDBY