HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-10-7, Page 8New Paper Will Brighten up Your Home at Fall House-cleaning Time For the same expenditure there is nothing in the way of improvements that will show bigger results than fresh, up- to-date wall paper. By using semi -trimmed wall papers the disorder and muss caused by the work is considerably les- sened, and there is not so much cleaning up afterwards, See our wide assortment of new patterns, and there will be no difficulty in selecting something suitable for any room in the house. The prices are moderate. At .$1.98 WE have a few papers of which the quantity is getting small, and we are offering room -lots wall paper with border to' match at this price. They are bargains. I. R. SMIT, isoq 4d -a Store r iggist and. Stationer +•t. :4.+,14-.W 4-4:.8 Mw . ti+4-- '+ :�.`s404-4.4. Mme. . i Mf,.44-:-' MMCO--.. «H $ i t AI' ;2 Local News Itet. ms tt. Met at Exeter. The Huron Deanery met at Exeter on Tuesday of this week. Rev. Mr: Lewin attended the session. Will Hold Bazaar. The Ladies' Aid Society of Melville Church will hold a Bazaar in the. Town Hall on Saturday, Oct. 31st. Watch for further particulars. Attended Funeral. Many members of Brussels L. 0. L attended the funeral of the ae Frederick ex ck Rod ez's uat Win ham on Thursday last. Deceased attended the 12th here in July.. Tongue Broke. As Earl Soarers was going to to into the driveway of the American Hotel Wednesday morning, with big load of trunks, the tongue bra and he was like a man with the stee ing gear gone on his Ford. Fowl Supper and Sale of Baking. The ladies of St. Ambrose R. C. Church will hold a fine fowl supper and sale of home made baking in the Public Library on Saturday, Oct. 17. See advt. and bills. District Press Meeting. The Duferin and Wellington Pres Association will hold a district meet- ing at Palmerston on Friday, Oct ith. Louis J. Ball, the new manage of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association will be present. The Ed- itor of the Post has been invited to attend the meeting. Fowl Supper and Concert. Next Monday evening from 5.30 until 8 p.m. a hot fowl supper will be served in the basement of St. John's church, to be followed by a concert and play in the 'Lown Hall by the Capt, Abel Concert and'Dramatic Co. See advt. and large posters for par- ticulars. s .AR Matt. Armstrong Dead. W. A. Grewar received word on Tuesday stating that Matt. Armstrong had died Sept. 25th at New Orleans and was buried there. The late Mr, Armstrong was the catcher for the old Brussels Clippers and left here years ago, He visited here a few years ago. He always kept up cor respond, enee with Billy Grewar and Dr. Show at Clinton, who had invited him back to Canada to attend the Old Boys' Reunion, but he wrote he was unable to accept the invitation. Sister Dies at Seaforth. Engagement Announced. W. J. and Mrs. Fawcett, Toronto, and former residents of Brussels, an- nounce the engagement of their dau- ghter, Mary, to Kenneth Morley Kil- bourn, son of Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kilbourn, the marriage to take place Oct. 27th at Howard Park United Church. FOU ND, -A pair of dark ark rimmed glasses loft alike home of Mrs. Jas. a chile of the sewing of� the Ladies Aid of Melville church. The owner may have them by paying for this not- ice. tux FOUND. -2 yards of gingham, be- tween bridge and 9th Con. Own - a er can have same by paying for ke this advt. r- Wn1, Alcock, Phone 2311. FLAX Seed Meal for sale at the Brus- sels Flax Mill, LITTLE White pig, about 7 weeks old, strayed from Lot. 19, Con. 6, Morris, on Saturday, Sept. 19. Finder please notify, E. L. Ber- nard, Phone 36-9, BUNCH .of Pigs, 7 weeks old, for sale, . Apply at Lot 24, Con. 7, s Grey. Phone 8516. 15-2 George Addy.. • 1 CHOICE Fall Honey for sale. .About Oxx Z' hursda word wasreceived aceived that MTs. Franko H 1 stead m badp asH - ccI away at noon at her home on Goderich street, Seaford'', Deceased was the eldest sister of Mrs. Peter Scott of town. A press reports gives the following: -'Phe death at noon Thursday at her .home on Goderich street of Mrs. Frank I3:olmstead came as n great shock to her friends, as few even knew that she had been Ili. She attended service at St. Thomas' Chtn'ch on Sunday morning but was taken 0.1 that evening. At first noth- ing serious was anticipated, but on Monday her condition became worse and apojilexy developed, from which she died. Mrs, Helmstead was the eldest daughter of the late J, P. Brine, and was twice married, her 'first husband being the late Allan McLean, who died about 30 years ago. On March 12, 1917, she mare reed Frank Hohnetead; ICC, who sur- vives her, with one son by the former marriage, A. I;, McLean, of Swift Current, Ml's. Hoimstead was be- loved for hoc pleasing personality and was prominent hi churchand philan- thro tic week. She was president of the Red Cross Society and during the war, was an indefatigable worker, The funeral was held from St. auras' church ort'1'pasday at 2 p,m. Moment was made in Maittanclbank Cemetery, half clover honey, Price 10c per ib. George Bone, R. R. 5, T Phone 126, Brussels, FOR Sale -10 acres of land) about 1 mile north of Brussels, seeded down; good house; also barn and about 70 fruit trees. Apply Edward Lowry, Brussels. FOR Sale -17 choice young cattle, Can be left in good pasture until November 10. David Milne, Ethel. STRAYED. -From the farm of A. L. McDonald, a black steer, about 1100 lbs. Any information leading n g to its .• recovery covtsry will be thankfully received Phone 13x. ' A, L, McDonald FOR Sale -Ford coupe, latest model, equipped with shock absorbers, bunmper, and many extras. Bargain, C, N. White, Wroxeter. FOR Sale. -4 acre lot on Princess street, with good barn, well and cistern, For further particulars apply to Mrs, Parket•, Kincardine, or A. II. Macdonald, Brussels. Changed Postal Rates, itt. Many citizens seem to have the impression ale that aL Lhc re had n ee among the recent postal rate changes, a re- duction of charges respecting Great Britain and the Brsta' ' shSs10n os e ' S - Ther P s rate for letters of 4c for the first ounce and 3c for every additional ounce still remains' in all places other than on the North American contin- ent, where, whether a British posses- sion or not, the charge is 3c for the first ounce and 2c for additional oun- ces. To any .oQther, country the charge is now 8e for'the first ounce and 4c for each additional ounce, No Lights on. Vehicles Vat, Law -makers at Queen's Park have doeided that next- year all 'drivers most be licensed, that motorists must pay millions annually in gas taxes, they have multiplied traffic regula. tions, even, stipulating the minimum candlepower of bulbs in head lights, they have voted tens of millions for road building, and given a great deal of time to the question of public safe- ty and convenience on the highways; yet they have passed up what tirade - catty all motorists and even the I eels- letters themselves individually wi 1 ad- mit is the most urgently;needed ade dition to provincial traffic iaivs Y pro vision for the compulsory carrying of lights at night by all horse-drawn vehicles, Auctbon eales are now commencing again. Read the •advts, in The Post. Work should be hurried up on the Boundary road. The road Is a mud puddle now with all the rain, ' Canadian Telegraph Reduces Rales,, The Canadian National Telegraph Company announces a reduction rates on cable letters to Great Britain and Ireland, The ,new and reduce([ rate will be $1.10 for 20 words. Some Shingle, Says the Flapper ---I believe 1 will Weigle my hair. Says the Grand Father -I believe I will Shingles my roof. Says the Brother Law Student I think I'll hang out my shingle. Says the Inebriate Hubby -I wish I wash shingle m'shelf, Birth Papers Coat Double. The fee for copies of birth certi- ficates was raised by the Registrar General of 'Ontario to $2,50. The fee has been $1,25, but the price was doubled for revenue purposes, All Canadians going to the United States Must have two copies of these, and the fee is now $2,50 per certificate. In the case of certificates for mem- bers of hockey teams and other sport. ing events, a fee of 26 cents was charged, and this has been raised to 60 cents. • Jackson -Mahoney Wedding. A very pretty double wedding took place on Saturday at the home of the bride's parents, 231 Woolwich street, Guelph, when Helen Leadot became the wife of Lloyd Creighton Jackson son of H, L. and Mrs. Jackson, of Brussels, and Gladys Marie became the wife of Norman Scott Marshall The ceremony was conducted by Rev. H. J. Smith, of Brainpton, a former pastor and friend of the brides. Little Miss Lois Rudd, niece of the groom, eves a dainty, little flower girl Miss Helen wore a gown of bridal satin and Honiton lace, with tulle veil, embroi- dered in seed pearls and silver, and arranged in Grecian style, with cor- net of orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of Opelia roses -and lilies of the valley. Miss Freta Ma- honey was maid of honor, and Miss Margaret Saul, of Toronto bridee. maid. Miss Gladys wore a gown d blush pink chiffon georgette, with Shantilly lace and seed pearls..- iter cap veil was of pink tulle, embroider- ed in silver, with a bandoforange blossoms and pearls, and she carried a shower bouquet of Columbia roses and lilies of the valley. Shewore the gift of the groom, a white gold wrist watch, Miss Mary Mahoney was maid of honor, and Miss Irene Carter brides plaid. Ervine Coleman, of Toronto, acted as groomsman for Mr. Jackson, and Dr. R. L. Mahoney, brother of the bride's supported Mr. Marshall. Im- rnediately following the ceremony a reception was held, and a buffet luncheon served. Mr. and Mrs. Jack the latter wearing an ensemble of light beaver velour de laine, with blonde shoes and stockings, left for a trip to the States. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, the latter wearing an en- semble of rosewood. and Isabella fox fur, with rosewood hat, left for a motor trip through the Muskoka reg- ion, Church Notes rr St. .John's Anglican Church • The annual. Harvest Home services will be held on Sunday, Oct. llth. Rev." W. H. Snell1 �of Wingham, will preach morning arfel evening. The United Church The Quarterly Board met on Tuesday evening. The regular evening service will be withdrawn on Sunday on account of the Harvest service of St. John's church, A congregational meeting will be held on Thursday evening, Ort. 15th to select members of the Session, and Board of Stewards. The W. M. S. of the United Church former. Maitland Presbytery, shipped last week from Brussels, bales con- taining complete outfits of clothing for .fourteen Indian children, also Christmas gifts and quilts valued at $519.00 to Birtle, Man, Melville Presbyterian Church The services in hlelviiie church next Sentinel' will he coodueted by Rev. 0. (3. Graham, of hilf 13rydeee. Atamselittg of the members and adheienisofMe'villeeburch, Brussel., held on Monday eveat"g, a unan- imous call was extended to Rev. J. D. McKenzie, of MnrrIehurg. The call will corse before Maitland Presbytery at the 1 egoist. mreting it St. Alla. rews church, Wiu ham on Thursday, Octobet 8th. g y' Matthew 9 t 'That ye may: know that the son of men haat power ot, Porth to forgive Sins" was the text renal which Rev, J. Dougard Mr•• K nzie, of Merrieburg. preached lust Sabbath morning itt Melville church, emphasizing the fart(l) that sin le that which 0idlurtt8 ma+t 81elatinnehi)1 with,t3nd and therefore his greatest need is forgiveurse of sin, (2) ihat fnr- givenees of sin is a divine net. (8) itt Retie Chtlet pert does ibis divine nurng,ttivl' to forgive 8111, (4) 'that leans Ch13.1 in Inge ret yr at vise bre rams tn()en1n8trt ip Ihix dtvtnentl, Ile lied rai win,tha tlrke v ise he , ail t tt es hie (.hr it to Ming t b i ortwutd u ft, visible facts to delete s rate its divine O',tiearia rnieeinn AC the evening set vier, Rev. Me. M.•Kenzie's text was 81, John 10 : 0, "I am the door 1 by me if any min enter iii, lie shall be paved, And shall go in stud Out and tired peal ate." In this text, the speaker saw a piernre of the divine plan of Redemption -the shepherd, the sheep and the fold prepared for the Sheep, showing the simplicity of the gnepei, (2y the exclusiveness of the gn8pelannly'one way, (3) Lir(: hi.. exrlusiePttees of the gospel -any mall may anger 10. (4) .the .totem nine of the gospel -he Abell find lite. (o) the liberty of the gospel -••there are greet liherlree t0 those within the kingdom, (0) the satrefitetinn of the g1,8trpl ..he' whuli Held a satiCfaci inn to he found no Matte else in life -.a food that will emote him to grow: to all net nit7. TO 11 attention of business num ie nailed' to Ihr fact, diet the law regard. leg lila affixing of,evcntie eiatrtpe t„ I efetpte for ummirrCYr over $10 18 81i11 in miee, 8 WelliN one think," of the enrttvfali in Sourly Alberta, •baakat.chewan and Manilohn, the fervent cxpreselOn, "Good Old Ontario," finds ready ut- teritnce,` 1, W. F anad Mrs. Stretton are in Tor- t Personal Paragraphs Ionto this week, Mrs. Robt, Ross, of Kincardine, er "'was a visitor in town this week. Fred Btirc}ti)1 has been spending a i Mrs, Wm. Ainlay, of Toronto, is few day: at his home. visiting with Mrs. Wm. McCracken,• Mrs, Richards of Banff, B. 0 , has Mac. Woodley, of London, was a 'leen the guest of S. and Mrs, Carter.' visitor in town for the Fair last Fri - W, 1.1 Davison, of Galt, was a Nair day. v sitar with his brother, S. F. Davis•' Leslie Lowry, of Toronto, was a in Mies Mary ,Olerke, Griderich, wat''Mrs. Lowry. tilting on old friends last Wednesday' Mrs. Sherrtffwas at Grant Valley Afternoon, on Tuesday attending lire funeral of H. P. Mnrpby, Listnwel's well- an old friend. known iawye , was a vi itor in town Robert 'and Mrs. Huston, of Goder- last Tbc'r•day, ich, were visitors last week with Jno, Archer Grewar, who is attending and Mrs. Logan. college at•Waterloo, spent the week- A. J. McMurray, Secretary of Olin - end with his father in town. ton Spring Show, gave The Post a G. M. Elliott, of Goderich, Co. at'-, call on Monday. pet for the Child,en'e Aid Society, I Mrs. E. H. Matthews of Forest, was was a visitor in town on Thursday; a visitor for a few days last week last, with her mother, Mrs. Ida Lowry, Rev. and Mrs. Lewin and Mies Dor- l Dr. C, R. Smith and wife, of Lake- een took part in the Harvest Hone' land, Florida, spent several days at entertainment in the Anglicanchurth. the home of A. C. and Mrs. Dames, at Wi ham, on Monday evening. ng last week. Crewe Attorney Seeger, Co:iaa I Melville Kerr, who has been out "trate Reid and Chief On. Constable , West, was a visitor in town last week Wbktesides, of Goderich, passed with his brother, Walter ICerr, C. N. through Ilfussels on Thursday. TheyI R. agent. 111d a couple of court cases at Ethel l H. L. and Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. In rhe ottani tie. , Sheriff, were at Guelph on Saturday Mrs. E. Pringle and her sister, Mrs. to attend the wedding of the farmer's II. J. Mabee, have returned from At- son, Lloyd Jackson. lantic City and New York, where Miss Edith Byers, who has been they visited Harry Pringle and 11 xs- housekeeper for the last 5 weeks with Wilson, of Long Island. J. J. and Mrs. Gilpen has returned to Among those from a distance The her home in Wiarton. Post saw at the Fair grounds were: Mrs. H. J. Maher, who has been Postmaster John Scott, Listwel; E. R. visiting her mother, Mrs. H. McQuar- Wigle, M.P,P,. Goderich; Wellington ries, leaves Toronto Wednesday for Hay, Listowel; Jack Walker, Sea- herhome in Vulcan, Alta. forth; Leslie Lowry,*Toronto. Miss Mary Ross left on Tuesday A false rumor spread around Oliut- iter Toronto and will leave there with nn Inst week that Dr. J, W. Shaw, Lorne and Mrs. Pringle for a trop to along with a couple of well-known 'New York city., Miss Ross expects to ci W. S. and Mrs. Parker, of Oton- wtty arming at Kitchener, while rice- B in a car. As Mark Twain oncevilla, Mich., and Mrs, Ted Sarson, of ) visitor with his parents, George and tizena bad been killed at the rail- be away about 10 days. )r1 said. the report was greatly exagger- ated. - Sahli day's Free Press bad tbp fol- ,Owing social item :" Mrs. 13. S. Soots was a chat ruing tea hostess AC her borne in Princess avenue, recently, when she entertained in horror of Mea, A. D. Hate, who leaves shortly for Sault Ste. Marie, The rooms were attractively dyew ated with autumn f inters, and Mrs, H, B. Beal pouted out tea ata table centred with a dully cloth, with Marigolds le a silver basket, Mrs, W A. MacWil- liams cut the (rpe, and Nes. J. H, Cameron assisted the hostess in the tearoom The guests included Mrs. H. 13,Beal,Mrs A,D None, h is J A, Dickinson, hits. W. A. -MacWil. Ilona, Mev 3 A. Buchanan Mts.' F, W. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. '1' W. Oates, firs. .1, W. Squire, Mrs 0. M. Trace, Mrs. T, W Hone, Mts. Conk, burs. F3'esant, Mrs. Simpson, bins, 51. Smith, Mee, Walker. Mea, Wheeler, lira 1 H Cameron, Mrs. White and Mies Thompson. of Fergus, Pontiac, Mich., were visitors from Thursday to Saturday with John Wright: Mrs. Parker is a sister of Mr. Wright's and Mrs. Sarson, a neice. MORRIS The following is the report of S. S. No. 9, Morris, for the month of September. x means absence for more than one test: -Jr. V -Walter Shortreed 74, Walter ',Pease 73. Sr. IV -Frank Kirkby 88, Mabel Bewley 76 Jr, III -Artie Bewley ewle 85, Stuart Bryans 75, Clifford Pease 64, Tommy Kirkby 56. Class II -Beacham Al- cock 78, Isabelle Alcock 71. Sr, Pr, -May Shortreed, Lloyd Pease. Jr. Pr. --Walter Bentley, Lloyd Alcock, Ruth Aleock. No. on roll 15, Aver- age atendance 12. C. McGOWAN, Teacher,. Prices of Live Poultry We .are how taking dtlivery of Live Poultry ,at the following prices : Chickens over 0 lb , . 20e Chickens 5 to 6 Ib. , 18c Chickens 4 to 5 lb. 16e Chickens 8 to 4 Ib. , . , , , 14e Chickens under 8 Ib12c Hans over 5 lb..... 14c Hens 4 to 5 ib. 12c Hens 314 to 4 lb. 10e Hens under 3i lb ,,7c Roosters over 5 lb .. , , Ile Roosters under 5. Ib. , .. 9c Spring Ducks over 5 lb12c Spring Ducks under 5 lb10e Old Ducks .., 10c Prices subject to change without potice. Nothing but No, i Poultry accepted, except' at 5starved pr�,r�s Poultry must be In cnndilitsn, or deducti'3n made for crop. Robt. Thomson Phone 66 BRUSSELS f Fox's Drug Store The -• Store WEEKLY STORE NEWS Fountain Pens and Ever Sharp Pencils are becoming more in use eY- ery day -our stock at the pre- sent time is very complete, both in The Waterman and Parker line and both makes are fully guaranteed. We Can Save, you a bit of money, if you leave your Razor Blades with us to be sharpened. Those,. who have tried it have found the work entirely satisfactoay. Single Edge 3c. Double Edge 4c.' QUITE A SAVING ISN'T IT? and if not satisfactory it will cost you nothing There are many uses to which a good Hot Water Bottle may be used. The season is coming on -we have a very good line of them and you don't need to pay a very big price either -don't forget our per- sonal guarantee goer with each bottle. The Qld Saying "an ounce of prevention is bet- ter than a pound of cure" is just as true to -day, as when it was first uttered and it certain- ly most aptly applies to our old reliable Penslar Cod Liver Extract As a eTonde and Builderb $1.00 per Large Bottle The Flies are staying right with us, but their visit will be considerably shortened if treated to a mild shower. of Fr�r Tox BEST THING FOR FLIES • 50c PER BOTTLE Our:Developing and Printing Business has grown very rapidly this sea- son, but of course there's a rea- son. The work is the very best and a prompt service besides EASTMAN FILMS IN THE YELLOW BOX -ALL SiZES- FOX'S DRUG STORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT ' DRUGGIST and STATIONER BRUSSELS COUNCIL Council met on Monday evening with Reeve Blueker in Lite chair, All the member,: present. M)nntea of last meeting were rend and confirmed on tendon of Council - Ice s elute min and Boa man. Following acenunts.were ordered to be paid : Robert Oliver, watching fire :..$2 50 A. J. Somers, hauling gravel.... 5 00 0. R Davidsen, account 14 40 Aneut. Campbell, account .,,,,,,- 70 G. McDowe, eta's 755 'ti, Black, alt(lltltoi•s10 0000 N. F. Gerry, auditor... ..... .,-10 00 On o ip , O to t1 n of a ua •lilac r C � a Bowman end mete ren til sa , t e cc( uu s w • g' t este ordered to t . be paid. d net The Colleen eppnitrted Rev. Mr Blttker In fill rhe %maaucy caused by the r entnval of Rev. Mr, Clarke, on the brat v Fina, td, :daL1msel 55'iltnn, on behalf of 1ha P•owutan'e AreOriation, asked for a dtnation. No aotien was taken: The rtuditoi's report was received. and adopted of motion Of Cuuucillors. Al rodeo g and Hewitt. Discueuien took place in the mat- ters of hydro, the foundry and build- ing an wreine:11nt18e at the river. Commit adjourned. , elawn sure that your name' is on the voters' list, Don't wait and arena it hitt with the returning ottie- e and poli clot k on election day, 'l'oo (level ntnent hag withdra(vn the One cent tux levied last 'Spring On dance halls. The nets tax will be 10 per rent loathed of 2 per cent and will he paid by dance hall nwuets on a flet basis, BORN 61001r,trvnA.Y.-Ab their hone, ninth Cannes, Man, Vaughan, on Readily, Sept. 20th, 1015, to Gorden L. and Mrs. bloGillivray, (nee Mita Elliott), a -daughter. . Imre° SoMens.-In Grey 'Township On Friday. Oot. 2nd,:1925. Donald Kenneth, infant son of Elywen and Mrs Somers, aged a months -. and 14 days. , Auction Sale. FeinAY, O0'r.OT5 -Clearing pale of .Farm Stork, Implements, (#rein, oto, net Lot 1. Om.A, Tarnberry (114 miles North of Jamestown), No reserve as arm hue been sold. James Wright, Prop, ; Jahn Purvis, Anc. TUP,snAT. OOTansn 19Ttr -Village property ' andbon,ehald' e$eata, the estate of the late Wm. Rothwell an the =amine adjoining Cranbrook, Rale at 2 o'clock, Isaac Rath - well, Administrator. D. 32, Soots, Aum ILmo p lemTUESDAY, O C TecC u 20Tn•- iFpa,rm(ad insftne,fak , (ennts,&2o, pCrpyerToof• IBOnnegt Jamestown). Sale unreserved. 1 o's Stokes, Proprietor, NV. J.Dowd, Ana BRUSSELS MARKET • t1 10 i 10 00 00 •Sir 10 70.. 50 88 7 1925' 102 Fall Wheat Pees Barley oath. Buckwheat Bntior Eggs Hogs..,s For Sale A Rood,&ram-ne7,hens,, with formica and: bath, Snares of hln8, gond stable and fruit trees. For farther particulars, apolvto W. H. COLE, Ethel. lett. Farm for Sale l51 -acre farm for sale. being Qonth )y, Loa 64 and 65, 2Bo,Ooeceeelon, Morris On premia` es are n good bank barn, 48860 feet, straw shed, 96x40, alio. gond cameo i stabling, driving shed, cola Portable trains house withcellar, 2 never -falling wells, riverruns throughat one side of farm, 1.8 screw of hardwood bush, This farm is welt fenced and in a good state of oultiva Lion, otte.half mile from school and has s rent good orohard Reasonter sailing, to wind, up the agate of the late R. Messer. Per turth or particulars scuts to MRO. ANNIE MEMBER, R. R..2, Blnevale. rJ/ 1 Shoe Sale For the next to days, 1 will offer the public in -the following lines. mont'y.ate the stock is prices 1 starting Frid•ty„Oct 1:o, greatly reduced prices They will save you new and bought at ,right MEN'S WORK SHOES ar $ Regular I 4,00 For $3.50 MEN'S FINE SHOES SPECIAL Regular $5.00, For $4.25 Other Lines at the Saone Re- duction. BOYS' BROWN AND BLACK: CALF Regular $4.00, Far $3.39 BOYS' ALGONQUiN RUB- BERS FOR WINTER Regular $2,25, For $1,90 LADIES' GOODYEAR WELT OXFORDS 'Regular $6,00, For $5.00 LADIES ARCH EASE FOR FALLEN ARCHES Regular $6.00, Fla* $5.00 A Very Fine Oxford YOUTHS ALGONQUINS GON Q U1NS Regular lar For 1 g $1.95,.ti5 LADIES' GORED SLIPPERS R ' Regular $4.50 and $5100, For $3.25 and $4.00 LADIES' RUSSET AND BLACK CALF SPECIAL t Regular $5.00, For $14,50 GIRLS' OXFORDS IN BROWN AND BLACK Regular $3,50, For $2,45 GIRLS' PATENT OXFORD Regular $4.00, For $3.25 Also in Gun Metal LADIES' RUBBERS All Sizes, Regular $1,00,For 85e Misses' Rubbers, Regular 90c For 70c Children's Rubbers, Regular 70c, For 65c R. W Ferguson it it 1t It 71 ' The q, Harvest is in and . the Year in Review I St 1t 1l 11 11 11 rt t ft 11 g it It ll ll lit ft n jt • 11 11 .9 n st .- a11111III6IIlui :. �.4, 7ty m IIIIIIInutogniuimiinIItitoti imitillowinuountiinalilllllmiumII itaiIuI t It R 1.1 n n 9. R Si it 1.1 n 1t 11 n ft bring year? Perhaps now. The -Bank be bank's to value Q r„ `'e meets . 'Q `'' in you Manager" of glad service assist of THEN will you. V V make the improve, your farm which will . bigger returns next you should begin right of the Standard Canada near you will - ' to tell you how this. - is at your disposal you in increasing the your farm and it J(It ''•'' of its products. BANKING FIFTY 1111!,IIIIIIIII,..n111111 in.1M.alllll,ll,ll1111111nlnlnalllllllllllillllll le,Nls11111111111111111 eiiiilell I YEARS 4, THE - STANDARD BANK OF CANADA LINDREDANDThI.TY0NEBRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA baa W. F anad Mrs. Stretton are in Tor- t Personal Paragraphs Ionto this week, Mrs. Robt, Ross, of Kincardine, er "'was a visitor in town this week. Fred Btirc}ti)1 has been spending a i Mrs, Wm. Ainlay, of Toronto, is few day: at his home. visiting with Mrs. Wm. McCracken,• Mrs, Richards of Banff, B. 0 , has Mac. Woodley, of London, was a 'leen the guest of S. and Mrs, Carter.' visitor in town for the Fair last Fri - W, 1.1 Davison, of Galt, was a Nair day. v sitar with his brother, S. F. Davis•' Leslie Lowry, of Toronto, was a in Mies Mary ,Olerke, Griderich, wat''Mrs. Lowry. tilting on old friends last Wednesday' Mrs. Sherrtffwas at Grant Valley Afternoon, on Tuesday attending lire funeral of H. P. Mnrpby, Listnwel's well- an old friend. known iawye , was a vi itor in town Robert 'and Mrs. Huston, of Goder- last Tbc'r•day, ich, were visitors last week with Jno, Archer Grewar, who is attending and Mrs. Logan. college at•Waterloo, spent the week- A. J. McMurray, Secretary of Olin - end with his father in town. ton Spring Show, gave The Post a G. M. Elliott, of Goderich, Co. at'-, call on Monday. pet for the Child,en'e Aid Society, I Mrs. E. H. Matthews of Forest, was was a visitor in town on Thursday; a visitor for a few days last week last, with her mother, Mrs. Ida Lowry, Rev. and Mrs. Lewin and Mies Dor- l Dr. C, R. Smith and wife, of Lake- een took part in the Harvest Hone' land, Florida, spent several days at entertainment in the Anglicanchurth. the home of A. C. and Mrs. Dames, at Wi ham, on Monday evening. ng last week. Crewe Attorney Seeger, Co:iaa I Melville Kerr, who has been out "trate Reid and Chief On. Constable , West, was a visitor in town last week Wbktesides, of Goderich, passed with his brother, Walter ICerr, C. N. through Ilfussels on Thursday. TheyI R. agent. 111d a couple of court cases at Ethel l H. L. and Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. In rhe ottani tie. , Sheriff, were at Guelph on Saturday Mrs. E. Pringle and her sister, Mrs. to attend the wedding of the farmer's II. J. Mabee, have returned from At- son, Lloyd Jackson. lantic City and New York, where Miss Edith Byers, who has been they visited Harry Pringle and 11 xs- housekeeper for the last 5 weeks with Wilson, of Long Island. J. J. and Mrs. Gilpen has returned to Among those from a distance The her home in Wiarton. Post saw at the Fair grounds were: Mrs. H. J. Maher, who has been Postmaster John Scott, Listwel; E. R. visiting her mother, Mrs. H. McQuar- Wigle, M.P,P,. Goderich; Wellington ries, leaves Toronto Wednesday for Hay, Listowel; Jack Walker, Sea- herhome in Vulcan, Alta. forth; Leslie Lowry,*Toronto. Miss Mary Ross left on Tuesday A false rumor spread around Oliut- iter Toronto and will leave there with nn Inst week that Dr. J, W. Shaw, Lorne and Mrs. Pringle for a trop to along with a couple of well-known 'New York city., Miss Ross expects to ci W. S. and Mrs. Parker, of Oton- wtty arming at Kitchener, while rice- B in a car. As Mark Twain oncevilla, Mich., and Mrs, Ted Sarson, of ) visitor with his parents, George and tizena bad been killed at the rail- be away about 10 days. )r1 said. the report was greatly exagger- ated. - Sahli day's Free Press bad tbp fol- ,Owing social item :" Mrs. 13. S. Soots was a chat ruing tea hostess AC her borne in Princess avenue, recently, when she entertained in horror of Mea, A. D. Hate, who leaves shortly for Sault Ste. Marie, The rooms were attractively dyew ated with autumn f inters, and Mrs, H, B. Beal pouted out tea ata table centred with a dully cloth, with Marigolds le a silver basket, Mrs, W A. MacWil- liams cut the (rpe, and Nes. J. H, Cameron assisted the hostess in the tearoom The guests included Mrs. H. 13,Beal,Mrs A,D None, h is J A, Dickinson, hits. W. A. -MacWil. Ilona, Mev 3 A. Buchanan Mts.' F, W. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. '1' W. Oates, firs. .1, W. Squire, Mrs 0. M. Trace, Mrs. T, W Hone, Mts. Conk, burs. F3'esant, Mrs. Simpson, bins, 51. Smith, Mee, Walker. Mea, Wheeler, lira 1 H Cameron, Mrs. White and Mies Thompson. of Fergus, Pontiac, Mich., were visitors from Thursday to Saturday with John Wright: Mrs. Parker is a sister of Mr. Wright's and Mrs. Sarson, a neice. MORRIS The following is the report of S. S. No. 9, Morris, for the month of September. x means absence for more than one test: -Jr. V -Walter Shortreed 74, Walter ',Pease 73. Sr. IV -Frank Kirkby 88, Mabel Bewley 76 Jr, III -Artie Bewley ewle 85, Stuart Bryans 75, Clifford Pease 64, Tommy Kirkby 56. Class II -Beacham Al- cock 78, Isabelle Alcock 71. Sr, Pr, -May Shortreed, Lloyd Pease. Jr. Pr. --Walter Bentley, Lloyd Alcock, Ruth Aleock. No. on roll 15, Aver- age atendance 12. C. McGOWAN, Teacher,. Prices of Live Poultry We .are how taking dtlivery of Live Poultry ,at the following prices : Chickens over 0 lb , . 20e Chickens 5 to 6 Ib. , 18c Chickens 4 to 5 lb. 16e Chickens 8 to 4 Ib. , . , , , 14e Chickens under 8 Ib12c Hans over 5 lb..... 14c Hens 4 to 5 ib. 12c Hens 314 to 4 lb. 10e Hens under 3i lb ,,7c Roosters over 5 lb .. , , Ile Roosters under 5. Ib. , .. 9c Spring Ducks over 5 lb12c Spring Ducks under 5 lb10e Old Ducks .., 10c Prices subject to change without potice. Nothing but No, i Poultry accepted, except' at 5starved pr�,r�s Poultry must be In cnndilitsn, or deducti'3n made for crop. Robt. Thomson Phone 66 BRUSSELS f Fox's Drug Store The -• Store WEEKLY STORE NEWS Fountain Pens and Ever Sharp Pencils are becoming more in use eY- ery day -our stock at the pre- sent time is very complete, both in The Waterman and Parker line and both makes are fully guaranteed. We Can Save, you a bit of money, if you leave your Razor Blades with us to be sharpened. Those,. who have tried it have found the work entirely satisfactoay. Single Edge 3c. Double Edge 4c.' QUITE A SAVING ISN'T IT? and if not satisfactory it will cost you nothing There are many uses to which a good Hot Water Bottle may be used. The season is coming on -we have a very good line of them and you don't need to pay a very big price either -don't forget our per- sonal guarantee goer with each bottle. The Qld Saying "an ounce of prevention is bet- ter than a pound of cure" is just as true to -day, as when it was first uttered and it certain- ly most aptly applies to our old reliable Penslar Cod Liver Extract As a eTonde and Builderb $1.00 per Large Bottle The Flies are staying right with us, but their visit will be considerably shortened if treated to a mild shower. of Fr�r Tox BEST THING FOR FLIES • 50c PER BOTTLE Our:Developing and Printing Business has grown very rapidly this sea- son, but of course there's a rea- son. The work is the very best and a prompt service besides EASTMAN FILMS IN THE YELLOW BOX -ALL SiZES- FOX'S DRUG STORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT ' DRUGGIST and STATIONER BRUSSELS COUNCIL Council met on Monday evening with Reeve Blueker in Lite chair, All the member,: present. M)nntea of last meeting were rend and confirmed on tendon of Council - Ice s elute min and Boa man. Following acenunts.were ordered to be paid : Robert Oliver, watching fire :..$2 50 A. J. Somers, hauling gravel.... 5 00 0. R Davidsen, account 14 40 Aneut. Campbell, account .,,,,,,- 70 G. McDowe, eta's 755 'ti, Black, alt(lltltoi•s10 0000 N. F. Gerry, auditor... ..... .,-10 00 On o ip , O to t1 n of a ua •lilac r C � a Bowman end mete ren til sa , t e cc( uu s w • g' t este ordered to t . be paid. d net The Colleen eppnitrted Rev. Mr Blttker In fill rhe %maaucy caused by the r entnval of Rev. Mr, Clarke, on the brat v Fina, td, :daL1msel 55'iltnn, on behalf of 1ha P•owutan'e AreOriation, asked for a dtnation. No aotien was taken: The rtuditoi's report was received. and adopted of motion Of Cuuucillors. Al rodeo g and Hewitt. Discueuien took place in the mat- ters of hydro, the foundry and build- ing an wreine:11nt18e at the river. Commit adjourned. , elawn sure that your name' is on the voters' list, Don't wait and arena it hitt with the returning ottie- e and poli clot k on election day, 'l'oo (level ntnent hag withdra(vn the One cent tux levied last 'Spring On dance halls. The nets tax will be 10 per rent loathed of 2 per cent and will he paid by dance hall nwuets on a flet basis, BORN 61001r,trvnA.Y.-Ab their hone, ninth Cannes, Man, Vaughan, on Readily, Sept. 20th, 1015, to Gorden L. and Mrs. bloGillivray, (nee Mita Elliott), a -daughter. . Imre° SoMens.-In Grey 'Township On Friday. Oot. 2nd,:1925. Donald Kenneth, infant son of Elywen and Mrs Somers, aged a months -. and 14 days. , Auction Sale. FeinAY, O0'r.OT5 -Clearing pale of .Farm Stork, Implements, (#rein, oto, net Lot 1. Om.A, Tarnberry (114 miles North of Jamestown), No reserve as arm hue been sold. James Wright, Prop, ; Jahn Purvis, Anc. TUP,snAT. OOTansn 19Ttr -Village property ' andbon,ehald' e$eata, the estate of the late Wm. Rothwell an the =amine adjoining Cranbrook, Rale at 2 o'clock, Isaac Rath - well, Administrator. D. 32, Soots, Aum ILmo p lemTUESDAY, O C TecC u 20Tn•- iFpa,rm(ad insftne,fak , (ennts,&2o, pCrpyerToof• IBOnnegt Jamestown). Sale unreserved. 1 o's Stokes, Proprietor, NV. J.Dowd, Ana BRUSSELS MARKET • t1 10 i 10 00 00 •Sir 10 70.. 50 88 7 1925' 102 Fall Wheat Pees Barley oath. Buckwheat Bntior Eggs Hogs..,s For Sale A Rood,&ram-ne7,hens,, with formica and: bath, Snares of hln8, gond stable and fruit trees. For farther particulars, apolvto W. H. COLE, Ethel. lett. Farm for Sale l51 -acre farm for sale. being Qonth )y, Loa 64 and 65, 2Bo,Ooeceeelon, Morris On premia` es are n good bank barn, 48860 feet, straw shed, 96x40, alio. gond cameo i stabling, driving shed, cola Portable trains house withcellar, 2 never -falling wells, riverruns throughat one side of farm, 1.8 screw of hardwood bush, This farm is welt fenced and in a good state of oultiva Lion, otte.half mile from school and has s rent good orohard Reasonter sailing, to wind, up the agate of the late R. Messer. Per turth or particulars scuts to MRO. ANNIE MEMBER, R. R..2, Blnevale. rJ/ 1 Shoe Sale For the next to days, 1 will offer the public in -the following lines. mont'y.ate the stock is prices 1 starting Frid•ty„Oct 1:o, greatly reduced prices They will save you new and bought at ,right MEN'S WORK SHOES ar $ Regular I 4,00 For $3.50 MEN'S FINE SHOES SPECIAL Regular $5.00, For $4.25 Other Lines at the Saone Re- duction. BOYS' BROWN AND BLACK: CALF Regular $4.00, Far $3.39 BOYS' ALGONQUiN RUB- BERS FOR WINTER Regular $2,25, For $1,90 LADIES' GOODYEAR WELT OXFORDS 'Regular $6,00, For $5.00 LADIES ARCH EASE FOR FALLEN ARCHES Regular $6.00, Fla* $5.00 A Very Fine Oxford YOUTHS ALGONQUINS GON Q U1NS Regular lar For 1 g $1.95,.ti5 LADIES' GORED SLIPPERS R ' Regular $4.50 and $5100, For $3.25 and $4.00 LADIES' RUSSET AND BLACK CALF SPECIAL t Regular $5.00, For $14,50 GIRLS' OXFORDS IN BROWN AND BLACK Regular $3,50, For $2,45 GIRLS' PATENT OXFORD Regular $4.00, For $3.25 Also in Gun Metal LADIES' RUBBERS All Sizes, Regular $1,00,For 85e Misses' Rubbers, Regular 90c For 70c Children's Rubbers, Regular 70c, For 65c R. W Ferguson