The Brussels Post, 1925-10-7, Page 4Cbe Snustis nst
'PVF.'fNF,SI.)AY,Oi 1' 1,' I9 13
Rain Spoils
Brussels Fair
Agricultural ---Brood inure, having
kaised a foci in 1925, Herb Kirkby,
Hugh, Lamont, Lindsay Brown; horse
colt, Hugh Lamont, Lindsay Brown..
two-year-old filly, Andrew Lamont;
1two-year-old gelding, Andrew Lain -
OM 1
amOnt; enc -year-old gelding, L. E• Car-
diff; span of agricultural horses, Chas.
Stewart, Lindsay Brown;'sweepstakes
Chas. Stewart,
Judge --A; Findley, Chatsworth,
Heavy Draught -Brood mare Can-
adlan bred having raised foal in 192.5,
P. C. Costello, L. D. CardilT' bore
colt, L. E. Cardiff; two-year-old illy,
elding,Heb Kik; Heavy
team, 1. C. Costello, Lindsay
T'3rown;. sweepstakes, J. C. Costello.
Two-year-old filly or gelding,•
lie McDonald; one -year-old filly or
gelding, Wellie "McDonald, Stuart
McQuarrie; buggy horse 113 hands
high or over, W. 3. Roberts, Geo.
Tervit, Angus Dickson; buggy horse
under 1514, hands high, F. Bender, C
Fryfogle, W. Levy; roadster team, S.
J. Miller, John Weir; sweepstakes,
S. J. Miller.
Carriage span, 16 hands high, Mc-
"Cracken Bros.; single carriage horse
Ernest Bozell; sweepstakes, McCrack-
.en Bros.
Judge—H. J. Colwill, Arthur,
Short Horns -Bull, two years old
and over, L. E, Cardiff, Levi Parr,
Kerr Bros.; Bull, one year old, 0.
'Turnbull Sons; mulch cow, 4
years or over, Kerr Bros., 1 and
2, 0. Turnbull & Sons; Milch cow,
under 4 years, Kerr Bros.; J. M.
Knight & Sons, 2 and 3; two-year-old
heifer, 0. Turnbull & Sons; J. M.
Knight and Sons, 2 and 3; one -year-
old heifer, 0. Turnbull & Sons, 1, 2
and 3; bull calf, senior, 0. Turnbull
& Sons; Kerr Bros, 0. Turnbull &
Sons; bull calf, junior, 0. Turnbull &
Sons, 1 and 2; Kerr Bros; heifer calf
senior, Kerr Bros, 0. Turnbull & Sons
R. L. McDonald; heifer calf, junior,
Kerr Bros, 1 and 2; R. L. McDonald;
herd of shorthorns, Herr Bros.; 0.
Turnbull & Sons, 3. M. Knight &
Sons; best female, any age, Kerr
Bros.; best male, any age, 0. Turn-
bull Sons.
Aberdeen Angus—Milch cow, un-
der 4 years, Addison Taylor; one -
.year -old heifer, Addison Taylor; bull
,:calf, junior, Addison Taylor.
Grade Cattle—Milch cow, dairy
train, J. M. Knight & Sons, Levi
Parr, W. Yuill; mulch cow, beef strain
L. Parr, W. Yuill, J. M. Knight &
:Sons; 2 -year-old heifer, L, Parr, 3. M.
Knight & Sons, 2 and 3; one -year-old
heifer, W. Yuill, 1, 2 and 3; one-year
old steer, W. Yuill, Levi Parr, 2 and
3; heifer calf, senior, W. Yuill, J.
M. Knight & Sons ' 2 and 3; heifer
calf, junior, J. M. Knight Sons;
fat cow or heifer, W. Yuill; fat steer,
Yuill, 1, 2 and 3.
Judge—Thos. Henderson.
7.eicesters— Aged ram, Lindsay
Brown; shearling ram, Lindsay
Brown, John Cowan; ram lamb,
«Lindsay Brown, John Cowan, 2 and
"3; ewe, two shear, and over, Lindsay
Brown, 1 and 2, John Cowan; shear-
ing ewe, Lindsay Brown, John Cow-
an; ewe lamb, Lindsay Brown, 1 and
.3, John Cowan; pen, Lindsay Brown,
John Cowan.
Oxford Downs—aged ram, Jas.
'Connell, Cecil Coolies; khearing shearingram,
Jas, Connell, Milton Lowe; rani ,lamb,
•Jas. Connell, Cecil Coultes, Jas. Con-
nell; ewe, two shear and over, Jas.
'Connell, Cecil Coultes, Jas. Connell;
:shearling ewe, 3as. Connell 1 and 2,
(Cecil;Coultes• ewe lamb, Jas. Con-
nlell'1 and 2,:Cecil Coultes; pen, Jas.
Connell 1 and 2; Cecil Coultes.
Shropshire Downs—Aged ram, Mil-
ton Lowe; shearling ram, W. G. Ross
'1 and 2; ram lamb, W. G. Ross 1 and
'2; ewe, two shear and over, W. G.
Floss 1 and 2, Milton Lowe; shearling
•levee, W. G. Ross 1 and 2; ewe lamb,
W. G. Ross 1 and 2,'pen, W. G. Ross
land 2.
Judge—Thos. Henderson.
Birkshire—Boar, under 6 months
John Cowan, Herb, Hawkins 2 and
3; sow, 1 year and over, Herb. Haw-
kins; sow, under 6 months, Herb.
Hawkins 1 and 2, John Cowan.
Yorkshire—Boar, under 1 year and
over '6 months, Jas, Cowan; boar,
under 6 months, Herb. Hawkins; sow
1 year and over, Jas. Cowan, Herb.
Hawkins Jas. Cowan; sow, under 1
,year. and over 6 mofiths, Jas. Cowan,
1and 2; sow under 6 months,
"Cowan HerbHawkna
2 and 3, pen,
'male; 1 brood sow, sow under 1 year
and sow under 6 months, Jas. Cowan.
Tamworth -Boar, 1 year and over,
D. Douglas & Son; boar, under 1 year
sand over G months, D. Douglas & Son
land 2; boar, tinder 6 months, D.
1 year and over 6 months, D. Doug-
las & Son 1 and 2; sow, 1 year and
•over, D. Douglas & Son; sow, under
1 year and over 6 months, D. Ddug-
las & Son 1 and 2; sow, under 6
months, D. Douglas & Son, 1 and 2;
pen, D. Douglas & Son; best pair bac
,on hogs, D. Douglas & Son 1 and 2,
Jas. Cowan.
Judge—Tohn. Henderson.
Scott 1 and 2; cockerel, W. X. Miller,
W. S. Scott; puUet, W, I, Millar, W,
8, Scott,
Rhode Is, Reds—Cock, Ii. Wey-
inouth, . Lindsay Brown; ben, W.
Hainstock 1 and 2; cocicerei, W. I.
Stanley Purvis, W. S. Scott; Red
Pickling Cabbage, Andrew Schmidt,
Cauliflower, Andrew Schmidt; Pump-
kin, Yellow Field, Mrs. Wm, MoDon-
ald, Win, Crawford; Pumpkin, main -
moth, J. A. Murray, Mrs, Wen, Me -
Miller; pullet, W, I. Miller. Donald; Squash, Mrs. Wm. McDonald,
Games—Cock, W. S, Scott 1 and Mrs. ;no. Grieve; Tomatoes, large,
2; hen, W. S. Scott 1 and 2; cocker- Levi Parr, Andrew Schmidt; Butter
el, W. S. Scott, Finlay Santis; pullet, Beans, B1aek, Mrs, J. D. Warwick,
W. S, Scott, Finlay Samis. 11, J, Hoover; White Beans, large,
Leghorns, white—Cock, H•. Wey- ,Mldh Wilkinson; Butter Beans, any
mouth, M. II. Vallick; hen, H. Wey- other variety, Levi Parr, Mrs. Wm.
mouth, M, H, Volliek; 0eker01, W. McDonald,; Silver Skin Onions, An-
1 Miller 1 and 2; pullet, W. I. Mil- drew Schmidt, W. 12. Brown; White
ler 1 and 2. Beans, small, Jas. Perris & Sons, Levi.
Leghorns, brown-•-Cocic, W. Bain- Parr; any, other variety beans, Stan -
stock, M. H. Vollick; hen, W.
11. Vol- ley Purvis, R. 3. Hoover; Citrons,
lick, T.CWilson• cockerel, W. S. round striped, Mrs. Jno, Grieve, Mrs.
Scott. 1 and, 2; pullet, W. S. Scott 1 L. I ekmier; Citrons, Long California,
and 2, J. A. Murray; Watermelons, J. A.
Leghorns, A, 0. V.—Cock, W. I. Mprray; Muskmelons, J. A. Murray,
Miner, W. 5, Scott; hen, W. I. Mil- Finlay Samis; Pickling Cucumbers,
ler, W. S, Scott; cockerel, W. I. Mil- Finlay Samis; Mrs. Wm. Mc])onaid,
ler 1 and 2 • pullet, W. I, Miller, T. Table Cucumbers, Levi Parr, C. P...
C. Wilson. Coultes; Ripe Cucumbers, Mrs. i e.
Miuorens—Cock, W. S. Scott, W. Grieve, Finlay Samis; Celery, ,
Hainstock; hen, W, Hainstock, W. S. Peter Stewart, Mrs. Alex Anderson;
Scott; cockerel, Mrs. J. Grieve, Lind- Sunflower, Finlay Santis, Jas,' Perrie
say Brown; pullet, Lindsay Brown, & Sons; Collection Garden Produce,
W. I. Miller. Mrs, Jno Grieve, Andrew Schmidt.
Ancones—Cock, W. S. Scott 1 and DAIRY PRODUCTS
2; hen, W. Hainstoek, W. S. Scott; Crock butter, Noma made, Russel
cockerel, W. I. Miller, W. S. Scott; Fear, Ml's. Alex Anderson, Dan Mc -
pullet, W. S. Scott, W. I. Miller. Kinnon; table butter, prints, Russel
Campinas -Cask, W. S, Scott; hen Fear Dan McKinnon; butters in rolls,
W. S. Scott 1 and 2; cockerel, W. S. Dan McKinnon; butter in prints, Rus -
Scott 1 and 2; pullet, W. S. Scott 1 sal Fear, Mrs. Alex Murray, Dan Me-
andDI. Kinnon• factory cheese, colored, Clay -
T. C. Wilson, W. tBell.
S. Scott;. hen, T. C. Wilson 1 and 2; Judge—.W G. Neal,
cockerel, T. C, 'Wilson 1 and 2; pul- DOMESTIC MANUFACTURESlet, T. C. Wilson, W. S. Scott,
Ox ingtons—Cock, W. S. ,Scott, Crochet quilt, Mrs. J. D. Warwick,
M. H. Vollick; hen, W. S. Scott, T. Mrs. Jno, Grieve; knitted quilt, Mrs.
C. Wilson; cockerel, W. L Miller; J. Grieve, Mrs. T. B. Irwin; Patch-
pullet, W, I. Miller. I work quilt, L. E. Cardiff, Mrs. John
Hamburgs—Cock, W. S. Scott, H. Grieve; log .cabin quilt, Mrs. Wm.
Weymouth; hen, W S. Scott H. Wey- McKelvie, Mrs. John Grieve; apple -
mouth; cockerel, T. C. Wilson, H. nue quilt, Finlay Semis, A. E. Down -
Weymouth; pullet, T. C. Wilson, H. ing; knotted and tufted quilt, Mrs.
Weymouth. Jos Whitfield Mrs Wm M,Kelvie;
Houdans—Cock, • H. Weymouth,
W. S. Scott hen, H. Weymouth, W.
S. Scott; cockerel, W. S. Scott, H.
Weymouth; pullet, W .8. Scott, H.
Bantams—Cock, 0. Turnbull &
Sons, Scott Burchill; hen, 0. Turn-
bull & Sons, Scott Burchill; cocker-
el, Scott Burchill, T. Miller; pullet,
Scott Burchill, T. Miller.
Turkeys, old—H. Weymouth.
Toulouse geese, young, M. McCaul-
ey; old, M. McCauley,
Emden geese, old, V. Pope; young,
Victor Pope 1 and 2.
Rouen Ducks—old, male, M. H.
Vollick, W. McDonald,;"female, M, H.
Vollick, W. McDonald; young, male,
M. H. Vollick 1 and 2; female, M. H.
Vollick 1 and 2,
Pekin Ducks—old, male, T. C. Wil-
son, W. I. Miller; female, T. C. Wil-
son, M. H. Vollick; young, male, T.
C. Wilson, W. L Milier; female, T.
0, Wilson 1 and 2.
Pair Pidgeons—Finlay Samis, Mar-
guerite Downing.
Coll. Pidgeons—Scott Burchill;
Marguerite Downing.
Belgian Hares—L. Thuell.
Rabbits, Milton Lowe, T, Miller.
Judge—A. E. Doan, Thorndale.
Spring wheat, Andrew Schmidt;
white fall wheat, Andrew Schmidt,
Herb Kirkby, Thos. Miller; red fall
wheat, Andrew Schmidt, W. R.
Broadfoot; barley 6 rowed, Andrew
Schmidt, Levi Parr, Herb. Kirkby;
barley 2 rowed, Thos. Miller; large
peas, W. J. Sharp 2nd.
Judge—A. C. Baeker.
Baldwins, Mrs. R, J. McLauchlin,
Roy Cunningham; Famuse, L. E. Car-
diff, Andrew Schmidt; King of Tomp-
kins Co., Walter Yuill, Mina Wilkin-
son; Mann, Anchew Schmidt, C. R.
Coultes; Northern Spy, Roy Cunning-
ham Mrs. A. Kay; R. I. Greening,
Waller Yuill, Mrs. R. J. McLauchlin;
golden russet, Stuart McQuarrie, L.
E: Card
iff; Blenheim Pippin
n (F
L. Cardiff MaryCartwright; Tol-
man Sweet,C. Wilson,
Andrew Sch-
midt; Ontario, M. McCauley, Mary
Cartwright; Wealthy,We lli e McDon-
ald, C. R. Coultes; exander, R. L.
McDonald, Mary Cartwright; Ribston
Pippins, W. R. Broadfoot, Walter
Yuill; Colverts, Andrew Schmidt, W.
E. Brown; Roxboro Russet, Walter
Yuill•ePeewaukee, Mina Wilkinson,.
Mrs. L. Eekmier; Ben Davis, L. E.
Cardiff, Mary Cartwright; Wagner,
R. J. Hoover; Mrs. R. J. McLauchlin;
Duchsss of Oldenburg, Andrew Sch-
midt, R. J. Hoover; 20 -oz Pippin, Roy
Cunningham, Walter Yuill; Crab, An-
drew Lamont, Levi Parr; winter ap-
ples, any named variety, Mary Cart-
wright, Jas, Perrie & Sons; fall ap-
ples, any named variety, Mrs. A, Kay,
L. E. Cardiff; variety of winter ap-
ples, C. R. Coultes, L. E. Cardiff; var-
iety of fall apples, Andrew Schmidt,
L. E. Cardiff; fall pears, Andrew
Schmidt, Mrs. 0. Hemingway; winter
pears, Ben Yolleck, C R, Coultes;;
plums, Mrs. R. J. McLauchlin, Finlay
Samis; variety of plums, Mrs. John
Grieve; grapes, Mrs. John Grieve. •
Judge—Robt. Cunningham.
Brahntas—Cock, W. S. Scott; hen
"'Lindsay Brown, W, S, Seott; cockerel
W, S. Scott, Lindsay Brown; pullet,
W. S. Scott, Lindsay Brown.
Cochins—Cock, W. S. Scott, T. C.
Wilson; hen, T. C. Wilson 1 an 2;
cockerel, T. C. Wilson, Mrs. J. D,
Warwick; pullet, T. C. Wilson 1 and
�•. Barred Rocks --Cock, W. L ,
W, S. Scott; hen, W. L Miller; W.
'Haittstock • cockerel, W. I, Miller 1
'and 2;pullet, W. I. Miller 1 and 2,
Itbck A. 0. V, --Cock W. Hain -
stole k 1. and 2; hen, W. I. Miller;
Ilainstocic; cockerel, W. S. Scott,
M, •I1, Vollick; pullet, W. S. Scott 1
and 2.
White Wyandottes--•- Cock Colin
Fingland, M. H. Volllek; hen, C. ling.,
land, M. It. Vollick; cockerel, W. I.
Miller, M. H. Vollick; pullet, M,
Vollick, W. I, Miller.
W andottes, A .O. V.--Cock,W.
1or W. 0, Scott; hen, V, 0,
Mrs. T. i3. Irwin; Irish crochet, A, 1.
Downing, Miss M. Livingstone; fan-
ivia stone;fan-
cy knitting in cotton, Ml's. A, Eay,
Mrs. A, G. Sava e; crochet work incotton, Nis M. Livi'ngatone, Mrs, A.
0, Savage; crochet work In wool, A.
E. Downing, • Mise M, Livingstone;
crochet work in silk, Miss M. Living-
stone, Mrs. A. G. Savage; lace, Hon-
iton or point, Miss Livingstone, Mrs.
A; G, Savage,; tnee, tonoril1er Mrs. J.
D. Warwick, Mrs, A. C, Dames; cami-
sole, Mrs. T. 13. Irwin, Mary D. Case-
more; child's fancy dress, Mrs. T. 13,
Irwin, L. E, Cardiff; lady's fancy
apron, Geo. T. Robertson, ,Mrs, 0.
Hemingway; fancy collar and cuffs,'
Mrs. A. G. Savage,, A. E. Downing;
tatting, Miss Id. Livingstone, Mrs.
(Continued on page 5.)
Auction Sales
bind eNT8, aIAnl. Ft; HNprune, a b0,—loin
Pnrvjs, AactMeiler, hes been n,e0ruoted to
Belt by Pubilo Amnion 01 Lot 1, Con. A., Teri),
berry Twp ,111 Aloe North of JamostoW5),
on Friday, Ootober Ooh, at 1 o'elook, sharp,
the following property r—1 heavy draft team
of geldings, t driving mare, 3 caw eprn,ging,
taw el ue let of Fob, nary, 1 dry esw, 4 eteere,
2 ymire old, 2 heifers 2 ti: mere old, 2 Tamworth
sows, 10 alga, ebo {It 1001bs, each, 20 PIP, shout
110 lis, each.,.8 pig. shout 60 !be. iamb, 10 pigs,
weaned; 11 Oxford ewes, 1 Oxford ram, 60 white
Leghorn hens' nulo seat buggy, 1 cutter, l
wagon, 1 Set bob•elelghs,1 Hat rook, 1 mammy.
Harris binder, 7.11. cut, nearly new, 1 Olo-
Cormiok mower, 1 hay rake, 1 Ma0aey-Barri$
nitivator, I three•drum land roller, 1 ellenharrow, 1 ailed drill, 1 turnip seeder, 1 pea
harvester,' twin plow, 2 single plows, 1 law
nine 112111.1 set. 1'200 -Ib. weigh scales, 1 root
pulper, 17 wagon or nlell;h tongues, quantity
of Rook Blue, quantity of 5inch knock
Ehn, quantity 61 rough. lumber, 7 bunches
of ab h, glee, 00 cords of dry stovewood, Maple
and Beach, 10 onrda el Summer. wood, chains,
of hav 1 solid o, ktextensio bus.oats,
1 Aeltt ex-
tension table, 1 bedroom suite, one. White
Sewing machine, phalre and all leoueehoid
utensils, Se 8 posttivley without treserve am
proprietor has sold ilia farm.
1I(aMe.—Sums of $10 and under, mob • ov-
er that amount 12 month. credit given on
f,rulehi0g approved joint notes 0 per cent
off on credit anemone, Lend owners for
bed spread in fancy stitch, Mrs. Wm. security, Jab. WRICiri0, ?,•update'
1o'vie L. E Cardiff; hooked mat,
Mrs. W. H. Anderson, Mary E. Case -
more; braided mat, Mrs: M. Living-
stone: R. L, McDonald; pair of wool-
en mitts, home made, Miss M. Living-
stone, Mrs. Jno. Grieve; man's work-
ing shirt, home made, Mrs. Jos.
Whitfield, R, L McDonald; main's
pair of socks, wool, fine, Mrs. A. Kay,
Miss M. Livingstone; man's pair of
socks, coarse, Mrs. Jno. Grieve, Mrs.
Geo. Muldoon; maple syrup, Jas. Per-
rle & Sons, Mina Wilkinson; honey
in the comb, Mary Cartwright; hon-
ey, strained and extracted, Mrs. J.
D. Warwick, Mary Cartwright; grape
wine, R. L McDonald, Mrs. 3. D. War
wickldrs, Jno. Grieve; rhubarb wine,
Mrs. J. D. Warwick, Mrs. Jno. Grieve
raspberry wine, Mrs. W. H. Anderson,
Finlay Samis; elderberry wine, Mrs.
J. D. Warwick, Mrs. W. H. Anderson;
tomato catsup, Finlay Samis, Mrs. T.
B. Irwin; sweet cucumber pickles,
Mary Cartwright, Mrs. R. 3. McLau-
chlin; mustard pickles, Mary Cart-
wright, Mrs. A. Kay; chili sauce, Mrs.
W. H. Anderson, Mrs. Wm. McKel-
vie; peaches and pears, Mrs. John*
Grieve, Mrs. Harvey Bryan; rasp-
berries and strawberries, Mrs. Alex
Murray, Finlay Samis; rhubarb and
cherry, Mrs. Jno. Grieve, Mrs. J. D.
Warwick; orange marmalade,' Mrs.
Wm. McDonald; pint apple jelly, Mrs.
T. B. Irwin, Willie McDonald; rasp-
berry jelly, Mrs. J. D. Warwick, Stan-
ley Purvis; canned corn, Finlay Samis
Mrs. John Grieve; canned • beans,
Mary Cartwright, Mrs. Ino. Grieve;
caned beans, Mary Cartwright, Mrs.
Jno. Grieve; canned tomatoes, Mary
Cartwright, Mrs. R. J. McLauchlin;
canned chicken, Mrs• T. B. Irwin;
pressed meat, Mrs. J. D. •Warwick; 8
articles of food, suitable for a Work-
ing Man's Supper, T. C. Wilson, M.
McCauley, Mary Cartwright.
Judge M. L. Watts.
Early potatoes, Andrew Schmidt,
Stanley Purvis, Mrs. Wm. McDonald,
R. J.
for 'late potatoes,
Wm. G
Hoover, Andrew Schmidt, Stanley
Purvis, collection of potatoes, An-
drew Sclunidt, J. A. Murray, Stanley
Purvis, R. J. Hoover; swede turnips,
Levi Parr, Andrew Schmidt; turnips,
any other variety, Andrew Schmidt;
white field carrots, Stanley Purvis,
Peter Stewart;,, long table carrots,
Jas. Perrie & Sons, Stanley Purvis;
early horn carrots, Stanley Purvis,
J. A. Murray; long red beets, J. A.
Murray, Stanley Purvis; winter. rad-
ishes, Andrew Schmidt, Stanley Pur-
vis; sugar mangolds, Thos. Miller,
Peter Stewart; red marigold wurzels,
Peter Stewart, R. a. Hoover' long
yellow mangolds, Andrew Schmidt,
Wln. Crawford; yellow,•globe man -
golds, Peter Stewart, Andrew Schmidt
red globe mangolds, R. J. hoover.
Onions from seed red, Stanley
Purvis, Mn, John Grieve„ onions
from seed, yellow, Andrew Schm
Stanley Purvis; onions hem seed,
Giant Rocca, Mrs, J. Grieve, Finlay
Samis; onions from Dutch sets, Mrs.
J. Grieve, Levi Parr; Top onion sets,
Andrew Schmidt; Dutch sets, It, J.
Hoover, Andrew Schmidt; Potato
onions, 11...1. Hoover, Andrew Schmidt
Corn, Yellow Canada, Andrew Sch-
midt, J. A. Murray; Corn, Yellow
Dent, Andrew ,Schmidt 3. A. Mur-
ray; Fodder Corn, J� A. Murrell;
Table Corn, Jots, Porrie & Sons W.
E. Brown, Collection of Cori, r.
Murray, Andrew Schmidt; Curled
Savoy Andrew Schmidt, Scott Bur-
chill; Drumhead Cabbage, R. J. ICoov-
er, Scott Burchill; Oxheart Cabbage,
Home-made bread, white, Mrs.
Hugh Campbell, Mrs. George Mul-
d00n -home-made bread, brown
Geo. Muldoon, Mary Cartw,xight;
home-made bred,
currant, Mrs. Jos.
Whitfield;' buns; Mary Cartwright,
Mrs. Jos. Whitfield; tea biscuits, Wm,
Crawford, Mrs. 0. Hemingway; dark
fruit cake, Mrs, T. B. Irwin, Mrs. W.
H. Anderson; Iayer cake, light, Mrs.
A. Kay, Mrs. Harvey Bryans- layer
cake, dark, Mrs. Lou. Eckmier, Finlay
Samis; oatmeal cakes, W. E. Brown,
Mrs, Jos. Whitfield; cookies;, Mrs.
Hugh Campbell, Mrs. J. D. Warwick;•
doughnuts, Mrs. Hugh Campbell, Mrs.
Jno. Grieve- scones, Geo. T. Robert-
son,. Mrs. Jt D. Warwick; nut loaf
home made,, Finlay Samis, Geo • T.
Robertson; cookies, 3 varieties, Mrs.
Hugh Campbell, Roy Cunningham;
gems or muffins, Mrs. Harvey Bryans,
Wm. Crawford; short bread, Mrs. A.
C. Baeker, Mrs. Hugh Campbell; ap-
ple pie, Mrs., Alex Murray, Mrs. Huglhh
Campbell; pumpkin pie, Finlay Samis:
Mrs. Hugh Campbell; lemon pie, Mrs.
Hugh Campbell, Finlay Shlpis; tart
pie,• Willie McDonald, W. R. Broad -.foot• candy, maple cream, Roy Cun-
ningham; collection of candy, Roy
Cunningham,, Mrs. J. D: Warwick;:
baking from 1 batch dough, M, Me-
Cauley • baking from cake batter, M.
Judge Geo. Cardno•
Administrator's Sale
Village Property
and Household Effects
The4tltuinlstrator or the estate of the late
William Rothwell, will offer for sale by Pub-
l)cauction on the premises adjoining Oran.
brook, on Tneedsy, Ortolan 1801,, t 3 o'clock,
sharp. the following property • Village lots
oontxining 5 acres, more or 1es&, On the
premises he a good frame house. with kitchen
and woodshed
house. Laud woodshed. hay barn and ohiuken
On good state of cultivation and
oupboard, p1 extension tabl, sideboard,6 dinin' glass
chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 invalid arm chair,
1 arm chair, 1 rocking chair, 1 high chair, 1
tone parlor suite, 1 kitchen tahlo, 2 small
tables, l eerier table, 1 couch, B wooden beds,
8 mattresae0, 2 feather tioka, 2 antique bur-
eaus,/ bevel glass mirror, 1 000k stove, 1 coal
heater,' rug, 1 horse blanket, quantity oflin-
oleum, 2 bedroom toilet Sets, dillies, sealers,
and Kitchen utensils, 1 wash tub, 1 wringer, 1
iron. kettle, 1 stove pot, 1 water tank, 2 1.2
awards nd thermolamps 1 la1-2 ntern, 1cedar'olock,l 1r buck
osw,1 sprinkling can, 24 rook pullets, 18 pul-
lets, Pails, shovels, hoes and other articles too
numerous to mention.
TERMS OF SALE, Beal estate -10 per
Gent cash - balance to be fixed day of sale.
that amount, 6 mon—Sums of tths oredit 50 633 given 0 and under cash ;over
furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per Dent
per annum off for cash on credit amounts.
For further particnlarewpply to
Auctioneer Administrator
Collection ladies' fancy work, A.
E. Downing, Mrs. D. B. Irwih, Miss
M. Livingstone; embroidered five
o'clock cloth in cotton, Mrs. T. B.
Irwin 2nd.; filet crochet lunch cloth,
Mrs. John Grieve, Mrs. Geo. Muldoon;;
battenberg cloth,. Miss M. Living-
stone, Mrs. Geo. Muldoon' drawn-
work cloth, Itlrs. 3, D. 'Marwick;
embroidered tray etoth in cotton, Mrs
0. Hemingway„ Mrs. T. 13. Irwin; em-
broidered centre In silk,, Geo. T. Rob-
ertson, Mrs. 'I . B. Irwin; linen eentre
with crochet border, Miss M. Living-
stone, Mrs, Win. MaKelvie; embroid-
ered centre piece in cotton, Mrs, T.
B, Irwin, Mrs. A. G. Savage; embroid-
ered centre piece in dark linen, Mrs.
A. G. Savage, Mary E. Casemore;
embroidered table set, Mauna Ramil-
ton, Finlay Samis; cloth and 4 ser-
viettes, Mrs, It, 3, McLauchlin, A, E.
Downing; cloth and serviettes, Mrs.
R. J. McLauchlin A. E. Downing;
knitted coat or pullover, A, E. Down-
ing, Mrs, A. Kay; embroidered Mount
Mallick work, Mrs. A. G. Savage
Miss M. Livingstone; embroidered
}lobed., A. E,Downing, Mrs. A. 0.
Savage; embroidered hardanger, A.
E. Downing, Mrs, R, 3. McLauchlan;
embroidered wallachain, Mrs, A. 0.
Savage, Mrs. R. J. McLauchlan; em-
broidered French beading, Mrs. T. B,
Irwin, Mrs. A. 0. Savage; embroidery
od cross stitch, A. V. Downing Mrs.
A. G. Savage; embroidered French
or solid, Finlay Saints, Miss ni. Livy
ingstone; .coronation braidwork, Mull
M. Livingstone, A. E. Downirt Xto
alien cut work, Mrs, Geo, Muldfoon,
,. Lg5Da005, &o.—W. J. Dowd, Anationeer,
has reoelved instructions from the underaign-
edtooell by Public Auction at Lot 1, Con• 2,
Grey Townehip, (adjoining Jamestown), an
Tuesday, October 2006 at 1 o'clock, sharp, the
following property : 1 horse, 12 years old, 1
horse,11. years, old, i. aged horse • 1 ow, 8
years old. due December Beth, 1 oow. 11 years
old, due' Dee. 20ri., 1 oow, 8 years old, due
Nov.12th,1 oow 15 years old, due Nov. 20th,
1 cow, it years old, due Nov. lith, 1 cow, due
5yearo old, due Olay 6th, 1 cow, 8 years old,
due Deo, let. 1 cow, Bears•old, due March 8th,.
1 heifer, 2 years old, due Nov. 213rd, 1 heifer,
2 years old, due Jam. 7011, .2 steers, 2 years old
1 heifer,.2 years old, B heifers, 1 year old. I
steer, 1 year old, 4heiter calves, 2 steer calves,
t polled Angus bull, 2 years old. This 1s a
choice lot of polled Angus cattle, alt °owe sup-
posed to .freshen on date mentioned. A
e 1 deer-
gander, number erhens, B cut, a a ri
.. of int, Y MoCormaok mower,
5'ghinder,7 fo 1_
Proob oat, 1 Massey 1 rake, 1eedaot,
Froat�. 1 Mass cultivator, Noxon need drill
1,, rlys, 1 , Bain wagon manure box a and shelv-
nearly new, Bala wagonwitsbox
1 se or harrows,
D 0teelth, buggy. 1 cutter,
1 in plow,
1 fdo, 80 beetle, 1 fanning
mI a plow, 1
tuba pg box.
O cggbut t rein. 1 hand
reeking rav, 1 box, yard roota pity, 2 1 hay
reek, 1 gravel box, L capacity, a efts y
doable harness, d 1 set of tante b of 150 1 hay
fork,peslings and pallet's, and about feet00
rope, 1 aunty, eating tore[ tor, No. 12, 5o'
!arty organt.Dalaylabarnr, 21"t000t ladder, I set
ofbob•aleiglte pigreek and numerous other
articles, About 1000buahela of eats, 5 acres Of
turnip. and•aboat 8 tone of hay. Sale wlth-
outreserve•ae.proprietor he gyring up farm-
TERMS,—Same of haPaad under cosh ;. over
that. amount 10 months' credit given•. on Irma•
hating approved joint note's. 6 per cent off
for cash on credit amounts, Land owners for
eeourity. B. 0. STOKES, Proprietor.
For Sale in Ethel
Six -roomed, 1 -story house, good eteble-and
holt acre ground. Opposite the school house;
Cheap, apply to W. Spenoe. 12.12
Farm: for Sale
The undersigned olfero his.6Oncre farm for
sale, being South port of Lot 9, Con. 7, Grey
Township, Good 2•etory brick house, bank
barn,40x60 feet, with stabling. Good well
also oft water,tLand. ell cleared orae pt 2
h end under good state of 0(210•
orae n, baa -r ofall
t 8.nores f wheat sown.
About an rare of orchard, itruse to kinds Ethel,
Crura tte mhosto antra altisaell. or ll
Rural telephone and rural mail Will Telt
furthoe'pa on account a "ha promisee. For
furtherpartilonlArN Jones DARK,Propriettor o,
Farms for Salo
1QU sores of land, being the south if Of T{apt b, System
Cog, S, pad thin south�,,� of Let 1Q, 09n. 71[10110 �' ,` Cti �/•' `�
7 ownshi , 07 Morris, r ese farms are 0(1800a l L h r 4
p gg }},1 our Terve y
for sale to Moosup filo estate phis late James
smith, 11 not sold they w ll he rooted for pas... .. -... ..
tarp. Pot pxrtieularsh/,u�y to 0110H0xe0ptor$,
Teodoro will be received for lite Purohase of
Lot 85, Con, 14, Grey Township. Immedlote
possession, Apply et 0(208 to, •
rjolioltor fel Mortgage,
Farm for Sale
109 Imre Farm for sale, helm youth hall lot
27, Con 5,Township et 550701s. On prornis8
area good bee It barn, 78s40 with good cement
stabling : driving *heel 40x24 • comfortable,
good, frame house with good Eaane cellar
two good wont, never -failing ; [bout 5 turret
good maple bush, This farm is well fenced
and dralntxl and in good 30500 Of onitivatlon
and le situated Imile front Pillage of Walton.
also 1 nide from Wool and shuroh, For lar,
their partioolar apply on the premises Or to.
8848 J, A. MARSiiALL
11511.4c k. R,4, Walton.
Tao you know that every action in your body,
even to the beating of the heart and the
digesting of food, is controlled by your nerv-
es ? If any segment of your spine hap`lt'ns to
be misaligned, this produces pressure on the
nerve as it passes through at this point and
1 health. Your
C it
this causes your ill l telt , Y t.�r k>t
.praetor can correct these misalignments
and you will again be healthy. A Free con-
sultation will convince you,
Office over Johnston's Jewellery Store
Listowel, Ont.
Hours j 12 to !0 p.m.
Phone 9
Farm for Sale
(The old Hamilton Place)
100 aoros, !being Ni Lots 7 8, 0 and North
40 a0re0 of I0, 000. A, Tnrni,erry township.
Large dret•olaos bard, splendid 0tone otebling
nndorneathl• windmill, large driving shed,
good frame ltopoo and stone kitchen, large
orchard, never failing spring on term, 2 ranee
from Wroxeter village and l mile from school.
Thiel farmhas(100 l In pastere for Nome years
iWilll sire
highest partionlars apply to land
;Administrator John R. Gibson estate
P. O. box 77 Wroxeter Phone 80
Desirable Property
pfor Sale
Solid Brlok 8•room dwelling iodated in Bras•
gels, on %•sore tot with front trees, shrubbery
and beautiful lawn, The property win be
seen by milling on /as. McFadzoan, (next'.
door). 57111 be sold at a sacrifice to close out
estate. Write toil. Danford, Sttite 028, First
National Bank Building, Detroit, Mloh., br
apply to Jae, Ma8'adso0n, Brussels, P. 0.
Farms for Sale
The Ohdinei nod offer! for sale hIt 100•aore
farm being NH, Lot t5,Cone 7,Merrill, A140
160 hetes tiling 'NOMA, Lot 24 and Ek, P7,
Oon, 7, Morris, 400odhons05 rind borne' In
fire l'eleeegondlt(an,oleo ail gfood. oat•bnfid•
inst. Will sen with of Withonj drop, B,•
on for 0011105, poor ) ea
10410(1, for lartber part'
Molars apply to W. TA. M0OUTOBEON,
ProtiotatofrR. it.48Betowitilt
The Mail and Empire's "T -Word" Picture Puzzle Game
How Many Objects Beginning With the
Letter "T"Can'You Find
in This Picture.
here's a Picture Puzzle which contains a number of objects beginning with the letter "P', just
take a good look at the -picture—there are all sorts of .things that begin withthe letter '•T"-11ke
train, trap, top, turtle, etc., and all the other objects arc equally clenr. Sce LOW. many you luta. find.
P11(s is not a trick puzzle; nothing !s hidden and you don't have to turn the picture upside-down. or
sideways. ..
rut" cash prizes will be given for the 50 host lists of words submitted In answer to this Puzzle.
The answer staving the largest and nearest correct list of visible objects shown in the picture that
start with the letter "P' W1l1. be &Warded first prize; second hest, second prize; etc. t
o ,
Fun Th•�s. Ga
Von can't help enjoying this new Picture Puzzle. Let's an
Jona 1n and have a jolly good time. No matter what your age
ie or Isn't, if you like to solve puzz1en, try your hand at this one.
It ie different to any you have tried before. It le molly not
made rtac
have been 00 p
a puzzle at an, tor an the objects n cPe i
With a poorest attempt ,e glegul&e or hide them; none are so paper but the hoorest eyesiTht ran See them Get a peaoti and pallor
and eco how many "T -Words'! yon coo Ind.
Doesn't make any difference whether• you are six or elxtir
years old. Ilere Is a chance to study and brash npp a tittle.
it to different.
Interesting. , educational In—old cod folks, ting, age ant
foot . See w Yes, Ill 5(1 t folks. middle You'll
and e a r-
foMs. hoe who ou, "T- the most "T•Worde." You'n have bar-
rels of fun finding "T -Words."
Mite.. ANGII8 OAMrBELL WON 51,000.
We have already paid thousands of
dollars In .prince. In recent Pussies
Games, Mrs. Angus Campbell, Forret,
Ont., wen 51,000; Mise Lacy Rirestine,
Gait, Ont„ won 51,0001 liwv. Theo.
leder, Wilnamebarg, Ont., won 51.000:
Mrs. Thoma& Pattimore, Athero, Ont.,
was another winner of 551000 and Mrs.
Joe Doyle, Marmara, Ont., also woa
Mr. 0, M. (larmichael, Welland. Ont.,
WOR .5600, and Mrs. Emma Moore,
Cheeley, Oak also won 5500.
Mos. 1L. li MorP117, Wslkervnle,
Ont., and Mr. Clarence L. Merrick.
Minden, Ont., each won 3000, while
Mrs. 51. C. Sharpe. Glen Allen, Ont.,
Mrs. J. F. Moollilllan, Ottawa, Ont.,
and Mrs, George 11 aelntosh, Mankland,, Ont., each wen $200.
And, now, here's your opportunity.
I, Any map, women or child who lives In Canada and 1&
not a residentof Toronto, and who fa not In the employ of The
Mail and Empire, may submit an anewor.
5, Prize Winners in former Picture Puzzler conducted (17
The Mail .nit 03>nmiro winning 5200.00 or mere are not eligible
Gr. pottic,pa(e In tide Puzzle.
lob 17th 1526 and
2, A4 Ir./00.00A mutt bo m- rlod 0 Oc ar
44 uzzt Mahn er' Mapi and
d Sneed . ]Kent emir P o R
n dra Y, ,
• � hat•e•
see i
Winning Answers will rendre the fifty
cash prices according to the table below:
Prise if Ne
Are on Sent.
Prize It
Sene tionna
Prize u
Are 6ettf.
1st Prize
2nd Prizo
3rd Prize
41.11 Prize
6t11 Prize
0th Prize
7th Prize
8511 Prize
Otlt Prise
10th Prize
11th to 20th
Prizt'a, Incl.
21st to 50th
Prizes, Incl.
In the event of a tie for any prize offered
the Yell amount of et ch prize will bo paid
to each tied participant.
4. A11 lists of .800100 should be written onone . de of the
Paper only, and numbered coneme001001y 1, 0, 3, etc, Write your
fall name and addreno in the 3,5900 right. hand. corner. If you
desire to write anything else, use a separate 'sheet,
6, Only eueh verde an appear ]h Wobotor's Dictionary will
be counted. Do not use hyphenated, compound or obsolete
word.. Where the plural In peed the eingular cannot be count-
ed, and vlce. versa. ,
IL Words of the 00100 Spelling can be used only once, even
though used to designate different Indocile or articles. An oil
jest or artlde can be named only once.
7. 'The answer having the Meseta and nearest correct net a
of ;lemon of visible objects' In the picture that begin with the
letter "T" will be swardud First Prise, eta Neatness, style or
haadwrlting,havo no hearing upon deciding the 'evermore.
3. Any member of people may co-nperato In answering the
050010, bot only one prize will he awarded to any one house•
hold; nor will prized be awarded to more then one of any group
whore two or Moro have been working together.
0. In the event of a tie fur any prize offered, the full
amount of such prize will bo awarded to each Wed par110lp0nt.
10. SubOcriptions (both new and renewal) payable In act,ve n,,e of 91.00 nor year by man or 36.00 per year delivered by
carrier boy in Hamilton, will be scooted.
11. All answers 01111 receive the mune oonelderattdn regard•
lees of whether or not a eube8rlptlon to The Mall and Tampere
Wien! In.
12. Three promineht Toronto anisette having no connection
with The Mall and 1Cmptre will be ,sl,qctod to act as judges to
decide the winner., and participants, by needing In their
annwere, agree to accept the decision of the judged u neat and
The Je4gee will neat on October 27th, and announce -
Want 'lel of wbrda will be
men( of the Prize Whiners and correct
possibled In The oto oendf l Empire as three
a thereafter u It le
possible, at 'any rate not )akar than tltreo weoke.
Th. lmauand '0 afro anywhere in (Auntie by man
year,. Delivered by carrier bey In tram.
Men, 0.00 per year.
The "T" 'Word Picture PuzzlO'Game ie a campaign
to Increase the popularity of The 50011 and Empire,
It code nothing to take part and you de not have to
send to a single eubecriptlon to win a prize. If your
11st of "T" Words le awarded Flrnt. Prize by the judges
You wall win 920; but if you would ince to getmore
than 030, we are making the following *pealed offer
whereby you can win burger cash prises by seeding
ONB or TWO yearly eubsorlptlons to The into and
1rIDRE'9 010W; If -your answer to the "T" Word
Platers Puzzle wine Flat Prize and you have sent In
0104 yearly eubseriptlon to The Mall and. Empire at
$5.00 by mail or $0.00 delivered byCarrier boy In llan.ii•
tonyou will receive 5000.00 nstead of 530 sewed
. yeti, $250.00; third prise 5250.00, and 0o forth. (8ae
eeeend comn Argues s In prize 1105.) •
Or, 1r 70._ Ammer wine Tint Prise and yea bare
seat t4 TWO year)y eabeerlp(lone to The Ma11 end 7 -
(n.w er esaewal sobeprlptione) x•06 will
0160 m poeor 150: ethin Drize ;scot Wird
Oo, and nsforth. testi. (see third column of figures In
prllts net.)
Isn't Chet a liberal offer/ .'But looks We will
ries extra Imonnts on all prizes to the cams manner.
1t your emewer la qualified by TWO yearly eub.tnlp-
tioaa and you win fourth prise, you wild motive saes,
and se on down the Mite net.
Tar own embeeript100 will count, or enbberjptiea
4 start at some future doe. Just' write on theorder
when you Want the paper started. tad It WOI inert
promptly on Mitt date.
This oiler applies to ISIIRAL MOTE pat.
read aft well es subscribers living iia dace and
towns. TO you atm already receiving The Marl
and Ilanplro, your sdbscrlptlon will bo extended
bonaAts present exrltstltilt.
ADDRESS xol7ft., AI5BWEk/ '1'O
rdeld id1IItANA6000, To1ap)1'1'p,
5)0r71:1. "Mlliita, CANADA,