HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-9-30, Page 8The
Store., ,. ,.
To Clear:Out
the Flies
FIy,Tox ",,,, 5oc hots.
Wilson's Fly Pads
l.oc pkgs.
Sticky Fly Paper
,,,,,,,. 6 Sheets ioc
Fly Coils .,3 for loc
Fly Swatters......., 15c ea
Insect Powder xoc pkgs.
All sizes of Corks for
Catsup and Pickle Buts.
Parowax for Sealing
...... 20c Ib.. pkg,.
-Gem Rubbers,.., oc pkg.
Pure Pickling Spices
Recipes for Pickling fill-
ed from our full stock
of Whole and Ground
Pickling Spices.
Parke's Catsup Flavor
Parke's Pickle Mixture
Pictorial Review Patterns kept in Stock
Come in and see the New Catalogue of 'Styles
Getting Ready for
the fall Fair
Bristol Board
Grey and Brown Matting
Dennison's Crepe Tissue
AH the popular colors
Flat Tissue Paper
White acid Cubs
And Red, White and Blue
Crepe Streamers
Your Films
Developed and
Printed here.
Kodak Agency.
Eas:man Eilms and Supplies
1'fde 111-4(.401
Tiruggist and Stationer
;otic; d eaten-:: »w;», , , , , , .'-i :-444-e-eatat-ea: latalatata et rF
Local H,,, News Items e
Pet:»rPi,_«:+',+r, ;sig q'? ...............eM:2"e....
WasJudge at Seaforth.
Walter Rose, the well known chick-
en man, was judge at Seaforth Fair
Last week for the Poultry entries.
Blood Poisoning in Hand.
Chas.. Davidson has been taking en-
forced holidays, owing to blood pois-
oning in his right hand. He expects
to be around in a few days. The in-
fection started in his little finger.
Geo. Best is having a new veran-
dah erected at his home and also the
roof shingled.
The two stores occupied by Baeker
Bros. and Wm. Proctor, are being
brightened up with the pa'inter's
41 Years in Business, Retires.
R. D. Cameron, who for. 41 years
has been in the mercantile business
in Lucknow, has sold his business and
will retire from active life. Mr.
Cameron is well known in Brussels,
as he is a brother of J. 11. Cameron,
a former Principal of the Public
Dogs Poisoned.
This week George H. Semis lost his
fide,. Scotch collie by the poison route.
Robt. Anderson's dog also got a -dose
but with attention is getting along al-
right. It's too bad that the party
leasing the poison out could not be
caught and a similar dose administer-
ed to him. Mr. Semis' dog had only
left the house a short time Sunday
Clean-up Week.
John Logan, chief of the Brussels
Fire Brigade has received notice front
the Dominion Fire Commissioner with
reference to the AnnualClean Up
Week whieh will be from October 4th
to 10th. All citizens are earnestl,'
requested to clean up their premises
and remove' any material which might
make the starting of a fire easy.
Clean Up and 13e Safe.
Will Meet inh W in am.
meeting of Mait-
land Presbyterial Presbyterian Wom
en's Missionary Society will be held
in St. Andrew's Church, Wingham, on
Thursday, Oct. 8, at • 2 p.m. Mrs. D,
T. L. McKerroll, president of W. M.
5, Presbyterian Church in Canasta,
will be present to address the gather-
ing.. Reports from auxiliaries will be
Continuation School Sports.
Nerd Thursday afternoon, Oct. 8,
the annual Brussels Continuation
School sports and field day will be
held on Victoria Park. During the
afternoon there will be matches in
gasket ball and base ball between the
pupils of Blyth and Brussels schools
as well as open events. In the evert-
vening a concert will be 'given in the
To*n Hall by the pupils and the priz-
es distributed. See advt, on another
page. .
Wadding Announced.
The Los Angeles Daily Times, an-
nounces the wedding of Miss Adeline
Sperling, daughter of Mrs. Sperling
of Brussels:-- Formal- announcement
is made this morning of the marriage
Wednesday at high noon of Miss Ad-
eline Sperling to Walter A. Mundy,
both formerly of Toronto, Can., the
10remony being performed in the
suite of Miss Harmon at Clark Mem-
orial Hone on Lona Drive, Rev. ti-
mer D. Helots officiating. The decor-
ations were carried out in chrysan-'
themums and foliage'," and the bride
wore a becomingfrock c of apricot
gebegette and CAiri
ed Ophelia
os 9
Mr. andu. r
M s Mundy left after a wed-
ding luncheon for San Diego and La
Jblia, where they will pass their hon-
eymoon, and after their return will
Make thou home ht 'Wainia Park,
Gorrie Fair Saturday.
, The Gerrie Fair on Saturday will
finish the Fall Fairs in this district.
Poster Printing.
Posters for concerts, tea -meetings,
, dances, etc., promptly printed at The
Post Office Send orders by mail, or
telephone 31. Quality the best and
prices right.
FLAX Seed Meal for sale at the Brus-
sels Flax Mill.
LITTLE White Pig, about 7 weeks
old, strayed from Lot 19, Con. 6,
Morris, on Saturday, Sept. 19.
Finder please notify, E. L. Ber-
nard, Phone 36-9.
FOR Sale.—?t acre lot on Princess
street, with good barn, well and
cistern. For further particulars
apply to Mrs. Parker, Kincardine,
or A, H. Macdonald, Brussels.
Phone 2316.
SAFETY Razor Blades sharpened.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money
refunded. Single edge 3c, double
edge 4c. Fox's Drug Store, Brus-
LOST,—A tire tester last week.
Finder leave at Post Publishing
House or with Joseph Qnerin, Brus-
QUANTITY of honey; for sale, 3 lbs.
for 25c. Phone 6415.
BUNCH of Pigs, 7 weeks old, for
sale. Apply at Lot 24, Con. 7,
Grey. Phone 8516.
15-2 George Addy.
CHOICE Fall Honey for sale. About
half clover honey. Price l0e per
lb, George Bone, R. R. 5,
2T Phone 126, Brussels.
FOR Sale -10 acres of land' about 1
mile north of Brussels, seeded
down; good house; also barn and
about 70 fruit trees. Apply
Edward Lowry, Brussels.
Prof. E. Katz, the noted drugless
eye,ppecialist, will relieve eyesight
trouble at the Queen's Hotel, Listowel
on Saturday of this week. Weak
eyed people, young or old, should
take this advantage to see Prof. Katz
while he is ttin
es g eyes. There is no
use telling you what caused your eye
trouble it is not what caused it, but
what will cure it. If you have head-
ache, pains in the temples, you should
have your eyes p1•operly attended to.
By proper attention to your eyes, eye
sight troubles vanish. By our great
skill and experience we can help you,
even though others failed.
Leckie—Graham Wedding.
At St. Stephen's Church, Toronto,
on Saturday afternoon, the marriage
took place of Alice Violet (Peggy)
Graham, younger daughter of Mrs,
Graham and the late Rev, W. 0. Gra-
ham, to Charles Stewart Leckie,
youngest sen of the. late John and
Mrs, Leckie,' of. Brussels, Ont. The
ceremony was conducted by Rev. T.
G. Wallace, the rector, while Fred
Lucas presided at the organ. The
bride, who was given in marriage by
Walter Turner, looked charming in
her travelling costume, an ensemble
suit of brown velvet,'with beige fox
trimming, brown velvet hat and shoes
en suite, and carried the bridegroom's
gift, a gold mesh bag. Her corsage
was of Ophelia roses and lilies of the
valley. Miss Mary Graham was her
sister's bridesmaid. She wore a smart
frock of brown lace, with large brown
velevt hat, and blonde kid shoes, and
carried a sheaf of autumn flowers.
Bernard Donovan acted as best man,
and the ushers were 0, S. Malcolm
and Verner Cook, During the sign-
ing of the register, Mrs. A. M. Brown,
aunt of the bride, sang. On the re-
turn from their wedding trip, Mr. and
Mrs. Leckie will reside at 45 Will-
cocks Street, Toronto. — The old
Mende of the groom in Brussels offer
hearty congratulations to himself and
Flax Mill Started, •
The Flax mill Started",gal Rena-
son's crep this week. Work will last
welt on into the winter.
Lille a Mustard Seed,
Classified ode are not very large.
Neither is a mustard seed. But both
have possibilities of insuring great
Rushed With Work,
Ament Bros. & White are busy at
their factory getting out sleighs for
the coming winter months. Over 25
hands are employed,
Many Went to Blyth,.
Brussels was well represented at
Blyth last Thursday afternoon, but
it was too gold for comfort, The base
ball team lost in a 5 -innings game
with the Blyth boys.
Secretary of Liberals at Clinton. '
Elton Bozell, a former resident of
this locality, is the Secretary of the
Liberal forces in Clinton. Mr. Rozell
takes a great interest in municipal
and fraternal matters in Clinton.
Fall Fair Dance.
Immediately after the concert in
the Town Hall, on Fiiday evening of
this week, a dance will follow. The
Wroxeter 5 -piece orchestra will sup-
ply the music,
Buys Block.
This week F. R. Smith, the well-
known druggist, bought the block con-
taining the store he is in, and the
Standard Bank from Nesbitt Hamil-
ton. Mr. Smith has a good piece of
Election Day to be Holiday.
The afternoon of Thursday, Oct.
29th (election day) has been declar-
ed a half holiday throughout the Dom-
inion of Canada to enable all voters
to cast their vote in the dominion
election. An order -in -council grant-
ing the half -holiday was signed by
the governor-general Saturday after-
Keep Closed Season.
After consultation with the vari-
ous field officers throughout the
province, as well as ascertaining the
opinion of the organized game as-
sociations, the .Department of Game
and Fisheries has come to the con-
clusion that it is in the best interests
of game preservation to continue for
this year the close season on part-
A Real. Recipe.
There recently appeared in the ad-
vertising columns of a popular news-
paper, an offer, for one shilling, of
a recipe by the use of which the hands
would become soft and beautifully
white. Many thousands of girls re-
sponded, and in due time they re-
ceived a piece of paper containing
the following words, which could not
be bettered: "Soak the hands three
times a day in dishwater, while moth-
er rests."
Name Mentioned.
Brantford Expositor: -In connec-
tion with the vacancy at the court
house, caused by the lamented death
of W. A. Hollinroke, clerk of the sup-
erior courts here, a position has to be
filled with regard to which the com-
bined duties yield a net income of
some $4,000 annually. Among the
applicants it is said that the name of
A. H. Monteith, barrister and solicit-
or, of Paris, is included. The post
need not necessarily be filled by a
member of the legal profession."—
Mr. Monteith was a former Barrister
here before moving to Paris, where
he is now mayor,
Mission Bands Hold Rally.
The annual rally of Mission Bands
in Maitland Presbyterial was held in
St. Andrew's Presbyterian church,
Wingham, Saturday, Sept, 19th. Mrs.
J. F. Linklater, Teeswater, Presby-
terial M. 13. Sec'y, presided. After
singing hymn 599, Miss Florence Oli-
ver led in prayer. Mrs. Douglas,
Lucknow, gave the Scripture reading.
The Roll Call was 'answered by each
Band leading in sentence prayer, and
by each Band standing. After sing-
ing hymn 899 reports were given by
the secretaries. Brussels, Ethel,
Lucknow, Molesworth, South Kinloss,
Dunganon, Teeswater, Whitechurch
and Wingham reported splendid work
and it was regretted other Bands were
not able to be present. Miss Nich-
olson, Pres. Treasurer, asked that all
money be sent her by the end of the
month. A program of readings,
choruses, and papers was given byfhe
Reading, Dungannon; an
ors, Parts 1 and 2—"Young Canada
in China," Wingham; Chorus, "We
are a. Missionary Band," Brussels;
Reading, "Patchwork," Miss Helen
Arkell, Teeswater; Chorus, Lucknow;
Reading, South Kinloss; Chorus, Rees
water, Discussion on problems in M,
B. work followed. Mrs. Linklater
stressed the needof greater earnest-
ness and faithfulness. A hearty vote
of thanks was given Wingham Band
for its hospitality, moved by Mrs.
Reid, Teeswater, and seconded by
Miss Jardine, Brussels. Mrs. P(:rrie
closed the meeting with prayer. A
most enjoyable hour was spent in the
lecture room` where tea was served.
Thee were 177 in atendance.
The Brussels Post has blossomed
out,. into a large seven -column all
home print. With its battery of lab-
or saving machines The Post will be
able to give to its patrons a larger
volume of news and its advertisers
more aceomodati,on. Under the
management of iliatLesiie Kerr, The
Post is developing into a newspaper
that is destined to play a more im-
portant part in the community in
which it is published than heretofore.
The Brussels ,Post appeared last
Week in new form. It now an all
home print, e7 columns to the page.
'i'he change maker{ a great improve-
meet in The Post. Editor Kerr is de-
serving of congratulations on the en-
tetllriee he has shown.
Editor Kerr of The Brussels Post
has made many improvements in his
paper lately, making it an all -home
print, sevan-eolunins-to-the-page pap.
E. 0, Drury, former Premier of On-
tario and leader of the Ontario P'ro•
ggressives, will be the Progressive can•
didate for North Simco,.
published letters and speeches.
' 9
g ��1
= and Prosperity
ROSPRRITY on the farm is
P dependent .on factors beyond 4
the realm of the farmers' con-
trop There must be a good de-
for farm and the production
costs must be kept in proper re-
lation with market returns. Our
Branch Manager is thoroughly fam-
iliar with the business of farming
and is ready to assist in carrying
your farm program to a successful
"r1 -1E .,
BRUSSELS BRANCH -C. H. Sarnia, Manager 1
Church Notes.
Melville Presbyterian Church
Rev, J, Dougald Mckenzie, of Mor
risburg, will occupy the pulpit of
Melville Church next Sabbath morn
ing and evening.
In Melville Church last Sahhatl
morning Dr. S. T. Simpson took as
his subject, "The Divine Man", basing
his thought on 2 Peter 2 : 3, "Ills
divine power hath given unto us all
things that pertain unto life and
godliness.l' The power of Christ is
the same to.dav as it was 2,000 years
ago.' It bas the power to draw men
unto him. Man's worst enemy is that
which will rob him of his belief in
Jeans Moist. The Gospel is able to
look after itself and Christ will still
reign until he has put all his enemies
under his feet. We do not need to
fear foi him, l ut we do need to fear
for cuiselves. We should study
Christ as teaseled in the gospel.
Manhood with Clilist will be crowned
with giory end honor. At the even-
ing service, Dr. Simpson's eubjeet was
"Phe Royal Man,"—Micah 8 : 8,
"What doth the Lord require of thee
but to do justly ; to love mercy
and to walk humbly with thy God."
The Royal luau is the Christian man.
Man is greater than anyof his works.
How is Royal manhood achieved ?
13y doing justly, loving merey and
walking humbly with God. The just
man is just to himself. To this must
be added, mercy patterned after the
mercy of Christ. The that two qual-
ities are developed as a result of walk-
humbiy with God.
Rev. Charles Waddell, Baptist min-
ister at St. Marys, has resigned.
Perth county came first in hog
shipments during the past few weeks,
with 2,176 hogs, 34 per cent. of
which were selects. A noteworthy
showing, and only bettered by Vic-
toria County, with 36 per cent. out.
of 519 animals shipped.
BrNTLYT-1n Morris Township, m, `;opt,
lath, 19E, to Earl and ars, Bentley, a
Personal Paragraphs )
Richard Stevens was a visitor at
Monkton this week.
Will Ament made' a business trip
to Preston last Thursday.
Mrs: Fred Messer, of Waterloo, is
the guest of her brother, Joseph Que-
W. A. Grewar was a visitor on
Thursday afternoon last with his son
at Waterloo.
Frank Oliver,' of Tillsonburg, was
a visitor with his mother and other
relatives this week.
Will J. Lowry, of London, spent
the week end visiting with' his broth-
ers and other old friends.
Dr. J. A. McNaughton returned
last Wednesday evening from his
motor trip 'to Penn Yan, New York
Walter Merr, C. N. R. agent, re-
sumed his duties last Friday after his
holiday trip to the Pacific Coast,
Mrs, A. G. Carter, who has been
visiting her sisters, Misses Fulton and
Mrs, Robt. Ferguson returned to her
home in Edmonton on Friday.
Lieut. -Col. H. B. Combe, of Clin-
ton, was a visitor in town on Friday
last. Col. Combe was in command of
the 161st Battalion until broken up'
Geo. C. Manners returned on Mon.
day nightafter spending 5 weeks with
his sons at Bawlf, Alta. Mr. Manners
reports the crops all cut and nearly
all threshed in that section, and a
good crop.
Goderieh Signal: Miss Idary Clarke
will act as pianist at the services in
North street United church until the
appointment of a new organist is
made, which will take place as soon
as the redecorating of the auditorium
of the church is completed.
Ronald M. Sinclair, of Windsor,
spent the week end with his parents,
Barrister and Mrs. W. M. Sinclair.
Mr, Sinclair leaves on Thursday for
Miami, Florida, where he will be ,of-
fice manager for the real estate firm
' that he works for in Detroit. This
is a good promotion and we are glad
to hear that another Brusselite has
secured the promotion. Mrs. Sinclair
and children will leave in a few weeks
for the South.
King Bros.
Autumn Modes
In New
Smart Coats, Wraps, Dresses and
Separate Coats have just been re-
eceived to replace numerous ones
All the new materials of Needle
Point, Su dine and
Suedine Peach Bloom
for coats, with Crepe Satins, Satin
Cantons, Poiret Twills and Ball
riggan for Dresses are shown in an
extensive color range, including.
Epinard, Pencil Blue, Pansy 'Pur-
ple, Golden Pheasant, Walnut
Brown as well as Navy and Black.
Dress Prices are 9.00 to $45.00
Coat: Prices 15.00 to 115.00
Furs ! Furs !
Let us interest you in a New Fur Coat. Whether
your choice be Persian Lamb, Hudson Seal, Muskrat,
Trench Seal or Canadian Coon we can give you utmost
value for your investment, Every Coat is.guaralrteed.
Muskrat Goa $119.00 to$250.00.
Lamb Coats.'.. 150.00 to 450.00 .
Hudson Seal Coats up to 500.00
French Seal Coats ---Special 149:00
King Bros,, Wingbam
Fox! s ►tui Store
The a Store
Fountain Pens
Ever Sharp Pencils
are becoming more in use ev-
ery days --our stock at the pre-
sent time is very complete,
both in
The Waterman
and Parker
line and both makes are fully
We Can Save
you a bit of money if you leave
Razor Blades
with us to be sharpened, Those
who have tried it have found
the work entirely satisfactory.
Single Edge 3e.
Double Edge 4c,
and if not satisfactory it will
cost you nothing
There are many uses
to which a good
Not Water Bottle
may be used. The season is
coming on—we have a very
good line of them and you don't
need to pay a very big price
either—don't forget our per-
sonal guarantee goes with each
The Old Saying
"an ounce of prevention is batt
ter than a pound of cure" in,
just as true to -day as when it
was first uttered and it -certain-
ly most aptly applies to our old
Cod Liver Extract
As a Tonle and Builder
$1.00 per Large Bottle
The Flies
are staying right with us, but
their visit will be considerably
shortened if treated to a mild
shower of
Our Developing and
Printing Business
has grown very rapidly this sea-
son, but of course there's a rea-
son, The work is the very best
and a prompt service besides
"Careful. Prescription Dispensers"
Continuing W. M. S. Organizes;
Mrs. F. H. Larkin, of Seaforth,
At, a tweeting held recently in .Olin-
ton, at; which representatives of the
Continuing Presbyterian auxiliaries
of Hmnu County were present, it was
decided to organize a presbyterial.
The following officers were. elected i
President; Mrs. F. H. Larkin, Sea -
forth first vice president,
D. McDerinid, Goderich • second vice-
president, Mrs. J. Foote, Exeter ; thin d
vice-president, Mrs, G. E. Taggart,
Clinton ; fourth vice-president, Mrs.
J. 0. Grieg, Seaforth ; secretary,
Miss H. I Graham, Seaforth ; home
helpei's'senretary, Mrs, Frase, Bay-
field , Y, W: A.'S secretary, !rips, Me-
Mutchie, Clinton Mission bond, Mts.
H. L. Gibson, Seaforth ; welcome.
secretary, Mrs, 11. Arnold, Hensel) ;
supply secretary, Mrs, W. D. Fair,
Clinton ' "Glad Tidings," Miss' L.
Jeekyll, )Exeter ; library and liter-
ature, Miss'Isabel McEwen, Goderieb
nniaeiornat'y secretary, hiss Isabel
Graham, Seaforth.
Auction Sale.
W448Lot 27, Con, 14,nMcE11-r
top. Salo at 2 o'clock, lohert Clark, ad-
miniatrator, Geo. B. Elliott, saottoneer.
TUESDAY. OCT. 6Tn.—Farm Stook, imple-
ments, &a: , at Lot 21, Con 10, Grey. Sale un-
reserved at io'clock, A. E. Plaskett, Prop. ;
D. M, Scott, Aac,
FeTDAr, OCT,9Tri.—Clearing sale of Farm
Stools, Implements, Grain, ,@a., at Lot 1, Con,
A, Turnberrx (134 miles North of Jamestown),
No reserve ne farm hea been sold. James -
Wright, Prop, ; John Purvis, Aim.
Tenders for Booth Privileges
Tenders will be received up to Oct. 8, for
rho booth privileges at the pplowing atoh.
L. E. CAnDnnrmBr, Seo'JJ
Fe11 wheat 41 10 41 10
Em...... 1.10 11a
Barley 80.. es
Cate 8s 87
Baokwheat 70 Ta
86 86
Hogs 18 28 18.26
Prices Smashed
Floor :Coverings
Thursd ay, Friday and Saturday
Red Front Bargain Store
Congoleum Rugs
6 x 9 ft. Reg, $ 9.00 Sale $ 7 45
Its x 9 ft, Reg. 11.25' Sale 9 50
9 x 9 ft. Reg, 13 50 Sale 11 25
9 x lot ft, Reg. 15.75 Sale 13 50
9 x 12 ft. Reg. 13 oo Sale 14 75
9 x 13 ft' Reg' 24:125 Sale 17 50
9 x' 15 ft. Reg. 22 50 Sale 19 50
All Rugs
Gold Seal
Floot.Oil Cloth and Linoleum
We still have a few yards of the best D Qual-
ity Oil Cloth at Sale Price per square yard .::. 5 �`'
Linoleum Remnants, Sale Price per sq. yard... . '80C
1 Tapestry Rug Special
21 yards—. S"atl
� 3Y a $14.96
1 Tapestry Rug' Special
9 x 12 yards Sale . $19.85
Owes Sound Carpet & Furnishing Co
JNO, 11. HART Phone 100x JAS. GRIMOL»BY
Next door to the American' Hotel