HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-9-30, Page 1lrllL'
VQL, $4 No. xs
2.00 per annum in advance
Harvest home
Rev. S. Fulton Irwin, Seaforth
will conduct Services
Sunday, Oct.. 4 j -
At 2.5e and 7.50 p. hs.
Special Music at each Service
Tuesday Evening, Oct, Nth
A Fowl Supper will be served
followed by a splendid Pro-
by The Elgar Ladies'
Concert Co,, of London, In -
eluding Miss 'Jane Metcalfe,
Admission 50 and 25 cents
Everybody Welcome
nee, 8, F. Chandler, Pastor
Mrs. D. McTaggart,
President Ladies' Aid
Bethel and Walton
Purpose holding a
Consisting of Fancy Work,
Aprons, Children's Clothes,
Etc., also Cooking Sale, in
Workman's Nall - Walton
On Afternoon of
Thursday, Oct.8
A Chicken Supper with .all
the Season's Delicacies
will be served,
Admission 25 and 15 ets.
You are invitedto the Bazaar,
Cooking Sale and 'Supper.
New Advertisements
Local—E, getz
Leet—Joe, carotin
Fareele-8. Lowry ..
Nottoe—Mlssea Hunter
Piga far sale—poo. Add,
Baxley for cafe—poo. Bane
Auction $ale—Jae, Wright
Oontrndiotion—Dr. White
Sunday Berviaee--United)Oharah
Puzzle—Mall and Empire
Aaotion Bale—A. 8, Plaskett.
P1g strayed—E, L. Bernard
Aatumn Modes—Htngal�Bra,,
Honey for sale—Mrs. WArmstrong
Walt Opontntr—J. 1t, ttcbinhein & Son
esizaar—W.lten and Bethelaburches
ships. The funeral took piece on
Saturday efts:noon and was largely
attended. Service was bold at the
hse by Rev. W. S.'Itswkine, rector
of Trinity Church, aeeieted by Rev.
G. Telford, of St. Andy ewes Church,
which wae followed;avo interment in
the Union Cemetery. Pall -bearer',
were Meseta, Richard. Carter, Wm.
Fear, Gen, Thompson. Edward Craw-
ford, John Perdue apd Bial, Herring-
Rally Day will be observed in
Jamestown Sabbath School next Sun-
day afternoon at 8 o'clock. Bev. Mr..
Armstrong, of Wroxeter, will be in
charge and a good turn-ont le hoped
Silo filling and lavishing are the
older of the day.
Miss Ella •Hansuld, of °ottani,
»tom:: ;.ea p •q«;:, ; spent the week -end at her home here.
ill The Surrounding District
0++++-4,4,4+;44,40.4444.0444.4.4.84•44444.....,44444,4444,4 :' #.:'i»`,..:»
A large number of Moncrieff
friends and neighbors gathered at the
home of Sohn and Mrs. Pride, Mon-
dac evening last and presented their
daughter, Amelia J., with a shower.
Many useful gifts were given. The
remainder of the evening was spent
in dancing in which everybody joined
and hada good time.
Next Sunday, Oct. 41h, Rev. R.
Fulton Irwin, of Seaforth, will con-
duot Harvest Horne services in" Mon-
crieff church at 280.and 7.80 p. m
There will be special music at each
service. On 'T'uesda'y evening the
fowl supper will be served, to be
followed by a splendid program by
the Elgar Ladies' 0nneetr. Co., of
Dondnn, including Miss Jane Met-
calfe, reader. The Company wits here
two years ago, but will present an
entire change of program.
T. Henry and family spent the
week end at Meaford.
Alain Rann and Jack Gipson have
returned. from Saskatchewan.
Norman Brand, Toronto, is a visitor
at the home of R. Stocks,
Mrs. G. Davidson is spending a
month with relatives at Oshawa.
Wm. Patterson and daughter, Miss
Mabel, are holidaying in London.
Miss Kathleen .Armstrong returned
from a cisit with friends in Elgin Co.
'Bliss Della Rutherford, Toronto,
is visiting her father, W. A. Ruther-
Mrs. A. Sanderson accompanied her
sister, Mrs. Grimshaw, on her return
to Detroit, Monday.
Mac. Allan, Teeswater, and Dr.
Frank Allan, Toronto, are visitingitin
their parents, George and Mrs. Allan,
Rev. E. F. Chandler, Walton,
United in the Un t
ed on Sun
day and also gave an .excellent ad-
dress on "Loyalty to Jesus," at the
Rally Day program, which was pre-
. sented in the school room of the
church Sunday afternoon.
Rev, Mr. 'Robertson, the newly ap-
pointed pastor of Salem church, will
preach in the United Church here
next Sunday morning while the Rev.
A. D. Armstrong conducts an anniver-
sary service at Salem.
Expert Piano and Organ
Tuner and Repairer
Is in town,
Orders left with
Walker & Black or S, Carter
will receive prompt attention
bliss Muriel Michael, Gnu. 1 , spent
a couple of days with her sister, Mrs.
Bert Vodden.
Ernie and Mrs. Ackert and family,
of Holyrnnd, visited last week at
Chrie. Reynat•ds.
On Monday evening at the home of . Mies Jean Osbni ne, of Ripley. is George McKee as captains. Mr. Bo.
David and Mrs. Vogan, Howick, an spending A couple of weeks with Mre.' bee, the League President, then took
enjoyable time was spent 'when a (Rev,) D. Guest. charge of a half-hour of games and
large number of their friends met and Mrs. Bairnes returned borne last, awe conteste. Luncb was served and
presented a y Vegan, an shower ta mMonths
aBrantfordgand couple
tNiagara er a very pleasantrevening e well leased aft -
with the
their son, sVegan, and his bride- months inLeague. The Rally program will be
ick,Miss Mary. Grant, of How -Falls.
ick, who were married at the manse, Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Copeman and given on Thursday night of this week.
Delmore, Thursday afternoon. Miss Hurley, of Simone, spent the Everybody welcome.
As a gentle reminder to those
attending the Fair on Friday
next, not to miss the opportu•
nity of callin;; at The Variety
Store, when we shall be pleased
tie show you our stock which is
better than ever.
In our Lunch Room we shall
be prepared to serve a splendid
hot supper with our price the
sane -35 cents.
An efficient' staff will give.
prompt service.
Do your shopping at the
Variety Store. We give good
value for your money.
M.&C. Hunter
Phone 82.
' An interesting League social was
held on Thursday eight in the United
Ghurchr with a large attendance.
The subject lot the evening was
"Readlug" and interesting topics wets
prelriu•ed by Mrs. G nest, Mrs, Genie,
Lyles Ames and Ruby Cleaver. Final
plans were then made for the League
contest with Charlie Hansuld and
Howick Fall Fair will be held in
Gerrie on. Saturday.
Milton C. Conk has received his
ftret-class certificate on his appeal to
the Department of Education.
Gordon Hargrave, who has been in
charge of a circuit at Lockwood,
Sask.,'fnt the past year, spent a few
days with his parents, Thos. and Mrs.
Hargrave. He will attend Victoria
College this term.
A quiet wedding took .place at the
Baptist parsonge, Listowel, on Sat-
nrday, September loth, at 1 o'clock,
Rev. H. Jackene ,officiating, when
Stelyt Emily. eldest daughter of E. A.
and Mrs, Harris, became the bride at
Gordon S. Carswell, son of John and
Mrs. Carswell, Pahnertnston.
Friends were glad to see John
geek. special buarnese pili be transacted, a
Full list of the prize winne's of good attendance is asked for.
Blyth Fair may be read in another I Thursday evening of Ibis week is
cnlutun. l the Young People's League Rally.
Blyth Bowlers brought }mute .the 1 Everyone is invited to attend alt
this a real rallying dray for the Fall
months of League wonk
Next Sunday on the Ethel circuit,
Emigh able to be down street, last
week -end with Dr, and Mrs. MTcMast-'
Rev. D. M. Guest delivered an ex-
cellent sermon on "Prayer" to a gond
sized congregation on Sunday even-
Wilmer Geddes, of Toronto Dental
College, spent a few days at the
Parsonage with. Rev. D. and Mrs.
We are pleased to,repot t that Mrs.
Hansuld is much improved after her
serious illness and' expecte to be up
again in a few days.
First half of- September cheese was
disposed of by Salesman Knight at
22e per lb. It pays to be a patron of
of the Ethel factory.
Mr, Howlett and Ed Desitudine
motored to Bearusville on Saturday
to attend the wedding of the foruter's
son, Blake. His many ft lends extid
A. meeting of the Lange,: Board and
all others interested, will he held on
Saturday evening in the .Public Lib-
rary: Ethel, at 8 o'clock sharp. As
Jnynt Trophy from Godericb last I take part ,n the program and mae
Wedneedair afternoon.
el recently owing to to the serious l
illness and death of his sister, Mrs. t the pastor will commence a series of
Alex. Tilker, sermons on "Great men and women
TBE LATE MiRS. JOHN MASON.— of the -Bible," The subject for Sun -
remains nf Frames Nett, do will it?,''Awoman of hospital.
the John Mason, who passed ity." Everyone is invited to any of
away at the home of her daughter, these set:vices.. Come yourself and
Mrs. John
Moor, MI
Forest, -o
your r visitos,
Thursday Met, were brought to Byth Next Thursday, O
to the home of her son, Benj, Mason, test will be started in the Young
from where the fungi al took place on People's League. Markt; will be giv-
Setm•day to Union Cemetery. The en for attendance, pt.nnlinness, topica,
late Frances Nott wae born in Tuck- oral and read, musical and literary
etgmith Township in the year 1843uumhela, efc This will continue for
rand was married to John Mason to ten weeks when the losing side will
1883, moving to Lot 25, Cor. 9, Hal -
winners. So if you want
Tett, where they resided until the to get in of the barquet, don't be
family came to Blyth in 1889. Mr, conspirunus by your absence at our
Mason became engaged in the hotel meetings.
husinees. Ile first purchased the old A lar ee number teem ' the Ethel
Centra! lintel, which stood just South Women's Institute tuotnred to Wrox-
f the new pnstoflice, where they re- etet last Thursday. to attend a meet-
perined until the building was de- ing there and assist in 111e program
etroyed by fire. Later they perches- for the day. Interesting paperswere
ed thetiueen's Hotel, where they liv given by Mrs. R. let metier and Mrs.
ed until five years ago, when Mrs, Jae. Bummer ; teedil•g by Miss
Mason went to reside with her daugh- 'Gerrie Purvis and solos by M r
ter at Drumlin. Mr, Mason passed
away 25 yams ago, and she is surviv-
ed by a family of three daughters anti
two sons, namely, Mrs. John Blom",
Mount Forest ; Mrs. t'd'na, Btunednn,
Editor E liott was called to Listow-
Dr. Donald E. Ross left for Los
Angeles, Cal., wirer he may locate.
Quite it number of the bnvs and
girls left to attend Torous 'i Uuivers-
ityThe churches of Clinton and Au-
burn have issued a call to Rev. Wm.
Younger, of Owen Sound.
An nld of
has been removed.
The buiNtling East of the Commercial
Garage on Huron street. belonging to
Mayor Jackson, and one of the oldest
lu Clinton, has been taken dnwn.
F. R. Dat row, barrister and soicltor,
has taken over the law business of
J. L Hillotan, at Godericb, who has
been appointed to the Perth County
Court bench. Mr. Darrow hae,beeu
in practice at Clinton for a short
time. Re is oecupyiag the of3TceS on
the square in which the firth of Ptoud-
foot & Rillorau were located. for
many years.
E. S. Livermore, who hoe been
spending the Summit on a mission at'
Jenner, Alberta, is eaanding a week
at hid home iu town before going to
Toronto to cotnmence a law course at
Oegoodo. Mr, Livermore thoroughly
enjoyed his Summer in the West,
whicb was meetly epetrt in the open.
He met many Norwegians, Swedes
and Danes, who are, he sage, it fine
class of Canadians. Mr. Livermore
goes into the law office of Messrs.
Waldron and Bouck,Toronto,
Londesboro Miss Ctoma Masan,
brumho ; Benj, Mason, Blyth, And
Wm. MIason,'L0ndon. The lute Mrs.
Mason was one of the pioneers of the
district and a woman of kind and
loveable disposition, which won for
icer many warm and lasting friend -
Prices of Live Poultry
We have commenced taking delivery of Live Poultry
and the following prices will hold gond
until October 9th :
over 6 lb. .. 20e Hens 81/2 to 4 Ib..... , . 11c
Chickelis 5 to 6 lb. 18c Hens under 81 ,6 Ib. . , . , 8c
Chiekens 4 to 5 lb. ,-... 16c Roosters over 5 lb. 1].c
Chickens 3 to 4 lb. ' . , ... 14e Roosters under 5 lb. . ee
Chickens under 3 Ib... 12c Spring Ducks over 5 lb12c
Hens over 5 lb, , 15c Spring Ducks under 5 Ib. lee
Hens 4 to 5 lb. 13c Old Ducks . , .... , . , .. 10c
Nothing but \0, 1 Poultryaccepted, except t at
reduced prices. Poultry, must be in starved condition,
or deduction made for crop.
Robt. Thamson
Phone 66
Nicholson andblies florae Pet vis.
The members of the Ethel Society
were givers it very hospitable re
ceptiou by the Wrnxeter Indies raid
after the sessin11, is visit to the
new library and rink, a vey monetize
big flinch wan served by the ladies of
WI oketer Society.
Noted Church
REV, A. W. BARKER, a. D.
Sunday, Oct. 4th
11 a.me—Public Worship.
Subject t "The 'Four Faces"
8 p.m.—Sabbath School Ses-
sion and"I3iblc Classes.
pan.-•-1'ublia Woi's11p,
"The Seeking Saviour"
Mond 8 pee. ---A ltally of the
youn ()plc of the congrega-
Tuesday, 8 p.m....A meeting of
the officials of the cengregatiou.
Wednesday evening— Prayer
and fraise Serviee.
Dear Mr. 'Editor:
Permit me space in your
valuable paper to emphatically
discredit an absolutely unfound-
ed rumor to the effect that I
intend leaving town. I take
this opportunity to positively
assure the public that, at the
present time, 1 have no inten.
tion of discontinuing my prac-
tice here.
Yours respectfully,
John 11, White, B.A., M.B.
Christian character, beloved by all
who knew her, She leaves to mourn
her loss, her daughter, Mrs. Frank
G. Fair, Ancaster, Ont., who cared
for her during her long illness, her
son, George, of Wingham, three sis-
ters namely :—Mrs. Jos. Breckenridge
Mrs. John. Fell and Mrs. Geo, Thorn- j
ton, at whose home she died, also two
brothers, Jas. of Morris, and John in
the West. A short service was held
at the home of her brother-ln-raw,
Geo. 0, Thornton, by. Revs. Walden
and Tate, then the cortege proceeded
to Wingham United Church, where a
most impressive sermon from Rev. 21
5, "Behold I make all things new" was
preached by Rev. A. V. Walden. Rev.
Mr. Bennett assisted in the services
at the church and grave, Interment
was made in Wingham cemetery. The
pallbearers were :—Jas, Curtis, Rich-
ard Johnson, Edward Johnson, Dr.
Redmond, Dr. Stewart and W. J.
Greer. The floral tributes were many
and beautiful, among them being a
spray from the Eureka Bible Class, of
which she was a member.
Johnston & Black shipped a ear of
hogs to Toronto on Sa' inlay.
Mrs, W. A.. Griefithe and son, tum.,
of Montreal, ere up for a few weeks'
Mrs. Wm. Thornton bee retained
home after a month's visit with tel-
atives at Ingersoll.
Win. and Mrs. Manley and Carl and
Mrs. Lennox, of Sent halepton, spent
Sunday at the home of Jas. Masters,
Bluevele Creamery is doing a rush-
ing business aid finds a very urgent
demand fur its output. They are
making a first gnality prndnet.
Thera was; Rally' etrvice n Unti-
ed Chet ch oir Sunday iu rherae of the
Superintendent, Rohn Shaw, ehu
gave a fine address. Rev. Mr. Wald-
en also assisted in the service.
Quarterly Sacrnarental Services will
be held in the United Church. Sun-
day, October 4th, et 11 it. nr., to in-
clude Ebenezer appointment. All are
onrdiallll invited to be ptemelt text
Wm. Patton and daughte, Ruth,
of Richmond Hill, spent a few days
with David Patton. Although Writ.
is 87, he is enjoying gond health and
is able to get about fins. It is 17
yearn slice they left here
Mr- McNamara, of Toronto, will
speak to the Presbyterians in the For-
ester's Hall, Sunday, Oct. 4th. His
subject will be "Presbyterianism and
what it means." A cordial invitation
is extended to all.
The regaier meeting of the Woe
men's Institute will meet. Friday,
h at
h u,a r Mee J. f M t•
Field Day
and Concert
To be held
Thursday, Oct. 8
Program of Athletic Sports
held on Victoria Park in the
afternoon. Pupils competing
with Blyth In Basket Ball and
Base Ball ana open events by
both Boys and Girls,
Concert put on by Pupils and
distribution of Prizes at 8.15
o'clock at Town Hall.
Collection at Park
Admission to Concert 15e
East Huron Fall Fair opens on
Thursday evening.
All roads lead •to Brussels on Fri-
Special music • will be provided by
the Listowel Brass Band on Friday.
• ee '
There will be a biglist of entries
in nearly all the departments.
The speeding contests on Friday,
should be worth the admission price
The School Children's parade will
be a big attraction. Every scholar in
the parade is admitted free to the
grounds. Parade will start from Vic-
toria Park, headed by the Band.
At 8 o'clock a number of foot races
will be run off.
Friday evening the big concert will
be given in the Town Hall, Burt
Lloyd's concert company 711 give
the program.
The Fall Fairconcert should be
the best yet as the Directors have se-
t cured very highly recommended
RR. ,Froprielor
Family Theatre
Friday Ev'g, Oct. bid
Immediately after Show
Commencing at 4 o'clock
"Ridin' Kid from
Powder Hill"
Hoot Gibson's Latest
Oct. 9 & 10
Enveloped in Flames When Can of
Explodes—Poured 011 on Stove
Funeral of Mrs. James Golley To
Be Held Sunday
The funeral of Mrs. James Golley,
who was fatallyburned on Friday
in an oil explosion at her home on the
London road, in Morris Township,
about two miles south of Wingham,
was held at 2.30 Sunday afternoon.
Rev, H. W. Snell, of the Anglican
Church,- of which Mrs, Golley was a
member, conducted the services.
Mrs. Golley, who was in her 71st
year, was alone in her home at noon
on Friday when she apparently at-
tempted to pour oil on her kitchen
stove. The oil in the can exploded
and spattered her with blazing oil.
She ran to her son's home, near by,
with her clothing in names. Hearing
her screams, her daughter-in-law
rushed to her aid, but by the time she
succeeded in extinguishing the flames
Mrs. Golley's body was terribly burn-
Medical assistance was at once sum-
moned, but little could be done for
her beyond giving relief through opi-
ates. After about twelve hours of.
suffering she died about midnight.
Mrs. Golley, who had resided near
Wingham for over 50 years, is sur-
vived by her husband, one son! Rob-
ert, one daughter, Mrs. John Rintoul,
of Flint, Mich., and Robert, of Roch-
ester', Mich.
plowing ma
leh of lamonOn Plow- CANDIDATE IN N. HURON
p g
men's Assnriario, will bp held nn thvp
farm of Adam :infold re, Went nl Feeling Against a Three -cornered
Walton. nn Thu•'sdav "1 next week
V 16
,' Contest s 'al pi 'z- foul 2 Pr,
, 1ri 9 a
1 listof z, n 1
r 1
full I
es ran be rend on ntint her pogo; in
the Pveninc+, In the eh,i• eh shed. rte It is not likely that there will be a
people f Liberal candidate in North Huron for
GREY Wesley Leggett, at 230 o'clock. Rev. en IP rf Frit will pot on the.
'n ram. A' Walden will give an end%eso, ptay. Finnigan'. Fortuna Rename- the coming election. The situation in
Corn cutting is or the pt g
err rhe dale, Thursday, Oe 8th. 1 this riding has been under considera-
PrarcP—Longewesy—At 6 o'clock tion bytheIoc
leaders during
on Saturday evening, Sept. 26, a 1 recent weeks, and at a meeting of the
pretty wedding took place in St. Brig- I ,North Huron Liberal executive, held
id's church, Kennicott, when Miss An- at Blyth last week, a resolution was
passed to the effect that it was consi•
dered inadvisable to bring out a can-
Two candidates are already in the
Monday, Council meets on Mlni S, Oct. 5th.
Lots of rain, and good plowing new,
Everybody will attend Brussels on
Married at Wroxeter: — James
Clark and Miss Mary Stevenson Mac-
Donaid, both of Grey Township, were
united in marriage on Wednesday,
Sept. 1.6t11, at the manse, Wroxeter.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. D. A. Armstrong, B.D., of the
Knox United Church. The bride and
bridegroom were unattended. After
the honeymoon they will reside in the
Township of Grey.
SMALLp011—Paine—A (tithe, but
pretty 'wedding wae solemnized at
Knox church manse, Listowel, on
Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 23rd,
1025, when ales Aurelia Prirle,
daughter of John told Mrs, Pride, was
united in marriage to Fred Smalldne,
eon of Wm, J. and Mrs. Sntaildnn, el,
so of °fey. Rev. 3 M, Nicol olliriat
ed. The bride was becomingly gown.
ed in salmnn•eilk canton mepe, with
toast colored velvet hitt, and ostrich
plume of the sane shade. She wee
attended by her slater, Miss Margaret
Pricde, who WAS gowned it, Week sat-
in, trimmed with huent orange. The
groom was supported by George
Stealtdon, of Oraubrnnk. Following
the certmonyeMe. And Mrs, Smalldon
left on a trip to Stratford and ether
pointe. On their return they will re-
side in Brussels.
t and d
Mrs, Joe Hogg,
Bed line t tt e
the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Hugh
Mel/eeletn, nn Saturday afternoon to
Tlnreten Cemetery
Friends are sorry to hear that
George Kerr has been under the doc-
tor's rare for they past week, and is
not improving' as les friends would
like to see,
Inhere pawed away after a lingering
illness to Egeiniont'Cownship, Jen-
nie 11. beloved wife of thigh Mcleeach-.
en, in her 48th yrer. She was born
in Mullett Township and was the
youngeet daughter of the late John
and Jane Mason and wee mauled to
he bereft bnsltanil about 20 years
ago. She was A very patient pullover
through ail her sickness. A sorrow-
tng lttiebend and 5 children are left to
mnur n the Ines of a tree wife aid
kind and loving mother, The deceas-
ed is suevlved by three brothers and
three slaters, one being Mrs, Joe
lfin,tp, 3, ti floe.
On Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1925, there
uassed peacefully into her Eternal
Home, Isabella Peacock, widow of tho
late John 1. Pattet'son. She was s born
on the farm new owned by her bro.
Dior, James, 1st line,Morris, Feb, 10,
1365, end was the ldest daughter of
George and Eleanor Peaeock, She
was a patient sufferer for maty
"The father's place in the hone,
"Hallowe'en Legends," Mics. 3. W.
Leggatt. Roll Call, "A verse of
Autumn poetry."
SEAFORTH gala Longewav, second daughter of
The wedding took place at St.
George's church, St. Catharines, of
Lois Madeline, only daughter of Rev,
and Mrs. F. 111. Holmes, formerly of
Clinton, to Dr. James Alexander
Munn of Seaforth, son of A. and Mrs.
Munn of Hensall. The ceremony was
conducted by the rector, Canon L.
W. B. Brougliall. The bride, given
away by her brother, wore a wedding
gown of white georgette tr!nnned with
•Spanish lace and touches of settn.
She wore a flowing veil and coronet
of orange blossoms and carried a
shower bouquet of butterfly roses
and lilies of the valley. Her cousin,
Miss Francis Currie, of Detroit, was
bridesmaid. The wedding music was
played by the organist of the church,
Gerald Marks, who was assisted by
the choir. During the signing of the
register, Miss Anna Lloyd sang. The
groom was attended by Jas. McCul-
lough of Toronto. The ushers were
Dr, K. Harris, of Toronto, and Dr.
11; Burroughs, of St. Catharines. Dr.
and Mee, Munn left for a motor trip
the bride travelling in a black satin
gown, with sunset velvet with bisck
velvet hat and coat of black bolivia
and grey fur trimmings.
4'4++++4444'+44444+a'4 I months and a woman of sterling
We have only two trains it day now.
Jas. Bishop is building an addition
to his house,
The Olarke sale will draw a big
ernwd ort Saturday of this week.
Mr. Blackwell is the relievirtg man-
ager At the Bank of 0ommerce.
The Presbytery of Huron will inset
in Walton next Wednesday, Oct. 7,.h,.
A bigcrovd 18 looked for, a
Mita, Neal and inn, Will attended
the funeral al the late Mrs, Edward
Leach et Goderieh, on Tuesday.
Old friends will be glad to hear, that.
Rev, It, Lundy, former pastor' here,
was able to resume hie work at Kip-
en and his other appnintrneits.
The Ladies' iltl of Bethel and Walt.
nn churohee will bold a bazaar in the
Workman's Hall, on Thursday, Oet,
8th, A supper will be served in the
Takhtg el1ent nn ;but1 day, the O. P.
It has dtecontittned the ,horning and
evening trains, There will only be
morning train up iron Toronto and
1 he afternoon train fr m Goderiek to
A. Solder, manger of the Bank of
Comtnertle, dieloexted his shoulder
last week and is taking enforced hol.
!lays. Mr. Saltier had expected ori.
Peter and Mrs. Longeway, of the
Collison House, Mitchell, was married
to Weldon Pearce, son of Fred and
Mrs. Pierce, Adelaide street'lgViitehell: (field, George Spotton, of
The ceremony was performed by the for the Conservatives, and J, Wingham,
Rev. Father Kelly, pastor of the King, ex-M,P., of Blue'vale, for the
church, and the bride, who was given progressives. Mr. King's course in
away by her father, wore a dress of , the last Parliament was not entirely
pansy purple georgette, trimmed with satisfactory to many Liberals, but the
lavender, with hat to match, and car- general feeling among Liberals is that
Tied a boguet of pink carnations. The the entry of a third candidate would
bridesmaid, Miss Eva Longeway, sis likely mean the election of Mr. Spot-
ter of the bride, was gowned in laves- ton,
of pink carnations. The best which would be entirely cmt-
der georgette and carried a bouquet to their wishes.
The decision to remain out of the
was Harold Clark, cousin of the bride fight was not taken without a great
The wedding march was played by deal -of reluctance, Under the circum
Miss Rose Lolgeway. sister of the staners which prevail in this riding
bride. After the signing of the rngis` at the present time it was fait that a
r rations fixe wedding
Liberal canrldiate would make a much
ter and coag Stu Ltbe .
party proceeded to the home of the
bride s parents, where a sumptuous
Meal was served. Mr. and Mrs.
Pearce motored to Toronto. The
bride travelled in a costume of natty
blue tricotine. On their return they
will reside in Walton. The bride was
the recipient of numerous and beauti-
ful presents..
J,,P and Mrs. Brandon spent bast
n n
wPPk in Harrill ,
s is read ttilnoihn
ClPdde g
. A. 3 g
the appearance of his hr use by adding
a peat of paint
The Anglican Chan eh Harvest
Imine last Simdriy wee 11 great eueeeaa
and, although t weather was barn,
the ehnrrh was filled to the doom,
Tileohnreh was hPantifiilly dectllrnt:Pd,
Rev, Mr. Hartley, a fortnar praetor.
pnfmt!td forgot the fowl anpner nn
Mnndav night, Oet. in the United
['Itureh. Supper served from 6 to 8•
Good pregr„in in the Foreate,'s 1 -Tall,
Harvey McGee, comedian 1 Mir+, Von.
wyck, elnrntinniet ; Rev. Devisnu rand
others will take part 111 the program.
Rev. James A. Snell,' who was well
known int this community, having beet
horn and raised on a farm near the
Landon road south of Centralia,
quite suddenly at 11ie home in Dutton,
while chatting with a friend on Satur-
day evening, Be was 61 yoars of
Williallt Hyde, a farmer residing
near Hrnsn11,
i tec
on the London road, when the horse
he was driving became frightened at
the approach hof a heavy truck and
threw the buggy into a ditelt, 1VIxs.
Hyde was rendered uneonseteus and
ere t0 MOOD 10 50151(1 other place" but was badly hurt about the thigh and
this eiecident will deltiy,natters. snide. The Horse ran for home lefty
better showing than at the last elee-
tion ; in fact, there are those who still
believe that a campaign for a straight
suppo'ter of the King government
would be successful. This will be the
first electioh since Confederation, we
believe, in which this riding, or the
territory now included in tins riding
has not had a. candidate representing
the Liberal party. The statement
made at the meeting that under no
cirruniatafces will the party fail to
place a candidate
the field old
t -
u r elections netwith hearty approv
RIPLEY, Sept. 28. ---Capt, Dan Me -
Kay, of Detroit, dropped dead on the
street here at ,noon to -day, Aeeent-
panted by his wife, he was about to
return to Detroit by the afternoon
train, but while crossing the street
from the post office, he collapsed and
expired immediately, ievictim of
heart :failure, Funeral arrapgcments
have not yet been made.
George A. iloyd, a twelve of At.
wood. passed away et Meedoeiuo,
Cal„ in hie 02nd year.
Jaynes Bnttrnnley, A. tl (1.O , died
suddenly in Stentfoll. following a
stroke, Fie nuns widely knowtr as
Public and Normal School inutile
The 'Rotel 1)eanere of Pettitt will
have its animal Pal l meetings +n
Christ ()botch, Listews, on Tuesday
October 20th. The Bentley Sohooi
Association and the Wtltnon's Aux.
Mary will have meetings' 8lid'tt�e
11 y a
ollaptcr of the. Deanery will meet
the morning,