HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-9-23, Page 1$1. • ir VOL, 54 NO. x 4 yp�2,00 per ninon in advance BRUSSELS. QNTARIQ, WEDNESD4Y,' SEPTEMBER 23 1925 y L. KERR, Proprietor Drafts and- Money Orders Drafts, domestic and foreign money orders, in any amounts, require only a few moments to prepare and are a safe and convenient form ` of remitting money. With many branches through• out Canada and, correspondents in all parts of the world,The Bank of Nova Scotia has the best of facilities for handling your remittances. •THE ankof Novi Scotia ESTABLISHED 1832 F M.' WILMOT Paid-up Capital $ 10,000,000 Reserve -- 19,000,000 Manager Brussels Total Assets - .210,000,000 240 New Advertisements Veldt/45—B 0. A. Honey—Oran Russell Danoe—Family Theatre i ervloe—United March Poultry Prices—ft, Thunman Analveraary—Monorleff (thumb Whiter le eoming b. 0 Whitfield Velvetex Rucs—Canada Rug co.. Clear out the flies—I' R. 4101th Pullets for sole—Dan atvlilnnon Booth Privileges—Baron Plowmen Administrator HoIe—IOnooh hark ID,tate Meeting—Walton Royal Black Pram p•ory Floor ()overlap—Bed Front Bargain Store r :ww;«i» d»:"'a 0.44+::»`.»'..h. 44.8 844, +:»b .»: 'r::. ww; +,«, «t..w,»w «, .k The Surrounding District ti!'°.dtdtI':3"1»Sd•.0i :»2"iei«;«.^: ;«; ,`+q•. , .»S.'`.:'o ...». , .:'3w . 0 .. . BLUEVALE i and there are also beautiful grounds. The salary nlfrred Mr, Hendry is an incl ease or $800, and the parish is al- so providing a car for the rector's use. Rev. and Mrs. Hendry and three children have only ,been tesidents of tale district Inc a short time, and for the past few nnnthe have been resid- ing in Henfryn. They take with them to their new field of labor the. beat wishes of their friends in At- wood and vicinity. • At Blaevale School Fair, May Nieh- -olsoti, of the vitt age school, won the silver,eup.danated by the \Viug1un Bank itf Ootemerce. for the highest numb ,r'of pintas. This is the second year she has :won the cup. Doreen Erktilier, of No. 10, Morris, mss sec - mat, and Marie Mines, of No. 9, Trim - bet ry, third., ATWOO)D: Rev. W. 7. Hendry, L. Th , pastor of St, Alban's church. Atwood, hire received an unanimous call from the vestry of GL'Itce Ohutch, Girard, Penn., which bus been sanctionedby the Bishop of Pennsylvania. Mr. Hendry has accepted the call and will take charge on October Int. Grace Chotelr is endowed and sitom: ed near Lake Erie in the fruit belt. 'there is 0 beautiful rectory just re- paired at a, cost of $1,200. Every modern convenience le in the rectory Church Brussels uunitedC h REV.. A. W. BARKER. B, D. MINISTER e 27 Sunday, Sept., 11 a.m.—Public Worship. "Marehing to Music" 8 p.m.—Rally Day in Sabbath School. 7 pan.—Public Worship. "The Supreme Gift" Wednesday evening- prayer and Praise Service. Wm, and Mrs. Mann with Archie and Flora,' mount to St, Mal ye where they visited frieedo on Sunday last, Mrs, John McKay had the misfort- I une to fall down the cellar turps and break her aria 011 Monday morning. Her many friends sympathize ,with her ;n this accident., Don't forgot Mnncrieff's Hat vest Home on Sunday, Out. 4th, Rev. ft.. Fulton Irwin, of Seafmth, will deliver the sermon afteinnnn and oveniug, Tuesday everting . following, a fowl supper will be served in the basement of the church, Followed by a program 1 by the Elgar- Lsdiea' Coneet4Co„ of London. Wet ch for posters. BELGRAVE Belgrave L 0. L will hold a fowl supPer on the 51,h of November. Rev, A. E. Jones, of Chatham, and' a former Methodist nliuistei of this circuit, was elected. Moderator i f the Presbytery in that Dist! ict, Knox United Chu' cit has been enc- essful in securing Bev Sydney Dav- ison, of Merlin, a previous pastor in this vicinity, as special preacher for theanniveteery services to be bald on October 4r h. Rev. and Mrs.. Scobie, Stewart Procter and James Michie are repre- sentatives from the United Church at the London Conference and Y. P. con- vention, Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday of this week. A. delightful shower was held at the. home of W. T. and Mire. Brydges, in honor of Miss Margaret Brydgee, a bride elect. The gifts were both use - Ful an beautiful and included a complete Bonny Blue kitchen set. The choir of Trinity Church, of which , Margaret has been an esteemed member, also took this opportunity of expresetllg their appreciation of her services by presenting her with a cold meat fork and a tomato server in. Heirloom Plate. The address was read by Miss Nora ViuiCamp and the presentation trade by Miss Myrtle Johnson. CRANBROOK Brussels Fait next week will be the attraction. A few from here took in the Lond- on Fair last week. - 0. E. surd Mrs. Raddatz, of Detroit, eine visitors with the finmer's fath- er, Chas. Raddatz, sr. The visitors had been taking a holiday up through the Northern Crawlo Lakes and hud an enjoyable trip. Moncrieff CHURCH Ha.rvest Home Rev. R. Fulton Irwin, Seaforth Will conduct Services Sunday, Oct..4 At R,80 and 78Op. m,.. Special Musts at each Service Tuesday Evening, Oct.. 6th A Fowl Supper will be served followed, by a splendid Pro- gram .by The Elgar Ladies' Concert Co,, of London, in- cluding Miss Jane Metcalfe, Reader. Admission 60 and 26 cents Everybody Welcome Rev.. E. F. Chandler, Pastor. fors. P. McTaggart, President Ladies' Ald Mts. (Rev.) D. hi. Guest is spending a few days U,is week at her home in Ripley. The regular meeting of the Ethel 111 alio:Ion Baud of Ethel Presbyterian 1 rhuh¢h ou Saturday, Sept. 20th at 3 it.'clock. The toll call to be answered by %Scripture verse beginning with 'H." A report of the Mission Baud IRally irt Wingham will be given. The first Presbytery meeting of the newly nrganized Hur on Presbytery I 01 the United Church met on \Ved- nesday last in Clinton and was large- ly attended. There ate about sixty circuits of the United church in Hut' - on County, and each of these was rep- resented by the pastor and one lay- man. The new Presbytery was efHc- ially organized by Rev. Telford, of Blyth, who was also elected as first Chairman of the new organization, MONCRIEFF Misses Greta and Hazel Speiran are visiting relatives at Exeter. Riebard Pratt and Albert \Veils spent aday at London Fair. Archie and 0Lre. MacLean are enter- taining visitors from Hamilton. Milton Huffman errj.,yed a visit with relatives from Stretford over Sunday.. Miss May Livingstone is spending e. creek's holidays wider the parental roof. Miss Irma Mathews, Oven Sound, is visiting with ber sister, Mrs, Wer. Harrison. Misses Marjory, Flora and Francis Smith spent last week visiting their sister, Mrs, John McKay, iu Flint. sanest•Ni-•F•t••y,i,3,•y,•Fi•+'1,•1•i•q••h++.1.44 Honey i + $ Pure Clover Honey .15 t Blended Honey. ........1 2, Fall Honey .1 O + ▪ Bring Containers • Oran Russell I + Phone 334 E. B. 4, Brussels 4. +++++++++++++++ 4444+444+44 Prices of Live Poultry ul r on Sept, r.r will commend, t:i.l.in deliver of.l'ea Poultry Vlc,� !' 28th, and the following prices will hold good until. October 2nd Chickens over 6 lb. Chickens 6 to Olb. Chickens 4 to 41b. 31 Under b Chickens glens over 5 lb. TIens 4 to 5 lb. 22c Hons 3% to 4 lb. lle 202 . Hens under 3'%' lb. Se 18e Roosters over 6 lb. 12e 16e R2osers under 5 lb, . 10e a, 12e Spring Ducks over 6 lb„ 12c 150 Spring Ducks under 5 Ib. 10c' 13e Old Ducks ......... 10c Nothing but No,. 1 Poultry accepted, except at reduced prices Poultry must be in starved condition, or ddducti•ati made for crop. Robt Thomson Phone 66 13RUSSELS WALTON Dr. Brown and Rev. Chandler are attending the conference of the Un- ited Church this week in London. Royal Black Preeeptniy No. 877 will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 29th, All members are asked to attend. Bills are posted for the auction sale of far',», farm stock, implements, etc, at SSI Lot 27, Con. 14, McKillop, of the late E. Clark, on Saturday, Oct 3rd There are rulnm•ed changes of the 0. P, R. time table to the effect that certain trains 'nay be cancelled, but no official word sn feu that such action is contemplated. The combined meetings of Bethel and Walton Ladies' Aids met at the Pinermage on Tuesday afternoon to slake final arrangements regarding bazaar to be held October 8th, \Vat eh for fur Cher peed M.1111111. The anniversary services of the Walton and Bethel ehurehes n'ill be held on the 3,0 and 4011 Sundays of Oct, Rev, Dr. A I. Benton, of \Vrnx- • ter, will preach at Bethel or Oct. 181h, and Rev. Mr. Chandler, of Duffs Church, will preach at Walton, Ort. 25th, 41111111111111111111111111111111111116. WINGHAM 0. Tripp, of Detroit. pleaded guilty to a charge of speeding in Winghani and paid a tine of 315.25. The charge of creating a nuisance, brought against the Wingham Fert- ilizer Company, by the Town Council %vus dismissed by Magistrate Reid when the case was concluded at the adjourned bearing here to -day. The costs of the case were assessed against the town, but the company, in future, must have a permit from the medical dicer of health, and adhere to health regulations. A charge of selling liquor prefeirred against George McIntyre, S. Stanley and 0. McDougal, of Bruce, was dis- missed, Thomas H. Groves, who was tined 320 50 fat being drunk on Aug- ust 2, identified two of the men whom he alleged had sold hire the liquor, but the accusation was demi d by ti•e accused, and on the strength of sup- porting evideltoe frnrn a number of witnesses including the,pau•ents of one of thein, they were found not guilty, I4. Vanatone was defense counsel, and J. A. Motton rprosecuted. ETHEL Percy Stevenson has purchased a yew Ford coupe. Petry and Mrs, Outage and family spent the weekend in Guelph. Miss Young, of Detroit, is holiday ing with ,Urs. McMaster for a few days. • Alias Jennie McKee spent a few days with Miss Ruth 1\icAilistet, Con. 2. Our sehnol was closed on Thursday last, while Mr. and Mrs. Bisbee at- teeded London Fair. Rev. D. M. Guest is attending the Venlig People's cneventioo and Unit - Church conference held in London this week. Robert Rretnner is 1epl'eeeliting the Ethel United (.buret' circuit at the special ennfereuce being held this week ih Metropolitan Church, bond alt. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held an Thursday last, ill the Library rooms with . tt gond attendance. The President was in charge and an inter- esting and profitable sessinu was held. The flower judging contest was a new feature and regretted in the Hest rW r l w and see- ' a going MO s n da r iz gi1 1 g to ud , Iswrlth a honors, InMrs.Do Rrv, tit Shannon' preached his a e 1 tPt lu n runt, nr the I t sl 1 closing ser 1 e } church on Snnday afterncol last, rind assisted in the evening seevlre in the t• She, non has United htich, Ttev. n Unit O been doing Rte service in the churches of Ethel and Oranbrook i'nr the past 91x monthsand tis made i 1 ts great really friends, notonly in hie own cnugregetinn, hut in the tvhait+ emu - 'melt y. Ohr best wishes go tvith hit» to his new Haid of tabor, Danger Signals DIMPLE', 1f with defective Oyes may see as well us these with normal eyes, but the nervnrs effort inicomrinuely pat forth, brhrgs no tveatrlrteaa, pain "t1lncktPtto¢k twitC h illg eye - ids arid hot dacIea. . Correctly fitted Glasses relieve above troubles, MaudeC, Bryans Buns Optometrlat B. C. S Field Day and Concert To be held Thursday, Oct. 8 Program of Athletic Sports heed on Victoria Park in the afternoon. Concert at night in Town Hall, put on by B, C. S:, and distribution of Prizes. Collection at Park Admission to Concert 150 NIEE11111111111111111111111111s Bert and Mrs, Carter and children and Miss Ella McGuire motored to London and spent a few days at the fair. Ivan McArter was chauffeur. Robert Michie and his mother in company with his uncle and aunt, John and Miss B. Kirton, of Turn - berry spent the week end at Elmira. GREY Many will attend Atwood Fair to- day. Oliver Turnbull is judging cattle and sheep at Thorndale this week. Miss Wilda Speiran visited friends ilr Listowel for a few dayslast week. Old neighbors regretted to hear of the tragic death of James Lucas who was killed at Listowel Monday morn- g. John E. McKinnon returned to Fort William on Friday taking back with him a carload of Registered Hol- stein cows. James Turnbull, youngest son of Oliver and Mrs, Turnbull, underwent a serious operation for appendicitis. We are pleased to say the patient is getting along nicely. Stanley and Daniel Machan have purchased a new Fordson tractor and ploughs from the local agents. Mc- Intyre & Cudmore. Wm. Adams, 12th con., has pur- chased the old Gregg farm, situated. on lot 35, concession 12, Grey, ad- joining his own farm. Mr. Adams will work the two farms. Friends are glad to learn that Ernest, son of Geo. E. and Mrs. Speiran, 12th line, is recovering and able to be about after a severe ill- ness, following a critical operation for appendicitis in Detroit Hospital. Iie was an employee of the Ford' motor works in that city and will be glad when able to resume his tasks again. SEAFORTH Capt. Arthur Neville, hero of the 13aileyhnry tire in 1922, and latterly commandant of the Corps of the Sal- vation Aunt, at Seafnrth, died an Saturday morning, He had under. gone two operations tcilbin a short rime. In the great fite of Northern Ontario, in which the Town of Hailey- buty teas 0iped out, and hundreds left shelter lees, in need of fond and rinthing, Capt. Neville. a ynnng man in his twenties, in ¢lunge of the Sal- vation Army Cops at Haileybury, was one of the most active figut es in finishing relief to the stricken pen- t u, • ver in tes¢ui n nrru pia. His bravery g Y danger, was highly lauded at the time. He was fleet to slat a relief campaign there. Capt. Neville leaves no survives in this country. liis' father, CoI. Neville, resides in Eng- land. Deceased had been an r facer in the Salvation Ar my for the past four yeateafter passing 111e wittier. at Shell:mune Stiert College, Toronto, in 1921. Ont. and Mrs. D F. @IcAm- mond, arcoupaaiPd by Mrs. Adjntnet R. 'C Spnonri• left for Sea fort h. Full Salvation 110/MM were accorded the late Capt. Nevill at the funeral which took place at Toronto, WROXETER Miss Elizabeth Sanderson has re- turned front a visit in Detroit. Miss Janet Dickson, Toronto, is visiting her parents, F. V. and Mrs. ,k n. D' t so John 11Ho ge g Regina, s a former r esi- fdreinent dsof ttl e, village is visiting old Chas and Mrs, Simnel, Earl and Bliss Mary S�1�real spent several days recently at Waterloo. Hemphill, Thos and and is. m 1 T. G. M He , 1 Mrs. Hemphill, H. and ,tins. Patterson and W. and Bins, Shat'ptn attended T.ondon fair. Armstrong and Dr. A. Rev.D. s Re A.g T. Brown are attending the Confer. 1 once of the 'United Church' being held ■. .. in London this week. . GREY COUNCIL MEETING Dance —IN— family Theatre friday Ea'g, Oct, bid Immediately after Show "Silent Accuser" Friday evening of this week `Western Wallop' (,leek Roxie) Saturday Night Only SPECIAL SHOW "Butterfly" FRIDAY, OCT. 2nd Train Kill's Aged Farmer at Listowel "$elgrcwe School Fair Sets Many New Marks With weather and other factors contributing, Belgrave School Fair broke several reeords last Wednes* day, Exhibits were approximately 1,500, with 10 schools in the parade. This eompetitipn was won by S. 0• No. 3, Morris, dressed in Indian cos- tume, while No. 18, East Wawanosh, won the physical culture competition. In the ltublie speaking contest Mfse M. Corbett, of S. S, No. 17, East Wawanosh, won first place in a keen competition from four other pupils. Ten schools combined to make the school parade the best ever seen in Belgrave and in many of the indoor classes, such as baking as many as 16 entries were counted. Mesdames Muldoon and Dames, of Brussels, placed the domestic science awards, while the regular staff of the local department of agriculture handled the rest of the exhibits. One thous- and people attended. Following' is the list of prize -winners: Spring Wheat, 1 qt,—Jno, Leitch, Morris Leitch, Elmer Arbuckle, Spring Wheat,. sheaf—Elmer Ar- buckle, John Leitch, Morris Leitch, Harvey McDowell, George Michie, Oats, sheaf— Clayton McGregor, Edward Marsh, Harvey Stapleton, Mervyn McCauley, Francis Jackson. Barley, lqt—Root. Arbuckle, Har ry Jackson, Norman Coultes, Bruce Chamney. Barley, sheaf— Robt. Arbuckle, Norman Coultes, • Harry Jackson, Bruce Chamney. Field Corn, Golden Glow—Marion McCauley, Blair Gibbons, Dorothy Higgins, George Grigg. Sweet Corn, Golden Bantam—Jno. Clark, Florence Netheiy, Greene McDowell, Harold Vincent, M. Srwin, Calvin Robinson. L C. Potatoes—Margaret Cunning- ham, Mary Robertson, Calvin Robin- son, Marg. McCrae, Leonard James. C. M. Potatoes—Jean Robertson, iy Patterson, Doris N. Scott, George Noble, Ross C. Anderson, Dorothy ' o11ey. D. Potatoes—Hazel McGregor, Ir- a Casemore, Mildred Mason, Gordon err, Mason Robinson, Stanley Black. Mangolds—Bobbie Yuill, Agnes obertson, Stewart Shedden, Win fr'ed Edgar, Margaret Cook, Turnips—Clarence Yuill, Welling- n Marks, Harvey Cook, Willie Black Willie :Graeby, Leslie Vincent. Beets— Evelyn Corbett, Phyllis Watson Blair Gibbins, Marjory Ham - ton, 'Vernon Chamney, May Wight - Ian, Mary Scott. , - Carrots—B. Cunningham, Clark Johnston, Ruth Noble, Irene Pether- ill, Albert Cook, Myrtle Yuill. Parsnips—Florence Blair; Ruth Noble, Velma Wheeler, Ferrol Big- gins. Onions—Jessie Arbuckle,'Eoy Wat' son, Ernaline Nicholson, Anna Scott, Edward Ward. Asters—Jean Robertson, Stewart Shedden, Olive Corbett, Lloyd Mont - emery, Dorothy Vincent, Fred Fin - Shedden, Phlox—Margaret Cook, May Wight Ilaan. - Zintlia—Jno. Clark, Dorothy Rlg- ;•ins, Agnes Robertson, Bruce Cham - trey, Dora Corbett, Mae Young. African Marigolds—Mildred Mason Graham McDowell, Dorothy Golley. Calendula—Velotta Chamney, Jim ItcCalhnn. French Marigolds --Vernon Cham- nay. Verbena—Clarence Yuill, Mary Robertson. Cosmos— George Grigg, Clarke Johnston. Cockerel — Clayton McGregor, Charlie Scott, Graeme McDowell, Ag- nes Robertson, Stanley Black, Jno. Clark. Pullet—Hazel McGregor, Dora M. Scott, Clayton McGregor, Eileen Mc- Callum; Gramme McDowell, Harvey McDowell. Pen of three (cockerel and pullets) ---Arthur Scott, Margaret Cunning - ton, Villetta Chamney, Agnes Robert- son, Annie Scott, Eileen McCallum, Seott, tt May f two—Bruce Pen o Frisby, May Wiahtmnn, Graeme D. Anderson, Ross C. Anderso't, Ferrol II(ggins James Lucas, 70, Molesworth, is Terribly Mangled at Town Cross- ing—Warning not Heard—Watch- ed for Freight, Then Drove Team in Path of C. N. R. Passenger Train. Driving his team into the path of a Canadian National passenger train from Stratford, Jaynes Lucas, 70 years old, Molesworth farmer, receiv- ed such terrible injuries. at 9.30 o'clock Monday morning at the Power House crossing, Listowel, that he died .a few minutes after being ad- mitted to the Listowel Hospital. He did not regain consciousness. Both horses also were' killed. A wagon load of hogs which they were drawing to a local shipper escaped un- scathed., nscathed.. Several citizens witnessed the accident and it was but a motter of seconds before they were at the side of the t*nfortunate man. ' Examination at the hospital reveal- ed that Mr. Lucas's head was crushed, one leg completely severed, the other fractured, and both arms were brolt- en. According to eye -witnesses the vic- tim stopped just before reaching the crossing, evidently expecting the freight train from Kincardine.. He failed to notice the approaching train from Stratford, whichls said to 'have been 30 minutes late. Accordingly,, he drove his team forward. The engineer saw Mr. Lucas start his team and immediately applied the brakes. Just before the impact the horses leaped into the air and Mr. Lucas, Bolding the reins tightly, was dragged to his death, Had he releas- ed his grip on the reins he would have escaped, is the opinion of those whosaw the accident. Failed to Hear Warning. The train hell is said to har;e been clanging and the regulation crossing whistles are also said to have been sounded. That Mr. Lucas did not hear the warnings is attributed to the fact that lie was somewhat deaf. In an effort to bring aid quickly to Mr, Lucas the town lire alarm was sounded and members of the brigade and other citizens were speedily on the.. scene. Mr. Lucas had lived in Molesworth practically all his life. He is -survived by his widow and one son, James,'ivno is at present in the harvest fields of the West. Another son, Bob, was killed in action in France. f Engin- eer was 'n charge o r Tile. train s t g eer Robert Hay, of Stratford, and Conductor R. Drake, Palmerston. \finites of Connell meeting held Sept 1st, It was derided to advertise for tenders for the cleaning nut of the Fulton Dr aim Tenders to be opened Oil Sept. 18.1x. The ElI •meet's report 00 the Fraser was sent back Inc r eearleider lttitlrt. The Engineer's report on the 13(11 - ton Drain was provisionally adopted. The Clerk was instructed to neti)'y the Engineer to txrunine and report OD the Onate's gratin. The following 130ronnts wore paid ; J. T. Allan, ac•reunt 34 50 ; Bernice Fnyne, team on grader, *3 (30 t David Breckenridge, 335(1; Batty Spelt an, Denman away 0, 314 00 ; 'rout Burke, 325 26 ; John (Brown, 32 50 ; John AI- enek, 31200; Lnttise Steles, grading, 3101.50; Fred 0 -ter, shnveiliai ,S 300; Joe Savage, gravel 32 70 Next meeting Oct,5 J II. FEAR, Clerk. MORRIS g a couple t d is spending p rites It'tlla Y $ of weeks in Stratford with Herb. anti Mrs. Glazier. Miss Estella 'Purvey, of London, spent a few days under the parental home of Geo- and Mrs, Tutvey. John T, and Mrs, Bell and daugh- ter, 'Verna, 5th line, were at Mitchell on Tuesday attending the funeral of Mr. Bell's cousin, Robert Watson. Hol- land vi at T i ie Russell rte s d l Miss M nn l land Centre last week taking in the ' School fair. Miss Mildred Passmore is Leather there. Roy Turve spent a couple of Mrs yp I weeks in Toronto antNiagara. Mrs, Fred Mishaw and son, of Toronto, re- turned home with her, FORDWICI SCHOOL FMR A SUCCESS DESPITE RAIN Furdwirh school fair held 'Tuesday Iasi, wassiaegled out for rainy weaLh• er, but in shite of this. the rink was crowded. Thirteen monads Look :ar , Mess is, Fate ish and 1(eiIn n gh sere in charge of the vegetables, poultry and livestock ; •4lesprs. Mort- on and Graham, of Wingham, judged the flowers, while the baking, sewing, rt Ling and art came tinder the dir- ection of the ogricullnal represent- ative's staff' P1izrs for tate parade ,vent to Nis 6, 11, 3 and 5, resperiive Overtly •in I Elsie ]le erker and Oe b , y et k were fent') No, 3,H vin Dnn lea r g , i � h tP n e r a in ubl c s et kt 1 cut stir nl t 1 r t,r it and were awarded pi i7e s in the order named. An nhi-Iasliotted spelling rnatch, three fy ou such sthonl, provided the lan wtu:h eentertainment,entertainment, and t} eels went I0 Evelyn Demmerlieg front No. Um No. 5, andandPauline Ash to frost) 7. Duncan Sinclair is the. Conservative candidate for North Wellington, Ir. W. Gladstone opposes Hon, IT. Guthrie in South Wellington. The Liberals of London nominated Lt. -Col. Reason as their candidate. Bert '' W. rangierM. Pwill re- present the Progressives in last Lamb ton, R. V. Lesueur, of Sarnia, will be the Conservative candidate for West Lambton. Dr, Michael Clark, of. Red Deer, will not be candidate in the conuttg election. John W. Ward, ex -Warden of Stent will bo the Progressive res. iv candidate `o s ¢ e and for'Itont riding. g T. W. Findlay who represented South Druce as a Progressive Was a- gain chosen as standard-bearer, E. flake Witter, former Mayor of Windsorr, will be the Liberal candid- site an id - ate for West Essex, Best Fall Fair For Years Friday, bct. 2 Entries Have Been Coming In Nicely Interesting Program Has Been Ar- ranged—Fair Weather All That Is Needed For Success Although six days remain until the first day of our district fair—East Huron Fall Fair --the secretary, M. Black, has received many entries, and any exhibitor who has not made his eutr'y should do so at once, and have everything ready when show day ar- r;;' s. The regular prize list covers largee and nd cartrc sections, and the special tl prizes, donated by ncrclants and other public -spurted outze is t , may be read in another column of The Post. On the second day, the music for the afternoon, will be furnished by the Listowell Brass Tiandhich re- cently competed in the band competi- tion at Toronto. The Bard os a 1, one, and will have n special program. for Brussels Fair.. During the afternoon there will be four speeding contests: the 2.20 trot or pace, 2..10 trot or pace, local trot or pace and a running racebesides foot races for the boys and girls and fancy school dri lls. In the evening a first-class concert, will be presented by the Burt Lloyd Concert Co., of Toronto, in the Town 11 alt. W. G. Raymond is again the Lib - oral cantlidate for Ar rtntforrh Tutt ¢oal,tty fait 53 ere eta their height,hi , and among nihcr tin s aro is vtvithPtt�;oreremntdot that Autnntit • T+"i4nRIt0t. polling wilt mime a law t before Th take iv, 1 and it , rte las rr ( t t meentitno the polltioaue Bare in dotb 'ts:to which of the parties will be et tering thanks, Pair White Leghoi•ns—Bruce Scott Alberta McMurray, Doris Scott, Geo. Grigg, Clarence Yuill, Eileen McGal- 1uln. Pair White Wyandottes--Norman Coultes, Barry Jackson. Pair Rhode Island Reds.—Frances Jackson, Wilma Grigg, Lloyd Work- man. Pair Black Minorcas ---, Norman Conites, Wilma Grigg. Pair Brown Leghorns---Jin, Mc- Callum, Bruce Chamney, Mabel Mc- Callum, Myrtle Yuill, Bobbie Yuill, Clarence Yuill. Pair Ducks - Norman Coultes, Lloyd _McCauley, May Yuill, Mil-` died Mason, Myrtle Calvin Robinson. Doris s Scott, Elliot t Johnston, Geo. eo. Grigg, Leslie Vincent, Vttto.ie J5h- ie 1ard- os. White Eggs—Edna Vincent, Brown Eggs--Jno. Clark, Francis Jackson, Ross Anderson, Harvey Ed- gar, Jean Higgins, Myrtle YniU Dahlias---Mae i gltan George Grigg. Gladioli—May Frisby, May Wight - man, Velma Wheeler, Jno. Clark, May Young, B- Cunningham, Bouquet from home garden—Cor- inne. McLean, May Wightman, Mar- ion McCauley, Mao Young, John Clark, Robert Yuill. Asters from home plot— Clark Johnston, Jno. Clark, lark Myrtle CennraWheeler,�ay Wi8•h'tVe'iu ain11' Agnes Robertson. Pumpkin •--- Ada Grasby, HarveyEdgar, May Frisby, . Nora Wheeler, Wilma Grigg, Hilda T3lack. Tomatoes — ,May Frisby, Albert Cook, Wilma C+rigg, Relllsott Bone; Doris Corbett Carson Watson. Citron—Albert Cock, Zelia Cook, Leslie Vin cent Ke nneth Mas on, Oar - once G¢ le�Doris Corbett. PeSwu,n(tow —Genie Arbucl(lc, Jnor Phil ted dairy' calf-'--1•Srtree Cham- ney,HarryCook, Harry Scot, BadCalf—Stanley Mack, Clay. ton McGregor. (Continued tit, Page 6)