HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-9-16, Page 8Your Finished Snap Shots You are eager to know how they have turned ',ut; and with painstaking Finishing in our Printing Department you will not be disappointed. Bring in or mail us your Films andltry:it out. For Pickling -Pure Pickling Spices -ICeen's Mustard -Parke's Catsup Flavor 35e -Parka's Pickle Mixture Sac Pickle Battle Col ks --Catsup Bottle Onrke -Parowax 20c lb pkg. Sslioylir. Acid Foe a Preset vative Pow- der fox toritatDee, etc, Help Wanted l Women and girls' help want- ed, Steady employment lander pleasant, healthful eopoltiens. Will take inexperienced help for training. Call ;Sr write our ofliee,at once. The P -M Mills - Listowel C. R. and Mrs. Davidson and baby spent the past week with flitnd, In Toronto. Car Load Horses to Quebec. J, 11. Galbraith shipped another carload of horses to Quebec on Tues- day of this week. Relieving at Standard Rank. Mr, Smith of Ailsa Craig, is reliev- ing at the Standard Bank while Not - man Shaw, ledger keeper, is on his vacation. Card of Thanks. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong and family wish to thank the many friends ant their kind deeds and sympathetic words in the hour of their great loss, and for the many beautiful floral tributes, ROPTtJO'_ pied from Paralytic Stroke: , The Winnipeg Free Press of Sep- EXPERT tember 9, makes the following refer- St. Johns Anglican Church i School ence concerning the death of the late, Rev. Henry Smith, of Pmt Rowan, a C O M I N W. B. Balantyne:—W. 13, Ballantyne, and a former rector of the church, " T Supplies editor of the Journal at Emerson, assisted a 1 t the morning eel vice Iast -High School' Text Bnoke Man., died suddenly at his home in Sunduy grid preached ILL the evening TO Emerson, bion., Monday, Sept. 7th, si rvioe. Hia old parishioueers wets •trT -Public School Text Books from a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Bal- Pleased to heal• him again. , , B R C. iS. 00 -sea r.4 rS. -Loose Leaf Note Books -New Scribblers lantyne was one of the veterans of Melville Presbyterian Church Representing; -New Exercise Books journalism in this province. He had Rev. J. 13. Barnett, of Norwieb, will T Co.been publishing The Journal nearly ocrulr the minim nompson - nUyCk Co Leave your order for a copy of 30 ears. Last year Mr. Ballantyne, next 8abhai h rin,rhi,: DI� ;vi lelaechrurul, the with Mrs. Ballantyne, spent the sum- Ttte eetvige in Melville (Mulch lest New P. S. Hygiene mer in the Old Country, visiting Won NAPANEE, ONT. el I,li is repeated in shortly, bley with the Western Canadian edi f+'utnbestn `ifi Ciranditl'rairiered e, De.Alex I4rx i 'tors. Mr, Ballantyne was on the ex- '1'hP run, Ding•thrrue being ' The'rhai, Our personal Representative will be eeeitive of the Western Press associa- atiterlet tee of true teligiuu" based ou. at the Hon, was a prominent Freemason, and James 1 : 27 Pur - religion and til. AMERICAN HOUSE - CRHSS.IS is survived by his wife, who formerly dl•Hietil bel'm a God, the lxathar, is'thi4, .. was Dire. (Dr.) Henderson, pioneer rtvi,it rbc falhetle„e and wIdtiits in of Winnipeg and Stonewall, There their rffl elide and to keep hinisei t on 25 are no children, Mr. Ballantyne was unspoi ted fioiu the world,” Pure re- 1 7 born in the village of Brussels, tint., , !toilet is eft.,aete,'d Friday jp1dia J Sept. rizby the doing of J 56 years ago, and on coming West, somet hi tee, I0 help thnae in reed. Giv- first settled in New Westminster and hes of rnnnec is not euough ; we must (One Day Only) s Vancouver, B. C. About 30 years give of ou sympathy In the chord'' Ever ruptured ago be located in Emerson with the the s rmr, should Help the` a'Pnk, Y ptured .man, woman and - - _- - Journal, and has been with it since. diving of help to olhei•R will help to child should take advantage of this 4' tt. .A Few Were at Goderich. Ile is survived besides his wife, by keep nuraPlv,s unspotted from the great Opportunity. f1i i ti eLns .�l£7i7ttwo brothers, one living in Winnipeg world. At the everting ht•rvice Ili. There is no need to tell you the A;£ew went to Goderich last Thurs- and the other in Brussels, and a sister, Fro bas took as lily tort, Acts 4:13, many different ways Rupture is caus- -" daf afternoon to take in the races at `" ' Mrs. A. Strachan, also of Brussels. • 1'bey took kuuwl,alge rat them that ed or the high-sounding names which TILL+'. a16tPrnt alt. getting tilled the Fall Fair. Funeral service was held yesterday they bed been with Jeans." The Lext are given it. If you have Rupture, again. I MovingFurniture. afternoon in Emerson, after which p„Sala the way to hum all happiness, you are not concerned so much with The next holiday will be Brussels' the body was taken to Stonewall, I i• P., vowing in COnlrict with Jesus, what caused it, but what will cure it. Fall Fair. l town thv. is weeknd s. J. arelcmovin are their where service will 1)e held to -day, at leleeu.a Ginea Is then ung i l harndhns You our know effect the aRupture has on Millinery displays are next on the •g 2,30 o'clock, burial being made in 1 Y g ability and the trouble program. l furniture to Sarnia, where they have Stonewall cemetery. matter how fai wren may wander you are put to, to take care of it. Now we are into the midst of an- rented a house.” fl am Grid they eau emus back. Men To find a cure should be foremost, in I Kerr—Walker Wedding at Wingham. •have been Iranafurmad by canning ii, the mind of eyery afflicted one. other election. f On September 2nd, 6.30 pan- a cont net ,lair) ;Teens from a life of sin I We Want you to know positively The Toronto Exhibition closed on ' UMBnELLA lett at the door of the variety very pretty wedding 't ' to a life of power for good. l that treatment with THOMPSON'S Saturday, Rafn caused a smaller at- i Store on'saturdav night: t)wnermay have it Y g ook place at tendance than last year. , by proving property . and M paying or thle the home of the bride's mother, when The United Church 1 RENOWNED RUPTURE same onaer- -. Winifred Viola, daughter of Mrs. will secure for you the wonaer- Now that the Garden Parties are Faa tiAr.a: One para bred Oxford ria, Walk and the late James Vtralker, The minister, Rev. A. W. Barker, t ful results, which it has secured for over, we have the election season— i lamb. _ 4p _m, LOWE, BPhoae ze•6 formerly of Brussels, became the had for his morning subject, .'The others. it just one thing after another, ' rnnNeLs.-A quarter on Prin nay bride of Wm. James Kerr, younger harks of the l\faster," based on Gal. Don't consider it.compulsory to Extends Thanks. .treat, with good barn, if! offend for quick son of Mrs. Kerr and the late David 6:17, I bear in my body the marks wear a truss all your life, when so F1810. 11180 7 storm windows and material for a Kerr, Peterboro, Ont, The bride who of the .Lord Jesus.' The speaker I many sufferers have reported a per - Mrs. Wm. McKelvey wishes to storm porch. Apply to alai; ISA PARHaaor dealt lt Sven in mania eawith: the writer of the letter; A. B, 61AOUnNALD, Brussel», g ge by her cosy fret recovery with fax more ease and thank all those who worked so nobly y-tt brother, A. J. Walker, entered tae the purpose of the Epistle; the cir- power aftdr using our treatment, to save her home from the fire which goer AEU QIITrIT ria SAM-Canalabing of drawing room to the strains of Men- cumstances under which the words • If you are suffering from Rupture, threatened it, in her absence. pansy, Cert. harness, riddle and nutter. delssohn weddingmusic, which was were spoken and then the standard even in its earliest stages and mildest Apply to ARCH. Mrpot.ALD,.Broeects. of the tea -t: "The marks of the Lord forms, do not miss thisgreat o At London Fair. P o.Bo:a played by Miss Bessie Abel, and ppoxt y gin Pon ss a -a pnunF pr s that are reedy to stood amidst a profusion of Autumn Jesus. Trade marks are discovered unity in giving your case the atten- the Man of our citizens are taking µ.can. Phone a618 or apply won. BATKMAN, Rowers looking veryand are of west value in the business, tion and treatment which its import- will m ort- w111Lndown on Fridayotic Ticar Sousa 151 Ethel,of , georgette pretty in a gown world, Nature bears the trademarks once demands, Remember, under go' EN'raAYrn-Red and white steer; dehorred. lace, ewhitebritrimmed which -of God. "The Heavens declare the such condition, tend his band play. estrayed. Any ane finding acme, send word to lace, wearing bridal veil whish was delay is not only don. ANDREW mCxEk: t.. Phone 8414 held in. place with rhino stones and glory of God, and the firmament gerous but may be fatal. showeth I Not 1h No a Groat Demand. towed His t S ` orange ihandiwork."Don t bu blossoms. The Rev.E.God's suffer the burden rd , Ln of Rupture NDmros -All a,:eanpia not yard by Sept:trademarks are discovered in man's if there is a chalice to be free from The carload of horses offered for •yid, win be put into other hands For ani Cragg, Sarnia, a former pastor, of sale last Saturday at the Queen's ieetmn.;;;,,lts R. w.FE,IDosov,, fieiated, During the signing of the spiritual nature; religion is not man's truss -wearing forever. It will cost Hotel barns, did not go very well. 12-1 Blas yon SALE-4mnnka, about fit or 68 register, Miss Sarah McLean sang luxury, but man's necessity. In the You nothing to come into the Hotel The buyers were not plentiful. Ib§ Qbltj)00 WerTmrRLD, Phone 48.8 vle ery sweetly, "Until." After adais- world we have the trademarks of sin, and learn all about our treatment, Get Your Entries In. Dur soft cirenlar wood for anis lefttfor ed Ihotoit ctrip on tto Dfothe pitieal. The What but lare so Usome ofe kthe ofs goodness. wl which help Steoffers in wonderful f your case. Don't opportunity Secretary M. Black, of East Huron J,B,bPstn 21 Phone 261'; bride wore a navy blue tailored suit Paul revealed? The speaker dealt forget the day. and date. Just ask' Fall Fair wduid be pleased to have hh nrnd "s acres rat landtst Els t yn, with of.French twill. and pansy purple hat, with 1st, Christlikeness. Christ was the hotel clerk for Mr. Thompson, your entries in early. The Fairwill Posaeaatan middle of October: Apply to and.grey fox fur, gift of the groom. Pauls supreme ideal. 2nd. Commun consultation in 'private. soon be here and there is always a T. SxswAro8,bluevale. 21 On their return they will reside in ion with God. Gladstone, Michael Don'tmiss this opportunity to con- rush the last days.Angelo Haden y SAremv Razor Bladen sharpeLed, - Natio- Toronto.., Out of-. town guests at the Hayden, Tennyson,- ,Guo. suit our expert on Rupture. • taction guaranteed or money refunded. Kerr --Walker wedding were: E. and Mallet, were men. of devout spirit, A Good Game. Single edge Ba, double edge 4c. Fox's Drug who baptizee their marks with the THOMPSON, HUYCK CO., evening store, Branteie. Mrs. Jackson, Miss Bessie Precious, p prayer. Napanee, Oat: Last Wednesdaythe soft i - C. P. and Mrs, Carlisle, Mrs. A. Ad - ball spirit team of the Wingham Foundry: eo ole Richards Fleck, padanentato Rank ams and Miss Agnes Walker, all of serve his Master. came back for another game, but of Novn recede. Apply A. ii. MacCoNA r,n, Toronto. Ready to go, ready to wait, were defeated in a fast game bf a 12.2 Brussels. Ready a gap to fill, Fled Lowry refuelled 011 Tuesday score of 8 to 2. R. Downing read the A raw berrels of rubber roofing cement Wm. Armstrong Passes Away. Beady for service, small or great evening from big visit in Toronto. rules to the players. for ante cheep at the Bthel chopping min: i Ready to do His will." Mt's. Hurn McAc'ter nd sunit Dun 12.2 : -"Phone221s On Pxulay evening- after an illness 4th Paul exexuised a wise diserimin rtid, of i3urfn rd,. were 171sitnire at the ,Were" at Woodstock. Rouse to rent Apply to Ing b ding over past months, and oe- anon—a right hoots of the Misses „Prue last week, .•✓• fibra• BENSDN WlrarLkrl M et Mg bedfast the three weeks Wil- I choice is an all 1m- Ai G Duiibai returned from be, On Sunday, Aug.. 30th, John find Tran RAT.E.-Brnnaeta Piggery with 4 agree at ]Sam Armstrong ,passed away in his portant matter; 5th; Another mark Mrs. Meadows and Miss Winifred, land.eteelandwandnn tanks, with s hotter '7Dthtyear. He"wa+aeon of the late,was a Transformed Life, marked by vucetton ornTuesday evening and 1- attended the unveiling ceremonyof milk lenge. APPIp to w: F, VAhamaNP,could e' of conviction and fidilityof 0"Cr mare at her duties in the Poet gwivseher Wm. S, Armstrong and Jane Pattie, ge Office. Woodstock War Memorial. His Hon- Fns KALI CnEer.-8•waahntands: rtvasber, of Dunfreshire, Scotland, who settled purpose, In the evening -thee theme or, the Lieutenant -Governor, Henry 1 fleece,. toilet dishes. Yhnne 88r, ring 8, in Hullett in 1852, and was born in was Profit and Loss?' I Tim. 4, 8. 0 Her rp Me i ter and Master James, Cockshutt, performed the ceremony, Oett sALx,-2 Nord sedan rare, (1 n1ty:l8 that township. In 1884 he marf•ied Godliness is profitable unto all f Burro; d, were here on Sunday and The name of C. Mcl4lillan is inserfh- ton rintscars,2trueka,2 rubber•Lired buggies, Mary "MCICibhon and lived an the things, having the promise of the Life Mrs. M1irArter and younger SOU, who Oak extension table, 2 second hand wagnnn, 2 that now is and Of that which is t0 Misses visiting µ1I It her sisters, the ed on the Honor Roll, being a brotn- extra ¢cod drtvtnx toren. sound ant gnlet homestead for 3 years, later moving come. The . saes 1 nlenn, returned home with er of Mrs. Meadows1 and A to da' P ',WALTER sdn of DIT. P y Lr way w speaker and Mrs. McMillan, of town. TnRrnAP08T nR or roomers anntrd. Apply at four' yearsoland 134'y arsyagosthe fam rmarks of our equirements of : and dthen with the thlt v, and MVO, NPnnv Smith a ily moved to Grey township, on the ecessful bus, don and Card of Thanks. Simone hand Singer sawing =whine in f nese such as Place Yu g1tlPrs, IViiscad 13arhiu•a unci' Rood 01 t',I tion, for male Macbeaeon at ilio; nth Con„ just east of Brussels, and , Purpose, Public- Madre y, of .Purl Rnwan, have been We wish to thank all our neighbors home of ,Joseph Whitfield, "(hooch and lurchased the Richardson faint. For lty' Partnership, -Permanency and, viai4ina with aid filen/is in town. and friends who worked so bravely John atrrnta�TtrpaaAra' o years made their home there. Products or Dividends. Godliness Rev, Me. Smith was and untiringly in trying to save our r'nnesLn,-onsaroerrred bonen end lit: in Poo' r. yields dividends' in the realm of a forme', recto• gond location o, E11sal•ath et., or will Px years ago they moved to Bruit- of tit„ John's ahnrrh home for us. We also thank them (Mange it for other prarrrty.. For further eels, purchasing the house in which the physical, mental, financial, social ArldlPtv7'trft, of u lor their kind words and acts since information„IpiyatTnaPr"nmand religious worlds. The speaker Va rrouver, B. O,, r Mr, Armstrong died.. Besides ,his p Mt. n visitor in bigaex loyal Friday,' the fire. While we feel keenly our widow and helpmate; the deceased is parade the need coifs- port; godliness -1st, the hip. Tuft has n exporting and loss through the fire. We realize we survived by two daughters, Mrs, Me, parade ground of life -sport; 2nd, in import leg Go. In l e" Went sten 40 are rich in the possession of many' Innis, of •Grey, and Mrs. Wes. Arm- the. university of life, intellect— 3rd travellers On:tini rumen, Barrister %VV, friends. ".A friend in need is a The village of Ripley was incur- strong, Brussels, and four sons,' James the Trusteeship of Life life—social; 4th M, wont of is nn tush n friend indeed.” The Temple 01' Llfe s 1 the visitor, posted early in the present year, and S., on the homestead' Glen and Thom A e'er flip wait mangled earthier rtuar HP was a former alo ft pupil and it Mrs. Parker and Miss McNaughton. The Ripley Express states that tho as, of Toronto; ant Dr, Harold of g tug i 4n years sihae he left Brussels. chane has been followed'a retitle- bon educ London, En land. One son 'Wilbur,rutnude' and Rnirtl of Indifference,- Mrs, Wrn, McKi'Iv:•y and Miss Plod Storms. g" by g , 4ou,hiug the great minted arid'miens:el Mina have just veto] tied home from tiomof four mills fn taxation, died in 1014. The late Mr. Arm- eseenrhtts or Isre, The N the. Coast. Leaving here Jul 2nd Last Wednesday night at midnight strong° is, also survived bytwo broth- speaker ninard g y .this section was visited by a violent Moved to Listowel. ere, Robert, of Detroit, ad Matt, of j. er,+ihr primo by flee. (4. ,i yluudert they visited at various points err electric storm. Many trees were Thie week Mrs. Benson Wheeler Iiullntt1 bothre" redyt 'Incl1 110nce• ' r lute to Vancouver, w}rere t lav etrer t broken in town, During the storm, Y prrmnt at the funeral, f and Tamil moved Listowel and one sister, Mrs, Stanley, now in Rix weeks with Avon MelColvey. a iron rod on the awning at Reeve theywill reside in the future, Wr. I)alfota, ibe late Mr. Armstrong ep report an enjoyable trip and , Baekex's store, broke', and smashed , areson'y to lose our citizens, but served a term on the Brussels Coon-Paragraphs like.ihecounliv very much, two windows. On Friday evening wish them success in their now home. personal Para ra hs t A tvelenme visitor in town later another storm broke about 10 o'clock cin iunici and an active interest g p 4. week was George Dining, of Wilkes - but comparatively storm little damn o was Woman s institute. in Municipal affairs, as well as church barye; PPnn„ who has been vieiting g affairs, being a faithful member of S• and ;;\Ir walker were vieitos al. :with relatives and friends in Srnfoth one, though a lot of corn was laid The Women's Instituto meets Fri- Meiville Church. The funeral was Toronto Pair lest week,•And C1iP fiotvnsh ow in the various townships. Ilfdro day afternoon of this. week in the held on Monday afternoon and ser- 1''•51,11 and airs. 00a tea, of.9Pafol.li, y ip Mr. Dunlop' is Was 0. fffora- taw minutes. Pbbifc Library at 3 o'clock, when viceswere conducted by Rev, Dr. tree visitors with the trainee's mntlli'r, 1; 1 ri,ht in Ihecdal' centre And ritr tell James Bowman gives a talk on "Pre Pc'rrie, of Wingham, assisted by Itev,Rev, 3,y P. IVitLeod, of ,yatnia, Tyre 80/118 iniOnnat'.ng Rtnrics of tiro Going to Stratford. pparation of Soil and PIenting of . A. McKibben (a brother -In-law), Ledeenewcng old Requltintnnees iu town rlLrestio0 of (glottal 001 labor gnu it The Goderich Signal last week re- Blebs.' There will be a competition don. . The pallbearers were Howard this week. , 1 . would seem that roost Of the Ptrilca p M; Wc. did net belielabor or. the public, in fors to the moving of Barrister CIuff in buttonholemaking, when a prize Armstrong, of Mullett, a nephew, two a tee, ,,fmy pity, tlt etµ from the Co, town to Stratford. The is to be given for best Work. done sons -ht -law, Wes. Armstrong rind Win. k7irh., ora a visitor with the A;iissas g tai. Felton Miverton Erin : S. T. Plum, of Rr•trs• young man is a son of Rev, Canon each rontdstant to bring needle and McInnis, and Glen, Tom, and James, lire, neieweee, 'I'nrnnrr•, is the eels 1 Mrs. Wm, °awaid, nee Annie oClufl, a former rector of St.- John's thimble, Current events are to be sons. Interment was made in. Brink 011,4 or ase moan ,1frs, Rain, At 1.be laird), of Tomtit(' 1 Jornet; and Mr , ehurehW., 7lrussels, and a nephew of read by Mrs. John Logan. sacs cemetery. Among the many dor- Mrs, Hotel, Laird; of Tlatrnft, noun Iidwin P; liars, Cl U. barrister, er in town:—Mr. Mrs, Susan Clic', 111, al tributes were: spray flrom Della mast„,, frilly Edww,,,le bas beotr Fletcher, of New York, s pent lin holm R. A. Cliff, barrister., intends shortly and Stuart Melnnis; wreath, £ahoy; confined to his lee' fry the villi."P nn Pride last d with ate attack of i y It 60 if to remove to Stratford to practise his Mrs, Susan Crich, who has been Matt and Mrs, Armstrong and Sam- poeurtlonia, hut. ie improving, the time in the old Mnthnrlint Ppm- krrdfession there„ Mr. Cliff fs wen nurse in attendance upon Mr's, J, J. ily; S. Wilton, Alex and Jim Antler- W. 0, Mc1hrnon, of the 1•laidt o eler3, looking up the Olive of MMus, nown at Stratford, being the son of Gilpin for four years, is . suffering son i Dr. MVfeRae, 14t. Black, Oakwood Nova Setoli,L Pnrt r' F Alex. Weiit The throe o'r , , Amikin , le spending f nr,r ere Rev. Canon Cliff, of. that city,. and ' from a general. breakdown. in health. Business Men, Toronto; Anchor, York his vacation will, fire medley' here., n1drrtitne reeidente of Milverton, Mr, having spent melt of his life there, Mrs.. Crich is at the home of the b11s- Township Council; sprays, Idel11'fure sire, Stier), Jackson end Plum first went to echonl when i During his brief stay in G dcx'ich ho see Hunter where she is under the. risk Scheel, staff, Toronto• Glen AVMs df' t r Mis, ,Irbil t wet Ax sit ,leaks n v situated on 1 t d is ted P the hill do �rf friend 'u t1 f :n Mill st i I rah rrrreef aswrlteda (mil� dsuccessful ssCtrl ra ,rc car of Nurse up practice, e, Q N se Hunter. Gadd ».rq s1 ro a Jr c n Melville ;. d qil cta S' h dI 1r r r n d d ., Y Peet re Yew e r t. din ar" i 1 a a; l u the , y but he see, wider , est wrPic. R s (' tl tlx i I tun too d n- res, g e � was being made ant' , p e rla p week a ill b Melville Ladies Ai riddle dolls a d 'WPI g , n ate. g� and MtP, Laird d and Richert] i tot d n him i hispp i~n home town. the when 141 , Gri , , rs din suffered wed a s relapse. d 1 ter Iarst is Ix Millet Tdronta , p 14xx s it tP ' cl r o t of Detroit, and d ril r r Toronto' in f ,p t s cow. pedpie of Godexiclt will Yearn ;with We hops that the efficient care and and Mrs. Whitfield' t•1% M. and IIlrs,f arcl, tlfTorontrr s Put the pt,t week regret of his decision to i'erddvd �i:drfl a prolonged rest µi11 effect ddmplete Smith; Miss .Alice Smith, , own with rills, b, l.tgan,rznci the, Mcfr. tails town,„, , -., restoration to her what good health, 'Wm, Staples and family, +XMisses Holmes, 17t - 4 Ji it it .11 fi it ft 36 ft it it 11 It it !t I II It .it !1, 9. it it ft'. ,f, /I /1 J6 11 II fl 11 - it ft .It �. it It ft Qe N 03›a�t,,M sae '° A mooning . The Business of Agriculturest 11011NU Is wire than atr nc- eupatiuu ; it is a highly cngtutet r.inl. Seed business eltioh It qult•es pail int turd t lir tight fat ex, •out ian, __.. r. BANKING FIFTY �p� YEARS Beinitiful p,'ndiiri loo is. i,eceteary blot tuue0,..1,, irur't Is waELrd unless the Anel Mika of the diapni,iag of the y.erir'a)autpnt is in ()porky memigrd. 1 gond 14011 1 g the business of the reran the Standard Rack cul, play a prOlnirreraL and useful part, Commit the manager and lean 0 how true en-nperaiiuri between haulier, and ag. ... - -. r:icuature builds a mote prosperous corn. in mil ty. THE STANDARD BANK' OF CANADA ' BRUSSELS BRANCH -,C.. H. Sarnis, Manager Church Notes F.b H •1 ''44.C.a A7torG? Druggist and Stationer Ripley Gets a Reduction. MORN rAox, ecr,dan r 3n81,h,ug0hh,e102 tr.8, t Fox's Drug Store The Store WEEKLY STORE NEWS Fly Tox The purposes for whic. h it may be used -- For House Ants These tiny insects have caused many a housewife deep con- cern, yet with Fly Tox these little pests are easily disposed of, For Flies and Mosquitoes' Fly Tox is unusually effective, killing thew within a very short tiiue after spray is used. For Moths Fly Tox is of the greatest value in destroying moths and moth worms. For Bed Bugs As one of the very best rem- edies for these awful paste Fly Tux has ' no equal. . It brings them out of all cracks and crevices and then destroys them. , For Fleas on Cats and Dogs Fly Tox will destroy fleas quickly and effectively, no trouble In applying and entire- ly harmless. For Roaches One of the hardest insects to get rid of is the roach. Ply Tax will finish them. FLY TOX is harmless to human and animal life, of pleasant odor and perfectly stainless. Put op in 8 -ounce bottles, Pelee COC ,ncluding sprayer J The New Public School Spelling Boo k We have just received another -shipment of the New Spelling Book and can now supply all requirements. FOX'S DRUG STORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers” DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT ` DRUGGIST and STATIONER MARRIED RILP.iT11TOa-Ms,netee-On Tuesday, Sept 8th, 1026, et North Street United Church. .. •Onderlrh, by lire. 0. F. Clarice, Jessio Alay, dn,rahter 01 Mrs Julia Menzies, to Fred J. Kilpatrick, of Windsor, 01E0 AnMSTnorhO-In Brussels, on Friday Sept. 11th, William Armstrong, aged 8P� yearn and 7 days. CrAluc-Is Walton, on September 11th, 1925, Enoch Clark, in his 69th year. RAYMANN.-I, Detroit, on September 4th, 1825, Michael Reymann, formerly of Grey township, In his 7710 year, ea gepsllobettforheeSeparate ned tenders will tolld school porch and woodshed In S. 8. No, 8, Orgy. Eight months credit on sntlsfaotory security, a% straight oil for cash. Buildings- _ to be received when committee says ao, Lowest or any tender not neeesettrily Accent-• SATURDAY, OCT BRO.-Perin term stock,- ed, t3BOROR ROBERTSON, implements,W%, Lot 27, Con, 14, klcail- lop. - Sale. at 2 o'clock. Rolert Clark, ad- No, 1, M:T minletrator, Coo. a. Elliott, moll °neer, 10 hos. areareass. . Phone 4711 Auction Sales BRUSSELS MARKET Fell Wheat. 7125 t1 26 ......»....» 1 16 1 16 48 45 Buckwheat 06 05 Better 24 84 Eggs.... Bogs 1825 .1628 Barley Oats Tenders Wanted Kiri gyros. WINGHAM Featuring New Motes des —TN— Women's and - Misses' S Garments Last Minute Styles Fresh to hand from Northways Flare Coats, Wrap Coats, Straight Line Coats, Fur -Trimmed with Skunk, Dyed Opossum -and French Seal, These late purchases represent the newest creations in the much-talked•of Needle Point, Peach Bloom and Carmena. Prices range 45.00, 65.00, 85.00, 115.00 New Dresses Crepe Satins Satin Duchesse and Crepe Georgette. Colors are Golden 'Pheasant, Pencil Blue, Pansy Purple, Navy; Brown and Black. Velvets See the New Cut Velvets French Creations, and Just enough in each length to make a striking, exclusive gown, in the latest Paris shades—Golden Pheasant, Epiilard, Black— Per Dress Length $19.50 Hosiery , Glowes Scarfs A Pleasure to Show You. King Bros. Wi�gham