HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-9-9, Page 8Your Finished Snap Shots
You are eager to know how they have turned out, and
with painstaking. Finishing in our Printing Department
you will not be disappointed, Bring in or mail us your
Films and(tryliit out.
—Pure Pickling Spices
--Deer's Mustard
—Park tee Catsup Flevot 85c
Patke's Pinkly Mixture 350
—Pickle Bottle Cot ks Oinks
—Catsup Bottle pkg,
—Snlicylia Acid
Fur a Preservative Pow-
der fol tontateee, etc.
-High School Text Books
-•Pubiit: School Text Books
—Loose Leaf Note Books
—New Seribblets
—New Exercise Books •
Leave your order /or a copy of
New P, S. Hygiene
wbi, s , s i. vied in shortly.
The s7444-Av., S ar P'
Many Will Go to Wingham.
T'+ruggist and Stationer
Jno, AO Mrs.. McCracken and eleas-
ter Perrin, .of Kingsville, were visitors
during the past week with Mrs, Me -
Cracker, Princess Street,
Culling Flocks.
A poultry culling campaign is m
progress in. Huron county. 'Nine
thousand birds have alreadY neon
culled and a shipment of 3,600 was
made during the past week,
Work Started,
Work was commenced at the vac-
ant lot next Postomce to have the
grounds levelled so that it would fie
in good shape next year for grass and
flower beds, A new postoiilee on the
site would leek better,
Had a Close Call.
Ris, Wheeler's furniture store at
Goderieh had a close call from tire,
when three stores were burned on
Tuesday horning of last week. Mr.
Wheeler is an old Brusselite and hie
good wife is a daughter of James and
Mrs, Bowman, of town.
Sunday funerals are no longer al-
lowed in St. Catharines, by special
by-law passed by the City Council.
The only exception is in the case oe
contagious disease, when burial must
take place at once. The change was
made at the request of both ministers
and undertakers.
Will Instruct in Music.
1 Prof. Anderson, of London, will be
in town on Thursday of this v e
to arrange for classes in vocal and_in-
strumental and pipe organ. He will
be at the home of Mrs. J. Galbraith
after 10.30 a.m. All wishing to rake
lessons are asked to see him so that
classes can be formed at once.
New Rate.
A. new postal rate has been .put
into effect for printed matter malt-
ed for local delivery and addressed
to householders. The former rate
was one cent an ounce and the new
postal eharge is half anent an ounce.
This applies to local deliveries only.
Appointed to County Judgeship,
James L. Killoran, of Goderich,
has been appointed to a Judgeship,
and is 'expected to go to Stratford to
succeed Judge Barron. Mr. I{illoran
is a former Seaforth old boy, and a
brother of Miss Killoran who taught
in the Public School, Brussels, many
years ago.
ozi t lel s °��� Brussels and locality will l be well
I hear Hon. Arthur Merghen, Conserve -
represented at Wingham to -day to
OUR mailing lists are entreated,
each Saturday. How does your labeltive Leader address a big public
read d # meeting.
Don't buy a thermometer in the Engagement Announced.
Sommer time—they are lower in the i The engagement is announced of
Winter. The
Leadot Mahoney, B.A., daugh
THE Arran -Tara Memorial will be f ter of Mr, and Mrs. Richard Ma-
l -leant
on Sept. 15th. Sir Qum. honey, Woolwich -.St„ Guelph, to
Ileurst will be P Lloyd Creighton
the speaker.
Jackson, B,A., Sc.,
You will soon be sending out ac- jj - Montreal,only son of Mr. and Nits.
bill b to y an customers. Get your . H L. Jackon, Brussels, Ont., the
bill treads and statements at Tees , marriage to take place October 3rd.
IP all the girls who are just dying I Improvements.
into the movies, were laid end es Thuell is remodelling his
to get I Jam
to and, it would be something awful, ; house on Mary Street.
wouldn't it? 1 William Stiles, John Street, has had
anew foundation put under his hoose.
THE word "Gladioli" will now be
champed and in future Gladiolus" i George llest is having his barn pull -
will be both singular and petal, like , ed down. It has served its day.
the word "Iris." Frank Woods is erecting new steps
SUNDAY, July 18th, there peened ov- at his home on Turnberry Street.
er the River Rouge bridge at Detroit,
and eight vel
26 automobiles
27 3
drawn by harses.
New Engine Arrived.
The new chemical fire engine at,
rived in town a week ago Saturday
and firs been well inspected by the
ALn0nTA'S wheat ct op will be about
60 per cent greater this year than last,
accord ng to the opinion of a number
of prominent grain men interviewed
on thio subject.
Baby Passed Away.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
mot regretted to learn last week that
Ther baby onit y lived arfety days.assed away.
Big Crowd.
Last Wednesday night, a sncceesfuf
-Minae was held at the Family Theatre.
!The 131 ousels Ot cbestra made its bow
to the public arid supplied a good pen -
rant. Mr. Thuell expects to hold
dances frequently during the Lyall and
Met at Wingham.
The Young Peopie's Societies of the
United Churches of the Wingham
dicta cern held a meeting n GV gbarn '
on Thursday afternoon, Auguet 27th.
Relegates from the United Church,
Brueeel8, were : Misses Ina Cunning
ham, Lizzie Bryens and Muriel Spate-
: Car Turned Turtle.
A F. rd car tri- red turtle on the main
street in front of Downing Bens.
store no Thursday night last, Aug.
26,11, and
bent at little of the
windsont hield
smashed, nothing else was wrong
With the car, The boys were bruised
up a little.
Won His Game.
The London Free Press on Mon-
day had the following about Dr. J, V.
Ross, son of D. C. and Mrs. Ross, of
town:—Exceptionally fine tennis was
displayed in all matches of the an-
nual city of London tennis champion-
ship during the first day of play on
Saturday. Twenty-one matches, in
men's singles, doubles, junior singles
and mixed doubles were played. In
proiingbmly chleofcthe day, Dr. losest and J. st Vterest-
. Ross
defeated E. A. Bartram after three
hard-fought sets, by the score of 3-6,
6-1, 6-2. Ross' service proved the
biggest asset in the final sets, which,
alter studying Bartram's style of
play, he took handily.
Teatimes Resigned.
`heat Margaret Maunders, who bas
]f o a e t Mct1 Pae res Witcher tied the0 take a marriage to take place int St, Frances
Frank coarse a.• •rto�ty College. Guelph. Church on Tuesday, Sep
tinuetie Coati ,t Department the Con-
etgrte fan we Depemeeree lee re- Goderich Exhibition Next Week.
t e De and College
Tomm :nears Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
and ratepayers
at T re sorry
reiettbeie two vetoed teacbera.orry�,talj e tttebseason�0iFour Popular
tra kaeve events,
Bonus tor Tree Planting.
Al the last 50801011 of the Ontai o comedy acrobats; TicndcTaoll"s Juven-
Legislature, an acs wee passed to :ee Pipe Band; Maple Lenc'ivtIdv,a
provide for tate optional bonusing of Admission only Ma ye
Groes along the provincial highways.
To our way of thinking, this le along `elf, 13, Ballantyne Deceased,
right lines. Here are the ao itru iovee A 'telegram was received here on
dealing with tree p[1 "Ti a to fmpr v Tuesday statin that W. 13. Ballon -
Th I'l t may
for 8
e onrtY OE to 11 1,
Wirt. the er
Tasteless Cod Liver
n tbt 08 91 their T
bottle t or-
., letter, kindly for-
wardand did tet sign thou let e , y
ward same to Luckeo m
12.2 A0EaN7.rE b1F0. CO.
DitY 'oft eironlnr wood for sale Phone 2512
J. 7i SPEAR 2t
Axa *oat between Graham's Survey
rn tt.
line, ',Jerrie, on gravel road,
notify AX,EX. R0550LL, Phone 2818 12.1
Iona r1Ar,e on Rarer —Post office store with
barn and 5 acres of land et Beufryn, Ont,
Posses+ton middle of October. Apply to
T. STEWART, Blnevale. -
SAremv Razor Blades sharpened. Setts•
faction g,farenteed or money refunded.
!tingle , 2ga le, double edge 40. Foxe Drug
Store, Brussels.
To Real'—Two dwellings, apertmente and
One store, Richards Block, next door to Bank
of Nova Scotia. Apply A.11 MAcDnBeu .ala.
1'2,2 .. AS
A rate barrels of rubber roofing cement
for ale cheap at the Ethel chopping
12.2 PP
Beres: to rent. Apply to
Mna RENson WNEELEIt. 8t
Fou 1At,v.—BrnaselR Piggery with 4 acres of
land, steel and wooden tanks. with a hotter
milk lease, Apply to W. F. VANNTON1,
Fon SALE C•naAP.-2 Washstands. 1 washer,
1 ringer, toilet dishes. Phone 89x, ring 8.
Fon $A0.E 2 Ford. Sedan ears, (1 new,1
touring cora2 Marks, 2 rubber -tired buggies.
na 2
a cad hand wog
n ,
table, 2 .CC
oak ax
and tl
annd Q
extra gond driving horses, s
ApP19 t0 wAUTRn Lowrey,
Prosperity Follows
the Dairy Cow
A GRICUJLTURAL surveys prove
.L3. that the farmer who banks a
a monthly milk or cream
check soon becomes independent of
financial worries. The dairy cow --
the ntf11 chi qne—tile baulk Amapa Fol til
an fndesuuct,bla rhuin ahielt defies
"'hard tittles"" end business dereessiou9.
Sinew 1873 the Stantlat•d Batik of Denada
has cete,•ed to the needs of the dab y
fel trier, rendering gout set vice to 1101
BRUSSELS BRANCH—G.' H. Semis; Miniver'
Help Waite
Women and Girls' help want-
ed, Steady employment under
pleasant, healthful conditions.
Will take Inexperienced help
for training. Cali or write our
offlee at once, -
The P -K Mills - Listowel
A Bad Fire.
Last Tuesday just about noon fire
completely destroyed the home of
Mrs. Ira Parker, Princess Street. Mrs.
Parker had been busy with her house-
hold duties and had gone upstairs to
assist her Me -
Naughton, sister,anupon scom ng down
stairs saw that the whole back part
of the house was in flames. Neigh-
bors got Miss McNaughton out, but
were unable to save any of the furni-
ture. There was $1,000 insurance
on the building and 61,000 on the
contents. Several homes in the vici-
nity but
the sparks .vanfi
fire from P
r and
• Parke
• R nn put out.
were o
r Kincar-
bliss Mc -Naughton
dine to reside for the time being.
Held e. Test.
On Tuesday evening Robert Bickle,
of Woodstock, was here and gave a
demonstration of the new twin chem-
ical fire engine the town recently
purehased. A wooden sheer was
ected, near the old flax mill, and after
given a soaking of coal oil and gaso-
line, was set on fire. A good, hot
blaze was soon going, but the engine
was set to work and soon had the fire
under control, and later had it ex-
tinguished. The new engine has two
seamless steel tanks, heavily leaded
both inside and out, tested and guar-
anteed to withstand 350 lbs. pressure.
They are fitted with. flexible agitator
to thoroughly and quickly dissolve
soda; as well as having a safety charg
ing flange, an absolute preventative to
over -charging; 100 feet of spe.'ial
chemical hose with shut-off nozzle; 2
guages, 1 lantern, 1 axe, rope reel and
20 feet of pull rope; automatic fire
gong, steel box at front to carry re-
charges, funnel
and Com-
Ln U
os charging char g
g .
plate sundry equipment. The chemi-
cal is so connected that one tank may
be re -charged while the other is ex-
hausting, thus ensuring a continuous
stream of chemical. A big crowd
gathered a o the
river bank to see the
BoAnnans or roomers wanted- Apply Et
Tex PORT tt
hand Hineer sowing machine in
Nome of Mrs. condition,
sale. Whitfield (church the
John streets. Brussels,
FORSALM-,—One 8-roomed—bowie anti lot, in
good location on Elizabeth et„ or will ex-
1'°appivr at Tfl S t e t For htrther
Engagement Announced.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Rossiter, Toronto,
announce the engagement of their
only daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to
AZchibald R. Currie, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs, A. T. Currie, Toronto, and
former residents of Brussels the
S. and Mrs• Carter were visitors at
Toronto Exhibition.
has been s
Tames Arnett, who
ing with Mrs. McCracken and other
old friends for the past two months
has returned to her home in Port
Melville Presbyterian Church
At a laregly attended meeting of'.
the congregation of Melville Presby-'
terian Church held recently, calledby
Rev, David Petrie, of Wingham,
moderator, to find out if the people
were ready to make a.choice de min-
ister to fill the vacancy caused by the
removal of Rev. J. P. McLeod, it was
decided, after some discussion, not
Personal Paragraphs 1 to cal a pian at present, but to in -
e1,800, to $2 600 a yea.
Alias Mildred Logan is enjoying a
few days of Toronto Ex,
N, and Mrs, Hamilton were vieit-
ote et Toronto Fixhibition last week.
W. and Itirs. Gillespie spent a few
days atToronto during the past week,
Mayor W. Ii. Willis, of Wingham,
was a visitor in town last Wednesday.
Miss Oarrie Hiogaton is attending
the millinery openings in Toronto.
Archer Grewar i8 attending a boys'
college at Waterloo.
Mrs, Dunbar is taking her holidays
at Toronto and Kingsville.
George Buchanan is teaching in the
Collegiate at Essex.
Mao Ferguson is attending colleg'
lute atKitcbener.
Reeve Beaker was; holidaying ill
Toronto last ,week,.
J. F. Ferguson made a business
trip to Toronto.
Mrs, Fisher, of Saskatoon, is visit-
ing with Mts, Richard Mitchell.
Mrs. Hingston is visiting with her
eon, Ad. Hingston, at Wingham.
Miss Byers, of Wiarton, isenjoyit g
R feta weeks' holidays with iter
friends, J, J. and Mrs, Gilpin.
J. 13. and Mrs. Ballantyne were via-
s last week iu,Oshawa and Toron-
puree. %Obo�two each day Thursday
and Frldnv, rulllist of attractions --
Barlow anti $u*ta„ henea.tional and
our ioa:tl highways : "Tile ep t ne had passe away at his home 111
pay 1> bonus not exceeding 76o d Emerson, Manitoba, on Monday night.
each slot, maple or ether approved No further particulars are yet to
linter n, n l n d er tree potion y any hand as to rause of death but it was
owner of land fratitapl on the pro- l had t been enjoying
vineiel highway an planted for some tome,
ono the late
ThomasBallantyne, a
a a printer
in the office of The Brussels Post. in
that time has been editor•
of age, is survived
by is wife, alsosister,
Mr. Wickwire, of Exeter, gave The
Post a friendly call last Saturday.
Miss Evelyn Dennison returned
last week after her holiday visit at
Mies Hopkins, of the Agricultural
in town
oto was
mint ,
De art
the stipend, where has been
r. A co
miteeconsisting of Dr, T. T. McRae,
John Ferguson and Wm. Gillespie,
was appointed to try and look up a
minister who would be suitable for
the work. Five new members on the
board of managers to replace those
who entered the United Church, are;
W. H. Shoetreed, Dr. McRae, M, M:c-
Vettie, Mrs, John Duncan and bus,
John Shortreed.
Miss Hilda Payson spent the week-
end with Hamilton and Totontn
Glenn Arrnctrong, diuggist, Toton-
to, was a visitor at the parental
Mark Buchanan, of Detroit, was a
holiday visitor at his borne in Btus-
Dr, and Mie, Hossack and b'fise Dor-
othy, of Innerkip, were vieitots with
Mrs• Jae, Ballantyne.
Mts. Benson Wheeler spent last
Saturday in Listowel combining bus-
iness and pleasure.
WVm. McDowell left last weak for
South River, where he will commence
hie duties as teacher,
J, T. and blrs. Ross and Hat'ry
Champion motoled down to
Toronto and spent,Le'ber Day in the
Mrs. Speak, of Toronto, returned Lo
her home last week after spending a
few weeks with her daughter, Mrs,
12 Ewan,
J. and Mrs. Currie and baby, Mrs,
Gatdon McDowell and Mise Nora Mc-
Dowell visited over the hotihey with
on on.
and L d
'r neon 1
'' end 1 i L
frit. s
Mies Edna McCall left last week for•
Newmarket, where she has been en-
gaged as primary teacher in the Pub-
lic Sehnoi itt that town.
Miss Muriel Sperlin left on Labor
Day for. Nia$ata Falls, Ont., to re-
sume her position as teacher iu the
Kindergarten School there,
We are sorry to hear .that Wm.
Ar•metrong, Queen street, is now ser-
iously ill. His irony friends will hope
for a change for the better.
Mrs. George Rodmell and daught-
ers, who were visiting at the home of
Thos, and Mrs, Davidson, have te-
turned to their home in Toronto,
dobe Rushton, of Port Elgin, was a
visiter with his daughter, Mrs. S. F.
Davison. He was accompanied by
George 'raining, Librarian at South-
Mrs, 3, L. Kerr and Miss Maty Ilel-
en returned after a two weeks visit
at Winnipeg and Saskatoon. Mrs,
W. H. Kers le spending a few weeks
at Dundtte on her way home.
Rev. Forbes Robertson, of Weston,
occupied the pulpit of Melville church
on Sunday, August 30th. At uric
morning service hie text was John
1:4 "And these things write we unto
you that your joy may be full." At
the evening service his subject was
"Peter's Denial." Mrs• J. C. Scott,
of Calgary, sang at the morning ser-
vice the beautiful solo, "Gentle Shep-
On Sunday last Rev. le. W. Gilmore
of Atwood, conducted the services,
morning and evening. Luke 13:33
"Nevertheless I must walk to -day, to-
morrow and the day following" was
the morning text. The hope of Chris-
tianity is Christ and in this picture
we can see Jesus refusing to do bat-
tle with his opponents and quietly go-
ing forward doing good, He shows
the power of good to overcome evil
and the method by which we can win
the world, No organizations can take
the place of his personal touch. The
evening text was John 18:17 "The
high priest then asked Jesus about
his disciples.' Annas asked Jesus
u he s
's beta se
his d
e. Cl )1eS
shout 1
1 time.
',m at tits
'led hl
tad fat
hat the 1
t a
The wonder is that after the Fall of
Peter that Jesus should give his cause
into the hands of His disciples. The
explanation is that He knew better
than dill Peter himself the man that
Peter teas to be. Peter could not
turn down trust and this is the hope
of the elmrch that the members can-
not turn down the trust Jesus had ul
them when he committed his cause
o them.
Death of Mrs. Neil McLean.
The Seaforth 'Expositor, of last
week, had the following obituary,
which refers to a former resident of
Brussels, The late Mrs. McLean re-
sided on Princess Street for many
years and was an active worker m
Melville Church:. --•-The death ocAur-
etl in Egmondville, on Monday,
31st, of Margaret 'Walker, beloved
wife of the late Neil McLean. Mrs.
McLean had been in failing health
for some time, but her condition was
not serious until she suffered two par-
alytic strokes a couple of weeks ago,
ino theTownship t of Tuckersmith 70
years ago, she was the eldest daught-
er of the late David Walker. fin 187e
she teas'married to Mr. McLean and
went to live in Cray township. Fifty-
one years ago Mr. McLean died anti
his -widow moved to Brassais where
'her only son died when 8 years old,
ac4 several years ago she c}tme to
lgmondville to live, She was a life-
leeg .Presbete'rten in religion. iwo
brothers and two etatees survive„ Mr.
David Walker, Warstiw, 1i, 'Y.; tib.
Walker, llad Axo Mich.; lutes, 3- W.
Cameron, Seaforth; Mrs- Mary Ntan-
h d 1 nfed err aa- knownihat to to na y son, T2grnondville; The funeral was
held oe Wedrlesday, Sept. 2nd, the
cerdance with the regulatlone of Tha aha best of health .
ander ins direction. The Deceased was the thirds f services being taketnl by Rev Mr. 1Mae-
Dept, anal t
}anus shall pr chargeable to the f town i teal Govenietk, Mfss J. I{netchel and Miss
pa table/ poprpaatnert Fund faired served Pts apprent{ceship s P Grey sang a beautiful quartette at
esniene Minn a aertitfoate a r he moved to Emerson nd since the service. 1110 pallbearers were:
mer t ] 80G
e set tehel
rho 17 1Lne
r of Wrn,
,n tree p ' teat
nit e b
res,de .Jim s
g � n riffled h t' dbt r and pro Messrs p
t'o e b rt
givirrg rho n,tmtl of iiia pe VJm, iVlr,MflJan, Aleic Grey, Ro e
to arch bonusl the a and t of trees of ppr�icier 'of Tha Journal of that town hraadfoat and James Walleer. Inter
coda b ilee to whit and rho rso n le Ha was 66 years ,
of the donne to wl$yi 9ixhf person is S h' o 1 n o bA. l b. Walke_rr,� of ileadkAxe, Mie tarid
entitled and cartifyfng that the trees Strachan, of Brussels, and two broth-
have been planted for n period of erg,, Jas. 13., Of Winnipeg, and John, Mrs. Jtimnn Walker,
fettle 1. d somas,
three 'yetirs and that the tiro el e f t w Interment wag made in were g
eattlrp and o good fotua
q ry . StonewnYl Cemetery on Wednesday, who attended the funeral,
Fo ,'s drug Store
Thej. ' Store
The Files are gad
But only for a shin t time
if vnu spray the reuln
Thie'is certainly a quick
way of disposing of
them, Put up in 8•oz.
bottles with sprayer—
The Pickling Season
ie now on and you will
Niki apt
Sweetly Pure and prices
right. Also
Gem Rubbers
Salicylic Acid
Corks, &c.
Fountain Pens
'We would like to show
you the latest addition
to our always large stock
of POOR, . Iw a combint-
ti0n of Pen and Pencil
ata good price.
Yellow BoM
Yes, we have a full line
in the Yellow Box and
when you want them,
Developed and Printed
we will be gPtd to have
you'leave ttlecn with us.
You will like
Our Work
""Careful Prescription Dispensers"
now; Address, Mrs. Bennett, Wing -
ham; Hanan; Prayer, Mrs. Brown,
Other Church Notes
Elmwood Avenue, Presbyterian
Church, has extended a call to Rev.
F. W, Gilmore, B.A., Atwood.
Rev. T, A. Symington, M.A., was
honored by Knox United congrega-
tion, London, at a farewell gathering
Monday night. Rev. Mr'. Symington
goes to Camrose, Alta., after a pastor-
ate of seven years. He was presented
with a purse of gold.
The Sarni -annual meeting of the
Maitland Presbyterial W. M. S. will
be held in the United Church, Wing -
ham, on Thursday, Sept. 10th, Fol-
_ a 111 t
'm: Mrn
r he
ro to g
1t•in st g
of p
10 a.m.—FIymn; Prayer, Mrs, Hall,
Teeswater; Scripture Reading, Mrs.
H. L. Jackson, Brussels; Prayer, Mrs.
Gowan, Wingham; Report of Vice
Presidents; Report of Methodist Dis-
trfet, Mrs, Greet•, Win ham; Discus-
sion on reports; Prate/ Meals sero -
ed in the church. Afternoon 1 p.m.
Hynin; Prayer, Mrs. Patton, Tees -
water; Bible Reading, Mrs, Campbell,
Pine River" Prayer, Mis. McIntosh,
Wingham; Report of Delegate to the
Summer School Miss Elva Iieming-
way, Brussels; Solo, Mrs. Sainsbury,
Toronto; Address, Mrs, Jas. Hamilton,
Goderich; Prayer, Mrs. Cosens, Luck -
For Sale in Ethel
Six -room ed, 1.story house, good stable and
half -acro ground. Opposite the school 10 Ise
Cheap, apply to W. Spence.
Notice to Contractors
The Municipal Connell of the Township of
Morris Pre asking for tenders for repairing
the Mnrtaylamb Drain,
The ten,Iers will be op ., tit. a PtheTow exit
Hall on Monday, Sept.
imateemny be seen at the clerk's office.
R. B. 8,10100)1860, A h1A0RwAS,
Reeve, - Clerk
Walton,. Bluevale.
Tenders Wanted
Tho Connell of Twp. of Grey are asking for
tenders for the cleaning out of the Fulton
Drain acoordlhg to plane and spectdcettone or
T, R, Pattereoa. C. .
Tenders will tie- received up to 12 o'clock
noon on Friday, 28th of Sept. 24o tender
necessarily ooeepted 2. R, FeAR,
Clerk of Twp.. of Grey
Farm for Sale
Tho undersigned offers hie dasore farm for
sale, being Sontb part of Lot 14, Con. 7, fire/
Township• Good 2 -story brick house, baulx
barn, 40x00 feet, with stabling• Good Wall„
also soft water. Land all cleared except C '
acres of bosh and under good state of cult-
hatter. Abouts notes of fall wheat sown
about nu acre of orchard, also all kinds or
fruit, 834 miles to either Brussels or Ethel,
Rural telephone and rural mail. Will. sell
reaannable on For
further particulars enquirent f ortt lea prernlaee.
1082 DA ax, Proprietor,
Mrs. Maty Starling accompanied
her daughter, Mildred, to Strathroy,
Net week where the latter will stay
with her teeter, Mr's. Rnebevell, and
attend Business College in London.
We Moil her 8000095,
Mayor John Hartley, of Vankleek
Hill, and Ines. Hartley, gave TUE
Powe Editor a friendly call last week.
The visitors were neighbors at Blyth
and Clinton when bit, Bartley was
Principal of the Public School:
Dr. John McNaughton, of Penn
Yen, N, 'ii,, has been visiting his
Rietere, tem Pat ker and Mies Mary
hicNauglrton, and took thein (.0 Kin -
meanie, On his return trip, Dr, 3,
hack ��hwithlhiiitntfor a ehlortvnoat will
bare. Robe. line and .dao titer's, Mise
nd is
afgR d ,
Helen and Dorothy,
See Helr' Mrs,
Seek, with the former'e mother,
Oliver Smith, wets visiting relatives
and friends in and eround Brnsaela,
Mee. Smith and daughter were form.
er residents of Bransels, later Mbving
to Wroteter, "r - 0. I,g...te'e Mil
At Reanedrle�loal1Itk8r
(Margaret 13OeS )
B,,YANo.—In Morrie, on sent.8tb, 1025 to dos,
A. and Mrs. Bryens, a dangbter, itdete
MrioNA1.n—Katonm; On Wednesday, Sept,
2nd, 1021, by Rev. Mr, C'bendler, at the
WaltonJaunts Roy McDonald,
yry Son °s`ryllM°nit,eTO., t.MieMalfteRKgh
daughter of Andrew and Mrs, irdlght,
Morris Twp,
BAtt,ANTYNs,—Ill Jfine11011, Mon., 011 Sept.
7th, 1925, Wm. B. B,ensntyne, formerly of
Brasseis, 85R02 59 Years.
OOot'an.—In (Step Twp,, on Tuesday, Sept.
Sth,.1025, Dtu11e1 Cooper, aged 70 years, 7
menthe and 28 days,
Gita%N.—In l'urnlrerry., on ROlpot, Ord, 1825,
Margaret Bunter, wife of the late Wm.
G teen, Ie her 15th year.
13AKnn.—In tone end toyingmo,nory of our
dear wire and mother, who fell asleep in
Jesus, Sept, 0,1024, one year ago,
n oloather,
mica o from our Home, dear not e
Vi' yout t1
Wg a tea thee tram i lace
iny ;dare,
do a"ro rllteisetude
A sin w a s
Woe C roe,
wemR e
miss khrdand f d
Tema a w Pan ,
fora oarneato 7 J/
Thy 1106"
'Chit a Mies thee ershr nacre, `
Brialy mired t, '3ntband, D.1nshtsra, Mother
snit thither,
King Bros.
Featuring New Modes
Wamen's and Misses'
Last Minute Styles
Fresh to hand from
Flare Coats, Wrap Coats, Straight
Line Coats, Fur -Trimmed with Skunk,
Dyed Opossum and French Seal.
These late purchases represent the
newest creations in the much -talked -df
Needle Point, Peach Bloom and Carmena. Prices range
45.00, 65.00, 85.00, 115.00
Crepe Satins, Satin,Duchesse, and Crepe Georgette, Colors
are Golden Pheasant, Pencil Blue, Pansy Purple, Navy,
Brawn and Black.
See the New
Velvets Cut Velvets
French Creations, and just enough in each length to make a
Striking, exclusive gown,
in the latest Paris shades -Golden
Pheasant, Epinard,
- ,Black -
Per Dress
ress Leng
th $19.50 Hosiery Cloves Scarfs
A Pleasure to Show You.