HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-8-26, Page 8Ready dor :School Opening With a FineLarge Assortment of SCRIBBLERS and EXERCISE BOOKS VVitkl new attractive eovers-•..better, paper and more pages than before Loose Leaf Note Books ,Malik Books Fountain Pens Eversharp Pencils and all School Accessories High, School Books Public School Books There ]ere several changes This time and we will have on hand the new Editiorrs, Good Forma Hair Nets Single of Double Mesh 3 for 25e Lemon Cocoa Butter Lotion Whitens the skin 355e bots. Rexall N ice for. , Perspira- Lion 350 Rexall Corn Solvent 35c. bots. Solidified BrillIan- tine 5oc tins Wilson's Fly Pads Inc Fly Coils 3 for 10c Fly Tox Kills Flies and Insects 50e bots. Full Line of Pure Pic�sling Spices Parowax 20e ib. Pickle Bottle Corks Water Glass Egg Preserver 200 Now in Stock New Fourth Readers x New Third Readers 15c New P. S. Spellers Igc If needed for School Open- ing it will be wise to pro- cure early, Special A 15c Rainbow Play Bali .FREE with every purchase of a ChiId's Tooth Brush At -190 F. R. SMITH ` �,{r ?�� Seere Druggist and Stationer oat etbs ,Itents The Post holidays next week. LAST tveek of summer holiday., Many Went West •—Last Friday morning 3 special coaches were packed when the 0 N R. train reached Brus- sels. Over 20 got on here to go Nest to help with the harvest. ANNOTJNCEMENT.—MIs, Mary Snarl- ing announces Lha engdgement of her ,daughter, Adeline Elisabeth, to Wal- ter Arthur, son of F J. and Mrs. .4 Munday, Toronto, Ont. The wedding will take place quietly in September, in Los Angeles, California. WILL MEET AGAIN — After a lively but lengthy session last Friday night,' the meeting adjourned until this Fri- day night when the tie,v officers of Brussels Fire Company will be select- ed. Wdn 3rd Prize The Brussels rink composed of A Strath,,, J. 13, Cameron, R, Downing and D. 0. Roes, skip. won third prize at the Goderich Bowling tourney held last Wednesday. Each got an electric ir00. A Special Rate.—All new subscrib- ers can have The Post and Family Herald and Weekly Star to the end of 1925 for $1.00. Better subscribe now. 1 Away as Ho11dnyot "+- W, C, KM, the thlig!ng C. N. it, statioNagent, ie away on a toontles 1lalidoye and Mr, Wilkere, of Tovietook, hi the 1•ellcving agent, Granted: Cortlficatest 7'he Vin• tram Board of Ifixantinere have, up• appeal, granted oertificetee to Katie i'liamae and Ghiford Earnaeh. 0,0. This tn,Akes a total or 13' who pas, sed out of a elites of 17 in Bruseels Public School. IiEf)EIv1CS 0a410,,,— The Brussels Rottioultural Society has, received a grunt from the Dominion Govern.. stent, to be used for flower beds at the Post Office block next Spring: We understand the Department will make Bouts needed irnprovernents to assist in the work, NaTtoa —4.11 those Who have not peld Post 013oe box rent, will receive their mall from Bon. delivery after Lug. 814, 1028. NATIONAL Fertilizer Order bagk lost be tw00n Brussels station and Con. 8, Morrie. Finder please phone 5810. Taos kis000, , P0808 10$T..•hetween Will Cardiff's and Ament's mill, Finder kindly")pave at Poet Publishing Rouse, Cow roe Seas,—Will frspben liret Week of September,Rus. WILL MrRn4T, September,__ Ruth Walton STRAyo9.-A red 2 -year-old heifer from Pet- er Baker's farts at Oranbrook. Ella a ring on its ear. Finder kindly notify, DAN A1' S sNON, Phone 2818, • Fon SALEQnuAp,-2 washstands, 1 washer, 1 ringer, toilet. dishes. Phone 88x, ring 8. Fon SALE •—I nine 1080 old bay horse, %valghsabout 1800 lbs, workedon threshing outfit last season, not afraid of steam engine, quiet and reliable, - BAxmnn 81111881108 d.tf Phone 4228 R. R. 2. Brussels,' FOR BALE, -2 Ford Sedan care. (1 naw,) 8 touring oars, 2 trooks, 2 rubber•tired boggles, oak extension table, 2 second •hand. wagons, 2 extra good driving horses; sound and gotet, ' Apply to - WALTER Lowav, Twit 8028 055 or roomers wanted. Apply at Semen hand Sieger Bening maohlne in good condition. for sale. May be seen at the f home of Mrs. Joseph Whitfield, Church and • John streets, Brussels. Fop SALE.—One 0 -roomed house and lot, in goonto h fon ochElizabeth Bt., or will ex• g property. For further Information apply at THE POST. Will Play To-day.—A number of the members of the Goderich Tennis Club are expected here for a friendly game to -day at the local court. Picnicing at Bayfield.— A truck load of young people druve over to Bayfield last Wednesday afternoon and spent a pleasant tiros there. On Thursday many more drove over t Huron's famous summer resort. Were at Henfryn.—A mixed soft- ball team from Brussels motored to Heufryn on Wednesday afternoon of last week and took part in the tours. ament, which was held under the auspices of the Anglican church, They lost out, to Listowel by a score of 2-1. A Beautiful Bouquet.— Monday morning James Bowman brought the Post Editor a beautiful bouquet of gladiolis. Mr. Bowman has over 250 varieties in his garden, and they come from all parts of the World. Tne donor has our thanks. Seriously Injured._ Saturday's papers carried an account of a motor collision near Tilbury in which 3 met death and Mrs. Bert McCall, Hamil- ton, was seriously injured, but was expected to recover. Mrs. McCall is the mother of Mrs. "Billy" Ring, of town, who is at, present in Hamilton. Mrs. Mceall's old friends ends in town Bluevale vicinity will wish herna speedy recovery. sikowtotoistioloftwourkokoirftwookmo II it JI 9 ft Jl je it it IL ill II ,� •, W aro gLosingCA }# 0, Money W 1^11'fg average production of milk pep cow in Oanada le about 4,100 pounds annually but authorities are agreed that the higher the prodltot- :.. ion per CQW Lilo greater the prowl. YOU can {materially rncreuse the productive. ^ floes of your herd by breeding bettordivo stock and the local branch or the Stand. and Bank of Canada le at your service in supplying loans for the purchase of stock which will give a greater tach returl) for the feed arid labor expended; ml -In BANK • OF CANADA. BRANCH—G. H. Samis, Manager it n gi h�h Jl ,t it I) a It I) 4 A it Jut )CA ft RANKIt1Ahl{rjl►1/1 NG FIFTY YEARS STANDARD BRUSSELS 20 Tickets Sold.—H, L. Jackson, hest wishes of us all for a very h{sppy C.P.R. agent issued 20 'tickets for and prosperous life in far-off Van - various points in the West. I couver, We will be looking forward • A Correction.— A correction has to the time when we will be able to been made in the report of the Mid- give you a royal welcome back. dle School published last week. Miss Signed by, Elva Hemingway had 1st in Br. Hist; Your Friends. 2nd in Anc. Hist. and 2nd in Physics. Brussels, Ont., Aug. 24,'1925. Son Dies in Idaho.—Mrs. Mary J. Coates received word last, week of the On Tuesday" evening, Aug, 18th, death of her son, George Coates at the Post Staffgathered at the home of A. W. and Mrs. Dennison and pre- sented Miss Esther Pollard with a snapshot allum and the following ad- dress:—Dear Esther:—It is with feel- ings of the deepest regret that we, your co-workers on The Post staff, have gathered this evening to bid you good-bye, We miss you a great deal, dear friend, since you have resigned your position and shall feel the sep- aration more keenly when many miles lie between us. We have. had such good times together at the office, on certain memorable occasions, but it will never be the same now that you are leaving us. You have been a true friend, dear Esther, and werealize your worth more ishan evert now, so it seems only right that we should tell you so. How thankful we are that no unkind' words or ,acts have marred our association with you! We hope and trust you will be happy in your new home and wish you the very best success in life. You will be often in our thoughts and we feel sure you will often think of your old' friends too. As a small token of our friendship we ask you to accept this Bellevue, Idaho, ut up to date has received no particulars. Deceased was 'born near Constance and lived ith his anent w p s near Cranbrook prior to going out West 23 years ago. He married in the West and is survived by his wife, 4 sons and 1 daughter; his mother, in town; two brothers, John J., of Killarney, Man.; R. E., of Seaforth, and two sisters, rs. N. As- kin, of Muskoka, and Mrs. R. E. Buch- anan, of Bellevue, Idaho. , The de- ceased had done well at sheep ranch- ing.o He was State Representative for a term and also Senator for a term. He was 51 years of age. More par- ticulars are expected relating to his death. Addresses and Presentations.— On Monday evening at the home of Ed- ward and Mrs. Pollard, friends and neighbors gathered to bid Miss Esth- er good-bye before, her defarture to Vancouver with her aunt and uncle, D. and Mrs. Cantelon. ' The follow- ing address was read by Miss Mar- garet McNeil and Miss Verena Clark presented her with a handsome purse. To Miss Esther Pollard: Dear Esther:—We, your friends, have gathered here this evening to give you a merry send-off. Your friendship has been a source of great pleasure to us all, but it won't be un- Brussels, Ont., Aug. 18, 1925. til after you have gone that we will begin to realize our loss and the other I Many friends will regret to learn fellow's gain. However, as Tennyson of the• death of Mrs. (Rev.) }Bricks, says, "'Tis better to have loved and wife of Rev. Dr. W. H. Hincks, pastor lost than never to have loved -ht all" of High Park Avenue United Church, As a small token of our regard we Toronto, on Saturday last. Deceased ask you to accept this purse, with the was a sister of the late Rev. Josias snapshot album as a remembrance of the happy days we have spent togeth- er in the old Post Publishing House. Signed, Elaine Dennison Velma Lowry o'er's Drug. for +wu ..•11711:0 5Cotre WEEKLY, STORE NEWS School Days Again TN the course of a very few days the doors of the old Seminary will awing, open for busi' toes again. To those who have so success. fully peeked their Examswe extend hearty eon- gratlllations and to all we extend; best wishes and a very cordial invitatiou to make our eLnre headquarters for whatever School Supplies may be required, We have just received a very large and well assorted stook of everything in the school line and our Scribblers arid Blank Books Gf every kind are very attractive and splendid values. . The following list may serve 09 a reminder : --Erasers —Lead Pencils —School Hags -Loose Leaf Fillers Crayons -Mathematical Sete —Compasses —Microscopes =Fcsolseap —Mucilage —Fountain Pens ^ Protractors — Waterman Ink —Rulers -India Ink Slates — Milton Bcadley Paints —Thumb Tooke —Paint Brushes Pens and Pencils, &e, We will tie glad to have you leave your list with us unfit can assure you it will be given prompt and careful attention. FOX'S DRUGSTORE "Careful "Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER Green, a former pastor of Gerrie, and EfORN for many years a resident of Clinton. AnoTIN.—In Gorrle, on -August 201h, 1925. to Wm, and Mrs, Austin, (nee Serena Ras•. emoseenl,a son. pfEo WirnoT. In Brussels, on Sunday. August 23rd, 1925, to F. M. and Mrs. Wilmot, a Oolong —In Bellevue, Idaho, George Goatee, daughter, formerly of Brussels, aged 81 years. FuLTos. In Ailsa Graig, on Anguet 18th, 1925. Margaret Campbell; wife 01 f}eerge Desirable Propertyfor • Sale Fulton, formerly of Brussels, aged. 87•. years Panxox.—Suddenly, on Saturday, August. 22nd,1025, et 88 ffighoroft Road,. Toronto Arthur Edward Pelton; dearer beloved husband of Miriam Moore, aged be yearn. P0LLoQ1L-At- Lyddeu, Sask., on Monday, Aug 1Oth,John W. Pollook, aged 88 years, formerly. of Jamestown. Tunnanrt —In Ethel, on August 22nd, 1925, Ellen Jessie Turnbull!' aged 50 years, 2 months and 12 days. Solid Brick 8 -room .dwelling Iooated in Brae. eels, on ) .aera lot with front trees, shrubbery Mid beautiful lawn, The property can be aeon by calling on Jae BleFadeean, (next door) Will be sold ata sacrifice. to close out estate. Write 1, S. Danford, Suite 9'.& First National Bank Building, Detroit, Mich., or apply to.Je8. bfeFadxean, Brussels, P.O. 4' Ten.Day Clearance Sate Starting Thursday, August 27th, 1925 �!'; a, �fa3»,^�w'«S�,S�rl�.»'-`:,:.1«t.;:,«;«;».»�+;»a'I»' .a 'v «;« - •� - -� �-.-, , _,� .,. . S'3~t`• -. t•a�'2�t•3»2�+ , , . .. , .. .: t�:"S"5'p•Sfi .Y!h•X:'S! .. , .,..»,.:l»,. .,;�•._ +»x'' vyz;{tA•;«�•,•, war_P':«2«S�+t»m:»3»�:»;».»'r`'.' .�F':�d�k+t»',+'a»w - • war _ _ . _-Fo.'3»y.I»t»'".". �»� ✓;ww•:. -.r»«, #�'�.w $''d .»Tt'4» "r3�r�'k' 't•S This Sale will include all Lines that we have in stock and it MUST be Cleated up in Ten Days. Par Get Your Share of the Bargains Early. s+.iFfie':i✓r'.7:k 01;_tRRR.:. :%i »EF»T»k:»,=.w» y»'» »#»:»«» I:sk : t »r+r_I4s- eit4 -44:44 1,72 4:44 4414tt .lis»`r4,44crot 04.4-I 1.:44..44- 4.0441. 1.4.4.+.404.4»3»:.4.04.4. « , eft,w+40:4.14«»T«t4144 4R4'41AR Hose Ladies' 178 pr. Ladies' Housestockings, Black, Brown and white, 6 pairs for $1.00 44 pairs Ladies Art Silk Stockings, per pr, 39c 53 pr. Pure Silk Stockings, per 'pr. .. •69c 15 pr. Cashmere Ribbed, per pair 69c Men's 72 pr. Men's Cotton Hose 7 prs. for.., $1.00 22 pr. Cotton 'mixed hose, 4 pr $1:00 37 pr. Fine Silk and Wool Hose, per pr... 59c 73 pr. Men's Silk Hose, per pair 49c Child's 365 pr. Childs Hose, cotton and. mercerized, 2ill1ack, 'brown, blue ..20c to 30c Wool Golf Stockings, per pr, . , , . , 55c Mesas Work Shirts 68 Men's Cotton Shirts 32 Men's Flannel Shirts, each „,..69c to $1.29 20 Men's Dress Shirts $1.79 a:.: $',19 = 35 Stretton Block Underwear 39 Men's Merino Shirts, Drawers 69c garment 15 Men's Merino Combinations .. .$1.19 suit 52 Men's Cotton full ribbed shirts, and drawers . 70c garment 12 Men's Cotton full ribbed combinations .$1.25 suit 63 ,Men's Fleece Lined Shirts and drawers 89e garment 35 Ladies Vests 35c garment 35 Ladies' Bloomers 35c garment Overalls 14 pr. Blue stripe, per pair $1.25 12 pr. Blue per. pr . - .. $1.50 14 pr. Black, per pair ; $1.75 3 only, .Combinations, per garment . , . , $2.75 A good assortment of Children's Tams, Outing Hats, Etc., all to be clear- ed at Special Prices. Don't Miss ' This Opportunity to Save Money 10 Days Only Sweaters 8 men's Jersey Sweaters 13 Sport Pullovers 3 Coat Sweaters ' Children's Sweaters $L39 $2.75 $3.75 $2.00 Boy's Cotton Jerseys 30c Boys Wool Jerseys .. .$1.15 14 only; Ladies' Slipbn Sweaters .... •..98c Caps 250 M'en's Caps, all lines 50c to $1.25 Common Sta•w Hats At Half price. 63 Men's Sailor Straw Hats 75c to $1.00 r 279 Childs' Straw Hats Half Price 107 Men's Felt Haas, all to go at $2.00 values up to $5.00 7 only pr. Towels per pr. 85c Children's Wear , 5 Childrens Waterproof Capes, each ... $2.00 3 Ladies Waterproof Coats, each $5:00 1 Boy's Coat (Cravenefte) $7.00 15 Children's ,Romipers $1.00 Mitts and Gloves Cotton, Jersey Gloves 15c and 20c Mdll's Mule and H9rse,h.ide gloves 50c to $1.30 1 finger Wile Mitt : • 30c Men's' Mule & Horsehide Gauntlets. 70 to $1.30. Bathing Suits, Men's, Misses, Ladies', Boys, coition . and wool , . , '"..... • . . 50c to $2.25 Ties, Collars, Belts Suspenders, Etc. All to be sold fie Big Reductions. MQrcantjIe Sales Co. Brussels, Ont.-