HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-8-26, Page 3BRITAIN'S YOUNCFST
• ,CRAW'
Are PrISOf the ilood is tin a Weak:
Watery Condition,
Oyorue le pUr latest established One of the surest aigna that the
Crown. Coterie, for ft received full Coe blood le out of order are the: eimplea
orate statue lust three months ago, ,and unsightly OrupUoee that break opt
.]et evon though it our youngest ou the face or body. The same Cond!•
colgny, it is actually ono of the•aldest tion le • 1441414ted by an attack of
Pf civilized 1411 4, its known history be- eczea or sorafula, Ye;
Cannot get
ginning more than three thousand rid omf, these trcublea by the use et
years ago, I purgative inedloines, as so many pee,
The Assyrians and the perste-is pre try to de. Purgatives morels' gal -
ruled it, and the P•boeniolano worked lop through the system and leave it
its copper mines end' traded ie its tate Still weaker, What le needed when
bet-, -Cyprus,, by the way, is Greek for; the bleed is .sliown to be out of order
•copper, ,• ,is a tomo whish Will restore Its miss'
Later on, the Greeks captured Cyp-
rus, but the Romans took it from them,
The next ruler, strange to say, was
Tng elernents and, leave the blood richt
and rod: For this purpose there is no.
other tonic can equal Dr. Williams'
an Anga hawleeKinit Richard I., wile Pink Pills, every dose of whieh helps
captured OYPren hie way to the curter the. blood; drives out
ua hupurl-
Hely Land in the Third Crusade, From ties, and bill5gs a new Reeling of
that time the island remained a British health and energy, Mrs. R, E. Bishop,
Possessiqu until Richard sold it to a Hawthorne Ave,, Hamilton, Ont., tells
Guy de i usdgnan, for the benefit of other's what these
For 300 years this ,renis descend- pills did for her. She says:—"`I was
,suffering terribly from scrofula. I
doctored with several doctors, but
without 'fumes. My eompleXion Wits
sallow, I had no strength, feeling very
weak and languid. My .neck Was full
of lumps called scrofula, and at times
ants ruled the land, and Cypruspros-
pered, and became a country of vast
wealth. •"
Later on still Cyprus 'Was captured
by the Turks, and it 'steadily declined,
But !n 1878 Great Britain occupied it, they were very. painful, „After trying
paying £92,800 a year to Turkey. Two Several so-called :blood Medicines, Dr.
years after this the administration was ylrilllams'`Pink Pilis were recommence
transferred from the Foreign to the
Colonial office, and In 1814 Cyprus was
formally annexed' to the British Em-
pire. It received full Colonial status
this May.
Year ago Cyprus was, of Course, fa-
mous for its forests, but these have left of the trouble was a sear on my
sadly diminished, owing to bad usage. neck whereone ef.the swellings broke,
Two things toile tend to destroy the Since that time I have been in rebuilt
i health' and •heartily •recommend Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills te. any suffering
from impure blood.
You can get these pills through any
medicine' dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box frail The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont. •
the woods, along which: the police 10 Polishing Hurts Apples.
could patrol,
The.Clyriotes themselves are re. Polishing apples interferer; with
markabiy primitive in many Ways. t'l eir keeping qualities, The real
They still plough with mein, and carry function of the bloom of apples and
their goods on camels and donkeys. other fruits is not definitely known,
Cyprus silk is very fine indeed, and but apparently it affords some pro -
to encourage its manufacture, Queen' tection and is associated with certain
.e4 to me and I got half a dozen boxes;
After taking them I found a decided
improvement In my appearance, and
to my JOY the lumpswere disappearing
from my neck. I persevered In the
treatment, and finally the only sign
forests, Goa s are allowed to browse
on the twigs and ehoots, and, the goat -
herb, a wild, Iawless tribe, have a
strange hablt, when annoyed by any-
thing; of setting them on fire!
In consequence, the British Govern-
ment started a special, force of forest -
police and had fire -paths cut through
Mary, In 1923, ordered Cyprus cocoons
to be used In the manufacture of silk
for th
r at n
e edec
Or !o s ,of Buckingham
With its find climate, Cyprus pro-
duces all manner of fruits in intru-
n'ofu-sion. Yet there is no grass in Cyprus,
so barley1
s grown as fodder for the
cattle instead..
To -day, besides copper, the chief
mineral mined is asbestos, from which
' the inhabitants make not only packing
and building materials, but oil, water-
pipee and furniture.
Give YourN a u l Gifts
Some Exercise.
life processes,
Polishing the fruit either purposely
or in a more or less accidental minus,
interferes with these natural process-
es and causes earlier break down.
On one occasion a volume of apples
crated on October 11 was divided. One
allotment was carefully polished and
the other went into storage in sine-
tural way. The polished apples 'de-
creased in quality rapidly,and by
January 22, `34 per cent. of ethe lot
showed marked breaking down. lot
only. did the polished fruit show more
rapid deterioration and greater loss
of weight, but it showed a uniformity
greater loss for the period. In other
words, the loss -of weight by the pol-
Sailors and gamekeepers' have the ished fruit was noticeable from the
keenest sight. Their calling compels first day,and there is no indication of
them to exercise their eyes. The best the heavy loss of this fruit early in
singers in the world are biose who the storage period being equalized by
spendmany hobs, in exercising their more rapid tosses from the unpolished
voices. The best conjurers are those lot later.
wbo regularly and persistently exer- Of particular practical significance
is the fact that by December 12, two
months after storage, the polished
apples in this particular lot had be-
-come so wilted that they were prac-
tically unmarketable, while. the un-
polished portion was in good market-
able condition.
Glee their fingers.
The lase might be extended until it
wearied but the moral would remain
the sante. Practice crakes perfect, and.
exercise is needed to maintain perfec-
tion. Otherwise there is rusting, de-
terioration, loss of eficiency.
Thousands would be better mentally,.
morally, and physically If they made
"Exercise" their watchword.
- A conscientious oculist,. instead of
prescribing expensive glasses for a
man who consulted him, told'hlm that
all he required to make his sight as
good as it bad ever been was exercise.
"Get' en a'hlil' and .make your eyes
pick out something hall a mile distant.
Whoa you .hear a bird singing in a tree,
make your eyes find the songster."
- Exercise your brain and the power
of thought increases. Minimum think- The Wandering Mind.
Ing may bring you threepounds a «lteggie fancies he's atgreat'travel-
week; maximum thlaktng may bring ler.,,
ten times• as much, It's doneby exer- '=yes, his mind's always wandering."
Conscience Is the seat of morality. Vanity, All' is Vanity.
Exorcise your conscience instead of "How do you like that new mare of
letting it lie quiescent, and you.wil1 be muse,
better morally. Your judgment of "oh, fairly well. But I wish I had
right and wrong will be sure and bought a horse. She's always stopping
queer, to look at herself in the puddles.'".
An aptitude, if exercised., may grow '1
into a gift, and the gift, if exercised, Encouragement.
may bring you fame and much re-
gard. Bre (as thorn toots at grade cross -
You may possessapologies for Dont let that big brute bully you"
you won be y man. •French chemists have developed an
The contrary to exorcise 1s atrophy.
Exercise! .• e artificial resin from which panels for
reale sets are to be made.
A Poem for Critics.
1 wanted" to write poetry when i was WE WANT CHURNING
very young;
„ ing)—"George, you go right ahead.
legs, ,atlaks, for arms, and no chest: _
Exercise would move the mu/toles,d arid An Artificial Resin.
Myheart art ryaspurt of litre stings, just
begging to be sung.
But someone,very old and wise, re-
marked to nue one day,
"You need to have experience; what
can you have to say?"
I laid aside niy pencil then and started
On my quest
I Bought experience through the world;
I found it, east and west.
It's tiro to write my verses now, sineo
i'in no longer young— '
Due in my heart no little songs are.
begging to be sung,
—Margaret King Moore,
Leavened Bread.
Man has beet eating leavoned broad
for two thousand yoare.
'We supply cans and pay express
charges. We pay daily by express
money orders, which can- be cashed
anywhere without any charge.
To obtaln the tep price, Cz'eant
must be free from bad flavors and
contain not less than 30 per cent,
Butter Fat.
Bowes Company Limited,
For references—Head office, Toronto,
Batik of Montreal, or your local "banker.
2fatablished for over thirty years'
• J. E, Barnard;' seated, who collaborated with Dr. Eye In the research
which led to the discovery of: the cancer virus. He is shown with hie assist-
Stories About Welt -Known People
A Barrie Yarn. Really Overt
Sia James Barrie, the dramatist, in
whimsical mood at a luncheon recently
given in his honor, chatted gayly about,
Sir Francid Bacon and other writers!
and gave a Barriesque contribution to
the perennial Bacon-Sh :kespears con-
"It often has been said that Shake-
speare was like a cuckoo, the bird that
lays its eggs in other birds' .nests,"
said Sir Jame9. He then referred' to
the ghost of Stationers' Hall, saying, -
„The ghost, I understand, is a scrap
of paper whioh proves econclusively
that Bacon did not write Shakespeare's
That great head master, Dr. Aling-
ton, who 'rules the destinies of scholars
at Eton, has a great dislike of all.
games 10 a friend of his `'told the
Once when Dr. Alington was escort-
ing the -father and mother of one of the
school eleven to see the son play, he
dawdled so Iong that they became ir-
ritated, On reaching the ground his
face lit up with pleasure when an
umpire celled out "Over!"
"I'nn very glad it is," said Alington,
and promptly returned to his study!"
plays. • Prinoess as Chambermaid.
"This -document, t t, 2 am told, and soon
I will know for certain, 45 signed by
Shakespeare and io in these words:
;Received from Lady Bacon for father- I discovered a princess working as a
cbambermai and thankful for the eo-
portunity. She Is Princess Alla Mest-
chersky,• although not one in a hun-
dred of the people on whom she waits
A few days ago, at a well-known Lon-
don hotel, I stumbled on a remarkable
real-life romance, though a sad one.
ing her play of "Hamlet" the sum of
five pounds sterling•' "
Then Barrie went on 1n avec a light
er strain, much to the delight of -his
listeners, declaring: "After all, that realizes her identity.,
famous old liveryman of the Worship- Telling her story, the Princess re-
ful Company of. Stationers wasprob- vealed that she had lost her all in the
ably the wise man who said to Ben Russian revolution. Bea the hardships
Johnson, 'I know not whether Bacon she has ,suffered here are almost as
wrote Shakespeare, but if he didn't, it great as those of which she was a
seems to me hentiseed tate opportunity victim in her own country. At one
of his lite.' "
period she spent her nights in a hos-
tel for "down -and -outs." Then she got
"Just Baldwin," a post as a nursery governess, but i11 -
A striking instance of the British heaI•th cheated her of it. She has been
Prirea Minister's utter lack of effete a general servant, too.
tation came to the writer's noticeat
a reception given in Whitehall the'
other night.
An overseas visitor was announced. Doctors have been gathering stats -
Hearing the name, the Premier turned ties on nervous diseases and their
and extended his band in greeting. i tendency to shorten life, and have is-
"How do you do, Mr.—," he said,
iu remarkable bulletin against
quietly. "My name's Baldwin, l y g'
I "So far as is known;" the bulletin
• Prolific! says, "no bird ever tried to build more
nests than Its neighbor; no fox ever
Seeing four of their plays runniug in fretted because he )tad only one hole
London at. once to a pleasure allowed In which to hide; no squirrel ever- died
to few authors. But Mr• Noel Coward 00 anxiety lest he should not lay be
bas recently been enoying the expert- enough outs .for two winters instead
ecce, for he is the author of "On 'With of one; and po dog aver lost any sleep
the Dance," 'Fallen Angels," Hay, over the fact that he did not have
Fever," and "The Vortex." The last. enough bones laid aside for his declin-
has come to the end of its long run, but ` ing y urs:'
it Is said that Mr• Conrad is soon to 1
turn eat another play, entitled "Easy I Get acquainted with_ great men'.
Virtue." i Finding out how insignificant they are
So possibly he will again have four will encourage you to greater effort.
plays running at the same time. And
he is only t\yenty-five? Minard's L(nlment for Corns and Warts
Don't 'Worry.
Surnames and Their Origin
Variation — Marley, Marley, Mahrle,
Mehrle, Merle, Merley,Merry, Var-
Racial Origin—Irish.
Source—A given name.
Few of the variations In this group
of faintly names would be popularly
regarded as Trish, Yet they are.
1f persons bearing these family
Racial Origin—English,
Source—A given name.
If you're given to poetic flights of
fancy you . may fled much symbolism.
in the fact that it is the family name of
Baldwin which the locomotive has
made famous from one end of the
world to the other, provided, of course,
you know what the name of Baldwin;
It means "swift conqueror."
names to -day were to spell them in the It was, of course, in the lint place,
tree Gaelic fashion, it would be "Mae- a given uume. It was of Teutonic
Mearlaoigh," but the pronunciation origin, and was brought into England
by the Dorman conquerors; who were
wouldn't be :materially different„ hart- Teutonic in blood and who, tor the
Ing those certain twists to the vowels most part, retained their Teutonic
and the Cain guttural which you some- nomenclature, even atter they had
times hear In the Speech of the Irish- adopted as their own language the Cele
Man rind the Iiiglilander and term tic -influenced Latin spokes' by the na-
variousiy a "brogue" or a "burr," The tiyee of Northern France in the 'days
form of Marley comes, a little closer to when they fleet settled in Normandy;
this pronunciation thau Marley, though whigl,Was, roughly, the same period in.
the letter or the two Anglicized torics which the Saxons invaded Britain.
is the more common spelling. Th'e counterpart, of the given name,
This clan took Its name about+1150 however, existett aiming the Saxons of
A.D., from a chieftain named "Meer- England at the rinse when the Nor-
leech." The meaning of this given mens arrived -there.
name is "tailck•warrior.'" "Bald -win," 1,y a simple Combination
The form Varloy, not often met with of ancient Teutonic -words wirier' are to
11t this oeuntry, is a vari-.tion embody be txaced in so many of our given
ing a Gaelic twist, for hi certain cont- saner today. "Bald.' meant "swift" or
binations the Gae,i1c letter "m" takes "speedy," and "wla" meant conqueror,
the sound of "v." The letter "v, ` Our own modern Word 'Winner" and
though not the sound, is absent [rem the Verb "to Win" "0010 froln the same
the Irish language. root
The Alien.
He 11iIta bis pusii'ea1't underneath a
Aial waits for 'children le the nark
to buys
lie looks lute tire arching dome of
And stends there still,, remembering
A. ruined teruplealiidden in a vine
Of ivy ollulbiug o11 its por'tlen,
And yonder. where the ripenlug
olives grow,
A woman praying at it broken shrine,
lie stands there still, remembering
The woman's eyes beneetrl it yell of I
hairs,- TheVial of Perfume. Classified Advertisements
s t
ady to be
The sun fades out, the arching Tbere they lay, packed,
is dark, • soros Carefully selected gifts for the a ow>•sr rmcre. monger oun1rre,
So dant, Indeed, that he can hardly missionary far away 00 the other aide mac Furrr,,mi1oeunuurralde,lur'riao it:eac4 Inand
see of the world, The lady who was send -
That every one has gone and left Ing them reached across her desk, and
A tea your grocer recommends is
usually good tea
is good Tea
And most gravers recommend it; sa
bink there— suddenly the room was piled with it
The apple vendor, waiting in the strangely sweet perfume. Is was as if
pari,, a gentle breeze had stolen le at the
—Gwen Bristow, window merges a garden of roses—yet
IR was winter, and outside the ground
1IIOENwnedretired wthdy n•ohawd oIvnesrttruentcedhina
vial of delicious, perfume, a little of
Mothers who keep a box of Baby's which poured out upon the gifts that
Own Tablets in the house may feel. were to be sent on their mission.
that the lives of their little ones are I In far -away' China a tired little mis-
reasonablY safe during the hot weath- sionary opened a package from Ameri-
er, Stomach troubles, cholera infan- I ca' and it, strange sweet fragrance
tum and diarrhoea carry off thousands I greeted her like a breath from a rose
of little ones every summer, In moat garden et home. It brought her an
cases because the mother does not 'added joy that the gifts alone could
have a safe medicine at hand to give , not have given.
promptly. Baby's Own Tablets relieve We are always giving; sometimes
these troubles, or if given oeeasienally', because we delight in giving, some -
to the' well child they will prevent times because we See the need end
their coming on. The Tablets are feel a sense of duty; but all the time
guaranteed by a government analyst Close beside our gifts stands an un-
to be absolutely harmless even to the opened vial, and when we pour out
newborn babe. They are especially. some of its contents upon our gifts it
good In slimmer because they regulate increases the value tenfold.
the bowels and keep the stomach; 01a, the vials of love and cheerful -
Sweet and pure. They are sold by lie -s unopened in our heartsl Let us
medicine dealers or by mail at 25 keep them sealed no longer, but pour
cents a box from The Dr. Williams' out their contents upon our gifts,
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, whether they are for loved one or the
----. ---_ — stranger. How wonderfully the pres-
ence of a loving spirit enriches even
the noblest of gifts!
Borrowing Again.
It was the day of the school concert,
and the audience consisted mainly of
mothers, proud or 'envious, according
to the parts that their Children were
One small boy came on, to the plat-
form. Striking a bold attitude, he be-
"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend i
me a
your ears."
Whereupon on of . the mothers turn-
ed to her companion.
-�. "^' '® "There, that's the Joneses' boy," she
Old Stuff. said, tartly, "He wouldn't be his moth
Wille—This menagerie manager ad- er's eon if he weren't trying to borrow
vertises a complete collection of the
World's animals—the first ever made," 1
Hubby—"Old stuff --Noah beat him
to it before the flood."
Raw Foods Would Make
Us -Giants.
By eating uncooked food we may
"evolute" into a race of giants, accord-
ing to the theory of ,V. T. Anderson,)
editor of the Macon Telegraph, and
frequently mentioned in Georgia as a'
probable and formidablle candidate for
governor at the next Georgia Demo-
cratic primaries,
"Men are dwindling, to the stature
of pigmies since the custom of.cooking -
food has become the accepted standard
of civilization," declared Editor Ander-
son in a recent address. "1t Is high
time we returned to raw food. Man
were giants before cookstoves were
Jarman to Extend Drills.
Military training of all students in
Japan, witiclt Is -embodied in the pro-;
posed national military training anti-'
tem, was commenced reeenty.in the
normal schools of the empire. It ie
planned to extend the system_ to see:
dents of middle and other schools of
]Higher grade next year.
Estimated cost of inaugurating the
program in the lower and higher
grades has been estimated at 6,0410,000
yen, et is hoped• the new system will
be In operation in 1928
Military authorities will be asked to
supply 300,000 rifles to the different
sehoois and young men's associations. 1
To be ignorant sof what happened
in the world before you were born is
to be all your life a child.
Minard's Liniment for Aches and Pains
A Candid Little Thing. .
Children, even when well bred and
polite, often spear: with disconcerting
frankness. As for example:
A fashionable lady was calling on
the small girl's mother.
"And how are you, , my dear?" she
inquired. p
"Very well, thank you," answered
the child.
"Now, my dear," went on the visitor,
"you abould ask me how I ani."
"But I don't want to know," came
the candld but unexpected answer.
Parrots Menaced.
Magnificent parrots peculiar to cur'
tain of the Lesser Antilles are threat-
ened with extinction.
Edge -Bellini( Saws
Fast -Easy-Ctaating
taco DUNaea ar, w„ rertnnra
sr. Jena, 10. N, g,
Cord Wood Saw Users
Write Simonds Canada Saw Co.,
Limited, 1550 Bundas St. West,
Toronto, Ontario, for prices on
Simonds Special Circular
Cord Wood Saw
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Headache Neuralgia Colds Lumbago
Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism
Accept 01111' "Bayer" package
which'cOntams proven directions,
Mindy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also dtottlea of 24 and 100 :Druggists.
Aspirin Is the tear mark fm¢Intrred In Canaan) nr rarer itanernctere of ldoaoneetle-
asidester of aalleylleseld IAcetrl Salicylic Acid, "A. E. A."), 10111e It Is well !Mown
MU Asiatic tows Muer manufacture, to snslat the publle. asalnat Itettnttona. the
b r Company will be *tempod tt•ltb- Ihe1r senora) trade tentk, the "Bayer proal,"
of 152 p r p
Wireless In Ireland,
A Scotsman declared that telegraphy
was krsowu in Scotland at the dawn of
"We've dug up the settee,' he said,
To which 'ani Irishman replied, "We
had wireless telegraphy tkousanda of
years ago."
"How can you peeve that "
"Sure, we've not been able to gaud
any woites:"
ffRint lfoaClater?of1$114
New Eyes
But you can Promote a
Clean, llesllhyC.ndillan
OUR E u -alarms Eye Remedy
"Nicht and Monaca."
Seep your Eyes Clean, Clear and tffealtbyA,
Write for FIee Eye Care Book.
dlsr1se estlienety Co..0 east Ohto.StratAtucasu
To Cain Weight
We guarantee Bitro-Phosphate to re-
bu•lld shattered nerves; to , replace
weakness with strength; to add body
weight to thin folks ant rekindle am-
bition in tired -out people. - Price $1 per
pkge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front
St, East, Toronto, Ont.
For Warts
Apply Minard's freely and oast
and watch them disappear.
For About Three Years.
Healed by Cuticura.
" I had trouble with pimples and
blackheads for about three years.
The pimples were scattered all over
my face and were hard and red.
They itched and burned a lot caus-
ing me to .scratch and the scratch-
ing caused eruptions. My face
looked so badly that.I was ashamed
to go out.
" I began using Cuticura Soap
and Ointment arrl they helped me.
I continued the treatment and in two
months I was completely healed."
(Signed) Miss Helen Budnik, R. 1,
Box 11, I'4ecedah, Wis., Sept. 27,
Rely on Cuticura Soap,Ointment
and Tal.....an to keep your skin Sear.
DoaBhsytMteace,apf "Stenhouse, Litt, Lionial, Address
25e. Ointment 25 and Mc. Talcum Erie.
' Cuticura Shaving Stick 28.
Toronto Mother Found Relief
by Taking Lydia E. Pinkhann's
Vegetable Compound
e 'Toronto, Ontario.—" I have found
Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Com-
pound a splendid medicine to take before
and after confinement. A small book
was put in nay door one dal, advertising
Lydia E. Pinitham'e medicines, and as I
did not feel at all well at the time I went
and got a bottle of Vegetable Compound
right away, I soon began to notice a
difference in my general health. I was
full of aches and pains at the time and
thought I had every complaint going,
but I can truthfully say your medicine
certainly did me good. .1 can and will
speak high) it, and I kttow it will
do oth women good who are sick
ah 1 t t trig 10 t''ey will only give it a fare
sesreit E. 15mlthamts Liver Pills
tial. e0did for constipation. You are
;rscome these my letter if you think
i1will help any one."—Mrs. 'Deng
WItSTwoob, 548 Quebec Street, Toronto,
,The expectant mother is wise if else
I considers carefully this statement of
Mrs. Westwood. It but ono of arent
' manyy, all telling the. same story--bene-
iieinl results.
Lydia E. Pinlrhant's Vegetable Com-
pound is especially adapted for usedur-
mg this period. The experience of other
women who have found this medicine a
blessing is proof of its Meat merit,
Why not try it nowyourself? 0
ISSUE No, 34-='25, �a