The Brussels Post, 1925-8-19, Page 74,
The eutalarnding feature of agrlcul. for experiment, have thrlYpd Meteriel-
hire se pursued to Wes'ter1LQ1tnada of
late years has been the pronounced
tondenay towards direralty. Gradual-
ly fawners are breaching' out from the
few main issues whjell ue•ed to eonsti-
tute the agrleul'turel activity of the ea -edition - which induced important
territory, and farms: devoted to what 'Molten(' fox breeders to locate near
used to be oonfildered'minor phases of Calgary, Alberta, what is drained to
aviculture have been found es be very be the l4rgest fox•breediT'h establish-
.progtable and are coming to an In. mentin the world.
Creasing extent to dot the wide ex•„ Raving seriously adopted the Indus.
pause, The sucoess which has attend- try, Weatern Canade hasp set out to
ed the applleation to dairying bete been - expand it Tile West was the pioneer
nothing eyes than plesumeenal; fruit I in domestic beaver raising, an activity
raising, poultry, and apiculture are re- Drae�ticalle forced up -ea certain farm-
ceivtng increasing attention; of late `ere who, overturn by these anhnals af-
there has been 4 remarlrabie amount ter a lengthy close season, had no ro-
of interest evinced In fur farming, and drese but to apply to the Gov iseament
baiting regard to the eharaoterietio 1'o permission to foram them. The first
vigor -with which the Weet pursues) any , coyote ranch on the continent has been
objective it takes up, considerable de- established in Western Canada, and
eelOpifent may be expected, I from the -first Canadian chinchilla rab-
Tho far.fartning industry, which orig- bit tartan tine same area, stook is be.
Mated In Prince Edward Island, hes ing distributed all over the country.
been slowly proving West. J+'or a while The domestleatioe of the fisher, which
the inetie117 seemed to be confined to for so long presented such difficulties
the blast and little interest was ex. in Eastern Canada, bas been success-
hibited by the West, But since West- fully aecomolished in British Columbia.
ern Cumada carne to seriously adopt Many New Ranches Established,
this newest -phase of farming, growth' There has apparently been consider
has been rapid. Stimulated by the dist' able activity in area free een ranee the
successes, this araashas not only coma beginning of the preslentyear. A mink
to rival the East. in the successful has been.establl'shed on Van -
breeding of the ebtabllahed the couver Wand., British Columbia, wits
t<ated fur-bearerre put hos beensen the; imp,m,ted„ stock xnani ,Quebec, by a
pioneer in the domdstloation of certain . ranetrer already raising Alaska foxes.,
other of Canada's Emma. In the last 1 Minks have likewise been introduced
Government return, 143 fur -farming into Alberta, where the industry is
eatablls'bments are credited to
West—thriving. A State of Washington resl-
ern Canada, of which 23 are in Meal,. dont recently established a substantial
toba, 9 in Saskatchewan, 50 in bar nlnrskrah ranch in Alberta. A ranoher
ly bettor in the Western provinces,
where the volt of the Manua, 1t is
Mated cannot be told from those in the
astilnalet native lend. It was n0 doubt
a eealleadion of the same excellency of
The 1frtest addition to the °growing
list Of titled ranchers hiEout'horn. Al-
berta le Buren Josef Cssvossy of Hese:Bary,,20150, together with hie brother,'
Barra Andre Csavossy, 1100 pnrehesed I
a remelt on the Bow 11.iver near Cecil-,
lane, in Alberta. The ranch consists"!
of about 1,600 sores of line land, and?
it ie intended to follow the raising of
dairy and beef cattle as well ate veingrowing. The Colony of old world
noblesse to adept fanning in title re-:
laiitively Iimitetl area is swelling tut
remarkable rate,
There is, however, additoUal slgnifi-�
canoe in this eetablfehlnent, Upon the i
firer visit of the two Hungarian noble.
men, w•ltieh resplted in their own tie-
qutsdtion of dire ranee, they were great-
ly shook with the oeparttmiUes exist-
ing in Albert0,'for others of their eoun-I
trymen, and after having put the ranch
In order for a eolnmeneement next
year, they have retuizted to Hungary
with.the objoot of inducing ethers of
their' compatriots to settle on the
ranch and farm lands. The two
are confident of returning with ether
Hungarian settlers for Alberta.
Though I-Iungarian immigration has
never loomed up as a particularly large
item 1n the movement to Canada, since
there is no great exodus at all IronsHungary, there hes been at all times a
fairly steady movement to Ole Do-
minion, until it le estimated that at
the present time there are` between
50,000 and 60,000 ' Hungarian immi-
grants and their children in Canada.
Saskatchewan is the home of the great-
er number of these about 40 per cent.
,Curt L(nte..,, 11 r0:'.a,,1 4f tnu Yukon,
has over 20,000 head of relndeer and
owns six and half 01111Jon acres of
land,' He went north in 1900 from St.
Paul during the gold rash,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Highly
Praised by"a Nova Scotia Lady.
Alberta, Among. the well known and esteemed
40 in. British Colombia, and 21 in the 1 in Dragon, after sooliring the whole of residents oY,. Hemford, N.S., is Mrs.
Yukon Territory, mr r e- the i the United States for a suitable lora-1 01 the total being in that province. Amanda Woodworth. Some four years
Proved Good Farmers. ago Mrs, Woodworth had the mister-
The heady settlement in Saskhtehe- tune to lose her husband, and es a re -
wan has been largely due to the efforts sult of caring for him during his ill -
years ago of Baron Esterhazy, who rase, and attending to farm duties,' she
pioneered a movement from Hungary became terribly run-down. Mrs. Wood-
to the rich farming country east of worth says ' she felt as though her
The combination of Western initis- have a way of going vigorously ahead Saskatoon. Hungarians have come to blood had turned to water. The least
tive and suitability of condition should with any enterprises they adopt and own and control large stripe of land exertion would leave her tired and
result in making the fur -farming in. whose l}raet'cablity they prove. This in this province, to develop then, pros- breathless. She was often attacked
d'ustry of Western Canada a substan- Is reasouably to be expoeted of the perously along agricultural lines and by spells of weakness that left her al
hal and prosperous industry Sat a short fur -farming industry, especially in to establish thriving little towns In most speechless, and frequently suf-
fered from severe. headaohee. The
rearing of eleven different animals, in
which foxes• naturally lead, and others
are coyote, skunk, chinchilla rabbit,
muskrat, raccoon, Karakul sheep, beav-
er, marten, mink and fisher.
Becoatting a Substantial Industry.
titin for a similar enterprise has pur-
chased a large, tract of land in the Co-
amble Valley of British Colombia, on
which there are already several beaver
and muskrat houses, '
The Western provinces of Canada,
- time. Conditions for the raising of rich , view of the enthusiasm with which
peltry are probably ynetlualled soy- this novel and interesting please of ag-
where elee. This woultl,seem to be rlculture has been talten up and the
proved in the case of the Karakul outstanding developments of the last
sheep, which, distributed over Canada. few years.
gather the shells, into baskets slung
round their neet:a' and hanging in (tont,
and after fifty to eighty seconds' rapid
work are Pulled to the serface.
011 an average, about one shell in
'9 every thousand brought up contains a
Apart from its world-wide reputation' •pearl.
as one of the most scenically beautiful The buyers place their purchases in
places on the map, Ceylon ranks as the "kottus," or enclosures, and the oys-
world's largest producer of -pearls, its ters are allowed to rot for eight or ten
output being exceeded only by that of days in a box covered in from the sun.
Northern Australia. Flies are allowed free access, as they
The Ceylon fisheries are operated on assist in the "process of ratting.
banks covering an extensive area off Later, the. whole decayed mass is
the north coast of the island; but the
banks most famous in bygone times,
and still ,the ntost productive, lie close
to the shore In tbe Gulf of Itlanaar.
A Ceylon pearl oyster's lite is about
eight years, and it Is most productive
of its coveted prize from its third year
on, both as regards. number and size of fully gone over again and again, and
Peoria. Very few three-year oysters many small "seed" pearls are found
contain pearls, of any value; but when and added to the larger ones previous
a bed of oysters is flatted just as they ly discovered.
are dying of senile decay the peals -- Q•--- --
then obtained are many and large.Aa�lpt pl0(rya�s 1�!��11®®,ii''�l�iatlIa��a 6pp6 (®� y'lQ1srlAta garians throughout the country.
-The Div ���"�111R COMPLAINTS
thoroughly washed, the shells, stones,
and byssus (the green; fibre -like sub- for the most economic tar inactivity.
stance by which the oyster attaches 1t- Other products of theft' share hours
self to the favorite rock) are. picked' are weaving, rugmaking, fancy needle -
out, and the residue placed on long work, hammered braes, and wood carv-
stl'ips of black calico to dry. lug. At Regina the IIungarfens have
While drying, the whole mass 1s Care., a. literary society with their own club
hoose, and this. organization is very
active in social and Canadian national
work. AYHungarian magazine Is pub-
lished with the object of carrying the
ideals of Canadian citizenship to Hun -
them: Hungarian colonies are among
the most outstanding farming settle-
ments of the province.
'Fhe Hungarian has proved himself
a good farmer in Western Canada, He
arrives with, as the result of early
training, at least a deep realization of
the importance of )nixed farming and
pursues it intelligently. Though us-
ually- possessed of little capital, bee
industry and perseverance early over-
come this. Amangtihe many individual
cases of autsta.nding success may be
mentioned merely that of a, settler at
Ohaton, Alberta, who, starting out with
a capital of 5200, now owns twenty
quarter seetfons.of land.
Not only are they fine. tillers of the
soil, but excellent craftsmen. Their
buildings are largely of native log,
splendid places of handiwork, making
Diver's Share. Y s to'dateHungarian Agri-
cultural settlement in Western Canada
True pearls, which are the result of KILL LITTLE OE5 her• prayed sats'factory, and any sue -
disease sometimes brought about by N mesas which attends the efforts of Baran
the intrusion into the ehell of some for- •Csavossy will be of distinct banal' to
MO body, such as a"grain of sand, as '—' the Dominion.
undeveloped egg, but more often a At the first sign of illness during the
parasite,. are, formed in the tissue of
the oyster.' When the irritant matter
reaches such a size as to cause great
discomfort to the unwilling owner, it
either dies or forces the intruding mat-
ter towards the edges of the valves,
where it is retained by an absolutely
t ' t kt ilk substance. This
hot weather give the little ones Baby's
Own Tablets or in a few hours he may
be beyond aid. These , Tablets will
prevent summer complaints if given ship 1s making rapid progress at Ports -
to the well child, and will mouth, and in another as so she
promptly relieve these troubles if they will h,prand., another year o so of
Come on suddenly, Baby's Own Tab- the proud threadecicer of her fighting
ransparen s n e 0u, s nnce. late should always be kept in every days
increases in growth, and eventually home where there are young cbildren. To naval mon the Victory moans
becomes the prized bauble destined to There is no other medicine as good more than Nelson and ictoi'Y nl for
go' towards a' necklace or adorn a fin- and the mother has the guarantee of a ICeppet, Hardy, Howe, Hood, de Sau-
ger government analyst that they are ab-
Yorke, and other admirals all
The pearls aro brought up by divers solately safe. The Tablets are sold by trod decks. She was m action ii
in charge of a "tindal" or represents- medicine dealers or by mall at 250 a trod her, Brest, Gibraltar, Toulon, and
of the owner of the boat they work box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine. St. Vincent, as well as at Trafalgar.
from, and a "goon;' who safeguards Co • Brockville, Ont.
When she is restored, the afalg will
be shown cleared for aetiole with all
her guns run out. The Victory's prob-
able armament at Trafalgar was thirty
long 32•poundere on the lower deck,
• o ndara
on the
4 u
middle deck, thirty long 12pounders on
the quarter dock, and two long 12 -
pounders and two 08 -pounder canon -
Mies in the forecastle.
Eight of the 32 -pounders on the low-
er deolc and tour of the 24 -pounders on
the middle deck are in the ship; the
others will have to be replaced by.
Nelson's Famous Flagship.
The work of restoring Nelson's flag -
the interests of the Government. The
banks aro under the control of the
"Master Attendant of the Port of Co-
As payment for their hazardous
e shark -infested
work on thas a coasts,
the divers aro rewarded by one-third
of the oysters brought up,s,while the
Government auctions off the remain-
der on the beach day by day.
One In a Thousand..
The divers go down with the aid of
a forty -pound weight tied to the line
b' which they aro lowered, They
We supply cans. and pay express
charged. We pay daily by express
money orders, which can be cashed
anywhere without any charge.
To obtain the top price, Cream
genet bo free from bad flavors and
eontaln not lone than 80 per cent
Butter Fat.
Bo'w'es Company Limited,
For ro.oronces-aleed Office, Toronto,
Bank of *entree', or Ye(r lsocalbai4 er.
Ertabliahed for ovetr thirty ytarfl,
Just Se It Was Kept Dark.
"Can I get 4 beer here without any-
one knowing it?"
"Yes -pale?"
"Anything --just se you .keep it
Always Acceptable,
Authmr-"The very dist tiling I sent
tea magazine was aOcopted"
Yeeeig Friend -"Was it poetry or
p0OAe ?"
Mt,hor-"Prose, 1t wee a cheque for
a yoa.rer sub0m`il)tlon."
education does riot 'atop with the
dobealt but with 1110
A Poem You Should Know.
• The'.Weedering Wind,- -- •
l?allcia Ideditate bas the distieetion.
of having waittee genie of the best.
known peen= in the language, Meted -
hag "Tho 130tter Land," "Casabienea,"
and "The Gravels 91 a Ilouseleoid,"
Bore 1s one of the loos familiar of her
This wind, the wandering wind
Of the golden summer eves--
Whence is the thrilling magic
Of Ito thine amongst the leaves?
011, ie. it front the waters,
Or from the long 1411 grass?
Or is It 1100) rho hollow rocks
Tlu'ougb which the brentllings•pass?
Or is ft from the 'oleos
Of all in one oombined,;
That it wins the tone of moaning?
The wind, the wandering wind!
No! No! the !avenge sweet accents
net with it come and go,
They aro not from the osier's,
Nor the flatrees whispering low,
They are not of the waters;
Nor of the cavero'd11121;
'Tis the human levo within us.
That gives thein power to thrill:
They ;touch the links of menthe.Around our spirits: twln'd,.
And we start; and weep, and tremble
To the wind, the wandering wind!
Birth of the Moon.
In the opinion of Dr. R. H. Restell
the moon is made of material that was
once part of the earth's crust. Dr. Ras-
tali's theory is that a layer of the
earth's must, about forty-one miles
thick and covering about two-thirds of
its total area, was peeled off by the at-
traction ofthe sun. This action of the served 'Plain; cracker hash united
sun was effective while the crust was them in a baked form. Dandy -funk r
still in a plastic state, and the moon's was also made of Hard-taelc, pounded
'own gravitational attraction caused it very One with a belaying pin, mixed
to roll tip into a ball of the form we into a sort of paste with jam or treacle
now see in the sky, The crusted area and cooked on tbe galley stove into a„
left on earth formed the continents, eon of pudding. Duff -plum duff or
Thio theory also accounts for the fig duff -was a. -boiled suet pudding.
Do Not Let It .Pass
The Ontario Aviculture Galena offare you an education that will fit
You for Preetloal' up-te-date buahr0se farming or pnofeeelenel Ilia, An.
eaueet1en to a farmer la. a !Meanie gift. The years of youth ors short.
Corer t0 the 0,A.fl, on September 18th.
T,uitio, fee for the 11101 year only $90. •Ooard and room only $8,00 per
week. 700 -acre farm, fine live stock, modern, well•equIpped bulldines,
living •conditions the best,
Write for College Calendar, dosorlptive of all solenoe,: and preatical
President I#egietr)ar,
Sea Cooks and Sea Food.
The profession of sea peek is One
that has always been looked upon with
profound contempt by the rest of the
seafaring community, admits Miss'
Cicely Fox Smith, that sailor -smiled
binglish lady who has made herself a
recognized authority on matters per-
taining to • ships and the sea. Old
Slush" and "Grub -Spoiler" were the
uncomplimentary nicknames bestowed That God hath given you a Pnleelase
dower -
To live in these great times and have
a part
In Freedom's crowning hour;
That ye may tell your sons who see
the light
High in the heavens (their heritage
to take):
Ye that have faith to look with daunt,
less Oyes
Upon the tragedy 0t a world at
And see that out' of death and night
shall rise
The dawn of ampler life
Rejoice, whatever anguish rend the
upon him; and the familiar old chanty
Paddy Doyle's Boots further attests
the usual attitude of crews In the
cheerful lines.
We'll all throw dirt at. the coo -ooh
And pay' Paddy Doyle for his boots!
The sea cook, she explains, ie the "I saw the powers' of darkneeo put to
sea -going equivalent of the mother -in- fiigbt,
law. He is the preordained' and pen- I saw the mat'ning break."
petual butt of ridicule and abuse. That -(Poem found on the body of an un -
he should have become so is not ser- known Australfan soldier in the
prising. To begin with, he was aro World War:.
vided often with the poorest and :
scantiest materials. Burgon and dog's Jelly contains more sugar than the
body were simply euphemisms far solution from which it is made,
cabin "'crape; hard -tack and salt junk
were unobjectionable, but wearisome, ,
fact that while, occordiug to generally
accepted ideas, masses of lighter den-
sity such as make up the earthly con-
tinents should cover the entire surface
of the globe, they actually cover only
about 'a third, the missing two-thirds
medicines she took did not help her, consieting of the moon.
The hew theory also fits in with the
and she almost despaired of gaining.lideas of a German geologist, Professor
her health. In elate condition she one Alfred Wegener, who believes that the
day read in a newspaper of a ease American continent was originally
vary similar to her own, in which united with Europe and Africa,.and
health was restored through the use that it floated away to its present
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, This made plane. This would not have been pee_
her decide to give these pills a trial• sable so long as the amore earth was
After using a hew boxes cite found the covered with such a crust, but after
pills were helping her', and she eon -
the moon had been torn away It was
tinned their use until her old-time
Now possible for the continents to separate
health and vitality were restored. Now from their song embrace.
tars. Woodworth looks after a small
farm of fifteen acres, besides doing all Cold Light.
her housework, and says she never felt g
better or more energetic in her life,
She gives credit for her present splen-
did health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
which she says are the best medicine
she ever used, and strongly recom-
mends the pills to all run-down people.
You can get these Pills from any
medicine dealer, or by mall at 50 cents
a box•from The Dr. Willianms',Mediclne
Co., Brockville, -Ont-
Why Tigers Are. Striped..
At an examihation a boy was. asked
to state why a tiger is striped, and he
wrote; -
It is striped because it makes It bet-
ter for circus proprietors, If a tiger
escapes from a circus it is easier to
find bun then if be had no, stripes, He
will.not go tar without someone no -
tieing that ho is not a horse or a dog,
on account of hes stripes, and .calling
up and !eating the circus people if they
have lost a tiger,"
Go Ahead, Sir.
"Would you like to take a plc') long
want?" she asked.
"Why, 'd love to," replied the young
man joyously,
"Well, don't lot me detalh yen."
Where the Rub Comes Off.
I know a young girl, she's au ace,
She's possessed of much beauty and
- grace,
But one thing she abhors,
About summer seashores,
It washes the paint from her face.
Musicians and Nationality.
with dried fruit added.
Often a bad cook made the sailor's
food nearly uneatable; "he might not
know a sauce -pan from a kettle, but,
once he had got his job, the unfortun-
ate crew would have to put up with his
experiments for the rest of the voyage.
The usual thing in extreme cases was
for the whole watch to commit their
food untested to the deep, choosing for
the ceremony a moment when the skip-
per could not fail to witness it. He
would then be compelled to admit that
the grievance was a genuine one, since
hungry men do not go without a meal
unless for good and sufficient reason,
But even if the cook were disgraced
and sent forward, it was rare good luck
it there chanced to be anyone among
f'oR poU}t
holesonumning Refreshing
the crew who could do better,
Times have changed, and there is a
The production of cold light is a sub- vest improvement in the variety and
ject which continues to attract the duality of the feed at sea, even on the
energiesof investigators. Among the humblest vessels. And there are,
latest workers in this field is Profess- ashore, schoats where aspiring sea
or Riseler, of Paris, who has been try- cooks may learn the trade. In a few
Lug to emulate the performance of the years, perhaps, it will be no longer the
glow-worm, which gives out light with- directdinsult
a s to caan oan ll him a hurl at a
of a
out heat.
It is stated that he has succeeded in sea cook."
making a large tube which, it is claim- But, amusingly enough, there are
ed, yields a light of 12,000 candle-power still a few tough old salts who do not
for the expenditure of two and a half
kilowatts of electricity- His tubes are
filled with atmospheric air at reduced
pressure, and are ercited by high -fre-
quency currents.
After tbe current has been cut off
from them, his treated tubes continue
to glow, though with diminishing
brightness, for a period said to be
equal to that for which they bave been
Some tubes that he bas exhibited In
appreciate the change.
The old sailor -conservative in this
a sin all things -strongly resented any
attempt to interfere with his food. You
might try to make bis diet more varied
and attractive if you abase, He didn't
mind. But he had got to have his
"viggy duff" on the proper day, or else
the tat was in the fire!
"These 'ere callavances and such are
all very well. But where's my duff?"
London are Smm. In internal diameter, Mlnard's Liniment for Aches and Pains
and require for their excitation a cur-
rent of one-tenth of a milliampere at Sentence Sermons.
a presure of 6,000 volts, and of ire-
quency in the neighborhood of 1,000,- You Can Never Know -True love un -
000 -and they are twisted into forms 11.111 you are willing to give everything
suitable for adaptation as illuminated for your beloved.
advertising signs or lettere. It may be -Real llappiness until you love life
Sore muscles, etrnined liga-
ments, swollen joints yield ro
the healing influence of
Cuticura Baths
Comfort Baby's Skil
The absolute purity and delicate
medication of Cuticura Soap
make it ideal for baby's tender
skin. Useddaily,witlitouches of
Ointment to little skin troubles,
it keeps the skin smooth, clear
and healthy. Cutioura Talcum
is soothing and cooling, ideal
for baby after a bath.
Sample Sael, Free b M.U. Adam., Canadian
em Ointment 26 and 10c�Talcum 2 Crier, lamp
tam • Cuticura Staving. Stick 25e.
mentioned that the term "cold light" more than things.
Is, strictly speaking, a misnomer, as -Genuine friondehlp until you hast
certain mount of heat must be gen- dismissed all spirit of bitterness.
neat your E LTclaims on mere Prretenss ions. QEIAIN
Tattoo English Plgs, The highest joy until you .,tape
English farmers propose to tattoo made some thing useful with your
their initials on their pigs atter thie,hands.
instead of marking them by notching -Life'% greatest thrill until you 'War►ts OtherWomentoKnow
-Lasting anaaes. iyou
s it
their encs. using black pigment for have made your supreme effort.
child has turned ingrate. Vegetable Compound
Chesters and Tamworths and light• Life's deepest eotrmw until yourl
Nowadays, when mu.lcal national- colored pigment for Berkshires. Cottle
ism is so much to the fore, we are apt also are to be marked in this fashion.
to overlook the fact that many of the ----11,
a Desert.
clans have tomo of aTo Su
st musician Y
mixed nationality, and some people The United States government is
claim that the more cosmopolitan a planning the exploration and survey of
family is the more likely it is to pro- the Great Salt Lake desert in Utah,
duce geniuses. In England, certainly, one of largest unsurveyed axeas in
there is the striking instanceof the
Noveito family, which was very mixed the public domain.
anti' produced at lomat 'a number of
hi lily talented members. Be
About Lydia E. Pinkham's
very g s-
thoven was a German of Dutch extrac
tion, and Brahms a German of Danish
extraction. Fsruccie Busoni, the
pianist and composer, was halt Ger-
man and half Rattail; as is Walf-Fer•
rani, the composer of "The Jewels of
the Madonna"; Sgambeti, the ltaliau
composer, had an English mother;
Frederic Delius, the Englleb composer,
comes of a German family of remote
Dutch extraction; Frederic Lomond is
n Soot, whose permits or grnudparents
cause from Middle Europe, and •l;ugote
d'Albert is, elso a Scot of Teutonic) or
Alsatian extraction. And quite a large
number of 111118101(208 who are general-
ly credited .with being Germans:
Haydn, Liszt, Dvorak, eta, come trona
the Sleet races and were born outsides
MInard'e Liniment for Corns and 3earrig1
See That This Label
is on Your Fox Wire
"Prince Edward" Brand English
Fox Wire -recognized by the
above label on every roll -has
glven more than toarteen years
Of perfectaerviee on pioneer
ranches and 1s being used for,.
most of the new raeelaa
"There's a reason." ,,F •.aamplo
Write or wire fee"'
had prirts• at"' Summdrelde
H0 en p. E. Island
Mount Forest, Ont. --"Before I took
Pinkhn;m's Vegetableet
i pound ifeltweakand
miserable, and had
pains all through me.
I was living in Ailsa
Craig at the tlme,and
one day afrlendc '
inarid told m
erienc ;, advised
a to a bottle.
ich I finally did.
I began t.1 get
strongee end those
eft me. I am gia. I found out
out this medicine as I think m^ is
none -equal to it for women •'hc have
troubles of this kind. I cannot praise
the Vegetable Compound too highly for
the good it has done One.'GS'henCveial
know of a woman suffering I am 6
to tell her of it." -Mrs, WM. Rinse/tut.
PAL No.1, Mount Forest, Ontario.
Women throughout the Dominion are
finding health' rn Lydia E. 1 inkham S
Vegetable Compound.
Noharmful drags are used in its prepa-
roots and herbs -and
be taken in safety even by a nursing
mother. For Sale by all druggists.
ISSUE He. 33-'25.
Say "Bayer" — Insist!
u see
CrosUnlesss" onyo.tablets youo 1j d
getting the genuitlen(lions and
uct proved, Saysicians for 28
prey ,2114'
Accept only a
Bayer a�ckage
hicllcotltainsproven irections
$anuly "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Druggists
l In
0aendal ets 1 et tee Barer d Mnmiratture a Nana
eceucasieestat of tisnerlleactd, _...