The Brussels Post, 1925-8-19, Page 51c
T111 llndustrial Mortgage and
Savings Corn pany,cif Sarnia
Ontario, are prepared, to advance mono ea
A401'40(00 On boost lairds. Parties desiring'
stoney on fares mortgages will please apply to
(eines Qowan, Seaforthe Ont., who will fur.
alis rates and other portleaher9,
Tho Industrial Mortgage
and Savings {company
'alit' dGt'9.'ti' r v ZitattliAlr
Fire, Automobile and Wind Inst
For firuegela and vicinity Phone 647
Agent Howlek Mutual fire Insurance Company.I
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Phone 42 /Box r ,'uruberry Street, T3ruesele
G1FZLP1. •J sfSIO-
For references consult any person whose sales
I have adulated ut, Phone T8x or 65
T. T. M' RAE
M. a.. M. O. P., A S. O.
M. O. H,, Village of 'Brusseli.
Physician,. Surgeon, Aocoucheur
OMoe at residence, opposite Melville Ohurph,
wi111ant Artist.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day end night oalie, Moe oppo,lte'
Flour Mill, Ethel,
I. n .41. tf' it
A fall Term opens Sept, 1st
Car, Yonge and dAlexander Sts. Toronto g
� All Graduates of last seventeen
mouths have secured employ-
ment as well as scores of others.
t:� Catalogue free.
7a'if vszv a'r z ralazete tivisisrefs`
Highest market prices
See me or Phone No, 2x, Bras -
eels, and I will tall and get
yore! Fowl.
M. Yollick
The "Daddy of them
all" says....
Waterman's Ink adds to
the efficiency of Water -
man's Fountain Pens
and Waterman's Pen
adds to the efficiency of
Waterman's Ink.
To perfectly function, foun-
tain pen ink must be free
from sediment, it must flow'
freely and never clog. Water -
man's Ink will do this. It's
packed in neat boxes, so that
you may keep onp1ottle at
the cage and one at home,
We recommend Waterman's
Ink foe We in any fountaiq
I J. R. Wendt
District Fall Fairs
Bayfield Sept 20-80,
Brussels . , , , ... Oct. 1-2.
Exeter . . Sept. 22,23.
Goderich Sept. 9-11,
Kirkton Listowel Sepbet. 1-18
t. 17-i s..
London (Western Fair) .Sept. 12-19.
Lucknow Sept. 24.26.
Milverton Sept. 24-20.
Mitchell . Sept. 29.30.
St. Marys , ...... , . Oct, 1-2.
Saeforth. Sept. • 24.25.
Sept. 22-23.
Re -opened
Miss Maude Bryans
1?Ytehee to announce #,hat she
has opened an tare 1)t her bons
one noel) W686 of the Bank of
Nova Senile, and is prepared to
attend to all kinds of Optical
Satisfaction Assured
gra l l abs Itento
Haw of August gone,
Smoot, hells will scop be ringing
SEND us the news, w0 are always
glad to get R.
WINOIsAM Business College re -op.
ens September let,
Tonotyro Pair opens a week from
Saturday, Aug, 290,
i3 the way, how long is It since
you have dole a crossword puzzle.?
A ssr' 1)e, oh suit put the street lights
out on Tuesday night lust for a few
HAVE you became a member of the
131'useele Fall Fair ? Do what you can
M ANT from Brussels and vicinity
were at Goderich last Wednesday for
Derry Day.
Tna Dept. of. -Agriculture intend,
holding a school of Elementary Agri.
culture. in Luukhow next Winter.
THERE is still enoughof the Sum-
mer left to eupply pleasure for the
pleasure -lovers, whq include almost
Tsts*°coel question is one which ev-
ery householder' !mist settle .for him-
self. It is certain, ten, that cold in
the hill is better than money in the
'l'nf1E. picnic season has by no means
mated yet, Such outings are in ev-
idence every day and will continue
until King Frost gets his grip on
things once more.
'rue Fall of 1925 will remain a close
ed serene for bleak 1)e grey sgttireele,
the Provincial Gane and Fisheries de-
partment has decided. No ehontin8
will he petmittrd mltil Nnvember1926,
QUEBEC has now the discovery of
large nickel deposits in Senneterle
Township to earl to her success in oh.
Wiling the aluminium industry.
Ontario will have to tach 1)p.
A MOTORIST Intown while driving
the elle, day, observed a neatly..
painted sign o1 the real' of the car
ahead of rein. He speeded up a little
and thus he teas able to discern : "If
you min read this, you are too darn
MANof'Ohlef, owned by Amos &
Black, of bleffnt, Ont., was awarded'
the grand championship in the Short-
horn mule class at Vancouver on
Tuesday, defeating King of the Fair-
ies show 1 y H. R. 1 the
t try L Prince of
DURING 1024 Ontario huntelrs took
out 1,386 licenses 'for moose and
10,617 fur deer, as compared with
1,089 for 910088 111O1 17,877 for deer in
1053. Non=resident htUltete, chiefly
from United States, took out 1,651
licenses in 1954.
New"Candaian Magazine.— The
first issue ofga new tartiadtau mueg-
aziue bac just appeared in attractive
form. It is Trade Abroad, from the
presses of the ,McLean Puhlishing
Company, and its expressed object is
to serve the Canadian exporter and
importer with information regarding
foreign markets.
1926 Markers. —Tenders for the
Ontario rumor markers fur 1926 have
been let by Tion. George S. ,Henry,
Minister of Highways, to the Mao
Donald Manufacturing Oompany, of
Toronto, at a rate that works out at
8,f cents per market', as compared with
lust year's rate of 10 cents per marker.
The total contract, according to Mr.
Henry, will run between 834,000 and
$85,000. Three hundred thousand Bets
of markers will be required.
Schools Commence Sept. 1.— Ex-
actly two weeks from lust SaLurdey
solioot 06096100 will come to an end
and every youngster in Brussels will
gree wore return to the daily grind of
study. It is the fleet that, ur many
years butt the Fall term has opened
on September 1, and a8 a result the
kiddies steed to lose several days- of
vacation, However, Lhe change to
the metier date comes in the forma of
a direatorder from the Department of
Education, at'lbrouto, and principals
and officials of both public and high
schools are urging that pareeta ar-
range to have their kiddies on hand at
the opening day 00 that orgeaniz.ition
may be completed as early as possible.
In the past it had always beencustorn
ary to open the schools .on the Tues-
day after Labor Day. In some years
this meant au extra three to five days
holiday. In order to begin the Fall
studies as curly as pbesible and owing
to the feat that the schools already
have all over -abundance of Vacation'
days in the yeat, the opening has
been moved ahead for the 1925.6 terin.
Kitty -Shaw.— A lovely summer
wedding was solemnized ;on Wednes-
day of'last week; at 3.30 p.m. at the
hone. of Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Shaw,
Clinton, when their daughter, Mane -
Ion McKnight, became the wife of
Harold Raymond Kitty, of Toronto,
the ceremony being'performed by
the Rev. Mr. Westgate of Sandwich,
The house was beantifully liecorated
with greenery, ferns, gladioli and all
summer flowers—one especially inter-
esting, part of the decorations was a
flower -filled parasol belonging to the
bride's great grandmother. The wed-
ding was of a semi -military nature the
officers of the 101st regiment being
called out. The bride, who was given
away by her father, wore a wedding
gown of duchess satin with her grand-
mother's beautiful lace veil and car-
ried a bouquet of maidenhair fern
and sweetheart roses, The charming
bridesmaids, who were Miss Dorothy
Rattenburyof , Peterborough, and
Miss Dorothy Marrs, of Lethbridge,
With more .Cedar Timber- to Manufacture you can rely
on getting your
Ontario White 'Cedar Shingles
here right along, Nothing so reliable for a roof.
THRESHING will soon be on, Get e load of out Dry Slabwood
for cooking, The good wife will appreolate it—yon bel 1
YOUR BARN 11'L00R may require Repairing. We have Sound
Homlock Plank for this purpnae.
P, S.--01rr(litder Mill will be in first-elttga shape when apples are ripe.
.Gibson Umber & Cider ' Mills Wroxeter
PhoneeiR oo2ao - Place your Order Now
4.4..d,..H.4'444,1.4.4"F'F+4,+'N•h'Fd4'I 4
Walton farmers
Co -Operative ...true Store
Store is open every day j'
and every evening ex- .
cept Wednesday. Z
Eggs and Cream Wanted
,i•4.,t•.Fg'4t',.f•4•'F'k'F4"i•4.4.4..1 +4 4'e.
Alberta, wore frocks of blue and
mauve georgette with lace -trimmed
hats to match and carried sherds of
yellow chrysanthemums, Little Miss
Margaret Westgate in pink georgette
was flower -girl, and Master Buddy
Moreton, train -bearer. The groom
was supported by Mr. Powell, of Tor-
onto. The wedding music •was play-
ed by Miss Jean McMurchie and dur-
ing the signing of the register Mrs,
Howard Humphries sang The Gift"
and Miss Marian Gibbings "Dawn-
ing." A buffet luncheon was served
on the verandah; where a scheme of
decoration similar to that in the house
was carried out. The bride's table -
was in the library. It was centred
with a Maderia cloth, across which
ran streamers of white satin ribbon
caught up with yellow rose buds, sil-
ver vases held yellow roses and tiny
sprays of green ferns. The wedding
cake was surrounded with white tulle
interlaced with yellow and -white buds
and trailing sprigs of -fern. The
table had as a background the mantel-
piece which was banked with Aineri-
can Beauty roses. Directly on the
conclusion of the ceremony and
throughout the rest of the afternoon
a Highland Piper serenaded the bride,
a fitting tribute to the daughter of a
Highland Scotchman. Later in the
aftennoon, Mr. and 71re. Kilts left
on their honeymoon, Mrs. Kilty trav-
elling in a silk sports frock, white
fur -trimmed coat end white felt hat.
Opt -df -town guests were present
from Wheeling, Virginia; Jackson-
ville, Fla.; Winnipeg; Lethbridge;
Morris, Mich.; Montreal ,• Toronto;
Guelph• Stratford; Peterbro', Sand-
wich; Glencoe; Blyth; Exeter and
Farmers are busy plowing in spare
time for the Fall • wheat.
A. M. Campbell, of Toronto, spent
the week -end with his , parents and
other friends.
A good many of our young men in-
tend taking in the Harvest Excursion.
Some of them are already engaged to
Work with friends in the West.
The August meetingof the United
Church, Walton W. 111, S. was held at
,Mrs. Walter Davidoot's home on
Wednesday, 12651 inst. There was a
good attendance for the busy season,
87 ladies being present, The Pres-
ident, Mrs, Oster, wag in, the' chair.
After singing a hymn, Miss Turnbull,
read the Messenger Prayer. The
We have the above
Agency and will be
glad to give prices
and. Demonstrations.
T1 GI Hemphill
Car of National
expected shortly, Parties
wishing to be supplied
should place orders now.
Also Tankage, Beefineal
and Oyster Shell.
Phone 5810
D. C. Coleman, who has been in-
vited to represent the C. P. R. at a
conference in Edmonton between the
and the
Canadian Nat-
inal and Canadian Pacific railways
to discuss joint operation of the Nor-
thern railway lines.
topic, "Home Missions in the Mar-
itime Provinces", was also given by
Mrs. Oster, in the absence of Mrs.
Gardiner, so. "Cement events in
these Provinces", 89148 given by Mrs.
Bryans, Roll call response, "a [Ilia -
denary from the Bible, Mrs. Neal
closed the meeting with prayer.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Davidson
and her assistants. The next meet-
ing will be held in Sept. at the home:
of Mrs. Art. McCall.
The village ratepayers vote on the
lighting question on Friday of this
week.., players won from
Harriotod Olub in a series of games at
both towns.
It will be of great interest to the
ratepayers of the village to knew that
Debenture No. I for the new Continu-
ation School; due Dec. 81, 1925, will bo
paid from the school rates for this
year, without any increase in the
A. 0, and Ml's: Hutchison celebrat-
ed the fortieth anniversary of their
THIS season's. Honey is now
ready for Bale. 1laviug
purchased- the tate Law-
rence Wheeler's bees last
Spring, we wish to annouuce to
hie former, customers lliat we
will he glad to look after their.
wants it1 this line.
0wieg to coni weather during
the fore part of the season, the
crop was reduced by rat least
50%- (luetouera shoul'-1 secure
their supply now.
First -ease white
Clover Honey at 1, 5C
For sale at Brussels Olub Store,
} R. R. 1, Listowel
iUolesworth 'Phone
Canada's Best Piano
—Prices from $375.00 up
Do not'waste time solving puzzles but get in
touch with the old established and reliable
firm and get full value for your money,
S & R1SCh
97 Ontario St.
Sir ,Adam Beck, who for the past,
three weeks has not been so well as
he was formerly. About three, weeks
ago he left his home in London, Ont.,
and went downtown to arrange the
d f the saleo v
details o e f some ll s provincial
real estate to the board of education
and tired himself out. Sir Adam's
home in London announced to -day:
"His condition is much the same as
it has been for some time."
wedding on Wednesday; August 2th,
by entertaining a few •1)f their old
friends and ergnatntancea. Supper
was served at 0 30, after which a very
pleasant evening was enjoyed by all.
Sheldon Bricker was at, Badaxe,
Mich., the fore part of last week at-
tending the funeral of his eldest sister,
Mrs Krumbaek, who was killed when
hit by a motor car on Satutday, Aug.,
1st. The deceaved lady was sixty
years of age and leaves to mourn their
loss, besides her husband, a family of
twelve, all of whom were present at
the funeral.
The separate school assembly renal
was the scene ofn a pleasant gath-
ering last week, when a large number
of Ila pai'ishlouers of St. James'
ehtnch itesemhled' to wetcnme their
pastor, Rev. 11) F. Goetz hack from
a trip to Europe, J. J, Huggard pre-
sided and gave an addrees. A special
feature of the occasion was the pres-
entation of purees, each containing
substantial sun. to Rev Father Goetz
and Father Latullippe, of Ottawa,
who ministered to the congregation
most ecreptably during the absence
of Rev, Father Goetz.'
Jaynes D. Moody is the new village
Clerk. R, B. McGowan recently re.
signed owing to ill- health,
The Women's Institute are prepar-
ing plans for' their usual Fowl Supper
to be held on Armistice Day,
Wm. M. Scutt died at Andover,
Connecticut, where he had gone with
his wife and daughter for a visit,
The remains were brought back to the
for burial, -
The Brennan Construction 0o. had
their outfit here and all the cracks in
the pavement were tarred The pave-
ment, so far, has stood well, and in-
dications are that the Corporation
have received good worktuanehip.
A reception was held at the borne of
Ivie and Mrs. Campbell, Grey, Twp.,
Wednesday evening of last week in
honour of their son, George, and his
bride, About 85 friends and relatives
gathered together to show their high
esteem to the newly -married couple.
They were the recipients of many
beautiful and costly gifts, along with
several handsome cheques.
CAMPBELL—LUcas.—A pretty wed-
ding took place at the Evangelical
Parsonage in Waterloo, Cut., on Sat-
urday, August 1st. when Prances
Elizabeth, only daughter of Thos. and
Mrs, Lucas was united in marriage to
George Hughes, youngest son of Ivie
and ;Urs. Campbell, both of Grey
Township. The ceremony teas con-
ducted by Rev. J. P, Hauch, Water-
ino, The bride was attended by Mise
Nellie L. Campbell, sister of the
groom and Russel J. Theil, cousin of
the bride, acted as best man, The
bride looked very charming in an en-
semble 81:11t of navy blue garbardine
With crepe, and hat to match, Her
attendant wore a dress of powder blue
flat crepe. After the ceremony the
party drove to the home of Mrs, Muri-
el Thiel, aunt of the bride, where a
dainty supper was served. The
groon's Gilt to the bride was a hand-
some leather purse and set of alunhn
urn ; to Lite btidesuurid, a geld brooch
set with it pearl ; and to the grooms-
rllttll a set of gold, cuff links, The par•
ty left on a trip to Hamilton, Niagara.
Falls and Guelph. They returned
home Tuesday night, They will 10
side nn the Bae farm of the groom,
Lot 22, Con. 8, Utley To•vnehip. They
are followed by the gbod wishes of
their many friends.
very pretty wedding was solemnized
in St. Paul's Anglican church, Olin.
ton, on Saturday, August 8, when
Gladys, daughter of R. 3. and Mrs
Draper, Olinton, became the bride of
Ashton A. hIorrison of St, Cather -
Ines, eon of the late J. Morrison and
Mrs Morrison, of Wroxeter, the Rev,
0, Llewellyn Bllkey. rector of St
Pnul'e church, officiating. The
thin eh wa8 artistically deenraLed
with ferns, palms ami gladioli.
Promptly at four o'clock, to the
sttelns of Lohengrin's wedding mural,
played by Mrs, 'Theo. Wendt'', r f
Olinton, the bridal party entered, the
bride on the arm of iter father. The
bride looked chat ming in a beautiful
French gown of white georgette,
daintily ltdnrned with. 0a1in roses,
with Oteelan veil of embroidered,
tulle, caught up with orange bloseol0
Site (tarried a shower botlrkfiee
oplrelia roses and valley,„ii'y•
Draper, 8leter6,,y+le bride,
made n dainty br r' `8o ilia. She wag
�{awned in 5114 � i georgette wills
11at 511 mai "'ns ca'r'ted a banquet
.slow rases 'lhe groan was
Gordon e e r 1) a , or•
r. The rrshere were II. R. Kitty, of
Full line of 011 Cook Stoves
McClary's Electric Ranges
Famous Easy Washing Machines
Hot Point Electric Irons
Headquarters fol
Binder Twine and all Harvest Needs
Goodyear Tires
Taring in your cans and have them re -filled with
Dr, Williams' Fly Oil.
Phone No. 17 BRUSSELS
9' TORONTO 12.
.ansae..., ,r 9,zs . ,attic rt
Canadian National
47th Anniversary
The Annual
World's Fair
Eclipsing anything ppt:viously
presented—iltticrjlue, monutt sm.
tal among Earpooiticna.
Aug. 29 - Sept. 12
Mrs, Wilfred Tanner sang ver sweet-
ly ly "Until" After the ceremony, a
wedding reception was held at the
home of the bride's p.o'ents, where a
dainty buffet Iunchenn was served,
The bride's travelling costume was a
poudre blue georgette ensemble with
beige Italian lace trimmings, with
beige felt hat and shoes to match.
She wore the groom's gift, a stone
martin choker. Amid showers of
confetti and congratulations, the hap-
py couple left on a Northern motor
trip. On their return they will reside
in St. Oatberines. The out-of-town
guests were : Mrs. J. Morrison, Mrs,
A. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Leckie,
Wroxeter ; E. and Mrs. Cardiff, Brus-
sels ; Gordon and Mrs Morrison,
London ; E. Rayden and Mrs. Fairy,
Stratford ; Mrs. Ford King, Toronto ;
Mrs. A. Moreton, Sandwich, Ii, R.
Kilty, Toronto, and R, L, and Mrs,
Dunn, St. Oatherines.
Judge Malcolm Graeme Cameron of
the united counties of Derham and
Northumberland, was buried Thurs-
day from Knox Presbyterian church
to Maitland cemetery, with all the
honors due 1, distinguished citizen.
Judge Cameron died suddenly on Sum-
day at his county seat in Ooburg, the
remains being brought to Goderich,
where he lived the greater part of his
life. After graduating in law, be
practised his profession in Goderieh
until his appointment to the bench in.
1924 revi
to which time . P he was
councillor, reeve and mayor of the
town and a member of the legislative
assembly for West Huron from 1902
to 1908, The funeral service was con-
ducted by Rev. R, C. McDermid,
former pastor of Mr. Cameron's in
Knox church, assisted by Rev, ()anon
Geo, Hill. They also officiated at the
grave, The pallbearers were Dr. A.
C. Hunter, John Galt, of Goderich, R.
A, Baylie. Dr. Cameron Wilson, Dr,
Ivan Wilson, of London, and H. M.
Lay, of Barrie. Knox Presbyterian
church teas well filled with an as-
sembly of sorrowing townspeople,
who realized the lose suffered in the
passing of Judge Cameron, The flags
of the public buildings wave flown at
half-mast to do him honor, and'the
town council and Huron bat associa-
tion attended the funeral in a body,
as did. county jail officials. From
Coburg, Mayor McArthur, Mr, Mc-
Millan, Mr, J. F. Field, clerk of the
surrogate court, Chief of of Police
Grouse and Sheriff D. J. Nesbitt were
in attendance.
SEPTEMBER 12th -19th, 1925
This will be a banner ryear for prize live stock, of
which there will be an exceptionally good showing.
Everyone should 8ee this part of the Exhibition
where the best animals in Canada are being shown,
Entries close September Std.
$40,000 in Prizes and Attractions
For further information apply -3. 11. SAUNDERS, Pres.l,London,`
W, D. JACKSON, Sec. J Ontat'io
We p -;est Cash Price for
^' cent per ib. Butter Fat
id for all Cream delivered
dt our Creamery.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Brussels Creamery Co. 1pv G 1 J if re. t, f G Phone 22 Limited
Phone 171 Stratford ' 'rOrnnio, and 0. lira per of Clinton
1 During the signing of the register,