The Brussels Post, 1925-8-12, Page 87t" peep the Story of the Holidays in Picture, Box Brownies Mo. 2 tall Pe Pietutra 2t x 3e $2.35 In 2t takes Piaui em 2 x 4e $3.50 No. 2e tares Piotnree 2 x 4 $5.15 Folding Auto- graphic Kodaks Vest Pocket --Piet twee 1 x 2e $6.70 No.'1 Ailing, Il;nilltk Jim. Pic- t ores lc-tnrea 2.1 x 3j A very porta. lit ,itee and well merle Fix. ed Feeps and the frame of soars' and leather envoi ((1 Price $12,40 GETA SUPPLY OF EASTMAN FILMS FOR YOUR? KODAK THE KIND THAT COMES IN THE YELLOW (BOX Bring us your Films to be Developed and Printed. You'll like the Results ! Irhe ''.✓�r� +f� i Storetar '111---„A>...•:.,.® F4 o SMITH Druggist and Stationer red etas Items WILFRED Willis is now driving a new Overland 8 sedan. A VALUABLE Jersey cow belonging to G. A. Deadman died last week from indigestion. Tsa Huron Veterans with their fawitiee.and Mende, will hold their annual picnic in Jewett'. Grove, Bay- field, on the aftern8on of August 28th. when sports, speeches and supper will entertain the gathering. Scttch Doubles:—Messrs. D. C. Ross, R. F. Downing, A. Strachan, and J. A. Cameron, of London, are taking in the -Scotch of at Wing - ham today. Improvements.—Mrs. Jane Thomp- son is having the store front re- painted.—John Rutledge, Mill -street, has had his house painted.—A new verandah has been erected at the home of F. M. Wilmot. Caught a Beauty.— On Tuesday morning Postmaster Scott caught a nice bass at the mill darn that weigh- ed See lbs. It was a beauty. Many Went to Goderieh.— Many from Brussels and locality are attend- ing Derry Day at Goderich to -day. The Co. town expects over 6,000 to attend the celebration. Why Not a Band Concert.— The. Editor along with W. A. Grewar at- tended the Sacred Band Concert at Listowel on Sunday evening. The Band gave a good program. A mixed octette gave a selection and there was community singing by the large audi- ence present Old hymns "Rock .of Ages,” "Sun of my Soul," Safe in the Arms of Jesus" and "I need Thee Ev- ery Hour" were those chosen for Sun- day evening. We understand that the Band is quite willing to come to Brussels any week night or Sunday afternoon and give a concert for their expenses. The Post believes that the ,business Men's Association should take tide matter up at once. A collection could be taken at the Band concert and the difference, if any, made up by the,.Town Council. We believe the citizens would apprec- iate weekly concerts. Obituary.—Hannah Burton, belov- ed wife of the late John Currie, pass- ed away Sunday morning last after a prolonged illness. Mrs. Currie was born. in. Tuckersinith on June 22nd, 1848, About fifty-four years ago the deceased was married to John Currie, who predeceased her ten years ago. After living in Harpurhay for many years they moved to Brussels where they resided for 25 years, The de- ceased is survived by one brother, Joseph, and two daughters Mrs. Geo. Eddie, London, and Mrs. Gordon Me - Dowell -of town, also two sons, An- drew, of Toronto, and John of town. The funeral service, which took place Tuesday afternoon from her late residence, Mill Street, was conducted by Rev. Mr. Lewin, assisted by Rev. Jowett, of Sarnia, Mrs. Meadows sang"The City Four-square." The i pallearers were J. Logan, T. Ritchie, { A. R. Currie, Wm. Gillespie, Wm. Becker and J. Burgess. FioraI trib- utes consisted of two pillows from the family, a pillow from friends on Mill Street, a sheaf freta the Eureka Club, London, a sheaf from Charles and Mrs. Seager and James McDon- ald, London, three Sheafs from friends, Also bouquets front Mr, and Mrs. Wilmot, Mrs. E. Ewan and John Wright. The reenains were laid to rest in5Brussels Cemetery. Executor's Sale -Executor's Sale of farm property will be held at the American Hotel on Saturday evening, Aug. 15th, at 8 o'clock. See advt on page 4 of this issue. D, M. Scott is the Auctioneer. Married Last Month.— Mrs. Bert Gerry, of Fort William, was married to Mr. Bert McKee, at the horse of B. Gerry on the 8th of July. Mr, and Mrs. McKee went met to Winnipeg to visit the latter's brother, Will Living- ston, then came East to visit with relatives and friends. They called on old friends in Brussels last Wednes- day. The bride's old friends extend hearty congratulations and wish them much joy and happiness. Num105—A II box rents roust be paid by the 1515. POSTMASTER some. Foe SALE.—Gelding rising 8 years. Will sell or exchange for cattle, Apply T. ERrraa, 8-1 Phone 847 R R 1, Ethel. BETTER, BETTER- EVERY WAY.—We have mode a shipment of lovely honey to JIM ROSS and W, J. 5loCraeken. when. you taste it you will say that it is better, better every day, for we gave the bees time to ripen it, Try some. G A. DEADMAN,. 8-2 FOR SALa •-1nine year old bay horse, weighs about 1500 Ibe, worked on threshing outfit last season, not afraid of steam engine, quiet and reliable, Boman Sravarreo, e-tf Phone4226 B. 14.2, Brussels. LOST •--Itim and glass for front glass be. tweed. Brussels and Belgrave, via 6th line, on Snuday. Finder kindly leers et Tan PO>;T, Foie SALs.-2 Ford Sedan cern, (I naw,) li touring car:, 2 trucks, 2 robber -ti, ed burgles, oak extension table, 2 second hand Wagons, 2 extra good driving, horses, sound and (Inlet.Apply to WALTER Low,Y. Yofso lresh. milking oew for sale. (4ocd and easy milker. Bargain for quick purchan. er. Phone 658 J. P. t.1ciNTuen, hens. Saran.-150 WAtyemits o)1ioPh ne 58 old BOA rtnnnR or reamers wanted. Apply at THE Pow. tf Scotian hand Singer sexing mnahine 1n good cot ditlon, for sale. alae be seen at the home of Man Josefh Whitfield, (Lurch and Johnstrects, Brussels, gra do locationCl50 1lizsledl house , xn nhanga It for other rr, rleriy. For further inlet motion apply at VI e P .sT. Foe SALE-Gond Wel) drilling rachiro, ,4nwyer and M9'.4ay traction engine and stain separator. All most be, sold to wind. u•, Estate. Address, 1111,0.5 STtu1Mu, 5'4 Ford Moll, Ont, Fon SALE.—Dandelion end .'pole Blossom honey, 10 oentn per ,b. 8.5 El A. MONapo,r'r, near Olonorieff PIN,P/111Tv gun SA 611.-10 sores of liraholase land, about hell a rile uuth of Br untels'' good water anhoud about mid n70 fruit treesnd a barn a edea down.. Apply at American Hotel. tt Has Fordo, Sedan,—Dr. T. T. Mc- Rae is now driving a Fordor Sedan, purchased from McIntyre & Cudmore, Ford agents. Died in Detroit. -Mrs. Will Leslie, of Detroit, better known to Brussel- ites as Frank Pelton, and a sister of the late Mrs. R. G. Wilson, took sud- denly ill on Saturday night, and was rushed to a hospital where an opera- tion was performed but death took place on Sunday. Besides" her hus- band she is survived by two sons. The funeral will be held on Wednesday at St.. Thomas. The .bereaved have the heartfelt sympathy from old friends in Brussels. Tire Prices Are Up Again.— The third increase in the price of tubber tires and tubes of all sizes is in effect, making the fourth increase since June 3rd, The net result of these increas- es is to add about 80 percent to the price of tires over the prices of the month of May. Manufacturers say the increase is the result of the ad- vance in raw rubber prices, which is. the outcome of manipulation, All dealers report increases in sales at the advanced: prices, THIS IS TUE MONTH During the month pf August yotltig people must decide the monentoue question as to whether they will see- are more educetien, and, If so whist hind. In making the decision we ask each one to write the Wingllam,,,Busi- ness College, Wingham, Ont„ for par- dealers regarding the success of our graduates, also for names and addres- ses of graduatesi who are holding re- munerative positions. Recent lady to $60 0) perewdrawing ek in Young mens aro holding positions as managers, super- intendents, etc, in the very best firms on the continent. Individual instruc- tion, Enter any day. Home study. Canada's greatest chain of high grade commercial schools. Write to -day for particulars to C. J, Martin, 3,A„ Wingham, Ont., or J. 0. MCDermentt, B.A„ Canada Business College, Tor- onto, Ont, Attended Chautauqua,— A few from town attended the Chautauqua at Wingham last week. Must Pay First Premium,—When any person signs a contract to take out insurance, they have to pay, the first premium, was brought out in a recent court case in Owen Sound. The young man, who is under 21 years of age, claimed that he could not be made, to pay, but a recent act shows whereby any, person over 15 years of age is bound to pay. tPersonal Paragraphs 1 Mrs. Ida Lowly iso visitor at Lon- don with Stet eiet0l-e. D. M. Scott made a business trip to London on Monday. Miss Bradley, , t''1'coawater, was the guest of Mies Pear) Baeker. Cliff Wishart, of Detroit, spent a few days at the home of Mee. 3. Jones. Mr. Mulherren, of Brantford,was calliug ou old friends in town nu Non. day. Mies Bessie Davison, or Paisley, has. been the guest of S. F. and Mra, Davi- son. • Miss Myrtle Hunter, Listowel, was a visitor in town during the pest week, Nurse Jean Ferguson, Walton, is the guest this week of Dire, A. 0. Danes. Mrs, John Long is spending this week with relatives and friends in Toronto. James Fox is spending a few days with bis daughter, Mrs. McDermott, at Norwood, Mre. Carrie and daughter, Ilene, Toronto, are visitor's with Runes '1'. and Mre. Rias, Miss Jessie Ounniughaw, Toronto, visiting with her parents, Jno, and 101re 0unrringham. Miss Pipe, Mre. Skelton and Miss Mae Skelton are spending a few weeks at )iaileybury, Mise Pearl Baeker left on Monday for Bruce Beach, where she will spend the week with friends. Jos. Sharp and family, of Toledo, Ohio, were visitors with the fotluede sister, Mre. Ida Lowry. Harry ,\Muster and son, Jim, of Burford, spent the weekend with Reeve and Mrs. A. 0. Baeker, Mr's Zapfe hag been a visitor in Es- sex, Windsor and Detroit. She runt- ored down with,tbe Weller family, Merton and Mrs. Howe, of Toronto, were calling on old friends in town on Saturday. They have been visiting at Wroxeter. Geo. Thompson and daughter, Florence, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Cleve Baeker. Miss Grace Perkins and Master Billy, of London, are visiting their grandparents, Angus and Mrs. Camp- bell, Mill etaeet. Mrs. Weiss, who has spent the palm couple of months with het' sister, Mrs. James Duncan, returned to her home in Lindsay this week. Mrs. Nelson B. Gerry and deught- ere, Mai jri le and Odean, of Fort William, arelvieiting with S. T. Plum and other, relatives in town. A. and Mrs. Sykes, and daughter, of Toronto, are guests at the Amer- ican Hotel. DL'. Sykes expecte- that a start will be ,nide next week to cut the flax. Mr. and Mrs. Wade and little daughter, Wilda, also Mrs. Frost, of Owen Sound, visited with A. H, and Mrs. Macdonald, Turnberry St., last week. %Lae Alice Fordes, of Rathwell. Van., is the guest of her cousin, Pits. Root. Thomson. • The vials,., is a daugIcer of P. 0. Fordes, a former woke nt of Brussel. J. H. and Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Slemmon, of London, have been re- newing old friendships with Brussels friends. Mr. Cameron was Principal of the Brussels Public School for a number of years. Mrs. Oliver Smith and Mrs. Robs Rae and daughters, Helen and Doro- thy, of Raddison, Seek , and Mre. Greer, London, were vieitms at the horse of Alex. Stewart, Queen St, during the p tet week, Herb. Cunningham, and Miss Doro- thy, Peltneraton, and Miss Janet Hyndman, Tnrunto, were visitors' in town on Monday. Mrs. Cunningham came up nn Saturday and spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Man- ning, Dr. J W. Shaw and Miss Madelon. of Clinton, MISS Dolly Shaw, Winni- peg and John Shaw, of Wheeling, W. Va., were' calling on old friends in town last Thursday evening. " Thelr marry friends were glad to see thein again, Mre MoBain, of Detroit, lefts Hort. on, rat Galt, and Ie, and Mre. ' Vallace,. of Tolontn. have been here durir g the post week owing to Ilse Retinue illness of their mother, Mrs, Bnbt, l ere, :The patient is abl.` to be about again, we are pleased tp state. le 8 and Mre. Scott, of tendon, were guests over the week -end with A. and firs. Strachan. The vieitors ' were on their' Way to Collingwond and tookthe opportunity to call on old friends. Mr, Scott wits a former Principal of the Brussels school,' if0 g 4 g ,# n # ft it # 9. !l IC ,Si, 1 ft J it it g n Ji it st p (1, J6 n JL it .t Il fl ft fi it 11 il 4 " r �It vto 0Ay l TQ tvlro 1 Drawing the Moil foundation knowledge Upon Sensitive Customer all aolleotiors of money by(lt'nft ties oocaaionafy ben regarded by a 1'ocIplont of a draft as r-efleotlotl his sibility to pay' '!'here Is no " for such an Idea, and, full of the use of this system de- to the most conscientious of . RANKING BANKING FIFTY YEARS inonati'atea men that the' setviee is a convenience to hint as well as W hie creditor, Standard Bank collections by draft are universally used by businese bowies to which court- . esy and goodwill are aeewe Val in trans- it is eflteleub business manage- , actions 111ltfl THEfi STANDARD DANK OF c .NTADA. BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Santis, Manager Mise Elizabeth Spear Is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Bosnian at Leamington. Mrs. J. Rutherford, of ISolasevoin, Man., is visiting ler sister, Mr's, 0. M. Wilmot. Peter dud Mrs, Stott are attending the i Iilty Shaw wedding at Oliutou to -day E, and Mra. Ivlittell and Mies Zenda Salter, of Clli,ton, were visitors with S. Plum and family on Tuesday, CHURCH CHIMES The United Church Rev. Mr, Lewin takes the evening service next Sunday evening, A representative of the Lord's Day Alliance will take charge of the service next Sunday morning. Melville Presbyterian Church Ezekiel 97 : 9, "Son of • man, can these bones live ? , "' was the text from which Rev. John Davey, B. D„ of Oreemore, 'preached in Melville chug -ch last Sabbath morning. The dry bones of Ree,kial'e vision are a symbol of the nation of Israel which had been carried away captive to Babylon, The majority were satis- fied with their condition but there were a few who looked forward to returning to Jerusalem. These men put new life into the nation, In the church there has been from time to' time men such as Luther, Whitfield, Wesley, etc, who pet new life and enthusiasm into the church. If the church of today is to make progress it can only he by each member being true to himself and his God,. Ab the evening service Rev, Mr. Davdy'spoke on Job 11 : 7, "Owlet thou'hy search ing find out God ? The question as to whether or not there is a Gad, has occupied the mind of man throughout the ages. God is revealed to us in" nature and in man. In every man there ie something of the Divine image. God is revealed most perfect- ly in Jesus Christ, who has shown us the way to Gnd. At the evening service, Mr. 0udmore sang 'The Song and the Sinner." Other Church Notes Mabel Gifford, aged thirteen, twin daughter of 'Rev. Mr. Gifford, was killed when she jumped nif the rear of a truck in front of an auto coming up behind. At a meeting of the Board of Stew- ards of the United Church, histotvel, it teas recommended that the salary of Rev. 1',. F. Armstrong, the pastor, be $2500. This recommendation 'came before the Official Board of that Church on Tuesday evening and was adopted. ATWOOD. Rev. F. W. Gilmour and family are expected home this week fr'nnI their holiday at Georgian Bay. The apnual Presbyteries ,picnio• was held on Wednesday in Mr. Mc. Kay's grove and was largely attend- ed, Messrs, McOutcht)on, Vallance, Rogers and Hiles with !heir wives are holidying near Wiarton for the past week. 39 Mills Brussels Tax Rate Council met on Tuesday evening with Reeve Baeker in the chair and Councillors ' Bowman, Hewitt and Muldoon present. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Councillors Bowman and Muldoon. By-law No. 8, 1925, to levy -,and collect taxes wasxead three times and passed. The rate will be 39 mills this year. The following accounts were pre- sented and ordered to be paid: Post, printing and advertising, $32,50; Wilton & Gillespie, coal, $46.88; In- spector, Weights and Measures, $10.00; G. McDowell, salary, $75.00; Allan Lamont, account, $18.30. Councillor Bowman was appointed to look into the matter of fixing up the town pump, on motion of Counc- illors Hewitt and Muldoon,. W. J. Proctor asked permission to erect a gasoline tank in front of his store. His request was granted, but must comply with all regulations, on motion of Councillors Muldoon and Bowman. , The Clerk was instructed to draw out an agreement re sidewalk with Mrs. Zeigler. Council adjourned. HORN MaNRrz.-In Eetevan, Sask., on August 8 1925 to Donald O. and Mre. McNeil, a daughter (Margaret Grace,) IN MEMORIAM Our Soldier 8ons MOGtrure.-In ever loving memory of our dear son, Robert Milton McGuire, who died In Joplin City, 0a:, on July 4th, 1918. MOGn1Ra,-In ever loving memory of our dear son, Sergt. Norman I,lcGuire, of the 11905 Perth Battalion, who was killed in notion on Ang. Oth, 1918. Grtater love than thls bath no man that a man lay down his life for his friends FATTIER, MOTitaa AND Braenn. M021200 —In loving memory of J. Edmund McLeod, who was tilledin potion in France, August O, 1918. MOTHER AND Stare I. The Fort Garry THIS is one of the chain of splendid hotels owned anal operated by the GanadianNatio»al Railways. IL'ie eituated "n Winnipeg and it was there. that dole ares p to the annual convention of the'Can i ad an Weekly Newspapers ' Association were entertained to a supper dance. The eileof the Fort Carry is close. to the original site of the old trading post, width grow into the City of Winnie peg. Thevine.coveredgatoofthooriginal Fort Garry stands a few yards from the hotel, which perpetuates its name. Fox's Drug .Store The Store, 'WEEKLY STORE NEWS. FJy-Tax, aKl4y$ Flies Moths Mosquitoes Roaches Bed Bug$ Fleas Ants 50c bottle Water Glass Egg Preserver Good time now to put them down. Busy to 1166, Results entirely sat- isfactory, 8" 20c package Kastor Jems Pine Tasteless Castor Oil in delicious Choco- late Coated Dandies. Splendid Inc child- ren. Ask for it free sample. Printing and Developing FILMS left with us any day of the week will receive our careful and very prompt atten- tion as our Printing and Developing is done every day. We can supply either the Ben- umb Film in the Yellow box or the Vulcan hat'ltas so long given the best of satisfaction. Fresh Stock of Films always„ o'q' hand. We would appreciate having your name nn our already long list of satisfied customers, HOLEX HOSE Druggist :-'4Row are you getting on at home while your wife is awity for the summer 1" Customer :Fine and dandy, I can put on my socks now from either end -saves a lot of time." FOX'S DRUG STARE "Careful „Prescription Dlapensors" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER 4, 4 ,e 01E0 `DAldet0w.-Athls late residence, Oobonrg, on Monday, Aug 10th.1026, bieloohn Greene Cameron, Judge of the County Court of United Counties of Northumberland and Dnrhem.in hie 68th year..eldeet son of the late M. 0. Onmeron,- Lleut.;Governor of 1 the Northwest Territory, Funeral at Goderlah, Ont., Thursday afternoon, at 2.80. OURRIn.•—In Brussels, on August 9th, 1026, Hannah Burton. reliot of the late John `Currie, in her 78th year. MORAY -In Grev Two, on Fridny, August 6th. William V'. McKay, in his 64th year. MOWBaAF.—In Walton, on Saturday, Anguet 8th, 1826, Susan 51u1r. relict of the latei John Mowbray, in her 91st year. BRUSSELS MARKET Fell Wheat 41 26 41 26 BarleyPees 16 l 75 1.75 Oath " 45 45 Buckwheat 65 65 Butter .................... 84 84 ._ Eggs..._ ................... 25 81 Hoge ... 18 25 18 26 NOTj0ETO ORECITORB.-in the matter of the estate of William Rathwoll, late of the TOwnshlp of Prey In the County of Huron, Farm- er, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "TheHe- for Rent or Sale vinedStatutes ofOntario ;' Chapter 120, that the estate of the said Williamgl othwelll,nwho died on or about the Twelfth day of July, A.D. 1025. nre required, on or before the Twen- ty Ninth day of Angn51 1925, to send by pont prepaid or deliver toluene Bothwell, Brneaels P. Q., the Mel/RUM of the last will and testament of the said deceased their Christian and surnames, nddreoses and: deserip- Mone, the fullnrticnlara of their Maims,'the statement of their ac0nnnti and the not - ore of the maturities -(1t any) held by them. And further take notice that after such Met mentioned date the Bald Executor will We. Hog for Service teed to distribute the motets of the demotedtmong the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the o)nims of w1}ioi, they shall The undersigned will for service at Lot then brave. notice, and that the said Exeentor 12.4th Line, Morris, the pare bred/Yorkshire will be liable for the paid assess or any hog, "Pine Grove Bacon Lad," 27, -107221-, Terme ML50, to be paid at time of service with privilege of retnrning If necessary. . JESSE WHEELER, 8-8 Proprietor. Lot No 9, In the 2nd Oonoeseion of the Town. ship of Grey. Convenient to church eons eohool. Farm is all under cultivation. New tenant has privilege of doing Fall work, For further partfculareapplyy to adjoining lot. 8-2 EDWARD Ievale$R.LR'2,. part thereof to !lay perenn or persons of whose 4)afms notice shall not hove been received by him at the time of such distribution, Dated this eighth dsyYnr August, A D. 1925, w. M, b1NOLAfR, Solicitor for the Executor, "I've Never Advertised in Twenty Years" "Yes, I'll admit times are a bit slow with me but I'm hoping for the turn of the tide. Waiting for their ships to conte in has spelled disaster for all too many ..Can- adian merchants. Don'tthink along the' lines of the man above. Advertise 1 Advertising in THE BRUSSELS POST will keep your name and ' store constantly before the people of this com- munity. Advertising . is a wonderful business -building force—and profitable to. ,use. Talk it over with us..' Progressive Merchants Advertise lashed lashed b Canadian adian Weekly Newspapers Association ro