HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-8-12, Page 5NOM E$i$11118
THE Industrial Mort>rttgGand
Savings Company, of Sarnia
Ontario are prepense to edvenee money pit
Mortgages on gpad laude Parties desiring
stoney ou farm mortgaged will please apply 60
' JamesQowan Ileafort>cr Ont., who will for'
nee* rates eat{ ether particulars.
Tho Int uatrlal Mortgage
and savings Company
e' lrx_vV' ,?. sr'gKI'I'my
Fire, Automobile and Mod Ins,
For Brussels and vielnity Phone 647
Agent Howlok Mutual fire insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and rna a ns r no
Picone 92 Box 1 Ternborry Street, Brussels
ixs 1.%tu,r es.
sinews exraalrro
a,. M. SCOTT
I6LaNX.S.1119 eiVerICANWER
Foe references consult au? . person whose Baled
I hays officiated at. Phone76x or 06
, I
'T. 'T. M'RAE
M. 4-,d M. O.,P., A S. 'O.
M, O. R., Village of Rinser/11.
Phyutolant Surgeon, Acoouoltenr
Office at reetdenoe, opposite T1 env 111e Church,
William street.
Honorgraduate hllca
Day and eight °elll.One Veterinary
6luu 0111,
1Jr. t 'tavaiaxa
•4�a....4•rma�'.b. 1.7.b�Yb . .p.P0
"f Sept.
Fell Term opens. t. 1t
Cor. Tonga and Alexander Sts, Toronto
kAll Grndnntes of last seventeen
mouths have 8eeured employ -
Pmeet as well as scores of others. A
Oatnlogue free.
PAI VZ;A'a`tea+rA a'P.Ri'r iEVE2
Re -opened
Miss Maude Bryans
Wishes to announce that she
hoe nprued art nfflee et her 1lnme
inn hlnc'k West of the Bank of
Neve Scotia, end le prepriree to
attend to all kinds of Option'
SatlafactIon A8surcd
ex t
tieft t Item l
Mi'roieuee tax rate is 38 mills.
HYDRA./ was ff all day Sunday.
A good laic fell all trelcley night,
Oou8p1r Inst on alonday evening.
TURONTt1 N:xhibitiul will stem be
Wltaasdnt Advauce.Times is holt•
daynng thio week,
Bxvsslors was well represented at
Ethel Thursday afLepuoon..aad even.
I11tmeunit t the old fashioned girl
whir used LD1 scream when 31)0 saw het'
piceere ilea bathing Suit?
"DID eanybtidy tommeet on theevey
you 'handled your new ear?" "Quo
malt mada't brief tenser*, "Fifty dol-
lars and omits," t
T93it farm population of the United
Slates deereee-d 182,000 in .1924 and
400,000 in 1923. The exodus to the
oily is certainly not confined to Can-,
HAVE TEM POST holiday midi you.
IL's tete whet 01. your vacation, or at
your summer cottage, to keep in
touch with' the happenings at hewn
every week. It will be' sent to you
postage paid for 20 acute a month.
Tale few vacant pt•operti'ee where
',Dehioi weeds lire allow, d to groat in
Wien etre spreading weed seed ov-
er well kept adjacent , properties.
This is unfelt•, and it is alae unlawful.
All weeds should be destroyedbefore
they go to seed.
OANADIANs are only taxed 15 cents
per head for naval defense while the
130 11811 Isles pay 24 shillings and 10
;Millie per head fit naval defense ;.
the people of Australia and New Zen,
land, 8 ehillluge South Africa, 21
Highest market prices
See me or Phalle Na 2x, Bi tw-
eets, and I will call and get -
'your Fowl, -
M. Yollick
We have the above
Agency and will be
glad to give prices
and Demonstrations.
T1 -G. Hem hill
With more Cedar Timber to Manufacture you can rely
on getting your
Ontario White Cedar Shingles
here. right along. Nothing so reliable for a root;
THRESHING will gown be pit. Qet a load of nor Dry•SlatIWOOdl
fol` cooking.. The goad wife will appreciate it -'you bet
YOUR BARN FLOOR may require Repairing. We have Sound
Hemlock Plank for Lbie purpnae.
P. S,—Our Older Mill will be inliret-class shape When apples are ripe.
Gibson lumber 1 Cider. Mills , Toaster
Rhone61 RQffluo'2 8Q .Pace your Order Now
Walton farmers' 1
Co-operative Store
Store is open every day
and every evening ex
cept Wednesday.
Eggs. and ,Cres ` Wanted
JUST for a change how would it do
for a prisoner charged with murder lit
the United States, to apply fav 11. 00111-
13a88ton 60 see if the Judge and jury
were sane.
Re-elected.—E. R. Wigle,
Guctet•loli; was r1-e1rcted uv at:olatua-
tion for District No. 12. to, 1,P 001111.
oflthe (hotetio College of Timm -
Liable 'to a Fine It might -be
well to call attention to cue taut 1.110.4
persons who place advertising circ-
ulars or other mail clatter in rural,
delivery boxes without the necessary
postage being affixed, render them-
selves liable ton heavy fine.
Engagement Announced Dr. J,r
W. and .vis. Shaw, Clinton, announce
the engagement of their only daugh-
ter, Madelon McKnight. to Harold
Raymond Kitty of To•otto, . yrnm gest
sou of the late Rev. G. M. and Mts.
Klity of Clinton, the marriage to take
place Weduesduy, the 12th day of
THE "Sow 'Thistle" pest is said to
be making rapid headway in Perth
and Rerun Ouuutles._ The planting
of Sweet Glover, followed by Buck-
wheat, hes been found to be an ef-
fective method of extinguishing this
troublesome weed.
Mind' Your Eye. -The Ontario
Safety l;,sague lit nus of lla 1l (1106 muu-
letinedirectsattention to- the neoes-
slty of good eye -sight for automobile
drivers. Defective • vision has been
found to be one of the causes of. some
sweetie accidents, and drivers are ad-
vised to have medical attention where
there is any impaitlslent. of vision.
• Can Give Beer:—Four-point-four
beer can u8 tlisidlutttett uy au i:gaulz-
ation, club °r,fim-we at any picnic in
Ontario, so long as this beer is;, given
away and no attempt is made to sell it
at such places. This was 1119 gist of a
reply' received from Attorney -Gen-
eral - Nickle's once 111 response to the
query of an organization planning to
Mild a picnic etc Port Stateley.
Look up Your Name:—Municipal
0Meta' deco fu1 ,n„ co., cut )eat 11 *C
generally been printed and posted up
for inspection, As these lists will in
all probebIlity be used at the coming
federal election, itis the ditty ,.f ov-
ety voter to immediately maintain if
he lir Bile has been properly record-
ed ; errors can Duly be cocreated ata'
judge's cotta, notion of which will be
given In due time by :the municipal
clerks if complaints are euteved.
I 'District Fall Fairs
- Atwood
Sept 22-23.
Sdpt 29-30.
Oct. 1-2.
Sept. 22-23.
Sept. 9-11,
�t. 0-7.
Listowel- Sept. 17-18.
London (Western Fair) Sept. 12-19.
Lucknew Sept. 24-25.
Milverton .......... Sept. 24-25.
Mitchell Sept. 29-80.
St Marys ..
Toronto (C.N.). . Aug. 29 -Sept. 12.
Royal Agric. Winter ratr.Nov. 13-L1.
Winter Fair, Guelph, ....Nov. 9-12.
Winter Fair, Ottawa, ...Nov. 23-28.
Sept 24-25.
Sept. 22.26.
Oct 6-7.
New Baskets: — Beginning last
Thur deity, July 30, wily ,11111111., quart
basket will be allowed on the various
markets.This is the instruction from
the Department of Agriculture.
When the new ruling came into effect
a certain time was ttllowsd in which
the growers with a supply of the old
small quart basket were to get rid of
them. T1118 time elapsed on Thursday
and all fruit and vegetables after that
must came to the -market in the large
(p16(6 basket. This rulh.ig has nothing
01 do with the use of six and 11 -quaff
Uncle Gets Promotion:— Fred J
Yeaudle, uncle of Mies slaty Yea„dle,
who' was on .the Brussels Public
School staff, was recently appointed
trait -mangier of the Kettle Valley rail-
way, with headquarters at Penticton.
British Oolurubio. Me. Yeaudle lea
forme,. SLratfo d man, having learn) 11
his trade es machinist in the O. N.
shops at that city. 1?or some time he
has Leen master:ylechanie of the Ket-
tle Valley enact, which is operated in
connection with the 0, P. R., and his
new duties as traintnttster have been
assumed in addition to those 'of mas-
ter meohunic,
Veteran Teacher and Newspaper
mail. -1418 with iegl,et The fust 18
called upon to announce the death of
a brother newspaperman and a Ful
let ton pioneer. Stioli is our day, how-
ever, to (record the passing hast Tues•
day of William Williams, the veteran
fo'nter principal of Oullingwood .Col-
leginls Institute and President of the
Bdlletin Presses, Limited, publishers
of the 0ollingwnnd Bulletin. Mr.
Willhuuswas limn In Fullerton Town-
ship, near Mitchell, and wail in Ina
seven tyninlh year. He tans educated
1,1 the h.une public etlhntile and Stott -
ford High re hoof. and geneneted frau
Toronto University i,l 1872. After
t8,tnidee a few 11111111lle 111 Ptn•b 'Bow-
en, 1ir,'V1111atna came to Oellingwond
1111873 NH Principal of the High action',
'1'hie position 11,' ileld for 11ettely 80
veers Shine 1(1011ng from leaching
he 11ad'been artive in the nlnnagernetl,
nf11)10Onllingtvnnd Bulletin, and had
take„ a menet' tient 11111 t in the tmvn'e
s hi
public affairs', At the tithe of It
death hs 0-118 Deputy Eteeve-and a
Member of the Simone Onlinby Ooun-
nil. Hie enn, David, ie the presetlt
Bditoe of The Balletic,
A factory in Hawaii converts old
automobile tires lute shoes. It may
be possible to convert Ukelelesinto
fly swatters.
In reply to a townsman question
as, to the return a fowl givoa for the
]r mar
wide-awake fat
grain it eats, a w1
writes: "After close calculation my
expeeicnce is that a fowl gives at least
one peck for every grain it eats." In
the language of Mark Twain that
Mightto be a"paying proposition."
The Blue Book Tells:—The light-
ning run agent who has long been the
butt of the jokesnliths and often list-
ed among the unnecessary nuisances,
becomes a. benefactor to command the
respect of the community,' when cue
Rtndles the annual teener. of Ontario's
fire marehall. In 1924 there were 593
lightning fires in the province, entail-
ing?. loss of $387,000, and of these on-
ly six, with a loss of 595 , occurred on
buildings which had been Tended,"
58 Years Married.—On Friday last
58 years ago Isaac and Mrs. Hord, of
Mitchell, were married. Mr. and Mrs.
Hord are spending the summer
months. with their daughter, Mrs.
(Dr.) 'McNaughton at Pen Yan, 14.
Y. For fifty years of this time Mr.
Hord was in the dry goods and groc-
ery business in Mitchell. All are well
known to many Brusselites as their
daughter is married to an old Brus-
sels boy, Dr,, Jno. McNaughton.
Postal Reduction.— Hon: Charles
alurpay, Postmaster Urnerei, ..1,-
nnunced that; on and from the lst * f
eaptember next, the rate of Postage
nu lettere going from Oetnada to Nety-
foundland'will be red cured from four
cents to 3 cents for a onemunce letter,
with ori additional elite ge of two
cause for each subsequent nonce,
Thin is the rate which now applies on
letters between points 'within Oar eda
and airman letters going to the 'Milt-
ed States, Mexico and the British
West Indies from this country. It is
"expected that tl;ie extension on Can-
ada's domestic tetter rate will stim-
ulate correspondence withrher neigh.
bor 111 the Gulf and be to the advent.
age of both countries.
Senator R. Dandurand, one`of Can-
ada's delegates to be chosen as presi-
dent of the assembly when .it meets
next month at Geneva.The news is
received with pleasure in Canada.
Should Senator Dandurand be select-
ed it will be the first time that a rep-
rsentative of one of the British dom-
inions has occupied the presidential
seat ata League meeting.
Will Hold a Tattoo.—The Seaforth
Kiltie Band will hold a tattoo on
Thursday evening, Aug. 20th.•
Stopped on a Nail.—While, in
swimming Friday night, Archer Grew-
ar stepped on a nail and has had a
limp for the past few days.
Hydro Off.—Sunday the Hydro was
off from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., while work-
men replaced the new transformer at
Walton. Hydro gave temporary ser-
vice from Wednesday evening last.
A COUaT ruling that All be approv-
ed.hy Wooly juveniles is reporLed in
Pennsylvania. A boy 0-169 rharged
with stealing apples, The lodge 111-
sttueted the Pill th16t. only .after ap-
ples have been pinked by the owner
off the trees can They be stolen. Un-
less picked, apples, the court held. are
reglu•ded as attaclird to the land, and.
therefore, are nqt perennal property.
Merging Church Papers Quickly. --
Waal' tale Uoited Church id Uauada
gets down•to business of reorganizing
itspublications, little will remain to
Tieanions will have
�un11. The'Public fo
reorganized themselves. Prior 1.t the.
consummation of union the three
"official" or•gaus of Lite three uniting
bodies came together in The New
Outlook. Now several of the mission-
pry papers have merged themselves.
The General Council of that church
did appoint in June a commission to
discuss ways and means of reorganiz-
ing permanently the,perioni0als' of
the uniting.,,ehutches, but .the dm
mission has not met es yet. Mean
wills the editlire and Dahllettere have
anticipated the meeting of the formal
commission by aoconplishiug 1a merg-
er. The ottentue is that the new
publication, The Missionary Record,
may.appear in print before the corn -
mission assembles.
HAVE now our fine
- large stock of 1926
,,Wall Papers' to hand and
we want you tocall arid''"
see them and get out
furoitllre - and Wall Paper
Systematic Collection,—Warton is
one of the few towns reporting a re=
dueed tax rate this year the reduction
amounting to three mills. Its council e
proposes to see that the taxes are paid
Fall line of Oil Cook Stoves
McClary's Electric Ranges
Famous Easy Washing Machines
Holm Point Electric lions
Headquar t ers fob
Brantford Binder ,Twine and .n11 Harvest Needs
Goodyear Tires
Bring in your cans and have them re -filled with
Dr, Williams' Fly Oil.
Phone Nd. 17
and has appointed an outside co lee -
tion for the job of $400. • -
Experience With Calcium Chlorine.
—It looks very much as if the experi-
ment of using calcium chlorine for
keeping down the dust on the streets
was rather an expensive failure, The
$150 worth of material was put pv-
er about four times the surface it
was recommended' to cover, as a re-
sult the coating was so thin as to be
valueless after two or three days.
Citizens complain that while the pre-
ventative was put on only last week,
the dust is now as bad as ever. --Ac-
ton Free Press.
An old Tradition—Life and Judge
and a cumber of other numinous
magazines which had, without pni111-
MI, been waking comic: references and
jests and publishing jibing cartoons at
the expense of William Jenning Bry-
an based on the Scrapes trial, had.
their puhlicalinns destroyed when
ready for the Mafia last week owing to
the sudden death of Mr. Bryan. It is
all old tradition and a noble one, de-
scended from Rnlnantirtfes, to speak
no ill of the dead. When death came
to the great Cnlilii11lner all derisive
voices were stilled. It was splendid
to observe that this tradition was
strongly adhered to notwith-
standing that heavy expense was in-
volved to rhe publishers.
Dangers of Radio.—Inquiry at the
Bureau of Standards, following the
death of a listener who was killed in
Pittsburg by a bolt of lightning which
struck the aerial, reveals the feet that
about one such fatality has occurred
each year since the beginning of
broadcasting. Such accidents, accord-
ing to Government officials, may be
prevented by listeners turning off the
power and keeping away from radio
sets in thunder -storms. At such times
listening should be discontinued
Listeners are cautioned against using
head phones or touching any part of
the set during an electric storm, es
pecially when the receiver is connect
ed with an outdoor wire.
HIS seaeop's Honey 18 now
reedy for Bade. Having
pin chased the late Law•
relics \aheelers ores brat
Spring,announce to 0-s wish to u
his former enetnmet•9 that we
will be glad to Inok after their
wants 111 this line.
Owing to enol weather during
the fore part of the Reason, the
crop was reduced by at least
50% Cuetomersshould secure
their supply now.
Fh'st.illass White 1c
Clover Honey at
For sale at 131assels Club Store,
R, R. 1, Listowel
Molesworth 'Phone
Best Piano
Prices from $375.00 up
Do not waste time solving puzzles but get in
touch with the old established and reliable
firm and get`full value for your money.
97 Ontario St. Phone 171 Stratford
Officers Elected
The following are the officers elect -
d for the Summer School to be held
at Goderich next year:
Hon.. President—the president of
the London Conference.
President—Rev. Duncan McTavish,.
o� Ailsa Craig.
Vice-President—Rev. Geo, Telford,
of Blyth. • . •
Secretary -Rev. W. R. Alp, Au-
Treasurer Rev. 0, F. Clarke, God-
Registrar—Miss Florence Mooney,
Assistant Registrar— Miss Mabel
Baillie, Goderich.
Dean—Rev. P.
Grading Cream.— Grading Cream
and paying for it on a graded basis
will be introduced in the creameries
of this Province early in 1926. It Is
therefore important that cream pro-
ducers become familiar with the
standards for the different grades and
plan how they can produce cream
that will bring the highest price.
Grading the cream and paying for it
on a graded basis provides at once
three markets for cream; one for
special grade, one for 1st grade ane
one for 2nd grade cream tot suit any
one of these markets. If he produces
special grade cream, he will be re-
warded by receiving the highest pos-
sible price. If he produces lst grade,
he, will receive a slightly lower price.
If 2nd grade cream, a still lower
price. Off grade cream is of little
value and should be returned. The
care given the cream will decide
which market it will sell in. There-
fore the cream producer who makes
' ements
proper arrangements taking
of his cream will be rewarded byre-
ceiving a better price than Ole man
who will net go to any expense in
taking care of his cream.
While John Scott, 8th line, Morris,
in company with Mts. Scoti, Wm,
Mackey, Mrs. E Wagner, and Albert
Wagner, of Cleveland, Ohio, were
motoriog along -the road from Lond-
eaboro to Myth, aornething about the
steering apparatus broke, which per-
mitted the env. to plunge into the
ditch through a W11 fence fund turn
on its aide in flout of Albert Way
mouth's farm. The occupants (vete
quite badly shaken up, particularly
afro. -Scott. However, It tvae found
twat no serious injury had been re
eeived by any of theta.
S. Banes, Auburn.
Sporting News of interest_
• Stratford Senior Football team
stayed in the running when they de-
feated Hespeler on Saturday by a
score of 8-1, tieing the round 4 all.
The goanu,6ure ul' the Race Meet
held in Lisunvel on Wednesday of
last week will he obliged to dig dotbil
in their jeans and produce spine cash- .
to wipe out the deficit, but they' Burn
will not he Ian ge, (Listowel Banner)
Advisory Council— Rev. E. F.?•..
Chandler, Walton; Rev. L. C. White,
Nile; Mr. T. Brandy, Stratford; Rev.
W, H. Moss, Sparta.
MARRIED.—At Knox Manse at 11.30
Wednesday meriting, June 29, Miss
Nellie Edna Port, only daughter of
n e to
t Port, of Lnve
I 1
Mt Pr
R. 11, s
John Andrew Underwood, x(111 of
Joseph Underwood and the hate 1trs,
Underwood, of Bluevale, Ont. De.
Wylie 0.' Olark performed the cer-
emony, The atLetldafL8 were Mr.
Underwool'8 brother, J. L', Under-
wood and Mrs. Underwood. The
bridegroom's gift to the bride was a.
sliver fox fur which she wore with an
ensemble suit of tart and navy Canton
ctepe. Her small hat matched in col-
ors, 511'. and Mrs. Underwood left
for Seattle, Vancouver arid Po•tlend.
They will live in Saskatoon.—From
the Saskatoon Star of'July 10th.
The other night an accident oe-
en.rred on the Lambeth highway
through an auto running into an un-
lighted buggy and four people were
Meng into the ditch. The incident
lends support to the demand that
horse -driven vehicles be compelled to
carry lights as well as motor -driven
vehicles. Next year a new law comes
into force which empowers county
councils - to pass legislation of
this character, and although only per
missive it is to be hoped that it will
be made generally operative,
SEPTEMBER 12th -19th, 1925
This leading Canadian Agticultural and Industrial
Exhibition is now over half -a -century old, and im-
pruving with age. Come and see the large list of ad-
ded attraction booked for this year.
Entries close September 31d.
$40,000 in Prizes and Attractions
Fit fun Diet infurumtien apply—J. 11. SAUNDERS, Pres. -Louden,
W. D. JACKSON, Sec. J Ontario
How do you hold your pen?
Of course there's a right and a wrong
way to hold your pen for easy writing
—but why take the trouble to correct
early formed habits?
Don't fear writer's cramp—prevent it.
No matter how you write there's a
Waterman's holder and pen -point that
will exactly suit you.
Drop in to -day and make us prove it
iii J. R. W.ENDT
We pay Highest Cash Price for
Dream. 1 cent per lib Butter Fat
extra paid for all Cream delivered
at our Creamery.
Satisfaction 'Guaranteed ._
Brussels Creamery Co.
Phone 22 Limited