The Brussels Post, 1925-8-12, Page 4, AFTER OF HONORABLE SERVIta1 WE9I)E+II:'iI)4114i)t4" 12 le REPEAT 1921 VICTORY Whatever their ambitions natty have been, whatever their desires, the Con- : etwntives huve always viewed plate. lI questions from the party, rather than the national viewpoint. Time and agtain they have placed `at the lour of the present government all the political blunders made by the governments which have succeeded one another for the last twenty-five years.. On the approach of the last general election they endeavored to sow in the minds of the people suspicion, prejudice and blame. Row far they succeeded ie a matter of history. 'They were, snowed under, and by- :leetrons since have in the main strengthened the Liberals. The result in 11121 was a splendid tributeto the. sound common sense of the Canadian people and the verdict rendered then wl}1 undoubtedly be repeated when the occasion arises, v The people have to distinguish he- tween a leader who carries on de- structive criticism, as compared with a man who works untiringly for the country without pausing to villify tlr reproach his opponents, except when their statements or assertions call for prompt and uncompromising correc- tion or denial. Conservatives have short memories when they broach the subject of the National Debt, railway deficits or extravagance in the admin- istration of public funds. Everyone knows how they contrib- uted to the difficulties under which the country labors even now, difficul- ties from which it must be extricated by the genius and dear thinking of Liberal statesmen. The present gov- eiminent has had to face problems of an economic, social and international order almost without solution. If we have a national debt that is simply staggering in its amount, it is dut to the late government, which contract- ed obligations of which we only wish we could see the end. Instead of trying to amend their blunders, the Conservatives aggravate them by rendering more difficult the task of the Mackenzie Icing govern- ment. Perhaps nothing better could be expected from them, but the fact remains. When we .consider the financial situation in which the country found itself when the present government came into power it ie simply astound- ing to note what the administration has been able to accomplish. And, although there are always those who are ready to criticize and find fault,. thepeople of Canada, when the day of reckoning comes, will once more remember the administration of the Leader of the Opposition, will sep- arate the tares from the wheat and on voting day will mark their ballots as they did in 1921—in favor of the pre- sent government. Confidence in the Government One of the best examples of con- fidence in the policies of the Liberal administration is to be found in the hopeful outlook in the business world; in the fact that such capital is being invested .in the formation and de- velopment of .various industries, and that the people generally believe that a sane and adaptable view is being taken of the circumstances of the country by those who guide and con- trol its destinies. Newspapers, east and west, report to -day as well as earlier in the year, improvements in trade conditions. Building, for instance, is flourishing, and sales in connection with this in- dustry are increasing daily. When the political outlook is cloudy or un- certain money is tight and business is apt to be extremely cautious, not to say suspicious. On the other hand, when the government in power has the confidence of the majority of the people, capital loosens up; manufac- turers, traders and agriculturists feel justified in launching. out, and to -day, on this basis, there is evident proof that the Mackenzie King government stands well with the country. Mention has been made from time to time of our wonderful trade bal- ance. If the Conservative party could show such progress in this re- gard as is to the credit of the present government there would be a tremen- dous chorus of .self -adulation and the facts and figures would be broadcast from coast to coast. But without any pyrotechnics the administration has simply allowed the facts to speak for themselves, and they speak with no uncertain tongue, since every class in the community has been benefited, directly or indirectly. Those who contend that trade con- ditions are not very good in this coun- try have only to take the case of Montreal as one of a number of in- stances. This year they are putting up more buildings, great and small, industrial and others, than at any time in the past. This skews that the people e have confidence in the future welfare of this country and those who have invested millions of dollars fn the buildings of factories and private houses aro quite convinced that the Dominion is not quite ruined. The Canadian dollar was never at par during the time the Conservatives were in power prior to 1921. The Tories erroneously claim that the poli- cy of the Mackenzie Xing govern- ment has driven many of our people to the United States. The fact is that more people left the country prior to 1921 than at any time since, Can- adians are coming back in increasing. numbers and massy of those onthe. other side of the line are daily advis ing their friends to stay where they are, Mr. W,• D. Robb, Vice President of the Canadian National Railways, stated not long ago that many Can- adians in California would gladly re- turn home had they the means to do so,Canada Is the country for Called - fans and the Liberal government is (Icing everything in lta power to help r Right Hon. W. S. Fielding.—Min- i�t , 1 1e ,..nee u1 tub let,) thole, 41• ntvai, 1%1111 Will .lint be a candidate at the next Federal election, He definitely announced his retirement linin public life in a hotter to the Lihetal convention for Queens and 1 uaeukiutg Counties at litidgetvater,. N i . uu P,iday. ' The veteran btu ee niti teeem etee tied the selection of %%the,, Duff, hl. P., as 'Liberal f•andalatt• far the combined ridings of Queens and Lunetthurg, the former of which W104 ).10ahei,led by Ate. t''ield• ing, and the convention accepted hie ilouhitetlionr. - retain our population at home. If for no other reason than this, the Ad ministration deserves well of the peo- ple, and if a comprehensive view is taken of what has been accomplished during the past four years, the people will unhesitatingly support the Mac- kenzie King government and policies when the occasion arises. GREY COUNCIL„ MEET INC Minute. of (`tumuli meeting of Aug. 3, 1925 Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted, The Engin- eer's t vow t nti the Fraser Drain was referred truck for further consider- ation 'rhe Engineer's repot t 011 the Love Drttin ttan adapted and Clerk was institteted to prepare By-laws fur eaille, The following nrenunts tyre paid : N -,I .1loN sir, lumber n -r htidi;e,. $x825 ; 1L'n, Steven eat,, 43 ,nage I e4 rap, $5 01) ; Berl Ltrftieir .. n k at et ocher, 530O; 11,nv,u d ' e k v, r hovep•ng, 55 00 t Rob; Mei z • , g. •'vt 1. X15 (11) ; ,e P.•neen, . ,it„ 1, .. i t .i, a7 10; Ruin 111'5 C",vel .,y:, 1:18011 ; (len Rtilan,.,.n,.iitell erin•,. r,d,d, *180; Runt I).,rkr It, g•av•J!•i' g. :11385; 1 eta.. Deni 1. >_.. .'+• `;'8281; 'I'lu eAi- c'.ra, gAat.a, 51050; .1u••. Alen, k, sh'+veiling, $10 Om ; Runt 1((.1ee), boil. int:,e,"per•., 5250: Tota Rur'Ihie, top fo, 'a;, 0 beet, , $3 00 ; (i -11, Brimful, h cethne, :11 50; 71'nt Dunn, gt,vel, E3soti ; h 1!. ( lir.pnettn, ptei k $32 • 80; (Ior•1ie ti,•1),,,n,.11, filling Pitiv,•ti, 11(1 nu;Leto- is., antk w, t,.ed, $4 n(1; (Le,. steissy, m 'it road, John Evan.., plow pnlnt•, gi 25.; Ilen- ry Food. plank, :52 UD : R'. V McKay. gravel, $700: .James 11111, t.'ghleoing bridge., ;+250 18 t Rob,. IIr.Arli',tet; teats tilt scrapl'1, t$7 50 ; (leu, Turner, scan 00 seta owl ; 5750 Nextmeeting nu TtiI .ley, slept 1. J. H. FEAR, Clerk. An Economical Administration The accusasion of extravagance cannot be brought against the present government. The Tories complain that the expenses of this country have not been reduced; that they have been increased, and that nothing le done to better the conditions that exist in this respect. But in the budget for the year ending 31st. March, 1926, there is a decrease of $6,933,279 in the es- timates. Last year also saw a reduc- tion in the amount expended and as did the preceding year. The government have reducedd ex- penditures as much as they could. They have kept down the construction of public works, and if any kali to suffer, it js certainly the members of some rural districts, which, in many eases, were obliged, to wait until the following or another year to obtain what they had requested. Fortunate- ly, their electors, who are intelligent and practical, understood that the government, under the circumstances, could not do more, so that the Tory party is not well advised to take great- er economy as a text upon which to base fulminations against the admin- istration. The Civil Service was overcrowded and the government had to deal with the situation—not at all a popular thsk. But this overcrowding was due to the fact that, under the Conserva- tive government, from 1911 to 1921, the departments were packed as much as possible, And, moreover, the gov- ernesent in 1913, 1910, and 1920, seeing election time approaching, ex- pended no less a sten than $61D,747 to carry out the reclassification of the Civil Service. When the present administration assumed office there were as many employees as before and the govern- ment was forced, in the first and sec- ond year of its administration, to die - miss at least 4,000. Of the half mil- lion odd expended on re -organization $162,475 was spent on the'National Printing Bureau, but the only result achieved was the dismissal of three or four hundred workers. Apparently all the economy the Conservatives could practice was of the penny wise and pound foolish variety, with no lasting benefit to the country and cer- tainly nothing of which they could' legitimately boast. Quietly, unobstrushvely, the Mac- kenzie King government has initiated. Tse holes directly over the fire. ''woos emir rArles'.' 1n Bm snot,, ��„•ter,. Grates o lforted to 400 40w Aceto:, Both1lanne t Heater Cosy me uebec It heats—It cooks --It bakes —Provides hot water Burns any fuer—Is reasonably priced Made in three sizes, suitable for any kitchen, . Two holes directly over the fire, insures rapid cooking, ; Large top feed door and extension fuel pocket permit feeding 21 inch wood. Grates are adjust- able to shallow firebox for all fuels for summer use. Water. front or reservoir supplies plenty of hot water at all times. One of the most flexible stoves ever de- signed, and exceptionally well adapted to the Canadian climate. Contains the same fine workmanship and materials as are found in the famous Happy Thought Ranges and Allcast Furnaces. S. F. DAVISON BRUSSELS, .ONT. JpADS AT BRANTFOR15:CANADA 'V FOUNDRY COMPANY. LiM1TED AGES **FURNACES and carried out economies. As bas been stated, some of these will not tend to popularize them with those affected, but the general welfare of the country has been the object kept in view and fairly and honestly, with as little hardship as possible, reforms and savings have been effected. From a national point of view the administration has done exceedingly well. This is scarcely arguable. The facts speak for themselves and must be admitted, alike by`supporter and opponents. is The government, oernme t, there- fore, should be permitted to carry on the good work, to continue policies proven to be efficacious in dealing with problems to be faced with courage. Not a few of these difficul- ties were legacies from the previous government and presented egmbarass- ments bristling with trouble. These have been tackled with skill and courage, and we believe the country will agree that the Mackenzie King administration should be allowed to go ahead with other reforms which have been adumbrated and foreshad- owed, but which take time to put into effect. POSTAL DISTRICTS FOR TORONTO AND MONTREAL Plan to be First Tried Out at Toronto; Postmaster -General Asks Public's Co-operation Postmaster -General Charles Mur- phy announces the adoption in Can- ada of the metropolitan system of dividing large cities, into postal Dis- tricts or zones for the purpose of fee- illitatin t distribution g he stri bution and- delivery ofco ' m mm letters and of g her mail matter received for city delivery. Montreal and Toronto have expand- ed to such an extent of late years and cover such large areas that the ex- peditious handling of incoming mail in those centres is fast becoming a serious problem with which to deal. With the object of speeding up the sorting. and delivery of lettere and other mail addressed to Temente, the Post Office Department has divided Toronto in to ten postal districts or zones. Local citizens and business people having relatives, friends or business connections in Toronto will be noti- fied by the Toronto correspondents of the number of their Postal Dis- trict, and the Postmaster -General asks each and every citizen and business concern to kindly co-operate with the Post Office to make the new system a success by always placing the num• ber of the postal district after the word "Toronto,” whenever addressing letters and other mail to Toronto. e For example, a letter for a person residing in Postal District No. 2 would be addressed: Mr. John Smith, 196 College Street, Toronto, 2, Ontario. The figure "2" would be placed dir- ectly after the word "Toronto." For Postal District No. 8 the figure "3" would be written immediately after Toronto—Toronto, 3. District No. 4 would be Toronto, 4, and soon. Onething is most important. The full street and number address must always be given, otherwise delayed delivery or perhaps nen-delivery will result, A MARTYR TO TRUTH. (J udge) "And what Sre you in for, lay. poor man?" "Ninety years, I was a high achnol teacher anti 1 told my pupils there wasn't any Balite. Claus." 19 ' A DANNER ..YEAR fO WFSTirRN FAIR As elFb101tinn draws neat; the West. ere Felt, grotietil1)1 i.untlun, sue take 1171( all i1l00014.04t 1401,101 allO ere rap. 0ily being put into ehtlpe fur whist II promisee -to be the biggest ) ear 10 the history of the exhibition, Many Improvements 'tape beim mode: the MOO hopn7tont bring Oho relnodellin)l of the cattle sheds and harms, which war greatly fasiiltate the showing of live stork. 1 'l hie year the 1926 Western Fair le being looked forward to with interest by everybody, rrlwt'e has been lin unprecedented daunted by ntannf,act• ureas, met chants and deeleis. for epa46 hl the yarious buildings to dis- ping their ptoducte. 'The hely manufecttrxere. building, which is the finest of its kind in the country, rill be fisted to capacity with excellent exhibits,- featuring Canada's ihdustrilll aebievetnelts. Exhibitor,' are busily engaged erect - Ing bn4111)s, milting and decorating, sparing who efforts to nuke their ex - bilks the moat attractive and artistic of .ale kind. Entries have been re. ceiverl from all parts of Canada and the 'United States, a certain indica- tion that the Wdstete Fair's generous prize list is being, received with Du,. thuaiasm Everything pnintR,to a record year, andlbe Fair Board is now laking provisions to, care for exceptionally loupe ordeele, : great care hes been taken to engage, the. very hest amusements and the rnidway will he the largest eve& seem here. aiglrelass vaudeville acts have been. engaged for iu-fiont•otthe- stand petfernnelces, and special ar- rangements lure being made to make the popular, fireworks unexcelled. The Sect :Italy, W: D. Jackson; is giving careful attention to all • entries and enquiries and will supply, Prize Lists and information on request. On the whole the Western Fair promises to be an outstanding success and will be the one hag outing of the' ' year for all the people of Weetern Ontario. THE CHAUTAUQUA DYING Report has it that Obautauquas are meeting with email patronage and they are likely to be abolished. If so, this most be debited in equal propor- tion between the motor car and the movies. The Chautauqua wee a vale - able institution in ,'ural life in days gone by, as a source of instrucltfan ; but nowadays there is no need to car- ry entertainment to the people. Most small towns have their movine' pin- t ures, and the'auto cotsveye a family party over to the nearest town any 'evening of the wee$. The rural dwel- ler will not. derive the same benefits from the films as he did from the Chautauqua,' hut he gets snob amuse- ment and instruction na 100 pictures ,ff.,rd, in more regular quantities. The moving piet11t ea have kilted the road shows, and the touted talent is going the same way. Notice to Contractors ,� The Manlaipal Council of the Towne8ip of Morris %asking tor tenders for contract to repolr the (Grant Drain and the McColl Drain, Plana. sprelflaaLions'•.nd em hunter; at the Clerk's efllea Tenders will,- e opened at the Township Hell, nn Monday, A0gu0t 17th. R. R. SHORT.bgED, A. MADMEN, EN, Reamt;ler13. Bittern's), Aug. Bod, 1925. , _ , r T ' The First Consideration: • Tile Safety of your Deposit in The Province et Ontario Savings Office Is Guaranteed by ' THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT 11. l!nterest Paid on all Deposlts 13RANOHES Aylmer Owen Sound Toronto (13ay and $t'atttford 'Peal broke Adelaide Sts,) Ifetialton (or. York Seefort•h Toronto (649 Dan.. and McNub Stu ) . St, Oalllal'iues • forth Ave.) ' Newmarket • Toronto (University St, Marys Ottawa, (207 tipttt'ks Ave, and. Dundee Welkerttul Street)' Street) • 43-28 " A Of Executor's Sale Sel'}ool Fair —Ole VALOA BL.E-- Farm Property I will twit tor the ;estate of the late John B, Stew at the A to erloau Hotel In the Village yt Bruseele, on Saturday evening, August 15th, 1925,at eight o'clock. All and Singular that certatnpereel or tract of land and premises .Meati, lying and 'being In the T0vlrehip ;of 4rev, in the County of Buron, ofid Provinceof Ontario, being composed or 'Lot number twenty! eight (28) in 'the Seventeenth {17uh.1 00110044100 of the said 'township of Grey, aim tanning by adrne98uretneat one hundred (100) 'teres of land be the same more or Ieee. On the premises ore situated. a brick house with. brick kitchen and frame shed, bank barn and '.tattling beneath in good repair, About eighty Baresouitable for oultivntlon or hay, This farm lies Mese to 108oul and rail• way station: Terme of Salo This term will be sold eubjoat to the terms or lease to therepent occupant. Lease ex, plres spring of 1920, - Ten per cent at the pur- chase money to be paid at the time of sale, balones. within thirty days thereafter. Pow 801)1ot at termination of lease The farin will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Farther 'psrtieuiar' and 'ondlt)on, made known •os day of Bale or on applioation to D. M. SCOTT or A. H. MONTEITH Auctioneer, Executor's Solicitor, Brussels, Ono, pbris, Ontario, Dated the twenty fourth day of July, 1925, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -1n the matter Of tho °estate of William E. Halst, late of the village of Brussels, In the County of Huron 800tfon Foreman, Deceased Natio° is hereby given p01505nt to ',The Re. vieed Statatav of Ontario," Chapter 120, that all Creditors end others having nlnhun against the estate of the said W1111nm E. Bidet, who died on or about the Twenty Fifth day of.Iniy A,. D 10.5, are regnired on or be- fore the Tnjenty second day of Angnflt A. D 1925, to send by poet pre -paid or deliver to Anabel Heist, widow of the deceased their Chriatlon and Surnames, addressee and defi- crlotions, the tell particulate of their claims, the statement of their Racoon% end the nature''. of their 8eccr1lies (It any) bold by them. And forther take notice that atter such last mentioned date the wild execrators will pro- ceed to distribute tate 014.010 of the &rewired amongst the turtles entitled thereto, having regard only to the elnlm8 of 1581014 they elicit then hove notice end that the said exe0ntor0 will not be liable for the told assets, or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose alalm notice shall not have been received by them at Mower such distribution. Dated this 28th day of July, A D., 1925 W. M..INCLAIB, 8011011or for Samuel wilInn end Alex. Straohnn, the Exeoutore of the last will of the doomed. 1 NOTICE TO OREOITORS.—In the matter of rho estate of David Farm for Sale (The old Hamilton Place)' 100 norm, being' N;4 Lots 7.8,9 and North40 aores of 10, Con. A, - Tnrnberry townehtp. Large Hrot-claw barn, splendid atone stabling. underneath.; windmill, targe driving plied, good frame house and stone kituhan, large. orchard, never failing sprite on faun 2 inlleB' from Wroxeter village and 1 mile from school Thle harmbas been in pa1tare for 401:10 years and will give highest returns., Farm land values Will ries. Forpnrtloulars apply to THO' GIBSON, Administrator John ft. GI boot estate P. 0. box 77 Wroxeter Phone 80 - Fall Term Opens Tuesday, Sept. 1st Courses : Stenographic, Secretarial, Business, Complete Office Training and Telegraphy. Write for full particulars note and' take the first step _towed d your future success. Central Business College STRATFORD, ONT. • 50000 Harvesters Wanted $15 Aug* 18th Sept. lst Aug, 21st Sept., 4th Q01 MB RSTUNNINO To WINNIPEG From WINNIPEG Plea H O04�er mutt to points beyond, but tot weft $20 PIue js teat per ml1d, slatting xtoa, MatLeod and Calgary polos to Wlonlpeg. From Station* In Ontario, Smith's Pella to and Including Toronto on Lulu Ontario Slues Lim end ilay.loak-P.terbor0 Lina. From all Stations IUngaton to Renfrew JuneUon hoick,.. From all Station. Drama) to PortM'.Nlooll and Burk.ton to Ibbs.y4:aan, irad oslvFrom all Stations oToronto-Sudbury uuY dlrat Lina. From all •Bt.tions an Ontario South and iNtot''af Toronto IncludingVOW—OM Welland, Niagara Pall. and W(, 4150. From a13. Station. on Owen Sound, WalkertonL�OntrtpNll., T..awator, glove, (Jatonot, Goderloh, St. M.ry., Port Boman, and 8t. Thomas Branche*. From all Station• Toronto and North' to Bolton, Inalualva. From 14118tations In Ontario on Ina M4h1 m Central, P.ra Marrluatta, Wlndwri�go.e*, &Lata 8hora, Chatham Welieeebure & Lara EAU, Grand kW.. tate Brie dr Northam and Toronto, Hamilton & Bu falx Railways. n SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICiE FROM TORONTO Travel .ttdtbs and Children—Speen) litre will be n*wvad 1ar the erbo v. uw a1 3.dt0., eh rect ark Own roosts; l ` Frill inEti,rntatian Erorn •ray Catuadiutn Pacific Ai" CANADIAN ,PACIFIC Clark, late of the Township of Grey In the: County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. Notice la hereby given pnreual% to "The Re- v180d Statutes of Oraorfo," Chapter 320, that all areditorx and others having .1.itne against the estate of the: Bald David Clark, who died en or About the Twenty third day of July, A.D.1820,are required, oh or before the fif- teenth day of August 2825. to }dud by post pre- peld'er deliver to D M. Snott,' brussels P 0.. ono 'of the. executorn of the last will and testament of the 0x1d dummied their Ohrietlan end 'stream es, add rashes and de*orlp• Mons, theeaull palliation of their 01a1ms, the Statement of their accauut1 and the nat- ure of the securities .flt any) held by then. And farther nitro notice that atter xnclt loot mentioned date the geld Exeoutora wilt pro- ceed to distribute the meets of the incensed among the parting entitled thereto, having regardonly tothealnums of which they than then have notion and that the said o Bx oats part the a fIte; for the Bald amen or any plat claims both to nn1 person or been i whose m 8tt e t shall not Mineis r bu oeceived by ,them at the thee of such dfatrihutlon, Dated thi, Twenty Seventh day of July, A. D. 1925, W.M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor for for the Executor,. Dates in Huron County.' St. Helens 1 Sept. 9 Wroxeter 10 BWluevallltonle , 11 Ethel 12 Fordwich 1416 Belgrave ..... .. .. 10 18 eld 9 1.7 C Zurich 21 Varna ..... 22 1 tlrh 23 BIythGo24 Grand Bends ' Dashwood 26 Crediton 30 Oct t. Insaellie Dublin ..... .... . 5 Clinton a' Debentures for Sale The Townshldof Grey are offering n quan- tity of drainage .debentures for sale. Fur in. ' formation apply to. J. J.1400UT09EON, J. H. FBA H, • Reeve, Clerk, Farms for Sale farm The undersigned oitt 2b for 7. Morris Alpo 150 aoree, being North 54, Lot 28, end B)*, 27, Con. 7, Mende. Good. holaeo and berm, 1n flr,bolasa condition, 0140 411 good oat -build. Will eel( with or Without trop. Rene• on for selling, poor health For further port. Ionian apply to W. H. MoODTCHBON, Proprietor, R.13.4, Bruise's Farm #or Sale 100 erre Farm for sale, Milne Smith half lot 27, Con 9, Township of Morris: .On prond.es ,.area good bra k barn. 78x40 with good 0501000 etabihtg ; driving ailed 40424 ; cooties bre, good, frame home with good. 143050 better • two good wells nevor•fnfting ; about 6 nerve good maple hush, Thio TMMl la wall folioed and drained and In good state of cultivation and fa 811noted 1 mho from Village of Walton, 1190 liana from eehool and church For fnr- thee particulars apply on the premises or to. 741 J. A. McRSHALt. R.R.4, Walton. Tenders Tenders will be reeelvpd for the pure/• meat Lot25, Con 14, Grey Township. Immediate possession. Apply et one8E0, W. hf, 841N0LAIu, Solioltor for Mortgage.: Farms for Sale 100 acres of land, being the_eouth b4 of Lot 5, Con, 8 and the eolith 3. of Lot 10, Don, 7 in the Towrtshfp of Morrie.'MOM} forms are offer, d for 111116 10 010850p the eelnte of the late James Smith. If tot sold they will be rented for pan. ture. For pertonlnra npply to the execnture, ALEX SMPI'H. , ABNEYSANDEl1SON. Duoford Property for Sale P Rouse and lot of about 34 acre, 'ltuated on the corner of Turnberry and Thomas streets in the Maga or Bruwaele, known as the Dun• ford home, On the property .is a very .gab- atanthtl brink hones ; nicely isolated, steel root, cement cellar floors, new furnace, elothoe closets, bath room, utttern, drilled well fruit trees, a nice raspberry plantation, lovely or. namentnl and evergreen tree0, and a beautiful lawn. W111 be solid for halt of what it wool L coat to build it to wind. up the estate of the late E. U. Dorfard. Immediate 41054e1+8101, For further or 1JAS. M 0FAapply D0BAN (text d004,1305 I Brussels P.O. 4494'♦+0 4 be+•+ ♦44♦0+04'♦44'1'.+Mb♦+i4♦4♦44+0.8♦+♦4.4••4.4, . The Seaforth Creamery ♦ Y eream Wanted 1' t ji The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, , ONT. 1 # 114 +♦1'?.p4.1,. r} 4+ 11 Send' your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results, We solicit your patronage knowing that' we Can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- pies and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, M T. C McCALL, Phone . 2310, Brussels, or write�to.