HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-8-12, Page 1• VOL. 54. NO. 8 2.00 annum in -advance Farmers --, find the service offered by The Bank of Nova Scotia very con. venient. The cashing of cheese, milk and produce cheques, Joans for farm purposes, a satisfactory depository for savings, are only a few of the many features avail- able to farmers at all branches of the. Bank. The experience of 92 years in dealing with farmers is at your service at any branch of ink of Nova Scotia ESTABLISHED 1832 • t'erd-up Capital S 14000,000 F. M. A11 L M 01' R., 19,500,000 Manager Total Assets` - 210.000.000 Brussels New Advertisements Lent -toe Poem For SalerT Keifer For Bale—W. A.Lowry Weern Fair—London Notice—Postmaster Scott. Try Bome—G. A. Dendnm, For Sale—Baxter Stevenson National Fertillaer—Thos. Pierce Hog for service—Jesse Wheeler For Rent or Sole—Edward Sooklin. Happy Thought Banes -8. F. Davison Notioe to Creditors—Wm Bothwell estate Chiropractic nod Blood Preantire—h, 0. Whitfield. Mistrict this BLUEVALE The regular meeting of the Wom- en's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Ed. Johnston on Thursday, Aug. 20th, at L30 o'clock. The meet- ing will be in charge of the girls a the Institute. Miss Mabel Johnston will give a paper "What a Girl ex- pecte of her Mother," and Miss lel- lien Hetherington will give "Sugges- tions or Home Parties and evenings with our friends." Roll call: "My favorite girl's naine," WROXETER Miss Cassie Harris has returned to Toronto. Reeve Henneberg was a meant visitor in Brussels. Robert Rolston and family are holi- daying in Detroit. Miss Jennie Miller, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. W. Wilson. D. and Mrs, A. McLeod -and son, jade were recent visitors in Bayfield. Mrs. J. Ballantyne, Rosthern, Sask., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ince Gibson, jr. Jno. MeNaughten, London, is visit- ing his son, „Stewart, and other old friends in Tuenberry. Kenneth Gibson, Toronto, was week end visitor with his parents, Thos. and Airs. Gibson. Austin and Mrs. Martin, Toronto, spent the week end with the lattev's Parents, Zile. and Mrs. Doeglas. Gordon Morrison and family, Lon- don, visited this week with the form- er's mother, Mrs. Jno. Morrison. Jas, and Mrs.Longleyand (laugh- ter have retuned to Toronto after visiting the former's father; Andrew Longley, Howick. • Geo. and Mrs. Leckie and Mrs. Jno, Morrison attended the wedding. of the lattetes son, Ashton Morison, to Miss Draper ,in Clinton on Saturday. Miss Ruth Stocks. is the guest of friends in Elora. Miss Nellie Stuart, Toronto, is visit- ing with relatives here. Gavin and Mrs. Davidson motored to Niagara Falls recently Miss Janet Dickson, Toronto, is holidaying under the parental roof. Mrs. H. Pleasance, Toronto, is the guest of her parents, Neil and Mrs. White. E. Rann and family have returned to London after a holiday with rela- tives here, " Station Agent George Allan 'and family are spending a few weeks at Kincardine. Misses Margaret Brown, Toronto, and Ethel Relines', Clinton, are guests of Mrs T. G. Hemphill. Mrs. Robert Rae and daughter, Miss Helen,Radisson, Sask., are visiting old friends in the village. A. A. Esty, Carl and Mies Bird Es- ty motored from Buffalo this week end are spending a few days in this vieinity. CRANBROOK Lots of rain anw. Quite, a number.. attended the Old Boys' celebration at Ethel hist Thurs- day evening T. H. and Um. Cattlemen, and Mre. Slemmont., of London, are visiting with Mrs, McDonald and other friends in the village, ELYTH motor car, D.:mete:by Mr. Munroe, hat rheum tnerdliant here, which was el oleo on Pridaz night; has been re- etivet ed South nf Hensall Two In - diem?, who had been employed in the fl tx mill her e, at alleged to have tak- ell the car, One of the men was ar- rested at the time the car was epee:, eyed, hut Lite other made his escape irr,to the 1)1131). The police are 'iota seal Oiling for hint- Th is was the Si et C.9.80 of motorcar stealing in Blyth, • FORDWICH Fret) et d Mrs. Siefert, Finidwich, announce the engagement. of their only dunghteri, Matilda Oatherine, ti Roman V Spear e, of 'Valetta°, eldent son of J. lipettee, Cronearty, Om., the martege to take place in Tarim - to ea; ly i Augue t, Miss Edith Kew. of Witighem, oho was a teacher in 'the Pordwieh Con tintuttion School lust tette, has er. ceplecl a position on the staff of °on. tinumion Gelid a A School at Long Br atich, one of Toronto, at 4 salary of $1,800. Chiropractic and Blood Pressure Is your Blood Pressure too High or too Low ? This i; important to know be- cause upon it largely is your good health de- • pendent. If your pressure is not normal take Chiropractic Adjustments and the wrong will be made right. It will pay you to • investigate. OONSULTA'r/ON FREE Or, WHIDFIELD, D. O. Oftge over J.ohnston's, Jeweller); Store Hourrill2 to' 11 Listowel, Ont. Phone 9 I BRUSSZLS, ONTA110, WRDNESD4Y, AUGUST 12, 192$ A general meeting of the abareboi ere Of the Pordwich Revd Teleplun Oo'y, Limited, will be „held in. Core triunity Hall, Fordwioh, on the ifith cloy of Auguet, 1925, at 8 &Meek et ne, for general busitieas and for the pur- pose of pruning 4 reeoletion rerniietrig that the corporation be wound up and the appointment of a liquidator. I d- al all day with their music and it WW1 le much enjoyed by the big crowd. in .. the avenin a boxing bot took Place between Cudmore and Reward, and gave the spectators lots of excitement as the boxers mixed it up. This was followed by a Bend Concert and a concert given by the Sunset Concert Co., in the Presbyterian Church shed. A big crowd was present. 'Up etreet, the Lietowel Orchestra played for the dancers and the dancing was kept Up until after 2 o'clock. The total pro- ceeds will exceed $75(1 for the day, ETHEL Ethel had it big crowd in town last 2'hu reda v. Mr. Moon, of Ingersoll, wassa* holiday visitor in the village. Russel Love and children frolli Hamilton were her for the reunion, Rev, Shannon is spending his vaca tion at their summer cottage at Cora unna. Jim Bremner is nursing a sore foot, i having got 4 rusty nail n it a feve days ago, Mrs, Harty Cliff, of liageisville, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Har- old Love. Miss Mary Dalgleish,of Guelph, is spending a few days with Mrs. (Dr,) McMaster. Mies Jean Snell, Jamestown, was a visitor at the home a her cousin, Miss Helen Batemen, Harry and Mrs. Buchanan and Mrs. Guthrie and son, of Barrie spent Sun- day with Dr,. McMaster. Rev. D. M. Guest was called home front Courtright on Monday to take charge of the funeral of the late Wm. McKay, Con. 14. Jack Sleternim, wbn has been at- teoding Normal at Stratford, hes secured a school about 3 miles from Preston, and will commence in Sept- ember. Mrs. Bray is still under the Doet tor's care as a result of her recent accident. She is at present spending, a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ward, Con. 8. Jack and Mrs. Slemmon, accomp- anied by the latter's mother, Mrs. Chalmers, left this week for Preston, where Jack has taken a school for the coming year. We wish him success. Alex. and Mrs. E'clurotnistott and Miss Annie Dingmaneof were visitors during the past week at the borne of Jas, and Mrs. Wright. Mrs. WI ight, et'., who is over 80 years of age, is their aunt. - A checker match of 20 genies is be- ing played by a couple of local champions, Ralph Rowland and How- ard Cole. Several games have been played off at the barber -shop, but the remailder will be played at W. H, Cole* A surprise packet will be pre- sented to the winner by local fans Go to it, hove! Next Thursday afternoon, Aug. 20, in the Memorial Park, at 2.30 pare, the regular meeting of the Women's Institute will*be held. The topic "Opening our eyes to the wonders of Nature" will be taken by Mrs. G. Kreuter. Current events by Mrs. J. T. Nicholson. Everyone welcome— come and have a good time, Bring lunch. In order to "celeivate" ths wounion, some young men got somewhat "lit up" late ir) the evenleg, with the re- sult that an unrffending bystander was struck in the face 11.11,1 serious in- juries inflicted. it would he a good lesson to the veering fellow if be had a chance to think it over in the lock- up and learn to keep his fists and tongue under proper control. Ev- idently4 4 intoxicates or fails to cut; out the use of "hard duff," and yet it is reported' that a citizen of town told Inspector Pellow that Ethel was no place for him as the town was to be "wide open". Among the pleasure seekers at the big Ethel re -union last Thursday, no one took any more enjoyment out of the day than did Mrs. Spence, - our oldest resident. During the grand parade ''. she was given the place of honor in the first auto and it is hoped she will live to celebrate a good many more Old .Boys Re -unions in Ethel. One of the largest funerals held in this vicinity was that of the late Wil- liam V. McKay. on Mondaer last. The deceased was lust recovering from a broken shoulder and was ready to take up his farm duties again when on Friday night he was taken serious- ly ill at his home. A doctor was call- ed at once but in spite of all medi- cal aid he passed away in a few hours. William McKay was well and favor- ably known in Grey township where for several years he served as Coun- cillor. lie was 64 years of age and lemma to mourn his loss, a widow and four sons and one daughter. The funeral was held. on Monday aftee- noon from his late residence with in- terment in Elma Centre Ceffietery, Rev. D. M. Guest, pastor of the 1.7n- ited Church where the family are ac- tive workers, had charge of the ser- vice. The community has lest a men who was the friend of everyone he met and a man who was interested in anything that was for the good of the people. Re -union a Succese.The reunion held at Ethel last Thursday was a successful one everyway and a bal- m -ice of over $300 to the good. A parade was held after dinner and was headed by the Seaforth Iteltie Band. The prize -winners were :---Best float, Women's Institute; Decorated car, Jos. Nicholson; best saddle horse and rider, Albert Kreuter; • best dowel, Dan MeKinnon; best decorated bi- cycle, J. McKee; COMM dress, Archie McDonald; best dressed costume, Francis Coats; best horse and buggy; Violet Heath. During the afternoon a softball tottrhainent was held and Milverton won out. Other teams cod* peting were t ----Brussels, Monkton, t Ethel and Listowel, There were nov- el and interesting races held also in the afternoon, but The Post was Un- 0 able to get the names of the winners, v The Seeforth Katie Band was Libel,. ' p BELGRAVE George W. Procter and family vis- ited in Londesboro on Sunday at R. McCrea's. The Women's Institute will hold an old fashioned quilting bee in the C. 0. F. Hall on Tuesday, Aug. 18th, at 2 p.m. AR the ladies of the cOMMUn- ity are invited. Come and bring your thimble, Any person wishing to have quilts quilted, please consult Mrs. D. Geddes, Belgrave. The W. M. S. of the Continuing Presbyterian church, Belgrave, held their August meeting at the home of the President, Mrs. Alex. Porterfield. During the business discussion it was agreed to bring material for patching a quilt to the next meeting and that the monthly collection be a loose col- lection as it was the spirit, not the amount, which carried the blessing with it. Mrs. Jas. Taylor then gave a paper on "Our Debt to Pioneees" in which she showed that the school and the church were the centre of culture, and bidding us remember 'that we were building on their foundation. Miss E. -McGill then read a poempre- senting the Hindoo mother's 'Sacrifice' 'which was followed by "Our Evan- gelistic Aim and how to obtain it" by Mrs. .1. W. Scott. Mrs. W. I. -Geddes 'kindly invited the Society to meet at her home on September 3rd, at 2.30 o'clock, after whichlunch was served by Mrs. Porterfield. GREY Council minutes may be read on another page. ' This section received a good soak- ing last week. Mrs. Moss and Miss Margaret and Bert Potter, of Cleveland, have been visiting with Milton and Mrs. Lowe, 9th Con. Miss Vera Porter, 10th Con., has just returned from a two weeks visit with her aunt and uncle, ,Toe and Mrs. Davidson, London, Ont. Semen BICE ;--R. L. Taylnr, lffin Core Grey, had his oat crop judged by A. E. Myles, of Meaford, last Satur- day in the Standing Crop Competi- tion,. Blyth Agricultural Society, and was given 314 plare, a difference nf only 2 points from and prize, The judge remarked that if part of the field had not been resnwn, and still arean, hie field would hav,e won 1st prize. Mr, Taylor is to be con gratu- -From the Dufferin Leader, Carman, Man., we take the following which re- fers to a brother bf Lloyd Porter, 9th Con H. Porter, Ford dealer in Carman, has in the display wieidow of his office this week evidence of his proficiency as a salesman in a cham- pionship shield given by the Ford Company to their dealer outside of Winnipeg who makes the greatest nurabet of sales of Ford automobiles each month. Mr. Porter's record of eleven new cars for June was not equalled by any other dealer in the province outside the city of Winnipeg and therefore the shield is his unttl the award for July business is made. Mr, Porter has sold 41 new cars this year. His quota for the whole year was 28 cars so he has already exceed- ed if by a large margin. He has also disposed of a large number of used cars, selling seven during June, From the 'sudden Free Lance we take the following item which refers, to a young lady, who is a native of Grey Township, near Cranbrook:— The United Church, Innisfail, was the scene of a very pretty wedding. on Wednesday at L30 p.m. last, when Mis Margaret Elizabeth, only • daugh- ter of Win. and Mrs. Perrie, . fail, was united in marriage to Harold Elladitt Grey, B.A., 33.5.0, only son of 3. B. and Mrs. Gray, ef Leth- bridge' Rev. Goddard, officiating. The churchwas beautifully decorated with cut flowers and potted plants. Promptly at 1.30 o'clock, the bride entered the church to the strains of the wedding march, played by Miss Atherton,. of Calgary, and was given M marriage by her father. She 'look- ed queenly, attired in a dress of white canton crepe with veil and orange blossoms and carried a- beautiful bouquet of madame buttexily roses. She was attended by 1Vliss Verna Gray of Lethbridge, who was very pretty in a dress of Peitch canton crepe with a large picture hat of the same color, rind carried pink carnations. Litele Ruth Watt, dressed in white net over white .silk„' made a charming little flower girl, She carried a basket of sweet peas. Leslie Perrie of Eamon: ton, supported the groom. After the ceremony the guests were entertain- ed at the home oa the bride's parents, where a buffet luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Gray left on the 4.15 train timid showers of rice„ confetti and good wishes, for the Waterton Lakes, ,where the honeymoon will be syent, "Lite bride travelling an en - dale salt of almond green with a black Ricture hat. Tbey will be hotne o them friends after Sept. let, at eethbridge, whine Mr. Gray is assist- ant Etymologist for the Government f Alberta. Mrs. Gearhas been e cry successful teacher both in the ublic school in Inniafail and the High Car of National ertinzer expected shortly. Parties wishing to be supplied should place orders now. Also Tankage, Beefrneal and Oyster Shell, THOS. PIERCE Phone 5810 School at Olds! and the best wishes of her friends in both towns will fol- low her to her new home. The pres- ents were numerous and beautiful, Among them several substantial cheques, testifying to the high es- teem in which both are held in their respective communities. The guests werel—.T. B. and Mrs. Gray, Miss Velma Gray, of Lethbridge; Dave and Airs. Perrie, Knee Hill; Leslie Perrie, Edmonton; Wm. and Mrs. Watt and Miss Ruth, E. J. and\ Mrs. Dodd, N. and Mrs. McLeod, Nichol and Rev. Goddard, Mies Atherton and Mr. Han- sen, of Calgary; Mies /K. Carswell, Red Deer; Misses Ruth Hetherington, Marjorie Cook, Isabelle McLeod, and Maria Nichol, of Innisfail. MORRIS Morris Township Council meets on Monday, August 17th. Mr, Hinton, Sarnia, is a venter at the home of dhester RI titoul, 6th line. Miss Mary McKellar spent last week with her friend, Miss Florence Kerney. Many farriers have lost their spring colts this year. Many reasons have been given and some farmers think that the colts may have been poisoned in pasture; or from eating hay con- taining June flies. it Whet is known as the "thiamin Bacon Club,", nn the 4th line of Mor- ris, has seemed the pure bred York- shire bog, "Pine Grove Bacon Leti".• which win be kept for service at the farm of Jas.'s Wheeler, Let 12, 4th line. The animal is sent out hy the Government for the purpose of breed- ing pigs of better quality and is said to be an ,A 1 type, See the advt. in another column. 0131TUART.—The death took place on July 3111,, i f Mrs. Elizabeth (Jrtnte/on, aged 82 years. Deceased was born near Hamilton and came when a child with her paionts, I he tete Wm. and Mrs. Armstrong, in the 6th Con , Mor. tie, and after her mattiage removing to the 13th Om.,Morris, where site re- sided until 1913, being one: of the pion- eere of Morris township. Slie was twice mat.ried, her first husband, Jos, McIntyre, passing away molly years ago and a daughter, Sarah J Mein tyre also is deceased. Her second hUsband, the bite Peter Cantelmi, passed away in 1913. Site le sur %rived by two cliughters, Itit•s, D. Shinier, of Bowden. Alta., and Mrs. Thos. Pierce, of Morris Tem. • two sons, Edward Cantelon, of Holier, Alta., and W. of Los A Calrtge.elr.; a EltSt.81., 1111.9. Neff, of Auioznn, Sask. ; liver binib- ero, Robert 3, Armstrong, of Annie. nn, Sask, VV. M, Armstrmig, Morris Twp., and Geo. Armstrong, Belgrave. The funeral tonic place from the home of her daughter, m vs. Pierce. the ser- vice being. entiducted by Rev, Mr. Barker, Bi etssels, inteetnent being merle in Br ussele ceneettiry. Pallbear- ers were six nephews. David and W. H., Oentelon, Edwin, Alvin, Roy and Blowy Arrnstrnng. Among Orme who attended the funeral. were :—Pe J70antellite Onderich Devil Dante. Ion Vent:in:aver ; Mut. W. H. Gorman and W H. Camelot), Windsor, WALTON Its nice to have hydro going a- gain. 11. L Taylor and his merher Sum (lard with W..7 end Mt, Wonde Miss Hazel Drager, of London, is holidaying at the parental home. Mrs. Cassidy, of Detroit, has been visiting her emigre Mrs. Herb Mann- ing. The Government Inspector of Weights and Measures, was in town on Tuesday. Airs. A. E. Miller, London, and Mrs. Morrish,Of nem N. D. were visitors in the village last week.' Mapy from Walton- and vicinity will attend the big Derry Day cel- ebration in Goderich on Wednesday. Charles Sellers, son of Joel Sel- lers, of 2nd concession of Morris, has been engaged as principal of Walton public school. Mr. 'Sellers taught in Heidelburg last year and comes high. ly recommended. The former prin- cipal, Mr. ?ruder, will teach at Tor- onto next Steer. A, meeting was held at W. 0. Hack. well's store for the purpose of form- ing a softball aesoeiation. Mr. 13rici- ley, the C. P. R. station agent, was nominated for chairman of the meet- ing. The elettion of officers took place and four teams were chosen from Walton and to the North and South of Walton. The games were arranged for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and ee fat several good genies have been had with good at- teedence, The school grounds have up to the present been used but Mr, Fred Miller has kindly consented to let the association use his lield which is much better adapted to the game. There has been some mention of a ladies' league being started also, wn,77,-,r51 •-••7 „ ,„„ • ••, ,L. KERR, Prorirnir B. and Mrs. Malmo, of Bruseel visited at David Holmes' on Sunday Mies iDtitel Dennis spent a week 1 Dilutor) w}th her friend, MissM. Stiti McGavin shipped Soar loads o cattle to `Reroute for the farmers las saturdaY Mrs. J. Dundee, who lives with her daughter', PAN. , I). Boyd, bee been quite ill, but N improving. De. ID, McGavin and wife and sister, af Windnoe, visited relatives on the 12th Cnn., McKillop, last week. Mies Vera 14.1liott has returned to her home in Goderich, after spending the nest two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Will Woods. Mrs. Margaret Mark and daughters, Misses Lillian and Myt tie.. of Clamor. on, Out,, are visiting their cousin, Mrs. Jos. R. Hamilton, Mark O. and Mtg. Hamilton, of Prince Albert. Sask., are welcome visitors with hit brother, Jos, R. liamiltori and sister, Mrs. John Bolg- er and ether friends. They came by motor visiting 'melons points enroute, Geo. E. Ferguson and Master Russel were recent visitors in the village and Mies Jean, who has been camp- ing at Port Albert, returned to the city with them. Rev. Dr. and 'Vire. Brown have gone on their vacation. The pulpit will be supplied on Aug. 16 and 23 by Mr. R. B. Hamilton, of Millbank, and on Aug. 30th by Rev. W. 0. Robinson, M.A. Revs Peter and John McEwen, of Indianopolas, visited these parts on Friday last and spent a few pleasant houre with Ja J. and Mrs. MoGavin, It is thirty four years since they left and though they walked over the farm, there is little left to remind (liern of the old home where they were born and spent many happy days, They brought their mother with them to Usbotne Two., where she had relatives. She is 82 years old, Roth gentlemen belong to the min- ietry, a, reaching home die took bee dinner and then went upstairs to her room, it elide, Jew moments tater vv 0E3 found Old Resident Passes Away:— On Saturday evening Susan Muir, wid- ow of the late John Mowbray, passed away in her 91st year after an illness lasting a little over a week. Deceas- ed was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, and was only 2 years old when she came to Canada with her parents and resided near Hensall. In 1855 she was married to her husband at Roger ville, Huron Co., and after living for a short time on the Thames Road, they moved to McKillop Township, where they resided on the 14th Con. until 1911 when they moved to Wal- ton. Mr. Mowbray died in 1912. A family of 3 sons and one daughter survive: Thomas, of New Westmins- ter, B. C.; James, of Detroit, and Robert, of Toronto and Miss Mary E. at home and also six grandchildren. Deceased was the oldest and last re- maining of her family and had always been in good health, having only two weeks ago motored out to the old farm with her son, Robert, and only last Christmas knit all her grandsons sox for a Christmas present, and she retained her alertness until the time of her illness. The fun- eral was held on Thursday afternoon and the services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Lundy, a former pastor of the deceased. The pallbearers were: J. McDonald, J. Lamb, F. liackwell and D. Johnston. Interment was made in Brussels Cemetery. The f archly, except Thomas in the West, were able to get home before death took place. Among those from a dis- tance were Mr. and Mrs. McLaren and sons, of Hensall, and David Mow- bray, of Toronto. MONCRIEFF Mrs. Robert IdeTaggart and Alre. Mann have returned from a two menthe' visit to the West. Owing to the sudden eleeth of the late Wen. V, McKay, and the funeral being held on Monday, the park cel- ebration was postponed. • The late Mr. Matey took an active interest in the vornumnity. SUDDEN DEATIEL—Lt Feebly even - Jog, William IV. McKay, a well-known resident of the 14111 Cnn., of Grey TOWt1S11 IA was suddenly seised with a heat t.„ aLt ack end paseed away in a few minutes lie was 64 yeaes old. Mr, McKay had attended thP itsttie afternoon the funeral of his torpliew, and seemed tn be itt the best of health. The deceased had always been an active mare and mile a few weeks ago while taking part i i ,in nximeinp u football match, bad his shoulder bane broken. Deceased was for' sev. eral years a meniber of the Township Council Eoat d ; a member nf Atwood Hunt Ohtb and Seeretariy cif the Mon- crieff Park Board, Ile leaves a wife, four sons and tine daughter, Mud, at Mayor., Seek, ; Fore est, Leslie, Linesay and Ina Alt home ; also Tout, brethren and three dame : Alexand- er, of Elmo ; Jneeph, of Grey Jame, of Hamilton ; Dnuicittt, ef Sltiatfnmsi; Mrs. Kelly, of Bolognia, Seek. ; Mee, Wacky, Sarnia, and Nye Mrs. Brom gart, Brantford. The funeral was held Monday afternoon from his late home to Elma Centre Cemetery and was largely attended. Deceneed was a prominent 'worker of Moncrieff Presbyter ian chin th, LISTOVVEL What imprints to be a deliberate ease of suicide took place Monday at noon, when Miss Elsie Ordrinet•, 21) goitre of age, daughter of John Gold. net, Wallene street north, died in coin vulsions itt bar home between 12 and 1 o'cloce, On her way 'home at noon holt; from the Felled Knit rectory, whetie She was employed, she went to one of the local druggists and pule chased tome strychnine, saying it was to be used for destroying vets. On n ciOnvuleterta, Or, tillohol was eaijpd hilk'Wall Unable to give any noels:tamale and the yonog women died Soon after his arrival. ',11lie emend., Dr, James Moore, has deckled to hold an inquest. HENFRYAI Soft Ball is the order of the day, Bd. Collie, ere keeps quite poorly, Chas. Mar, Henfryn, spent Sunday in Loudon. Some of Lite boys of our town took in the Old Boys' at Kitehetier, Our Gown, wasewell represented at • Bann Old Boys' last Tbureday, Norval and Mrs, Hell, Atwood, epentBilnday in and mound Iffenfryts., We congratulate Mist: nivene Jimmy 00 passing the recent entrance oxen:- ination. Mrs. Martin Thornton has been', quite ill but we are gia4 to report she le doing nicely now. Ed, and Mrs, Collis Jr, spent the week end :vith the latter's aunt, Mrs." 0. Miller, Milverton, • Rev. and Mrs, Hendry have moved to kienfryn, It's a long pima canoe we, .had a Rev, gentleman in our burg. • We :velcotne therm fietifryti purposes baying a Base • Tem nament on Aug. 19th under the auspices cif St. Davide Church. Watch out for poeters. Mr. and Mrs, Garscadden and fam- ily returned to their borne in Owen Sound after spending a few clays with friends in and around Henfryn. Douglas, eon of John and Mrs. Ham- ilton, had the misfortune to fall and fracture several ribs and suffered oth- er injuries but hope he will soon be o. k. Michel and Mrs. Raymailh andWar- ren and Mrs. Crowell and family, of Detroit, Mich., were welcome visitors at the home of Ed, and Mrs, Collis Jr., the former being o/d neighbors of Mrs. Spills. JUDGE CAMERON DIES AT COBOURG County Judge of Northumberland Succumbs, Aged 68—Was Barn at Goderich — Former Member of Legislature for West Huron We 11. 41. The death of Malcolm Graeme Cameron, judge for Northumberland County and a -well-known figure in the Canadian legal profession, occur- red suddenly Monday evening at Co- bourg, where he had been a resident about one year. The late Judge Cameron was the son of the late M. C. Cameron, one time lieutenant -governor of the North west Territories,. and Mrs. Jessie N. Cameron. He was born at Goderich on February 24, 1857, and was edu- cated at the Goderich grammar schools and Galt (Tsssie's) high selHoewol. as admitted to the bar in 1879 and became a K. C. in 1902, In 1904, he was appointed a member of the royal commission for revising and consolidating the Statutes of Canada. lie was for three years an examiner for the Upper Canada Law Society and the author of "A. Treatise on the Law of Dower" characterized by the Rt. Hon. Henry Strong, at one time chief justice of Canada, as "the most able ad learned work on the subject ever yet published either in England, Canada or the United States." He was appointed judge of Northumberland County about a year ago. EX,MAYOR OF GODERICH. The late Judge Cameron was a prominent figure en the government of Goderich, having been successively town councillor, reeve and mayor, to which last office he was reelected in 1911. Politically he was a Liberal; served as president of the Toronto Ynouuronng,Lii9b0e2ratloCilu9b087x1 sat for West Be is survived by Mrs. Cameron, formerly Miss Flora McLean, of Perth; one daughter aged five; four sisters, Mrs. R. R. Bayly, Mrs. (Dr.), J. D. Wilson and Mrs. A. C. Hunter, all of London; and Mrs. John Galt, of Goderich, and oxte brother Alan, of Florida. The funeral will take place in Goderich probably on Thurs- day. CONSERVATIVES LEAD IN NEW BRUNSWICK SLICOTED MONDAT11515. Ia, Conservatives BO Libel ale 12 IN LAST LEGISLATIThn Li berate 29 Ooneereati vett 12 Partners 7 The Conservative Opposition, led bys. lion..11, 13. M. Baxtee, wen a deed -sing victory ih the provincial elections held throughout New Brutiewiek, the Liberal Governmeet, headed be. Hon. Peter J. Veniot, securing but 12 of the 98 seats oonstituting the House. With a following of 30 Mr. Baxter linve a majority of 24 in the next Legislature. • The Farmer's party, with but three candidates in the field, did not prove a factor in the struggle 'and,the two Independents who ran lost their deposits. Eva y member of the Government with the exception of the Premiere his minister of Wide end mines, Hen. J. A. Dyeert, and Hon. j, B. Michaud, mit:later without) port, folio, suffered personal defeat.