The Brussels Post, 1925-8-5, Page 8Keep the Story of the Holidays in Picture .r Box Brownies Mo. 2 Lukes Piet urea 21 x 31 $2,85 No, 2a takes Pictures 2 x 44 $3.50 No, 2e takes Pictures 2e x 4e $5,15 Folding ,Auto- graphic Kodaks Vent Pocket• --Pictures le x `$16.170 No, 1 Autng, Kodak Jun. Pic- tures 21 x 31. A. very popu- lar size and well made. Fix- ed Focus and the frame of metal and leather covered Price S12.40 GETA SUPPLY OF EASTMAN FILMS FOR YOUR KODAK THE KIND THAT COMES IN THE YELLOW IBOX Bring us your Films to be Developed and Printed. You'll like the Results ! F, RI SMITH e 'ar t7s�+N,Nr ho Store Druggist and Stationer rasa," etas Pim AUGUST. GAT your anal in yet FAIRS will anon be starting. MONDAY was a quiet day in town. A heavy rain poured over this sec- tion last Friday evening, N/GHTS are getting longer, but the days are like our cash -shorter. MR, Al Alfa is very popular this year with Huron Agrieulturiste. A few from town attended the Ford picnic at Baytleld last Wednesday. HOLLYHpCKs andpoppies are mak- ing a great show in the flower gard- ens. MANY took in the Old Boys' Re- unions at Olinton and Kitchener this week. WE would rattier bearn About Al- berta`s big oil strike thou her coal strike. THE recent earthquake did not dis- lodge a brick nn Uncle Ham's high tariff wall. ESETER ha h a receivedr. , 9 Nem of coal this Bummer, It retails at $14.00 a ton SUGAR solutions of variouastrengths are used by French florists iu pre- serving cut flowers. WITH the discovery of zinc in the Sudbury district a new and exceed- ingly valuate industry is promised to Ontario. A LOCAL team from town attended the Soft Ball Toupee/trent at Atwood last Wednesday, but did not get into the prize class. .FiFTY-thnusand men will he needed to harvest the Western erne this year according to the estimates of the joint board of the twn Canadian Rail- way systems. • WORD has been received of the death of Mary Crowell, beloved wife of John Gow, in het 39th year at Shaunavon, Seek., hospital, Mr's, Gow is well known to many in town as she was employed by Mrs, J. Quer- in for a time. Buys HOTEL -This week A. K• Rain, of Vermillion, Alberta, took possession of the American lintel. Mr. Bain is an experienced hotelman and contemplates making several changes in the well-known house. W. A, Lawry has owned the hotel for the last 4 years. HYDRO Oxar.--Monday afternoon about 5 o'clock something went wrong with the Hydro at Walton and no juice has come to Brussels since. The Bast Huron Cold Storage has a Ford. son tractor at work, but TEE POST has to depend on hand setting this week to get out this issue. It is ex. petted that power may be here to- night, Mrs. Ranldn 90 Years Obit—From the Elora Express, the following re. fees to the mother of Mrs: A. AloGulr•e, Mrs. Rankin lived with her daughter for a number of years, and his many friends hereis not given to many to attain th;-It e great age of ninety years, but Mrs, Mary Blackstock• Ran- kin, mother of our respected Chief of Police, celebrated her 90th birthday on Tueeday. Mee. Rankin, who is en- joying very good health, was born in Shncoe County, , near Barrie on July 21s 1835 and is a San h tr ter of ih late 'Thomas and Mary gBlarkotock. She was married in 1853 to Richard Rankin who predeceased; her in 1914 at Wingham. For the past year she has made her home with ber son Gen, R. Rankin In Elora, On Tuesday elm was the recipient of many congratu- lations, sorry to hear of her death, Mona tuneful than any sonata is that of next year's coal supply falling into the empty bin. SELF•DENIAI. APPEAL. - A Selaa. tion Army officer was in Brussels last week making the annual canvass for that organization, HOLIDAY WAS QUIET. -Oivlc Anti - day was a quiet ane in town on Mon, day. Many citizens want. to Kitchen- er, Clinton and Bayfield for the day, NoTrae-Ed. Katz, the noted Optical Spec. Joliet, will relieve eyesight trouble, et the Queen's Hotel, i.fotoweI, Saturday of this weak, 8th rest., from 0 a, m. to 7 p. m. I5 will pay you to see him, as by proper attention to your eyes, eye-stroln trouble is removed. By our great skill and experience we can help sihtleeeeih $1000issged genonfailed.. worth t i0. 00. E ItAvz You fresh milking now for sale. Good and easy mincer. Bargain for quick purchas- er. phone 660 J P ni ClNToen. Fon SALA.-160 White Leghorn year-old hens. Wx. CnAwsonn Phone 68 Hosanna or roomers wanted. Apply at Tilt PORT. tf Be(ONn hand Singer sewing machine in good condition, ro' r Hole. b1e be seen sen at the home of hire. Joseph Whitfield, Cinroh and Join streets, Brussels. EoONn.-Ie Procter's store, a parcel. The owner may have the same by proving proper- ty and paying for this notice. DRADMAN'a EoNcY,-Tho season in rote and we are extracting so 05 to have our honey thintc and well ripened, which can only be properly dons by the bees. We hone to ship some to Brutsole soon and in time to supply you, G. A. premiere FIN/Vb.-Auto marker and tail light. Own- er may have same by paying for this advt. A num of money found. Enquire at Tilt POBT. Fos SALE. -One 0 -roomed house end lot, in good location on Elisabeth at., or will ex- change it for other property. For further information apply at Tat POST. Fon BALs. -Good well drilling maohine, Sawyer and Massey traction engine and grain separator. All mast he sold to wind up Estate. Address, MICS. S. STROME, 0 4 Fordwich, Ont. ' FOR SALT. -Dandelion and Apple Blossom honey, 10 canto per lb, 8.5 H. A. MONAnonT, near Monorieff PnoPsrTY Foo SALe.-10 notes of first -clan land, about half n tulle north of Bruosele good house endgood cellar, and a barn ; good water and about 70 fruit treed. All seeded down. Apply at American Hotel, tl DERRY DAY AT GODERICM - On Wednesday, Aug. 12th, Derry Doty will be celebrated in Goderich by the Black Knights of Ontario \Neat. toe PACKERS WON, -Last week the & Bakers gg e1bwon core f 18om tbe 12,tehers The game was exciting. Following Was the acme s - B & B-0004107-12 E, Her, -582206x -I8 BOWLING -Monday of this week R. le. Downing and D. el McTavish ate tended the bowling 'Tournament at Milver ton and landed the Bret prize lot the seennd event, with three wins and a plus of twenty. There were twenty rinks in attendance at the tournament and a good time was spent. DIED Ix SASKATCHEWAN. -Word lute been received of tile death of Mrs. R. P. Carroll, nee Marone Sample, at her home in Fronde, Sask., on San - day, July 5t13. Deceased was the eldest daughter of the late Robert Sample, of Brussels, and some 25 years ago went West. About28 yeare ago she was monied to her now bereft partner inlife t t raid 1 is also sot - aired r)t r airs by2 on dsone 1 d au h one siser, Mrs. Andrew bougies, also f Tin fennel Twp „ and four Mot here, John, Andrew, William and Antony, all in 'Saskatchewan. Four years ago deceased .suffered a stroke and during the past year bed been in health, Old emends in Brussels Were • Some Went to Y.istowelte-,Sevie><•ttl from fawn attended rho ranee at Lis- towel on \'Vednesdey«if file week, Well Repreeentedte e -Brussels teas well tr(trrsentcd at the re-inuou p1e- t1le et S. S No. (i, Mottle, last Wed, uesday aftstrtoon and evening, Owelt Sound won from Listowel nn Farley nettle in the former city by a WHO 01'2 1. Title puts Listowel out irl.the Render series for the season. Business Should ile GOOdt The futerasts all Ultimate it bu,ptper wheat crop for Onnada tide etlasou. If all H009 hell it mottos increased pr•ospeti• 07 for the country. Witt 111otg,-Mr, Foreman, who has been the obliging teller in the Bank of Nova Scotia, is being moved to theenank at Port Darling, hie home town. Hie friends at5 50167 00 see him go. Mr, Baker to in the tellev s cage at. present, NEwnRiDGie MILL BuitEe — The grist and aaw'mill at Newbridge wets completolys'dostroyed by fire on Terre - day evening last, causing a total lose. It le thought the fire wee caused by a hot boxing. The water at tate deur wee also let away, Mr,' Spenee, the proprietor, will sulfur considerable Toes. HADA QOLLISIut0.-L498 Thursday abouts o'clock, J. Cameron, a com- mercial traveller, of Toronto, was struck at the 0, N R. crossing by a gasoline "Jigger," Mr. Cameron was watching a freight in th€ yards and did not notice the approach of the "Jigger," fie was able to drive the car away though the fenders were damaged. Passing of J: Rider: -The Clinton Newe•Recurd refers to the death-ofa woll•kuown citizen in that town, Mr. Rider was oue•of the atone critters for the Brussels bridge years ago and often referred to his stay in Brussels, to the Editor, when liviug in Clinton. The late Rev. John Ferguson many a day helped Mr, Rider turn the big atones around on the fiats : 0n Friday last, an old resident of Clinton passed away in the person of Joseph Rider, after an illness of some weeks The deceased bad been a resident of Olin - ton for over fifty years, coming here from Cornwall, England. He was a mason by trade, and many of the buildings of Oliuton were partially built by his bend. He was a man of an original wit and dearly loved his joke. He was well-koowu in town, and being of a sociable nature, liked to come up town and meet and chat with hie friends. Two years ago last Fall, he returned to England, think- ing that perhaps he would end his days in the old land, but a few weeks saw him back in Clinton, This bad been his home so long be could not feel at home elsewhere. His wife died about fourteen years ago, and until a fortnight or so ago he lived in his own house. Since that he had been cared for in the home of A. F. and Mrs, Oudmore. The funeral, which was held under Masonic rites, took place on Sunday afternoon from St, Paul's church, the Rev. ..T. 11. Brown, of Seaforth, being the rector in charge of the church service. The pallbearer were ^ E. G. Oourtice, H. McBcieu, J. A. Ford, A. J. Holloway, C. G. Middleton end W. J. Stevenson, The remains were laid rn Olinton. CHURCH CHIMES The United Church Rev.' W. Treleaven, of Lut:know, wrear ill , t p tr mar ung and evening in theUnited Ohurch next Sdbday. Melville Presbyterian Church Rev. John Davey, B. D., of One - more, will conduct services in Melville Ohurch, next Sabbath at 11 a. w. and 7p, m. Rev. \V. F. McConnell, Donnell, of Taranto, who was to have condncted anniver- sary services in Melville Church on June 21et, but was unable to do so on account of a sudden call to the West took the opportunity of visiting Brus- sals cm hie return last week and con- ducted the services in Melville Ohurch Sunday morning and evening. In the morning his text was Proverbs 8 : 5-6 "Ti uet in the Lord with all urine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding, In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." The speaker emphasized (1) the necessity of giving (sod the first place in life ; (2) the danger of thesin of presumption le man think- ing he can improve on the plan of God ; and (4) the duty of all to admit Him into the home life. At the even. ing service the theme was "Remem- brance" based on Deuteronomy 8 : 25 "And thou shalt remember allthe way which the Lord thy ood led thee these Forty yeare in the wilderness, to hum• b)e thee, and to prove thee, to know what was is thine heart, whether thou would'at keep this cotnmand- merit or no." The Book Of Deuteron. omy has been called the Book of Re- membrance, comp 'sed of 3 addresses, (1) The introduction reminding Che children of Israel of their deliver. ance ; (2) a Practical Exposition of the law including the Ten Command- ments ; (8) A solemn renewal of the covenant. The wanderings of the children of Israel for 40 years in the wilderness has a parallel in the story of the Selkirk settlers who for 40 years, though attending the Anglican Church as adbeteats, preserved their identity until they were able to se core a minister, The fleet word of the text "retnernbse" teaches us to store our minds with good things, The Teri commandments and the shorter catechiern should be rem emb. Bred and taught in Sabbath and Day schools, i'he Second word "all" would teach us lo know something of the hardships endured in building rip our Dominion arid in the building of our ohurcbee and to remember all that Gori has accomplished by the tt5e of each denomination in the past, The third word "the way,' We ebotnld remember the e waynfQodin the life of nation our r umpire and our church, working Along Ilia way by preaching the gospel to the indi- vidual by our daily life and Christian exempla, Mr. McConnell is e strong and forcefui speaker and bis inspiring messages will not soon be forgotten by those tvho were privileged to hear them, n ft 1• !t .1. , it ft ,!1 it1►� ftEARS il 1 II 1L it fr t - 11 j 1 .. r t. t rsra • 91 . b tee'. Our Opportunities es are Often Found in Your Problems UR iacai manager is ready to die - p ease your fillanelal requirements and render nnY sevvioe compatible with good business practice. 'Our op- to financial service can BANKING Fi[`i4 YEARS powtuuitiee tender only be restricted by your failure to rip - proaoh ue, Tee Standard Bank main. tains a staff in your locality which is or. to especially deal with the titian- cial problems of year particular comuler- aeli and see the Manag- dial community ; er of the Standard Rank, . THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA, BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Sarnia, Manager , Fogy's Drums Store The s Store WEEKLY STORE NEWS Fly -Tax KILLa3 Flies Mbths Mosquitoes Roaches Bed Bugs Fleas Ants 50c bottle Water Glass Egg Pre'sorver: Good time now to put theta down. Easy to use. Sesults entirely .eat. isfactory. • 20c package Kastor Jess .•Pure Tait@less Oastor 011 , In delicious Cltoeo• ands ted late Coated O •ee a a ,. Splendld for chile - rem Ask for a free entwine. East Wawsnosh Council Niemen of council meeting°held an July 28th. Members all present, Minetee of . previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer presented his half yearly statement of receipts and expenditurers, showing a balance on hand on June 30th of $1898 38. A joint letter from the Minister of. Highways and the Minister of Agri- culture, Toronto, calling attention to the great loss occasioned by all mann- er of noxious weeds on the highways and asking the co-operation of the Oouncil in abating this evil. Both of these communications were ordered flied. An increase of $5.00 a year ask- ed by the (J. A. F. for hail rent was granted. The sum of $40.00 was vot- ed to both the Wiugham and Blyth. Fall Faire on the same conditions as formerly and $10,00 to the Belgravet School Fair•, By Law No. 4, 1925 ratifyiug the ap- pointment of Oollector and By Law No. 5, 1925, authorizing the collecting of 8 per cent extra for all taxes re- maining unpaid after Dec, 15, were read and passed, The following accounts were paid- J. McCallum, use of draper. 40 eta. ; the Municipal World supplies, 1688; J. A, McLean, plank for culverts, $6 4;f ; The "Advance" office, printing Voter's Lists and advertising, $84 35 ; J. A. Young, balance on contractDea- cou-Thompson drain, $225. ; P. Gib - bone, dragging, raking stones and un- der brushing,$10. ; M. Bruce, gravel, $5.40 ; R. iell, gravel, $17.55 ; P. W. Scott, gravel. $3585; M. Walden, gravel, $8 25 ; W. Walden, shovell- ing, $7.50 ; Stan Cook, shovelling $5, ; And. Shell!, shovelling. $12.50 ; Geo. Robinson, shovelling, $4. Council will hold their next meeting on Tues. Aug, 25th, A. PORTERFyELD, Clerk. The Question of Grading With reference to the setting up of a uniform standard of grading dairy products for the Dominion, a question which has agitated the minds of mem- bers of the House of Commons, it should be remembered that a uniform. system of grading has been in force wherever grading is dphe provincially, It is only recently that grading has been done Federally. Then in regard to a system of grading dairy products for home con- sumption, as well as for export, we find that the public have about all the grading that they care to stand for now. These reforms have to be carried out more less gradually. We have adopted an entirely new idea in the matter of the grading of cheese and butter for export --completely, reversing the practice that had pre- viously prevailed for thirty years. Thus the Department has done fairly well in even adopting a grading sys- tem for export alone. The home market has grown up as the result of a taste acquired by the public over a long series of years and the people are not demanding a grad- ing system of dairy products for home consumption, That, of course, would mean an increased number of inspectors and a much greater cost. It will probably be a few years yet before grading for export is fully ac- cepted by. the British importer, so that there is time enough to talk a- bout home grading. There is, how- ever, voluntary grading and the same principle is adopted in regard to in- spection and grading of eggs. It is. nob a new principle, but the Govern- ment may not think It advisable to go beyond this at present, and prnbeebly will not contemplate any new rulings. It but honest to admit that in the Matter of grading we are somewhat behind the times, just how many years is for experts to say, There is the risk that neglect to grade for home consumption may mean that second- grade and third-grade cheese and butter may be left for our Canadian consumers but it is largely a question of the cost of operation and also the advisability of going ahead rapidly or otherwise. The Department takes pride in hav- ing made progress. We started out late in the day,jbut we are going a- head. Undue haste, however is to be deprecated and we believe that the farmer will agree e with this opinion.. Activities that Neve to do with Iwo - duction aro left to the Provinces and matters respecting marketing and grading are left to the Federal auth- orities. The Department has to de- termine the line of demarcation be- tween leanineial and Federal auth- orities and all these details take time and demand patience. The Spirit of Liberalism The spirit of Liberalism is very mush alive and recent happenings in I4ova Scotia have not depressed it. The Mackenzie King Government since it assumed office, has increased the prestige and wealth of the,,coun- try. As the Dominion grows in popu- lation and in the conifort of its people it naturally follows that it enhances its potentialities for world service. Canada to -day is serving the world in the most important capacity that can be imagined. She is feeding hun- gry millions and the Liberal policy has made it easier to carry on pro- duction by decreasing the cost of the farmers' stock -in -trade, thus enabling him to make a greater profit out of his labor, which in the past has not been all that his work naturally de- manded. DIED CAElizabethlnArrmetrong, orelict lofmthhe late Peter Cantelon, aged 82 years, 8 months and 1 day. Enars.-In Oranbrook, on July 8001A, 1925, Thomas Ennis, in his 92nd year Trespassers- will be Prosecuted Tile Is to notify the public that notion will be token against parties trespassing on my property, Lot 6, con, 14, Grey township, This is final notice. - .THOS, ALCOOK. 1 , Notice to Contractors The Munloipal Councilof the Township of Morris is asking for tenders for a contract to repair the Grant Drain and the McCall Drain, Plans, specifications and estimates nt the Clerk's nfhoe. Tenders will be opened at the Township Hall, on Monday, August 17th. R. H. SHORTREED, A. MAoEWEN, Reeve. Olerk, Blaevale, Aug. Ord, 6025. Printing and Developing FILMS left with ue any day of the week will receive our careful and very prompt atten- tion as our Printing and Developing is done every day. We can supply either the Emit - man Flinn in the Yellow box or the Vulcan that has so long given the lieu of satisfaction, Fresh Stock of Films always on hand. We would appreciate having your name on our already long list of satisfied 'customers. HOLEY HOSE Druggist :-'How are you getting on at home while your wife is away for the summer e" Customer :-Fine and dandy, 1 can put on my sobke now from either end -sayer) alot of time." FOX'S DRUG STORE ,*Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER • 8011 fit Loved• -In Ethel, on August 2nd. 1926, to Mr. and Ere Harold W. Love, a eon (Ronald Harold.) BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat .............»,..»....... 11 25 Barley Oats Buckwheat Better Hoge 46 66 84 •»„..... 18 26 81 8158 as 21 81826 Farm for Sale (The old Hamilton Place) 190 sores, being 20/4 Iota 7, 8, 9 and North 40 sores of 10, Oon. A, Turnberry,township, Large first-class barn. splendid stone stabling ondernesth,• windmill, large driving shed, good frame house and atone kitchen, large orchard, never failing -spring on farm. 2 miles from Wroxeter village and 1 mile from School, This farm has boen 121 pasture tor soma years and will give hi heat returns. Farm lend values will rise. For articular; apply to TE08 GIBSON Administrator John R- Gibson eelnte P. O. box 77 Wroxeter Phone le Thursday, friday and Saturday Specials ALL STRAW HATS including Men's, Misses', Girls' and Boys', to be sold at ONE-HALF former price. Be sure and get some of these Exceptional Values. For Men MEN'S SHIRTS .70 .90 '1.00 1.25 1.40 Regular Sale 200 175 Men's Overalls Men's Overalls ............:... 1 75 1 50 Men's Overalls ......... ...:. 1 50 1 25 Men's Underwear, Marine Single Garment 75 Combination,, 1 35 Men's Underwear, Fine Cotton Ribbed Single Garment ,., .... 90 Combination /,1 50 . Men's Rubber Belts 19 Threshing Glasses and Gauntlets all prices—Men's Felts to be cleared out at 2 00 Men's Caps reduced to .85 1.00 1.25 Men's Sweaters .— Pullovers' and Coat styles -A11 prices. For Boys and Girls Boys' Jerseys, Cotton, t0 be sold at .30 Boys' Jerseys, Wool 1.35 Boys' Play Suits .89 Girls' Bloomer Suits -.89 Children's Rompers 1.25 Children's Sweaters All Prices For Ladies Ladies' Vests, -ends, assorted shades .39 Ladies' Bloomers, White,..:,:, ,,.. .39 Ladies' Bloomers, other lines ercantile Sales Co. STRETTON BLOCK” BRUSSELS