The Brussels Post, 1925-8-5, Page 1VOL, 54 NO, 7 902,00 iter annum iat• advance
5. L. KERR, Proprietor
1 chiropractic is Good :For
• 3ti i:i'
Yoli who suffer from these troubles will ' find . Relief
in Chiropractic. Investigate now:
Office Johnston's.
ce over
J on s Jewellery Store
ate 6p,tn.,Listowel, Ont. Phone 9
• ' ' r#dvertteemonts
Wall Paper -W, R. Love
Treepseere-Thos, Al000k
Perm for sale -Thos. Gibson
Oow for sale -J. P. Molnto.h
Eyesight Spoelalist-Ed,liatz
Keop•the story -F. R, Smith
Boarders wanted -Toa Poem
Hens for sale -Wm Crawford
Specials-Meronnt Ile Sales Co.
Sunday services -Coned Church
Studebaker Agencyy-T, G. Hemphill
Fall Term -Central B iµeiuess College
Walton Farmers' Oo•Operati ye Store
Broken linea -Owen Sound Fur, Store
Notion to contractors -Twp, of Morrie
Sewing Maehiue for Bale -Mrs, Whitfield
Notice to Creditors -Wm. E, Heist este'e
Chiropractic is good for -i), 0, W hltdgld .
Naist±t " etx s
A. L and Mrs. Cole, New York, and
Mise Gertrude Bristow, of Newerk,.
N ,L, were visiting with Mre, Albert,
C meev alno took in the reunion
at No, 5,Mcifeis, last week.
Walton Farmers'
Co o eratiue Store
Store is open every day +
+ and every evening ex- $
cept Wednesday.
+ Eggs and Cream m Wasted , I
" Gideon Hood, of Saginaw, and Alex
and Mrs, Hood, of Northbranch,
Mich., are visiting with relatives and
old frieude in and around town. They
came over to attend the reunion at
No, 6, Morrie,
George Hicks, of Centralia, liar
threshed 840 bushels of wheat off Mx
and a half acres arid the wheat tested
64 pounds to the b'oshel. This is over
'52 bushels to the acre.
$Brussels .United Church
Sunday, Aug. 9th
11 a. ni.-Pulpit Worship,
Rev. W. Treleaven, Lueknow
3 p. m. -Sabbath School Session
and Bible Classes,
WHITE ROSE + Tp, m. -Pulpit Worship :
GASOLINE + Rev. Mr. Treleaven
Broken Lines
At the
Front Bargqin Store
Ladies' e
d s Hose
Ladies' Lisle Hose in
Black, Brown and White,
Reg, 45c, to clear per pr.
Ladies' Black Cotton
Hose, good quality, just
a few prs. left, while they
last per pair 23c.
Ladies' Art Silk Hose in
Sand, Rust, Topaz, Gol-
den Pheasant, Peach and
Dawn. Sale pr;69c
Ladies' Pure Thread Silk
in Brown or Grey, to
clear, per pair 50c
Ladies' Chappy
and Pullovers
Kid Boot Pullovers ., Sale $3 25
Brushed Wool"Pullovers..:Sale . 3 75
Ladies' Chappy Coats Sale
P 395
Chappy Coats, Shawl Collars ...
3 95
Ladies' Golf Models Sale 3 75
Ladies' Bruited Wool Chappy 4 50
Owen Sound Carpet
& Furnishing kin.9
Next door to the,Alnerican Hotel
¶J'he Sunday Sehonl and members of
Trivitt Memorial Ohnrch held then-
annual picnic rib Grand Bend and a
most enjoyable time was spent by tell,
the weather being ideal. The sta0 et
the S, M. Sanders Mannfaetnring
Oompany also held their aunual pic-
nic at Grand Bend.
Rev. E Sheppavd, pastor of Jatnee
Street Church, was taken suddenly ill
on'Satut'dayslaat and ie still confined
to his bed, but bis condition is improv
ing dally, Rev J, Redmond, of Tor-
onto, supplied the pulpit.
There is 'an agitation on foot in the
village to have the street1,lighted by
hydro. It will be a good 1/love.
We understand that the firm of
Ashton & Radford have dissolved and
Mr. Radford will continue to run the
chopping mill. ,
When their ear plunged through a
barricade on the road near Wingham
and down a 10.foot enbankment,
turning a somersault on the way,
about 8 o'clock Thursday morning,
Gordon McLean, of Wingham, and
T. Perry, booking agent for a Tor-
onto film company, were painfully
injured. The accident happened
about two anda half miles from
Wingham on the Goderich-Wingham
road, at a point where the road is
under repairs. The driver claimed
that there were only white lights on
the barricade and that he did not see
it in time to stop, The car crashed
through the -obstruction. and turned
over the embankment, landing on its
aide. Mr. McLean had hie hand sev-
erely cut and was badly bruised. Mr.
Perry suffered a bad gash in one thigh
and was otherwise out and bruised.
They were returning from Goderich
at the time.
Mre: G. A• Wearying is holidaying
in Kincardine.
Rev. A. D. Armstrong and family
are enjoying a vacation at Kincardine.
Ashton Morrison visited in Bow-
marrville and St. Catharines this
R. A. A. and Mrs, Holmes, Olin -
ton, called on friends in the village on
Edward Gibeon, Misses Gibson and
McKercher were recent visitors at
Merton Howe and family, Toronto,
are spending a week with their sisters,
the Misses Howe.
Mre. Allan Howse, Pinka, Man„
visited her brothers, Arnold and Al-
vin Edgar, recently.
A. and Mre. Styles and two daugh-
ters, Fromme, Elgin Oo , were visitors
at the Mance last week.
Rev, Dr. Brown will be in charge
of the services in the United Church
in the absence of the pastor,
"Anderson and Mre. Black and little
sue, Toronto, spent the week eud with
theBlackformer's parents, Robt and Mrs,
Mrs. Geo. Monkman, nee Mise Mab-
el Stokes, and two sons of Medicine
Hat, Alta., who have spent the last
two weeks with relatives in this vic-
inity, left for Toronto on Monday.
Many are taking in the sports at.
Clinton this week. •
Miss R. Michie, of Milton, is visiting
with Mrs, Wm, Michie, 5th line.
Mrs. 0. Oloake
y and eon, Stewart,
are visitors in Clinton this week,
Mrs. Joe. Olegg and son, Jack, are
visiting In Clinton for the 01d Boys
Mre,_ Gen. Martin, Georgetown, is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. Mich-
ie, 8th line,
Mine Roberta Michie, Milton, is visit-
ing with her grandmother, Mre. Mich -
le, 8th line.
Mre, Davis, si„ Mre. Geo. Davie and
son, Jim, were visiting in Barrie, Aur-
ora and Toronto.
Morrie is asking for tenders to re-
pair Grant, and hleGall drains. See
advt. in another column.
Jim. and Mre. Anderson, Roes and
Jeerer. and Mrs, Anderson were vie
iters at Clinton this week;
An obituary of the late Mrs. Peter
Oantelon, who died last Thursday at
the age of 82 years, 8 months and 1
,lay. will appear next week.
David Oantelon and wife, of Van-
couver, are visiting with the formet's
sister: Mrs, Ed. Pollard, 6th line,
'L'bey, tnobored all the way here, a
distance of sone 4,000 miles.
Vieitore at the home of Geo. and
Mrs, Davis were Mr. and Mrs. Happ
and two sone, of Rochester, N: Y.
Mrs. Davis, er, went back to Roches-
ter with theta for a visit, hire. Rapp.
was Nettie Davis before her marriage.
The death occurred suddenly Sun-
day morning of George H. Lauder,
the local O. N. R. station agent, Mr.
„Lauder was in his usual health and
while upstairs he Was heard to sturu.
bre by his son,: who carne to his assist-
ance. Medical attention was unload.
lately at hand and Mr. Lander ryas
apparently relieved. Shortly after-
tvarde, however, he succumbed. death
being due to heart trouble. The de.
ceased, who was in his 78th year, was
well known in town, coining here
about 17 years ago as station agent,
succeeding the late John Straiton. On
Se tember 25 r.
p M Lauder expected to
retire from the Canadian National
eervice after a long and eucceesful car-
eer of some 58 years on the one road,
Starting while quite young • with the
Grand Trunk' Railway as an operator
at Kingston, he filled many positions
lb Toronto, 3 e11eville, Stratford, Mee.
Meal, as dispatcher and agent. Prior
to his appointment here he was sta-
HAVE now our fine
large stock of ,1 926
Wall Papers `to hand and
we want you to call and
see them and get out
Furniture and Wall Paper
tion agent at Tbedford. Mr. Lauder
took an important part in fraternal
societies in both the Odd Fellow and
Masonic orders, having 50 -year medals
from both orders. Mr, Lauder was a
member of Maitland Lodge, No. 83,
Goderich ; also a member of Stephen
Lodge, A. F. & A. M.,. of Toronto,
where he first joined. The deceased
is survived by two daughters, Bea-
trice, of the St. Catharines Collegiate
Gertrude, on the 0. N. R. staff here,
and one son! John, a druggist here,
hie wife having predeceased him about
two years ago. The funeral was held
on Wedneeday, under the auspices of
the Masonic Order to Maitland Cern.
Council met in Ethel on Monday.
Moncrieff Park celebration post-
poned until Monday, Aug. 8th.
Ford Kilpatrick, of Windsor, is a
visitor at the home of Mrs. Julia Men-
zies, 12th line.
Mr, and Mrs. Lutton and girls, of
Toronto, are guests of Mies Jessie
Strachan, 8rd Con.
Mr. and Mrs. Beaton and Mise Pig -
got, of Sarnia, are visitors with Mise
witzer, 12th line,
A greet number are taking in the
the celebratinne at Palmerston, Kit-
chener and Olinton this week.
Grey Council minutes may be read
on page 5 of this issue, They were
crowded out of last week's paper.
Our burg will be represented at
Ethel on Thursday.
Many visitors in this locality. Did
you let THE POST know,
Ml and Mrs. Naylor, of Chatham,
are visiting with Mr, Seel,
Miss Bolger, near Walton, has been
engaged as Principal of'our., school.
Mre. R K. McDonald has returned
from a visit at London and other.
Mr. Smalldon from Ohio is visiting
with his mother', Mrs, Harry Small -
Mrs. J. T. Brown, of Stratford, has
been here owing to the death of her
father, Thos. Ennis,
Mrs. D.Stui •
Carl and Miss Edna
Brown, of Stratford, were here at-
tendiug the funeral of their grand-
father, Thos. Ennis,
Master. Bruce Piggott, who is visit-
ing with the Misses Switzer, has just
received word that he passed his mus-
ic examination in piano at Sarnia,
with honors, Oongratulations, Bruce,
Mrs, Begg and eon and Mre. Myers
and son, of Windsor, accompanied by
their aunt, Mre. Baskerville, of Cent-
ralia, motored up and are visiting at
the home of the former's parents.
Ohas. and Ml's, Seel
Card of Thanks. ---The Long farr.ii;
wish to thank the many neighbors
and friends for kindnesses shown dur-
ing the illness and subsequent demise
of their father, the late Thomas Be-
nin, The kind words .and deeds aret
appreciated by the family.
Thursday morning of lust week
Thomas- L+nnis, a resident of Grey
Twp. for sixty eine years, ,passed
away at the house of his eon -in-law,'
Jacob Long, where he had made his
home for tate past eight year's, Mre.
Long hong a daughter, Although he
had been in failing health for some
time he was only confined to his bed
four weeks, His wife, who.wan Fran-
cis Taylor peedeceaeed him Deo. 25,
1010. Twelve children were born to
the home' as follows -R, 0., of Sen-
clec, Sask. ; Mrs, J. R. Hamilton, Ed-
monton ; Frank, deceased ; Mrs. J.
T. Brown, Stratford' ; hire, W, Islc-
Lanchlin (deceased), Sidney, of Kel-
wood, Man, ; Joseph (deceased Mre.
5'. J, Smith, Dauphin, Man.; Will, of
Rupert, Idaho 1 Pied, or Brussels ;
Mrs. J. Hollinger (deceased), and Mn,e
J Long with whom the deceased had
made his home since the death of Mre,
Then are forty one grand
children 0,11(1 twenty three great grand
children. Funeral was belt!' on Satur-
day afternoon, from the home of Jac,
ob Long, interment being made in
Brussels cemetery, Rev, Mr. Shan.
nob, 0raubrook, conducted the cervi-
cue, The pallbearers were t -J. Hol.
linger, J. Cameron, P. Baker, 0, Bak.
ed wasebor ingIIrelandand was the
ITR -Union held at S.S. No, 5,.Morri J� 1
Personal Paragraphs
Big Crowd of Former Pupils and Teachers Present to Enjoy
Fine Program.
Last Wednesday afternoon, ,Setool
Section No, 5, Morrie Township, held
u reunion and a big crowd was inv-
ent to renew old friendships at the
school house. Pt'eparatione bad been
in progress for some months and
sverythirtg passed off in good etylo,
Richard Procter, J. P., who was the
obliging Secretary for the re union
committee, was chairman' for the ar-
ternoou and a lengthy program was.
given. .
Following was the lengthy program
introduced by the chairman :-Music
by the Jaokeou Orchestra ; Chair-
man's address ; musical number by
Hawaiian Sextette; speech by Rev,
Austin Budge, Hamilton ; song, Jae
Taylor ; speech by Dr. otter, who
taught 40 years ago, xiow of Galt,
Iowa ;' Maisie lay Jackson Orcheetta;
speech, Dr. Bryane, Toronto ;' music
by Jas, Bell ; t'eadipg by Mrs, Vau-
wyck ; m.ueio by Toe. Rands ; mucic
by Jackson Orclteetra reading by
h1 re.Vantvyek ; speech, 'by Rev, Mt',
Brown ; broom dance, Harry Jack.
son • eon by James Taylor ; speech,
Mr, Stuthers, Charon ; Hawalin Sex-
tette ; epeeeh by Mrs. W. H, Fergus.
on, Toronto ; song by Gideon Hood
speech by Rev. Mr, Peters ; highland
dance, Frannie Jackson ; reading,
Mrs. Vanwyck ; Hawaiian Sextette ;
speech by Rev. Mr. Seobie ; duet,
Frank Hill and G. 'Hood ; God Save
tate King, as
(Continued on Page 4)
sort of the late David and Isabelle Eu-
nie, When a buy of ten years he
mune to Canada with his parents.
On his arrival at Quebec he became
separated from the other members of
the family and although an untiring
search was kept up he never heard of
them until about two years ago a
nephew, John Ennis, was located in
Sae*. He said all the other members
were deceased, so the late Thomas
Envie was the last of a family of ten.
Floral tributes consisted of two pil-
lows from all the family, two sherds
from the grand children.
Mrs, (Rev.) Geo. Jewitt, of London,
visited at Geo. Hall's this week.
Noble McKee, of Grimsby, le spend-
ing a few weeks at his home here,
Mr. and Mrs. Currie and Mr, and
Mrs. McKee spent the week -end In
Stt a tford.
Miss E. Woodcock,- nurse, of Tor-
onto is visiting her sister, Mrs. Har-
old W. Love.
Mr. Mulharen, of Brantford, is
visiting a few weeks at the home of
John Purvis, 8th Con.
Frank and Mrs. Bryan's, of Hamil-
ton, visited last week for a few days
with Joe, and Mrs. Ames.
Rev. and Mrs. D. M. Guest left on
Tuesday for a two weeks' vacation at
Huron Beach and Chatham.
John McNeil and family took in the
Old Boys reunion at Clinton on Tues.
day. Mr, McNeil is an Old Boy.
Master Wray Osborne, of Ripley.
spent a week with Rev. and Mrs.
Guest at the United ()buret; parson-
A. and Mrs. Weir, of Walkerton,
N. R, and Mrs. Weir, of Oshawa,
and Mrs. Ewing and eon of Toronto,
spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Mc.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Bray is not so well as she might be.
She has been recovering nicely from
her recent accident but a few days
ago took a change for the worse and
is now under the doctor's care suffer-
ing from nervous trouble.
The Ethel Softball team took part
in the Softball Tournament at At-
wood last week and in the first round
of the series were put out of the run-
ning by the Douegal team, which was
the winner for the day. A return
game between Ft.iu', and Donegal
was proposed, but :Se Donegal sports
seem unwF til to face our
On Sunday morning last, there was
an unusually large attendance at the
Ethel United Oburch for the first
Quarterly Oommunion of the year and
the number who partook of the sac-
rament on this occasion was the larg-
est for some time. There was also a
good attendance for the regular even-
ing service.
An enjoyable time was spent on
Tuesday evening last at F. Sleight-.
hobo's, when a Lawn Social was held
under the auspices of the United
Church. A eoftball game between
the girds of Ethel and Roe's was the
main attraetion of the evening. :The
Ethel team was the winner by the
score of 20-11, but both teams put up
is good game, Other games were en-
joyed, by the young people, after
which a program and refreshments
concluded the evening's entertain-
ment. - •
Minutes of Council meeting held in
the Township Ball, Morris, on Mon-
day, July 20, 1925, members present
and the Reeve presiding. The min-
utes of the last meeting were read
and approved.
Tbc report on the Jermyn Drain
was rend and provisionally adopted,
The following grants were made r
School Fairs, Walton, Belgrave Blue-
vale $10.00 each. Fall Fairs, Brus-
sels., Wingham, Blyth, $15 00 each.
The following accounts tverepaid :
Robert Genets, Patrolrnan $16815
Wm. Thuell, Patrolman $93 82 ;
Wm, Craig, Patrolman $13480 ; John'
Craig, Patrolman $19202 ; Frank.
Beirnes, Patrolman. $18777 ; Joel H.
Sellers, Patrolman $8290 ; Jamrs
Noble, Pattolmau $28278 ; J, B,
Procter, Patrolman $159 10 ; James
Leitch, gravel $20,10 ; William Mo-
Mutmay, Patrolman, $285.10 Herb.
Wheeler, Patrolman, $168 05 ; Jamas
Anderson, gravel $10 80 ; Ernest Ged-
des, sharpening grader $3.00 Robert
Young, refund error. in Bird. Drain
$11 75 ; H. Kirby, Wilmot Drain
$52.50 •, Blyth Corporation Hall rent
$20.00 assistance McCall Drain
Survey $480; Roy Patterson, Grant
Drain $0 00 ; James Clark, week
$17 40 ; Charles Bembridge, work
19,95 ; Municipal World, -signifies
$23.70 ; J, H, 'Sellers, Farm Bridge
The revised program m
of sports for.
the Celebration on Thursday includes
Tennis Tournament at 10 a, m,, Soft
Ball Tournaments in afternoon with
competing teams from Listowel, .Mil-
verton, Brussels, Monk ton, Moncrieff
and Ethel.
Novel and interesting races such as
slow horse race, boys 18 years sackraoe,
girls 100 yd. dash, (open) 100 yd. dash,
potato race on horseback, 4 men re-
lay, 120 yd. hurdles, fat women's race,
running high jump, heavy weight box
lug, 7 p. m„ Oudmore vs Howard, 170
Something doing every minute,.
Something for everyone to see. Fill
up your car and conte prepared to en-
joy yourself. 5000 people expected.
The concert at 8,15 p, m, in the
Presbyterian shed promisee to be a
treat. According to reliable inform-
ation from friends in London vicinity,
the Sunset Concert 0o. is among the
best entertainers in Western .Ont-
ario. Do not fail to hear them.
Sellers Drain $20.00 ; D. Ramsay, re-
pair culvert $2 50 ; Wilfred C.ougram,
work $1 80 ; Victor Haines, work
with team $20Sandy Campbell,
work with team 84.40 ; W. MoKib-
bon, fumigators $2 00 hos. Bryans,
digging drein $5.00 ; Bailey Parrott,
drawing gravel $1.60 , James Gibson,
gravel ,23 ; Russell Richmond, grad-
ing $2.60 ; James Nichol. Mustard
Drain $17 00 ; R. Michie, work
$18.50; J. J. McGaughey, work and
gravel $19 82 ; Harry White, cement
and gravel $43 50 : Lorne Russell,
work $7.50 ; Lewis Hollinger, work
$17.87 ; Russel Sundercock, Patrol -
mac Hullett Boundary $114,00 ; Mor-
ris $87.50 ; Wm, Gray, gravel 512:76
John Brown, work $6 25 ; L. E.
Cardiff, work $7.550 ; Charles Camp-
bell, Patrolman 5841.98 ; F. J. Shaw,
Patrolman $184,77 ; Ed. Johnston,
Patrolman $28885. Next Council.
meeting August 17, 1925.
A. McEwsN, Clerk,
thea e sere r passing, aesin on r Tues-
day, day, August4th, 1914, while attending
the Firemen's Tournament, bulletins
were put up announcing that Britain
had declared war on Germany and
her allies, and on Tuesday of this
week, 11 years have passed.
Many changes have taken place,
and Canada is now coming into her.
own once more, and with the promis-
ed bountiful harvest, good times is
just around the corner.
Though other ekies may be as
b ght,
And other lands as fair ;
Though charms of other climes in-
My wondering footsteps there,
Yet there is one the peer of all
Beneath bright heaven's dome ;
Of thee I sing, 0 happy land,
My own Canadian home 1
South Perth Progressives have de-
cided to nominate a candidate later
in the Fall.
Col. D. M. Sutherland, M. D., was
nominated Oouseevative candidate
in North Oxford.
F. W. Leppert, Walkerton, is the
choice of the Ooneervativee in South
Bruce. He won out in the Conven-
tion from Dr. Fowler, of Teeswater,
Hon, Mr. Baxter has resigned as
Federal member. Hia resignation
makes the fourth vacancy in the
House of Conmutone, Mr. Baxter is
Conservative leader in the present
New Bruinswick election campaign,
Robert J. McMillan, of Seaforth,
has been placed in the field by the
the Progressives in South Hu -
on, Mr. Slack dropping out after
serving n term. Mr. McMillan'e
brother, Thos. McMillan, is the Libel,
al candidate in the salon riding.
Both are sone of the late John •Mo -
Milian who
i. to
e area n d e
th r"
mole years ago,
Blyth Bowlers, who are naty holding
the Joynt trophy, defeated Lueknow
2141 hist week. A Brussels rink has
put hi a challenge,
ammeter defeated Stratford 3.0 in a
W. F. A, semi-final game. The re-
turn game will be played at Stratford
on Saturday afternoon,
Mre, ,Ino, Lott is visiting with old
friends at Oshawa,
Archer Grower was a visitor at*
Lietw [
o ei last e
'V dneaday,
Rath Wilton and son, of Galt, were
visitors in town on -Saturday,
Rev, and Mrs: George Jewitt, of
Sarnia, are visiting in Brussels,
Miss Eva Bryans, of Toronto, Is
visiting with her mother in town,
Ward Buchanan, of Detroit, was a
week-eud visitor at hie home here,
Barrister J. M. Best, of Seaforth,
was a visitor in town on Saturday.
Athol illeQtgareie and wife, of 'Tor-
onto, opeut the week end in Brussels.
Mies E. Youngeon, of Liman, bas
been the guest of H, L, and MM•e. Jack-
Mr, Emmerson, Hensel!, is relieving
teller in the Standard Bank at pres.
Rose Stubbs, of Calgary, le renew-
ing old friendships in and around
Wm, Johnston and Jas. Hitfron, of
Blyth, were visitors in town. last
Glen Armstrong, Toronto, was a
visitor at the parental home for a day
last week,
Rev. A. W. Barker,
D., was a
visitor in Kincardine for a few days
last week,
Mr•s. Mary Sperling and Miss Mil-
dred are visiting relatives in Olinton
this week.
G, H. cud Mrs. Sande and Master
Finlay are holidaying in Toronto and
other points,
Wyman Sparding spent the week
end at the home of bis parents,
Mrs.rch J8, A. Sehinbein, of Listowel,
was a visitor in Brussels last week for
a few
Mis,days. (Dr.) Bryans and children, of
Toronto: are visitors with Mrs. Ed
ward eryans,
Arthur Baue, Hamilton, is a visitor
with A. 0. Crooks and Russel Currie
to Mrie Twp.
Sanordy (Doo.) Walker, of Seaforth,
was renewing old acquaintance's in
town on Saturday last
Mrs. A. G. Carter, of Edmonton, le
here on a holiday visit with her
sisters, the Misses Fulton.
George and Mrs. Weller and hinter
Bobby, of Essex, were week end visi-
tors in Brussels with old friends..
Brian and Mrs. Scott and Miss Jean,
of London, have been visiting with P,
and Mrs. Scott and other relatives in
Misses Dora and Ruby Smith are
visiting Mre. J. Arthur Smith, of Ed-
monton, at her summer home, Lake
Leba,,Alta, -
J, W. and Mrs, Sharpe and daught-
er, Betty, of Toledo, Ohio, have been
visiting with the former's sister, Mrs,
4. J. Lowry and other friends in
Miss Fanny Thompson, of Hamil-
ton, is the guest of the Misses Hunter.
Mies Thompson is a former resident
of town.
John and Mrs. Henderson and
children are spending their holidays
with the former's parent@, Robt, and
Mre, HendeWillrson,
Walter iamson is helping
Harry Bartliff in his booths at Olin -
ton ;Old Boys'. Archer Grover is
also thjob.
Mrs,on Falliee and daughter, Kathleen,
of Toronto, Mrs. Sabine and daughter,
Harriet, of London, are the guests of
auk Str
Miasea AIma and Betty Hunter•,! of -
London, who have been visiting their
Aunts here are spending this week
with relatives at Bervie,
Calvin and Mrs. Oampbell, Indian
River, and Hugh Campbell, Gaylord,
Mich.. were visiting with S. and Mrs,
Walker and other friends,
Mrs, (Dr.) McKelvy, of Toronto, is
spending a couple of weeks in town,
making her headquarters with the
Miens Downing, Flora street,
Nelson and Mrs. Wiliiamson and '
children. of Toronto, were visitors in
town this week with relatives, 01d
friends were glad to see Nels. again.
Mrs. Wilkin, of Harriston, and Mrs.
Blair, of Preston, daughters of the
late Rev, J. W. Gilpin, are visiting
with their uncle, J. J. Gilpin, Church
Mre. Frank Clem and Jack, of Shot -
home, Idaho, are visiting at the
homes of Geo. McNichol and Win,
Basket•'Denny returned to Buffalo on
Saturday after spending his vacation
hi Brunets. Belot* Mr, Denny left be
donated S prizes for girls at the Brue-
eels Fall Fair,
'In the item'in last week's POST re-
ferring to the visitors at the home' of
Mrs. Robt, Kerr the omitted the name
of Mrs, R, A. Kerr, who accompanied
her husband from Galt,
Mre, John Clark and daughter,
Isabel, of Rockville, Min„ end Mise
Hamilton, of Albion, N. Y., are here
on a visit with Nesbitt and Mrs. Ham-
ilton, the ladies being sisters of our
/ Will and Mrs, Emigh, of Gaud Val-
ley, and Judge and Mrs. Jackson, of
Lethbridge, were callers in Beuesels
on'l'uesday. We are sorry to learn
that Mr. Emigh's father, at Blyth, is
seriously ill.
Joshua nud Mrs. Bateman, of Tor-
onto, were'visitots in town this week
with the former's brother, John Bate-
man, The vieitore went ou to Tees -
Water and will spend the test of their
holidays at the Soo,
0, IL Kerr, of Oakville, paid a fly-
ing visit on Monday to his uncle end
anut, J. J. and Mre. Gilpin, from Olin -
ton, where he is'taking the Old
Boy's Reunion. He is a son of Rey,
W. E. Kerr,. of Vancouver, formerly
of Clinton,
Earl Raig and the Duchess have re.
calved a warm reception everywhere
they visited in Canada,