HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-7-29, Page 1VOL, 54 NO. 6 2.00 jzer annum in advance ERUSS. LS; ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, ,DULY 29. 1925 L. KERR, Proprietor Five Requisites R of Success: are ambition, ability, experience, opportunity and capital. If ambition beckons you to a busi. --mess career, of what avail are ability; experience and opportunity without capital? Theone sure way to have capital when opportunity arrives is to start saving your money .tow. We will welcome your savings account how- ever small. �Tb1E Bank of NOW Scotia ESTABLISHED 1832 F. M. WILMOT Paid-up Capital $ 10,000,000 Reserve - 10,000,000 Total Assets - 219,000,000 Manager Brussels 2411 New Advertisements Pound -Tint Peer Vernal -cc, .r. prnc'o• Honoy-G, A, Dead man Roomy gar Salo -'Part Poo' Rlortgage, Rale -A. R. Monteith. Sree Pants-41mma, the clothier Weald"' Store News -James Pox Roney for sale -Mitchell Apories. P10•nto—Tho United Churoh S. S. Notion to Creditors -David Clark estate. Prices Smnsbo i-Cwrn Soo, d Carpet Co. Ohiropractic for Ito dooht s -G 0. Whitfloid Tractor Demonstration -McIntyre ,>r Uud• more 4 tslr.iLl ekes JAMESTOWN Cecil Payne is working in Iondon. Mrs. T. Morton and sons, om and Frank, and Mr. Russell, of Toronto, were week end visitors with Bernice and Mrso.Payne and family. Ethel Old Boys' Reunion -Aug. 6th Misses Edna and Annie Morton, of Toronto, who have spent the past two weeks with Miss Gertrude Payne, re- turned to their home Sunday. The trip was made by motor. CRANBROOIC Ethel Old Boys' Reunion -Aug. 6th Miss Dorothy Htrmrltua, of Atwood, is spending a few days with he. friend, Mise Edith Gnrsality. A. J. and Mrs. Foerster and family, of Detroit, have been on their annual holiday to friends in this locality. KILLED IN' MANITOBA —Loot '.Ven nesday, James Noble, of the 12th Con., received a teletram, stating that his son, Harvey, had been killed in an automobile accident near Ben• ito, Alan, l'he . car had plunged through the railing on a small bridge into a slough and he was instantly killed. Deceased passed through strenuous service during the Great Prices Smashed ON Floor Covering For Thursday, Friday and Saturday At the Red Front Bargain Store Congoleum Rugs All Rugs are Genuine Gold Seal Perfect Goods 6 x 9 ft. Reg, $`9oo Sale $ 7 45 7 x 9 ft, Reg. i t 25 Sale 9 50 9 x 9 it, Reg. 13 5o Sale 11 25 9 x i0 ft. Reg. 15 75 Sale 13 50 9 x 12 ft. Reg. 18 ooSale 14 75 9 x iii' ft. Reg. 20 25 Sale 17 50 9 x i5 ft. Reg.' 22 5o Said 19 50 Floor Oil Cloth and Linoleum We still have a few yards, of the best D Qual- ity Oil Cloth at Sale Price per square yard...; 5 oC Linoleum Remnants, Sale price per sq. yd.. 50c 1 Tapestry' Rug Special 2 J x 3 yards Sale 1 Tapestry Rug Special 9 X 12 yards Sale $19.85 $14.95 Owen Sound Carpet & Furnishing Co, JNO. H. HART Phone 1OOx JAS. GRIMOLDBY Next, door to the American Hotel War and had not enjoyed good henll.lt since from the effects of gtts potson- ing, A, brother was killed- overseas, The remains were brought home for burial, ETIiEL Ethel Old Boys' Reunion -Aug, 6th Miss Evelyn Hayden spent a few days last week with friends at Roe's. Rev. and Mrs. Eric Anderson and daughter, Bernice, of Monkton, vis- ited at the Parsonage with Rev. and Mrs, D. M. Guest. George Lowry of Brussels, was re- pairing the chimney on the United Church parsonage on Friday last. On Tuesday, during a severe electrical storm which passed over this vicinity. the parsonage was struck and it was very fortunate that the only damage done was the destruction of the chim- ney. A Lawn ?Social wi.1l be held on Thursday evening of this week at F. Sleighthaltn's, under the auspices of the Ethel United Church. A ladies' softball game will be played at '7 pan, sharp between Ethel and Roe's team. Everybody come. Remember the church services next Sunday at the Ethel United Church,' A special Sacramental service will be held at 11 a,m. when the three cod- gregations of the Circuit are invited to unite in this, the first Communion service of the United Church. The regular evening service will be held at 7 p.m. and the afternoon service at Union Church at 2.30. Let every- one endeavor to make these services interesting and helpful. ++44+4+++44+++44+++++++++4 Brussels United Church REV, A. W. BARKER. B. D. MINISTER Sunday, Aug. 2nd 11 a. m. -Pulpit Worship. Subject "Loved, Loosed, "Lifted" 3 p. m. -Sabbath School Session and'Bible Classes. '7 p. m. -Pulpit Theme : ' "The Command of Life's Admiral" Wednesday evening, 8 o'clock : Prayer and Praise Service. ++++++++++++++++++4-144 4-1-1-+ Reunion of Old Pupils at S. S. No. 3, Township of Grey Happy Gathering at School Grounds lost Thursday Afternoonand Even- ing - Many from a Distance Were Present - An Excellent Program Offered, Beautiful weather, bountiful eats exouberant and best of spirits -what more is needed with a committee that had everything in good order, to be- speak a first class old boys and g'wle reunion. Such were the conditions on Thursday last when the School Sec- tion No. 3, Grey Township, held their lirst home -coming. were dressed when they attended the "Welcome" printed on them. .At the school gate a large evergreen arch was erected and flags and bunting were to be seen every place. The re- ception committee were at the gate and as one registered, a heart -shaped tag was given with the wearer's name written on it. This was an easy way to find out who the other fellow was --and we found many old friends who had pretty Nearly grown out of all recognition. A parade, headed by the Mount Forest Kiltie Pipe Band, and with ex - pupils, dressed as our fore -fathers SCHOOL HOUSE The value of these reunions, is a medium for honoring worthy ances- tors, strengthening ties and develop- ing closer friendships.. As one approached either by the North or South road, the eye was met by big banners, with the word BUILT 1N 1877.' old log school, and then the present day pupils, followed by many in fancy and comical costumes, marched down to the school grounds. The school children opened the afternoon's pro- ceedings with a chorus. Continued on Page 4. There was quite a crowd out on Friday night to witness the men's softball game when the Ethel team played a friendly 'game with a team chosen from the softball enthusiasts of Brussels. Although the Ethel lads lost by 1$41 it was an interesting game with the town boys showing the result of their more regular practices and experience in the pqpular bame. The Ethel team appreciated the wil- lingness of the Brussels boys in com- ing to give them the opportunity to enter into a game with them and a return game is being considered. Quite a few from the vicinity of Trowbridge passed through here one day last week en route for Bayfield for a day's picnic. We were wonder- ing what the big hurry was all about that such speed was being brought out of some of the cars and then word was received of a big smash up near Brussels' in which some of the merry crowd were quite seriously in- jured. The drivers of the two ree- 1 ing cars deserved to miss the picnic. But is it fair to spoil, the day for a Farmers Attention TRACTOR DEMONSTRATION WILL BE HELD ON THE FARM OF Mr. Robt. Simpson One-half Mile North of Brussels FRIDAY, JULY 3lst, 1925 Demonstration of Plowing will commence at 2.15 p. i<n. sharp. Mr. Sage, expert Plowman, of the Canadian Oliver Chilled Plow Co., will be in attendance. - You are cordially invited to attend this Demonstration. Bring your Friends. McIntyre & Cudmore FORD DEALERS - BRUSSELS FORD CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS whole lot more besides endangering peoples' lives? The Garden Party held by the Presbyterian Church on July 17th was a decided success. Although the weather was not very favorable a large crowd attended. Seaforth Kil- tie Band, Mrs. Hamilton, of Listowel, and Messrs. Henry and Sibthorpe, of Auburn, supplied an Al program, which everyone enjoyed. The pro- ceeds amounted to over $200.00. GREY Ethel Old Boys' Reunion -Aug. 6th Le Roy Hiles and wife, of London, are guests with Everett Hoover, llth Con. Mr. Fowler, of Edmonton, Alta., was a visitor this week with R. J. and Mrs. Hoover, 9th Con. Mrs. Thos. Alcock, Con. 14, has 10 - turned from visiting friends, at Listo- wel. Stratford and London. There will be a meeting held in Walton on Friday evening at the 1.7. F. 0. Hall and addressed by J. W. King, M. P. Regular meeting of Grey Council will be held next Mondaf. There will also be a Court of Revision. The En- gineer's report on the ' Fraser and Love Drains will be read at this nmeet- ing, ne's church purposes holding a. social evening at Ibe home of Austin Rayner,d, Friday evening of this week, Good program and games are being arranged. Lunch ,will be set v - ed. Admission 15 an 1 10 cents J. H. and Mrs.` Clark, Miss Maly Clark, Foster and Mrs. Hoydge and Master Herbert, of Toronto, were holiday visitors at the home of Isaac and Mrs. Lake, 10th Con. The visi- tors are cousins. Old visitorsdtfrom Michigan were back for the old boys re -union at S. S. No. 3, in the persons of the Chap- man brothers, who formerly resided on the 6th Con., 12th lot. It is 40 years since they were home. Those here were Jas. and Mrs. Chapman of Kapac; and John H. Chapman, of Dexter. They motored over for the re -union and returned home on Satur- day. M. C. Hamilton and wife, of Prince Albert, have been 'renewing old ac- quaintances in and around Brussels locality and visiting with the former's brother-in-law, John Bolger, 17th of Grey. The visitors were also Here to attend the re -union at S. S. No. 3 last week. Mr. Hamilton went West in 1887 to start an undertaking busi- ness in Prince Albert and has resided ittAtt44.1.4.4444141014444441444.44444 - V (it 'Pic'Nic Ift A Sunday School and Con. • gregationat Pic-nic of the United Church will be held : in Mr. Davidson's Grove on Thursday afternoon of this week. Oato for service will kindly be ab the Church about 1.80 p. in, Ladies please bring Lintel: Bas- kets. A program of Sports for old and young is being arranged, Pack up your troubles and smile and bouts,, Booth will be of grounds, -- Honey THIS season's Honey is now THIS for sale. Beving purchased the late Law - voice Wheeler's bees last Spring; we wish to announce to this former customer's that we will be glad to look after .their mance ir, this line. Owing to 0001 weather during the fore p1n't of tashe •t;rrp was reducedhe s0by aton, leastt 60% Oustomers should secure their supply now. First-elaee White Closet Haney at 1 OC For sale at Si 0seels Club Store, MITCHELL APIARIES R. R 1, Listowel M, -lest 01111 'Phone there practically all the time. They left by motor on June 1st and have travelled 4,300 miles. They went through Portal, N. D., Fargo, St. Pauls, Minneapolis, Chicago, Grand Forks, Lanning, Detroit, Niagara Falls, into New York State, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto and Lon- don and expect to go back by the Soo, Fort William and Winnipeg. They have had a pleasant visit,: Thursday morning, David Clark, a lifelong resident of the 14th Cou., passed away in hie 81 year. Over two weeks ago the deceased underwent a serious operation, hot the shock was too much for his constitution, De- ceased is survived by one son and one daughter, both at home. His wife predeceased him about 3 yeats ago and some 35 years ago, 6 small child- ren died from diptheria. The funer- al was held on Saturday afternoon from his late residence and interment was made in Brussels Cemetery, Rev. Mr. Shannon, Presbyterian Minister. Cranbrook, conducted the services at the hoose and burying grounds. The pallbearers were : Dune. Johnston, Donald Buchanan, Gen. McTaggart, Robt. Campbell, Wm. Vencauson and Jas Grant. Deceased was born in the State of Maine and when quite young came to Canada w,th his parents and settled in North Oxfnrd for 4 years. In 1855 they moved to lot 10, 10th Cnn, of Grey, and cut down the bush. In 1878 deceased married Annie Buchan- an, and moved to the 14th, which ryas also a bush farm. For 70 years the late Mr, Clark resided in Grey Twp. He was a life long Presbyterian and Liberal. To the bereaved the heart- felt sympathy is eaftended in their loss. MONCRIEFF Ethel Old Boys' Reunion -Aug. 6th Elmer G. McKay, Principal of the High School at Major, Sask., is visit- ing with his father, Wm V. McKay. The Mission Band will serve sand- wiches and hot coffee in the basement of the Church on Park night (Fri- day), A week or to ago while playing football, Wm. V. McKay bad the misfortune to fail and break his shoulder hone. He is doing as well aspnnld he expeered. Don't forget the annual Park cel- ebration at Moncrieff on Friday of this week, The well known Bruns- wick Trio will supply a program en- tirely new. Commencing at 5 pan. a good program of sports will be run off, including base ball,, foot ball and soft ball. At 9.30 pan, the dancing pavillion will open and the music' will be supplied by the Wroxeter Orches- tra. The public is invited to spend the afternoon and evening at our celebration. MORRIS Ethel Old Boys' Reunion -Aug. 6th Gilbert Speir, 5th line, underwent an operation in Fergus Hospital and is doing fine. Colin Greig, Niagara Falls, N. Y., has been pisiting Frank and Lorne Nichol, 6th line. Mrs. W, B. Lundy end son, Bobby, of Hamilton, are visitors with Albert and Mrs. Crooks, 4th line, Mot ris. Wm. and Mrs. Speir, James and r Mrs, Kerney and Miss Florence spent Sunday at D. D. McKellar's, Crom- arty. 1, Weliitce, of '1`orontn, was a yi - itor with Albert and Mrs. Orneks, taking in the reunion hi S. S, No. 3, Grev. Mrs. Robt. Nichol has returned from an enjoyable visit with Kincar- dine friends where she also took in the Orange Celebration held there. Miss Phyllis Abbot, who has been visiting Miss Verena Clark, 5th line, has returned to her home at Orange- ville. Miss Clark returned with her for a short visit. H. 0 and Mee. Elder, Tiilsonburg, have returned fton a trip to the Coast, and 11Irs. Elder and children are spending the week -end with her parents, W, A. and hire. Cunning- ham, Gravel road. WROXETER Miss Bevington, of Cleveland, is holidaying at the home of her aunt, R. and Mrs. Pye, Toronto, are visi- ting the latter's parents, R. and Mrs, Black. Miss Effie Goodfellow, Toronto, is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Tait, Sommorville Hamilton, son of the late John and Mrs. Hamilton, who has spent the last six months in Florida, called on old friends in the village Thursday. Civic Holiday In response to a petition largely signed by the bustnees men of the Village I hereby proclaim t� Monday, Aug. 3rd as Civic Holiday for Brussels and ask all citizens to observe it as such. A. 0. BARKER, Reeve. S. and Mrs, Dobie, Kincardine, were recent visitors with A. laidMrs. Wearring. Rev. Mr. Kinder•, Leamington, a former Rector here, spent Friday in the village. Mrs. C. White and children, Brus- sels, and Mrs. E. Rann and Little son, London, are guests of their father, Reeve Henneberg. Thirty-five automobiles, advertising the Palmerston Old Boys Re -union, visited this village Wednesday after- noon last. The Rev. A. D. Armstrong extended a hearty welcome to the vis- itors. Palmerston Band rendered several good selections. Personal Paragraphs l Bowman Galbraith is spending his holidays in Goderich. Elsner and Ales. Ewan and sou are holidaying in Toronto. Miss Ina Bryans, of Toronto, is spending her holidays in Brussels. Mrs, Haber, of Vulcan, Alberta, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. F. Suet - on. Mies Lena Ritchie and Grace Grier, of Oitarva, are guests of Mies Grace Stewart. Mise Wilma Galbraith is visiting with friends at Bobcaygecn and oth- er pointe. Mrs. C. • White and children are holidaying in Wroxeter at the form- er's home. Frank and Mrs. Bryans, of Hamil- ton, are holidaying at the home of Win. Bryans, Miss Audrey Rodmill, Toronto, is a holiday visitor with Chas. R. and Mrs. Davidson. Rev, 0, F. Clarke and Miss ItIaty Clarke of Goderich, were visitors in town on Monday. Mr, Maxwell, of the London Adver- tieer Staff, gave THE POST a friendly call last Thursday. W. J. and Mrs. Procter attended the funeral of the late Mr. P. Brown at Clifford on Sunday. Mrs. W.O,rand son, Bill, of Cal- gary, are visiting „at the home of Alex. and Mrs. Strachan, W. A, Qrewar was a visitor in Tor- onto last week for a day or so, com- bing business and pleasute. Miss Lyle McCartney, of Toronto, was a guest during the past week with Miss Carrie McCracken. Seaforth Expositor says : Mrs. Jno. T. Elgie and daughter, Thelma, are visiting at Brussels this week. Misses Lillian and Marguerite Hart of Owen Sound, are spending a few days with George H. and Mrs. Hart. Mrs. A. C. Baeker and Miss Mary, accompanied by Mrs, P. A. McAr'ihur, are holidaying at Burly Falls and Minden. Mrs. Walter Hunter, of Toronto, better known to Brusselitee as Mise Nellie Irwin is the guest of the Mis- es McCracken. Dr, F. J. Bryans, of Toronto, is vis- iting with his mother in town, stirs. Bryans and children are holidaying at Bruce Beach. Mrs. Wm. James and son, Wrn., and Mrs, J. Becker and sou, Barry, were week -end visitors with Robb, and Mrs, Anderson. Jim Olivet motored from Detroit to spend a few days under the par- ental roof, He carne to attend the re- union in No. 8, Grey. Mrs. M. Blair, Brantford ; Miss Edith Hodgens, Toronto ; and Misses Alma and Betty Hunter, London, are guests of Misses Hunter. Robert and Mrs. Henderson were at Seaforth last Tuesday attending the funeral of the forrnet's brother, the fohcnet's brother, the late George E. Henderson. Misses Sarah, Belle and Margaret McLauchlin, of Teronto, and Miss Elizabeth McLauchlieh, of Saskatchew- an, are renewing old friendships m and around Brussels. R. J. MGKinuey, of Trinidad, West Indiee, was a visitor in town last Thursday. He's an old Bruseele boy, his father having conducted Lite Am- ericom Hotel here years ago, W. G. Rupp, St. Thomas; Miss Mil- dred Barnith, Harriston; Mrs. C. R. Rupp and Master Douglas, of Bran- don, Man.; spent the week end with Thos C and Mrs. Davidson. Stewart and Mee, Scott, of Hamil- ton, were vieitore for a few days at the parental home. They were ac- companied back by their son, Donald, who had been spending part of hie vacation with his grandparents, Pete, et: and Mrs, Scott, Duncan and Mre,`Buehanan, Duluth Minn., who have been visiting with the forrner'esietet, Mts. Robt, Kerr, have returner laotne on account of Mr. Buchanan's ill health, Week- end visitors to nee Mr, and Mrs, Bnehathati, ware the children of Mrs. Herr and their families : 1), B. and Mrs. McDonald, 800 and daughter, Galt; H. 1.t, and Mrs, Horton, son, Alfred, and wife and Billy ; R. A. KArr, Gala ; Edward and Mrs, Wale lace, Toronto, - _