The Brussels Post, 1925-7-22, Page 6EATING TO FIGHT HEAT
and. sugars for fuel and power ---all T m Try »
these make a balanced ration, which
w111 furnish health, •comfort and
horse power through the hottest spells,
BY WOODS IIUT CUINSON, M.D. "Eat to fight heat" seedern July 26, The Qoun° at Jorusal
Nearly everyone joins heartily and ing outfit 'can make one and let no motto. Acta 161 1.30. Golden Text -
'joyously in the familiar charas: country gentewoninn take no fpr an --- -t, »"- believe that through the prate of
"In the good old summottinte" answer, t Lerd Jeaue Gimlet we shall he sa
But there is one group of chorlatove This raises the queetion o£ the 1.e ;v Acta 161 11.
whose responee .ie sometimes a little and if this cannot be obtained Ervin a 1( + -' ! ANALYSIS,
lacking in warmth and calor, and that neighborhood ice wagon, or by a trip 1T #;
is the womenfolks et the average to town lir the Atvv..t, the best soh*. "'
{ 1-5,
boathouse. tion is an ice hauka. On the farm, if
Especially if they have to wi'eet}e feasible; if not, in the near neigh- Tate QUESTION REFERRED TO z
'with hired hands or sonnei boarders, boyhood.
+ l �'tr:d�✓.rs �+ Ifs{ 1�� Meter, AT .rauusALEM, 0-il
or bothi A 'suitable stream can usually be
roc them the rare poetry hr leafy .found and dammed and the hottee built
summer is eemp:etoly drowned by the by eo-operation tit very little expense,
clatter of dishes and the sputter of ' aa the materials aro. cheap and the
hot grenso in the frying pan. !work can all be done at the slackest
The scent of the lilacs, the sl)iey reason of the year.
waft of the soft summer breezes may! ANCIENT DELUSIONS EXPLODED.
fie all outdoors, but in their kitchen , Ito alone takes half the Wine off
prison these delicate perfumes have no meals in hot weather, It eliminates
ghost of a chance against the pungenttho sloppy, greasy butter scooped up
aroma of onion stew end the stui•dy,'with' a ,.pours, the lukewarm drinking
tit -oleos fragrance of pork end cab -'water, the half -sour milk, the wilted
bage, are the fluting songs of birds' I salad greens and other things that
g I cause two-thirds of the distaste for
and the cool men rustle of forest. the very idea of eating,
boughs in orchard and woodlot tot You perspire at the mere thought,
thein, when their fifteen -hours -a -day, of sitting down to a greasy, lukewarm;
job has run from fishing ecores of red -,meat in a hot stuffy room; But with'
hot doughnuts out of the sizzling' everything either cool and crisp from'
crater of a stove volcano, to chasing the ice box, or tasty and piping hot,.
an endless chain of slimy, slippery from the blessed blue -flame oil stove,
dishes through the greasy, lukewarm eating becomes as great a .pleasure in
whirlpool of the dishpan? I summer as in winter.
the 1 BY HF>,FN 8
Our form ie on a much-emote:ed
provincial road, We made up ou
composite 1amt:y mind that we eer-
0a? teinly wouldn't ho any worse orf to
sell what we could at the farm than
Irrt to give away the labor esf months to
;Gm unaympathetic grocer or bulk
us dealer,
nue " We hung out our shingle and diff-
�en dently awaited the passer-hy. The
nn- latter mluly rushed past, reading our
!s- prominent sandwich board as he went;
ohd, gave his brakes everything they had
-and in a satisfying number of cases
eh backed up to the roadside market,
he That was when these markets were
od more or less of u novelty. To -day we
ho have our regular customers year after
year, and would not think of selling
se, our stuff through n middleman. It is
ay aal' very simple end satisfactory ---if.
IE- i The ifs to the succession roadside mar-
ket are worth noting,
I's Unless you are selling something
re rare and wonderful, like the famous
rte mousetrap, you have got to be ettuat-
eh cd on a busy road, preferably near
he good-sized towns whose people are
of profitably employed.
n'( We have been surprised to see the
;.e number of markets which lack eye -1
mtaking signs. We have finally settled
rel on a large sandwich board standing
: on ire own twin ends" -each side fac-
e-rIng the appraaching driver. You
ens hardly over see a sign reading from
ut both directions ea it should.
int A driver detests 'stopping, It 1s
er, big point to be on a straight road, as
bwe are, where sign and produce' can
e b0111"'811' a quarter of a mile away.
ty erwse the. on',y thing to do is to
at put up more signs three hundred or
to so feet from your market,
✓ Because' prices are constantly
changing it is better to tack white
cardboard on to your foundation and
m-' letter new prices 'each time, rather
el than use a blackboard and chalk. We
le have found that a clear white back
y,' ground, heavily and plainly lettered
r -,in dark blue, black or red crayon,
° ° i did not observe the external purifica
tions of the Jews, God had given them
le an inward principle of purity, "cleans-
ing ing their hearts by faith." This, said
h Peter was the real principle to bo
n insisted upon.
V.10. To go further, and to insist
t on placing the whole burden of Jewish
ceremonial on the. Gentiles, was no-
thing less, therefore, than to tempt
re God. Even the Jews had found the
C ceremonial law a weary and often
unintelligible "yoke," which they were.
n not able to bear.
g V. 11. After all, as Peter said, the
s Jewish Christian, as touch as the Gen-
" depended absolutely on the grace
h of Christ for salvation. He had trans
ferred his faith from temple and law
-, and sacrifice to the dear merits of the
? Crucified One. Therefore, the Gen-!
makes the sign de luxe, A blacicboard
r is always dingy and does not ahaw up,
while chalk cannot be easily reed at' Were you ever in a farm house
'any time. Not finished lettering, but where it their a half hour's hunt for
plainness, dome the trick, a rusty port and a perfectly dry ink
; Gauntry produce has got to be bottle? In ohe such skirmish recently
sound and. good and.the price some the master of the house said help:etts-
Ilrelow the retelier-or yore will intently, "Where is that; pen and ink?" but
out as euro as the word. Uur main nobody could answer the question,
roadside produce aro potatoes and Then came a hasty search of various
cabbage, With garden surplus in sea-, pockets for a lead pencil which ilnaey
'eon, in the case of cabbage, eachli.esulted in a broken stub whieh had
rtwrning we pile a big pyramid on a: to answer the purpose. It turned out
wooden stand, With a little sign of its during the fernery conversation that
own reading, "8 for 25o We se:'1; pen and ink were considered not as
quantities of early cabbage this way,' necessities,a but rather useless, and
as it is much cheaper than rho grocer; that when anything:did require some
leen retail for, at the same time being' sort of marks a pencil was used,
fresh and green, We sold over $1501 Pepe "are instinctively judged" by
worth of early cabbage from one -1 the mail Choy send out and n. good,
faurth,ltere this sumntor, all at the stibetantial envelope- addressed in
IN7RnDIVIInN - The moment°
First Missionary Journey of St. P
os now over, The gospel has le
planted in Antioch of Pisidia, in Ic
rum, in L,ysti•a and in Derbe, Them
slonarics return to Syrian Antio
""from which they had "bean commit,
to the grace of God for the work whi
they had fu:fialed," Paul and B
nabas reported to the brethren on t
success of the mission, and how 'G
, "had opened a door of faith unto t
Gentec:e," Acts 14:26-28.
But now ti serious contriver
breaks out, at Antioch, Its cause.1
not within, but without the great m
slummy church. . To understand t
present csson we should first read t
second chapter of Galatians. St, Pau
influence at Antioch had for yea
been directed to tee formation of o
undivided Church of Christ, in whi
Jew and Gentile should preserve "t
unity of the Spirit In the bonds
peace." He had adiletted Gentile co
',cite to the Church an rho alai
I:IP•TING. THE CURSE ea EDEN. 1 Indeed, with the far greater variety; 1. 011 HOME OR THIN STREET. ground of faith and baptism. He :h
But now happily comes science to 01 vegetables, salads and fruits and Plait -trimmed frocks have a free not insisted on Gentiles being eircu
lift the curse of Eden. To lead ea" the cooling vista of lemonades. iced, and easysmartness. cool and crisp else('or in any way bound by the cc
tea, fruit juices, sherbets and ice, p Moreor rote lead enc of Jandiar
flowing water into the house to quench aro these two dainty frocks, which are Moreover,. he had encouraged and
thirst, cool fever, wash away stains creams which the presence of ice opens: unusually easy to make from ono pat-' quire(' Jewish send Gentile Christi
and sweep impurities down its sinks up: the pleasures of the table maybetern, lmrglish print is used to de- to sit down at the same table. B
end sewers, oven more enjoyable in July and Aug -!',Glop the frock worn by the alder girl this wan an unheard of innovation
To bundle out murderous blazing ust than in winter, • and is very effective with its white the eyes of a large section of the old
monsters of coal /gives and bring in; A. good breakfast for summer Is organdy collar, tufts and belt, which Church of Jerusalem. Thera all tit
fruit, cereal, eggs, bacon or ham or, ;s tacked beneath the efts and ties members had been brought up to a
cavi, blue -flame ail and gas conkers' i fish two eaor three times a week, or, p` serve every particular of the biose
To build outdoor shed kitchens ands cam aniod bytoast or Graham ms' at the back. The small maid wears a Laty They had come to Christ 1
:laundries for summer, and cool open p gems frock of rose-colored chambray, with way of Judaism, and they thought th
air eating porches. Ior cornbread, winding up with griddle dainty edging of valenciennes lace on every other convert should come
To supply ice and bee boxes. t cakes of corn, rice, wheat or buck-. the collar and cuffs of her short Christ in the same way. Hence, r'.
To charm in the white magic of the ti wheat t sleeves.' Sizes 4, 6, 8 and 10 years.' tale Jerusalem brethren came do
electric current And harness it to lawn-" The latter are perfectly wholesome size 0 years requires 2% yards of to Antioch, and said to the Antiochia
dry machinery and vacuum cleaners and digestible and of high caloric 22 -inch, or 2 yards of 86 -inch mater- Christians: `"Unless you are lien
and dish -washing mcahlr.9s, value. The ancient delusions that.; lat. Price 20 cents. {deed after the custom of Moses, yo
bast, but not least, to balance and they were heating to the broad and; Home sewing brings nice clothes, cannot be saved,' Acts 15:1.
caused rashes and eruptions on theSt. Pto saw that a great principo:
enrich the variety of our foods, so as' p within the reach of all, and � follow, was at stake, and he acted prompt'
to get better health, more horse power; skin have. been completely exploded. - the mode is delightful when it can be Por years he had insisted that su
and greater comfort, without .Pers-: All the old nonsense about the; time so easily and economioally by' render to the crucified Redeemer was
citation to the eaters ar agony and. veekedness and unwholesomeness of .following rho styles pictured in our all that was necessary for salvation drudgery to the cooks fleeing" between nr-,els has also gone' now Fashion Book. "A chart aceom- from which it followed that no pe
It is quite a caoke.. to confuse or'; into the ash barrel. A cold lunch or partying each pattern shows the rra-`tition,tvall must be suffered to exfs
essociate in our minds eating work snack Mould go out to the fields at terial as it appears when cut out, benween Jewish convert and Genii
about nine °'oloek, in the middle of Every detail is exit:mined so that the cesuert, far all wore one in Chrf
heating, Contrary to universal popu-;'rho rue between breakfast and dinner. Tesus. White the J1 had not give
lar impression, eating does not make' inexperienced sewer can melee without had not interfered, it had give
us warm, even in summer. The only, Cool milk, with crackers or cookies,: difficulty an etirami:'e dress. Price the new movement its blessing. Pau
actual rise of temperature it produces. l
lemonade or fuitude of any sort, and bf the book 10 cents the copy. Bach felt that this state of suspense mus
is a mere, fraction of a degree, due to egg, cheese ormeat sandwiches are copy includes one coupon good for five exist no longer. He must go up
excellent and will add 10 per cent. to' cents in the purchase of any pattern. Jerusalem, and lay his views befor warmth of the food and the mus- a man's working power and comfort.' the Church. Accordingto Gal. 2:2
talar exertion of chewing and swal-i Use more beef and mutton, lightly! he went up "by reveltion." He fel
lowing it ' cooked, and less pork; use more green) r that God had called him to take sett°
frit in aro as cool fifteen
after the lest,. vegetables and fruits and tasty des-'�• " in Jerusalem. While he was a bl
gulp, y as you were be ; s its, including prepared jellies; and; 3 ° x�• enough man to stand alone for hi
fore dining and much more comfort use fewer heavy skews, thick gravies; I , i principles, if need be, he was hot con -
able. and hashes»»� i� tent to stand alone. He wished to
The main brace of summer diet, a ,£ to carry the whole Church along wit
Mould be meat,because it is s Incidently, a word in your care m him.
ppotis-1 Don't murder yourself by canning or THE BIRD'S .STORY,
ittg, stimulating, easily digested, helps putting up fruit in hot weather if I. SHALL CHRIST BE SUPPLEMENTED
other foods to digest and puts seep you have a :erg° family or many sum-: Do you know what a little bird told 1-5.
into work In hot weather as no other mer hands. Use up all the fruit you ! me to -day? V. 1. The interference of the Jerusa-
on account drink-possibly
Iexpeasfvene Of , have or can readily get fresh in July That d ',braer ve o only fel ow would and unded it, my lad, lean rstandable. tians at nThe ch z had natural
d Au u t, and tet If - h:y
throw clear away brought up In the strict practice o
1 clear blue or black Ink is most pleas -
1 It is necessary that your market be" ing In. offices where many letters are
located near the house if your lege handled Gaily, while in the case 'of
aren't to be run off. But it -is even, writing to old people, a good clean
more necessary to have it tis near the page written ininkis almost the only.
as you are allowed, eo that par -"tone the old''eyes can decipher. Even
chasers cern ran their cars elongsidol a hastily scribbled "Please excuse my
and ardor their wants without getting' lead pencil" will not atone for the sins
nit. Someone in the family hoe tel of neglecting to write with ink. Many
bo neatly dressed 'add ready to run people, say they "just hate" to write
ever minute of the season, 1
Y with ink, but so do people just hate
A cigar box full of small change and t to read letters written with a pale
a wallet full of bills fs strictly neves- pencil
seri,_ One must be always quick; Very few people who habitually use
courteous in the face of occasional a pencil inetead of a pen keep ac
complaints and difficult customers; i counts. And popple who write Ietters
and tactful and agreeable We try to, with pendia rarely write very many.
make a friend with each new face, for mhe people who enjoy •sending atld re-
friends recommend our stuff to their oelving letters are usually those who
friends, delight to spend time and effort on -
A want ad in a nearby paper he}pst them. They keep a good clear writing
a lot in drawing, new people out into fluid in the house as a matter of
the country. We open our market with' course, and see to it that the fountain
early potatoes -and the earlier the pen Is ,filled, or en easy writing coma
better for price and demand. 1 mon one is at hand. Ala° they man -
Until snow flies our sign does. its; age to have sumo sort of a desk with
efficient beat to bring business to US, soma. conveniences, It is really 00
as we sell the bulk of our late pota-' wonder some people hate to write let -
toes through it. We sold over $500 tere for they are forced to "Fake a pad'
worth of early potatoes last sun -
at the road.
oifeetive in supplying the deficiency 1 The other day 1 saw a little corner
caused by the lack of sun. , of a busy farmer's dining room that
But I get back to the basis of the had: been transformed into a tiny
tvhoic matter and I find,that sunlight' study. It had a cheap'desk, weal fit-
:tse:f-th° sunlight that shines upon; ted out with blotters, ink, paper, az,
our homes day after day -has alt of count books and envelopes, A good
the ultra violet rays that anyone cant lamp made it possible to work at
use, whether for chickens or babies, night, end there were evidences that
It is there for eui use; available with- every member of the family used the
out the aid of a Gvo hundred dollar corner by turns. Perhaps fifteen dol -
therapeutic" lamp or the prescription lore would cover every expenditure,
of a doctor. But many and many a for the dusk was second-hand, but it
mother fails to use it for, herself, had given more than fifteen. hundred
fails to use it for her babe dellara worth of satisfaction. There
It is not enough to have the sun was no,.tancy quill pen stuck up to
shining outdoors, while you and the show the latest style, but several geed
baby aro in the house. Those ultra holders fitted with different types of
violet rays will not penetrate window pen points, from the stub of the mem-
glass. The only way to profit by sun- ter of the house to the little one the
light is to get out into it -walk in it, six-year-old liked to "make letters"
work in it, sit in it, idle in it, This with.
is true of mother and babe alike. I am' The habit of writing letters and
very sure that one reason for that keeping accounts and recording im-
"tired feeling" that afflicts house -1 portant events is one that means doe
and h h stimulating an g s con n yourse vat
tg' g powers, 1t need' plums peaches apricot grapey ala -1
• P , Pe , o forth,' , • an one could be a Christian who was health and comfort of the hogs in keepers after a long winter is insuf-I Lars to the farmer and his family, as
The absurd old superstitions about in lata September and October, and; p aY- ;any
not alae an observer of theancient warm weather, and shade is an abso-1 ficiency of actual contact with the' weal as much pleasure. It is a vexn-
good wallow is essential to the
tiles must be free from the Law.
Ghrist must not be Supplemented.
Shaded Wallows for Hogs:
not be taken in very large quantities les 'ars late rhubarUy ands f th elis courage and manliness even in Judaism and • they did not see how
dining table accumulation if they take
meat being heating to the blood in hot' buy canned goods and fresh fruits in! But a Ittt a bird to d meyou bad. 'laws and ordinances. They were int° necessity, if the are to hope for
weather, or producing uric acid. re- winter and spring. 1 v lafraid that, if circumcision and other satisfactory gains.
°aiming gout and kidney troubles, had; D d h }d d • h' 4 .itte bird told me a story that's is f theLawdrop-This andt
abo t
ultra violet rays of the sun. -Dr. C. ton to try to write without a good
a ,unci an supper s au en wit requirements
o were H• Lerr'tgo. i pen and clear ink, but fortunately for
PPe T i shade ',allow does not in- less than a dollar one can buyoil the
ut as mach aatual foundation in a tasty dessert. such as stewed fruit,! rue- 'ped, the `covenant mercies" of God valve very much expense; in fact, the Tile Spraying of Grapes. (things needful outside the dsk, and
fact as the belief that calves weaned panned fruit, fru[t nice uddinga He told me, although he was dead, would be lost. But St. Paul• saw that g Grape -Vine Ilea -Beetle -In all that can be picked up far a song it'
j p How his body was crushed by a stone this indicated an insufficient faith in
one which is described in tol:ovrin
lit the decrease of the moon would; cake, bread puddings with custard, oa:„Christ as the sole means of the Chris paragraphs was btuit in a short time graperies where flea beetles were et You watch the salea "Be sure you are
bawl themselves to death, or that po-' pie, I that you threw. and has proved well worth the trouble all troublesome this
ghtest meal' At first I could hardly believe it of tion salvation. As the question shapedpast spring, the Judged by outsiders by the so-called
tatoes planted in the lame phase of! Supper shnu'el he the 9
Queen Luna wowed run all to top and op the summer day and made up largo.;
form no roots, •l of cold dishee, sliced meats, cheese,1 But thata what a little bird said. hg ry d powder in 40 gallons Bordeaux p pep
"Shaul Christ be supplemented?” He the fence on a spot that will be fed by the fruit sets with 1% the, areenate of, can not afford to 1>s foetid wantiop in
had no objection to himself and other drainage after eve rain and yet is lea vet the matter of en and ink ant paper.
,itself in his mind, it took the form: The waeow is a slight depression near vines should be Sprayed shortly after, little things, and the business farther`
The peoplee who eat the hugest omelets, salads, fruits, fruit puddings„ But the little bird thought, if I once, menta re u rements oY the w
quantities of meat -the Australians, pies, ice cresnrs and cooling drinks, La • Rut,to drain once or twice during the sum -
the Canadians, the New Zealanders with one hot dish and hot coffee or; mer -a desirable feature of course.
and the Americans -suffer least from tea. How nothrrg is noble or bright free: Otherwise; Christ was not a Th b tt of the rirn:� ow is not
! Jewish Christians observing the cere high enough to allo-v the war
lowitself mixture •(4 lbs. bluestote, 8 Ibs, lime,l
made it plain i he said, Gentile Christians must b
gout, uric acid, rheumatism and kid A five -meal schedule is ideal for' That makes any creature feel sorrow sufficient Saviour,
new troubles and have the lowest children. Their little stomachs simply, ition with the Jerusalem omissar- °f sand were used instead. About once
death rates and disease rates in the can't be crammed and distended' You'd promise me never to do It again. le. but apparently without satisfac- a week the wallow receives bb°ut two
civilized world. And have nearly enough at otos sitting to carry thoml Now tell mo, my boy, was he right?, tory result. Accordingly the Antioch-' quarts of old crank -case -oil. This oil
twice the working power and general • through more than a throe -hour run, f
-Roy Temple Howe. (ion brethren appointed that the two when poured slow'y over the water
t. racy as well. y appe- As school is over, there's no need' ,great missionaries should with other will spread out and form a film which for leaf -hoppers is shortly after the, suggested. Perhaps you'll say that
Bat all the meat which our a e- t° wake them up in the morning. Let THE SURGEON AND THE DOG. '.deputies, go up to Jerusalem, and re- will tend to rid the hogs of lice, fruit seta.
., present their convictions to the ) j you are on your feet doing homework
tits ea}:e for in summer and you'll do them have their sleep out and take Dr. S. was the est word" in sung-`apostlea and elders there. The roof is a frame of poste with Grape Berry Moth -Vineyards ire all day long and that you are too tired
your heavy work with half the effort ''pot luck" in whatever meal happens ery in N----- One morning hie, Vs. 4, 5. At Jerusalem the apostles old hog wire stretched over it and the Tested with worms which bore into, at teeth But maybe it isn't the am.
and be o0 per cent, less liable to to bo going when they come down daughter found a dog which had been and elders who were the real leaders whole covered with grass and brush.' and tie the fruit together, should be; punt of work you: do that tires you but
('bolero morbus, summer dysentery, stairs. I injured by the trolley and brought of the Church, welcomed Paul and This shade has been in use twol Sprayed immediately after'the bloom; the worry for fear you won't get it
sunstroke and nervous depreselan or: The fruit. and rerenl, of course, bit him to her father. `Barnabas, and showed every dispost- years already, and we will have little falls with 1'4 lbs, arsenate of lead' all done. Worrywill you,
you more
bree down than on the usual starch, them lilac a blister, and with plenty Dr. S. tools ten stitches in the front 'tion to consider the matter fairly and i to do on either roof or wallow this) and 1 lb. soap in 40 gallons Bordeaux' quickly than a bisk five-milIva:1c,
cabbage, onion and fat meat diet of of n1110 and cream, er an egg, they, pew, -",'i it 't' , mei ?Jr. Dog stayed. impartially. But. as certain members summer other than add oil to the' mixture (If hoppers are trouble -i q Wontyou try to go about your
summer on the ;'arm. can get a gond balanced meal with' with him for a few days, and then of the Church, who had formerly be- voter, drain it occasionally and add• some add nicotine), Ie the case of al work y
longed to the Pharisees, stood up and y i putting query ouitc of oursl:f
The only thing that ran honestly be little extra r"noking. weer home. He was somebody's dog reiterated the demand that '"it wee more brush o• grass. This simple de-' severe infestation of berry moth the into it? Use as many maces as pus.
said against the free use of meat 1111 Though children can take a con-' for he worn a collar. Every morning needful to circumcise" the Gentile vice helps to keep the` pigs comforter pplication should be repeated about' sib:c" especially those neglected ons
summer is that it promptly turn,, part sidet•able share of their meat ration in he would roma to the rear door and converts, and ""to charge them to keep, able .and has proved one of the eesen- two weeke later. across the back aztd abdotiien.
of its energy into heat and thus raises the form of merit, they can't relic e.:1 when the maid lit him in, would run' the law of Bioses," the apostles de.)roars of rapid gains. -David Gray, i Method of spraying -In spraying, Dee breathing be' s to burn
▪ e temperature of the body. But this of it. They should have meal-3iruak- ire to the doctor's office to sea htM tided that a formol s b f th
p b p up
o• muscular exercise, If we are work- e -twice a day, especially in sura-: called her father to hurry to the win- II. grin Qt,:STEW REFERRED To THE
ing hard with our muse:ea, as always mgr when bowel troubles of al s'trts, dew. Coring acres the park was the. MUNCH. AT xlRuseeem„6-11,
on the farm in summer, this surplus. are at their deadliest. , dog, and with him another dog pain-,' Vs. 6,, 7. After some preliminary
energy is promptly snapped up by our: The child has not only to 'iv,+ to fur Walking three1 O
e o 'om
ori or pain, - V. 2. Paul and Barnabas argued the floored with concrete but several loads
40 bailees water). This spray will' Don 't Starve, -”
destroy the flea -beetle grubs. ( There are other ways of reducing
Grape Leaf -Hoppers -Where adult than starving yourself into a nervous
hoppers were at all abundant earlier; wreck. The flesh you drop by such
fn the season, nicotine sulphate, Ot' drastic treatments comes hack as soon
pint per 40 gallons, should be added as you stop the starving. And you
to thee -above mixture. (Experience; have to stop it some tiara, you know. .
has shown that the best time to spray For some stout women exercise is
a sem .y o e for leaf -#toppers 01)0 berry ds, to , :t is: superfluous t}eah. Most women have
occurs only when i e don't take plenty fa*t bacon, ham, mutton chaps, rare'': One morning the dovtor's daughter' Church should be called, necessary to spray upwards, to spray a bad habit of breathing on 1111 upper
Free as Air. l both sides of each row, to use liberal; part of .their lungs. It is o simple
Ala of us know of people who sell, quantities of material and to make . matter to train yourself to breathe
the farm, stock, household goods, every effort to thoroughly cover all' from your diaphragm, This oxygen
,y i ng an �gs n they' quest3onbng, tttendAd apparently by a. everything they possess, and move the undersides of the leaves and all' you take in is valuable for inaltieg emu
muscle cells and turned into horse run and make roadside repairs, but came, around to the rear door mud on ' good deal of heat on the part of the somewhere in search of health. We .the fruit, In order to do, this` 't i i '
power without heating the hotly at' to (Trow like a weed, and as only ante late tate office. As plainly as words,{ narrower stiction of the Church, Peter know of people who s ti ,et derider, Every time, you think it
p p pend a fortune advisable to use short rods end tingle' ,aka six rang, leap breaths. It is m
all, mai re. „tem furnishes growth mater the doge; looks and barks told the get up, and his address cleared the on Patent medicines, We know nozzles..
The only danger of meat in be ial, it., neerie more moat, milk mod ogee story. l air. Peter was the acader of the ten- rinse who journey a thousand mites to
weather Is the "bugs" that may tin proportion than d n adult. Dr.S.rat patty m the Church which me-
to rt. cep it dean, sn There, tseicaedin h t. deg's serve an o en mind on the clues ion p rglra,Iy ing.y t o Bangor of d,+; ,font, whim his frier,(' stand by, of the Gene e Christian, He had been 'molting for those who know enough to' head poisoning from eating bird -shot'
clean, so that very few bi'gs get on a healthy ehi:d eating int) much of any seenengly great:v rtlieved and inter-'„ -, of fatrsss keep
caused by lack e ,t erre
it. And keep it cold ---icy coed ---and liberal variety of real foods. Give a-A.A T e two led by Gods is own has to and
had' gather' health from the thongs flue erml"de in rite timid b streeting if you keep ye. can't
om. oar c•:-re."u
h t ai then went back' Gentiles with his own hands and had as aur and sunshine" that cost not one gromtd,y is a malady that bas bee”'
you have sidestepped nine -tenths of Y parkg imide, nature tau t forts yru• m of
cited a free crevice from a liberal urer the again. i no doubt of God's will to enlarge rho' single penny: i quite prevalent among wild docile errs mutter to accuntulale in the loin of
your rides. : variety which appeals to lnurse:f and lir. S. is now sure that he will have; frontiers of the Church: hast week 1 )nspecteil some experi- the, united ,lata&, says the Biological extra flesh.
The sante is true: of milk eggs,' he'll fe,,d ham. 'if better than any a large ractira in ""dogdom."-Suslo V. 7. Pater lreglns'by reminding the th,nts on anima} therapy. A (looter is ethe U.'. A change of diet is often hr: fu: -
and gram vegetables. The bee child r1,eciF111>t run. Curtis.
d j d P
•iu get does
a ar u.'. trent±d the strange little' to .,tins famous hospital. I am now Ducks' New Diet.
healthy habit easily formed:
Water drinking is ft geed way to
flush off extra poui:ds. Smet ferns
fruitg P
t� t , B. itis.
and trustiest sword to guard aur' Never force a child to eat anything;
Council that Go had, some conceder -t living the' eifeets"of "ultra .violetr
able time before, sent himself to, „ 1 A:xperienre is nn •'nensive teaclrr. i Mut not a radical ohangc Something
stomachs doesn't 1 Silk stockings shout never Preach the gospel to Gentiles, rays produced by a quartz merrur, ; arrn 1eomitting e t es bu ter
m hs and solar Plexuses 3n cum-' he dn:,an lite because you think ft is; g d e er he worn . fie p He •is therefor° prof+t }�y the experience u.f, P , �Y pc ,t o 1
mer is an icicle! days 1n surcession but washed referring obviously to the Incident at1 vapor lamp. He finds that these rays others, and cream IAr between -meal, snacks
who} -some So long as he's eating two
Un this commandment hangs all the plenty of milk, meat and butter, one; lifter each wearing. doppal where ho got "his broadening) will keep chickens from having "weak —e_ o1 cookies and candies" substitute an
vision (Acts 10 0 -ie,) and to tit/logs,"h h
I ito clr,uds whose s adotva hating � a e, a rf°co of fruit, a drie•i pr,in°
If vinegar is boiled in a kettle that;conversion eaf Co -reales' {tous°ltold.. ease, called "rickets" in vlifldren, T}to' the dpc I. or an apricot. A cool drink of
lemon -
law of summer : eating; "Thou shalt' etarch, such es bread, corn pone or 1 w tc Is arse ogous la the cats- lirh h nl pl
tee t o • p,
keep 1 that G PATS!
1 p by refrigerator ley and e,eanl ; P torero, two fruits ,incl ons green has bregme badly furred rho de rift' r ro�a`'s a od, whol experiments oto show that AOtl, . 0
The ono errs(' only key ',',kith will: vegotab.o, 1°t fan alone. r P might ire trusted to know ho hearts fg-i Light mists, whose soft embraces keep ode, nab too sweet, doesn't add weight
unlock the desperate problem of hot-' To sum up, ice crtoiod Enols, pooh-; will soften and break away from the of the Gentiles, had visibly blessed the{ o light.ore almost as goaJ as sun .The, Sun }tine °n the Bills as'sopi like -an eco cream soda dos;.
weather meals aro two three -letter' cooled family; meate for, relish soma sides and bottom, g --Whittier. 1
wards meaning '"life saver the .' lateen, resietnnce to haat. an idea- c-' ''`"' .""'" and his household the ilaly S irir, ;ties for combating disease, both in � .. ,,-•„-_„^,,,-
�, ! to give yourself a koala Turkish bath.
mission to Cornelius by givin him' light They open up many' la»ssobit-' �Wh.t,. Use rho heat of these sola±ilii days
g in h sum n ° Mildewed leather should be treated r V. 0, Canecquentty re ground Wad animate and human beings. It Is even When ,boiling r n (trackecl a add a a n blanketmid r the
mer': --and' these .two wends are ice: tion; vegetables and frits for suits with vasa:ine. Bub the grestKo well left for those who insisted o e �� thought t t treating l 6 egg Wrap up t a n sit 1 t
bare and;vrtomms; sweets and eco cream into the leather andave t h upthe distinctionn k epmgg, . 6 hit r ig poultry feed teaspoonful of vinegar to the water sun with your tread me -erect., "When
Any fair car euisr. with a solder.; to make ;linea worth living;starches le i there for h between Jewish until with the ultra violet rays atter titers and the egg will not come our of its you aro perspiring 1'ree:y take a eo,r:
P { some HMO, , Gentile brethren, While the Gentilsst adding it to the &dolmas diet will be shell
( bath.