The Brussels Post, 1925-7-15, Page 1VOL, 54 O. 4 02.00 j5er fcnnum in advance
W. H. HERR, Prop"ietor
Banking by mail
CUSTOMERS residing at a dis•
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of the Bannk of Nova Scotia will find
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Cheques may' be mailed in an ordin•
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In the latter case tie cash will be
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The experience of many of our out
of town customers with our "Bank-
ing by mail" service has been very
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital $ 10,000,000
Reserve - - 10,600,000
Total Assets - 210,000,000
New Advertisements
Purse Lost -Toa PORT
Reunion -S, S. No 6. Merritt.
"^ Pigs for Salo-Dsvitl (}..Clark.
Stook For Sale -J. P, McIntosh
Teaoher Wanted. -Dan. Ruether
Car of Soreenings-(#rover 0 6111
Looks and Feelings -L. 0. Whitfield'
Sole of Baking -Melville Chetah Ladies' Aid
isixx : .eius
The Garden Party held last Wed-
nesday Evening, under theauspiceof
the Union church, Bluevale, svae in
every ' Way a most decided mouse.
The evening was all that could be de-
sired, as was also the'wusic and au
.dience who had the pleasure of listen-
ing to' a splendid program consisting
of addressee by A. H. Musgrnve, Ex
Ni. P. P., Winghatn, J. W. King, M.
P., Bluevale, Rev. Dr. Brown and
Rev, Me. Armstrong, Wingharn, Rev,
Mr. Tate, Bluevale ttnd Rev, Mr. Wal-
den, also of Bluevale, who acted. as,
Standard R
• r d Re -cleaned
in Bulk, to arrive this
week. Special price
off car.
Grover C. Gill
Phone 5914 ETHEL
chairman, The music was supplied
by the Vanetone Orchestra- Duet
was given by the Misses Mather and
several selections were given by Har-
ryAIcGee, of Auburn. Me. McGee is
a good program in himself .and every
selection was much appreciated. Mn
McGee is a comedian of the ]teat ord-
er. Miss Howson, of Auburn, who is
a skilled ttrnsician, presided at the
piano. The proceeds amounted to
$218 00,
Robert and Mrs. Bleak spent last
week at Pike Lake.
Wm. Westlake has/sold his resi-
dence to Chas. Kitchen.
Editor Roberts, of Fordwich, call•
ed on friends in the village Saturday.
Miss Jessie Gibson, London is the
guest of her sister, Milt. F. V. Dick-
T. H. and Mrs. Henry. and child•
ren are spending two weeks. at Buf-
Miss Bessie Everett, Stratford, woo
a recent visitor with J. R: and Mrs.
Earl Sproat and Mies Mary Sproat
have returned from a motor,, trip. to
Weldon and Miss Lizzie Rutledge,
Brampton, called on friends in the
village Monday.
Mrs. H. Little, Toronto, is enjoy-
ing a visit with her parents, Robt.
and Mrs. BI/A.
i Chas. Pope and family, London,
I were week end visitors at the home
of DonaldsPope.
Miss Fraser, ,Melita, Man., is holi-
da with her sister, Mrs. Jos.
yt g
r Lovell, Turnberry.
I Fred Davey and Mist! Margaret
Davey have returned from a visit
with relatives at Alliston.
LY 2951925
S. S. No. 5, . Morris
Calls You Back . Come !
To be held on the School Grounds of the Section
The Program will consist of :
Speeches by Old Boys and Girls Solos by Old Boys.
Highland Dancing
Readings by Mrs. Van Wyck, Wingham
Selections. by Hawaiian Sextette Selections on Piccolo
Jackson and Perdue Orchestra will furnish Music
Soft Ball-Bolgrave Girls vs, Qui. of the Section
B.iso Ball -Single Men vs. Married Itleu of the
Races of all kinds
Lunch Ladies please bring Everybody
Baskets Welcome
There Will bca'Booth on they,Qrounds
A song and n senile, a laugh and a tear,
A glancing back 1 all the years'
The woret forgotten, laid away,
The best tol eet you on that day,
1C Y
R. Prool,orr Mss. Alex. OloakeY`
Chairman of.Cominitteee. Seo'y Program Committee.
Miss Beatrice Howe has returned
from Leamington and will spend the
summer vacation at her home here,
Fred and Mrs. 'Kitchen left Tues-
day for an extended visit with
friends at Leamington- and Detroit.
Frank and Mrs. Sanderson and
daughter, Miss Elinor, Toronto, are
guests at the home of Thos. Ritchie,
Arthur and Mrs. Wearring, and lit-
tle son, Colvin, London, are spending
a week with the foriner's mother, Mrd
Geo, Wearying.
W, E. and Miss Rona Van Wiser
motored to Midland, Saturday. They
were accorripanied by the Misses Ding-
ley who had spent a week here.
Archie and Mrs. Wells and little
daughter, Toronto, are holidaying
with T. A. and Mrs. Gibson, Howick
and other relatives in this vicinity.
Congratiulations are extended to
Misses Kathleen Armstrong, Eleanor
Douglas and Wm. Rae who were suc-
cessful in their recent Normal exami-
nations, -
All the candidates from this school
who wrote on , -the recent Entrance
examination were successful. They
were: Daisy Stocks, Marie Copeland,
Mabel Robinson, Margaret Gibson,
Margaret Wright, Edward Gibson,
Harold . Durst and Walker` gastie. ,,
A large barn on the property of
•D. Pope was cempjetely destroyed by
fire between, ten and eleven o'clock
Monday night, The fire is believedto
have been the result of the explosion
of a lamp in the chicken brooder. It
had gained such headway before be-
ing noticed, that it was impossible to
save anything. A Ford runabout, a
gasoline engine, two hundred chick-
ens and several pig's were burned. It
was only with difficulty that the
house and adjacent build ings .escaped
destruction. Much sympathy is felt
for the Pope family in their lose. Mr.
Pope was in London ab the time of
the. fire.
Morris Council tweets on Monday
next, July 20th.
Morris Twp. was well represented
at Brussels fo',the 12th celebration.
Mrs, -H, Pierce who has been under
the Dr's. care is improving we are
glad to state.
Ed. Pollard, 5th line, has erected a
new verandah at hie home. It's quite
an improvement.
Mies M. A. Weaber, of Auburn,
spent the week end at the home of
Wm, Cunningham. n
• Dave and Mrs. Nivins, of Dungan-
non, spent Sunday at the home of hie
cousin, Mrs. W. C. Ouiniligham.
Don't forget the Old Boys' Re -Un-
ion at S, S. No, 5, oil Wednesday,
July 20th, See advt. in this issue.
Albert and „Mrs, Pollard and family,
of Kincardine, were visitors 'on Snit -
day with Ed. and Mrs. Peliard, 5th
Chief Nivius, 'of Teeewater, and his
daughter, Mrs. Wm. Cunningham, 71h
line Morris, have returned after spend-
ing a week with his 3 'sons and
daughter, Mrs. P. McCall, at Leam-
Geo. (Pentland and son, Carman,
Lucknow, Sam. and Mrs. Pentland
and son, Herbert, Dungannon, P, J.
and Mrs, Oantelon anddaughter, of
Goderioh, were 12th of July visitors
with Fd. and Mrs. Pollard, 6th line.
Lust Thursday evening, about 7
L ndin hores
o'clock, while a to g t0his o ,
Jno, Little, of the 4111 Con:, was kick-
ed in the face by a horse and had his
chin badly cut and nose broken. Medi-
cal aid was soon obtained and Mr.
Little is doing as well as can be ex-
R. H. McKinnon, who has looked
after the interests of the Howick
Mutual Fire Insurance Uc. in the
northwest corner of Morrie township
for several years, has decided to ive
it ftp and this: territory will be talen
over by Jas. McFadzean, the agent at
SHAW-JOHNSTON,-A quiet wed-
ding teas solemnized last Wednesday
at the Ethel United church parson-
age, when Mise Elsie 'Johnston,
daughter of George and"Mts. John-
ston, became the bride of Frank
J110190 Shaw, eon of Anson and 'Sirs.
Shaw, of Township.
The cer-
was pea formed by Rev. D. M.
seseMND.seie4 +++++++++++•i'+*.ei
Brussels United Church
Sunday, July 19th
11 a. M. -Subject :
"The Plant of Renown"
8 p, m, -Sabbath School Session
aacj• Bible Claims.
7 p. in. -Pulpit Thome : '
"A ToWn Tragedy" .
Monday evening, 201h Inst, ;
Meeting of 'the Officiate of the
Wedneeday evening a
Prayer and Praise Serviee,
David Beacom, of Clinton, aged 99
was awarded a prize as eldest of all
the brethren at Brussels celebration
on Saturday. -
Guest, pastor of Ethel United Ohureh,
while the young couple was attended
by Mary Johnston, sister of the
bride, and Alex. Shaw, brother of the
groom. The happy couple will re-
side at the groom's home in Morris
Township, where both are well and
favorably known.
Wm. and Mrs. Sellers and Joel H.
and Mrs. Sellers motored last week. to
Lexington and visited friends there
and at Or'osswell and Port Huron,
Walton was well represented at
Brussels for the 12th celebration. -
There was much tta-fllc through our
village on Satutday en route to Brus-
Thos. and Mrs. Nose, Guelph Jct.,
spenta few days in and around Wal-
ton. -
Mrs. Naylor and daughter, of Roch-
ester, N. Y., are visiting with relati-
ves here. -
Nurse Jean Ferguson, Miss Maude
Ferguson and Miss Jean Ferguson,
Toronto, are at Port Albert Oamp.
0, P. R. Telegraph gang have been
making repairs around here, and at
night having gond games of soft ball.
James. and Mis. Walters, of De-
troit, motored over and are visiting
the farmer's grandmother, Mrs. Ber-
Sato. and Mre. Love from Saskat-
chewan are visiting with relatives and
friends in this vicinity, It's nine
years since Mr. Love went West. '
Geo, E. and Mrs. Fergns,n, •Miss
Jean and Mester Russell, of Toronto,
were week -end vieitoet with the form.
er's parents. Tlie two children are
staying foe a visit and will camp at
Port Albert for a while.
Duff's Ohutch, Welton, W. M, S.
fnet on July Sth, at the home of Miss
Thomlinson, N'1cKillnp, There was a
large attendance of" members and
Mende, over 40 ladies being p"4esent.
The President, Ml's. Oster, took
charge of the meeting, The opening
prayer was given by Mrs. Robert
Reid. The tome, "Trinidad and Brit-
ish Guiana" Was ably given by Mise
Rose Simpson and Mrs. Chandler.
Current events in these countries
were given in an interesting way by
Mrs. J. J, McGavin. Mrs, A, Gardin-
er showed snap shots sent by a friend
of some of ttie beauty spots of Trini-
dad. Mrs. Oster read an appropriate
article on attendance at the meetings
of the W. M. S, showing that not
only our gifts are necessary' but also
our presence each nrontb that we may
take an intelligent interest in those
whom we are salving to help. Roll
call -The name of a missionary in
either of these countries. After sing-
ing a Hymn Mrs. Chandler closed the
meeting with prayer, A social hone
was spent and lunch was served by the
hostess. The next meeting will be
held at the hone of Mrs. W. Davidson
in August.
David and Mrs. Ramsay and Mies
Elva Ramsay were among those who
took in the circus at London last
El I. and Mrs, Knight Leslie and
Mts. Knight anti Jlts. knight, of
Fordwich. spent the week -end at the
home of G. 1), Parkee.
Our two pupils who wrote from S.
S. No. -10, Morris, were successful in
\the Entrance exalts. Gertrude Tut,
Vey took honors anti Velma Eekttnier
The old friends anal neighbours of
let and 2nd Con, of Morrie net at the
home of Frank and Mrs.- Shaw last
Thursday evening and tendered them
a 'miscellaneous shower. The many
and useful presents indicate well the
high esteem of the young. couple in
this neigbborhnnd. The evening was
spent in community games and danc-
ing, The many friends, of Mr. and
Mrs. Shaw wish them a long and pros-
peenns married life.
The following is the result of ,tile
peotuotion examination in S. S, NO. 4,
Gray. Names in order of merit and
appearing in classes they will -he-it1
next: September. Se. Fourth -Leon-
ard Beckett.Jr, : Fourth -Howard
Savage, Gertrude. Matin, Sr. Third ---
Helen McAllister, Stella Sellers, Wil-
fred Savage, Margaret Sellers. (on
year's wow) Lawrence 13udeon, (on
condition,) Bruce Beckett. Jr, Third
-Ultra Jacklin, Se, Second Wal -
Baking Sale
Will be held uudet• the
auspice of the
Public Library
Saturday, July 18th
Afternoon and Evening
A generous contrlbubic ri is ask-
sk ed for from the ladies of the
oongeegatiol as no canvass will
be' trade. t
Tea wi»be Served
Everybody Invited
lace Beckett, Roy McKay. Jr, Sec.
ond-George McKay. Jr. First -Earl
Grimmer, Doris McAllister. Keuieth
Sellers, Carl Grimmer, Primer -Lieu-
ra Savage, Gertrude Willis, Margaret
Grimmer, Sheldon Jacklin,
Addison Fraser, Milvert Sellete,
Sperling Johnston and Robert Mc -
Leman motored to London on July
lith and took in the eircns. All report
a good time,
The trueteea of S. S. 'No, 4 Granth-
am, St. Catharines, R. R. 2, have en-
gaged the services of 'Miss. Jane Mc-
Lennan, for the coming school year.
Salary $1000. per annum. '
Mr. and . Mrs. Martin, Trowbridge,
John Mc0utcheon, Wroxeter, Mrs. S,
Davison, Oshawa, and Mies Luella
McOutcheon, Detroit, spent Sunday
at the home of G. D, Parkes, -
er resident of this locality in the
person of Edward Lynn, passed away
at`his home on the 4th Con., of How -
ick, on Monday night, following an
operation which was performed on
July 4th. He was 41 years^' of age.
Interment will be made in Fordwich
cometery on'1'hursday afternoon. A
more extended notice will be given
next week. - g
Mrs, Hayden was in London for a
short visit last week.
John and Mrs King spent a few
days visiting friends in Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Ecktoier spent the
week endwith friends at Wallace..
Miss. Ella Hansuld, of Essex, is
spending the holidays at her home
S C. Howlett decided to take a holi-
day this week and is visiting Maude
at Clifford.
Rev. S. W. and Mrs, Hann and son,
of Toronto, are renewing acquaint-
ances around Ethel.
Lorne Vndden i$ tinder the Dr's care
with an infection of the throat. We
hope to see him better soon.
Mies Margaret Clark, of Winghatm,
is spending a week with her aunt,
Mrs. Geo. Kreuter, and others.
Remember the Social Evening at T.
Sleightholm's on Thursday, July 30th
under the auspices of the United
Ohm ch,
Quite a few film Ethel journeyed
to Craubrook on Friday evening to
take in the big Garden Party and
everyone reported a good time.
Don't forget the Garden Party of
Knox Chnich on Friday evening of
this week, Agood program will be
presented. See advt. in this issue.
Mr. DesJa rtlinehas Installed a new
gas hook which ]ills the bill both for
utility and beauty and adds a great
deal to the appearance of our busy
villa e.
E and aloe. klaguire and eon, of
Petrolia are visiting at the home of
Mrs. Spence. MT. Macguire is Mre.
Spence's nephew and a inertial. res-
ident of Ethel.
We are pleased to hear that Miss
Jean Sanders' has been successful lu
passing hep Introductory tGrade Pi-
ano -forte Examination. We offer
our congratulations to Jean also to
her teacher, Mrs. Geo. Kreuter.
The Women's Institute will meet
in the Institute room nn Thursday
afternoon of this week at 230. Topic
"Hot weather Menu', Will be taken
by Mrs. R. Bremner and "Out rent
Events', Alas, W. Bremner. Roll
Oeli answered by n hutnoi'ous story.
All womer, and gills are welcome,
The W. M, S, of the Presbyterian
church met last Tuesday in the
church with an attendance of, 29
Hymn 886 was auric, The the
tire lesson, John 15, and Psalm 121
were read, Mies Myrtle Bowes gave a
reading. Mrs. P. Lemma gave a pap-
er from one study hook, "The Plant-
ing of the Faith,' The meeting dos -
'ed by anteing hymn 889 Mrs, J, K.
Brown closed with prayer.
A good crowd turned out on Thurs-
day last to witness the local soft ball
team in action for the fleet exhibition
game of the season, A very pleasant
and friendly 'tame was played with
the Monct'ieff boys, who like our own
team, are new at tide popular game
and after six inninge had been tallied
by the oiBciel settee wan, Mr. McLel-
land, tits Ethel team were victors' by,
a good margin. The teethe lined up
as follows : Monerieff-W, McKay,
Struthers, Livingston, J. McTaggart,
F. McTaggart, Patterson, L. McKay,
harden Par!y
A Garden Party uudeii the alas
plea of the Presbyterian Church
will be held uu the
'Friday u'g, July 11
Supper served from 6 to 8
Tho Programme
Solos, Mrs. Hamilton, Listowel
Maltland Henry & Thorpe,
Mr. Bogle, Piper, Auburn
Assisted by Local Talent
Seaforth Kiltie Band
Will eapply Mueioal Program
Admission 50 and 25 elite
McKee, G. Dunbar, Currie, Dobson,
Earl, Guest, Bateman, L. Dunbar, 0.
William Spence is recovering from
a rather painful accident of a few
days ago. While cranking hie "gas
buggy" it threw bion against a win-
dow and he received several, had cute
on the head, necessitating several
stitches. It takes a lot to keep a good
man dowb and Will was soon on the
jobaagain determined to get even with
that "flivver."
Miss Jean. Sanders, 10th Con., is to
be congratulated on peeing her re-
cent music exams
Charlie Smith and his friends, StAn-
ley Sidthorpe, spent the week end
with Oliphant and Mrs. Smith,
Miss Flora McNeil, of London,
spent a few holidays with James and
Mrs. Knight and other friends.
We are sorry to beat of the serious
illness of David Clark', 14th Con., who
has been under the doctor's care for
some time.
Leslie and Mrs. Knight, of Howlett.
accompanied by the former's father,
Who is 95 years of age, were visitors
with D. E. and Mre. Sanders, 10th
Miss Marguerite Wilton, teacher
at S. S. No. 3, had both her pupils
pass the Entrance examinations.
Margaret Smith took honors and
Marjory Smith passed.
David Hewitt, of Oregon, and Mrs,
Ensign and daughter, Marion, of Batt
tie creek, Mich. visited last week with
D. and Mre. Sanders, making the trip
of over 4,000 miles by auto,
James and Mrs. Stewart and family,
of Listowel, celebrated the 12th in
Brussels, going from there to spend
the week -end with Mr. Stewart's
cousins, Lewis and Mrs. Stein. Mr.
Stewart was a former resident of
Grey Towehip.
Mrs. Breckenridge and Mrs George
Andrews, of Goderich, spent the
week -end with 0. and Mrs. Hutchin-
son, 5th line., Andrew and Mrs.
Breckenridge, of Des Moines. Iowa,
were also visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Hutchison and are also visiting with
Mrs. Lamont, at Moteeworth, and
Mrs, Goss, of Fordwich.
Ed. and -airs. Hart and,Misses Myrt-
le, Margaret and Master Leslie Hat t,
Owen Sound Chris and Mrs. Grim-
oldby and Robert and Miss Mamie
Grimoldby, Owen Sound ; Wilson and
Mrs. Sundercock and baby, Kinburn
Ruben Hart and eon, Willie, Win-
throp ; Mrs. Hanna and daughter,
Annie, Seaforth; Stanley and airs.
Kitchen and anti, Albert,,,,and Orans-
Mre. Bray and and children Silver
Corners Henry Hat t and MiseL+liza-
beth, 14th Con., Grey, were holiday
visitors over the week -end with Geo.
and Mrs. Hart, 10th. Con. Miss 'Marg-
aret and Lillian Hart are extending'
their• stay,
NIAr:it ONIAL. - A quiet wedding
was solemnized at the Parsonage,
Brussels, on Wednesday, July 8th,
when Rev, Me. Barker united in mar-
riage, Ida Bell, daughter of the late
Lorenzo and Mrs. Frain, and Percival
Tyumen, son of Mes,. Tyerrnan and
the late Hugil Tyerman. The bride
wore,a pretty dress of canton crepe in
teakwood shade with corsage briquet
of roses. The bride anti groom had
their wedding dinner at the home of
the bride's brother, Lewis Frain, and
later left on a .short motor trip to
Hamilton and Niagara, the bride trav-
elling in small milers hat, navy coact
and grey squirrel choker. Mr. and
Mrs, Tyerman have taken up res•
idence in Grey Township and their
friends wish theta a long, happy and
useful 1ife.
Bola's Limas' AID AND W. M, $,—
The re uhte meeting of the Ladies'
Aid acid Women's Nliseto nary Society
of Roe's United church was held on
Thursday last at the home of Mrs.
Robt, Pearson 'with a large attend-
ance of members and visitors, Mrs.
Turner took charge of an interesting
missionary program with Mre. Me-
Outelieon and Mrs Pringle cent'ibut'
ing to the program with readings nu
Missionary -work. Much interest was
shown in the work of tate Society and
several members subscribed for the
"Outlook" the official W. M. S. paper.
Eva Balfour and Mrs, Renard were
appointed to prepare the program for
Ithen took charge and Douek1erable
Laldies' Aid besiuese was looked after
including piens for molting the annual
bazaar a success. After the meeting
ae dainty lunch was served bye Mre,
Pearson and an euj.tytble imolai hour
was spent, _
Arthur Paucity, of Attwood, was a,
Tuesday caller on Peter and Alt's.
George Calder, a fernier Oranbrook,-
ate, was r-enewing acquaintances in
the vicinity,
Miss Marie Baker, now nurse -in -
training at London, le enjoying a
holiday under the pareutal+roof,
David and. Mrs. Gordon and daugh-
ter, Miss Connie, of Wellaeebrng,
wereweelt-end visitors at the home
of L. 11. and Mrs, Gordon,
Miss Lydia Steles is euinying a Otto
weeks' vacation with her friend, Miss
Tommy Gordon, in Wallaeeburg and
also with cousins 3n nett Mt.
Oranbrook trustees are thinking of
disinfecting the school to eliminate
the maa•imonialgerm before the en-
gagement of another tutor,
Will Seel, his wife and daughter,
of Cadillac, Mich , are here visiting at
the parental home. It is 15 years
since Will visited his old home town.
Mrs. Jacob - Lung, who has been
confined to her bed for the past five
weeks is able to be nut again we are
glad to state and is visiting her
daughter, bits. .Roy Bennett, at
Walton. -
The Knox church Garden Party
last Friday evening was a good sue -
cess. There was a big attendance at
the school grounds. Air. Kelly, the
ventriloquist and entertainer, kept
the croyd in good humor. His en-
tertainment was somewhat of a nov-
elty in these parts. The Gorrie Or-
chestra supplied a liberal program or -
students from our school were suc-
cessful at the recent Entrance Ex-
amination.- The first six of the fol-
lowing also secured honors :-Jack
Cameron, Helen McNabb, Goldwin
Knight, Jean Noble, Jean Cameron,
Marie Huether, Archie Campbell,
Jean Smalldon, Margaret Brown.
The pupils and their teacher, Miss
Frain, who is now Mrs, Percy Tyer•
roan, deserve credit for the good
standing of the class. - .
Otte of the oldest residents of this vi-
cinity passed away on Sunday morn-
ing, July 12th, in the person of the
late William Rathwell. The deceased
was in his 70th year and for some
time past he had been in failing
health, For over thirty years the
family resided in Grey Twp. and a few
years ago Mr, and Mrs. Rathwell re-
tired from the farm on Con. 12 and
moved to the village of Oranbrook,
where they have resided since that
time. The late Wm. Rathwell was
widely known as a respected citizen.
kindly neighbor and a friend to all in
need. He was a loyal Christian and
a member of the fanner Methodist
Church. The funeral. was held on
Tuesday afternoon from his late resi-
dence in the village of Oraubrook with -
service at 2 p. m. conducted by Rev.
D. 11. Guest, pastor of the United
Church at Ethel, interment being in
Ethel Cemetery. The deceased leaves
a widow, 3 sons and 4 daughters, viz.
-Mrs. Leonard Weir, Dunnville, Ont.;
Mrs. Beattie. of Orion,. Alta,; Mrs,
Wilson, Piapot, Soak. Mrs, Ooglin,
Listowel ; Curtis Rathwell, Strath -
toy ; Earl Rathwell, Detroit ; Isaac,
Con. 14, Grey. Rev. D. M. Guest was
assisted by Rev. E, F. Armstrong, of
Listowel, end Rev. S. W. Hants, of
Machan, Ing4io, Ether—Stephenson, the next meeting, Mrs, Grainger
Purely Personal
Mrs. Geo. Murray and son, Jack,
of Simcoe, are visiting with the form-
er's brother, Will Bell.
Horace and Mrs. Wilbee and family
Seaforth, spent the week -end at the
formcr's home in town.
Fred and Mrs. Mee and Bob motor
ed up from Stratford with their
friends Robt. and Mrs. Ogram and
sons tosend the 12 at Walter
Wilbee's. --
Mrs, 11. L. Humphries and children,
of Toronto and Mrs. D. 0. Walker,
and daughter, Miss Marion, of Regina,
were recent visitors with S• and Mrs.
Among the old timers here ,ot the
12th were Ed Mole, Tilos, Rands, of
Seaforth, Jimmey Stewart, Listowel,
Eddie Mittel!, Clinton, Elton Rozell,
J.`0. and Mrs. Pridham and child-
ren of Toronto, who have been visiting
will MoQuarrie and family, returned
to Toronto on Sunday after a two
weeks' visit.
Mrs, Sickle, of Detroit ; W. L, and
Mrs, Youn 'Stratford,
Geo. Colvin and son,
Stettin, of Stratford, were holiday
visitors at the home of George Colvin,
sr., Brussels, South. -
Luther A. Ball, of St. Marys, was
Dulling on old friends in town on Mons
day and gave THE Posr a call.. -Mt.
Ball was returning from Kincardine
where he had taken hie family to
their cottage. Itis many year's erne
Mr, Ball was a resident of Brussels"
Mae, and Mrs, Wake, Mrs. A. Riv-
ers, Mies Margaret Rivets and Mies J.
Miller, of Owen Sound, were calling
on friends in town last Friday. while
motoring to Seaforth. Mr, and Mrs.
Wake are former Brusselites and have
been away from Brussels for 25 years.
Rohr. Newcombe, a former .resident
of the 5th line, Morrie, Mrs. A. J. Me -
Callum, and Harry and Nlrs. Nelson
and family, all of Newark, N, J., Were .
visitors with Robt. aril Mrs, Hender-
son, of town, and other relatives in
Motels and Blyth. They motored ov-.
en Mr. Nelson ie connoted with the
daily paper of that city and this Was
his th'steleit to this section,