HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-7-8, Page 8•""-er-rrs.r Every Good Time is a Good Time to take Kodak Pictures Monday and Thursday we Develop Films. Tuesday and Friday we Print Pictures. Bring in or Mail us your Films— We will do the rest. For Pic-nics Paper Plates Papez' Cups, Spoons and Foeke. Paper NApkins and Lunch Cloths. Waxed Paper Thermos Bottles, &c. Congratulation Cards Local View Cards of the Town And Cards for almost every Special Occasion Church of England Prayer Books Combined with Hymn Books The Revised Edition has been seance and hard to get, We are glad to say we have just receiv- ed a supply which have been on order fir some time, Assorted hindiuge and large re. smaller print., The Leading Magazines Daily Papers and Weekly Papers For Sale Here F. H. M T H fie4 Store Druggist and Stationer Xotal ;i ebur 4itin Lots of rain. Decorate for the 12th. July will soon be half gone. J. J. Merrier, Seafarlh, and Ex. -M. P. of SO Hur011, %1t' ill t0W11 01] Monday. Improvements.— The building of the Municipal Telephone Co. is being re -decorated inside and out. W. Wil- liamson has the job. Gordon and Mrs. Ross and daught- er, of Kincardine, attended the 99th birthday of their grandfather, David Ross, on Sunday. Meals on the 12th.—The ladies of the United Church are preparing fine meals for the Orangemen and their friends on Stturday, July Ilth. Be sure and call around for a hat meal. Appointed Chairman of District.— Rev. Mr. Barker was selected as Chairman of Wingham District, at a meeting in Wingham last week. Meseta. H. L. Jackson and R. J. Hoover attended the meeting. Paid Goderich a Visit.—The Brus- sels Tennis Club paid the Goderich Club a visit on Dominion Day and were entertained at the Country CIub An enjoyable time was spent at the Co. town. Card of Thanks.—Mrs. James Bol- les wishes to thank the many neigh- bors and friends for their kindness during the sieknees and death of her husband, the late James Rnlles. The kind words and deeds are appreciated by the family. Mr. and Mrs. David Hamilton, of Wingham, accompanied by Mrs. Smerling and son, Charles, of De- troit, were visitors in town on Tues- day. Mrs. Smerling was formerly Miss Maggie Kennedy and a daught- er of Mr. Kennedy, a baker in town many years ago. There were few people that she knew in town. Passed Away.—After an illness ex- tending for the past year, and con- fined to bed for the past six months from spine trouble, James A. Bolles passed away on Friday last in his 34th year, Deceased was born in Merryberry Twp., near Moorefield and came to Brussels some 8 years ago. o. Latta 1 Latterly he was employed at the Creamery. Four yearao he married Lillian Lamont, and his wid- ow and one son, Allan, survive, also his parents, three sisters and one brother, The funeral was held on Monday afternoon and services at the home and graveside were con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Barker, of the Union Church. The pallbearers were: A. McDonald, J. Henderson, W. Gil- lespie, W. Scott, W. H. Maunders and P. Mitchell, Interment was made In Brussels cemetery. .. A Free Treat.—Many of our read- ers will remember Charles Duff, of Niagara Falls, Ont., who has appear- i ed in Brussels several times and nev- er failed to give pleasure by his splendid piano numbers, Mr. Duff is to broadcast a program on Wed., July 8th, from W G It, Buffalo, 9 to 10 p,m. He will be assisted by his wife, Beulah Spencer Duff, reader, and by two soprano soloiets. One of the latter, Lillian White Koch, used to make mud pies on the lama big stone with Charles, when they were youngsters together up in Simone County. Hear this interesting 'quer- .tette if at all possible. New Junior.—Lawson Clouse is the anew junior at the Bank of Nova Scotia. He commenced this week. Quiet Holiday.—The lst of July passed off very quietly in town. A few took in the sports at Wingham and Listowel. Hold Races 22nd.—The Seaforth Turf Club will hold a rare meet or. Wednesday, July 22. Classes and purses will be announced Iater. Seeosr hand mower and waggon for sale. 1T JOHN ULrvea. HAyrcAD011 for sale. in good working condition. JA00 WHITS, R. R 8 541 Phone 8410 J. (7. BL te(5TONK, expert Plano and Organ toner and repairer is 121 town. Orders left with Sam. Carter or at Walker t Black's Fur- niture More will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction assnred. Fort SAb.a —1 DeForost Crossley Radio, No. 61A, 2.t0be set complete, 1 No. 2A Junior Camera with printing outfit. Also 2 011 Boat- ers. Can he Been, Impaction invited Cheap for quick sale. 1T w. E. PDX, e. Fon SALi.—Dandelion and dppie Blossom honey, 10 cents per lb, 8-5 H. A. DIONAIIOHR, near Dionarieff LoeT.—A pair of singlet harness tugs on June 20th, between Brussels and Oliver Smith's. Finder please phone 588. Dao No. 4.882 has been found and awaits an owner at theprinting cffioe. Also No 192.967. Pnopawrr Fon 130 1.11.-10 acres of first-class land, about half n mile north of Brussels • good house and good cellar, and a barn ; gond water and about 70 fruit trees. All seeded down. Apply at American Hotel. tt Use Five Lilliea flour for good bread. J, T. Roos. FORD Rnnab, nt for as le at a bargain. For further nsrticulepq apply to 1-tf LAW.A. BNP.AI NF.R, Phone858 WHY wait when you can get your Syrup Sundaes and Fruit Sundaes served in Vortex cups with spoons 7 Can be ratan in the streets or in your car, W.A. (}bIWAR, FOR 3ALK.— 1 rubber -tired top Buggy, nearly new ; 1 stsel-tired top buggy ; 1 new lumber wagon ; 8 good second-hand wagons ; 1 steel roller ; one binder in first•class Gond• ition,7 ft. eat. Apply W. A. LOWRY. Five lilies 11 our makes good broad. Every bag guaranteed. •. J. T. Bass. CONtNa.-1t. R. Stewart, Piano Tuner. First Masa work. Lrave orders with R. L. JACKSON, Jeweler. Regular Meeting.— The regular meeting of the Junior Women's Insti- tute will be held at the home of Miss Edna McCall on Friday, July 1.4th. All members are asked to attend. Many Saw the Circus. — Many Of our citizens saw Ringling Bros. circus at Kitchener on Saturday and others went to London to see the show on Monday. The circus was worth the trap. A Successful Picnic.—The first pic- nic of the Junior Women's Institute and the Junior Farmers' Association was held at Bayfield on Saturday last and an enjoyable day was spent at the beach. Everybody reported a good time. 20 years at Helm.—On July 1st, 1005, J, J• Hunter took possession of the Kincardine Reporter, and a few months ago, took over the other paper, The Review, combining both. We wish Bro. Hunter continued suc- cess for another 20 years. Liberals Attention:—Thera will be a meeting of the Liberals in Barrister Sinclair's office. on' Monday, July 13th to appoint delegates to the Liberal Convention to be held in Wingham on Wednesday, July 15th, Wm, Gilles- pie is the local Chairman, tl DOMINION DAY Men of the North! Our natal bugle sounds. Free as the winds which sweep our mighty plains, Firm as our mountains rising tier en tier, Resistless as the rivers which swoop down To their far ocean home. Let us arise—the east is all aglow, The brave ones muster to the trysting place, • Where Gad, and sleeping Heroes, and. high Fate, Shall meet us and together we shall write And seal anew our Nation's Coven- ant. Let us arise, that all the world may see The covenant of the Braver the Bold, the Free: The above lines were composed by Rev. J. T. Strachan, B.A., of Cainp- bellevllle, Ont., who is a son of the late Jno. Strachan of Grey Twp., and a cousin of our genial townsman, Alex Strachan. The poem appeared in the Globe on. July lst. Detours Again in Vogue. Auto travellers now have to detour twice between Mitchell and Kitchener on the highway. Playing With Winthrop.—Archie Ballantyne and Calvin Cameron, of Cranbrook, are playing with the Winthrop Junior W. F. A. team. Strike Will Not Effect Shipment:— The strike of the miners in the Al- berta coalmines will have no effect on the shipment of the 26,000 tons of Alberta coal to Ontario, Hon. Charles McCrea, Minister of Mines, informed the Globe Friday. On hear- ing of the industrial trouble, Mr. Mc- Crea at once communicated with the Canadian National Railways, now under contract to haul the coal. He was informed that the coal was ready for shipment, but that lack of slip- ping instructions had retarded its re- moval. On Tuesday last the C. N. R. had sent written instructions for haulage and this wes followed by telegraphic instructions on Thursday. Mr. McCrea sees no reason now why there should be further delay. Did Successful Work—The Church Bulletin issued by the Howard Park United Church, Toronto, for Sunday, June 28th, had the following refer- ence of a former pastor of Brussels Methodist church: "Rev. S, J. Allin, who has been the Assistant Pastor of this Church for the past four years, finishes the term he agreed to serve with us today. Dr. Scott wishes us to record his high appreciation of our Assistant Pastor. He declares that the success of the Church in the past four years could not have been ach- ieved without his aid. The sympath- etic way in which he has visited us, his faithful attention to many duties, and the influence of his fine Christian personality, has been an inestimable blessing to Howard Park Church. We' are glad he and his family will remain with us as Church members." Dr. Shaw Given High Honor: —The new President of the Medical Alumni Association of the University of Tor- onto is John W. Shaw, M. D., C. M., of Clinton, and a former resident of Brussels, who graduated from Trin- ity College Medical School in 1891.. Dr. Shaw joined the 33rd Battalion of the Canadian Militia in 1889 as Lieutenant. During the Great War he served for three years as Medical Officer of the 161st Battalion, C.E.F. and in 1917 was gazetted Lieutenant- Colonel, which rank he now holds in the Huron Regiment. Twice Presi- dent of the Huron Medical Society, a Past President of Ontario Health Officers' Association, Dr. Shaw has brought his energy and executive ability into the service of the Medical Alumni Association, particularly in respect to class organization. The association looks forward to a most successful year under his Presidency. Old friends in Brussels offer the Dr. congratulations upon this new honor bestowed upon him. Soft Ball League.—The Butchers and Bakers won from East Hurons by a score of 9-5. Following was the score by innings:— B. & B. — 0 3 1 0 3 2 0 —9 East H.-0031001-5 On Friday night last the I. 0. 0. F. team won from the Clerks by a score of 12-8. Clerks — 0 1 1 1 2 0 3— 8 I.o.O.P.-1120350-12 The Maple Leafs took the High School team to task and won out by a seorg of 11-9. It was an exciting game. High School — 3200103 — 9 Maple Leafs — 8 1 0 0 3 4 x— 11 Tuesday evening the I. 0. 0. F. team won from the East Hurons. At the first of the 7th the score was 10.3 and with two men out theEgg Pack- ers scored 5 runs, making the score 19-8 at the finish. Notes Soft Ball has become a popular game in town, and is supposed to be a soft, harmless game all the way through, but an occasional player gets a "tiff right off the bat." When Bill bats, he'd put you in mind of a sum in long division that would bring tears to the eyes of the 51ma11 boy. It isn't "all gold that glitters" re- marked the player, as bright sparks radiated from his left optic. The "mill of time" grinds slowly but surely, but the man who runs our local chopper, sidewheels his bases in short order. The player with three hairs on his bean better keep his lid on or he'll lose 'em. Not surprised that Archie is a good fielder—the ball looks so much like 10 pills he makes, "Got a slant" on the Canadian ational Representative —a nice layer but he issues too many "pass - Nesbitt would run his bases better he didn't have his hair parted at e side,. Derry Day May be Celebrated:— The County .Chapter of ,Middlesex of N the Royal Black Knights and also p the Huron County Chapter are arrang a ing to hold a celebration for Derry Day, August 12th at either Bayfleld, if Goderich or Grand Bend. th Jt 4 8 , ll 1t it it it it ft it jt St St n SI St SI 4 ll ft, istA it 4A 9l it !l 4. 1 !t R. 11 I it .ft, 11 PQ,O 4, r° a8 0�0 -FAIN s s 11i4 9A This Equipment " Is at Your Disposal ' 'a,', THE Standard Bank is equip• ped to ?Hake collections toe- ally or through its agents in every city and town in Canada. This should be of value to you, BANKING �l X YEARS service The Collection Department of the Standard Bank offers you the as- sistance of a highly developed organization that is specialized to a fine degree in this most impar' taut branch of business practice, THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Sarnia, Manager Take Adjustments to Keep Well THE old saying, "An °ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," is very true. Do not wait until you become real sick before giving yourself attention, but take, sickness especially, in the beginning and you will profit in the end. In some incoordinations there are tissue changes take place that cannot be repaired if al- lowed to remain standing too long. Do not wait. See your Chiropractor. CONSULTATION FREE L. 0. WHITFIELD, D. 0. Office over Johnston's Jewellery Store Rowel10 to S to 12 a, m. 2 p. m, Listowel, Ont. Phone 9 • 1 Reception.— On Monday evening at the Union Church a reception was tendered to Rev. Mr. Barker, the new minister, and Miss Howe, R. J. Hoover occupied the chair and solos were given by Miss Carrie Hingston and Rev. Mr. Lewin, the latter also rendered a couple of cello solos. Robt. Strachan and Miss Marjory Hoover gave readings and J. A. Flax, P. A. ,McArter and A. Hersey gave short speeches. Bev. Mr. Barker also spoke to the gathering. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. W. C. T. U.—A very enjoyable meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held June 29th, at the home of the Presi- dent, Mrs. McGuire, this being the 20th anniversary of the 'Union in Brussels. Devotional sery',35 were held and also Educational program on Electors League, a plar which has already taken hold of ol.r Province in a way which gives hope of the dawn of the day when Ontario will be really dry and through which no poli- tical party has to be endorsed. We are to build up in each riding a solid block of Prohibition voters who can be relied on to cast their ballots only for men who will vote for Prohibition whatever their party may do. It was decided to send for political pleege cards that they might be distributed. A beautiful vocal solo was sung by Mrs, Walker. A pleasing feature of the meeting was a visit from Ethel Union, accompanied by their pastor, Rev. Mr. Grant, and Mrs. Grant. Rev. Mr. Barker, pastor of the United Church, and also Miss Howe were present. Both gentlemen gave short congratulant speeches of the splendid work done by the W. C. T. U. 'Ref- erence was made to the splendid woman, Francis E. Willard. Lunch was served and a social hour was spent by all. . HENFRYN Thomas Kerr shinned it grade Short- hnrn eteer which tipped the scales at 2080 1 hs. J. Spells, wife and family, Brussels, visited with Ralph and Min.Thnmson,' on Sunday. Rev. J. H, McLeod, of Lnndnn, made 0 Hying visit to Henfryn and( vicinity recently. Rev. H. C. Paekham and wife, nf, Hat row, were Vlaitirlg their eousine, Time, and Mrs. Dougherty. Charles and MTs. Henry and daugh- ter•altelided the Golden Wedding of, Mrs. Henry's parents near Monkton oil Monday, Jnhnstnll Arrnstrnng left Tuesday morning tar Kingston to take a 911 01 t course in the University there, We i wish hire suere,,e Clyde and Mrs. Reavely, and son, Donald, of St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt and daughter, Jean, of Lon- . don; Miss Della Dale, of Glendale; and Van and Mrs, McEwen, of Monk -1 ton, were the guests of Chas. and Mrs. Henry. CLINTON John 1'. Onoper, 80 years of age, pinntee of Boiesevan, Man. tied a teeident of Winnipeg for a quarter of a (ten tut v, died at, t he Immo of his son, W. A. Canner, 98 Baheortil Win• nipeg, nn 4Vednesdev, June 241h, A native of Clinton, Ont., Mr. Cooper was one of I he first settlers to, break land in the Bhiesevan district, He homeetpnded here for a nurnber of yours, afet wards opening up a barn• eetemaking and saddlery unciae°° in town. He then enndueted a sirniler enterI1 r•iee at Ninga, Mee, He carte to Winnipeg early in 1900. He was employed by the Great West Sad- dlery Company for n gond ninny years, finally retiring. He had lived in yeti: etnelit since, Mr. Coo Ar was a member of Maryland Methodist congregation,' and was connected with the Canadian Order of Foreet- ers and the Loyal Orange Order, He is survived by thtee sons and four daughters. The sans are : Dr. W. A. Cooper, Winnipeg ; J. A, Cooper, Veteran. Alta., and Edward Cooper, Winnipeg. The daughters are : Airs, G. G. Richardeod, Winnipeg • Mrs. D. N. Morden, Toronto ; Mrs, R. A. Byers, Spruce Lake, Sask. and Mrs. T. E. Richardson, Vancouver. The funeral was held on Friday afernoon from Gardner's Chapel. Burial was made in the family plot in Elmwood Cemetery. BRUSSELS ON THE 11TH Next Sunday will fisher in the 235th anniversary of the Boyne, and with propitious weather, Brussels is assured of a bumper crowd, on, Satur- day, July llth. An energetic Com- mittee has the work of preparation in fine form and good progress has been made. The townspeople gen- erally, should lend a hand in com- pleting the details for Saturday's celebration. A generous supply of flags, bunt- ing and mottoes are always a pleas- ing feature on a public day. Malce, the town look spruce. Let the flags wave. Brussels is easy of access by both public and private conveyance, hence from far and near visitors are expected. No Orange celebration is complete without its fifes and drums but to these will be added well known brass Bands which will enliven the pro- ceedings. Preparation along almost, whole- sale lines will be made for supplying ineals and the usual excellent hotel accomodation is being augmented by the churches and private parties. A great array of oratorical talent is counted on and if they all make long speeches the afternoon will be more than Ailed. Speaking will take place in the town park. Former celebrations have been large and next Saturday will prob- ably see a duplication of, past records. HURON COUNTY CONVENTION 28th Annual Convention of Women's Christian Temperance Union will be held in Goderich. The 28th annual convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Un- ion will be held in Victoria Street Union church, Goderich, on Thursday July 9th. Large delegations are expected from Wingham, Clinton' Brussels, Blyth, Exeter, Hensall and other parts of the county. The opening exercises of the con- vention will be given at 9 a.m. when interesting reports of the year's work in the county will be given by the county officers and superintendents of the different departments. Meals will be served in the church by the Goderich union to the dele- gates and their friends for 25 cents each. In the evening two gold medal eon - tests will be held, when twelve silver medalists from the different parts of the county will compete for the gold medal for singing and 'the gold medal for elocution. There will also be an oratorial con- test by a class of boys, for which cash prizes will be given. And also a "sil- ver medal contest in singing for Goderich boys and girls. Besure and reserve the date for this splendid program. Admission to the evening entertainment 26 cants Children 10 cents. Fox's Drug Store The M)--0-014$414° Store WEEKLY STORE NEWS Dreco mine Stomach Tonic $1.25 Tanlac Alert a Good Tonic 91,'15 Wampole's Magnolax 8100 and 60e also Agarol The newi1 Mineral 75e and $1.j3 Keep Your Horse Right Our Blue Grass Condition Powder ie a particularly fine Condition Powder for horeee, 25e pkge For your Motor Trip don't forget a box of Smiles'u Chuckles 80c, 600 and 91 00 Sweet Marie A pretty name and ire oee of our best Choc- olate Bare 6c A Real Big One Rubbing Alcohol Quality Guaranteed 70c 40e 25e Films Complete stock always' on hand of The Eastman Film in the Yellow Box Also the Vulcan which is equal- ly as good. Both are guaranteed, Paris Green The Kind that -Kills There's quite a differ- ence in the quality of Paris Green and we aim to buy the best. lb, and 1 Ib. boxed IPrinting and Developing Our business in this department is steadily in creasing. There's a reason. Let us add your name to ourlong list of satisfied customers. FOX'S DRUG STORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TiCKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER BORN Honreeneoe.—In Grey Twp, on June 28, 1925, to Mr. and Dire. Ben Hol1mbeok, 201 Con„ a daughter. O/EO BOLLr9. InBrussels, on July Brd, 1925, James A, Roller, in hie 84th year, BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat. , ......, ... 41 25 1 15 Parley Oats Bvokwbeat Butter . Eggs Roue 1155 84 12285 s� 80 85 4665 84 13 400 Farm for Sale 100 acre Farm for sale, being South half lot 27, Oon 5, Township of Morrie. On promisee are a good bel k barn. 78x40 with good Dement otnbling ; driving shed 40x24 ; connfortble, good, frame hoose with good atone cellar two good well° never -falling ; about 6 agree good maple bush. This farm- In well fenced and drained andin good ,tate of ooltivatien and is situated 1 mile from Village of Walton, also 1 mile from oohool and ehvroh For fur- ther particulars apply on the premises' or to, J. A. MARSHALL 8-01 R. R.4. Walton. Reuni®n GR S. S. No. 3 EY f Will be held on the School Grounds THURSDAY, JULY 23RD, '25 An Old Time Pic-nic in the Afternoon A Comic Parade at 1 o'clock led by the Mount Forest Kiltie Band. A program consisting of Speeches, Solos, Quartettes, ale„ by a number of the Old Boys, RACES OF ALL KINDS SOFT BALL LUNCH—Ladies Please Bring: Baskets Everybody Welcome 1 Garden Party in the Evening FOOT BALL—Jamestown vs. Grey ..Rovers" Special Program Dancing Platform on the Grounds A gond Orchestra will supply the Music Everybody Welcome Adults 26c; Children Free Z Asamsmatimmatimissmimmiffr Seasonable Hardware, &c.. Full line of Oil Cook Stoves 1VIcClary's Electric Ranges Famous Easy Washing Machines Hot Point Electric Irons Headquarters fol Brantford Binder ` Twine and all Harvest Needs Goodyear Tires Bring in your cans and have them re -filled with Dr. Williams' Fly Oil, S. F. DAVISON Phone No. 17 BRUSSELS i�'