The Brussels Post, 1925-7-8, Page 5CUS)NESS CANUS
THE industrial Mortgage and
Savings .Company/ of Sftrnia
Coterie, are prepared to advance mono on
ldortgages oa good lauds, Parties (Uterine
money on farm mortgages win plenae ap ly to
Janes Gowan Bearorth Ont., who will fur.
WW1 rates and other parlierrlars.
The industrial Mortgage
sand Savings Company
Fire, Automobile and Wind Ins,
0 0
FOR S..rf.LB
Cut Fence Rails and
Poles, $2 so per cord.
2 cords on load,.
P. Anent
Phone 86x Brussels
For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647.
JAMES M'FAl7Z1=AN oral. chis terns
Summer holidays are here.
Give us the names of your Summer
Don't forget the 12th Celebration
in Brussels on Saturday.
What is more glorious at this time
of year than the great out -doors,
IsztussEes Vutet's L;st is ill the
hands of the pt inter and will snow be
rends, for distri nit ion,
'rue traveller o, the highway these
days has two things to fear -being
held np or hying t un down.
Tt's getting more difficult to keep
within the law every day, so many
now regulations are .being passed.
When the man wants an open ear
and the Wife wants a sedan, the argu-
ment as a rule ends in a closed Inci-
By the way the kick of the four -
point -four beer is nothing compared
to that of those who want something
Several attended the semi-final
football match at Winthrop last Tues-
day night when Kitchener Juniors
played there.
It would be interesting to know
what effect, if any, the Ferguson-
Nickle beer has on the demand for
doctors' "pers."
Potato bugs and the destructive
caterpillars that eat the leaves off
gooseberry and currant bushes are
very numerous this year.
Although the looked -for good times
have not yet come around the corner
there ere signs that they are drawing
nearer and nearer. 'Twould never
do for them to come upon us too
At a recent American wedding one
of the guests who had been married
five times stood up when the wedding
march was played. He had heard it
so often he thought it was the na-
tional anthem.
Might Have Been. Worse.
The Clinton News -Record makes
the following reference to an acci-
dent which took place near there,
Miss Roberton being a neice of Mrs.
Jas. Ballantyne, town :-An accident
occurred on "Vinegar Hill" Monday
morning, whereby Mr. G. D. Reber -
ton's sedan was rendered a subject
for repairs. Miss Helen Roberton
was driving north behind T. Mason's
truck when the latter pulled up to
speak to the driver of another car,
which was stalled by the side of the
road, and Miss Roberton, being un-
able to stop her car quickly enough,
ran into him. Fortunately the young
lady was driving slowly or the dam-
age might have been much more sen.
ious. As ft was the fender, lamps,
and other parts of the front of the
car were -damaged. Miss Roberton
claims no signal was given that the
truck was about to stop.
The Late Mrs. W. F. Smith.
An esteemed tesideut of Morris
passed away on Sunday, June 281 11, in
the person uE Emma Farrow, widow
of the. late William '1'. Smith, De.
ceased was in her 88th year. Her
husband predeceased her about eigh-
teen years ago. Mrs. Smith was a
sister of the late Thee. Farrow, form-
er postmaster at Brussels and ex.M, P.
for North Huron. ,Mr, and Mrs
Smith came to this vicinity from
Port Hnpe over forty years ago. The
surviving members of the family at e
T. J. of Winnipeg, Mrs. Dennis of
Castelviile, Rev. W. 13, Snaith of Col-
lingwood, Mrs. John Garutett of Tor-
onto anti M, J, with wimin she Inas ,e-
sitfed in Motris, The funeral was held
to Bluevale cemetery on Wednesday
afternotn turd was largely attended,
Revs. Crawford Tait and A. V. Wald
en of the United Church at Bluevale,
conducted the services.
Agent Howlck Mutual fire Insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Phone 42 Box 1 Tarnberry Btreet, Breeeele
GVNA,P1 04741110
For references consult anyperson whose seles
1 here ot,orated at, Phone 711x or 05
r. T. Al' RAE
M.B.. M. O.P., A S. O.
M. O. a., Village of Br neselar
Pliyelolan, Burgeon, Accoucheur
Oiact at reeldence, oppoette rit.ely 111.,Church,
William street,
Honor graduate of the Ontirlo Veterinerr
College. Day and night male. OMoe oppo,ite
Flour Min,gehel, • ,
It. Pays to Attend the Best ,
Car. Yange and Alexander Sts, Toronto
Every graduate of the hast lif- 4
teen months has secured etn-
tployment. Open all year. En- T
ter now. Catalogue free.
Pani A SUNSav VEri�aN"a'24 ^av EME
Gedmeddi (I
Highest market prices
See me or Phone No. 2x, Bt us-
sels, and I will call and get
your SVool,
M. Yolli&
Stop !
Listen !
Ye who have BATTERY trouble don't
throw away your old battery - use
R E V I V O - the New Battery
Electrolyte. Makes your Old Battery
work like new. For Quarter the cost.
Earl Anderson.
Distributor for Huron County.
Brussels, P. 0., Phone ]54
We are in need of Wheat for
Milting. Give us a cull at our
expense if you have ally to sell,
No trouble to quote prices.
Alt kinds of
Flour and Feed
For Salo
T. G. Hemphill,
- Flom Mill 21
PHONES Split Pea Mill 29
Night cull 50
The London Conference of the
United Church of Canada will com-
prise the counties of Essex, Kent,
Elgin, Lambton, Huron, Oxfo'd, Mid-
dlesex and Perth.^
- The General Council of the 'United
Church which next year will meet in
Montreal, Will consist of one minister
for every 18 ministers and an equal
number of laymen.
Ruthven cmrespnndent to Fite
Leamington Post and News makes
the foliowiug reference to e. forint)
pastor of Btuseele Methodist church,
and his family :-At Trinity church,
Tuesday evening Lhe people gathered
in splendid numbers to spend a fare
well social evening with Rev. Me. and
Mrs. Stafford' and family, 'Phomas
Grainger acting as chairman. $ole,
were sung by Miss Vida Wigle, Mrs
Alvin Th, r,r, Miss Dorothea Stafford
and Roy Allen. Mrs. Ona Wigle and
little Miss Alarjorie Allen were de.
Iighlfully entertaining in humorous
readings, and a piano solo was given
by Mrs. WIS. liendet•snn end a piano
duet by Misses Lily Wigle and Etta
Dal ton. Speeches wet a made by Ltuu-
bert Wigle uud But well Malott, and,
then a playet entitled "Presentation',
was announced, when Mrs. Lambert
Wigle read an address and A1re.'1'hos,
Grainger peeeeuted Mr. and Mrs.
Stafford with a beautiful mahogany
mantle clock. Mr, Stafford expressed
his appreciation of Lhe gift unci also
of the faithful service -of the people
during his four-year pastorate, Then
followed a sooial 11105 with toe
and rake, On Friday evening the
neople of the Leagnp, choir and Sun.
day S ho ,l gave Do, o.heft and Gerald
Slufforti a surprise patty, They nr.
rived all togethei in autos with honk-
ing horse, and a jolly, good time wait
epentIn music and .,games. Lillian
Blunter rend tate address and Elim
vox pi'seented Dorothea with a beaut-
iful gold compact and Gime Wigle
react 1111 addl585 tied Itn1:er1 Gfahem
presented Gel aid with a lovely gold
pencil, Both Dor otheaand Gerald re-
plied suitably. A very tasteful lunch
was then served;
The summer days are ]fere,
Council met on Menday evening.
Honored .By Choir,
Rev. S. J, Alin, assistant pastor
of Howard Park Church, Toronto,
and u former pastor of Brussels
Methodist Church, was presented last
Wednesday evening with a sectional
bookcase by the choir of the elittreb.
A present of a silver cake basket wag
also made to Mr's. A1lin. The Prost.
dent of the choir, Wesley Dunlop,
„and E, Crawford, choir leader, made
reference to the very pleasant rela-
tions existing between the choir and
the assistant pastor and his family.
Be Fair -Give Us A Chance,
Under the above heading the Wing -
ham Advance -Times of last week
printed the following pai'agz'aph.
Comment on it is unecessary, as the
local, paper in every town has had
and stall has the same unfair competi-
tion to contend with in spite of the
fact that the local paper can supply
the local merchant with any lcind of
printing which he may require,' and
nine times out of ten do it more
cheaply than the city house can, "We
believe there are a number of Winge
ham business men who are glad that
Wingham bas a newspaper office as
well equipped as The Advance -Times.
But do they think of these things
when a smartly dressed, loud talking
salesman for printing, walks into
their place of business. On Tuesday
of last week, Wingham was visited by
a .lad who told how he could save
everybody money on printing. He
also made the boast, that no matter
what the local printer would charge
he was authorized- by his house to
beat the price. In two cases the
salesman was asked point blank to
quote his lowest price, after trying
every possible means of finding out
what they paid for the last job, he
quoted $12.00 for meat slips which
We charged $10.00 for and in anoth-
er he quoted $32.50 for envelopes
for which we charged $30. One man
who was loyal to us, after repeatedly i
telling him that he would not give the
order to anyone other than a local
titan, ordered him out of his store.
Nevertheless this same salesman
showed his order book to the hotel-
man and in it he had at least twelve
orders of printing for Wingham. At
the same time our office is running to
about half capacity. Is it fair? Do
you expect Mr. Businessman, that
"Wingham's little booster," the Ad-
vance -Times, can boost your busi-
When you pass out of this
sphere, ere, your relatives will be hurt
unless the local paper gives a long
obituary notice about your honorable
School Report. -The following is
the result of the final examinations
of S. S. No. 4, Morris:. Tr. IV• -
Margaret Harman 77, Mildred Nich-
ol 72, Leota Cardiff 62. Sr. ItI-
Joe Smith 70, Lloyd Pipe 68. Jr.
III -Glenn Smith 78, Gordon Har-
man 76, Gladys White 74, Mervyn
Pipe 66. Sr. TI -Margaret Russell
77, Dave Miller 76, Elbert White 72,
Kate Russell 68, Harriett Smith 64,
Howard Smith 65, Gordon Nichol 62,
Jack Pipe 61, Mac Scott 56.
The following' is the report of the
final examinations of S. S. No. 9,
Morris. H: Honors, P: Pass, IF: Fail-
ure. Jr. IV to Sr. IV -Mabel Bew-
ley 83 H. Sr. II to Jr. III -Arthur
Bewley 80 H, Stuart Bryans 76 H,
Clifford Pease 67 P, Thomas Kirkby
60 P, Beacham Alcock 48 F. First
to Jr. II Isabelle Alcock P, Sr. Pr.
-May Shortreed, Lloyd Pease. Jr.
Pr. -Walter Bentley, Lloyd Alcock,
Ruth Alcock. No. on roll 16. Aver-
age attendance 13.
Report of the promotions made at
S. S. No. 8, Morris, (Browntown)
for the school year ending June 1925.
60%required for pass, 75% required
for honors. Primer -Irene Arnent,
Isabel Thynne, Margaret Turvey.
First Class -Charlie Mathers, Stanley
Mustard. First to Jr. II -Elmer Sel-
lers, Irene Warwick (honors), Viola
Goll (honors). Jr. II to Sr. U -Dor-
othy Goll, Jean Garniss, Jean Tur-
vey, Tom Garniss. Jr. III to Sr. 111 -
Eva Dennis, Harry Goll. Sr. III to
Jr. IV -Edith Garniss, Freda Mus-
tard (honors), Ross Smith.
Re -opened
Miss Maude Bryans
Wiebes to anurntnee that elle
has opened an chino at her 1,01118
ane bieek West of the Bank of
Nova Hentta, and ie.prepared to
attend to all kinds of Optleal
Satisfaction Assured
7110 following le the results of pre.
urutlon ez;ara)loatlone of S. S. No 4, �.
Boilers 7670130% Pas. Jr, to Se, IV'--
Mildred Hoy 80%; Uhnrlee Ketfer .05
Mergarsl Cooke 61. Se. III to Jr.
IV -Vincent Rowland 72; Roy P,eni',
0011 71 1 Hazel Rayntrd 62. Jt'. 111
to Hr, 11I-Ralplt lit lfer 711; Ilet va
Parr 08 ; John Conley 45. Sr'. 1I to
Jr, 111--10orge 1511ot 83 Viola Turn..
hull.75; Bert Itowlend 01; lava Parr
00 ; Rolph Peeran1) 48 JP. 11---L4ura
Reynerd H., Margaret Prarenri it.,
Hi -leu Rowland F I -Hugh Pennant*
17', Ina 'Turnbull E, Geo, Hoy 16,
George Petuenn E. Sr. Pr. Fred Kef-
fer F,. )Zees Stephenson IF, Jr, Pr.--
Jessie Peelsen G., Hewett] McKay
, G. 57rEA Mcf,,gaaAxo, Teacher,
Following is the school report of
Cranbrook,. S. S. No. 7, Grey -Senior
room Promotion Exams, --Jr. IV to
Sr. IV- Honors -Eleanor Knight,
Emyleno Steiss, Earl Dunn, John
Pennington, Pass -Edith Brown,
Glen Hunter. Sr. III to Jr. IV-
Honors- Kathleen Zeigler, Howard
Brown, Blair Macintosh. Pass -
Willie Fischer, Hulclah Querengesser.
Highest standing in oral work -Glen
Junior room -Jr, IIT to Sr, III-
Honors- Evelyn' Huether, Stanley
Fischer, Vera Porter Mary McIntosh.
Sr. II to Jr. III -Honors -Geo. Fis-
cher, Myrie Wilson. Pass- Roma
Cameron. Jr. II to Sr. II -Honors -
Mary McDonald, Dorothy Huether,
Clifford Brown. Pass -Elmer Lock-
ing. First to Jr. II -Honors -Mad-
eline Kreuter. Pass - Kenneth
Brown, Alice Locking. Sr. Pr. to
First -Honors -Glen Hunter, Willie
Zengler. Pass -Maurice, Cameron,
Jim Cameron. Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr. -
Honors -Muriel McDonald, Mac Mc-
Intosh, Mary Huether, Stanley Wil-
son. Jr. Pr. Doris Long.
Robt, Campbell, 14th Con. has pur-
chased a Ford. Robert handles it
Morton and Mrs. Gray, Listowel,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc-
Taggart during the week.
Quite a number of the 10th Con.
folks attended the Garden Party at
Mr. Perrie's z e s on Monday evening.
Chas. McQuarrie, 10th Con., has
erected a fine new kitchen and wood
shed which adds greatly to the im-
provement of his property.
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson and children,
Atwood; Mrs. Simpson and Miss Far-
rell, Detroit; Mrs. Smithers and child-
ren, Detroit, and Mrs. Miller and
children, Michigan, were visitors at
the home of Lloyd Porter during the
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 12, Grey and McKillop, for
their promotion examinations. Jr.
III to Sr, III -Charlie Williamson
93, Jim Williamson 66. Sr. II to Jr.
III -Kenneth Ritchie 72, Gertie
,Pride 70, Norman Williamson 63.
Sr. I-Herbic Williamson. Primer
(A) -Marie Coutts. Primer (B)-
Olda Williamson, Myrttle McCallum,
Ruth En
Following is the report of the Pro-
motion hlxaulinatious of S. 8. No. 5,
Grey, Honors 75, Pass 60. Sr. III to
Jr, IV -Annie Eveleigh 82 ; Jear
Campbell 77 ; Amy Holmes 72 ; *Bella
Lucas 66. Jr. III to Sr, I1I-Kath-
leen Bremner 84 ; Gladys Lucas 80 ;
Lizzie Beii9,es 67 ; Willie Beirnes 65 ;
Sr. II to Jr. III -Florence Hamilton
68. Jr. If to Sr. II -"Norman Rae 60.
Those marked wit h an asterick failed
in one or more subjects but passed on
the total.
E FEAR, Teacher.
SCHOOL RLPORT.-.Fnl)nwing 15 tine
school repot of S. S. No. 70, Pro.
motion Exams :-Jr IV -Pass 477 -
Greta Baker 582 Wilma Baker 502
Wilda Baker 427 Sr. III -Pass 465
Aima Patterson 588 (Hon.), Pearl
Oarnoehan 587, Isobel Spleen 530,
May Oarnorinan 440. Sr. II -Pass
408 -Lawson Whitfield 533 (Hen ),
Arthur Neahel 525 (Hon) Jr. II -
Pass -872 -Susie Nettbpl 471 (Hon.)
Glen Dilwor th 465 (Hon ). Pearl Bak-
er, IRENE KR,I.VTER, Teacher;,
Do You Know----.P--
That you can secure a training second' to none
in Stenography, Book=keeping or Telegraphy at
Central Business College
Write"to the Principal, R. F. Lumsden, B. A.,
and get full particulars now,
Ontario White Cedar Shingles
Ohtario White Cedar Fence Posts
Ontario White Cedar Hayracks
Ontario -White Balsam for Gates
Ontario Hemlock Lumber
Ontario White Cedar Ontario Red Beech
Gravel Box Bottoms Stoneboat Runners
Gibson Lumber & Cider Mills - Wroxeter
Phonoai eo29ao Place your Order Now
Jim McFarlane lost a valuable horse
last week,
Foot ball and soft hall ere keeping
things lively at Mei cxl, l
Charlie Harrison, North Bay, is vis
itdng, his brother and other relatives
Miss Harr iet McQu'u'rie of the List
owel Public School stall is visiting at
her home here.
13. and Mrs. Mitchell, of Ripley,
Were week -end visitors with Donald
and Mrs. McTaggart,
S. S. No, 9, Grey. -Following is
report of Promotion Examinations
for S. S. No. 9, Grey: -Jr. IV to Sr.
IV -Verna McKay 76 (Hon.), Vel-
ma Robertson 78. Sr. III to Jr. IV
-Willie Robertson 78 (Hon.), Ken-
neth Ferg 68. Jr. III to Sr. III -
Lundy 1VIcKay 72, Mae McKay 64,
Glen Rathwell 62. Jr. II to Sr, II•-
Madalon Speiran 75 (Hon.), Jennie
McKay 73, Herbie Huffman 72, Cecil
Machan 67, Jeanie Harrison 66, Cyn-
thia Machan 65, Cecil Robinson 60,
Russel Gole 60, Class I to Jr. II-
Myrtle Gole, Donald Riehl, Marshall
Harrison, Lillian Harrison. Pr. to
Class I -Lindsay McKay, Dorothy
Mann, Leonard Machan. Junior
Primer- Lloyd Machan, Everett
Miss A. Mitchell, teacher at S S.
No. 8, left for her home on Sunday.
She will be greatly missed in the oon-
munity where she has done gond
work for the past two years in chin oh
and social work. She was always
ready to respond and her cheery dis-
position made many friends for her,
The following address speaks for
itself :
Dear friend, must you leave us P
Our hearts are sad and sore,
To think our loving friend
Will be with us no more.
T%vo years you've kindly worked
with try,
And given us your help.
Now that you', e going to leave us,
We're almost in despair.
Not in the sphere of school alone,
Are we sure to feel your loss,
For you've been a' faithful helper
In the work of Y. W. A.
Now we've met together
Although in number few,
To show in our own feeble way
The love we hold for you.
We've thought of different things
to give,
Of either use oe beauty,
And decided on this Purse
So hope 'twill de its duty.
We ask you to accept it,
N, t for its intrinsic worth,
But Le show that your Monctieff
Of friendship are not dearth.
May the God of little children and
of their eldere too,
Watch o'er you in your path
through life
Is our best wish for you.
Signed on behalf of the Young
Womeu's Auxiliary,
Walton School Fair ---The Prize
List of Walton School Fair, which
will be held on the school and church
grounds, Walton, on Monday, Sept.
14th have just been issued and are
being distributed to the pupils of the
different Sections. The officers con-
sist of :-Ilon. President, Oliver
Turnbull; President, Edward Bryans;
Treasurer, W. G. Neal; Secretary,
1). E. Pruder. The directors for the
various Sections are: -S. S. No. 2,
Grey, Silas Johnston; No. 12, Grey,
John Coutts; No. 7, McKillop, 'Wm.
Somerville; No. 9, McKillop, Geo.
Dundee; No. 9, Morris, ltd. Bryans;
and No. 11, Morris, Roy Bennett.
Following are the results of the
Huron Promotion Examinations for
Walton Junior Room. 75% honors,
60%pass. Form II Sr. to Form III
Jr. -Wilfred Shortreed 85, James
McCall 83, Dorothy Drager 80, Isa-
bel Farquharson 72, Jimmie Murray
72, Berva Steiss 72, Harold Bolger
69, Mabel Machan 69, Ruth Mann-
ing 52, Gladys Smalldon (Promoted).
Form II Jr. to Form II Sr. -Halcyon
Chandler 73, Jean Murray 60, Grace
Manning 59, Muriel Dundas 42.
Form 1 Sr. to Forza II Jr. -Honors -
Helen Farquharson and Grace Kreut-
er. Pass -Norma Steiss, Earl Hoy,
Gordon Ryan, Robinson Hamilton,
Jane Dundas, Helen Smalldon. Foran
I Sr. to Form I Jr. -Kenneth Mur-
ray, Lena Drager, Gordon Shortreed,
Margaret Murray, Allan McCall,
Mary Buchanan, Jr. Primer to Sr.
Primer -Willie Farquharson, Jack
McGavin, Helen Jackson.
Following are the results of the
Huron Promotion Examinations for
Senior Room of Walton Public
School. 75% Honers, 60% Pass.
Form. III Sr, to Form IV Jr. -Clara
McCall 58, Laura Manning 75, Ken-
neth Jackson 75, Lewis McDonald
66, Viola Carte 65, Norma Murray
65, Alvin Farquharson 57 (R,)
Form III Jr. to Form III Sr.-Efil-
Wood Shortreed 81, Ray Carter 75,
Charles McDonald 70, Ethel Shaw
My woodwork,
f'loers end eelllings
leak better with
less work
Wedding Gifts
For the
IF you have a Gift to
choose for a Bride
visit our Gift Shop,
New Goods
Just in
Call and see these New Lines.
No trouble to show goods.
.1. R. W ENDT
67, Fergus Smalldon 67, Winnifred
Drager 66, Clearence Steiss 54 (R.),
Lorne Steiss 52 (R.).
Soft ball is being greatly enjoyed
by the young people at the school
Misses Edna and Mary McLelland
have a e arrived home for the summer
Ethelwas well represented in Lis-
towel July 1st, for the big celebration
and tattoo.
The tennis court has /been cleaned
up and is the scene of many a lively
"duece" game.
Geo. E. and Mrs. McKee, Toronto,
spent a few days with A. and Mrs.
McKee recently.
Misses Jennie McKee and Edith
Dane have completed their Normal
Entrance exams. We wish their'. suc-
Mrs. Quest Dobson was called to
her home, Southampton, on account
of the illness of her mother, Mrs.
Wm. McKee.
John and Mrs. McKee and Miss
Phyllis, Toronto, were visitors with
the former's brother, A. McKee, dur-
ing the past week.
The Women's Institute sent a large
delegation to Bluevale to the annual
district meeting, namely ; Mrs. Herb.
Wheeler, bliss E. Procter, delegates,
Mrs. John Ooultes, sr., Mee, D. Ged-
des, Mrs. Cecil Wheeler, Mrs. J. And-
erson, Mrs. J. Ooultes, jr. and Mrs. J.
Wheeler. All report a good time.
The Wilkinson families held a fam-
ily re -ration on 0. B. Wilkinson's flats
on Saturday, June 27th, the guests of
honor being James B. Wilkinson and
wife from Escanaba, Mich, The after-
noon was spent in bathing, fishing,
paddling, soft ball games and base
ball. Lunch was served and all re-
ported a good time, . There were 55
Chopping pp ng Mill
Will only run
Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday
of each week while
steam has to be used.
John Logan
of the Best
Paints and Varnishes
1900 Cataract Washer
Electric Ranges
Cement Lime Pariston
Wilton & Gillespie
Mrs. Robert McKenzie had the mis-
fortune to break her ankle last Sun-
day morning.
Rev. W. B. Hawkins preached to
the Brethren of the L. 0. L. on Sun-
day at 2.30 o'clock in Trinity Church.
All welcome.
The June meeting of the W. I. was
held in the 0. 0. F. Hall. The Pres-
ident was in the chair. Several items
of business were discussed and dis-
pensed of. Mee. Robt, McCrea limit -
ad the members to meet at her new
home in Londeeboto for July. The in-
vitation was accepted with thanks.
Delegates were appointed to the an-
nual District meeting in Bluevale.
Seven new members were added to
the Roll. A splendid program of
readings, duets, vocal and inetrurnent
al numbers were given by Mrs. Wade,
Clegg, Michie and Misses Nora Van -
camp, Bell and Anderson, A splend-
id address was given by Mrs. Ada
Douglas of Durham, (a speaker from
the Dept.) on Heine Nursing and Fret
Aid and also dwelt for a short time on
Character Building. Lunch was
served to all present by the members
and a social half hour spent. A
hearty vote of thanks was extended
to Mrs, Douglas and all those taking
part in the afternoon's program,
We pay Highest Cash Price for
Cream. 1 cent per lb. Butter Fat
extra paid for all Cream delivered
at our Creatnery.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Brussels Creamery Co.
Phone 22 Limited