HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-7-8, Page 1i
Hot Meals
Ice Cream
Summer Drinks
WM wish to extend a hear -
Ly Invitation earl wel-
come to those who may
share in the Oelebretio0 held in
Bruseele on Saturday, July llth,
An efficient stuff will be et
your service.
Do not forget the 1el'.e. Conte
and enjoy the day and add U1.
the pleasure of the same by a )
visit to the
Pliant; 82
New Advertisements
Lost -Phone 528
Por sale-W.R Popo
Por Bole -Jack White
Hot Meals Ai Ia'es Hunter
Re-Rnien- 4. 8. No 8, Grey
Kodak Platnres-5'. R. smith
Mesio nerved -United Church
Berm for eete-J.'A. RI arshall
One day only -a W Verga. an
Dance in Brussels Opera House
Come -Brussels Belted (.harsh
Roney for solo—$, A. McNaneht
Take Adjustments -L,0 Whicaeld
Seasonable Hardware -S. LI', Davison
Do you know -Central 8m,luess Oollego
Darden Party-8aox Church,. Oraubroolr
c istrict ajebas
United Church Belgrave W. M. S,
held theirJuly meeting on the 2nd.
inetin the basement of the church.
Aire. Michie, President, was in the
chair. After singing hymn- 374, Mrs.
Oloakey read Scripture' lesson, Psalm
83, Mre, John Coultas read the Mess-
enger Prayer. A very interesting
paper was givenfraw our Study Book
The city of the morning Light" on
the Boxer uprising by Miss Mary
Wightman. Response to Roll Call
was a verse on Service. After sing-
ing hyrun 553, Mre, (Rev.) Soobie clos-
ed with Prayer.
The annual picnic held by S. S Na.
10, Morris, on Tuesday, June 30th,
proved a great success. A jolly
crowd assembled 5n observe the gauze
of soft ball by girls, after various
races took placefolhnwed by a game of
soft ball between married [nen and
young bachelors, the latter winning
by a small 'nigh'. A. tasty lunch
was served, after which a very excit-
ing game of foot ball between 5 rIPM
and Jamestown took place. Amid
cheers of good luck both te01118 were
bound to win. All the visiting team
' ++4-44+4 ++++++++++++++++++4
1 ■d Church
els E ss Hite
REV. A. W. BARKER. 8. D.
Sunday, July 12th
11 a. w.-Stihjeat :
"God's Windows"
3 p. In. -Sabbath ilbhool Session
and Bible °lasses,
7 p. ea. -Pulpit Theme :
"The Regal Gift"
Wednesday evening:
Prayer and Pt aiee Service,
++i ++++'Nit++d.+4,4el lee++++N't ++
2,00 ler annum in advance
John W. Shaw, M. D., of Clinton,
the new President of the Medical
Alumni A
on University t of
Toornto. The Dr. spent his boyhood
days in Brussels, when his father, the
late John Shaw, was principal of the
local school,
needed was speed. When Lime was
railed the Score was 8 1 in favor of the
home team. SVheu lunch was served
to the visitors everyone went hone
to enjnv the mueio of the farm yard
until chores WP1'P done,
The funeral of the late Thomas E.
Hammond was held on friday, June
26, from the United Church, and, was
very largely attended, many being
unable to gain admittance to the edi-
fice. Rev. H. W. Jackson, pastor of
the Baptist church in Listowel and
Atwood, hal charge and -was assisted
by Rev. F. M. Gilmour, pastor of the
Presbyterian church, Atwood; Rev.
C. C. ICaine, new pastor of the United
Church, and Rev. Byron Snell of
Londesboro. The pallbearers were
four sons, W. A., George, Stanley and
Harold Hammond and two sons-in-
law, Albert Thompson and Joseph
Holman. Many were present at the
funeral from Monkton, Listowel, and
the surrounding district, also Wm. A.
Hammond, Chatham • Harold and
Mrs. Hammond, Stratford; Wm. and
Mrs. Hammond and family, Fergus.
Rev. H. W. Jackson quoted the fol-
lowing two verses from a poem Mr.
Hammond had handed to him before
leaving home for the General Hospi-
tal, Stratford, for the operation
which proved fatal.
If Thou art with me always Lord,
Why should I fear distress?
Whate'er transpire that may require,
Thy grace. Thy grace sufficient is.
If Thou art with me always Lord,
Thou lcnowest my every pain,
Should the end be fatality,
Departure would be gain.
Mr, Hammond will be greatly missed,
both in community and religious cir-
cles throughout the township. An ac-
count of his valued services appeared
in last week's issue.
Card of Thanks. -Mrs. Hammbnd
and family wish to thank their many
friends and neighbors for their kind-
ness and sympathy during their re-
cent bereavement, and also for the
beautiful floral tributes.
It grieved our hearts to say adieu,
To him we so much loved,
But faith can take a higher view,
To brighter things above.
Ohailee Rtown, a respected farmer
of Hallett Township, who was married
one week ago, committed suicide Mon-
day by taking a dose of poison. After
delivering it hunch of cattle at the loc-
al stook yards, he,visited a di ug store
and procured strychnine, chaining he
wonted to poison CI'aWe, and then
wont Mtn B,,x',, restaurant and order •
ed ire cream and a glass of water. He
apparently emptied the poison into.
the water, ae he drank the water.
leavl»gthe ice crentii, and then went
nut. Some time later he was found
dead in a seder] oar 111 Daly's more
houdll. No reason is known for the
rash act.
Mise Annie Downey, of St. Col,
nmban, suffered a broken leg in an
nutornnbile accident 151)0115 two miles
west of town nn Satnrdny night,
The car, which was driven by J
Carlin, of Detroit, was preceeding
along the tnud and overtook a buggy,
which was not nnt.ir.rrl until the oar
wee n1nee upon it. On turning out
Lo avoid hitting the buggy the oar
struck some fresh gravel and getting
l�hFor One
To Clear
All Ladies' Tan Gored Slippers
With Medium and Low Heel, must be sold at a very Low
Regular $5.00 for $3.15
R. W. FERGUSON Brussels
UL,Y $ i925 W. H. KERR, Proprietor
The Ladies of the
Will serve meals in the Lec-
ture Room of the Church
Saturday, July 11th
Dinner 50c
Supper 35c
out of control, cvaelred into ti- tel-
egraph pole. The ear was atmos[
completely wrecked; •but except for
Mies Downey, the occupants, five in.
all, escaped with only minor injuries,
chiefly bruises and scratches. The
whole party was taken to the Sea.
forth Hospital for treatment and tat -
Miss Downey and her friends were
taken ,to their.lhornes in St, Columban.
The W. M. 8.
met at the hoots of
Mrs. P, S. McEwen, Turnberry. A
most intereeting report of the Presby-
terian congress held recently in Tor-
onto, was given by Airs. Coowbee,
who gave a very vivid outline in a
most capable wanner. About 40 lad-
ies were present. A tasty lunch Was
served at the close of the meeting.
Quite a representative from Cran-
brook took in the circus at Kitchener
op Friday.
Mrs. Harold Chapman and children
of Kitchener, are visiting her mother,
Mrs. Fred Raddatz.
Mrs. R. K. McDonald, Miss Alice
Forest, accompanied by the Misses
Dixon, motored to London on Mon.
Miss Lena and Stuart Noble visit-
ed relatives in Clinton last Sunday.
They motored with Bob and Mrs.
L. and Mrs. Hartley, Buffalo, N. Y.
and 0. and Mrs. Anderson anti Bert
and Mrs. Gibson, Niagara Fails, N. Y.
were week -end visitors at 1 he tatter's
home, Henry anti Mre. Wesenburg,
14th 00r. '
The U. F. 0. Garden Party held at
the home of James Perrie last Wed-
nesday evening, was a successful one.
There was a good crowd present and
the Eigar Ladies' Quartette, of Lond
on, gavea first class program. Ex-
cellent music was rendered by the
Gol'rie Orcheetra. Be,, Mr. Shan
non was the Chairman of the evening
Knox Church will hold a garden
party on the school grounds oe Fri-
day evening of this week. Exelleni
music will he prnvided by the Gerrie
Orobestt a and John A. Kelly, vent-
riloquist and entertainer. will have a
novel program all hie own. Supper
will be served from 6 o'clock and a
booth will be on the grounds, Don't
forget to conte.
IMrs. G. Muir has been seriously i11
during the'past week.
A and Mrs. Wearying were recent
visitors in Kincardine,
Geo. Leckie and family were visit-
ors at Luoan, Sunday,
Mrs, I. Duret and family visited ov-
er the holiday with relatives at Listo-
Leslie McLaughlin, Oshawa, spent
several days recently with his parents
Albert Paulin and Family, Pontiac
Mich., are renewing acquaintances
The work of applying calcium chlor-
ide on the main street was completed,
Howse and family, of Monk,
have moved to rooms in the Grand
Central Block,
Robert Mcftercher, of the Sun Life
lime Op, Montreal is spending a two,
weeks vacation at his home here.
Alex. Wright end Percy Copeland
each had two cows killed during 118g
electrical storm early Saturday mnrrf-
Rev. A. A, and Airs, Holmes, Olin-
inn, who are enjoying n few weeks
vacation, called on friends in the vil-
lage Tuesday $
Alex. and Al re, Stewart and Wm,
Stewart,-Wiudsm', 1118 spending a few
days with their mother, Mrs. D. Stew-
art, Turnberry.
Rev, Dr. A. I. Brown is assisting
Rev. R. B. Stevenson, of Stratford,
in preaching aid soliciting fonds for
the Lord's Day Alliance work in
Bruce Counties,
A very impressive service was held
fn the Anglican Church, Tuesday af•
ternonn when the Right Rev, Bishop
Williams, of London, oonfitmed n
class of four, boys and four girls.
Rev. R. S Jones, 'rector assisted the
Bishop The sermon by the Bishop,
taken from Acts 1 ; 8 was a clear-cut,
prneticai one and applicable to all wire
were present as well as the class.
A large circle of Mende from the
Salem Church congregation met at
the Parennage as a sat prise to Rev,
Dr.' and Mrs, A. h Brown. After
eongratulating theft: former pastor
for his splendid Christian character
and euecessfulniinietry among them,
a feelingly worded address wits read
by D. L Weir and a 'beautiful gold
watch chain was presented to the
Dr. and to Mrs. Brown, a handsome
Regal -ware bowl and flower holder
with a bouquet of mess. The evening
was pleasantly spent in in convers-
ation and nlueic,.artet' which Mrs. P.
Sharpie, Mre. H. Meritley, Alt's, J.
Hemmill and Mrs. W. A Mince acted
as hostesses fled served a dainty
leneb, Dr. and Mre.. Brown he a few
well chosen words thanked •their
The 5 -piece
of Stratford
Opera House
Saturday, July 11th
Afternoon and Evening
This Orchestra has a reputation
of playing wonderful Music
for Dancing.
Everybody Invited
guests for the beautiful gifts and the
kind relati unship that had existed be-
tween pastel' end people and assured
the Salem people of a warm welcome
to their home at all time».
Daniel Cooper, 10th Con„ Grey,
keeps quite ponrly.
Mies Irene Kreuter is attending
Summer School at Hamilto 1, Ont.
Alia, A. Tindall, of Listowel, spent
Sunday with tit Kreuter families.
Clifford Dunbar returned home
tram Detroit to spend a few days
Lorne Hayden is still under the
Dr's, care but, hope he will be better
Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson,' Toronto, form•
el ly of Ethel, renewed acquaintances
Aliss Ethel McMaster is spending
her vacation at the hone of Dr. and
Mrs. McMaster here.
Misses Lillian and Margaret Fergu
ROM Goderich, are visiting their aunt.
Mr's Genr'ge Dunbar.
Hear the Arcadian Orchestra in
Opera House, Brussels, afternoon and
evening, Saturday, July llth.
Mrs. Quest Dobson was caned to
Southampton it few days ago to see
her mother who is ill at present.
The Presbyterian Church congreg-
ation will hold a garden party on the
church grounds on Friday, July 17th
E A. Anuis and fatuity, Flint,
Mich., spent Sunday at the home of
Mrs. Murtha Spence, They motored
Mre. W. H, Love and. Mrs. Alex.
Speiran and Miss Edythe have been
recent visitors with the former's son
in Ham iItoit.
Miss E. Nattras, Weston, teacher
in Port Credit Continuation School,
has been a visitor with her cousin, F.
Sleightholm, during the past couple
of weeks.
Noble and Mrs, Schnook and Mr.
and Airs. Abram and Master Vern,
of Flint, Mich , spent a week with
their sisters, Mts. M. Kreuter, 10th
Onn., Grey, and Mrs. J. D. McEwan,
Winghatn. They motored over.
Now that Soccer activities are over
as far as Ethel is concerned, the
young people are turning their at-
tention to soft hall and much inter-
erest is being shown in this popular
sport. The boys have a team in
readiness and are ready to May a
friendly game with any team in the
continuo) t3.
On Friday evening a pleasant time
was spent at the home of Wm. and
Mrs. Stevetteml, when a a reception
was held in honor of Stanley and Mre.
Speitnn (nee Miss Mat gat et. Steven-
son), About two hunch's(' Mends
assembled and the young couple re-
('clued Many vainable gifts. '1'Ite en-
joyment of the social was somewhat
spoiled by the heavy rain which fell
dutiug the evening, hut in spite of
the feet everyone enjeved the (luting.
Enjoyable Time. -A very pleasant
time was enjoyed by the many who
attended the outdoor social at F.
Sleighthohn's. Soft ball was entered
into with enthusiasm and later group
guinea and Community Singing led
by Mr. Bisbee. The serving of lunch
brought to a close a very jolly even-
ing. A vote of thanks was tendered
Mr. and Mrs. Sleightholm for the use
of their premises, Mr. Sieighthohn
replying by saying they would be wel-
come any time again.
The regular joint meeting of the
Ethel United Cbureh toles' Aid and
Woolen's hllesinnary Society was
held on Thursday afternon at the
borne of Mrs Acnes •with a large at-
tendance. Mrs, King was in charge
of ther s' i
La lie Aid business meeting.
and Mrs` McKee )resided over a ver
intereeting missionary program with
n discussion peeled nn the value of
mite boxes in the Sneiety. It was de.
sided that the W. M S. adopt the
use of mite bnxee among its nhemihere
for the missionary income, The next
meeting will be held at the home of
A'1,o. King,
The follnwingpnpilo obtained Low-
er Srhnol Normal Entrance standing,
in the ettbjeeae, Art, Hietm'y, Rot-
env, Gengrgrenhy. Beryl 0111,
Olnyee Michel, Norman Davidson,
Hive blektnire. The follnwitrg pnnils
tried them Niger Sehnni Entrance Ex=
aminatJnrt': Doeothv Fear, Rnxy
Rowland, Goldwyn, Thompson, Har-
Garden Party
A'Gardeu Pat ty under the aue-
pices of
Knox. Church
Will be held on the
School Grounds
friday ev'g, July 10th
Program will include
John A. Kelly
Ventriloquist & Entertainer
Gorrie Orchestra
Supper Served from 8 o'clock
Booth on the Grounds
Admission 35 and 15 cmm.
old Voddeti. The following is the re.
suit of the Promotions. The classes
are given as they shall be after Sept.
ember 1st. Names in order of merit :
Sr. IV -Wesley McNeil, Evelyn Hay-
den, Lorne Vodden, Blanche Row.
land, Doris Gill, Jack Sanders. Jr,
IV -Jean Souders, Muriel Alichel.
Sr. III -Albert Kramer, Calvin
JuNiOR Room -Jr. IiI-Gordon
Sleightbohn, Jirn McNeil, Tom Sand-
ers, Kenneth Kreuter, Veleta Hamil-
ton, Tom Sanders, Della McInnie,
Florence Hayden. Sr II-Ot ma Gill,
Stuart Mel:leis, Clair Michel, Lee
Allan Wardlaw, Jr. II -Edith
Kreuter, Stewart Henry, Lorne Des-
jardine; Nelson Sleiglholm. Sr, I -
Alex. McNeil, Charlie Plaskett. Jr,
I --Kathleen Bell, Bryan Ames, Ex-
cellent ; Marjorie Brown, gond ;
Gordon Plaskett, Fair, Primer -
Ada Wardlaw, Harold Plaskett,
Bertha Earl, Helen Oole, Fred Cole,
Excellent 1 Roes Cunningham, Lloyd
Oole. Ilnhv Gilkineon, Stuart Brown,
Gond ; Allison Sleightholm, Willie
Cole, air,.
W ILFRED 0. HISSER, Principal,
ELLA M. ERASER, Assistant,
Miss Marion Lowe, of the 8th Con,
has secured the school, No. 1, for the
coining school term.
Hear the Arcadian Orchestra in
Opera House, Brussels, afternoon and
evening, Saturday, July llth.
Ab. and Mrs. Bishop are away on
an extended trip through the States,
visiting many ft lends, nn 1bP way.
John Lake, 4th Con., Grey, had
the misfortune to have two cows
killed by lightning by last Friday
night's storm.
Wesley and Aire. Stevenson end
family took in the circus at Kitchen•
er last Saturday end also visited
friends near Paris.
George and Mrs, Wright and
daughter wee» recent visitors with
Geo. and Mre. McFettslane, They
came frnm Michigan.
John and Mrs. Lake and son,,Bert,
motored to Huntsville, Ont., last week
and spent the week with their eldest
son, Charles Lake, and family.
Walter W. Garter and wife and Mies
Margery, Toronto, and Mrs. (Dr.)
Ferguson, formerly nf Ethel, rnntored
up and spent the week end with Thos.
Turnbull and wife, 811 Onn.
George Johnston Sr., announces
the marriage of his daughter, Elsie
Jane to Francis James Shaw, of Mor-
ris Twp., on Wednesday, July 8th, at
the Parsonage, Ethel, Ontario.
Donald Robinson and sister, Miss
Maggie Robinson, of Camlachie, and
former residents of the 9th Con., are
visiting at the home of Jno. Oliver,
16th Con. Their old friends are glad
to see them.
A welcome visitor in the person of
William Leech, Towner, North Dake
was here to visit hie Aunt, Mrs Wei,
1r ewer, 7111 line, who ie not enj 'ging
the best of health He alin visited
his %dtele, Peter McDougal and family
in Bihseels, W)llittrn Leacih is a elev.
er ming man.
SCHOOL REI'ORT.-The following is
the result nf the Pinnhatjmt Exams.
held in U S. S No. 4, Grey and Wal-
lace, Honours 75, Paas 60, Sr. IV-
AJurrny Brown 76; John Lamont 75;
Jessie Edgar 61. Jr. IV -t enlgo
Murray 80; Ton Ownrning 76 ; Dor.
nthy Mitchell 75 ; Agnes Elliott 75;
Stella Or Rens 68 ; Pearl Felker 68
Glenn Martin 66 ; Campbell MagnHln
63 Archie Gumming. Jr. III -Davie
Stewart 70 ; George Lemont 63 Sr,
III -Beverly Mitchell 76 , Arthni
Lamont 68 Jr. II -Ralph Wilt, Sr.
I -Jean Stewnt5, Jean Songster,
Archie Dnuglas. Jr. I -Lincoln
Smith, Frank Williams.
The following is the report of the.
June Promotion examinations of S.
S. No. 8, Grey, So. III to Jr. IV -
Rae Houston 65%; Viol%t Jacklin 64;
Fred Mitchell, recommended, Jr. III
to Sr. III Isabella McTaggart 63%;
Sr. II to Jr. III -Elwood McTaggaft
74%; Ruth Brown 68; Willie 141c -
Taggart 67; Ross McTaggart 62;
*Stuart Evans 63, Jr. II to Sr. 1I,
Eddie Blodgett 51%; Lawrence Jack-
lirr, recommended. Pruner to Jr, l:
Allan McTaggart.. (*) denotes ab-
sence for examinations. A. 14Iitcltell,
Celebrated 99th Birthday
David Ross, who has been a res-
pected citizen of Brussels s s fox over
59 years, celebrated his 99tH birth-
day at his home on Elizabeth Street,
on Sunday last. His family were
present and many friends called dur-
ing the day to express good wishes
to our veteran citizen.
The Post, along with the citizens of.
Brussels, wish him the best of health
during the coming year.
Announcement. - The engage-
ment is announced of Ida Belle,
daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs.
Lorenzo Frain, and Percival Tyer-
man, son of Mrs. Tyerman and the
late Mr. Hue Tyerman, the mar-
riage to take place quietly, July 8th.
All roads lead to Brussels on Sats
urday for the 12th.
Win. McCall, 9th Con., has had a
new tin roof put on his barn.
This section had a fine rain on
Friday night and Saturday morning.
Miss Stella Turvey, of London, is
visiting with Roy Turvey, 2nd con.
Don't forget the reunion of School
Section No, 5, on Wednesday, July
Cecil Pollard, of Kincardine, is a
guest at the home of E tweed Pollard,
5th Line.
Mrs. Bagshaw, Hamilton, is visit-
ing at the home of Albert and Mrs.
Crooks, 5511 line,
Henry Arntelnrng, of Windsor•, was
a visitor with his parents, W. H. and
Mrs Arrnetinng, 51h Line.
Hear the Arcadian Orchestra in
Opera House, Brussels, afternoon and
evening, Saturday, July 11th.
The parsonage interior is being re•
Fred Miller is making many chang-
es at the Hotel.
The U. F. D. store has had a gas-
olene pump erected.
Walton will be well represented at
Brussels on the 12th.
Principal D. E. Pruder is holiday-
ing at his home in Wiarton.
We are glad to see Duncan Johns-
ton able to be around again.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Brown are
now settled at the Parsonage.
Miss Elva Little has been re-engag-
ed for Leadbury school for next term.
The C. P. R. station has been over-
hauled and a new coat of paint add-
village, thanks to the road prepara-
tion,The roads are now dustless in the
Hear the Arcadian Orchestra in
Opera House, Brussels, afternoon and
evening, Saturday, July 11th.
Harold Stone, Toronto, -is the ngw
teller at the Bank of Comnhercc in
the place of Frang Cudmore.
Geo. E. Ferguson, Toronto, and a
former Walton boy, was a delegate
to a convention of Stock men at Win-
nipeg last week.
The annual garden Party of Duff's
Church was somewhat spoiled last
Friday evening by the rain storm.
but despite the rain, proceeds totalled
over 5400. The program was [.riven
in the Church and the selection by
the Seaforth Kiltie Band was much
enjoyed. The other talent for the
evening were Percy David Comed-
ian; Miss Jessie Butt, Soloist, and
Miss Jessie McGregor, pianist. They
gave a very pleasing prokram.
Old friends wi11 n gtet to learn of
the death of "Barmy" O'Oounell at
Dublin nn Sunday winning early,
The deceased etas in the days gone by
quite a stump enea1er at political
meetings. Mfr, O'Oonnel was it roan
of greet intellect and in the early
pioneer days of Perth and Huron
taught school at Bornholm in S. S.
No, 5, and in McKillop 'Township,
The late Mr.
O'Connell wan in his
Met year. Funeral was held on Tues-
day morning and intet'went was
made in St. Columbine cemetery,
To Be Abolished. -War tax collec-
tion on money orders issued in Can-
ada for sums not exceeding ' $5 is
abolished, Nothing but the ordinary
commission will be collected on or-
ders for $5 and under at money or-
der offices throughout the Dominion,
This is the first of the many taxes
imposed by the Federal Government
to meet war expenditures to be abol-
ished and it is believed that other
similar levies MEW also soon be dis-
continued. The war tax will still be
retained on sums over $5.
IIPersonal Paragraphs
Miss Kate Ahnent is a visitor rn
London this week,
Misa Tessie Switzer, London, teach-
er, is visiting in town,
Mrs, Benson Wheeler and children
are visiting in London,
Miss Howlett is visiting with rela-
tives in Flint, Miohigen.
Mre, Laurie, of Buffalo, is the guest
of her brother, Janos Thuell.
Cardiff Beet, of Detroit, was a week
end visitor at Lite parental borne.
Clifford Bart, of Owen Sound, 10
visiting with itis brother, James Hart.
Miss Ann Douglas, of Detroit, hue
been vlai1ingIn and arnund 131kneels-
Jas, and Mrs. Pipe, Godcrieh,
were visitors with Miss Pipe, Queen
Jack Lynn, of Walkerville, was a
visitor last week with Philip and Mrs.
Sillaala-, and Mrs. Botharn, of `Toronto,
ave visiting with Geo, end .:are. Mc -
Miss Maty Stewart, of Clinton, is
visiting at the home of Mrs, Geo.
D. A. and Mrs. Lowry, of Toronto,
are visiting with the former's brother
in town.
Mise Edna McCall is visiting at Mill -
hank with her friend, Miss Lulu Mc -
Ward Buchanan, of Dettoit,spent
the 411 of July week end' at his home
in town,
Frank Oliver, of Detroit, was a
holiday visitor with his parents, Jno.'
and Mrs. Oliver.
Harry and Mrs. Brown and eon, of
Mimieo, spent Sunday with A. 0.
and Mrs. Dames.
Geo. and Mrs, Spotton, of Wing-
ham, were calling on Bt ussele friends
on Monday.
Miss Elsie Sperling, 11.N,, of Cleve-
land, Ohio, is enjoying her vacation
at her home here.
Jos, and Mrs. Querin and Mre. Jno.
Otte' bean were visitors with Mildmay
friends on Saturday,
Mrs. George Rogers and Miss' Nina
Rogers, of Mount Forest, are visiting
with Mrs. A. C. Dames.
Rout. and Mre. Ross arid Miss
Gladys, of Kincardine, were visitors
with David Rom on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Goodall, of Port
Huron, were pisitors during the past
week with Mrs, Geo. Jackson,
R. J. and Mrs. McLauchlan, were
visitors in Petrolia last week taking irr
the 01d Boys Reunion there,
Frank Oliver, of Frankfort, N. Y.,
was a visitor in 1 gwn last week with
his mother and other relatives.
Bert. and Mrs. Walker, of New
Hamburg, were visitors with D. and
Mrs. Walker, over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Garten and family, of
Port Huron, are visitors with the for-
mer's brother, Ed Garten, of town:
Miss Lulu McLelland, of Millbank, -
who has been the guest of Miss Edna'
McCall returned to her home on Tues.
Alex and Mrs. Lamont and children
of St. Marys, are visiting at the home
of the former's brother, Allan Lam-
ont. ,,,
Dr. Harold G. Armstrong who is
leaving to take a post graduate course
in the Old Country, has been making
a visit with his parents in town.
Dr. Vernon Rose, London, was a
week end visitor with his parents, D.
0. and Mrs. $,oes, and helped celebrate
his grandfather's 99th Birthday.
Wm, Leach, of Towner, N. D., was
a visitor in and around town with the
Brewer families. The visitor has not
been here since his boyhood days.
Mts. J. Lynu and sons, Jack and
Dewrut, of Walkerville,'are spending
a couple of weeks at the home 05 the
fermer's parents, Philip and Mre.
Geo. and Edwards and Mester
Brian and Mrs. Churchill and Aliss
Not ene. all of London, were visitors
this week with Geo, and Mrs. Ed-
seDr. George and Mrs, Ross, of Wing -
ham, were visitors in town at the for-
mer's home and to attend the 99th
birthday of the former's grandfather,
David Ross.
On Saturday evening W, and Mrs.
Wilbee with their company from
Michigan motored to Stratford and
spent Sunday at the home of their
daughter. Mts. Ft ed, Mee,
N. L. Butcher, of the Bank of Com -
coerce, Dundalk, and also his mother,
Mr;. Butcher, of Wingham, were visi-
tors with the latter's sister, Mrs. W.
3. Procter, Turnberry St., North.
Leslie and Mrs, Burns and family
of Detroit, are visiting with Jno.
and Mrs. Long. Miss Winnie Long
who has been visiting at various
points in Michigan returned with
Barry Querin, of Toronto, spent
the week end here. He was accomp-
anied by hie neiee, Miss Lyla Querin,
of Gorrie, who has been spending
some time in Toronto, Harry return.
ed to the city on Sunday.
Win, and Mre, Pease, and eon, Eu-
gene, of Valley Centre, Mich„ and
Miss Valda and Lealand Richards, of
Lansing, Mich„ motored to Bruseele
and vieitedduring the past week with
the former's slater, Mrs. Walter Wil -
bee, of Turnberry St, North.
Mrs. Ida Willis accompanied by her
sister, Mrs, T. H. Gibson wet° visitors
at Rochester, N, ''i'., what•
tended the graduation exercisesheretoeyf the.
farmer's daughter, Miss Edith Willis,
tit the Lee Iloepital there, on Juno
251h, Mise Willis will not be at home
for slime time yet,
James Annett, of Pott Huron, who
was a resident of this locality 38 years
ego, is visiting at the home of Mrs,
Wtn, McCracken, Mr. Annett con-
ducted it stove where the Bank of
Nova Scuttle now stands, He expects
to remain and take in the Old Boya
reunion at S. 8, No. 3, Grey,