The Brussels Post, 1925-6-24, Page 8Puretest
Epsom Salts
The kind in the mesl) thi
package - 180 & 250
l�ot1 can hs assured the
quality ie I he highest„
.Gum neither teething paps
with ohln sully 81,00 ca.
Other tinning Cana, assort.
ed 001or'a 25c ea. & up
Fruit Jar
No, l Quality
toe pkge.
Fly Tox
8. oz bottle with Sprayer
Also kills Moths, Mos.
quitoes, &c. 5pc bot.
French Balm
Will relieve Sunburn,
If used previously'
will prevent it.
25c bots.
Down.. in price
this Season
i lb. liband
Pictorial Review
Kept in stock,
Come in . and look through
the Catalogue and see
the Patterns.
Toilet Preps.
Jonteel Talcum 25c & 5oc
Jonteel Face Powder - 5oc
Jonteel Cold Cream 5oc
Jonteel Combination
Cream 5oc
Jonteel Perfume
The Store
Druggist and Stationer
lead 7it e. m
Tan "Miracle" will be played in
Toronto next Marsh.
Tarvia Here. -A carload of tarvia
arrived last week, and ih-' "fi'n
have been busy put ing it nn the roads
Went to Goderich Races. -A few
from towi ar te,•deit itrr tar,>; .,1. the
0o. town on Wedoeeday of last week.
Presentation. -Prior to leaving
Brussels, Rev. and Mrs, �,lrLeod were
presented with a purse of money by
their friends of Melville church.
ANOTHER holiday looms in sight for
the poor working man. By Act of
Parliament, it is proposed to make
the afternoon of a federal election a
national half holiday, Life will soon
be worth living.
Moved This Week,- The furniture
of Rev. 0, 11'. Clarke was moved to
(loderich on Tuesday, Brusselitee
extend best wishes to Mr. Clarke and
family in their new home. We hope
to see them often.
Attended Executive Meeting...-.
Reeve A. 0, Backer attended a
in of the County Council Executive
at Seaforth on Friday last. Mrs.
Backer and Mise E. Downing accomp-
itnied Mr. Baeker on the trip.
MARRIAGE. -The matriage of Mise
Minerva Maude, daughter of the late
as. G. and Mrs. Janes, to Scott N
Atkin, Stuart, Florida, takes place to
day at the home of the bride's mother
Turnberry street, Brussels.
Farmers' Picnic. -Morris and Grey
Olub willo
h Id Ille)e amnia
picnic at the home of James Perrie
12th Oon , Array, on Monday evening
June 29th. A good program of mus
10, etc, has been arranged and every-
body is welcome. See advt. for furth
er particulars,
Presentation. -At the close of the
service in Melville Church last Sun-
day evening, the choir presented Mies
Minerva Jones, choir leader and
organist for the past 8 years, with a
handsome silver gravy boat, in re-
cognition of her long and valued
services, Miss Jones had tendered
her resignation in view of her ap-
preaching marriage.
Brusselites in Toronto. -Saturday,
June 20th, was a most ideal day for
the annual Brusselltee' picnic in high
Park, Toronto. About 125 who claire
connection with the home town as-
sembled to renew acquaintance of for-
mer days. An interesting and ex-
citing program of sports was carried
on with Dr, Harold Hoag and George
Hannah as directors. Mrs Bob Work
headed the refreshment committee
which retained the reputation Brun-
set's ladies possess of providing good
"eats." At the lunch table S. In OI er•
ae, the retiring Preeident, read •a lett-
er of appteeiation from Mrs, Dr. Gra-
ham who was unable to attend, Ile
also presented the recommended
slate of officers for the coming year.
These are 1 -President, (len. Hannah 1
Let Vice President, Mrs, Kerr ; 2nd
Vice President, Dr, Hoag ; 8id Vice
President, Sarah McLaughlin ; Sec„
Jessie Cunningham Treasy. Mrs.
Week, ' The Executive consists of
1VlargaretMcArthur, Edith McLaugh-
lin, Gerrie Rose, Lorne Pringle, (leo,
' Tho
mpann, Bob Work, Roy
.and Lava Br
yens. eat't-
speech was given by Dr, R
ly ly returned from California.
(leo, Tbomson, Sr,, was present from
C.tlifornia also, and told the picniceee
of a proposed Btusselites picnic in
Los, Angeles, California, A peppy
bell game brought the enjoyable ev-
ent to a close,
Brussels Foot Ball team may play
ICinburn at Wingham on the lst of
Soon school will be out. Then the
worry will pass from student to par-
Driving a New Car. -Miss Mary.
Ross is driving a new McLaughlin
Sedan. The car is a beauty. Ander-
son Bros. made the sale.
58th Anniversary. -Next Wednes-
day, July 1st, Canada celebrates hex
58th anniversary, as Confederation
was formed July lst,'1867.
Hydro Workmen Here. -The Hy-
dro workmen have been here during
the past week putting in new trans-
formers and doing other necessary
BroyaLH for sale. (In18 KEEPER,
1-1 Fhun a 847
corse in July225thk Brood
one September 5th:
sled 1 Durham cow, milking.
Phone 8528 M, GILerNaoN, Ethel,
IIex. Five L12Jiea flour for good bread.
J. T. Roes.
TERnR thoro'•bred Yorkshire sows for sale
Doe to farrow July 1st. Gum Er SPUR, Phone Pb eels
roan Runabout for solo at a bargain. For
farther particulars apply to
1 -ti, Jle A, BREMNER,BnPhone858
WHY wait when you can got your Syrup
Sundaes and Fruit. Sundaes served in Vortex
cups with spoons f Can be oaten in the streets
or in your ear. W. A. GnawAR.
PER SALH.-A New Perfection coat-oll stove,
nearly new, three burners and oven. For
particulars apply at TanPORT 1.1
, For; SALE. -)1 rubber -tire,: top Buggy,
nearly new lumber wagon i; 8g od ae ond•Aangdgwagons
1 steel roller • one binder in Rret•clasa cond-
i , 7 ft, out. Apply W. A. LOwliy.
FOH SALE, -Ford touring ear, looks and rune
like new, alt overhauled end new tires. Prfee
2125. Apply to, Jong LooxtNG, Phone 5515,
R. R. No, 8, Brussels.
Frim Lilies hour makes good bread, Every
• bag guaranteed. .7. T. Rose.
Comma -R. H. Stewart, Plano Timer.
First class work. Leave orders with
H. L, .IAOxaort, Jeweler.
ZEEBRUGGE,-An extra special,
Show is announced to be put on at the
Family Theatre., on Monday evening
next. It is the much talked about
picture, "Zeebrugge" which is said to
be one of the beat ever produced.
Monday's Soft Ball.--Thd East
Hurons would like very much if a
few more of the clerks would stay
away for the next game. They were
able to defeat the latter by a score
of 18 to 16. Although the clerks
seemed to have the first part of the
gStne in their own hands they did not
finieh up so good.
Well Known Sportsman.- A dis-
patch from Owen Sound contains the
following information concerning the
death of a former Brusselite in the -
person of Alex Brock, he being a well
known member of the old "Clippers"
Base Ball team: -One of the best-
known sportsmen and citizens of this
city passed away on Saturday after-
noon, when Alex Brock succumbed
after suffering a severe paralytic
stroke while at work at the Owen
Sound chair factory on Friday morn-
ing. Mr. Brock was born in Glasgow,
Scotland, 68 years ago, and came to
Owen Sound in 1890. When a young
man he was one of the best baseball
players in this part of the country,
old "Clippers" ers and
for thelast
few years tars was one
y of the
most enthusiastic fans in the't
i survived city. its
s b
y a widow, formerly Miss
Esta Reynolds, and two ehildeen, Mrs.
T. l•, Hutchison, of Vancouver, and
1VIrs..James Lea�,ke, of Toronto. Tho
funeral will be held on Wednesday
afternoon to Greenwood Cemetery,
Owen Sound.
• Arrangements are almost complet-
ed for a monster celebration to be
held in Winghanr on Wednesday,
July 1st.
The morning events will start with
a Calithumpian Procession . in charge
of M. L. C. Young and headed by
the Wingham Brass Band and Water-
loo Braes Band, will march to the
park at 10.80, when a baseball game
well be played between Kincardine
and Wingham, '
In the afternoon the Learn Irish
Nine will play Wingham. The Winn•
ers of the Delmore, Bluevale, James-
town and Salem football group will
play off and a lacrosse match will be
put on.
In the evening the popular corned-
ian, Burt Lloyd and his troupe will
give a most enjoyable entertpinment
in the park, or if et is,wet it will be
in the rink,
The Bands will play throughout
the day and the . Waterloo Band-
master, Mr. Field, will give several
selections on his chimes, previous to
the opening of the concert.
Plan to spend a portion of the day
in Wingham and enjoy a real good
Wilt Receive.- Friday afternoon
of this week, Mrs. Cleve Baeker to-
gether with her mother, Mrs. Thom-
son, will receive at the home of the
former, Turnberry street.
Picnic. -The ladies of the United
Church held a picnic on Mrs. R. F.
Downing's ]awn on Thursday after-
noon in honor of Miss Mary Clarke.
There was a large company present
and "a very pleasant social time was
spent. The guest of honor was pre-
sented witle an address and a very
beautiful pearl ring, also a pair of
grey silk gloves.
Test Shipments of Coal Postponed.
- Because freight rates have now
fallen within the province of the
Board of Railway Commissioners, the
Canadian National Railways has
withdrawn from the verbal agree-
ment made with the. Alberta. Govern-
ment to move 25,000 'tons of coal
from Drumheller, Alta., to Ontario
points at an .experimental figure of
$7 per ton.
W. C. T. U. -The regular meeting
of the W. C. T. U. will be held at
the home of Mrs. A. McGuire on Fri-
day afternoon of this week at 3
o'clock. As this is the 20th anniver-
sary of Brussels Union, a special pro-
gram is being prepared: All who
are interested in the,,work are invited
to attend. An invitation is also ex-
tended to the Ethel Union. Lunch
will be served.
Exams.- The Middle and Upper
School examinations started on Mon-
day and will 1proceed during this
week and next. The number trying.
this year is the largest class during
the past few years. Mr. Spencer
of Seaforth, who was presiding officer
last year, is again taking charge. The
Entrance .examinations will be held
on Thursday and Friday. Miss P. M.
Taylor, Continuation school Princi-
pal, will take charge of these.
5th Annual Tattoo. -Listowel has
announced its 5th annual tattoo, to
be held on Wednesday,, July 1st, un-
der the auspices of their Amateur
Athletic Association. No less than
five bands are on the program,' con-
sisting of:- Kitchener Regimental
Band; C. N. R. Band, Stratford; Lis-
towel Brass Band; Guelph Highland
Pipe Band and North Waterloo Regi-
mental Bugle Band. There will also
be a big program of sports, gymn-
astics. dancing, etc., with a final
up of a grand display ay of
Teachers Resi ned.-
Three teach-
ers on the staff of Brussels school
have resigned their positions, G. F.
Coates, who has spent two years in
the Continuation Department, has de-
cided to pursue his studies along edu-
cational lines, while Miss Nephew,
also of the Continuation school, will
take a much needed rest. Miss
Yeandle, who has been in charge of
the classes in the Library building,
purposes taking a course in Domestic
Science at Guelph. The intention of
the Board is to dispense with ono
teacher on the Continuation staff and
also close the department taught by
Miss Yeandle.
An Old Conductor on This. Line.-
John Quirk, of Wingham, who on
Wednesday reaches the age of 93, is
one of the oldest member's of the
Masonic Order in his part of the
country. He joined at Aurora about
55 years ago, transferred to North-
ern Light, No. 93, Kincardine, and
later to St. Lawrence, No. 131, at
Southampton, being made an honor-
ary member in both places. At
Present he is with No. 286 at Wing-
ham. He had a great railroad career,
and is ofteh heard recalling exper-
iences on the road. Mr. Quirk ran
from Palmerston to Kincardine for
a great many years.
Sister Passes Away. -The Kincar-
dine Review -Reporter had the -follow-
ing obituary last week of a sinter of
Mrs. Wm. Clouse, of Brussels, who
attended the fuaerai:-In the death
of Mrs. Walter Lindsay, aged 69
years, Kincardine Township loses one
of its moat highly esteemed residents,
she having passed away at her home,
Lot 9, Con. 9, on Tuesday, June 10.
She was, before her marriage Miss
Amelia Scott, her home being near
Teeswater. Mre. ,Lindsay was a wom-
an of fine, outstanding. Christian
character. She was a neighbor who
was ever welling and anxious to do
her duty to those around her and it
Was these outstanding qualities that
won for her so many warm friends,
was a member
of Cha mer'
i g
church. Besides esld
es th a sorrowing hus-
band she leaves two daughters, TheV
are Mrs. GeoeeGeddes and Mrs, T. d.
Scott, both of Kincardine Township.
Sympathy is extended to them m
their bereavement. The funeral took
place to Kincardine cemetery on t
Tuesday, being an exceedingly large
one. 0
Picnic To -morrow. -The Anglican
churches of Brussels and Walton will
hold their annual picnic to Davidson's
Grove on Thursday, June 25th.
Chine . and bring your friends. A
good time is expected.
Bishop of Huron Here on Monday
-Next Monday evening, June 29th
at 8 o'clock, the Bishop of Huron will
hold Confirmation .service in St,
John's church. All are invited to at-
tend the service,
First Class Honors. -W. S. Hall,
son of Wm. and Mrs. Hall, Brussels,
took first class honors and stood 6th
in his class in science. The young
gentleman is on a mission field in the
West for the Summer. His many
friends offer congratulations.
Brussels Was Represented. -Many
from the Brussels Women's Institute
and the Junior Institute attended the
23rd annual meeting of East Huron
Women's Institute at Bluevale on
Tuesday. An excellent program was
Dance Th5roughly Enjoyed.- The
Street Dance held Tuesday night
under the auspices of the Brussels
Foot Bali Club was greatly enjoyed
by the large gathering present.
Wroxeter Orchestra was at its best
andprovided a fine dance program.
What We Want. -We are always
pleased to receive news of meetings
or anything, not advertising, or not
written just so, to suit any party,
fagtion or clique. As it is impossible
for us to attend every meeting we
must to a certain extent rely on the
information received from those wh.
County School Closing: Although
the legal date for closing the County
schools for the long vacation is June
29, it is likely a large number of the
schools if not all of them, will remain
closed from Friday, June 26th, as
there would be no good purpose
served in opening the schools, it is
said, for the one school day interven-
Rev. Mr. Barker. of Kincardine,
'will commence his pastorate of the
United Church on Sunday next.
Rev. Mr. Hemphill, of Moosejaw,
will be in charge of the services in
Melville Presbyterian church next
The call given to Rev. S. F. Gil-
more, of Atwood, from the Presbyter-
ian church r at Ingersoll,
11 wasnot
granted at the meeting of the Presby-
tery held in Stratford last week.' A e
pressing request for hie services was
presented from Atwood.
On Sunday morning, the L, O. L.
paraded to St. John's Church whe@re' e
was a large congregation. The sdr- s
mon was a very intereeting history o
of the Protestant emancipation.
Special music was rendered . by the t
choir. The evening service was with t
drawn. in favor of the anniversary
cervices in Melville Church.
INA -MURAL inaug.
Loral services held in the United s
Church, Brussels, .on Sunday, June
14th, were very inept ing and the at.
tendance both mord ng and evening
was full capacity of the church. The
meetings were conducted in a very
able manner by Rev, Mr. McLeod and
Rev. Mr. Clarke. At the morning
service the sacrament of the Lord's
Supper was impressively administer.
ed and partaken of by aiarge number
of communicants. A very impreeeive
and unique ceremony was enacted by
Rev, Mr. Clarke, depositing the roll
of former Methodist members enter-
ing the United Obur•ch and by Rev.
Mr. McLeod, depositing the roll of
former Presbyterian members enter-
ing the United Church and thereby
publicly establishing the United
Church of Canada 11, Brussels. The
spirit of harmony and brotherhood
was manifested in a marked degree.
At the evening .service the congreg.
ation was inspired by the able ad-
dresses of Rev. Mr. McLeod snd'l.ev,.
Mr. Clarke and great things are ,look.
ed for in the future by the congreg-
ation as all integral unit of the .great
United Church of Canada. Ths mus-
ic at both services wee very approp.
riate and well rendered. W. D.
Hamel presided at the organ in a
very pleasing matinee, rendering
some pleasing voluntaries,
Rev, 0, le Clarke closed hie pastor-
ate on Sunday morning in the United
Church. ,There was a large congreg-
ation nreaent. Sermon was based on
Phil. 3-13 :" A call to the congregation
to be for ar'o t -l o Dkl 1 't
g hris
v i and
C l
to be loyal to the LeadershipD}
The Jeans," the prranher hinted out
that the his a t. p
he rewind of
fled setvieegis 011; nit Himself, He
thanked the congregation Inc their
kindness and sympathy during the
years of their associations and urged
hat every support be given the new
minister, Rev, Mr, Barker, Mr,'
lathe and family have entered into
the life of Church and community in
a very effective way. He has heart.
ahab•mati of the 'Carnegie Library
Board for" four years' an4 is a past
President of the Idorliculiurel Society.
Irl addition to the duties of hie con-
gregation, he served,as Chairman for
the past three years. Rev. Mr. Bick-
er, who succeeds it,i'. Clarke, has lust
closed a pastoral term at Kincardine.
Some year ago he was stationed at
Seaforth.,He has been uniformly
successful -n his work and has the rep-
utation of being an effective preacher
and a faithful pastor. He will be
warmly welcomed by the congreg-
ation, - -
lPersonal Paragraphs )
Mrs, \Neese, of Lindsay, has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas, Duncan.
Peter McDonald, Milverton, is
spending a few days in town with his
W. H. Merklinger of Hanover, was
a week clad visitor at the home of N.
F. Gerry,
Reeve A. 0. Beaker and family at-
tended the 06. Council picnic at God
erich to -day,
Mrs. Waiter Rose and Miss lda
Rose were in Toronto for a couple of
days last week.
Dick and Olid Wallace of New-
ark, N. 3., called on Ed. and Mrs.
Lowry one day last week.
,, Alex. Fleming and the Misses Flem-
ing, of Galt, were week -end visitors
with James and Mrs. FDX,
Mrs. Geo. Edwards has been spend-
ing a few days with her daughter,
Mrs. Longfoot, in Stratford.
George Buchanan arrived home
last week, having completed his term
on the Haileybury school staff.
Jphit Anderson, of•Yalulerstun, was
a week -end visitor at the home aerie
nephew, Ropert Anderson, town.
Ripley Express. -William Peter is
visiting friends at Bruosels, London,
Hamilton, Grimsby and Toronto.
Mrs. Orich and her granddaughter,
of 'Toronto, are visitors with Wm.
and Mies Crawford, the former being
a sister.
Levi Holmes, of Timmins, son of
David Holmes, McKillop; was a visi-
tor at the home of Mrs. D. Ewan, of
town, last week.
L and Mrs. Yolleck and son, Har-
old, of Toronto, are visitors at the
home of M. and Mrs. Yolleck. The
gentlemen are brothers,
0 ra Anderson who
pent several weeks at Anderson,
borne of
her parents. returned to her position
n Toronto, on Monday.
-Mrs. Wm. Clouse attended the fun-
ral of her sister, Mrs. Walter Lind -
ay, which took place at' Kincardine
o Tuesday of last week.
Peter Bishop, sr., one of the old
ime residents of Brussels and Grey
ownship, left last week on a visit to
friends in Vancouver, B. C.
Rev. J. P. and Mrs. McLeod left
set week for their nets, horno in
arnia but will be ire back on Wed•
esdav, for the Jones -Arlin wedding.
T. L. and Mrs. Callahan and
daughter,. of Belleville, arrived here
last week and will spend a couple of
weeks at the home of Mrs. Callahan's
father, S. Wilton.
A welcome arrival to town this
week is Mrs. George Thomson, who
has just returned from her sojourn in
California and will spend some time
at the home of Cleve and Mrs Backer.
Mre. Herbert J. Mabee (nee Gladys
McQuarrie) is here with her mother,
Mre. Hector McQuarrie, and eister,
Mrs. Pane& She cameos the eteitm-
ship "Harmonia." Mrs. Frank Steel-
ton and Mr. Sabine, her cousin, mot-
ored to. London and met the boat
special. Mr, Mabee will be here later.
J, L, and Mre, Kerr and Mies Mary
Helen and Mre.' W, H. Kerr left lent
Saturday by boab from Sarnia to at-
tend the Weekly Newspaper 'Con-
vention at Winnipeg and visit with
J. R. Grant and daughters, Mrs. W.
H. Kerr will spend a few weeks there
and Mrs. J. L. Kerr and Mlse Mary
Kerr will spend a month in Saskatoon
with Mre: R. W. Moore, her sister.
W, T, and Mrs: Pinkerton, of Fair-
banks, Alaeka, are here on a visit
with Mrs. De Ewan and the Mieees
Holmes, Mrs. Pimkerton being their
neiee, Mr, • Pinkerton is in the civil
service work in Aluaka and it is 27
years tinea they were here last.
Thee purpose motoring back to the
fat' North and have purchased -a our
with thatend in view,
F000ai r.
1 r, In Wilby Township, r Juno
18th, 1025, to (DorothyJean,)
Mre, Turnbpli a
daughter, (liotothy '
B11Yo01a-ionnsos-At the horns of the
bride'o father, Henry. Johnson, "Summer+
lend Farm", Morris Township, on June
17th, 1025 by Itev W. B, LinWkins, Sir,
Wm. T. lirydges to Mics ,Tooephhto J,
Johnson, all. of Morrie Township,
Fox's ]?rug. Store
The Store
Straw Hat
Will make your last sea-
son's straw as goodas
new with one applica-
^tion. Very easy to apply
115c per pkge.
Tr"ead Easy
Sore and Tired feet
Give/great comfort and
that restful feeling so
much desired these hot
25c Tins
Foeprlpile writing their exam- .Po the pupils who with-
inations nothing eaves more
Our stock of -in the next couple, 'of ,
time than a good Fountain Pen, weeks' will be in the
WATERM N 'cultist of exams, we will
be glad to have youand drop In and make your
PARKER selections from our
is very complete both 08 (0 stock and to feel right
price and style. at home In our store.' '
Paris Green Arsenate of Lead
Sprayide , , Formaldehyde
"Careful Prescription Dispensers"
ANOHs: In 8dorrle`Twp.,.on Thursday, June
18851, Thome Angus, aged 83 years, 2
months and. 12 days.
Cuarca -In Walton, on June 201h,1025, James
CI:Wok• formerly of. Grey townabip, aged
S0years. .
D000r,ts. In loving memory of our dear
father, John B. Douglas, who died two
years ago, June 21st, 1958.
A loving father, true and kind,
NS Mend. like him on earth we'll find,
For all of us he did his beat,.
And God gave him Eternal rest..
ANNI1111. DouoaAa.
Farms • for Sale
The undersigned- offers for sate hie 100.1ere
farm being N35, Lot 25, Con. 7, Morris. Also
150 scree, being. North ,,C. Lot 20, and Ey, 27,
Oon. 1, Morrie, Good houses and barns in
Bret-otase condition, also all good ont•build-
Inge. Will sell with or without crop. Reas-
on for selling, poor health. For further part-
iculars apply to W. H. Me00TOHEON,
Proprleter, E. R.4,Brussels
Organ Pumper Wanted
Tenders will be received by the undersign-
ed until July 8rd, for the pumping of the Pips
organ In Melville el roh Brussels. Lowest .
or any tooder not none sadly accepted.
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wanted for 8. S, No 1 Grey, bolding
at least a permanent Second-class certiflioate.
Duties to oommenoe Beet. let, Applicant to
state experience and asters, expected Annly
1-tf OLIVEI% BBMnxawAY,
Seo. Tretiurer R. R. 8, Brussels.
Hog for Service
The nnderelgned will keep for service at
Lot 28, Con, 5, Morrie, a thoro'-bred Tem-.
worth hog, terms 21.00, to be paid at time of
service with privilege of returning it neces-
Must be Sold
After our Spring Sale we find some of
our Departments filled with Remnants,
Broken Lines and Odd Sizes.
MUST be sold to make room for new
Overalls and
In blue and white stripe,
good weight, to clear
Pair $1.39
In plain blue or black,
extra heavy weight
Pair $1.65
Ladies' Sweaters .;
In New Spring Styles
Ladies' Kid Boit Pullovers
el 825
Ladies' Golf Coate 8 75
Ladies' Ohappy Wool Sbawl
Dollars ....... .. . ... . . 8 95
Ladies' ()happy Coate 8 75
Ladles' Brushed Wool
Pullovers ,.,.. 8 95
Ladies' Brushed Wool
Ohappies, .... • ...... 4 50
Floor 011 Clthsl
and Linoleurns
We have on hand several
remnants of the best D
Quality Linoleum. ,,To
clear per sq. yard.... 80C
Remnants of Floor Oil
Clothinseveral patterns.
To clear per sq. yd. 50c
Our Draperies
'Always has the latest
in Curtain Materials.
'Silk Madras
In three colors - Blue.
Create er Old Rose -nix -
tea Special per q, yard
Red Bargaln St
JNO. H. HART Phone 100x, ASR M
J GRI OLl)13"Y
Next door to the American Hotel
11 11
11 jilt
.0 qp
�. a
sro 0�'.
Whien'1ou'r Money
Travels by Mail
END your remittances by Stan-'
dard Bank Money Orders.
They are convenient, efficient .and
economical. The money is fully in-,
, sured against loss or theft is trans-' •
Vit. it can reach only the person to
whom it is addressed.. Standard
Bank MoneY Orders are as good as
cash and are acceptable anywhere
in Canada.
BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Samir, Manger
Picnic To -morrow. -The Anglican
churches of Brussels and Walton will
hold their annual picnic to Davidson's
Grove on Thursday, June 25th.
Chine . and bring your friends. A
good time is expected.
Bishop of Huron Here on Monday
-Next Monday evening, June 29th
at 8 o'clock, the Bishop of Huron will
hold Confirmation .service in St,
John's church. All are invited to at-
tend the service,
First Class Honors. -W. S. Hall,
son of Wm. and Mrs. Hall, Brussels,
took first class honors and stood 6th
in his class in science. The young
gentleman is on a mission field in the
West for the Summer. His many
friends offer congratulations.
Brussels Was Represented. -Many
from the Brussels Women's Institute
and the Junior Institute attended the
23rd annual meeting of East Huron
Women's Institute at Bluevale on
Tuesday. An excellent program was
Dance Th5roughly Enjoyed.- The
Street Dance held Tuesday night
under the auspices of the Brussels
Foot Bali Club was greatly enjoyed
by the large gathering present.
Wroxeter Orchestra was at its best
andprovided a fine dance program.
What We Want. -We are always
pleased to receive news of meetings
or anything, not advertising, or not
written just so, to suit any party,
fagtion or clique. As it is impossible
for us to attend every meeting we
must to a certain extent rely on the
information received from those wh.
County School Closing: Although
the legal date for closing the County
schools for the long vacation is June
29, it is likely a large number of the
schools if not all of them, will remain
closed from Friday, June 26th, as
there would be no good purpose
served in opening the schools, it is
said, for the one school day interven-
Rev. Mr. Barker. of Kincardine,
'will commence his pastorate of the
United Church on Sunday next.
Rev. Mr. Hemphill, of Moosejaw,
will be in charge of the services in
Melville Presbyterian church next
The call given to Rev. S. F. Gil-
more, of Atwood, from the Presbyter-
ian church r at Ingersoll,
11 wasnot
granted at the meeting of the Presby-
tery held in Stratford last week.' A e
pressing request for hie services was
presented from Atwood.
On Sunday morning, the L, O. L.
paraded to St. John's Church whe@re' e
was a large congregation. The sdr- s
mon was a very intereeting history o
of the Protestant emancipation.
Special music was rendered . by the t
choir. The evening service was with t
drawn. in favor of the anniversary
cervices in Melville Church.
INA -MURAL inaug.
Loral services held in the United s
Church, Brussels, .on Sunday, June
14th, were very inept ing and the at.
tendance both mord ng and evening
was full capacity of the church. The
meetings were conducted in a very
able manner by Rev, Mr. McLeod and
Rev. Mr. Clarke. At the morning
service the sacrament of the Lord's
Supper was impressively administer.
ed and partaken of by aiarge number
of communicants. A very impreeeive
and unique ceremony was enacted by
Rev, Mr. Clarke, depositing the roll
of former Methodist members enter-
ing the United Obur•ch and by Rev.
Mr. McLeod, depositing the roll of
former Presbyterian members enter-
ing the United Church and thereby
publicly establishing the United
Church of Canada 11, Brussels. The
spirit of harmony and brotherhood
was manifested in a marked degree.
At the evening .service the congreg.
ation was inspired by the able ad-
dresses of Rev. Mr. McLeod snd'l.ev,.
Mr. Clarke and great things are ,look.
ed for in the future by the congreg-
ation as all integral unit of the .great
United Church of Canada. Ths mus-
ic at both services wee very approp.
riate and well rendered. W. D.
Hamel presided at the organ in a
very pleasing matinee, rendering
some pleasing voluntaries,
Rev, 0, le Clarke closed hie pastor-
ate on Sunday morning in the United
Church. ,There was a large congreg-
ation nreaent. Sermon was based on
Phil. 3-13 :" A call to the congregation
to be for ar'o t -l o Dkl 1 't
g hris
v i and
C l
to be loyal to the LeadershipD}
The Jeans," the prranher hinted out
that the his a t. p
he rewind of
fled setvieegis 011; nit Himself, He
thanked the congregation Inc their
kindness and sympathy during the
years of their associations and urged
hat every support be given the new
minister, Rev, Mr, Barker, Mr,'
lathe and family have entered into
the life of Church and community in
a very effective way. He has heart.
ahab•mati of the 'Carnegie Library
Board for" four years' an4 is a past
President of the Idorliculiurel Society.
Irl addition to the duties of hie con-
gregation, he served,as Chairman for
the past three years. Rev. Mr. Bick-
er, who succeeds it,i'. Clarke, has lust
closed a pastoral term at Kincardine.
Some year ago he was stationed at
Seaforth.,He has been uniformly
successful -n his work and has the rep-
utation of being an effective preacher
and a faithful pastor. He will be
warmly welcomed by the congreg-
ation, - -
lPersonal Paragraphs )
Mrs, \Neese, of Lindsay, has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas, Duncan.
Peter McDonald, Milverton, is
spending a few days in town with his
W. H. Merklinger of Hanover, was
a week clad visitor at the home of N.
F. Gerry,
Reeve A. 0. Beaker and family at-
tended the 06. Council picnic at God
erich to -day,
Mrs. Waiter Rose and Miss lda
Rose were in Toronto for a couple of
days last week.
Dick and Olid Wallace of New-
ark, N. 3., called on Ed. and Mrs.
Lowry one day last week.
,, Alex. Fleming and the Misses Flem-
ing, of Galt, were week -end visitors
with James and Mrs. FDX,
Mrs. Geo. Edwards has been spend-
ing a few days with her daughter,
Mrs. Longfoot, in Stratford.
George Buchanan arrived home
last week, having completed his term
on the Haileybury school staff.
Jphit Anderson, of•Yalulerstun, was
a week -end visitor at the home aerie
nephew, Ropert Anderson, town.
Ripley Express. -William Peter is
visiting friends at Bruosels, London,
Hamilton, Grimsby and Toronto.
Mrs. Orich and her granddaughter,
of 'Toronto, are visitors with Wm.
and Mies Crawford, the former being
a sister.
Levi Holmes, of Timmins, son of
David Holmes, McKillop; was a visi-
tor at the home of Mrs. D. Ewan, of
town, last week.
L and Mrs. Yolleck and son, Har-
old, of Toronto, are visitors at the
home of M. and Mrs. Yolleck. The
gentlemen are brothers,
0 ra Anderson who
pent several weeks at Anderson,
borne of
her parents. returned to her position
n Toronto, on Monday.
-Mrs. Wm. Clouse attended the fun-
ral of her sister, Mrs. Walter Lind -
ay, which took place at' Kincardine
o Tuesday of last week.
Peter Bishop, sr., one of the old
ime residents of Brussels and Grey
ownship, left last week on a visit to
friends in Vancouver, B. C.
Rev. J. P. and Mrs. McLeod left
set week for their nets, horno in
arnia but will be ire back on Wed•
esdav, for the Jones -Arlin wedding.
T. L. and Mrs. Callahan and
daughter,. of Belleville, arrived here
last week and will spend a couple of
weeks at the home of Mrs. Callahan's
father, S. Wilton.
A welcome arrival to town this
week is Mrs. George Thomson, who
has just returned from her sojourn in
California and will spend some time
at the home of Cleve and Mrs Backer.
Mre. Herbert J. Mabee (nee Gladys
McQuarrie) is here with her mother,
Mre. Hector McQuarrie, and eister,
Mrs. Pane& She cameos the eteitm-
ship "Harmonia." Mrs. Frank Steel-
ton and Mr. Sabine, her cousin, mot-
ored to. London and met the boat
special. Mr, Mabee will be here later.
J, L, and Mre, Kerr and Mies Mary
Helen and Mre.' W, H. Kerr left lent
Saturday by boab from Sarnia to at-
tend the Weekly Newspaper 'Con-
vention at Winnipeg and visit with
J. R. Grant and daughters, Mrs. W.
H. Kerr will spend a few weeks there
and Mrs. J. L. Kerr and Mlse Mary
Kerr will spend a month in Saskatoon
with Mre: R. W. Moore, her sister.
W, T, and Mrs: Pinkerton, of Fair-
banks, Alaeka, are here on a visit
with Mrs. De Ewan and the Mieees
Holmes, Mrs. Pimkerton being their
neiee, Mr, • Pinkerton is in the civil
service work in Aluaka and it is 27
years tinea they were here last.
Thee purpose motoring back to the
fat' North and have purchased -a our
with thatend in view,
F000ai r.
1 r, In Wilby Township, r Juno
18th, 1025, to (DorothyJean,)
Mre, Turnbpli a
daughter, (liotothy '
B11Yo01a-ionnsos-At the horns of the
bride'o father, Henry. Johnson, "Summer+
lend Farm", Morris Township, on June
17th, 1025 by Itev W. B, LinWkins, Sir,
Wm. T. lirydges to Mics ,Tooephhto J,
Johnson, all. of Morrie Township,
Fox's ]?rug. Store
The Store
Straw Hat
Will make your last sea-
son's straw as goodas
new with one applica-
^tion. Very easy to apply
115c per pkge.
Tr"ead Easy
Sore and Tired feet
Give/great comfort and
that restful feeling so
much desired these hot
25c Tins
Foeprlpile writing their exam- .Po the pupils who with-
inations nothing eaves more
Our stock of -in the next couple, 'of ,
time than a good Fountain Pen, weeks' will be in the
WATERM N 'cultist of exams, we will
be glad to have youand drop In and make your
PARKER selections from our
is very complete both 08 (0 stock and to feel right
price and style. at home In our store.' '
Paris Green Arsenate of Lead
Sprayide , , Formaldehyde
"Careful Prescription Dispensers"
ANOHs: In 8dorrle`Twp.,.on Thursday, June
18851, Thome Angus, aged 83 years, 2
months and. 12 days.
Cuarca -In Walton, on June 201h,1025, James
CI:Wok• formerly of. Grey townabip, aged
S0years. .
D000r,ts. In loving memory of our dear
father, John B. Douglas, who died two
years ago, June 21st, 1958.
A loving father, true and kind,
NS Mend. like him on earth we'll find,
For all of us he did his beat,.
And God gave him Eternal rest..
ANNI1111. DouoaAa.
Farms • for Sale
The undersigned- offers for sate hie 100.1ere
farm being N35, Lot 25, Con. 7, Morris. Also
150 scree, being. North ,,C. Lot 20, and Ey, 27,
Oon. 1, Morrie, Good houses and barns in
Bret-otase condition, also all good ont•build-
Inge. Will sell with or without crop. Reas-
on for selling, poor health. For further part-
iculars apply to W. H. Me00TOHEON,
Proprleter, E. R.4,Brussels
Organ Pumper Wanted
Tenders will be received by the undersign-
ed until July 8rd, for the pumping of the Pips
organ In Melville el roh Brussels. Lowest .
or any tooder not none sadly accepted.
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wanted for 8. S, No 1 Grey, bolding
at least a permanent Second-class certiflioate.
Duties to oommenoe Beet. let, Applicant to
state experience and asters, expected Annly
1-tf OLIVEI% BBMnxawAY,
Seo. Tretiurer R. R. 8, Brussels.
Hog for Service
The nnderelgned will keep for service at
Lot 28, Con, 5, Morrie, a thoro'-bred Tem-.
worth hog, terms 21.00, to be paid at time of
service with privilege of returning it neces-
Must be Sold
After our Spring Sale we find some of
our Departments filled with Remnants,
Broken Lines and Odd Sizes.
MUST be sold to make room for new
Overalls and
In blue and white stripe,
good weight, to clear
Pair $1.39
In plain blue or black,
extra heavy weight
Pair $1.65
Ladies' Sweaters .;
In New Spring Styles
Ladies' Kid Boit Pullovers
el 825
Ladies' Golf Coate 8 75
Ladies' Ohappy Wool Sbawl
Dollars ....... .. . ... . . 8 95
Ladies' ()happy Coate 8 75
Ladles' Brushed Wool
Pullovers ,.,.. 8 95
Ladies' Brushed Wool
Ohappies, .... • ...... 4 50
Floor 011 Clthsl
and Linoleurns
We have on hand several
remnants of the best D
Quality Linoleum. ,,To
clear per sq. yard.... 80C
Remnants of Floor Oil
Clothinseveral patterns.
To clear per sq. yd. 50c
Our Draperies
'Always has the latest
in Curtain Materials.
'Silk Madras
In three colors - Blue.
Create er Old Rose -nix -
tea Special per q, yard
Red Bargaln St
JNO. H. HART Phone 100x, ASR M
J GRI OLl)13"Y
Next door to the American Hotel