HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-6-17, Page 8'.4e
The Dependable Film in the
Yellow Box
Kodak Film
For Results—Load with Kodak
Film and let us do
your Finishing.
Kodak Film --In stock in all
sizes always.
35c bots.
i Ib.
whitens the
s5c bore.
-Drivels Away
toes 25c
45c ots,
15c ea. `
Milk of Moth
Magnesia Proof
Large y§torage
bots. 5oc45eSto- i.so
A beautiful Loose Pow-
der Vanity Case and
new popular Narcissus
Face Powder
Both for $1.39
School Exams
on this Month
To meet the corning demands
we have a good supply of—
—Exam Tablets at 10c, 14c
and 25c each.
—Examination Paper
—Waterman's Fountain Pens
-Fountain Pen Ink
—Lead Pencils, Bracers, &c.
rhe vszta Store
Druggist and Stationer
rural letils Pim
HALF of June gone.
Lilacs are in bloom.
'HErang it isblooming,
JULY let es on a Wednesday.
Go slow at the intersections of th
DEPARTMENTAL exams start Rex
SEND in your news early to insur
their insertion.
MELVILLE Church anniversary eery
ices next Sunday.
A drive in the counts y enables on
to see nature at ite best.
BRvesEts Fall Fair Prize list le in
the hands of the printer.
BRII8eEL8 Foot Ball team plays in
Milverton on Thursday evening.
DESPITE the rain, there was a big
crowd in town on Saturday night.
IT seems quite reasonable to talk of
the good old summertime again-
1T'S getting so, now. that almost
everything u fellow does is contrary
to law.
INVITATIONS and announcements
can be secured at The Poet Publishing
Home at moderate prices,
DoN'T forget Melville Church Gard-
en Party at the home of George
Crooks, 4th line, Morrie, on Monday,
June 22nd,
;PEE final merging of three relig-
ious denominations into one has at
last been accomplished. and it is to be
hoped religious peace hoe bean firmly
established ill this Canada of ours.
Co. Council Picnic.—It was decid-
ed to hold the annual picnic of the
County Council in Goderich on
Wednesday, June 24th.
Has Contract in New Ontario. --
Wm. King left this week for New
Liskeard where he has a contract of
e selling lightning rods in that section,
lie will be away fol the summer.
t County Rates Up.—In setting the
county tax rate for general purpose
e at 3.5 mills and the highway rate et
2 mills, the county council made an
- increase over last year of three -
tenths of a mill on general rates and
e half .a mill on highway rate.
Soft Bali Standing
i\ ON Lose
High School 2 2
I. O O F ....1 1
East Herons, ...........1 2
Maple Leafs 2 2
Tuesday Night Games—The Maple
Leafs tried to do the double shuffle
by playing the Clerks and then the
Odd Fellows on Tuesday night but
lost both games. The Clerks won by
a score of 21 to 16; and the h 0. 0.
F. team by 25 to 15.
North Huron Conservatives: — A
conventurr, of the (Jonser ea:dyes. of
North Huron will he held in Wing-
hatn on Tuesday, June 23rd, for the
purpnsn of nominating a candidate for
the Datuininn House, It le expected
that John L. Stausef); M. P. of East
Elgin, will be there to address the
Church, Brussels, Sunday, June 21-t,
to be conducted by Rev. K. H. Paha.
er, D. De, of Westminster ehur'eh,
Hamilton. Gaiden Party, Monday.
evening, June 22nd, at the home of
Albert Crooks, 4th line, Morris. Pro.
gramme supplied by the Buchan-
an Concert Co., of Wingharn.
Company consietie of Mrs. Van
Wyok—Elocutionist, (Gold Medallist)
Mise Hazel Brandon—Pianist; Mise
Garnise—Soprano ; Mr. Geo, Fry.
fogle-Violinist ; Mr. Gordon Buch-
anan -Bass and Comic, Cars will
leave Melville Church from 7 to 8
n'clock to take alt these who wish to
Huron Old Boys' Picnic: — The
aauual prenle of the -Huron Ofd lint's
Association, of Toronto, will he held
in areae 5 and 6, Exhibition Gt'nuntls,
and iu the Teausportation Building, on
Friday afternnnn, June 26th, when a
full programme r,f gamer, &c, hoe
been aermined for the entertainmkt
of the old Boys and girls 4 f the Ban.
tier county of the i)ominion. Need.
lees to say, suitable prizes Will he
awarded to the successful competitors
and the athletee, bath old and young,
are' advised to beteg along their run-
t• All•r
un to Huron R ,
at e and !heir
g g
friends will be made doubly welenule.
Horne and being a well filled basket,
and leave your troubles ab home. in
"your altt kit bas,"
Mix Five Ulnae Sour for good bread.
J, T. Roos,
Fon BAne.-Cabbage plants.
62-1 - Phone 86-10
FOR Salm.-t rnhber.tire,: top Bnggy
nearly new ; 1 eteel•tired top boggy ; 1 new
lumber wagon ; 8 good ne000d-band wagon,. ;
1 steel roller; one binder in. drat-dlaae cond-
i;Ion, 7 ft. ant. Apply W. A. LOWRY,
Fon S.LR.-Ford touring car, looks and FOR,
like new, all overhauled end new tires - Prier
6126. Apply to, Joan Lemma°. Phone 6515
It, R. No. 8, Brussels,
Five Lilies floor makes good breed. Every
bag guaranteed, J. T. Rose.
OAR No. 42.118 found. Enquire at,
Tar Pner,
COMM. -R. H. Stewart, Piano Tuner.
Firstclose work. Leave orders with
H. L. Jacs:eoa, Jeweler,
Fon Rs.Ln.-Two-horee spring wagon with
box, oleo a throe-barnnr coal oil stove com-
plete with oven, good as new, Tnns. GRANT,
48•tf Wroxeter Phooe R. R.2. Wroxeter.
C. O. F. High Court. — The 46th
annual meeting of the High Court of
the Canadian Order of Foresters is
being held in Windsor this week.
Graduated: — Mits Marjory Rosa
with honors from
taking herToronto
A., and her
another, Mrs. D. C. Ross attended the
graduation exercises. Miss Doris
Ross passed her 3rd year at Varsity
with honors.
Game Postponed.—Owing to the
cold weather, the soft ball game be,
tween the Maple Leafs and Oddfei-
lows last Wednesday night was post-
poned. It will be played at a later
Orange Sermon. — Members of
Brussels L. 0. L. and visiting broth -
rim will meet in the lodge room at
10.80 a.m. next Sunday, morning,
June 21st, and attend Divine worship
in St John's Church. Rev. Mr,
Lewin will preach the annual Orange
Clinton Girl Graduates,— The.
graduation exercises of ther'I'raining.
School of Wellesley Hospital, Toron-
to, took place last Friday afternoon
on the lawn of the hospital. Among
those who were graduated were:
Helen Winnifred Holmes, Clinton,
daughter of Robt. and Mrs. Holmes,
formerly of the Clinton New Era.
Canada's Debt Cut $6,000,o90.-
Current•revenues for the Dominion
totalled $61,500,766 in May, against
$61 237,600 in May of last year, ac-
cording lo the monthly statement of
the finance department. Current "ex-
enditur s
p e were4
$91,.02,021, against.
$92,489,313. The net debt stood
on May 30' at $2,378,794,908, rather
over $6,000,00'0 fess than on May 80
Of last year,
Longest Pay of,Year. — Sunday,
Juno. 21st, is the laigest day of thus,
A Good Soaking.—This district had
a gond seeking last Saturday aftel.'-
noonand evening, It was worth
thousands of dollars,
Stored Furniture., --Rev, J P, Mc -
bead had his :Furniture movedfrom
the ,Manse and 1ltared .in the old Fam-
ilyTheatre building,
lnaiallation of Officers. --,-The new
officers of St, John's Lodge, No, 284,
A. F. & A. M., will be installed next'
Wcleinesday evening., June 24th, at
7.30 o'clock;
Attended Races,—A,• number ;fro>il.
Brussels attended the races at Sea -
forth last Wednesday. The day was
cold ao it was not comfortable sitting
in the grand stand.
Suffering from Quinsy.—Dan, Mc-
Kenzie, Kincardine, brakeman on the
passenger train 'between' Kincardine
and Toronto, is very ill at his home
on Victoria St., suffering from an at-
tack of quinsy,
Maple Leafs Won.—The Maple
Leafs won their soft ball game.
against the Clerks on Thursday, night
last by' a score of 28-6. Innings--
Maplo Leafs: 6 918 4 0 x.28
Clerks: 0 0033 0 0- 6
Oddfellows Lost at Wingham.
Western Star Lodge I. D. 0. F. Soft
Ball team lost their league 'match a
Wingham last Thursday night by a
score of 18.9. Quite a few of the
"Linkers" went up to Wingham with
the team.
Died in Toronto.—On Thursday of
last week, Dr. George Stewart Stra-
thy, M.D., C.M., -passed awey after a
short illness. The D1. was 1n Brus-
sels last March for a consultation.
Hismany friends regret to learn of
his demise,
On-ean Observation Trip.—S. - B.
Stothers, Clinton, left on Saturday to
accompany R. S. Duncan, Director
Agricultural Representative Branch,
and three other representatives on
an observation trip through the State
of Indiana.
t Must Sign Names.—Persons send-
ing news items to The Post are
again reminded that such items will
not be used unless signed. Sign all
matter sent in. Otherwise it finds
the wastepaper basket, no matter how
interesting it looks.
June Meeting W. L—The June.
meeting of Brussels Women's Instit-
ute is to be held on Wednesday, the
.24th of June, at the home of Mrs.. G.
H. Semis. Miss Douglas, the Depart-
ment speaker, of Durham, Ont., is
to be present and give the address.
A good attendance is asked for.
Silent Policeman Knocked Out:—
The silent policeman at the Queen's
corner was put out of eommisston
Saturday morning and will have to
be replaced by a new one. If the fel-
low were caught u ht whoputs these
markers out of business he court
costs might hie heavy.
Ontario Supreme Court Sittings,—
The dates for the Autumn circuits of
the Supreme Court of Ontario have
been announced from Osgoode Hall.
The jury sittings at Stratford will be
held September 21 and non -jury
Fittings at Goderich will be held on
November 2, before Mr. Justice Log -
Engagement Announced.—The en-
gagement is announced of Minerva
ttlaude, only daughter of the late J.
O. Jones and Mrs. Jones of Brussels,
Ontario, to Mr. Scott Marwood At-
kin, of Stuart, Florida, okily son of
the late W. E. and Mrs. Atkin, of
Stuart, Florida, the marriage to take
place quietly the end of June.
Motorists Most to Blame. — Rail-
ways have carried out more than
their share in crossing protection
'throughout Ontario and the great-
est part of the responsibility for
crooning accidents now lies with the
careless motorist, in the opinion of
Superintendent C.• Forrester, of the
London division of the C. N. R.
Women's Institute.—The Annual
District meeting, of East Huron Wom-
en's Institute 1s to be held in the
Methodist Church, at Bluevale, on
Tuesday, the 23rd of June. Ladies
with cars to lend and those wishing
to attend the meeting please com-
municate with the Secretary, Miss
May Armstrong. A good program is
being prepared. Everyoneis invited.
Egg Packers Won.—The soft ball
game between the Egg Packers and
Clerks resulted in a win for the Egg
Packers by a score of 25-17. The
Clerks got a rally on in the last. inn -
Mks and scored 9 runs but could not
overcome the lead. The score by, inn-
ings was as follows:
East Huron — 0 0 7 12 0 2 4-25
Clerks — 4 0 0 01 3 9-17
Personal Paragraphs 1
Miss. Elaine Dennison'tvas a visitor
in Stratford for a few days last week
Barrister W. M. Sinclair, trade e
Inertness trip to London last, Thursday,
fzzie Sohv)adron was in Toronto last
week for liie,Thedry exam, in the Tor.
onto Conservatory of Music.
J, a, Galbraith returned from bie
Montreal trip on Wednesday of last
Lester Groekpf, of Detroit, is visil-
ing with ilia Mother, Nita, Geo, Man.
n as
A, cher Grewar rettlrred home !ant
F Ida% ev ning frorn fVnodstoek Ool-
•etre fni 1lt'•NtlY tmrwantinn.
M is N F, Gerry left OR Tuesday to
visit with 11,.1' daughtee, Mre. Ailing-
hatn at Lethbridge,
Mlee Gertrude Rorie, of Torn{to
Teaching 8 aft, spent the week end et
the ;invents] h..rne,
Mrs. A" M. ICay and Miss Helen
Kay of Stratford, motored up on
Wednesday. Mrs. W, H. Kerr re-
turned to town with them..
Mr. and Mrs, Walker and Alias
Haycock, London, and Mrs Friend-
ship, Fred Friendship and Mrs, Wick
of Detroit, wore visitors with A. It.
To Builders of
Can .dean industry
- . :'
INOR 1878 win have been anoduet)ng
S a banking bueiueee in a trimmer
compatible with the beet develop-:
- meth of Canadian fndnetry. ThieiR. eyi-
deuged in the $twceae of those whom we
have aervea. .11 o you who will he lendera
of to-nlorro6v, we offer" anitlld !R„rutciui
eupport and 'counsel. Our local inanag-
dy todieense'waste and ' insane of
aasieting the nein venture or e6pandillg
thetoviug hlisiaesa.
H, Sonata, Maotaper
Mrs. R. Thompson returned home
on Monday night from her visit in
J. F. and Mrs. Rouhan and child-
ren, of Detroit, are visiting with the
latter's father, S. Wilton.
W. J15 McCracken and M. Black
are in Hamilton this week at-
tending the Grand Lodge of the Odd-
Larne and Mre. Stevenson and Bar,
old, of Belmont, are visiting Mrs.
Stevenson's mother, Mre. John Mann.
B. afld Mrs. Walker and daughter,
of New Hamburg, were Sunday vis -
tors with David and Mrs. Walker,
Mre, Jun. Long and Miss Winnie
left on a holiday visit to Detroit, Ann
Arbor and Saginau, Mich„;. going to
7)etroit by,boat from Goderioh,
Earl Service, of the London Free
P'Pae Advertising staff, was in town
Iast,Thurndny Mr, Service.ie a coils n
of Of. M. and Walter Scott.
T. Flarity, of Owen Sound, ie mak-
ing an extended visit with A. H. and»
Mrs. McDonald. The visitor is the
father of Mre. McDonald.
A.. R. acid Mre: •Curbs and Mre,
Parson, of Toronto, motored np on
Monday and are spending a few days
here, as Mr. Onrrie's mother is very
poorly at present.
Russel Brown, Tnrnnto, Mrs. R. W.
Moore, (nee Miss Nettie Brown), of
Saskatoon, and blies Olive bloody,
f Torontp, spent the week.end with
J. L. and Mrn. Kerr. Mrs. Moore
made only a flying visit East and
joins Mr. elIl go to St Moore
to attend Winnipeg and Kicld-
wunis Convention,
Mi'.e M. E Clark, Editor of the Clin-
ton Nerve-Reeord, and Gordon Hall
oaid'T1ga POST a friendly call nn Fri
lay afternoon last.' Mise Clark lo -
formed UR she attended the old Pub -
'c School here.' when shp lived for a
time with her aunt, Mrs. George Good,
Rev. C. F. Clarke closes his pastor-
ate of the Brussels Methodist church
on Sunday.
Out of 150 Congregational Church-
es in Canada, only seven will not en-
ter the United Church.
On Kennont of Melville Church an-
.iverRary there will hp no 'service in
9t lnlmie ehtirdt Burnley evening.
On Sunday, June 21st, the Orange
Lodge of Brussels will parade to the
Anglican Church service at 11- a.m.
4 On Monday, June. 29th, the Bishop
of Huron will hold confirmation ser-
vice in the Anglican church. All in-
vifed to attend.
The Anglican Churches of Brussels
and NValton will hold their annyal
picnic to Davidson's Grove on Thurs-
day, June 25th. Come and bring
your friends. A good time is expect:
Rev, S. Pinnock of the Religions
Bible Society, gave very inspiring ed.
'lreseeeatSt Jnhn'a church nn Su',.
day lomat, telling of hie experiences in
his 86 years of rrtinsinnary work in
Nigeria, Northern Amen r
Owing to some misunderstanding,
no minister arrived for the Sunday
services at Melville church. The'
morning service was conducted by
Mr. Shortreed and the evening ser-
vice by Mr. Perris, Wingham, a stud-
ent of Knox College.
At a meeting of the officials of the.
United Church, held on Monday even-
ing, it was unanimously v^otell to
withdraw the evening selwice on Sun-
day nett in favor of the anniversary
service in Melville church. Rev. C.
F. Clarke will close his ministry in
Brussels next Sunday morning:
Thefirst church nervir.ee of the new
ted,0ht1rch of (lnnada, were Dart ie
ipated in by the mewl -we of the old
Methodist Ohm ch, whleh will now he
he United Church in 5,'ueoelR, wattheld on Sunday. In the tnornllrg the
euditnritim was crowded and the
service wag in charge of Item
Clarke and Rev. McLeod, Com-
mnninn was dispensed at the servine,
in the evening addressee were deliv
ere i by Rev+ Clarke and Metoond,.
The morning service in Mclvi e
Church last Sabbath was taken `Yiy
Wm. H. Shortreed, of Walton, in the
absence of Rev, Mr, Davis Who was
expected here. Interesting reports
of the meetings of the Congress and
General Assembly of the Continuing
Presbyterian. Church held in Toronto
last week were given by Mrs, John
Meadows and Andrew Lamont, The
evening service was taken by David
Parris, Jr., of Wingham, 'who preach-
ed from the .text, I;phesians 2:8,
"For by Grace are,yo saved,” The
speaker showery that Green is (1) A
Power (2) Love (3)Irrestiblo (4)
Free, The
services on Sunday ands weft
well attended ansLtherc was evident
an, earnestness . which showed that
many still believe that the eongregaC
tion of Melville: church has a great
Kinburn won from Seale th 1-0
at Kinburn last Faiday night. -
CO2,. -In Grey township, on June 1511,, to Mr.
and Mre Fred Coxa eon,
BRRgtNARAw'$ITaneN-At St.,Phlltp'e church
Toronto, on Jane lith, by the Rov. J, A.
nobinoon. M, A., B, O.. Ora Jenu,-ymtngeot
daughter of Mr. and Mre. T. W. Kitchen,
of Wroxeter, to Richard Coulton, eider Pon
of Mr. and Mae. Robert Ja,nee Berklnpbaw,
of Nlartara Fella, N. Y.
Fall Wheat ....... .... ......... a... 01 26 Sl' 80
Peas - 1 16 - 1 16
Oa s 96 46
-Bnckw heat .16 O6
Butter 82 82
Boge... 1275 1275
Farms for Sale'
The undersigned offers for Rale lie Ido -acre
taryr being N}f, Lot 25, Con, 7, Morris, Alno
160 acres, being North. 24 l.ot 20, and 1524, 27,
Con 7, Morris Good boueee and barna 1n
first -oleos condition, also all, good out•build.
[sttoke1E1ponpr setting, porbalthFor
further part-.
loulare apply to W B. 61eCtr70tlit014,
Proprietor, Wit Brussels
Fox's Drug Store
The Store'°
Straw. Hat
Will make your last sea -
,son's 'straw' as good as
new with one applica
tion. /Very easy to apply
15c per pkge.'
Tread' Easy
Bore and Tired Feet
Gives great'co.mfort and
that restful feeling so
knuch desired these hot
days, p
25e Tins
For pupils writing theirs exam-
, Mations nothing eaves more
, time than a good Fountain Pen.
Uur stock of
is very complete both as to
price and style.
To the pupils who with-
in the next couple of
-weeks will be in the
midst of exams, we will '
- be glad to have you •
drop in and make, your
,. • selections. front our
stock and to 'feel right `
at home In our store.
Paris Green • Arsenate of Lead
Sprayide Formaldehyde
"Careful Prescription Dispensers"
an( l Mrs, Currie last week. work to de in this community. ti
And this Forced Sale will be over and this Store
Closed. During these Three Last Days of the
final wind-up you will get Reductions you
never heard of for our prices' will be sim ily
smashed to atoms.
Here are just a 'few' examples
$5555. to $19.95'.
Men's Suits
$4.98 -
Only 3 left
Men's Suits
1195 -'
14.95 `
and 19.95
Boys'_ Suits ark
3698 • Shirts
• 4:98 -59c
arommosemummmi Am=
• • Men's 4P$ 2.50 Tweed Hats for' 59c.
Negligee Shirts (Fine) 79c • Fine Straw Hats 79c
Water Proof Goats ' $ 1.98 to $3.98
Und erwear
. Regular $ t 5o
Now 69c
Only 3 Days More and Store will be Closed
There are hundreds of similar Bargains, Discounts of 25 to 75 per
cent. Don't miss 'this great chance to buy goods at LESS than
Wholesale Price.. Make good use'of this last chance to make money.
Final Day Saturday„ rcne2 0th
HAMEL'S, Limited