HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-6-17, Page 4ARLIAME T HILL
OII Merrtbter of The Parliamentary Prese Callen(
Ottawas -A -Another oecasion for the
criticism often made of tits Perlia,
rnontery tactics of Mr„Moighen, that
Ilia valor frequently exeeeds his lis.
eretion, was furnished by the result
of the debate on Tuesday of the week
just closed, The Opposition leader
in a three hour speech moved his
resolution calling for high protection,
limiting of British neefere»ce receiv-
ed from Britain ,o -la seine Measure
for the equalization of transportation
eharges to advantage the Maritime
and Prairie provinces. As was ,point-
ed out by the Prime Minister in a
very brief speech irereply to the Con-
servative chief, this „declaration. of lis-
cal faith bad been broadcast over
Canada the day 'before the pl'osent
numbers opened,: in theform of a
manifesto later being placed on the
Commons order paper as a resolution.
Mr. Meighen's valor, usually very
lei -emit in evidence, deserted him in the
Budget debate beefier in the session.
At that time he could and should
have moved an amendment to the
motion of the Acting Minister of Fin-
tuie to go into Committee of Ways
and Meane; but the disastl r that
finally befell his document in the vote
this week would have been the same
in any event.
A Significant Majority
No single division of this session
lots been of ,so large significance and
so indicative of the futility of Con-
servative hopes that the next election
can bo suceessfllly fought so rzly ort
a high tariff platform. With the Lib-
erals and the Progressives voting
solidly against the resolution, the vote
was 147 against and 37 for. one of
the largest majorities ever recorded
against any Opposition in the. Can-
adian Commons. Yet Mr. Meiellc-n
and his followers regard this high
protection platter as of paramount
importanee to the people of Canada.
To have such a big majority r<ginter
ed against their pet policy fn what is
frequently regarded as a pre-election
session, is a stern warning to those
reactionaries who cherish the hope of
coming into power next yeas.
In his ten minute reply to leIr. ,
Mei'ghena the Priine Minister lint
made it clear that the resolution
must be considered as a motion of
want of confidence; second, that as
the fiscal proposals and the tariff' had
been discussed for twenty-four days
there was no useful purpose to he
served in re -opening the debate.
Denying that the present Government
was adopting the policy of a tariff
commission to control in a measure
tariff-making,Premier King said.
"We do not intend to have a board
of advisers who will be qualified to
present to the Minister of Finance
exact information with respect to
matters pertaining to the tariff; who
will be able to give the Government
the kind of exact information that: is
all-important in an effort to revise
the tariff in accordance with the fis-
cal policy of the party. But we do
not intend to regard the tariff as one
form of taxation, and always reserve
to hon. members here the iettlwnrent
of how the taxation is to he levied.
The Government will be in a position
in presenting; its proposed tariff
changes to show wherein the Advice
of eteperts has been obteinod and
given with regard to the effect of
every change that is proposed, And
we hope ft will be possible to bring
about such readjustment in the tariff
as will make it a more effeetive in-
strument tl}an it has ween in the past
for raising the vast revenues which
in ppart have to be raised through
customs tariff. What we have sought
to do is to equalize customs harden&
throughout al( parts of the Dminion,
just as we hope in oul;a po'Llofes in
other directions Also to further that
great idea of equalization between
all parts,,,
No National Unity Under lsigh Pro-
t tedioa
"I am afraid the ripeechof my
right hors, friend this 'afternoon, de-
spite the ppatriotic words with which
he concluded, being as it 1•s an ap-
peal for higher protection, tan s� qrve
only to set the East against the West
to this country again, to•help to make
wider the differences that may exist
between the Maritime and 'Prairie
provinces and Central Canudi, If
ills policy were to be carried out as
A xesu}e of any appeal to the people.
1'11/.11 tient when it re -assembled
would find itself just about where
we were in the matter of national
unity atthe time when the present
Administration took office, a .country
again divided and --disunited instead
of being a country as is the ease to-
day. united from the Atlantic to the
Pacific and sharing a growing sense
of closer community of interest be-
tween all its ,parts."
A similar appeal for a closer torn
lnunite of interest and feelin"g
throughout the Dominion was ex-
pressed by Robert Forke, leader of
the Progressives, who concluded an
eloquent speech as follows: "Whit•, I
am prepared to lead the light for
what I believe to be` the rights'cf a
particular section of our Dominion,
T also want the East and the Wesir
and the centre of Candad to get jus-
tice. We will never arrive at coy
true settlement of our problems un-
til that settlement is broad -Based
upon the principles of equity and jus-
tice to all concerned. It will not be
by giving favors to one particular
totality or another, but by handling
out even-handed justice to, all the
people of the Dominion."
Equal Divorce Rights For Worsen
The only other feature of the week
was the all -day discussion on Thurs-
day of the bill of Joseph T. Shaw
(West Calgary) placing women of
the four Western provinces on an
equality with men in so -far as the
grounds for divorce are eoncerned.
After many divisions the bill was
given third reading in the House by
a majority of 51. In all the votes
of the day, four altogether, party
lines were largely disregarded, al-
though the Progressive parr;; pre-
served a fairly united front through
all of them. The remainder of the
week was taken up with Estimates
and a considerable amount of mis-
cellanebus legislation.
Changes Macre in County Road Sys-
tem By the Government --June
Session an .Important Ono
All the members of the Huron
County Council were present at the
opening n,eetin,; of the Tune session
on Tuesday aftee,non last with the
ere: H.:iv of Mr. VI•ilontel. c.mut y
reeve of Grey, and Mr. Johnston, of
In his rponint ronrni'kz his Warden
Robertson expressed his pleasure at
seeing all bask ready for a serious
session. He was sorry Mr. McDon-
ald was not present, being kept at
home by an accident. Mr. Johnston
Ire expected would be along the next
As far as he could see from the
correspondence that had been coming
to the clerk's office this was !ming to
be a very important session. Since
the last meeting he and Messrs. Mac -
Ewan and Inglis had attended the
meeting of the Good Roads Assncia-
tion and he would give a report later
on in the session. ,Wet
Another matin., which had been
dealt with since the Jnnunry session
was the settlement of the clam o!' the
Police Magistrate for payment of
stenographer's services. The solici-
tor had advised that the county coups
not very well contest the claim. The
council in a way :sanctioned the ap-
pointment of the juvenile court afire
and it was thought advisable to nay
Use claim. ami. It was for the i
¢, col ori, to
approve of this action, or otherwise.
'191e Good Roads Commission of the
County met in March and again in
May and had gone over the roads
thoroughly and had gone to Toronto
to appear before the advisory board
with reference to readjustment of
the roads. About 23per cent el our
county road system would be cat off.
Tho Good Roads Commission of .the
county he had found were a con-
scientious set of men.
The county must be prepared for.
n great increase in the cost of educa-
tion; in one year it had jumped $20,-
000, There was also an 3n, reuse in
the cost of the administration of
criminal justice, the increase being
clue to conditions over which the
county had no control.
The matter of equalitetion of the
,iMiChemeat would probably be some -
tilting to be dealt with at this session.
The road problem would be the most
serious ;which the council would have
to Ileal With, however, The Warden
closed by expressing the hole that
the session would be as happy and.
harmonius, as the Jalauary ;nasion.
Among bills presented was one
from Mrs. Griffin for salary as jail
matron, with salary from January to
,lune added to the bill she presented
in January. She spoke of hustling
her claim to her solicitor for collec-
tion, but this did not scare Reeve
Geiger, who called out "Filed.” This
matter was disposed of at'the Jan-
ua y session, and the council concur:"
red in thus disposing of the com-
Sheriff Reynolds, under rule 18 of
the jail rules, appointed Dr. A. H.
Taylor as jail surgeon in succession.
to his father, the late Dr. A. Taylor,
and enclosed correspondence with the
department in this connection. Ap-
parently a bylaw of the council is
necessary, confirming the appoint-
ment if the council wishes, or making
some other appointment.
A communication from the, High-
ways Department stated that the
amount of the Government grant on
work done and approved in 1924 was
The Highways Department inti-
mated that they had a quantity of
road machinery for sale and invited
the county to make application for
whatever they might require,
The Ontario Bridge Company slat-
ed they had some steel bridptm for
sale very cheap. One of the council.
gots suggested it might be possible to
get a bargain in a new bridge foe
Following is the program f.'r the
next six months of the Brussels
Branch of the .estur
H onm
J nor
Women's Institute:—
, July
Verna McCall—"Recreation." Roll
Call. "A Beautifuj Thought from
Poetry or Prose,"
Mary McNabb—"Tho EfFec: of
Dress 071 Character." Roll Call.
"Suggestions for Booth at Fall Fair."
Nellie Jardine'—"Hallowe'en Lc, -
gentle." Roll Call. "Don'ts for the
Kitchen," -
Roll Call. "Ideas for an Inexpert
sive Christmas .Gift 'Under sit.00.
"Demonstration on Making Candy."
Roll Call. "A Christmas Reelect."
"An Exhibition of Christmas Gir'ts
Made for One Dollar or Less" Prize.
The officers are: -President, Edna.
McCall; Vice President, Mary Bow -
Mall! Sec.-Treas., Florence Oliver;
Directors—Hazel Stewart, Nora Mc-
Dowell and Elva Ramsay. Regular
meetings are held the first Tuesday
of each month.
anada's- Best Plano
—prices from $375.00 up .. _ ...
Do not waste time, solving puzzles but get in
touch withthe did established ell 1 atab s17ed ails! reliable
firm and get full value for your money.
Mason Risch
97 -Ontario St. Phone lq 1 Stratford
Hen. Et J. McMurray, who resigned
the Portfolio of Solicitor -General in
the Federal Government. His with.
drawFl and its acceptance as ascribed
to "matters of a professional and pri.
vete nature," but Mr. McMurray's
liability to the Home Bank is believed
to be the cause of the resignation.
Deanery of Huron
Meets in Goderich
Largo Attendance and Several Inspir-
ing Addressee Given
The Deanery of Huron held its
acini -annual tweeting in St. George's
chinch, Godeiieh, on Tuesday of
last week. 'There was a large turn.,
out of delegates, consisting of the
clergy, lay representatives to the
Synod, Sunday School teaohere and
,sheers, and members of the Wo-
tuan's Auxiliary,
The meeting npeuea at 10 o'clock in
the morning with- the celebration of
holy communion, Rev, Rural Deas,
Hardy was celebeentand was assist-
ed by Rev. T. H. Brown. of Seaforth.
A. large number of the Deanery dyes.
egates participated in this service.
AL 11 o'cic ck the Deanery Chapter,
consisting of the male Newton of the
convention, met in the Guild room of
the parish house, under the chairman-
ship of the Rural Dean. Various
,ratters were dealt with, including
tbedioeeaan budget, Sunday School.
and church extension, All thee?
matters were carefully considered by
the large delegation. At the same
hour the Deanery \Vnmeii sAuxiliary
went into session in the .ehutch,
and .so many and important
were the :natters with which tbey
hod to deal the) 1111 es seettinns there
tegllii tel 111 Order. tri .,oriel llde shell
Ltlnchenn new set Viii' to the •del.
agates at 12,30 o'eloek liy the (tidies.
of St Gec,rge% church. IulmediateIy
after Inneltentl 1hit ley men went iitn
9e88100) with E, Douglas Brown its the
chair, After the trlulel100lon of 001
imp lite bnslueea they were With eased
by V011. Arandeaoou Futjelingharn,'
of Iitttotfotd, afutmer reef., or St.
'George'it church, 11 r, leotberingbant
gave a very Inspiring Ildd,ess 011 1111'
position and linty of laymen 'ht the
clan eh. G'!ving a, twirl out line.
"of church history freta the thine the
whole chin ell wars a, handful ,f lay.
map 'peeling in an upper 11)0)11, lie
led up to the argument that the
people have as good a church as they
deserve, ea owing to the pre/fonder.
%woe or lay as (Willplt4'ed with clerical
delegates in the Synods, the guyl0m•
IlIPllt of thechurch is in laybemire
lie then outlined rho debt which tie
chuieh ones to the ling Hall "Societe
for the P1opu[ alion of the Gospel"
aid the "Missionary Societ y" for the
Rapport and spread of the church its
pioneer dayA, instancing Brant Chap.
el Royal, o I,t of v. 1,1r'h have growl,
fire large p,iiishee, and emphasizieg
(4)11l. Itch's duty to carry the tui 1312
inti the hioieet'etttlewente Of hill
presentday and the mission field.
As an ex,wple of what can be done'
to finance the chuich's work if iia
peopleate really siniele, be quoted
the 1011111 Vy omens Auxiliary 01
Ohapleaa. 'Mese thirty "aqua'wt'o' all
they might slightingly be celled; dm+
ing last year kept two Chinese in a
missionary school in Bonen, ;kept
four [ndiatr orphans in Indian solitude
and in addition f ailed $2,000 for rills -
sieves y pulepees. Such tin example,
11e thought, might shame Albers in-
to paying their missionary a'pportion-
tuents p1owptly. At the 0111s? of his.
address, u,voseofapplVele lion and.
thanks Wile uthved try Mr. Grown-A1-
torney Seeger and was very hem:0113
carded. -
Various topies.weraealt with ata
common session of the Deanery in the
afternoon at 230 o'clock, with tit
Rural Dean In the chair, Aftler the
opening devntional'xeeeisee and pre.
liwinaty bnsiuess a civic welcome to
the ruembet'e of lbs' rnuveition
tendered by Hie \Vurship M,ttyor B. J.
A. Mue1cwalt. The first. address of
the afternoon'wae delivered by Rev
R, A. Hiltz, general,aecretary of Lbs
Anglican General Wend of Religious
Education. His subject wile•'What.
the 4. B. R. E. is Doing to Relate chi.
Religious Education of Our Church 10
the Homes of its People" Rev. W.
H. Snell, of %Visighain, and Rev. A
A Tiunlper. of Exeter, led the die.
mesion of the above subject. .Rev.
W. G. Walton, for thirty ',lupe years
a missionary among. the Eskimo of
the Eastern Afire of the Hudson's
Bay. then spoke on the sn1j.•1l, ''My'
Life's Work Among the Eskimo,"
The iinnreselon be I, ft was that of a
people led from it state of degi',dati,nc
into the light of Ohristianily. Ao
Ontario is calling � g fou
Good Fellowship and Good Roads
await you at every turn -
Do you long for the open country—the rolling farm
lands—the lakes and streams—the unspoiled woods?
You will find them all in your own Province—and all'
withineasy motoring distance from almost everypoint.
The highways are calling you. The extent of the good
roads and their fine condition will surprise you.
It is not necessary to stick to the provincial highways.
The coomty roads in most parts of the Province are
maintained in excellent condition, arid lead to spots none
the less beautiful though not so well known.
Seeo intarthis til s summtdr. Get acquainted with the
phople and the beauties of your own Province. You will
find good roads and good fellowship everywhere in
These roads were built with your motley and that of
the other people in Ontario. Take a pride in them. Do
not needlessly destroy them by reckless driving.* Re•
member they are yours to use, not to abuse; yours' to
enjoy, not to destroy.
Toprotect them from needless wear and tear, the law
provides a speed limit of 25 miles an hour. This speed
limit also protects you and other motorists from accident
on the highways:
co-operation in obeying the law is confidently
looked for by the Government. This co-operation is in
your own interest, because the damage which is done by
excessive sped must be paid for by you and other users
of the roads.
An advertisement issued by the Ontario Department of High-
ways to seethe the cooperation of motorists and truck driven,
Automobile Clubs, good Roads Associations and all other public
spirited bodies, In abating the abuse of the Todds of the Province,
The HON, QE0. S, I•1ENRY, Minister; S. L SQUIRE, Deputy Minister
result of hie life's works in this, `ilistel
riot fk11tintEeklsoil ate tiln'ieflael.tll^e
are Intptized ; all belong to the Ant'r-
liflul commute, n, lint owing N1 11.0
berr'enetwo ,f the emoteV lu Whit 11
they live they loon poverty etieekett -'
people (tired every yeti., by etas Yellen,
Vlr, Watts t tl'11d-of hie unoeasing cf.
,forts still taainlalued to Mil ee 41
Irecletal Ooveroment to impel t demos I
tic reindeer to what he paternal
celled bledietrlt3t Ii. filo kid ne 1
the.nlir•,lrle of prog eitee acrd eivilizns.
tints worked among the I±i9kilno le
Ahtskally rise Inoriel eel egeoute yore e;
ago of The doluestiealed t'eiudeet wit)
work oltttllad IY to the uplift of bit
people on the Eastern shoreof laii)1.
Say. Rev. W. G. fiatvkiva, of
Blyth, and Rev.. O. L. Bale, of Mil-
ton. lets the discussion nil the et}hjecl,
Popular Stallions.
• ,Proprtotor Broom: an
Monday, May .11^—Leave his own
stable, S r/ Lot 26, Con. 0, Morris,
and go West to Jas. Noble's for noon;
then West *to Blyth gravel read, then
South 2 r/ „piles to 8fh Con. le lrris,
(o John Scotts for night.
Tuesday—East to 00,-
Bryans' for
1'00(1; then Sect, in gravel road. then'
North to 1411). 'Con, Grey, and Bast
to Robt. Cochran 's for night.'
Wednesda —aE st . and .,North 'to
as r to
Cr tb ooke o J h R'amp's fur neon;
then East. to Geo. Menzies, 'sideroad,
then North lo loth Con„ and.Wea, to
Oliver `Hemingway's tor night.'
Thursday—North •to 8th Con. Grey,
thee; West to Russell'Currie'st 4th Con.
Morris, for noon; then West t3 Jas.
Shedden's'for night.,'
Fri4ay—West to Belgrave lime! for
noon; then South to 5th Con. Moses,
and East to A. H, ,McNeil's for night,
Saturday—East along 5,th 0°11, 044
miles, then South'•to his own stable
,where •be will ,,emaln until the folleSv-
Hesope �.
Inspected on the 31st day. of October,
1024, and passed in Form 1. •
MONDAY nobn will ledve 1218'own
stable,,Lot 27; Con. 5, Grey, and pro-
ceed to 10th Con„ Grey; ,to D. Mc-
Kinnon's for night. ,
TUESDAY will proceed to 12th
Con.,t Trey, and go east to Toe Long's
for noonl then proceedreast to side -
road and go north to Ins own stable
for night where he will remain until
Thursday morning.
.THURSDAY will leave his own
stable and proceed west and then
north to R. MeKay's for noon; then
north to 2hd Con. and - west to
Jamestown, then north to --Jas. Me-
Dougald's for night.
• FRIDAY will. proceed cast up
Boundary; Grey and Howick, 5 miles
to°Henry Vegan's for noon; . then
south to 2nd Con„ then east to 1Vio1es-
yvorthrsideroad'and south tooohis own
stable for night.
SATURDAY will proceed east and
north tp 2nd Con., and then'ea1t to
Erma and south to R. Dailey's, Trow-
bridge, for noon; then south to 4th
Con., and west and south to his own
stable for night where he will re-
main until the following Monda•'
. P,,toprietor- `'G,
'Toronto Ottawa ' Guelph
Antevolo Rysdyk
By Royal Rysdyk 8964, sire of Gal-
lagher 2103 6, Frank Rysdyk, 2.07x1.,
Sam 'Rysdyk, 2.091/4, etc.
WiI1 leave his stable at Chiselhurst
TUESDAY morning and proceed
to James Murray's, Lot 80, Con. 3,
Hibbert, for noon, then north to 1%Oth
con., McKillop, andwest ire mile to
Thos. Bolton's for night.
WEDNESDAY, east on lath con
McKillop, to Hoppenbreath corner,
Logan, then north 1% miles to Fred.
Hoppenbeeath, Lot 26, con. 12, Log-
an, for noon, then north 214 miles,
west 11A miles, north 2 smiles, to
'Moncrieff, then west to Andrew Jack-
lin's, for night.
THURSDAY, west to Gravel road,
and then south 1'b miles to Walton,
then east to Roy
'then returns to Gravel road and south
to Jake Broom's, 'Lot 26, Con. 7,
McKillop, for night.
FRIDAY,' south on Gravel ' read
through Seaforth to Geo. Bell's, Lot
9, Con: 7, Tuekersmith, for noon,
then returns to Kippen road, then
south to'v1Oth concession, Tucker, -
smith, then east and south to John
McLean'ss corner, then east to his
own stable where he willremaie. 'un-
til Tuesday morning.
Terme. w.
To insure a foal, $12; payable ist
of LFebruciry, 1926. Insured mares
.lust be returned regularly to the
horse or they will be charged insur-
ance whether in foal or not, Parties
tryingtheir mares and not returning
them regularly to the horse will be
charged full insurance whether in
foal or not, Parties disposing of
their mares before February will be
eharged full insurance unless saris.
factoryproofis given that the mare
is not in :foul. The foal to remain
the property of the owner of Ante -
vole liseeiyk until insurance is paid.
All accidents at risk of owners of.
the mares,
Proprietor and' Mittagitr•
T11, ,?Slfety of your Deposit in
The Provii e,of Ont ri Savings ,} � Q au 9S offiee
Is,Guaranteed by
Interest Paid on all Peposlts
A yl icier
1leat ltfOrd
1! intiitnn:(enl`.'Ynrkt.
and 151CN,th tilts )
Octewit, (207,i3piielcs
Street) ,
Owen Sound'
Pa Meth
t, 9atharinesl
'.}bronco (University
Ave. and Dundee
tit t eat)
Toronto (Bay sod,
Adelaide Sts,)
Toronto' (549 Dan. -
forth Aye.)
Fit. Marys
Woodstock ,
';Missionaries Among the Qanadi•
an Aborigines."
It wet -,arranged that, the Fell meet -
Mg of the Deanery 811(11 ld be held lt,
1'tivltt Memorial Chinni, .Flxliter,
'Peet wag served by the ladies. at 580
o'clock. A ser elite of eines evensong
way held 1n the c11ut ell at -7 80 p. tn.,
with Rev, R. A.,Iiiltz, M. A , D, 0. L ,
ns preacher. tr
It was generally` agreed by ell press;
elm tlLIIb this session of the Deauery
was one or itee Wast melliable ane iu•
piriug ever held, •
Birth Certificate Must Be Produced
Section 19 of The Marriage Act is
amended by adding the following:
,tin addition to the; proofs required
in' subsection 1 et the time of the up.
plication for a license or eol'ti.fipa, e,
there shall be rodueed ` d 1
pp fi ed in�l�h
the issuer or eepu y issuer a, .co af'
the re istration of birth of the-copy
port to' the marria e.eertifi .cother
!t - strar General or other proper of-
lice! in this behalf,. or an affidavit
made by such other party to'the mar-
riage, or by some ?they, person being
Auction Sale.
1'8 MA 1,M STOOK,2591.vat KSTe AIA. (tenex-
HOLD Eitrktrtih W . ft, Nal, n, auctioneer:hie
received Ipetruatigno token by nubile mutton,
on Lott 24.00n. 9. ClolCtllnp, ave mllett North
of Seaforth, on Wednesday, June 241h, cont.
mewing at 12 o'olook sharp, the following.
passes—tiatnhed team 0t Inn reit 6 and 8 years
mid b, ed by GGleurte and supposed to be In fool
co Lord alai•, -Acid, matched teem 9 and 4 years
old bred by 1Lmg Hay and well broken to bar•
netts, brown mare 0 y ears QSand Iupposed to
be In foa(•t0 prluleh 150,0,'a Ked sure duethe
clue of sale to Lord Manaaellh gelding. 2 year
old bred by Lord Manedeld' aged driving
mare quiet and reliable. UAT1Le'-000W8
freshened 14Jaeuare. 4 cowslreebened in Ap-
ril, O cows with calves by their tlde8, heifer.
sue Mind cleans, Rol tela cow en extra gond
•cue, 4 eteer82 yeah aid, 4 heifers 2 year old, 0
steera 000 year old,7 heifers 1 year, 4 calves 0
82011t11e old, 0 calve, 21 .,menthe .18, 4 yonni•
salver, Purebred rhorthorn hull 2% yearn old,
n8Kietered !Shorthorn bull 11 menace old and
well 'bred 11004—Tornworth sow duo in
4uguot,O York 81We0003n 58p1001ber, 85 glee.
frog, 1104 months old, 80 barred rock bens
108 peer aid Guelph etrnln bred'to-lay, a
umbbeiloftiering cblekene,-pair of. pare slid
K el g Scotch Collie dog four years old
and guaranteed boa 8r.
11HprIManxa.-1Jaerin5 binder 7 -ft cut sheaf
carrier and.truok. Deering inow0r,� 0'11 ant,
de ley Barris drill 18 hoe, Deering 1loy rake,
aeltivetor. Nissl roller, disc harrow. 6 eeot,on
harrow hflrrow Dart, manure opredder Inter.
nntlonnl, one war on, 2 truck wagons box rind
-,tock reek coinbined, hay rack with 31141115
reek, soma clover lay and petateee. O rete.
breechingheruess, l set of back bends, 2 sets
eingle 128rneie, 0 rets whiBlelr,•eo, 2 nrrk
token, 4dozen grain bags, 00001 d itching tobls,
(Mains, forks, democrat with nolo mad shafts
phaeton buggy, top buggy( with rubber MI 89,
'leen boggy, Bet of bob'. sleighs met of lug
9181ghe. natter, hWo-furrbw riding plough, ]-
furrow riding plow, 2 walking 81ou1110, 2 grin,
el boxes one new, pig elates, McVeggart tun.
lirng mill, 2 seta snake 11100 and. 2000 lb,. Caw
city, bag trunk, rootulper. smaller, Del.eval
1-ream aeperitor No.10, windstorm, 2 Dap 99110,
60 0119 pane, 2 08118barrel0, water trough,
lenient hog trough, orate for fattening chick.
Bus„ incubator 8nd brooder, 20•ft, exteniian
ladder, estopbox, buggy pole. nutter, pole
wheelbarrow, furnace for boiling tool, 2 ete0!
woks, 0 sip ketOlee, : ire stretcher, dig.)
Churn, hay Tedder, pea harvester, t,irtllp How-
er, and it heat of other nrtial8, found. on the
BoOBaaoLn lrgweora.—Retrggerator, conk
,toV., tubus} ahnir8, blueing lamps, cup,
bolo de, Edison phonograph with about IPO rec-
ords, bell to can, 2. washing nleclllnee end
wringer, 20 minim Atone croak, and other er-
. tides.
Tl,IM1—All snug -of 010 and wider, r8,4i
over Out amount 12 months' medic Will be
Riven on tumi+d&g. feint not88 approved,by
the MA, eget of the Do on inn Rank Seaforth.
,or a discount nt 9ve per Dent cur molt In Neu of
note-, Everything roust be 0ettl011 for the
evening of the sale,
W. E. Haien, ROhsaT SCA, r.ev,'
Auctioneer. - 4-roprietor,
a 1ueinber of his or her family and
having, .pe1'sonnl knowledge of, the
fasts, staking ,the age, date and place
Of birth o4"such other party, and the
affidavit shall be in such form as may
be p1'escribed by the Provincial, See -
rotary." •'
A marriage, is not to bo performed
within ttjree days of date of license.
In The Supreme Jourt of o•` Ontar
ApT, being Chapter 144 of the. Revis•\
ed 8t (tries of°anade, and Amondr
'Ing Acte, and
1n The Matter of the. Canadian
, Flax Mills Limited.
TARE NOTICE that the undersigned has a0.
pointed 9 huraday, the 266th day of June at the
,hour of 12.00 Wolof* noon, at hie Chambers at
04020de Hall, Toronto to pose the Llquldator'1
116a0nnle and settle the Liquidators 1 enumera-
tion, to give direat(ona as to the allowance of
„00810 aid settle the Report herein.
Dated thin 611292,701 Juoe, 1026,,,'
Minter of the Supreme court and Official
matter of the estate of Thomas
8. Marshall, tato of Township. of
Morrie, in .rho County of Huron,
Farmer 40000a8015,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re -
'heed autumn of Ontario." Chapter lee, that
all creditors end inhere having claims against
the O.5ute of the said Thomas S, Harahan, Who
motion (mahout the Seventeeth day of Mn,y
A. Dt 1026, ore regafrod, 011 or belora the twen-
aletn 007Y of 40jun, 1926, 10.8114 by post pre-
paid or deliver to Seto' L. Morahan. Walrtoe
P, 0,, tee Executrix of the Met will
and teanmeut of ' the deceased their
Ch, isllnn nnd5urnarnea, addressee and descrip-
tions, the toll purism are of their olalme,
the atntem0nt of their eco0nnt9 and the nat.
pre et lhe000urlties in any) held by „nem.
A0d further take uollee that atter mushlest
mentioned lute alga avid hxecetrix will pro-
ceed to distribute the tweets, of the 8areas0,1,
among the .puritan entitled thereto, having
reper0 only to theclahns of whack they ahall
then have notice, 000 5085 Din kind 4xeontrix
will not be liable cur the said emote or 0137
pert {Ilfureof to any pe, eon or percent' of whom)
ulahndnotice shall not nave been reoe(vtd by "
them at the time of such distribution,
1lnlod this ltwenty Muth day of May, A,
D. 1825.
W.ld. SINAI,.
8otlaltnr sur theOLExeongtrlx.
Tenders will be reoatbed for the parolees or
Lot: 25, Co11.14, Grey Township. lmmedlate
possession. Apply lit once to,
8oltoltor for Mortgage.
Farms for Sale
0or0..8candihusouth A of f osouthuo , 71n ilio
or alga in closeeupf Morrie
0.8 of the late 1 lose
Smith . If not anld they will be rented ter pale
tura, Por portloelars apply to the executors,
Munford Property : for Sale
Bowie andint of about darn, situated on
Du corner 01 Turnberry and Thomas Sitreett
011059 a VIII.of (ru88eie, known ac the Dan-
fo,d home. An the prouerty la 31very sub-
stnttIet brlok hone ' nicely isolated, steel
root, o, merit cellar Room, new formica, clothe
Minium, bath room, Libitum, drilled well, fruit
Olen. I3 nine raspberry plantation, lovely or.
n$lledtel nod everSreee tram, and a benutffur
lawn will be sold for hail of what It Whig
omit to build It to Wind up the estate of the
lute It, O. Duntord, Immediate possession..
e'er further parttoolnra apply to L. 8. DUN-
, sC12D, Detroit, or .145 Moii'ADZ10AN, (next
delorjbnx t jirussel8 P. 0
*4'•d'•+ 1-•'1'•'b•d •4 +•
•'11•'1 0'1 tN o rs r wr+► roe �+� r� M�+� 1 +�+�4 5
The Seaforth Creamery
Cheam wanted
- Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly 1
established and -that ,gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Resalts. °
We soiicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream,°weigh, sample and test"
4,4 it honestly, .using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
• pies and pay you the highest .-market prjces every two
weeks. Cheques payable .able at parat BankNova Scotia.
I For fureh0"e articulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
, I' Phone Brussels, or write to
Seaforth The
� Creamer'. Co.
444.******41411414.**Rt‘ ,4181111111•11t44414.1444.40114