HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-6-17, Page 1VOL. S3 NO. 52 `zoo er annuin in advance BRUSSELS: ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY,- ,MUNE 17, 1925 _.r a What Savings. May Mean No man 'canredict when he may P � y. ' sustain a loss of earning power or a financial reverse, At such a time a Bank of Nova Scotia savings' account, is a sure protection for the • family.. An interest in a business, a profit• able investment, a home of your own, a trip abroad all these, too, are possibilities in a savings . account • ersistentl u P Y built P. Our .local branch manager will wel. conte your account. _THE Bank of Nova Scotia ESTABLISHED ' 1832 Paid-up Capital $ 10,000,000 Reserve - - 19,600,000 Total Assets - 210,000,000 F. M. ,WILMbT Manager; Brussels 2411 New Advertisement. Looals—J. T. Roan For Sale—Phone 8010 For Sale—W. A. Lowry Chopping 61111-.Tno Louse Oement and coal—,T. el -Fear Garden Party—C'nion Charoh 8 Days More—$a)nel'a Limited Auction Sale—Robert Srarl.•tt Car of shingles—John McDonald Oanednm Flex Mlllr—Chea. ,*,..-row. '.bite Cedar Shingles &o—f}Ih.on Mills Ontario is Cnitln,c von—Ontario Highways Garden Party—Molesworth Weinen's Inst.' New Ford Agency—McIntyre & Cudmore Istria 11.eaus WALTON The sawmill has finished its season work. _ Hugh Rinn had a barn raising on Friday. George Jackson, east of the village, has bad his barn shingled. Mr. Cudmore, of the Bank of Com- merce Staff, om-2nerce.Staff, is playing lacrosse with the Clinton team this year. A meeting of -the Women's Instit- ute will be held in the U. P. 0. Hall, 'Walton on Friday, June 26th at r8 o'clock, when Mrs. Douglas, of Dura ham, will address the meeting. All ladies of the community aro invited to attend, Duffs Church Watton W. 81, 8. held their June,meeting on the 10th Inst, at the home of Mrs. Hugh Camp- bell. Mrs. Oster, President, was in the chair. After-• singing hymn 254, Mre. Murray led in prayer and bars. Oster read the 15th Chap. of St. John. A very interesting talk on "Korea and Her Customs" was given by Miss Mary Turnbull. Although only a little ever 20 years since missionaries were sent out to that country they have whole-heartedly embraced Christianity and are now sending missionaries to China and Japan. Current Events in Korea were given Cement A car of Cement is ex- pected here Thursday. COAL* car. -of Nut Coal and also one of Stove Coal to arrive shortly. J' it, FEAR' Phone 22-14 ETHEL by Mr's. Bradley. Mra. J, Law oti and Merl. ff. Campbell brought reports Isom the recent Maitland Presbyterial herd at Lncknow. May 19. Reeponse to Roll Call was Lhe name of amiesion- ary in Korea, After singing HS Inn 045, Mra. J. Berry gave' the closing prayer. Tbea,Ladiee' Aid completed arrangements for - theli- Garden Party to be held On July sad, 4L ladies were present: Lunch was emceed at the close of the meeting.' The. July meeting will be held at the • home of Mise Thomlineou, CRANBROOK This section was well represented at the foot ball match at Ethel on Tuesday. Otto and John Schnock are re- modelling their barn and have had also a new wall built under the barn. - Geo. Siemon was a recent visitor in" Listowel. George had better be careful or some flapper will landing him. Last Wednesday Messrs. Dan. and John Huether and George and Wm. Siemon, attendegd the funeral of'the'fr uncle Jacob Huether at Kitchener. The old gentleman was 83 years old. MONCRIEFF t Ed. Fisher, brother of Mrs. Geo. Whitfield, is here on a visit with old friends. • - Fred Cox is wearing a smiling face. If you turn to the birth column you will know the reason. Miss Marie ,Livingstone, df Wing - ham, has been re-engaged as teacher of U. S. S.' No. 1, Wallace and Elma. John and Mrs. Howard and Will. and Mrs. McKay were visiting Lorne Barton, of Donegal, who is very ill at present. • The anneal garden.. party of Knox Church wilt be held on the church lawn on Thin sday..iune 18th. A fine pl•ngram ie haing arranged. including the Farce Comedy, "That Rascal Pat". Supper will be served from 0 to 8 o'clock.. BRUSSELS in Cho n t, Pp , g Mill Will only run Monday,Tuesday Y and Wednesday of each week while steam has to be used, John Logan v _ Ford A enc New� Y .. The undersigned wish- rio annpunee that they have leas- ed the t ara t `known the-McVettie'Garage, and have stocked - -All the latest Models i11, Ford: Cars ---Genuine Ford Parts and Accessories y -Gasolene,. Oils, &c, Give us a eall. McINTYRFi BR&USSRLSCU'DMO R E - Geo. Hamilton, one of the early - pioneers of Elma townitiip and well known Scottish singer, Is seriously m Gard - part� `ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs, p - John Coghill*, 'Blind Line, BELGRI,VE Tarnee 13. toad Mrs. Wilkinson, of E4icambo Mien., are visiting Omit, rely 'tiersand•t'riends of Belgrave, Tltey came jsy motor, The Women's Institute of Belgrave wilt 'told their Jute meeting in the Forester's Hall on Monday afternoon, June 2211d, at two o'clock, Mrs. Douglas, of Dunham, a :meeker fiom the Department:, will be present and will speak on "First Aid" end '•itlak- lig a House a Hoane' "a Ail the ladies of the opmmnnity are cordially invit- ed to attend. A short program will also be given. MOLESWORTH Mies Beatrice MacDonald' visited in Kincardine for few days. The amend school picnic will be held in Thomas Bennett's bush on June 27th. - Andrew and Mrs. Doig, jr, and Moody Kincade motored to Seaforth to attend the funeral of John Doig: Mrs. Cameron Stewart was called to the home of her parents, Thomas McClements, owing to the iiloess of her mother and grandmother, - Mies Elva Brown and Miss Alice Sharpin, Wroxeter, visited over the week -end at the former's parents, John Brown. Miss Margaret Doig had the mis- fortune to fall do a stick which cat her leg, Tuesday of this week. • Seg. oral etitohes were required to close the, wound. e The Women's &loetitute and Y. P. 8. are holding a Garden' Party on the Hall grounds, on Wednesday of next week. Tea served from 6 to 8 and afterwards a gond program will he given by the Wingham Conei tt Go, Sleadvt. • WROXETER Mrs. Woods, Tottenham, is •visit- ing her father, W. A. Rutherford. Work has commenced on 'a new sidewalk from Howick to Main St. Fred Davey and family and Miss Ruth Stocks spent Sunday in Shel- burne. - Mrs. Wm: King and family are visiting her mother, Mrs. McCall, at Hamilton. Fred Orr, Sudbury, a former rest- "dent of the village, called on friends here Saturday. Jin. Douglas is attending the I. 0 0. F. Grand Lodge at Hamilton, rem resenting weroceIer Wee. John and Mrs. Drew, Canfield, were recent visitors with the latter's mother, Mrs. G. Wearring. Gordon Yeo and bride, nee Hazel Forrester, of Kurtzville, retprned from their wedding trip Tuesday. Bern Martin and family inotored to London on aturday. Mrs. L. Mak fit and little son accompanied then!. Allan Fralick unfortunately sus tained a fracture of his right arm while cranking a car Thursday after- noon. Mrs. Cameron and little son have returned to their home in Arcola, ask., after a few weeks visit with the former's parents, Peter and Mrs, Mc- Ewen, Turnberry. MORRIS Morris news on page 6 of I his issne Crops are looking good in the', coffin try. Many of the Concessions have been groveled. THE Pon welcomes the nava all the time This section had a good shower on Saturday. New wire fence has been erected nn both sides of Millet's Bridge, 5th line. It makes a good auerd. Don't forget the Garden Party to be held at.the home of Garner Nich- olson on Friday, July 3rd. A big time is expected. Mrs. W. T. McCutcheon, of Wilkes- L'atre, Pa., is visiting at her parental Dr. McCutcheon h will h' th linr. N h ore 5 take his vacation later. Ohne, and Mrs. Davis, 4th line, and Wes Lillian Platt were at Owen Sound over the week -end. Mise ViolrPhil- lips returned with there. Many residents of the Township have been %eking ahnnt t.he'Tnwnahip Council minutes, THE Pose is only too nleaaed to publish them. Mnuy will attend the Junior Farm- er"9 picnic at %Vie:thiini next Wednes- day. N W. 1'rewartha, M. P. P. of. South Huron will he one of the speak. ers. Peter end. Mrs. Sinclair, of Strat ford, and 'rhos. and Mrs. Catlin, Rue. •'el, Man., "intent Sunday with J. P. and Mrs McInlneb, 12th Con. Mee Sinclair is a sister of Mr, MaIntoeh and Mrs. Catlin a cnusin of both. Address and Presentation t—Thare was to have been held on C. B. Wilk- lnsonts flats a picnic under the aus- pices of the Methodist church, Bel - grave, There was a goodly "number rgathered in spite of the very wet af- rnoon, but were unable to have any outdoor sports, The company pre- sent gathered at the home of the hostess and enjoyed a social chat. The main•feature of the afternoon was a presentation to Rev. and Mrs. Moores, -The following address was road by Mrs... Stewart Procter and Miss Min. nie Russell presented the Pastor with a Tambour clockand purse of money: —ltcv, and Mrs. Moores:— Dear Friends:—It is with mingled feelings of pleasure and sorrow that we meet here this afternoon. pleasure at being given the opportunity of ex- pressing our sincere respect for yell and sorrow that as Phstor and people we shall be shortly called upon to separate, During the time We were • Union Church , ETHEL CIRCUIT To be held on Church Grounds 12th Con. Grey/ Twp. , Thursday Ev'g, June 25 • finder auspices Sunday 8011091 Supper served from G io 8l Splendid program to beauppliecl a by Classic Entertainers of f;tratford Della Raiser oprone Cora: Brown • Contralto Olin Brown Tenor Albert t},.Pegaeguat Boase Alt. :lets Comedian In Solos, Duets, Trio**, Quar. Gatos and Conakry c An Orchestra ,will else assist Wa - X Booth on Grounds Admissionk and 25 cents Everybody Welcoms Ray, Duncan 61. Gueat, llttnister. - J, R. Baker, Superintendent privileged to have you with us, how- ever we are pleased to recall the marked progress of our chureh.•More important perhaps was your ministry in the pulpit which ahvays showed both careful preparation and spholar- ship alohg with an intimate know- ledge of the teachings of Moly Scripture in all that was essential for salvation. We. ippe although you are leaving us le w, in the future to have the pleasure of hearing you, and as you go to' your new field to work, for the Master whom you love and serve, we trust your labors may be crowned with abundant success and you may have the joy of seeing the work prosper in your hands. We asst you to accept this gift as a small token of the respect and affection in which you are held and we hope you and your life partner may spend many happy hours together. May the Lord bless you and keep you; give you grace for the needs of the day; joy fn your work; God's peace in your hearts and his richest blessing on all you do; and' pleasant memories of true and lasting friendship on the Belgrave and Sunshine circuits. Mr. Moores made a very fatting• -reply, re- gretting the fact that they would- so soon be departing from our midst and expressing Mrs. Moores and his own warmest feeling for the Methetlist people of Belgravo circuit. ETHEL The Ethel Football team lost at Listowel last Friday by a score of 2-0. J. 11, Fear is having a car of cem- ent unloaded this week and also ex- pects two cars of coal. C. Dobson is hayg an extensioi built to his house, west of the village, on the 8th. • .A Tie Game:—Ethel Foot Ball team had to be satisfied by a draw game on Tuesday night against the Moncton boys, after having the best 'of the game, and had "misses" that should have been 5 or G .goals. The visitors tied up the game in the second half and they missed on a penalty. Wedding Bells:—The Southampton Beacon last weak refers to the wed- ding of a well known young man of this community, and the bride who taught -fog a couple of years in our school, which took place on June 6s— One of Southampton's rain young daughters. was led to the altar last Saturday morning when Miss Blanche { Wel. McKee, I ee onlydaughter of and Mrs. McKe, became the bride of Quest A. Dobson, of Ethel, Ont. rev. 1:I. It. belles, B.A., performed the ceremony in the snacious drawing room in the home of the bride's par- ents in the presence of a large aunt. het of- relatives and friends. The interior of the (louse was decorated with ferns and roses, and the light ehandeliors with white tulle and white bells. The bride was given away by her father and looked very charming in a frock of white sant!-faced canton with orange blossoms in her hair. She, carried a beautiful shower bound of rosebuds and lily of the valley The bridesmaid, bliss Marie Gorham, was gowned in blue' canton crepe with white picture hat, and carried a bouquet of roses. ` The groomsman was Dr. G. G. McKee, of .havelock, brother of the bride. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Hall, of Ethel, sister of the groom. During the signing of the registeeMiss Mar- ion Dey sang 'Truly Thine." After the ceremony a buffet lunch was serv- ed by four friends of the bride, Misses Margaret Carson, Beatrice Dey, Marion Dey and Margaret Mey- er. no groom's gift to the bride was a white gold brachlet set with sapnlrires and diamond. The brides- maid was given a bar pin of white gold with sapphires and to the soloist also a bar pin with sapphires. The gif.t to the ,groomsman was a' pair of e•old cuff links. The bride's travelling dregs was ethos of roses canton crepe with coat an d hat to match. The wedding presents weer very ei numr- ous as well as useful and valuable, Besides many relatives and friends from Soutllainpton; the following GardcnPartyj' The 'Women's. Institute and Y; I'. S, Molesworth Will hold a Garden Party on the - Hall Ground s MOLESWORTH Wednesday June 24 l r Tea served from G to 8 Good Program The, Winjhani Concert Co. in attendance Admission,85 and 20 cents from outside points were present:— E. resent:E. and Mr's. Ballard, Postoria, Mich.; A. and Mrs. Harrison, Detroit; Mrs. A. G. Staley, Toledo, Ohio; Harvey and Mrs. Dobson, Roy and Mrs. Hall and babe, Miss Myrtle McKee and Miss Rea McLelland, Ethel; E. enti- tles. Ackert, Mr. and Mrs, Congrutn and Miss Pearl, Hollyrood; Mr .and Mrs. Alton, Lueknow; John McKee, Atwood; Miss E. McKee, Millbank; Mr. and Mrs. Tackaberry, Lion's Head ; Dr. and Mrs. George McKee, Dwen Sound; Dr. Godfrey McKee, Havelock; Miss Mary McKee, Have- lock; Miss Mary McKee, Miss Cora Roan and Mrs. DeLong and son George, Toronto. The happy young couple left by motor for their honey moon trip, and after visiting various points will take up residence at Ethel Ont. The Post joins with many friends in most hearty congratula- tions. ' GREY 1Veddiug belle will be ringing next week, Scud TES POST the hews of you district. Statute Leber is keeping the farm. er's busy these days. Grey got a fine main on Saturday and makes ,the crops look better. Many attended the last foot ball snatch at Ethel on Tuesday night. John Beirnes, 6th line, has had a busy season with his sawing outfit. Where are the Council minutest THE POST is only too pleased to pub- lish them. A number will attend the Junior Partners' picnic at Willghain on Wed- nesday of next week. many will attend the Garden Par- ty at Mnnericlf on Thursday evening of this week. A good program will be preserved, No 8 Sellonl Section are busy pre- paring plans for the happy caution to be held on the School eventide 011 July 23rd at 1 o'clock. The annual Union School Picnic of 8, 8. No. 4, Grey,' mid S. S. No. 10, tlowick, will lie held in Brow's Grove, no Saturday, 3une 27th, Mr, and Mrs. Pearson and MINS Ella Pearson, of Ethel. Robert and Mee. Duckett and John and blre, Pearson, Mrs. W, Brerndi r and Joe and Mrs, Peariou, of Grey, attended the Webster re•uuinn et l,nekuow 011 Saturday of twit week, • A. Lawn Social will be held nn the late) of Pi aril* Sleighthntm, 8th line, ruder the, uspices cat thr Lacier.' Aid of Ethel United Chtrrnh, uu Fildey evening, June 20t11 There will be a gond peogr'arn and. lenub served. Ad- miseinn 25 ,•i115e. Sandy McDonald, 6th Con., had his wood pile which was near his home, badly damaged by a fire on Saturday morning. A spark from the kitchen stove started it and neigh- bors had a hard time to save the bal- ance of the pile and the house, About 40 cords were burned. Union Church Garden Party. -.A Gat'den Party under the auspices of the Union Church Sunday School will he held on the church grounds, 12th Con., on Thursday evening, June 25. A supperwill be served from 6 to 8 and will be followed by v. splendid program by the Classic Entertainers of Stratford: Della Kaiser, Soprano; Coral Brown, Contralto; Olin Brown, Tenor;. Albert G. Pequegnat, Basso; Alf. Haig, Comedian ; In Solos, -Duets, Trios, Quartettes and Comedy. An orchestra will. also assist. East Huron Women's Institute. Twentythird Annual Meeting To Be Held in Bluevale on Tuesday Next Tuesday, Stine, 23rd, the twenty-thn,d annual meeting of the hest Huron Warren's Institute will be held in the Methodist Church, Blue; vale, at 2 o'clock. Following is the program for the afternoon; --- Opening Ode Prayer, Mrs, A. T.. Brown, Wroxeter Address of Welcome, Miss E. Hether: ington, Bluevale Reply, Mr•s, W. Gorley, Fordwich Anniversary Services }} W. H. KERR, Proprietor Melville Church BRUSSELS Sunday, June 21 11am,autl7p,rn, to be conducted by REV. K H. PALMER, D.D.- Westminster Church, Hamilton Special Musio by Choir EVERYBODY WELCOME Gard en Party Monday. evening, -June 2213d, A Garden Party will be held at the home of Albert Orooks,40 Line, Morrie. Progiam eupplied by the Buchanan Concett Go., of Wingham. Admission to Garden Party 25c, Lunch Served Cars will leave Melville,,Chnroh f from 7 to 8 o'clock to take all those who wish to go: A. A. LAMONT, Secretary Melville Church District President's Address,: Mrs. P. D. King, Bluevale Community Singing, Lead by Blue- ' vale Inst. Address, Mrs. Ross, Emhro BRANCH REPORTS— - Belgravo Institute—Mrs. U. Ged- des Bluevale Institute—Mrs. C. Garn- iss Brussels Institute -..-•Mrs. Weller Brussels Jr. Institute—Miss Edna McCall Fordwich Institute—Mrs. W; Gor- ley, Ethel, Institute—Mrs, R. Bremner Rutnam Girls—Mrs. Jas. Stevenson Gerrie Institute—Miss L. McKee Wroxeter Institute—Miss E. Haz- lewood Walton Institute—Mrs. M. Murray Molesworth Institute—Mrs. A. Smith Solo, Miss M. Garniss, Bluevale; Address, Mrs. A. L.,Douglas, Dur ham; Music, Molesworth Institute; District Report, Mrs. John Hupfer, Wroxeter; Auditors Report; Instru- mental, Brussels Jr, Inst.; Election of Officers; Community Singing; Report of London Convention, Mrs. Gorily, Fordwich; Solo, Mrs. Coombes, Blue - vale; Arrangements for next Annual Meeting. Brussels Continuation School The following is the report of the Lower School Examinations. The results are based on the average per- centage obtained on the tests held during the year. The name of sub- ject opposite pupil's name indicates failure in that subject. Names are in alphabetic order. FORM I Subjects taken—Latin, French, Algebra, Botany, Geography; Can, History, English, Art. William Bowman ' heslie Campbell Stanley Clarke Douglas Ennis Carl Hemingway Velma Jordan Doreen Lewin Nettie Lott Alvin Logan Mildred Logan (Latin) (Hist.) (French) Doris McDonald Winnifred McMillan(Art) (A ) Robert McMurray Muriel McNair Mary Ritchie (Art) John Smith Mary Thompson :(Art) Douglas Watwicic'(Art) (Latin) (French) (Hist) Joe Yolleck FORM II Latin, French, Geometry, English, Zoology, Physiography, Grammar, Arithmetic. Pearl Baeker (Physiog.) (Lat- in) (French) Clifford Brown Wilma Galbraith (French) (Lat- in) Harry Genies Sinclair Hemingway Hector Knight Ian Menonald Rate McNabb Stuart McNair Margaret McVettie George Martin (Latin) Jean Messer (Latin) (Permit) Samos Smith Jean Stewart Herbert Stratton (Ai'ith) (Lat- in) (French) Isobel Thompson (Latin) (i?hy- sing) (French) (Aritit) FORM II Same as above without Latin and French Card Amesuc la Champion Howard McKee -• Mary Welker (Physiog) JUST ARRIVEDD, AT Walton saw °Mill ACAROF 5x RED CEDAR SHINGLES John 'McDonald Phone 1913 , Walton Brussels W. 0, T. U. The Annual meeting of the Wo- men's Christian Temperance Union of Brussels was held May 29th. There was a goodly attendance and excel- lent reports were read of the work done during the year. Twelve tent'. lar meetings were held and eight Prayer meetings. One Thousand Temperance Leaflets were distributed during the year to aid in carrying on the Educational Work, Tolfat arnouutraised during the year $102- 85. Contributions were sent to the Uhiidreu'e Shelter, Guderioh ; also to the Provincial Budget Fund which goes to help pay the Salaries of two field workers, Mies Rosamond Duff and Dr; Sarah Detwiler. also a Mis- sionary in North Ontario. New members have been added dur- ing the year and we hope a great many more will join us and assist, 111 this great wore of: Social and Moral Reform. A wily eucaessful tea sort sale sof homemade baking was held during the yeas, and sale of poppies in aid of the Disabled Soldiers. The following is the list of officers President, Mrs. A, McGuire ; 1st Vice- area., Mats, T. A. McCall ; 2nd Vice - Pres., Sits. R. eltinehau ; 8rd Viee Pres„ Mrs, L. Skelton ; Oot •See'y, Mrs. W. J. Procter ; Rec.-Secy. Mei: L, Skelton ; Treas)rer, bliss M. Lam- ont, Supteti neidents of Depart-. mente-Citizenship, Mrs. 11. 8t an and Mts. H. McKinnon ; Scientific 'Temperance, Miss J. Strachan and 41iss F, Buchauau ; Moral Education, Vies 81. Maunders and Mies b4. His- lop; 'Temperance in S. S., Mrs. A. Lowry; Anti -nal calm*, Ml's. H. 1'yerutan ; Travellers' Aid, Mrs. 1. Parker ; Parlor Meetings, Mrs. F. Woods and W. Rnee ; Flower, Ftuit and Delicacy, Mra, It Oliver and Mrs, Press, stirs. R. Dai k ; L. T. L., Mrs, T. A. McCall and Mrs. A. McDonald. More Local News Water Low.—While the water is wetting 500 low to t uu the Logan mill, chopping will only he done the fitet three dugs nl each a eek, while steam is necessary. Don't fm get,. Was Not a Success.—The dame held last Friday night was not a fin- ancial success, Those who were pres- ent enjoyed the dancing to the music :supplied by tit'b Wroxeter Orchestra. Day Was Cold: A few from town attended the Seaforth races hist Wednesday. The day was raw and cold and many of the horses did not start at all. Peter Scott was one of the official judges. A Real Game.—The High School Soft Bali team won out in the Ith innings for the Butchers & Bakers, on Monday night by a score of 12-11. The winning team was second in the 7th innings. ' Will Put Up Bleachers. — The Council is going to erect a few bleachers at Victoria Park for the benefit of those who wish to look at the soft ball games. It is a good idea. Blyth Resident Acquitted.— Wil- liam Nesbit, of Blyth, who has been out on bailfor the past month, was found not guilty at Goderich. Nes- it was charged under the Criminal Code of doing injury toa car, the property of Win. Pellow, License In- spector, and with interfering. with an officer in the performance of his duty, the alleged offense taking .place in Blyth, May 5. Leading Batter.—George Burling, of Stratford, and a former Blyth boy who played with the Brussels Base Ball team some years ago and the Bard's right fielder, is the leading Stratford swatsmith, with an average of414. Billings and Riseborough, 0 of St. Thomas, are the only two play - ors who have taken part in more than three games, who have better avera- ges than the Stratford man. ENTRANCE TIME TABLE The time table for the Entrance Examinations, which continence on Wednesday, June 24th, have been announced for the convenience of the pupils in order that they may have a general idea of the work that is to be. done. The time table., follows:— Wednesday, June 24-0 to 11 n.nt, grammar; 11.10 a.m. to 12 noon, writing; 1.30 to 3.30 p.m., geography. Thursday., June 25-0 to 11.30 a, arithmetic, 1.80 to 4 p.m., liter- ature. Friday, June 26-0 to 11 a.m., composition; 11.15 to 12 noon, ;Tell- ing; 1.30 to 3.30 pm., history, Winthrop Junior Foot Ball team won from St. Colurnban Juniors by u score, of 1-0. Listowel woh from Milverton at Listowel on Monday Tright by a score of 2-0. 1}