The Brussels Post, 1925-6-10, Page 5BUSINESS CA NOS Tits Industrial Mortgage and Savings Oompanyt of Sarnia 0ntarle, are prWW,red to sdvaaoo weary no Alnrtgsgea on geed, lands, Parties doming 10o00y 00 tIrla lnortg01)0.4 10/111104,114404,P1/13' IQ $11nm14 Uo1111n Kaatarah, Oat, Who will too. 1411 miasmal other pa .14 S111a1'e, 'rho'Induatrlal Mortgage and Savings Company sh41a1Ji s. Lo$,lifi,rVL' AGENT FOR Fire, Automobile and Wind Ins. COMPANIES For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647 JAMES M'FAOZEAN Agent Hoick Mutual fire Insurance Company Ateo ." Hartferd'Wlniistorm and Tornado 'Insurance Phone 42 Sox 1 S'ur:Marry Street, Brussels JNO, SUTHERLAND &' SONS LIMITED ivisV eluMMA' CrIZf'a 0A4rilru10 D. M. 'SCOTT kze. .vsz J t rICTIO4 RE'I PRICES MODERATE For reforenoee consult ens person whose sates 1 have officiated at. - Phone 784 or 65 T. T. M' RAE M. B., M. 0. P.. A S. 0, M. 0. 11., ' Village of Bt uesela Physloiau, Surgeon; A000ueheur. Mao at residence, opposite ?defy file Church, Willls(1l street, it Pays to Attend the Best 4 / ELLIOTT 141i9/41 Cor. Yon3e ani Mender Sts, Torolito 14- Every graduate of the Iasi Of- teen nendlli 1144 BPrur#cf 4011. }€ pinrnent. Open xll. year. .1611 Eel ter now, OatlAogne flee. >, W. J. ELLIOTf, PRINCIPAL` t gee Rea R2a9Rtt1 R4A � ..Pi'_avi^„yRa aa'ya� Bra 'y v �*'+ Wool WANTED Highest market prices paid. -See me. nr Phnne No. 2x, Brus- sela, and I will.call and get your Wool. M. Yollick Stop ! p Look! Listen seen Ye who have BATTERY trouble don't throw away your old battery use R E V I V O - the New Battery Electrolyte. Makes your Old Battery work like new. :For Quarter the cost, Earl Anderson Distributor for Huron County. Brussels, P. 0., Phone 154 WHEAT WANTED We are in need of Wheat for Milling. Give us a call at our fexpenee if you have any L0 sell. No trouble to quote prices. All kinds of Flour and Feed For Salo T. G. Hemphill, WRONETER ( Flour Mill 21 ,PHONES Split Pea Mill 29 t Night call 50' School Fair Dates in Huron County. St. Helens Sept, 9 Wroxetero 10 Bluevale 11 Ethel .............. 12 Walton 14 Fordwieh 15 Belgrave le Ashfield J 7 Colborne lir Zurich 21 Varna 22 Goderich 23 Blyth 24 Grand Bend 25 Dashwood ..., ......... 26 Crediton .. 30 Winchelsea....... ...... Oct. 1 Hernial' 5 Dublin 0 Clinton ...•.•.•........... 7&1( Baby Chios N the Wieldier; ,epe laving contest et Ottawa 111 1023.24, and Ll)e Oltnodhu) and 0 ltari0 eon/theta Diet 25, Inclusively, caw pent, of el 0. hit' I.#f4 10(44 (48 its whiter egg pro. dl)c61 4 wart) in fleet piece. When buys lug your belly chicks why not buy 0/median 6h 161)4 with veal's of good rapnl.at(n11 Welt of thrid when they Can 144 s,cnred ar praet.ieally tonne Oast its eheeke 1'10111 [ermine stock.. L»thorn chirke 1.2 cents sash, 11,oko 15 eta ear')i, Juno dPlivNiy. odes' In get 1110111 tinily in June, it will he neressa'y for you t0 niece your order sc'Iduo ut (1Phty, J'alter Rose BRUSSELS - ONTARIO Total 1 etaos Items Tire fragrant !lbws lire in bloom again. We are nearing the longest days of the y6,tr', 811111) In Ilene items e0l'ly to Inseam their 11. -chow (4Asociee, 11119 jumped 0p. all,other' Dein per gall(,' during the week. 17' 9e6111s unite I4'4(8(1l144hi6 10 talk of 1116 gond old al1inn161• 1i1041 again. Tula growing tvaalhar W11) slake things ralhe4 expensive for the wear. op of brlitb»d hair. Mos•r0 for pedeetrians-Eternal vigilance ie the pi Ice of ability to keep to walking hyla' Item 1.f! IIPw8 you send in to limit Post, makes the paper of mole Intel eat. to you and ethers, '1 its chap who became intoxicated on 4 4 beer gives but another pr0lii' u1 the pewee (.f mind over )carter. Tm cauurt truthfully be said that 4;4. hes wt a 1 116 )u oleo iv contest with ) u the boot legged beer by one point. ONTARIO had h(llatbn68 the sizeof an egg, hut they will not do much to bring dawn (148 p111144 44)' hen ft nit. .1 ogre-) he mom b of brides. 'J'nrs Potsmis the hotue of the newest and bloat up -to -dale weddieg 814triunet y. NEW 411011/64 al•e said t0 111.4 0((14' W01 it fat' a man. They elway9 do if they happen to be Wok his wife. AN exchange 'emetics that with the Witte -cele, Lex added to the ;nice of gasoline, life 6 hardly math flit ei- in4. 111 Itt'O1LY Is happily going up, hot not. with the same speed as Ihat de. veloped 1.f late by cemm111 0110(11 10a $111441 in going; down. 'l'nj [Gree Press, Arlon, enters up •o't the last month of a rouyd. tll't) years of publication. without PVP( failing 10 publish 1(8 regular 100nthly 19eue, • A WEE seeing the antics of th4 bailouts -la ousels in a stl4ng wild, it seems to me that the wrung 8t•X d4 is bearing the appellation of "fl p• per," Tnis Liberal Government hue ugaln` been sustained 111 Saskatchewan de spite a Conserved ve-PPogressive mad - Rion, the Members of which large]) figure among the "also runs.,, •i'r is expected the Dominion Parl iatnentwlll be in 01ogu4(1 about the 22nd, as the Premie, is :insides to Suit fur England oe Lite 191(1 in 20th. U) e matter of tine ki,id It fa debit able to say "By your leave", to the .Leader of the Oppooltiou. TnE Tot onto Stu remarks that air ter you have semi u hundred motor, go by 08 the highway to Hawillul, you wonder who is at home minding the children. But 1)1selbly the child. neo are not at house ; they tufty bt out dliviug automobiles. OFFICIAL Bgeres 81111(0 that Ont al it ie educating amillally about est out pupils and is paying 17,000 Lraellrr'4 salaries. The 4etiw,ited aver cage (1091 per pupil per yea( is :189, Aeauutirtl. that every pupil attend., ech,aq f•1. at l0upt Lan veal s, the co.1 el ed 1041)141 111 this mein:Ice is $8i10 per pupil. South Bruce Liberals.- South Bruce' Liberals on Irl luny al Lea 110011 allose De. W..0. Hull, of %Valk8l(041, as 01111(1I(1ate for Parliament. Niue (awes 00016 beiure the delegates but upon the 400(114 ballot Le. Hall had 121 out of 234 votes Glaring Headlights Are Banned in Province.-Heudlights of more then 21 candlepower 01, autattmeni4e alt prohibited wider the lestilati(1ue of the latest revision fan the Highways Truffle Aet, which was leo-teed ut the London 711011,4 01(14). ad outlet.. are liable to penal1iee It their cafe alt driven at night withouta device u eliminate glen eof u 1)p6'which 1100 been approved ul by the ,depallmoil of highways. Lights arum, alae b4 lulja(led so that nu !1.d tion 4.! 11,e light Is reflected (.o Ihut it will rise above 42 inchein Runt the gt0u(1d aL a disauce of 75 feet in fleet of the cal. All LI alters 1)00101 boyo used guano light showing. clearly from the rear After January 1, 1920, every drivei. must carry ready 10 •present on de lamed a lit:o ce W drive. This Beene( us yet does out n quote au exalnina. tion of the wu1m•ie4'8 ability to drive a Dar safely, but is to be prooured by payment of a nominal fee. Detaihrete- gaecl(ug lheoe licensee have not been give( out entirely, but it le probable that they will be issued locally, pus. sibly through the department of pub lie enfety.. Soft Drink Tex. -About two mil lion stamps, it is estimated, have been issued so far to retailers by the prey - imolai treasurer's department in con- nection with the beverage taxes on soft drinks, A stamp of il542 mills is put on bottles up to 8 ounces; the same stamp iu put on pint bottles, and a one -cent stamp is affixed to a quart bottle. As it is figured that quarts do not generally exceed • 30 ,ounces, and there are 120 ounces to a gallon, probably n little over the five cents will be obtained on u gallon sold in bottles, Manufacturers terve refus- ed to collect the tax and retailers throughout, : the province aro making violent protest, so that the end la Ap- parently not yet. a Happy is the bride the sun s14 Bee OILSubscribe for The Pest and get all the home noWa. Test Fxems, .-- Teat cottons. were on the program last week at the -Con- tinuation School, Swimming at Dam.- These hot days the dam to a favorite for the boys and young men of town -but don't forget your bathing suits. Belmore Votes Union.-- 13e1ntor:± Presbyterian Church concluded their. vote on Union on Tucsaay. The re- sult was a majority of 30 in favor of Union, Nova Scotia Vote June 29-,-,0180/14- Jim 9•-'Ph801 t -tion of the Nova Scotia assembly was announced. Elections will be held on June 25 with nominations Jena 18. Flag Was Flying -The town lin; was flying on the King's Birthday last •Wednesday. The wire broke, hence the flag was not up on Vietoria Day, Some U. S. persons say they were bitterly disappointed when they merle to Ontario for 4,4. - Some other 13. S. persons were also bitterly dis- appoint ed is-appointed when they came 4,0 Ontario in 1812. Thieves stripped the pews, of a Los Angeles church of 150 hymn books, valued at $225, When they are com- mitted to prison the warden may ask them to join in singing, "Abide With Me, Tn the eighth bulletin of the Bur- eau of Municipal Agates lust issued from the Parliament Buildings, the population of the province of Ontario at the end of 1924 is given as 2,. 857,000. This is made up of 1,060,- 490 rural, 563,086 urban, 1,234,005 cities. -- Water Was Fine. -Whole snending the afternoon and evening at River- side Villa, Master Stewart Wk g, rhe 2 -year-old son of F. W. end Mrs. Wigg, Seaforth, fell or rolled into the river behind the house. He had 'gone to look for the other children, who har 1 toner i to tun into the house. When his dad got to -him he was scrambling out'himeelf. Maple Leafs Won. -On Wednes- day evening despite a lead of 15 runs against them, the Maple Leafs won nut in a rush against the Odd 'fel- lows. erlows. Errors of all sorts were made on both sides and very heavy hitting was done. N. F. Gerry and W. Mc- Quarric were the umnires. ,Follow- ing was the score by innings:- M. Leafs -124721'11 10 3.41 Odd Fel. - 564683 3 1 '1-38 A Huron Old Boy. -Rumor i ns it that R. S. Robertson, K. C. of Tor- onto. formerly of Stratford, and a brother of Wm. Robertson. of the Goderich Signal, is slated for the next jurk(eship at Ospicde Ball, Tor- /Into. There are few mon at the bar to -day more canable of filling the of- fice of judge than IVU'. Robertson. He is well informed In law and a dili- gent worker with great rapacity. He no8sesses a ludielal mind and will in time prove himself one of the ablest men presiding on the bench. Mark Duplicate Receint4- Set'y W. C ,Miller. of the Retail Merchants Association, has been advised the,; at: amendment has been made to thio Dominion Statutes under which there will be a considerable reduction in the use of stampsfor receipts. Lin- der the amendment the stamp is to be affixed to the original statement ,he where duplicates are required it is necessary only to marl: them "tea- paid." tea paid. " It is estimated that this will mean a saving to the retailers of the Dominion of at least $1,500,000 a year. Under the old section of the Statutes u stamp had to be affixed on every receipt for '$10 or more. Government Speed Cope. - The Ontario Government has placed a highway officer on the roan between Kincardine and Arthur. The officer is W. H. Symington. He is net an- xious'to catch the public breaking the law. He ('a11ed in to the Review-Re- nottei', Kincareline, last week and asked them to announce that he is on the iob. He drives a motorcycle with a side car. He has a duty to perform and wishes the public to know that he will be on the beat mentioned. The Act calls for a speed of 25 miles and at intersection 12 miles. Head- lights and tail lights will be given at- tention. All horses, cattle, sheep and hogs must be kept off the roads. Al- ready prosecutions have been made in connection with animals being al- lowed to run at large, Mr. Syming- ton's headquarters will be at Arthur and Kincardine. He will give the Tiverton highway the once over now Office Re -opened Miss Maude Bryans 1, Wiehee In annnnnce that t=he has npeeed an 1'1111.47 et her home non hlnek WVest of the Bank of Neva Scotia. and is prepared t0 attend to all kinds of Optical walk, Satisfaction Asstrrc'd and again. It is to be remembered that ho has jurisdiction in towns and villages. 1t is well for drivers of care to know these facts and govern thein-, selves accordingly, Don't be foolish enough to try and beat the oMie, on his motorcycle, If you do it will cost you something. Mr. Sylningten's warning is a fair one to the pubihe, Try and not break the speed limit. Telephones in Canada.-Talephgno statistics; show that the number of telephones in Canada has been stcalt- ily increasing and at a faster rate than the population. I# 1022, they aggregated 944,029 or an Vertigo of 10.3 per 100 of population. In 1023' the number i'nc,; asod to 7,009,203 or an average 08 11.03 per 100 of population. The average per 1011 of population - in 1923 is as follows; British Columbia, 15.57; Ontario, 14.53; Saskatchewan, 12,02• Albert(. 10.58; Manitoba, 10.36; duebee,7: 39 ; New Brunswick, 7.11; Nova Scotia, 7.05; Prince Edward Island, 6.08. The number of telephone' com- panies in Canada in 1923 was 2,387 as compared with 2,459 in the pre- vious year. WINGHAM A. r, Pnoliff, Yrfnripal of Wingban, petei1 School, ie the Scout Master fm the 11eo 4Y'i;,,udzati0n of a boy Scout troop. While imtdling Irides at the (3 P. R 4Lation. George Olver hell the Mis- fortune 10 step off Lite side of the plat- form, in raking an artery in his leg. l'he blood soon caused a large swelling which Necessitated his being operated 011 iu kViilghanl General Hospital. BLYTH Council is melting 411! 1(11541)101114 to puic1146P a suitable dltup ground. Ultutun Band has treet engaged Pr been the late" social to he1 .ld r 1.r byIh Ladies' Aid of St, Andrews' Church, on Wednesday, June 17 Hon. Duncan Mar hall, fortiori, Slimmer of Agriculture ut the Al- berta (lovernllle.nt, will give an ed - It 881 on, '•A ti ip through Scotland", 111 Memorial Halt, Blyth, 01) Frida) June 19,.h, at 8 p m1., under the 1118pic<s of Blyth Goimeunity Hort iatuural Society, Mr. Morainal l ie e liltent epautter and his address prom lees to be both interesting and iu- 41motive. •. 'The financial statement of Blyth Welhodi81 Ohulch for the year ending May let, was presented on Sunday. ['he past year has been most e11rour- agiug as every department of church work showed excellent 1faults. The church raised in its vvimra depart- ments during the year the sum of 85,765 54. TURN)' F-RRY The fallowing clipping from the Toronto 0lily Stet' has reference to a daughter of Richard and Mrs. (lil- kin900, of Turnblt'lyy "Miss Onra V1y1 tie (litkimem, of 4Vingllnnl, 0111• arin, was last night presented with the staff gold medal for the highest standi1141 111 the filial examinations of the training school for nurses connect- ed with (trace Hospital m1 the tutees - inn of the graduation exercises of the 35th chase from that institution. Dr 11 0. Wales, who made the piPeent- ation, deela1e11 That the staff and eater nurses of 111 leg Gilki0son4 were proud of her achievement particularly when it wee pointed out that during her ft sl year in the hospital she won first prize, repeated during her second year. aid now made her 811rc088 111). nnitn0us by winning the staff medal. 1'Maine Art Galleeles, whine the pre- emltatitnl was made was a veritable garden of finweis sent to the grad- uates and undergraduates for the happy occasion. Scarlet, pink, white and yellow 40968 together with car- nations, sweet peas and a few orchids 'Vere used while the goadumting class of 17 young ladies wore generous corsages of deep crimson Virginia r eddltg lnvltatiobs nor tie jam gri Ie WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS WEDDING CARDS VISITING CARDS, ETC, tea. We have every facility fordoing the above class of printing in the finest style of the art. All work strictly first-class. All orders promptly executed and at a reasonable price, eke grass ifs veost Sporting News of Interest Lacrosse Schddule June 1,1-Wingham at Clinton. June 11 -Mitchell at Stratford. June 18 -Stratford at Wingham, June 19 -Clinton at Mit hell. June 25-'-Wingham at Stratford, June 26 ---Mitchell at Clinton. July 2 -..Stratford at Mitchell, July 3 -Clinton at Winghaln. July 9 -Stratford at Clinton, July 9-Wingltarn at Mitchell. July 15 -Mitchell at Wingham. July 17 --Clinton at Stratford. Milverton won from lltonkton 1.0 on the King's Birthday at Milverton, route tied wit 11 arllneon atandalds. T'heee against the white backgtou(lcl. afforded by the go (Mauling franks formed the hospital coiors'nf red end white, while the 5410e.. ('(Imre 1ti silk were used to tie the diplomas. 1, It. Wood, Chairman ofthe hoard of Gov. ern 0111, (8441) 4)41f071(1net Ply 48(1961(1 through MIMEO; and Dr. W. H. Barris' presided in hie eteud. He congrat. (sated the nurses upon their splendid showing in the recent examinations for which he pointed nut, much credit woe, due Superintendent Mies (l, L. Rowan. ETHEL Ethel Foot 13411 tenni plays at towel ort Friday evening. Here's hoping they "lick" the town boy.;, New Minister. -On Sulidey, June 28th, Rev. D. M, Guest will become the new minister of the United Church at Ethel. Rev. Mr. Guest was born in Kinnloss Township, Bruce Co. and received his High School educa- tion at Kincardine High School, and then attended Stratford Normal school. After teaching school for three years, he entered the ministry in 1917 and spent two years in pro- bation for the ntinistr on the Bervie Circuit with Rev. 51, W, Williams, as ,Superintendent. Following g this Vx Guest attended Victoria College and in June 1921 was ordained and re- ceived in to full connection in. Lon- don. For the past four :years since ordination, Mr. and 34(rs. Guest hare been on the Dover Circuit, Chatham District The Chatham Daily News refers to a couple of farewell social• given prior• to the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Guest. -On Tuesday, May 2Gth, a well attended social evening- was veningwas held at the Oldsfield appointment' when about one hundred gathered An address was read and the pastor and his wife werere ent with P s edw 1 a well filled purse. On Wednesday, May 27th, et Mitchells Bay, a social evening was held in the church with a large crowd roprbsenting th. church congregation, the local band and foot ball boys. Addresses were read and the pastor presented with a "Utility shaving and toilet act" and Mrs. Guest with a clown -tilled com- forter, MORRIS This suction had a cyclonic rails on Thursday morning. Mrs. Melvin Bradburn, of Hyd'+ Park, and baby Ruth, are visttin, with her father, Henry Johnson, Sumnlerland Farm, 5th of Morris. The following is the school report of S. S. No. 9, Morris, for the month of May: -Class V -Harvey Bryaris, 84. Sr. IV. -Walter Pease, 83; Wal- ter Shortreed, 81; Frank Kirkby, 72. Jr. IV. -Mabel Bewley, 62. Sr. II -• Arthur Bewley,82' 'Stuart Dryans, 81; Tommy Kirkby 58; Clifford Pease, 54; Beacham Alcock, 51. First Class --Isabelle Alcoa':. Se Pr. -Lloyd Pease, May Shortreed Jr. Pr. -Lloyd Alcock, Walter Bent- ley, Ruth Alcock. No. on roll 15 Average attendance 14. - CLARA MCGOWA•7, Teacher Word was received of the death at Winnipeg on Tuesday, May 2601, of Minnie Carter, beloved wife o. J. Bromwail. Deceased who was in the 36th year of her age, was born in this section, daughter of the late Sanlp son and Mrs. Carter, of Westeeld. She was married 12 years ago to her bereft husband, and she leaves to mourn her loss, three small children and her mother, Mrs. S. Carter, who resides at Belgrave. Other members of her family are: Mrs. Alex. Cloak- ey, Morris, Mrs. Stewart David, I on. don • Messrs. Samuel Carter, Toronto; Frei. Carter, Wingham; John T. Pickett, Maple Creek, Sask.; and Bert Carter, Morrie. The funeral took place at Winnipeg on Thurs- day last. RECKLESSNESS TO BE COMBATED Canadian Forestry Association To Carry Out Strong Educative Campaigns In Ontario The Canadian Forestry Associa. tion, tite national educational institu- tion for the protection of forests, has started an active campaign for the cutting down of the number of forest, fires caused• through human agency and carelessness. This makes the sixth party to take the field in forested areas of Ontario, Quebec New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and i British Columbia. The Ontario torr will have Mr. Fred Vogel as special lecturer, assisted by Mr. Alan Beav- en of the Association's. staff and will travel many hundreds of miler, by motor truck, holding mass meetings for the general public in the iaventegs and special talks and demonstrations for the school children 1)8 the after- noons. In connection with the school children these will be in tile 1(atuve of a wind-up to a course of special instruction which has been (ferried out over the winter months by the Association 'working in co-operation with the local teachers. One of the unique features of these tours is that each party itns been provided with complete meth). (tent for showing pieturos either' in the dark or in the daylight anti by carrying their own power plants are independent of local co11(li<UO11s and ' My woodlwork, floors and ceiiliings look better with leas work 1 USE CHARM Wedding Gifts For the Bride +s�111111111111111111;, b!c�y 4111 � til. `,((ltflllllf111111111N11{II�R,�' NEW CHINA NEW IFyou have a Gift to choose for a Bride visit our Gift Shop, New Goods Just 1n N E' W SILVERWARE GUT GLASS Call and see these New Lines. No trouble to show goods. J. R. J'1EI JDT JEWELER WROXETER able to show pletul'es 1)11 any vection of the country, Similar tours undo' the Association's haulier have 821,I•act- e(1 daily audiences from 600 to 1000 people and many -of the '''mc -e un:'i have had to -be held in the open ,lir owing to lack of a hall large en')uh to accommodate all who wished to see -the films. `The forest fires shown in these films are the real thing and (lake an immediate a'.Jpeal to ('anap- ers, fishermen and a:• users of the woodlands whether for 6101(1. or re- creational purposes. While working l lung in(Inas compern a tion with the provincial authorities, the Canadian Forestry A. societioi( has the additional advantage of ap- pealing as a non-government, • non- 1'onlmcrcial araanizatiou with no selfish purpose to serve and no mutt, san policy to advance. Thous -Inds. of editors. railwaymen, doctors, met.. chants, farmers and others ifotopeire, the membership and it is 0 1)10)1:-r of pride to these people that the total cost of these campaigns is hot u' by the Canadian Forestry esoeiatie,n. In Ontario Capt. W A. D",alley, Provincial District Forester at 4u4 - bury, and his assistants are working hand in hand with 51r. Il.faven and Mr. Vogel to insure the tu(('1$s of the tour and are enthusiastic at the man- ner in which the general pu1li • i • responding to their appeal and re- port that already whole c011mntnitiee have been organized to stamp out the menace of the "Red Enemy." East Wawanosh Council Onnn.il met on biav 27th, as in 0 ut t or R•vieiun 1.0 111e Assessment Roll. All the menthols pieaent, ue appeel8 (1f ee47 1169ne inBoil n sire '1 e- .•oived, t 1611 Telephone (40'9 as. "P9•ulent. bewever being reduced 8168 75 John 8. Scott tl as (144es8Pd es uP nal ul Ilia S. 1), N. (4. 1,111 86, Coe. 5, 1)1 Mame of J,t111M4'1' 13611. On motion of Councillors Th1'nlpsan end Kerr. the Court of J16vio1(n1 was the), eln.,'d and the Roll as now revised with these changes will be the A s 88. went Roll for 11125. 001411011 t60umed and ordinary lous- iness proneeded, Minutes 01 h(.1 meet. Ing OVel'P m04(41 401111 e0afi(,uId. pet- ition of R Hnrhuna11 11011 01116,8 ask- ing for e municipal drain at Lot. 29, 31 and 31, Un1. 4, received. 1'he pet- ition was granted and the ritelk in- (11'11e1(d to 1.17(011,11 11 mope( f satire l.1. engineer flrr hla 'x 011110110/1 and re. port of some. The peeve a n 1 00041 - wimp Campbell wet 10141111104 d ul at- te0d at \V. 11 l.ol 32, Ont), 4, to i14. 10(111 tit 8,11117 11('ti11ago 14tlne01oil in Front of that prop -sty. A Ry-1,(tvv was tend and pe0.rd 1 47111(1,411 ''g the loading Anil 'apru'i1V•1(1841 the speed limit of 11,1cke 11. the unn1il'ipality. The fnllnwieg accounts w'41' nerd -- of the Best Articles Made Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes 19h9 Cataract Washer vim---- t,Icstinghouse Electric Ranges Cem1'nt l.irne Pariste)n Wilton & Gi lespic 0 O F. Hull, rel'( $35; \'('m, Robin - 4011, 9ahoy Iia A94es8n1• 4100; .1 Vin - 40)/1, 16p read (loo. 3, $2 ; i1. Oat 1P", fila and mink Om, 5. 810; James Ale - (4111, con It on grader 811 ; faun. Oeult- ea, work o4) guider $91 W. Mo4ill, 1(11vi1'g gra41'l and grading $4.50 ; 1. Ntn11ehotyi', drawing g1 aver and rep. culvie t, (:ml 5, $2 • J.'1'. Sent(, lak- ing stn)IPM (loll 9 48 1 141 (41014100, ('011 grader $5 ; J. elnig, grading $115: 146o Jordan, grading and dragging $8 50 ; 1V. ahoeb,11)fl n, (11091ng grad - el $1 ; MPMnuicipal 67114Id, sopplil e $0 3. A Young, pay'me nt on tile Dae on-Thnel.p.nn Drain $95 ; '1he Advaee4 Ofiil'4', minting $5 75 • 1(1. J. 711i(ohell, hu(1ipator. $1511; SUM M1icBurney, gin vet $830 ; Stewart 6)411urney, gravel 41 05 ; H. ('Ilett• less, expenses 111 'ft tent (1 le, 0. 16 A, $1850. ( nenil adjourned to meet again on Tuesday. JUn6 80111. A. PoterElurnaLp, 018111., WASHING MEATS ih111't leash pleats more than Is abso- lutely necessary, especially game and fowl, as it has a tendene:v to destrnl the natural flavor. Fresh- meet should ahl ays he put into boiling menet, and froth meat into cold, W18.`ktRS,w.I`t+'4;°?.. L�wi�4,ii�r=1s.'A Wanted We pay Highest Cash ,Price for Cream.. 1 cent per 114. nutter Fat extra paid for all. Cream delivered at our Creamery. Satisfaction Guaranteed Brussels Creamery Co. Phone 22 Limited