HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1925-6-10, Page 1VOL, S3 NO, $1 02.00 per annlem m advance BRUSSELS, 0 TARJQ, WEDNESDAY, yUNE lo, MEOBBFIMBIBBIMIEBOKBAMEOSOl EVERYBODY WELCOME AT AN •INFORMAL DANC To be held in the Opera House BRUSSELS Fridayua June Wroxeter Orchestra • in Attendance LUNCH SERVED , Dancing teem 9 to 2 o'clock Gentlemen $1.00 :^:M'+14:F edit New Advertisement.' Dance -Opera Ronne Beaope-(frank Hotline For Hale -John Looking Tent for se le -Toa POST Kodak 61110-F. R. Smith Wood for sale -P. Anent ' Wanted -Airs. W. P. Stratton Weekly Store News -Jas. Pox Anniveraory-Melville Church Soneekeeped Wanted -Toa Peal, Free Demonstration -S. F. Davison Big nerluotions-Hamo1's Limited Seasonable Hardware -W..1. Der Garden Party --Knox Cin oh, Monorieff l (Strict ErttuS EXETER William Walker, of Exeter North, suffered a partial stroke of paralysis, Sundays morning due to the intense'. heat. A. Belgian boy, whose name could not be ascertained was found on the road near Winchelsea, Saturday evening prostrated by the heat, And before medical aid could be summon- ed he passed away. Mrs. Leslie Rutherford, wife of the accountant of the local`brancn of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, accid- entally shot and killed herself at her home here. She had been in her us- ual health and had been out in the afternoon. Her sister went over to a neighbor's and on returning found Wood Fon SALE ti Cut Fence Rails and Poles. $2 go per cord. 2 cords on load. e P. Ament Phone 86x Brussels Mrs. Rutherford pronate on the floor with a wound in her chest, Mrs. Rutherford was In her 35th year and was formerly Miss Letitia Elealeh Broadfoot, of Guelph. Funeral ser- vjees will be held here and the body will be conveyed by meter to Guelph for interment: Mrs. Samuel Smith,' aged 72, who resided 23F miles south of hero, on the London road, died Saturday even- ing from the eil'eets of being gored by a cow, Mrs. Smith and her hus- band had gone on to the road to drive the cows in at milking time, when one, a Jersey, and always believed to be very quiet, caught Mrs. Smith in the chest with her horns and tossed her over her back. The aged lady was able to walk to the house, with her husbands assistance, but the shock proved too much. MONCRIEFF Work on the new school is.pre- grossing nicely. Stuttrt McQuarrie held a successful barn raising on Monday. Mrs. Jno, - Melville is home after visiting with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Robert McTaggart with her mother Mrs. Mann, are leaving short- ly for a trip through the West. 'George and Mrs. McTaggart, of Seaforth, paid a flying visit through the neighborhood bee Tuesday. The annual garden party of Knox Church will be held on the chinch lawn on Thursday, June I8Lh.. A flue program ie being arranged, int/hiding the Fal;ce Comedy, "That Rascal Pal". Supper will he Served from 6 to 8 o'elnek. The Kincardine Report- er bean the following to say of the con- cert Company ;—Each member of the troupe proves to be a real artist and :navy 'were the words of, praise by those in attendance. The monologues by J. H. Jobb. were especially good and brought rounds of.applause. Miss Nanny Tay- lor's Scotch and Irish dancee were s delightful number on the program Full Range of Seasonable n able Hardware Special Clearing 2 dozen Screen Doors at Bargain Prices Hay Fork Rope Hay Forks Pulleys Fleury Plows and Repairs Binder Twine Give us a Call W% Duff Bluevale Ontario • FREE Demonstration Saturday June 13th -PMFECI1ONI "Cook SJevcsandijvenaj i` A Representative of the "Perfection" Stove Company will be here to give a FREE Dem- onstration on Perfection Oil Oo o k Stoves er If you'have any Stove trouble let us help you. and C` 01011 St0Y0 s -on h A Full line f af 1 7Davison. lt . F. General Hardware Successor to G, R. We ller } Anniversary Services ve Church hurch BRUSSELS Sunday, June 21 r 11 am, and 7p.in, to he conducted by REV. K H. PALMER, D.D. Westminster Church, Hamilton Special Mesio by Choir EVERYBODY WELCOME/ } Garden Party Monday evening, June 22nd, a Garden Party will be held at the home of Alhet t Orooks,4th Line, Morrie. Froqgg'arn supplied by the Buchenaii Concert Do., of Wingham. Admission to Garden Party 26o. A, A. 'LAMONT. Secretary Melville Church and were hear tilyarmored. 'Mise Sara McLean, Soprano soloist and A. M. Fut bee, Baritone, gave excellent nn.. bete and Mise Bessie Abell at the piano was a real artist and acted as aoennipaniest. Needless to say the en- tire troupe in the one -act farce cv)m-' edy "That Reseal Pat" showed some real acting. Kincardine people would be glad to welcome hack this splendid Cancer t, On. at guy time. ATWOOD At the regular meeting of the lad- les! aid of the Methodist church held in the basement on Wednesday after- noon. A1te,(Hee ) Snell, who is lefty itlg for their 1 r -w Nrip01111111e1lt int Londretort, at the end of June, was i presented witha fel i ho eken and e silver plate by the ladies of the con- giegatiott, hies. 3. A. Mcilain and 3. P. Greeneide made the present - 'ain't. Mrs. Snell made a suitable reply, after which a delnty Irincb was served by the We're. LONDESBORO John Beattie, a respected farmer of the village, died here on Thursday morning after injuries received by a team of horees throwing him from e wagon on the 200 of last mouth.- Deceased outh.Deceased was in his 72nd year and is survived by his widow and one son. The remains wets interred in the fam- ily plot at Loudeeboro and the funeral was largely attended. Set vice was conducted by Rev. James Abray, of Burne' Presbyterian Ohureh, Pall. healers were Robert. William and Robe. John Beattie, Keats Hamilton, Rub Hanel iton and John Leiper. a • BLUEVALE. John and Mrs. Weeks, of Norfolk, Virginia, spent a few days at the home of Wm. Thornton. Mrs. A. H. Coombs, Jas. Nichol and John Mundell are at Toronto attend- ing the Presbyterian Assembly. Both congregations will worship tpgether next Sunday, in the Presby- terian church. Special sacramental service will be held in hte morning at 10.30. Regular service in the evening at 7.30. TURNBERRY 0 , Friday James Hislop, an aged resident of title township, passed away at his home on Lot -5, COO. A, at and 13. cors 5 months theage of88 Y days. Deceased eras Mien in 'Scotland inl and has resided in Gamin for Ifo ' predeceased him '72 yeane. His wife Many years ago and he is sotvived by one son, !Robert, with whom he made - hie home, The futon el nae held on Sundae afternnnl, and wail private,. W ' ' asst e3 made in I 'Interment was tea Cemetery. WALTON Depart Mint SO !hat all the pupile will have an equal Phones' to trio prizes. A eolleotltiu WAS taken up in Dutra 01111.0.1, 00 Suudny In ald,nf Armenian Helief Fund, Rev, Mr:' Pon cv, ni Georgetown, who bed elm; 50 of' 100 Armenian boys, epoice 00 the suhject some time ago, aid it Il her el Leering was Made, CRANBROOK A. Raymond and family of London, were renewing old acquaintances in and around the village over the wee): end. We were gial to see out form. er citizens, GREY - Walter Hroadroot, 111 Cori,, is driv- log a new I+ord Comdr. Handy Kl11ll Is hewing a new fence erected at ills ftn•ru on the 8ib One. (,suite a number were over to Ethel IasL (+`ridgy night to see the foot ball mate)/ between Ethel at)d hlllvetteu. L'hP visltnrs won Id) Miss Winnifred Buchanan, Harold Galbraith and A. and Mee lereig, Preston, 'spent the week Plitt with 0. aucl Mrs. Harris, 16th Con, Andrew Lamont is at Toronto this week attending the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church, represent- ing Melville Church, Brussels. The Ladles' B,ttl and W. tel. 5,, of Walton ate holding their June meet - log at the home of hire. }limb Camp- bell, 16th Con,, Wednesday aft etuoon. BAD Licu riaoica~n:-While leading 't colt a week or au ago, Deputy peeve T. McDonald had his leg broken, The coleretlr'ed fp and came clown on his leg. Mr. McDonald was unable to at- tend Co, Council and will have 01 take enforced holclays for nt few weeks. ETHEL Rev. Mt''McKelveywill have chat ge of the services on the Ethel circuit on Sunday at the usual hours. Milverton won at Ethel on .Friday 8/vetting by a ecure of 1-0, The game. was a good one and gave the spectat- ors the wort 11 of their money.. A Lawn Social will be held on the lawn of Frank Sleigbtliolne 8th line, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Ethel United Church, on Friday evening, June 26th. - Further an- nouncement next week. A Tie Game—Ethel Foot Ball team of win Tuesday a w n was cheated out night when Referee Govenlork finish- ed the game between Listowel and Ethel a tie 1-1. There was no score in the first half, but in the •-econd half Ethel began to rush and Goven- lock began to call off -sides to save his Listowel friends. Ethel scored on a clean shot, but it was disallowed. The second time they, scored, there was no chance to ca it off, though Lis- towel protested -loud and long, Presi- dent Bamford of the W. F. A. doing all in his power to have referee net count it, but Referee Goveenlock gave Listowel a penalty kick to tie up the score. Jesse James would have been a has-been at this game. E.•[i Wigle, M. P. 1'. was calling on Walton friends on Tuesday. A few attended the Moonlight Ex. cureion at Glideriett uu olonday even- ing. • itev, Mr. 1lobiesnn will .cissa his pastorate at the Methodist church 1111 June 21st. The old friends of Duncan Johnston are )lad Le eau he is able W be around again. The schools and bunk observed' Wednesday, the king's birthday as a holiday. Rev, Mr. Shannon. Oranbrook, gave an address at the Young People's meeting on Sunday evening. A number from here will attend the Garden Patty at Knox Church, Mon. crieif' next, Th mid evening. Rev. Mr. Pinnoch, Secretary of the Bible Society, will preach in St. George's Church on Sunday at the usual hour. '' church, .lh Ladle ' Aid of Duffs , p e Walton, will hold Choir annualnu al gat den party on the evening of July: 3rd on the fine lawn of Wm. Wood's Miss Melissa ]tiutmee,,:tlau titer of David and Mrs, Holmes, who has had .a,pnsitioil in Detroit, was married to Aaron Snowden, of Imlay, Mich„ on Tuesday, May 20th. Walton school fair le echeduted for September 1440. The local committee are making th a prize list Hauch more complete then that proposed by the, WROXETER Rev, A. A. and hit's. Hninlee. Clin- tun, were visitors here Tuesday, Mrs. Robertson 'spent `List week with her daughter, Mrs, D. W. Rae. Mt s. Oavanugh, 'Toronto. is the guest of her father, W, A. Ruthet- ford. Iter, A. D. and hies. Armstrong are attending the General Assembly iu Tot (2(110. Mrs. A. McLend returned Friday Nom a week's visit with relatives in Tonto. Mroleses Dorothy and Margaret Mc- Tavish, Toronto, -ate holidaying with their mother, Mere, D. McTavish. R M. Hezeiwoocl and daughtel•, Miss Roth, Grimsby, spent the week -end with Mrs. -W. C. Hazeiweod and fam- ily. am- Il and Mrs. Kitchen left for Toion. to, 'Tuesday, where they will attend the mart lege cif tlieit youngest dant;b- ter, Mise A. Kitchen. l ' oto,tn a Mins Edna -Hui niton. 1 r former residentpert', who attended the King—Earls weddinag, is v isitiu g old f@lends „ this neighborhood, A Pleasant and profitable afternoon 26(18 spsn r. at lhe Mission Baud meet- ing held in the Methodist Church Sat - followed a tic - b ut In afternoon, tY i Y orcin the park. The annual huainess meeting and election of ntlicers of the Wiluneu's Institute, field in Mrs. Pope's Iluruls, resulted as follows ; Free, '.dies E. P. 11tw,Iewood ; 1st Vice, fibs,. t4. 'Lk vid- snn l 2nd Vice, Mrs. 8. 51cNnughLnn ; Set y.- Press', Mts. O, A. %Yeats big ; Dist'iot Hit eel or, MIs. J. K. Wendt ; ttreneb Oh coots, Ili,. It .'•hocks, MIs. 1). 0• Pope, Mies Nellie Ball ; Peogruul Com,, Mrs. F. V. Dickson, Mrs. S. McNaughton ; Auditors, Mis- ner Mary Pope, Alba Musgrove ; Press Reporter. nitre. A. D. Armstrong ; Pianist, Miss Mae Davidson. At the conclusion of the butanese readings were given by Airs. 3. R. Wendt and MIS. G. A. \•Veau•ing, followed by a splendid exhibit of hotne•tyitde candy. The home of Mre. Robert Earls, Howiek, was the scene of a social ev- ent, of exceptional interest, at clonic ou Jtitle 31 1. when in the presence of a Inge number of 11•ientie and relatives, her daughter, lilies Mary, became the Mid.' of 1Vi1fred King, sou of Ernest and Mrs, King, 1lowiek. The cere- mony S, en formed b R R, was t moor { Y p J e Jones, Gine The bride looked d eNeet ntf becoming gown of neutral white nrepa antvsiI and milled it shower baguet of roses. She Wets giv. en away by her brother, Frank Eerie while, Miss Isabel ibtr•ls was her sis- tThe wedding tee's maid of honor, to• , 11112510 Nas supi)lied by Misses. Lilian Hells u tonto. Edna Hamilton, to e- and kd, 11 1 rl u Shortly after o wedding bre 1tk•fasC bud been served the newly married couple left rot -Detroit, Ilia bride era 925 W. H. K.RR, Proprietor t MONSTER ANNUAL Garden ParCarden Party f KNOX CHURCH MONOR1E.k` F Will holt! their Annual (lnlilea Patty 04) tlu) Ohu1eh'Lawn Thursday, June 1 8th AFine Prngrual is being arranged iu- eluding the False Comedy "That Rascal Pat" a laughable eotnedy of amusing situations, fell Offish wits Wh;n Put tries to servetwo masters bis troubles begin - bee bow en Irish MSS overoom ea the situation. Oast of Characters Pat hloltoggerty ' An Irish servant Malar Pnif[J token..... P n r *veneris ‘ad bachelor . „Merles Llvmng,tone. ...0 penniless dude Laura - A oe tecof fud'jltoket'snc lore with c hart ea Siang ..... ........ t,aure', mord in love with Pat Supported by a splendid and varied program of songs,. duets, ioetrtmnenl• ala, readings. and Minces by the folloty- ingartists, Mr. Bert {).bell Comb:songs 41tss Tiara;MacLean - soprano Miss Bennie Abell_ pianist Vir. A. Al. Porting baritone Mr H. J. Jobb:... elocutionist r Miss Nancy Taylor...licotrh and Irish dancer ell costume. Supper Served from 6 to 8 o'clock Admission 50 and 25 Certs 11. tcbrTnl,rtPaal00 1CoMnevlevnilelre, yelling hi a tan dress, blank cache root and black hat, Oe their return they will reside in Geerie, BELGRAVE Ttinity Ohurch, Belgrave, will hold their annual Garden Patty on June 21t1s, at the home of Gat net• Nichol. SOIL MORRIS Mrs. J. W. Brown, of New Lis- keard, is visiting with her parents, Jos. and Mrs. Shaw, 4th Con. John Yuiil, Mrs. Jas. Yuili,Mrs. 12. Sturdy and Mrs. G. Ginn, Geder- ich, attended the funeral of the late! Robt. McMurray last week. ev w. tsuu 11115. mthet' and 5lastet Lloyd, of Staffs, and Miss Mary Mc- Kellar, tf Urowat'Ly, spent Saturday at .1 awes Kerner', 4111 line, Blr. Henry Johnson wishes to an- nounce the engagement of his daughter, Josephine J., to Mr. Win Y. Beydges, son of Jerry and Mrs. Beydges, of Morris, the marriage to be celebrated June 17th, at Summer - land Farm, the home of the bride. On Tuesday morning Jos. Shaw, 4th Con., received a message thtat his brother, John G. Shaw, of 13iekston, Wis., had passed away. The late Mr. Shaw was a -native of Huron Co., and had been in ill health since the first of the year and his brother paid him a visit this Spring. More particulars will be given later. P:tssktt AWAY.—As repotted last week, Robert McMurray, nu honor- able and 1espeeLed 1ssideilt of the 4th flue of Morris, padded away in its 80th year. For over 40 yeses he hod been a 1 esid eat of the Tum trotup, l•nunng from ldoderich where he had liven for It short time. He was but( in the' County of Hastings, at '1'yentinago,' oeing the second youngest of a family of Seven, although Itis par - elite and some of the rest of the fam- ity came out ('rum Ireland. hies, Mc - Murrey predeceased iter husband 18 Jeers ago. Her tua del, name tray Mary Y11111 and they were married in 1.872, Cue daughter, Blrs, Rich- ard Procter, and one sou. William, on Lhe homestead, survive, .'leu one sister, B11s \Vuitets, of Napatiee, the only nut riving member of the family mote. For malty yell the late Mt BIc\luuY u took n he etk of the arrive out 1 L t.. aha i Y I Orange L It Sa both to the Co.Lodge of North Hum!' and the Blue Ledge at BelgraveDeeeaaed was also tui active member ut Ille Anglican church and a staunch and loyal Uonservttuve. Id lust Wed- nesday ed- loiterer t hi rh was ht t V The n v was r. el by -Rev. W. 13. r .oda tt rt rnulu l 1 1H y Hawkins, Reeder of the Anglican C1uteh and the Belgrave Ledge of Otaogerueu'deo conducted their ser- vice at the graveside at Brandon Oemetery. For the past year ale. Me - Murray had been in ill health, and was eon hne(t 1,11 his lied solve Januar 7. rbc fatuity have the eyulpaihy or the common 117. Tile Pull healers were PasL Masters of the L. U. L. Na 402 ; Chas, Cuultes, 0, King, 13, Watson, R. Irwin, \Vin. Love and W, John. store ROE'S -0111URC:H Under auspices of Ladles' Aid Thursday, June 11 The Original Comic Irish Play in Three Aets "Finnigan's Fortune" Will 1P presented h 11e \V l p P i y i Young Peo: pie of 13. H. No. 18, Hawick Oast of Characters Ctrs F.111111011 lane Adams Larry Finnigan. - Chas. Riaok Pat Pinntgan Harry Heath, Ratrsrty . Harvey Sperling Lady Hannah Love) ,y Mor joh, f1'lgar Donut OhMornay Kenneth Ashton luloliJake - August Keil Katie Jaka ..... .. .. .lean Black A Laugh In revery Act Vocal 11.116 Oiehestral Numbers be. tweet] Acts. first -close Supper from 6 to 8 o'clock Refreshment Booth on the Gronnde Also Ladies' Aid Booth. Admission SS and 20 Cents Mos. Wm. Grainger Rev. H. White, B.D. President- Minister !Manning Company to meet the de- mands of the British market. lhi' order is the rveldt of a visit to theold cntultryl'of W. N. Blunting. who has just retro med anti is optimistic eon- aerating onaer ting the prospects for further bus- iness there. Mr; Manning reports the demand is now chiefly for the player piano and IL is thus style of instru- ment which will make up his firrn's shipment. Bled nese conditions in the old country are giving evidence of improvement., Mr. Mantling found. Retina entered the )nnns1ony of 'Mors Safe In the Bosom of God, Walking the highways of Heaven; Free whore the rensolned have troll. Satisfied there with his Saviocr, (lensed all the toil and the once, Saver await to he burdened, slaver a hedrt oohs to boor. •r-- CLINTON TheThe death rpieulred in Clinton on Saturday or Albert Hooper, following n long illness, The deceased was born in 0et114'itlia, b111 hs,1 been It resident of Clinton for the greater part of hie life, Fre 24 years he travelledes rem 'resell of the Mannfeet Life. 1 lie tiivved'by 1ieti ow, ' Li P, it e i 1 v i< it; . Clinton, one son, Olin, employed with the London Street Railway London, three brothers, Adolphus, London, William tend Ildwerd, acid one sister, Mrs, Holvtlatngh, all of Alma, Miele Funeral services were held from "his late In te in Clinton 1 l endsY after- noon. cur- noon. Five enrinads of irlayet.pinnne will shortly be shipped by the Sbetiock- GODERICH - hl Elio 011 county police coin 1, Mag- istrate Char les A. Reid repot is 28 cos - es dealt with during the month of clay, with 8200' .collected in fines. liters were 18 convictions, 4 dialnie s 2 c 'm r rt] a Of the 2' ale and a i t m t. 3 J ruses only 8 Were lel' hreaohea of 0, T. A, Th,s is a slight increase over May. 1021, when thele trete 22 0111ee, duct til i ierease i11 Noes, when only 8115 wee collected last Slay, Ainpug the Convictions there vette four jell seuteuce, all for abort tet ms, to an ell rt to reduce reckless driving, Nag - iterate Held has decided to suspend licenses of such drivers. When Pro- viucial Officer Pellow and Constable !loss reported his car driving 55 miles an Tont -through the town and on the provincial highway, William Wilson of Goderieb'Jownship, had his license revoked for the space of nue month, After a diouth testing nearly a month, Goderielr district was visited Ias1 Thursday night by three severe thunderstorms, accompanied by a heavy 1aiufall. The crops and past- ures had suffered severely during the past two creeks, very little growth be- ing in evidence, The 1canton is val- ued in thntlsaods of dollars as the sit- uation had become serious. The tor - ell fire brigade responded to a call dur- ing astorm when a brick cottage on Oxford street was struck by a bolt of lightning, Riling the house With smoke, but no fire was found to have ignited. CRASH FATAL TO GUELPH DROVER Alex White, Aged 72, Instantly Killed Near Wingham—Car Hits Loose Gravel—Two Others Injur-; ed When Vehicle Turns Turtle REFUSE TO JOIN LIBERAL RANKS Progressives of 74, Huron Reject Or- ganizers' Offer—Meeting at Wing- hem—U.F.O. Adherence to Hold Separate. Parley WING]-i'AM, June 6, --Decisions of the Progressives of North Huron a- gainst joining forces with the Liber- als to support a Liberal candidate in the next federal election, and of the United Farmers faction to hold .11 separate annual meeting in October, featured the annual meeting of the Por t Progressives l t.ld.ore to-day,The h gathering wen addressed by Joint W. Xing, 14I2., for North Huron, and C. W. Stewart, M. P. for Humbolt, Bask, , The decision to remain aloof from the Liberals came about informally President William Rutherford had re- ported that he had been approached on the subject. He stated that a Lib- eral organizer had come to hien sev- eral -days ago and asked him if the Progressives would support a Liberal candidate. Mr. Rutherford told the meeting hie answer had been an em- phatic "No" and his answer was echo- ed with equal emphasis by the mem- bers present. The decision of the 11. F. 0, ad- herents to call a separate annual meeting followed considerable discus- sion on the policies of political action. to be followed, members of this group favoring keeping the move- ment strictly agrarian, while the Pro- gressives favored extending - the movement to the urban centres. At the meeting in October the United Formers faction will select their own -officers and settle their own,poliey of political action. In addressing the meeting to -clay, Mr. King dealt principally with the tariff and urged reduction of the dut- Mes on automobiles, boots and shoes and other staple products. Mr. Stew- art touched on the political action issue, declaring, that he didn't ap- prove of making the party exclusive- ly of fanners, but would take in men from the cities, towns and vdlai ev. He voiced the opinion that the U. F. 0,'s failure was because the members did not stick together as they should. Mrs. Lane,`U. F. W. 0. riding dir- ector, told the men that things were not being run as they should. They had had too easylast a time for the year or two, she said, and must now do some hard work. It was decided to hold a picnic in the near future, arrangements ad to One and place being left in the hands of a committee. J. W. Xing, M.P., end Bliss Agnes Maephail, M.P. for South Grey, are expected to be am- ong the speakers. Officers were elected as follows: President, William Rutherford, Wevt Wawanosh; first vice-president, Shel- don Bricker, Howick; second vice- president, Mrs. Wnt. Currie, East Wawanosh; secretary -treasurer, R. J. Currie, East Wawanosh; auditors, Wm. Whitman, Jno. Elliott;directors Ashfield, N. Matherson; West Waw- anosh, Mrs. Wm. Ruterford; Col- borne, R. Young; Goderich, Russell Read; East Wawanosh, Sam Morton and Mrs. G. Cunningham; Morris, T. Proctor and Mrs. 'ShortreedBlyth, W. Pollock and Mrs. Whitman; Grey, 0. Turnbull and Mrs. It. McDonalu; Brussels, Mrs. Cardiff and '1'. Greer; ` Turnberry, D. Fortune; HowIek, W. J. Gamble and Mrs. C. Mellwaine. A committee was named to gut someone to represent Wingham. Alex. White, aged 72, prominent cattle buyer of Guelph, ;vas imeturitly killed nbc nt th ee miles from Wing- ham inti-han Thursday afternoon she n he driving withal he was cur \Vhlte who was turned tattle N driving am \Vnighaal In• Luckucw at the time, had n, the ear with 11nn James Hnsonlwm01, an ISim•a farmer. ' )Ole ' Smith, t t Turn Pt]. and Alvin y, given n''1'fl" hut latter el' leld been 1 I 1 lit 1 g. it ill0rt time pi evionv to the ('lush, When the oar was near the hamlet of Oart'uthel B. it BIt93rk 1111me 1l1ma6,gray. eland %vas turned over, All or the occupants were thrown front the car, 211116 being killed instantly and the 1111110,. 11,1111 ('(1. nes. W. it, Hatnbly and R. 0. Red- mond were called and dressed the wounds of the injured men while lir. Redmond the (teener, o,deted the body to be remove -cite a Iooal under. taking estabiiehuien1. A jury was impanelled and a prelmiilaty bequest held, to be adjunrned until Tuesday, Juste 10. The deceased is survived by his widow and two daughters, of Guelph,' where the body Was forwarded Fri- day morning, Will Probe Death.—Upon iitltlue- tious 1111111 1./1.111V0 ttttonal Seeger, of t'ioderich, Ptnvhneiel Constable Whitesides 15 ronduelillg 'all investi- gation into the death of Aled. White, of Guelph, who was killed in a motor accident about, 1hiee miles frost here, day.Yeetou Following t (1(043men-titortem n Y t r,. Stewart and cute last night 1 U ) K 1+ VMS B 1 iteta- Oyes,ttubl the hotly d va taken by1 l 1 y, y rives to (tttelph The inquest. will be. held o11 June 18th i11 the towel !hail. A large number of witnesses from near the scene ol'Iile arrident will be present. The fnlioty ing jlu'y has been impaneled : 3. Haugh, A. Hatcl0, 3. Weir, 1 ilei 1 Robert \V 1 Slnll,h •T. i 1 r A. Oairutheiv, J. 11aidy, VV. McGill sand K. Gilmore, Dr. liedtnolld, coroner, will preside, MORE CHANGES IN LONDON CONFERENCE Rev. John Garbutt, pastor of Dun- das Street Centre Methodist Church, London, annunced Sunday that he has accepted the secretaryship of the Western Ontario Bible Society and will take over the position after the e end of its pastoral term on June 23. At th recent London n e L n n Co feren c thestationing n i at mg committee connttee tianatair. h Mr. Gan but Kingsville, and his ac- ceptance to tt ceptance of the Bible Society sec retnryship makes some readjustment !necessary. These were announced Sunday • a y ('venin • b Rev. A. l M. Thomson, president of the co r- f n o ence, as follows: Rev. John Agnew, who alas to go to Centennial Church, London, will go to Kingsville; Rev. Dr. G. N. Haz- en, of Blenheim, who :WAS to go to Wingham, will become pastor of Cen• trnnial Church, and Rev. M: M. Ben- nett, of Yorkton, Sask., will take the Wingham church. Rev. Mr. Agnew has been pastor at Ridout Street Church for qix years, He was previously at Thamesfor0, Dorchester, Mount Brydges and Clin- ton. Rev. Dr. Hazen was pastor of Centennial 13 years ago and went from there to Wellington Street Church pefore leaving London. Rev. Mr. Bennett was recently tf:an. fl 1 rt• I to this conference. Sweeping Liberal Vickery.— Re- ports of the Saskatchewan eie tions last tank gave the Liberals 1. sweep- ing victory. The standing of the parties as reported to -day are: Lib- erals 58, Conservatives 4, pProves- elvestet 2. £ Independents 2,Deferred Dates of Examinallo neWith only a few weeks remaining before the holding of the annual .Irhool entire:lions the students are note get- ting down to their work ing)lepar;t- tion for :the tests. The Mtddie and Upper School examlatetiotls- will get ander way o1 Monday,' u 1 Mda lune 22, n will ('onclude 0t] Tuesday, ;July and 7. The Lower School examinations will be held from June 28rd' to hope 26.